Abu Dhabis Universität für künstliche Intelligenz richtet eigene Fachbereiche für Robotik und Informatik zur Deckung der steigenden weltweiten Nachfrage ein

ABU DHABI, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Aug. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Mohamed bin Zayed Universitt fr Knstliche Intelligenz (MBZUAI) hat zwei neue Fachbereiche und vier dazugehrige Graduiertenprogramme fr Robotik und Informatik eingerichtet, um der steigenden weltweiten Nachfrage nach diesen Disziplinen gerecht zu werden, die bis 2030ii voraussichtlich ein Volumen von 225 Mrd. USDi bzw. 140 Mrd. USD erreichen wird.

Die neuen Fachbereiche ergnzen die bestehenden Fachbereiche fr Computervision (CV), maschinelles Lernen (ML) und natrliche Sprachverarbeitung (NLP) der Universitt, die von CSRankings unter den Top 20 weltweit eingestuft werden.

Parallel zur Grndung der neuen Fachbereiche hat die Universitt Master– und Promotionsstudiengnge in Robotik und Computerwissenschaften eingerichtet. Diese Programme werden dazu beitragen, das breitere KI–kosystem der VAE weiterzuentwickeln und ihre Position als internationales Zentrum fr KI–Forschung und KI–Innovation zu strken.

Eric Xing, Prsident und Universittsprofessor der MBZUAI, dazu: "Die Aufnahme dieser beiden neuen Fachbereiche steht fr die nachhaltigen Bemhungen der MBZUAI, eine solide Grundlage fr Forschungsexzellenz und Innovation im Bereich der knstlichen Intelligenz zu schaffen. Die Universitt wird weiterhin weltweit fhrende Dozenten und Forscher nach Abu Dhabi bringen und Studenten dazu befhigen, Pioniere zu werden, die ber gefragte Fhigkeiten bei der Entwicklung fortschrittlicher KI–Tools und KI–Anwendungen in verschiedenen Branchen verfgen. Angesichts des digitalen Wandels, in dem wir uns befinden, werden Fhigkeiten in diesen Disziplinen immer gefragter."

Der Fachbereiche fr Robotik wird sich auf rigorose, hochwirksame, originelle Forschung konzentrieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt eher auf dem Lernen von Robotern und Roboteralgorithmen als auf der Entwicklung neuer Roboterhardware liegt. Der Fachbereich fr Informatik bietet eine unvergleichliche technische Tiefe in den grundlegenden Technologien, die das phnomenale Wachstum und die Auswirkungen der IT in den letzten vier Jahrzehnten ermglicht haben.

Professor Timothy Baldwin, Acting Provost der MBZUAI, dazu: "Die MBZUAI steht an der Spitze der KI–Ausbildung und KI–Forschung, was unsere Programme unverwechselbar und weltweit wettbewerbsfhig macht. Der Fachbereich fr Robotik wird sich auf die menschenbezogene und autonome Robotikforschung konzentrieren sowie auf die Entwicklung der nchsten Generation von Robotikern mit fundierten Kenntnissen in KI und Robotik, um Karrieren an der Spitze von Wissenschaft, Industrie und Regierung zu frdern."

Die Robotik ist eine transformative Technologie, die Sektoren wie die Fertigung, das Gesundheitswesen, die Landwirtschaft und das Transportwesen revolutioniert. Untersuchungen deuten auf eine starke Nachfrage nach Robotik–Know–how in den kommenden Jahren hin. Es wird erwartet, dass der Markt fr Robotik–Technologie bis 2030 einen Wert von 225,6 Mrd. USD bersteigen wirdiii. Diese Nachfrage wird durch den prognostizierten weltweiten Mangel an Talenten erheblich erschwert werden. Bis 2030 knnten bis zu 85 Millionen Arbeitspltze unbesetzt bleiben, weil es an qualifizierten Arbeitskrften mangeltiv. In hnlicher Weise boomt auch der globale Arbeitsmarkt fr Informatik, mit einer prognostizierten kumulierten jhrlichen Wachstumsrate von 14,5 % von 2021 bis 2027 und geschtzten 3,5 Millionen Arbeitspltzen bis 2026v.

