LeddarTech Apresenta seu Premiado Software de Fusão e Percepção de Sensores e Produtos de Alto Desempenho que Permitem ADAS e AD na Tech.AD Berlin de 26 a 28 de março de 2023

QUEBEC CITY, March 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech , lder global no fornecimento da tecnologia de deteco ADAS e AD mais flexvel, robusta e precisa, tem o prazer de anunciar sua participao na Automotive Tech.AD Berlin no Titanic Chaussee Hotel Berlin como expositora e palestrante principal. A LeddarTech um Parceiro de Competncia da Tech.AD e exibir sua tecnologia; Pierre Olivier, CTO da LeddarTech, ser um apresentador do evento.

Showcase da LeddarVision da LeddarTech's (Estande 6)

A LeddarVision uma soluo de fuso e percepo de sensores de baixo nvel, de alta performance, baixo custo e agnstico de hardware para ADAS industriais automotivos e off–road e aplicaes de AD.

Experincia: Demonstrao do Premiado Painel Interativo da LeddarVision

Este painel permite que os delegados vejam o desempenho extraordinariamente alto do software LeddarVision em vrios nveis de autonomia em vrios cenrios, como condies climticas extremas.

Marque uma reunio para demonstraes de produtos, entrevistas com analistas da mdia e da indstria, ou discusses com investidores.

Seja testemunha do lanamento europeu dos mais novos produtos da LeddarTech!

A famlia de produtos de software automotivo LeddarVision Front–View (LVF) aborda os desafios enfrentados no desenvolvimento de aplicativos ADAS Nvel 2/2+, como resolver problemas de segurana e encontrar software de fuso e percepo escalonvel que oferea alto desempenho a um baixo custo. Esses dois produtos distintos so pilhas abrangentes de software de fuso e percepo de baixo nvel que combinam de forma ideal modalidades de sensores para aplicativos ADAS Nvel 2/2+ alcanando uma classificao NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 de 5 estrelas.

  • LeddarVision Front (Bsico) (LVF–E): Este produto amplia o envelope de desempenho, dobrando o alcance efetivo dos sensores e permitindo, pela primeira vez, uma soluo com apenas trs sensores. A deteco de baixo custo, juntamente com a implementao eficiente na plataforma TDA4L, atinge o menor custo do sistema para ADAS L2/L2+ bsico.
  • Frente LeddarVision (Alta Tecnologia) (LVF–H): Com a configurao do sensor estendida para 1V5R com base em uma nica cmera de 3 megapixels de 120 graus e cinco radares, a pilha LVF–H amplia o suporte de percepo para aplicaes de assistncia em rodovias, incluindo controle de cruzeiro adaptativo de 160 km/h, alcance de 200 metros e mudana de faixa semiautomtica. Esses recursos, alm de outros, incluindo sensoriamento de baixo custo, proporcionam uma viso frontal econmica L2/L2+ ADAS de ponta.

Caractersticas Especiais: LeddarVision Surround (LVS–2+). Este produto amplia com eficincia a configurao do sensor 1VxR da famlia de produtos de viso frontal LVF para uma configurao 5V5R, aprimorando o suporte a aplicaes de assistncia de engarrafamento (TJA) e assistncia rodoviria (HWA). Ele tambm permite aplicaes como mudana de faixa automatizada, ultrapassagem e controle de cruzeiro adaptativo de faixa de velocidade ampliada (ACC). Alm disso, o LVS–2+ suporta assistncia rodoviria premium de viso surround L2/L2+ ADAS e aplicaes de segurana NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 de 5 estrelas.

LeddarTech Apresenta: No dia 27 de maro (11h30 – 12h CET), o CTO da LeddarTech, Pierre Olivier, favorito da Tech.AD por suas apresentaes envolventes e precisas, far a apresentao principal: "Solving Critical Issues Affecting the Safety of ADAS to Accelerate AD Adoption" (Soluo de Problemas Essenciais que Afetam a Segurana do ADAS para Acelerar a Adoo do AD). Esta apresentao revelar algumas questes crticas em torno da segurana e do desempenho do ADAS e do AD evidentes hoje em dia por afetarem a confiana do cliente, e como elas podem ser abordadas para acelerar uma maior segurana e autonomia.

Marque uma reunio ainda hoje.

Sobre a Automotive Tech.AD Berlin

10 Aniversrio: Esta conferncia AD&ADAS premiada foi criada para levar os coordenadores e peritos automotivos avanados dos OEMs Nvel 1, dos fornecedores e dos institutos de investigao principais para o prximo nvel. Junte–se aos mais de 600 especialistas e executivos de veculos autnomos tcnicos mais influentes em Berlim.

Sobre a LeddarTech

A LeddarTech, uma empresa global de software fundada em 2007, desenvolve e fornece solues abrangentes de percepo que permitem a implantao de ADAS e aplicaes de conduo autnoma. O software de nvel automotivo da LeddarTech aplica algoritmos de IA e viso computacional para gerar modelos 3D altamente precisos do ambiente, permitindo uma melhor tomada de deciso e navegao mais segura. Esta tecnologia de alto desempenho, escalonvel e econmica aproveitada pelos OEMs e Nvel 1–2 para a implementao eficiente de solues de veculos automotivos e off–road.

A LeddarTech responsvel por vrias inovaes de sensor remoto, com mais de 150 patentes concedidas ou solicitadas que aprimoram os recursos de ADAS e AD. A percepo confivel fundamental para tornar a mobilidade global mais segura, eficiente, sustentvel e acessvel: isso que leva a LeddarTech a se tornar a soluo de software de fuso e percepo de sensores mais amplamente adotada.

Para mais informao sobre a LeddarTech visite www.leddartech.com, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–Presidente, Marketing Global, Comunicaes e Relacionamento com o Investidor, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ramal 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Contato e site de relaes com investidores:InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision e afins so marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidirias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos so ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou servios de seus respectivos proprietrios.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8783618)

LeddarTech präsentiert seine preisgekrönten Sensorfusions- und Wahrnehmungssoftware sowie Hochleistungsprodukte für ADAS und AD auf der Tech.AD Berlin vom 26. bis 28. März 2023

QUEBEC CITY, March 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech , ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter uerst flexibler, robuster und genauer ADAS– und AD–Softwaretechnologie, freut sich, seine Teilnahme an der Automotive Tech.AD Berlin im Hotel Titanic Chaussee Hotel Berlin bekannt geben zu knnen. LeddarTech ist ein Kompetenzpartner von Tech.AD und wird seine Technologie ausstellen. Pierre Olivier, der CTO von LeddarTech, wird einer der Moderatoren der Veranstaltung sein.

LeddarVision–Prsentation von LeddarTech (Stand–Nr. 6):

LeddarVision ist eine leistungsstarke, kostengnstige, hardwareunabhngige Low–Level–Sensorfusions– und Wahrnehmungslsung fr ADAS– und AD–Anwendungen in der Automobil– und Off–Road–Branche.

Sehen Sie sich die Vorfhrung des preisgekrnten LeddarVision Interactive Dashboard an

Dieses Dashboard ermglicht es den Teilnehmern, sich von der auerordentlichen Leistung der LeddarVision–Software mit verschiedenen Autonomiestufen und in verschiedenen Szenarien, wie z. B. extremen Wetterbedingungen, zu berzeugen.

Vereinbaren Sie im Vorfeld einen Termin fr Produktvorfhrungen, Interviews mit Medien und Branchenanalysten oder Investorengesprche.

Erleben Sie die Vorstellung der neuesten Produkte von LeddarTech in Europa!