Das Bewerbungsverfahren fr das Aufnahmejahr 2024 startet am 1. September 2023. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte unsere Website mbzuai.ac.ae oder schreiben eine E–Mail an admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

i Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 " GITNUX)

Ein Foto zu dieser Bekanntmachung finden Sie unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb82e469–758c–46ca–b84c–ddeb1502171d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000833222)

L'université d'intelligence artificielle d'Abu Dhabi a créé des départements dédiés à la robotique et à l'informatique pour répondre à une demande mondiale croissante

ABU DHABI, Émirats arabes unis, 04 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L'Universit d'intelligence artificielle Mohamed bin Zayed (MBZUAI) a ouvert deux nouveaux dpartements et lanc quatre programmes d'tudes suprieures dans les domaines de la robotique et de l'informatique, afin de rpondre la demande mondiale croissante dans ces secteurs, qui devraient respectivement atteindre 225 milliards de dollarsi et 140 milliards de dollars d'ici 2030ii.

Les nouveaux dpartements viennent complter les dpartements actuels ddis la vision par ordinateur (CV), l'apprentissage automatique (ML) et au traitement du langage naturel (NLP) de l'universit, qui sont classs parmi les 20 premiers au monde par CSRankings.

En parallle la cration de ces nouveaux dpartements, l'universit a lanc des programmes de master et de doctorat en robotique et en informatique. Ces programmes contribueront tendre l'cosystme d'IA des mirats arabes unis et renforcer leur position en tant que centre international de recherche et d'innovation dans le domaine de l'IA.

Le prsident et professeur universitaire du MBZUAI, Eric Xing, a dclar : La cration de ces deux nouveaux dpartements tmoigne de l'effort durable du MBZUAI visant construire une base solide pour l'excellence de la recherche et l'innovation dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. L'universit continuera d'attirer Abu Dhabi des professeurs et des chercheurs de renomme mondiale dans ces domaines, et de donner aux tudiants les moyens de devenir des prcurseurs dots de comptences trs recherches dans la mise au point d'outils et d'applications d'IA avancs dans tous les secteurs d'activit. Compte tenu de la renaissance numrique que nous connaissons actuellement, les comptences dans ces disciplines sont de plus en plus demandes.

Le dpartement de robotique se concentrera sur une recherche originale rigoureuse ciblant des rsultats probants et mettra l'accent sur l'apprentissage et les algorithmes des robots plutt que sur la mise au point de nouveaux appareils robotiques. Le dpartement d'informatique offrira une expertise technique ingale dans le domaine des technologies fondamentales qui ont t l'origine de l'essor et de l'impact spectaculaires des technologies de l'information au cours des quatre dernires dcennies.

Le professeur Timothy Baldwin, doyen par intrim du MBZUAI, a dclar : Le MBZUAI est la pointe de l'enseignement et de la recherche dans le domaine de l'IA. C'est ce qui fait la spcificit et la comptitivit de nos programmes l'chelle mondiale. Le dpartement de robotique se concentrera sur la recherche en robotique autonome et centre sur l'humain, ainsi que sur la formation de la prochaine gnration de spcialistes de la robotique, qui matriseront la fois l'IA et la robotique, afin de promouvoir des carrires la pointe de l'enseignement, du secteur industriel et des pouvoirs publics.

La robotique est une technologie de transformation qui rvolutionne des secteurs tels que l'industrie, la sant, l'agriculture et les transports. Les tudes rcentes annoncent une forte demande d'expertise dans le domaine de la robotique pour les annes venir, le march de la technologie robotique devant dpasser 225,6 milliards de dollars en valeur d'ici 2030iii. Cette demande sera fortement entrave par la pnurie mondiale de talents attendue, qui pourrait toucher jusqu' 85 millions d'emplois d'ici 2030, faute de personnes qualifies pour les pourvoiriv. D'autre part, le march mondial de l'emploi dans le secteur informatique est en plein essor, avec en prvision un TCAC 14,5 % entre 2021 et 2027 et quelques 3,5 millions d'emplois d'ici 2026v.

Les candidatures pour la rentre 2024 seront ouvertes le 1er septembre 2023. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur mbzuai.ac.ae ou contactez admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

i Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v Projections du march de l'emploi dans le secteur informatique (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 " GITNUX)

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse suivante https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb82e469–758c–46ca–b84c–ddeb1502171d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000833222)

A universidade de inteligência artificial de Abu Dhabi cria departamentos dedicados à robótica e às ciências informáticas para responder à crescente procura mundial

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Aug. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) estabeleceu dois novos departamentos e quatro programas de ps–graduao associados dedicados robtica e cincia da computao, satisfazendo a crescente procura global por estas disciplinas, sendo esperado que atinjam, respetivamente, os 225 mil milhes de dlaresi e os 140 mil milhes de dlares at 2030ii.