Die Produktfamilie LeddarVision Front–View (LVF) fr die Automobilbranche ist auf die Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von ADAS–Anwendungen mit Level 2/2+ ausgerichtet, wie z. B. die Lsung von Sicherheitsproblemen und die Suche nach skalierbarer Fusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftware, die hohe Leistung zu niedrigen Kosten bietet. Bei diesen beiden unterschiedlichen Produkten handelt es sich um umfassende Low–Level–Fusions– und Wahrnehmungssoftware–Stacks, die Sensormodalitten fr ADAS–Anwendungen mit Level 2/2+ optimal kombinieren und eine 5–Sterne–Bewertung nach NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 erreicht haben.

  • LeddarVision Front (Entry–Level) (LVF–E): Dieses Produkt setzt neue Mastbe bei der Leistung: Es verdoppelt die effektive Reichweite der Sensoren und ermglicht zum ersten Mal eine Lsung mit nur drei Sensoren. Kostengnstige Sensorik in Verbindung mit einer effizienten Implementierung auf der TDA4L–Plattform resultiert in den niedrigsten Systemkosten fr Entry–Level–ADAS mit L2/L2+.
  • LeddarVision Front (High–End) (LVF–H): Mit der auf 1V5R erweiterten Sensorkonfiguration auf Basis einer einzigen 3–Megapixel–Kamera mit 120–Grad–Blickwinkel und fnf Radargerten erweitert der LVF–H–Stack die Wahrnehmungsuntersttzung fr Autobahnassistenzanwendungen, darunter adaptive Geschwindigkeitsregelung bei 160 km/h, 200 Meter Reichweite und halbautomatischer Fahrspurwechsel. Diese und andere Merkmale, einschlielich der kostengnstigen Sensorik, sorgen fr ein wirtschaftliches Premium–ADAS mit "L2/L2+"–Frontsicht.

Besonderes Feature: LeddarVision Surround (LVS–2+). Dieses Produkt erweitert die 1VxR–Sensorkonfiguration der LVF–Frontsicht–Produktfamilie effizient auf eine 5V5R–Konfiguration, wodurch die Untersttzung von Stauassistenz–Anwendungen (Traffic Jam Assist, TJA) und Autobahnassistenz–Anwendungen (Highway Assist, HWA) verbessert wird. Auerdem ermglicht es Anwendungen wie den automatischen Spurwechsel, berholvorgnge und die adaptive Geschwindigkeitsregelung (Adaptive Cruise Control, ACC) mit erweitertem Geschwindigkeitsbereich. Darber hinaus untersttzt LVS–2+ den Premium–Surround–View bei ADAS–Autobahnassistenten mit L2/L2+ und 5–Sterne–Sicherheitsanwendungen nach NCAP 2025/GSR 2022.

LeddarTech prsentiert: Am 27. Mrz (11:30 bis 12:00 Uhr MEZ) wird der CTO von LeddarTech, Pierre Olivier, der bei Tech.AD fr seine interessanten und durchdachten Prsentationen bekannt ist, eine Keynote–Prsentation mit folgendem Titel halten: "Solving Critical Issues Affecting the Safety of ADAS to Accelerate AD Adoption" (Lsung kritischer Probleme im Zusammenhang mit der Sicherheit von ADAS zur Beschleunigung der AD–Einfhrung). In diesem Vortrag werden einige heute bekannte kritische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit ADAS– und AD–Sicherheit und –Leistung aufgezeigt, warum sie das Kundenvertrauen beeintrchtigen und wie sie gelst werden knnen, um mehr Sicherheit und Autonomie zu erreichen.