Os novos departamentos complementam os atuais departamentos de viso computacional (CV), aprendizagem automtica (ML) e processamento de linguagem natural (NLP) da universidade, que esto classificados entre os 20 melhores a nvel mundial pela CSRankings.

Em paralelo com a formao dos novos departamentos, a universidade lanou programas de mestrado e doutoramento em robtica e cincias informticas. Estes programas ajudaro a desenvolver o ecossistema de IA mais alargado dos EAU e a reforar a sua posio de centro internacional de investigao e inovao em IA.

O Presidente da MBZUAI e Professor Universitrio, Eric Xing, afirmou: “A adio destes dois novos departamentos representa o esforo duradouro da MBZUAI no desenvolvimento de uma base slida para a excelncia da investigao e a inovao no domnio da inteligncia artificial. A universidade continuar a atrair para Abu Dhabi professores e investigadores de renome mundial nestes domnios e a preparar os estudantes para se tornarem pioneiros com competncias muito procuradas no desenvolvimento de ferramentas e aplicaes avanadas de IA em todas as indstrias. Dado o renascimento digital da IA em que nos encontramos, a procura de competncias nestas disciplinas est a aumentar”.

O Departamento de Robtica centrar–se– na investigao rigorosa, original e de grande impacto, dando nfase aprendizagem e aos algoritmos dos robs e no ao desenvolvimento de novo hardware para robs. O Departamento de Informtica proporcionar uma profundidade tcnica sem paralelo nas tecnologias fundamentais que deram origem ao crescimento fenomenal e ao impacto das TI nas ltimas quatro dcadas.

O Reitor em exerccio da MBZUAI, Professor Timothy Baldwin, afirmou: “A MBZUAI est na vanguarda da educao e investigao em IA, tornando os nossos programas distintos e competitivos a nvel mundial. O Departamento de Robtica centrar–se– numa investigao em robtica autnoma e centrada no ser humano, bem como no desenvolvimento da prxima gerao de profissionais de robtica com competncias profundas em IA e robtica, apoiando carreiras na vanguarda do mundo acadmico, da indstria e da administrao pblica”.

A robtica uma tecnologia transformadora, que revoluciona setores como a indstria transformadora, os cuidados de sade, a agricultura e os transportes. A investigao indica uma forte procura de conhecimentos especializados em robtica nos prximos anos, prevendo–se que o mercado da tecnologia robtica ultrapasse os 225,6 mil milhes de dlares em valor at 2030iii. Esta procura ser fortemente dificultada por uma previsvel escassez de talentos a nvel mundial, com um potencial de 85 milhes de postos de trabalho por preencher at 2030 devido falta de pessoas qualificadas para os ocupariv. Do mesmo modo, o mercado de trabalho global das cincias informticas tambm est em expanso, com projees de uma taxa de crescimento anual (CAGR) de 14,5% entre 2021 e 2027 e uma estimativa de 3,5 milhes de empregos at 2026v.

As candidaturas para o ano de admisso de 2024 sero abertas a 1 de setembro de 2023. Para mais informaes, visite mbzuai.ac.ae ou contacte admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

i Pesquisa de precedncia
ii Pesquisa de precedncia
iii Pesquisa de precedncia
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 " GITNUX)

Uma fotografia que acompanha este anncio est disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb82e469–758c–46ca–b84c–ddeb1502171d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000833222)

Abu Dhabi’s artificial intelligence university establishes dedicated robotics and computer science departments to meet surging global demand

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) has established two new departments and four associated graduate programs dedicated to robotics and computer science, catering to the surging global demand for these disciplines, which is expected to hit USD $225 billioni and $140 billion, respectively, by 2030ii.

The new departments complement the university's existing computer vision (CV), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) departments, which are ranked among the top 20 globally by CSRankings.

Aligned with the formation of the new departments, the university has launched master's and Ph.D. programs in robotics and computer science. These programs will help further develop the UAE's wider AI ecosystem and strengthen its position as an international hub for AI research and innovation.

MBZUAI President and University Professor, Eric Xing, said: “The addition of these two new departments represents MBZUAI's lasting effort in developing a solid foundation for research excellence and innovation in artificial intelligence. The university will continue to bring into Abu Dhabi world leading faculty and researchers in the fields and to empower students to become pioneers with highly sought–after skills in developing advanced AI tools and applications across industries. Given the digital renAIssance we find ourselves in, skills in these disciplines are increasing in demand.”

The Robotics Department will focus on rigorous, high–impact, original research, emphasizing robot learning and robot algorithms rather than the development of new robot hardware. The Computer Science Department will provide unparalleled technical depth in the foundational technologies that have given rise to the phenomenal growth and impact of IT in the past four decades.

MBZUAI Acting Provost, Professor Timothy Baldwin, said: “MBZUAI is at the forefront of AI education and research, making our programs distinctive and globally competitive. The Robotics Department will focus on human–centered and autonomous robotics research, as well as the development of the next generation of robotics practitioners with deep skills in both AI and robotics, supporting careers at the cutting edge of academia, industry, and government.”

Robotics is a transformative technology, revolutionizing sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and transportation. Research indicates strong demand for robotics expertise in the coming years, with the robotics technology market expected to surpass US$225.6 billion in value by 2030iii. This demand will be critically hampered by a predicted global talent shortage, with up to 85 million jobs potentially going unfilled by 2030 due to a lack of skilled people to fill themiv. Similarly, the global computer science job market is also booming, with projections of a 14.5% CAGR from 2021 to 2027 and an estimated 3.5 million jobs by 2026v.

Applications for the 2024 admissions year will open on September 1, 2023. For more information, visit mbzuai.ac.ae or contact admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

i Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 " GITNUX)

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb82e469–758c–46ca–b84c–ddeb1502171d

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000833037)

JaxPool by Jax.Network launches the initial configuration for its public API

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jax.Network, a blockchain project building an energy–standard monetary system, has launched the public API for its mining pool. Now everyone can check the network hashrate updated in real time using this link. At the moment of writing, Jax.Network has around 1.23 Ehash/s, which is twice as high as the hashrate of the BSV network.

Jax.Network, a prominent blockchain network merge–mined with Bitcoin, launched its own mining pool in August this year. It helped the project increase its network hashrate up to 1.58 Ehash/s and outrun BSV and BCH networks. With the bear market getting stronger, the company puts the main focus on improving its core products, including the mining pool. Thus, it unveiled the initial configuration for its API that allows miners and developers to fetch data regarding JaxPool in real time.

This API is considered a first version, which will be improved in the future to include more data points. At the moment, the API shows the current real–time hashrate of JaxPool and its historic hashrate for a specified range in time. The upcoming rollouts will include the number of blocks mined, number of active miners, and many other critical metrics.

"The API helps to fetch information to end users and thus it's important for us to make sure that it's simple and efficient," Vinod Manoharan, Founder of Jax.Network, shared in a comment.

About Jax.Network

Jax.Network provides the technological infrastructure for a decentralized energy–standard monetary system. Established in 2018, the company united professionals from all over the world to build a blockchain network based on the Proof–of–Work consensus mechanism and pure state sharding as a scaling solution.

About JaxPool

JaxPool is a BTC mining subpool under a top–5 mining pool. Its goal is to merge–mine Bitcoin with the Jax.Network blockchain and provide miners with increased profitability. JaxPool is the first mining pool to offer negative fees, i.e 0% fees on your BTC mining + a 1% bonus. Our merge–mining technology allows us to increase the profit per terrahash.

Jax.Network has mined over 100 BTC blocks

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jax.Network, a blockchain project building an energy–standard monetary system, has merge–mined over 100 Bitcoin blocks. Miners are welcome to join JaxPool and get a wide variety of different perks, including free JXN coins.

Jax.Network is a blockchain protocol merge–mined with Bitcoin network. The merge–mining technology allows the network to leverage the security of the parent chain and provide more incentives for miners, as they receive extra block rewards in the form of JXN tokens. This week, Jax.Network rechead a major milestone of 100 BTC blocks being merge–mined with Jax.Network. It's interesting to note that the first BTC block was merge–mined during the mainnet launch back in October 2021.

The event comes shortly after JaxPool, an official mining pool focused on merged–mining Jax.Network with Bitcoin, reached an all–time high of 1.58 Ehash/s of computing power. The pool has managed to gain this hashrate in less than two months thanks to attractive terms of participation, which include negative fees on Bitcoin mining and a 1% bonus for every Phash/s. Thus, it surpassed both BSV and BCH networks in terms of computing power.

"We have come a long way to create a protocol that reflects the best of what a blockchain protocol, such as Bitcoin, can offer. A hundred blocks mark one of the first major milestones for us but the most interesting parts of our roadmap are yet to come," Vinod Manoharan, Founder of Jax.Network, stated.