Vereinbaren Sie noch heute einen Termin.

ber Automotive Tech.AD Berlin

10–jhriges Bestehen: Diese preisgekrnte AD– und ADAS–Konferenz soll fortschrittliche Ingenieure und Automobilexperten von Erstausrstern (OEM), Tier–1–Unternehmen, Zulieferern und fhrenden Forschungsinstituten auf das nchste Level bringen. Nehmen Sie an der Konferenz mit ber 600 der einflussreichsten Experten und Fhrungskrfte fr autonome Fahrzeuge in Berlin teil!

ber LeddarTech

LeddarTech, ein 2007 gegrndetes globales Softwareunternehmen, entwickelt und liefert umfassende Wahrnehmungslsungen, die den Einsatz von ADAS und autonomen Fahranwendungen ermglichen. Die Software von LeddarTech, die fr die Automobilindustrie ausgelegt ist, wendet KI– und Computer–Vision–Algorithmen an, um hochprzise 3D–Modelle der Umgebung zu erstellen, die eine bessere Entscheidungsfindung und sicherere Navigation ermglichen. Diese leistungsstarke, skalierbare und kosteneffiziente Technologie wird von OEM und Tier–1/2–Zulieferern zur effizienten Implementierung von Automobil– und Gelndewagenlsungen eingesetzt.

LeddarTech hat mehrere Innovationen im Bereich der Fernerkundung hervorgebracht und besitzt mehr als 150 erteilte oder beantragte Patente zur Verbesserung von ADAS– und AD–Funktionen. Eine zuverlssige Wahrnehmung ist entscheidend, um die globale Mobilitt sicherer, effizienter, nachhaltiger und erschwinglicher zu machen: Das ist es, was LeddarTech dazu bringt, die am weitesten verbreitete Softwarelsung fr Sensorfusion und Wahrnehmung zu werden.

Weitere Informationen ber LeddarTech finden Sie unter www.leddartech.com sowie bei LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook und YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 Durchwahl 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Kontakt und Website fr Anlegerbeziehungen: InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision und verwandte Logos sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken von LeddarTech Inc. und seinen Tochtergesellschaften. Alle anderen Marken und Produktnamen sind oder knnen Marken oder eingetragene Marken sein, die zur Identifizierung von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber verwendet werden.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8783618)

LeddarTech présentera ses logiciels de fusion de données de capteurs et de perception haute performance ADAS et AD à l’événement Automotive Tech.AD Berlin du 26 au 28 mars

QUÉBEC, 08 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech , chef de file de calibre mondial dans les technologies logicielles pour systmes avancs d'aide la conduite (systmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systmes AD), est heureuse d'annoncer sa participation l'vnement Automotive Tech.AD Berlin au Titanic Chaussee Hotel Berlin, o elle prsentera sa technologie titre de Partenaire expert . Pierre Olivier, chef de la technologie de LeddarTech, livrera une prsentation.

Prsentation de LeddarVision (kiosque No. 6)

LeddarVision est une solution de fusion de bas niveau des donnes de capteurs et de perception haute performance, faible cot et indpendante des capteurs, destine aux applications ADAS et AD automobiles et industrielles hors route.

Faites l'exprience d'une dmonstration virtuelle interactive de LeddarVision

Cette dmo virtuelle permettra aux dlgus de constater l'extraordinaire performance du logiciel LeddarVision divers niveaux d'autonomie et sous divers scnarios, comme dans des conditions mtorologiques extrmes.

Planifiez un rendez–vous pour une dmonstration de produit ou un entretien pour les mdias, analystes de l'industrie ou investisseurs.

Assistez au dvoilement europen des nouveaux produits LeddarTech!

La famille de logiciels de classe automobile LeddarVision vue frontale LVF relve les dfis associs au dveloppement d'applications ADAS de niveau 2/2+, comme la scurit ou l'identification d'un logiciel de fusion et de perception modulable capable d'offrir des performances leves faible cot. Ces deux produits sont des solutions logicielles compltes de fusion de bas niveau des donnes de capteurs et de perception qui combinent de manire optimale les modalits de capteurs et visent les applications ADAS de niveau 2/2+ conformes aux exigences 5 toiles NCAP 2025 et GSR 2022.

  • LeddarVision frontal (entre de gamme) (LVF–E) : ce produit repousse les limites du progrs technologique en doublant la porte effective des capteurs et en permettant, pour la premire fois, une solution ne comportant que trois capteurs. L'abordabilit de la mthode de dtection utilise et le recours judicieux la plateforme TDA4L permettent d'obtenir les cots les plus bas pour un systme ADAS de niveau 2/2+ d'entre de gamme.
  • LeddarVision frontal (haut de gamme) (LVF–H) : supportant une configuration de capteurs tendue 1V5R avec une camra unique de 3 mgapixels 120 degrs et cinq radars, le LVF–H tend la perception aux applications d'aide la conduite sur autoroute, y compris la rgulation de vitesse adaptative jusqu' 160 km/h, une porte de dtection atteignant 200 mtres et le changement de voie semi–automatis. Ces fonctionnalits et d'autres, y compris la dtection faible cot, permettent de rpondre de manire conomique aux exigences des applications ADAS haut de gamme de niveau 2/2+.

Nouveau : LeddarVision priphrique (LVS–2+). Ce produit tend efficacement la configuration de capteurs 1VxR de la famille de produits vue frontale LVF une configuration 5V5R en amliorant la prise en charge de l'aide la conduite en embouteillage et de l'aide la conduite sur autoroute. Le LVS–2+ permet galement des applications comme le changement de voie automatis, le dpassement ainsi que la rgulation de vitesse adaptative sur une plus grande plage de vitesse. Il est destin aux applications ADAS de niveau 2/2+ suprieures pour l'aide la conduite sur autoroute et rpondant aux exigences de scurit 5 toiles NCAP 2025 et GSR 2022.

Prsentation LeddarTech : le 27 mars (11 h 30 "" 12 h 00 HEC), le chef de la technologie de LeddarTech, Pierre Olivier, intervenant apprci de l'vnement Tech.AD pour ses exposs clairants, livrera un expos intitul : Rsoudre les problmes critiques touchant la scurit des systmes ADAS pour acclrer l'adoption des systmes de conduite autonome . Cette prsentation mettra en lumire certains problmes critiques vidents aujourd'hui concernant la scurit et les performances des systmes avancs d'aide la conduite et de conduite autonome, pourquoi ils affectent la confiance des clients, et comment les rsoudre pour amliorer la scurit et l'autonomie des systmes ADAS et AD.

Planifiez un rendez–vous ds aujourd'hui (formulaire en anglais).

propos de Automotive Tech.AD Berlin

Dixime anniversaire : cette confrence reconnue, sur les systmes AD et ADAS, vise amener au niveau suprieur les ingnieurs avancs et les experts des quipementiers, fournisseurs automobiles, fournisseurs de solutions et instituts de recherche de pointe. Joignez–vous plus de 600 des experts et cadres les plus influents en matire de vhicules autonomes Berlin.

propos de LeddarTech

LeddarTech, une entreprise mondiale de logiciels fonde en 2007, dveloppe et propose des solutions de perception logicielles compltes qui permettent le dploiement d'applications ADAS et de conduite autonome. Le logiciel de classe automobile de LeddarTech applique l'intelligence artificielle avance et des algorithmes de vision numrique afin de gnrer des modles 3D prcis de l'environnement, pour une meilleure prise de dcision et une navigation plus sre. Cette technologie performante, volutive et conomique, permet la mise en "uvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour vhicules automobiles et hors route par les quipementiers et fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Dtentrice de plus de 150 brevets accords ou dposs, l'entreprise a contribu plusieurs innovations lies des applications de tldtection et qui amliorent les capacits des systmes d'aide la conduite et de conduite autonome. Une plus grande prise de conscience est essentielle pour rendre la mobilit plus sre, efficace, durable et abordable : c'est ce qui motive LeddarTech devenir la solution logicielle de fusion des donnes de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adopte.