About Jax.Network

Jax.Network provides the technological infrastructure for a decentralized energy–standard monetary system. The Jax.Network blockchain is anchored to the Bitcoin network and issues two digital currencies JAX and JXN. Jax.Network aims at making these coins a universal standard for the quantification of economic value. Established in 2018, the company united professionals from all over the world to build a blockchain network based on the Proof–of–Work consensus mechanism and pure state sharding as a scaling solution.

Jax.Network's mining pool gains 1.58 Ehash/s

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JaxPool, a mining pool focused on merge–mining Jax.Network with Bitcoin, has increased its hashrate to 1.58 Ehash/s. That's almost a 32% increase since last week. To put into perspective, Bitcoin SV (BSV) has only 0.54 Ehash/s and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has 1.43 Ehash/s at the moment of writing.

JaxPool was launched in August 2022 to allow miners to test their mining pool and different modes of participation. The pool offers negative fees, meaning miners don't have to pay anything for mining BTC as a part of the pool. In addition, a 1% bonus in BTC is paid out for every Phash/s dedicated to the pool, not to mention extra rewards in JXN.

In less than two months, JaxPool has managed to surpass the average daily hashrate of both BSV and BCH. The latter happened just this week, as JaxPool reached an all–time high of 1.58 Ehash/s. At the moment of writing, BSV has 0.54 Ehash/s, while BCH increases its daily hashrate to 1.43 Ehash/s, which is still 0.15 Ehash/s lower than Jax.Network.

"We are extremely glad to see our pool growing as more miners decide to entrust their hashrate to merge–mine Bitcoin with Jax.Network. We expect to keep pace with the increasing demand and deliver top–notch user experience to miners," Vinod Manoharan, Founder of Jax.Network, revealed in a comment.

About JaxPool

JaxPool is a BTC mining subpool under a top–5 mining pool. Its goal is to merge–mine Bitcoin with the Jax.Network blockchain and provide miners with increased profitability.

About Jax.Network

Jax.Network provides the technological infrastructure for a decentralized energy–standard monetary system. The Jax.Network blockchain is anchored to the Bitcoin network and issues two digital currencies JAX and JXN. Jax.Network aims at making these coins a universal standard for the quantification of economic value. Established in 2018, the company united professionals from all over the world to build a blockchain network based on the Proof–of–Work consensus mechanism and pure state sharding as a scaling solution.

Jax.Network has surpassed BSV hashrate

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jax.Network, a blockchain merge–mined with Bitcoin, has gained around 1,200 Phash/s, which is two times higher than the average hashrate per day of Bitcoin SV (BSV), which has 568.87 Phash/s at the moment of writing. The project is right on track to outcompete Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with its 1.43 Ehash/s.

Jax.Network utilizes a merge–mining algorithm that allows miners to dedicate their computational resources to finding a proof–of–work not only in its own network but also in the Bitcoin network. Thus, by reusing the hashrate of the Bitcoin network, the Jax.Network blockchain leverages enhanced security and puts a check on potential inflation compared to a standalone network.

Such a technical solution offers increased incentives for miners. Apart from extra block rewards and transaction fees, miners, who decide to join JaxPool, an official pool by Jax.Network, can benefit from negative pool fees on BTC mining and up to a 1% bonus on BTC mining activities. It could be fair to assume that this offer helped to attract a lot of attention to the network, resulting in 1,200 Phash/s of combined hashrate in less than two months. At the moment, that's nearly twice more than the BSV network.

"Once miners test our network and understand how much more profitable it can be, we may see a rapid increase in hashrate. I would even assume that we might capture 100% of hashrate of the Bitcoin network," Vinod Manoharan, Founder of Jax.Network, commented.

About JaxPool

JaxPool is a BTC mining subpool under a top–5 mining pool. Its goal is to merge–mine Bitcoin with the Jax.Network blockchain and provide miners with increased profitability.

About Jax.Network

Jax.Network provides the technological infrastructure for a decentralized energy–standard monetary system. The Jax.Network blockchain is anchored to the Bitcoin network and issues two digital currencies JAX and JXN. Jax.Network aims at making these coins a universal standard for the quantification of economic value. Established in 2018, the company united professionals from all over the world to build a blockchain network based on the Proof–of–Work consensus mechanism and pure state sharding as a scaling solution.