Renseignements complmentaires disponibles sur www.leddartech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice–prsident, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tl. : + 1–418–653–9000 poste 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Contact relations investisseurs et site web : InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associs sont des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent tre des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes utilises pour dsigner les produits ou les services de leurs propritaires respectifs.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu est disponibles https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e8d665fc–e659–482b–bde7–9528b740e81a/fr

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8782641)

LeddarTech Showcasing Its Award-Winning Sensor Fusion and Perception Software and High-Performance Products That Enable ADAS and AD at Tech.AD Berlin on March 26-28, 2023

QUEBEC CITY, March 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech , a global leader in providing the most flexible, robust and accurate ADAS and AD software technology, is pleased to announce its participation at Automotive Tech.AD Berlin at the Titanic Chaussee Hotel Berlin. LeddarTech is a Competence Partner of Tech.AD and will exhibit its technology; Pierre Olivier, CTO of LeddarTech, will be an event presenter.

LeddarTech's LeddarVision Showcase (Booth # 6)

LeddarVision is a high–performance, low–cost, hardware–agnostic low–level sensor fusion and perception solution for automotive and off–road industrial ADAS and AD applications.

Experience: The Award–Winning LeddarVision Interactive Dashboard Demonstration

This dashboard enables delegates to witness the LeddarVision software's extraordinarily high performance at various levels of autonomy in various scenarios, such as extreme weather conditions.

Pre–arrange a meeting for product demonstrations, media and industry analyst interviews or investor discussions.

Witness the European unveiling of LeddarTech's newest products!

The LeddarVision Front–View (LVF) family of automotive software products addresses the challenges faced when developing Level 2/2+ ADAS applications, such as solving safety issues and finding scalable fusion and perception software that offers high performance at a low cost. These two distinct products are comprehensive low–level fusion and perception software stacks that optimally combine sensor modalities for Level 2/2+ ADAS applications achieving a 5–star NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 rating.

  • LeddarVision Front (Entry–Level) (LVF–E): This product pushes the performance envelope, doubling the effective range of the sensors and enabling, for the first time, a solution with only three sensors. Low–cost sensing, together with efficient implementation on the TDA4L platform, achieves the lowest system cost for L2/L2+ entry–level ADAS.
  • LeddarVision Front (High–End) (LVF–H): With sensor configuration extended to 1V5R based on a single 3–megapixel 120–degree camera and five radars, the LVF–H stack extends the perception support to highway assist applications, including 160 km/h adaptive cruise control, 200–meter range and semi–automated lane change. These plus other features, including low–cost sensing, achieve economical front–view L2/L2+ premium ADAS.

Special Feature: LeddarVision Surround (LVS–2+). This product efficiently extends the LVF front–view product family 1VxR sensor configuration to a 5V5R configuration, enhancing support to traffic jam assist (TJA) and highway assist (HWA) applications. It also enables applications such as automated lane change, overtaking and extended speed range adaptive cruise control (ACC). Furthermore, the LVS–2+ supports premium surround–view L2/L2+ ADAS highway assistance and 5–star NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 safety applications.

LeddarTech Presents: On March 27 (11:30 to 12:00 CET), the CTO of LeddarTech, Pierre Olivier, a Tech.AD favorite for his engaging and thoughtful presentations, will deliver a keynote presentation entitled: "Solving Critical Issues Affecting the Safety of ADAS to Accelerate AD Adoption." This presentation will unveil some critical issues surrounding ADAS and AD safety and performance that are evident today, why they affect customer confidence, and how they can be addressed to accelerate greater safety and autonomy.

Pre–arrange a meeting today.

About Automotive Tech.AD Berlin

10th Anniversary: This award–winning AD & ADAS conference is designed to bring advanced engineers and automotive experts from OEMs, Tier 1s, suppliers and leading research institutes to the next level. Join over 600 of the most influential autonomous vehicle experts and executives in Berlin.

About LeddarTech

LeddarTech, a global software company founded in 2007, develops and provides comprehensive perception solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving applications. LeddarTech's automotive–grade software applies AI and computer vision algorithms to generate highly accurate 3D models of the environment, allowing for better decision making and safer navigation. This high–performance, scalable, cost–effective technology is leveraged by OEMs and Tier 1–2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off–road vehicle solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote–sensing innovations, with over 150 patents granted or applied for that enhance ADAS and AD capabilities. Reliable perception is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.leddartech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Investor relations contact and website: InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/e8d665fc–e659–482b–bde7–9528b740e81a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8782641)

A Caribbean Writer Fights Gender-Based Violence with Lit, Protests

For the past six years, Jamaican writer and scholar Opal Palmer Adisa has been one of the voices crying out against the prevalence of gender-based violence in the Caribbean and elsewhere

Opal Palmer Adisa in Jamaica. Credit: SWAN

PARIS, Mar 8 2023 – For the past six years, Jamaican writer and scholar Opal Palmer Adisa has been one of the voices crying out against the prevalence of gender-based violence in the Caribbean and elsewhere. To highlight this human rights issue, she launched “Thursdays in Black” – holding public protests throughout the year and, on Thursdays, making use of social media to spread her message and raise awareness.

Palmer Adisa, a former director of The Institute for Gender and Development Studies at the University of the West Indies, Mona, is also known as one of the forces highlighting Caribbean artists “at home and in the diaspora” (alongside SWAN, which was launched in 2011). She’s the founder of Interviewing the Caribbean, a journal where artists from all genres discuss their craft and the arts in general.

But it is her work on gender that is now coming to the fore and which is a focus in her latest publications – she has written some 20 books, including novels and collections of stories and poetry. Her most recent work, The Storyteller’s Return, looks at misogyny and examines how women find healing amidst violence.

For International Women’s Day, SWAN spoke with Palmer Adisa about her writing and her continuing fight to end GBV both in her homeland and globally. The edited interview follows.

SWAN: The United Nations defines gender-based violence (GBV) as “harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender”. The organization cites estimates that “one in three women will experience sexual or physical violence in their lifetime”. Why isn’t the world calling this for what it is and doing more?

Opal Palmer Adisa: As much as some people claim that feminists are always blaming patriarchy, the reason why gender-based violence is not declared for what it is – life-threatening to women and damaging to the entire society – is because of patriarchy and the institutions that are patriarchal; hence gender-based violence is really not taken very seriously.

There are band-aid things that are being done in Jamaica and elsewhere to address the issue, but the issue is deeper and encoded in our social/religious institutions and, therefore, has to be attacked or resolved at those levels.

We have to look at the various interpretations of religions that make men in charge of women. So, in order to change gender-based violence, we’re talking about a complete reframing of the entire society starting with the institutions. We have to project and reinforce that women are equal to men and should be treated equally in all areas.

A question that I have been grappling with, even in my new novel, is: why do men rape? Why is it something that they feel they can and do do? It is a form of terror and control of women. There is definitely some progress, but the various governments have to declare GBV as war, which it is, and treat it as such.

SWAN: Campaigns to stop violence against women – the main victims of GBV – are generally highlighted every International Women’s Day (March 8) and every Nov. 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. What are these campaigns achieving on the international level?

OPA: International Women’s Day and the 16 days of elimination of violence against women have brought international attention to this issue, and this has forced more governments and people worldwide to stop and pay attention, and understand the long-term effect of gender-based violence, not just on the woman and man who are involved (because 80% of the perpetrators are men), but it impacts the children, it impacts the elders, it impacts the health industry, the economy – because women have to seek help through medical care, lose work time, etc.

More importantly, because of these specific days, a growing number of women globally understand that they don’t have to be victims and that there are resources now for those who are in abusive situations to get some kind of respite. The changes that are needed are still a long time away, but these days bring attention and awareness and education.

However, we need to understand that we live in a world that prescribes violence as a solution, and GBV is an obvious consequence. There has to be a major paradigm shift – what we’re talking about is non-violent conflict resolution, which for me is one of the important things in my struggle against gender-based violence: teaching men and women how to talk with each other and how to disagree with each other without resorting to physical harm.

We must teach men to deeply respect women, not just to say it, but to respect women and to understand that women are not here to be of service to them, to wash their clothes or cook their meals, to take care of them sexually – that woman are their partners and deserve to be treated with mutual respect.