Jax.Network celebrates its 4th anniversary

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jax.Network, a blockchain project building an energy–standard monetary system, is glad to enter the fifth year of its development. Throughout its four years of existence, Jax.Network has managed to design and launch a number of unique products and services and doesn't plan to lose momentum.

Started up with a mission to solve the famous Scalability Trilemma, Jax.Network went far and beyond and built not only a truly scalable, decentralized, and secure network but an entire technological infrastructure for an energy–standard monetary system. Furthermore, it brings a stablecoin (JAX) to the Bitcoin ecosystem improving its scalability and stability. To support this ecosystem, Jax.Network built a variety of products and services, including but not limited to a DeFi platform, yield farming initiative, and decentralized wallets.

The blockchain company plans to surprise the community with more ambitious releases in the years to come. At the moment, the Jax.Network team is focused on increasing the hashrate power of its mining pool, which was launched earlier this year. JaxPool is the first mining pool to offer negative fees on Bitcoin mining.

"I'm proud to be the founder of such an innovative enterprise that is set to become a game–changer in the global crypto and blockchain industry. We spent more than three years on research and development of the protocol and key products, so even the bear market shouldn't stop us from entering the top 100 coins by market capitalization," Vinod Manoharan, Founder of Jax.Network commented on the occasion.

About Jax.Network

Jax.Network provides the technological infrastructure for a decentralized energy–standard monetary system. The Jax.Network blockchain is anchored to the Bitcoin network and issues two digital currencies JAX and JXN. JAX is a stablecoin pegged to the energy spent on mining, while JXN is an asset coin representing the value of the whole network. The Jax.Network team aims at making these coins a universal standard for the quantification of economic value. Established in 2018, the company united professionals from all over the world to build a blockchain network based on the Proof–of–Work consensus mechanism and pure state sharding as a scaling solution.

Expereo appoints new General Counsel and SVP of Enterprise Sales as part of continued investment strategy

AMSTERDAM, Aug. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The world's leading provider of managed network solutions, Expereo welcomes Sujata Kukreja, General Counsel and Scott Zarriello, SVP Enterprise Sales into its ranks. Both recent appointments come as part of a continued global investment strategy to further tailor solutions and experiences to all regions based on customer demand, while maintaining the same best–in–class service around the world.

"Expereo's steep growth trajectory has been fueled by a great influx of talent. I am thrilled to announce the expansion of the leadership team with the addition of Sujata and Scott, who will be instrumental in creating seamless customer solutions globally. Scott adds his experience and talent to our dynamic sales leadership team. In his role as our new Senior Vice President of Enterprise Sales, Americas, he will further develop the potential of the American market," commented Irwin Fouwels, Chief Executive Officer of Expereo.

Sujata Kukreja joins Expereo from Knauf where she was spearheading operations in the APAC region, managing legal and ESG compliance, governance, and risk management. Her wealth of experience in providing practical and innovative regulatory solutions on a global level will be critical in Expereo's ongoing expansion and international business operations.

"I am passionate about ensuring businesses grow and develop in an ethical and sustainable manner. I am excited to utilize my expertise in my new role and be part of Expereo's continued success story," says Sujata Kukreja, new General Counsel of Expereo.

Scott Zarriello joins Expereo from Vodafone where he held the position of VP of Global Sales and US Operations, leading the senior strategic sales team for outsourcing and managed services. His experience of over 30 years within the Technology and Telecommunications industries will be instrumental in aligning Expereo's global sales strategy while tailoring solutions and service offerings to the regional customer needs.

"Delivering the results our customers need to grow and thrive is my number one priority. I am incredibly excited to join the team at Expereo and continue building on the company's expertise in connectivity on a global scale with innovative solutions," commented Scott Zarriello, new SVP of Enterprise Sales at Expereo.

About Expereo
Expereo is a leading global provider of managed network solutions including, Global Internet, SD–WAN/SASE, and Enhanced Internet. With an extensive global reach, Expereo is the trusted partner of 30% of Fortune 500 companies. It powers enterprise and government sites in more than 190 countries, helping customers improve productivity and empowering their networks and cloud services with the agility, flexibility and value of the Internet, with optimal network performance.

Expereo was acquired in Feb 2021, by Vitruvian Partners. The international growth capital and buyout firm acquired a majority shareholding from leading European private equity firm, Apax Partners sas.

For more information visit: www.expereo.com.

Emese CsikaiSenior Account Executiveemese@grammatikagency.com