International Women’s Day and November 25th through December 10th are very important because they bring tremendous awareness to the ills and plight of women and offer some solutions to ameliorate these conditions.

SWAN: According to the Caribbean Policy Research Institute, Jamaica is among the nations that have the highest rate of femicide (intentional homicide of females) and of “intimate partner violence”. You have been highlighting these issues through both your scholarly and creative work. How did your initiative in this area begin?

OPA: As you’ve indicated, Jamaica has a very high femicide and gender-based-violence rate, and, as a child growing up, I saw this. I grew up on a sugar estate where poverty was a reality for those cane cutters and their families who toiled daily under the sun, and violence fed by anger was also part of that reality. There were numerous whispered stories of gender-based violence.

This lived experience influenced my work, so my very first collection Bake-Face and Other Guava Stories explores this issue as well as sexual abuse. In my creative work, I always felt it was important to illuminate these issues to bring about awareness. My advocacy of “Thursdays in Black” is really just a continuation.

As a writer, my work is intended to address those issues that impact both women and men and try to offer solutions. Growing up, I felt that not many people were doing anything about these issues, dismissing them as “man-and-woman” business.

Honestly, I think that many people didn’t understand the social and long-lasting impact it had on children, on the entire family unit, and so I feel it’s my duty to do that, to write about these things, and expose the theme in the hope of bringing about change. My writing is really about healing – how do we heal from these historical traumas of enslavement but also the daily traumas that we inflict on each other.

SWAN: At the 2021 Bocas Lit Fest (an annual literary festival in Trinidad), you did a powerful online reading of How Do I Keep Them Safe. Can you tell us what motivated this poem?

OPA: In the last 6 years, I have been working specifically to look at issues impacting women and children. Living in Jamaica, you can’t help but hear about the tremendous atrocities done to girls, raping, and mutilation. It’s just awful, quite devastating, and in some instances debilitating.

So, I wrote that poem for mothers. Seeing them in the newspaper or the news, underlining their lament and grief is how do we keep our girls safe. I am a mother, and even though my girls are young adults, it was my constant concern – how to keep them safe. The poem is the voices of women, the community, the voice of fathers who are searching for ways to keep their children safe, specifically their girl children from sexual harassment, which is rampant, and from rape and mutilation.

SWAN: Your most recent collection of poetry, The Storyteller’s Return, explores misogyny and women’s survival and healing in hostile spaces. What do you want readers to take from it?

OPA: The Storyteller’s Return is a love story to Jamaica, a book of gratitude about being able to return. It’s for all the returnees and for all those who want to return but don’t feel they can. While it asserts that Jamaica is unsafe and misogyny is pervasive, it also reveals that there are safe havens and beautiful wonderful people still present in Jamaica.

I want readers to really take away from this book that in the midst of the hostility there is redemption, and all of us have a role to play. The collection is really a homage to those who are away and who have returned and who are wanting to return and who cannot return – to understand that even in the midst of the seeming chaos and hostility, there is opportunity and joy and peace.

SWAN: Not all artists can be activists, but what are some of the ways in which everyone can join the fight to end GBV?

OPA: In order for gender-based violence and violence in general to change in Jamaica, and anywhere else, everyone has to do their role. You don’t have to be an activist and go on marches and carry out other conscious acts of protest like I do, and you don’t have to make this your weekly assignment, but there is a lot you can do on a personal individual level.

Start by having meaningful conversations about some of the ills you see in your society and what each of us as individuals can do to help eradicate and address those ills. Almost everyone has seen, heard and/or witnessed GBV. We have to adopt the African motto: “Each one teach one.” Start on the individual level, talking with each other, acting peacefully with your friends and colleagues and whenever you see injustice or wrong, be brave and speak up against it; do not ignore it or pretend it doesn’t exist. So, that’s how do our part – be a witness, speak up, help a victim when and wherever you can.