WilsonHCG nomeada provedora de RPO global número 1 da RPO Baker’s Dozen List de 2023 da HRO Today

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WilsonHCG foi reconhecida como a fornecedora nmero 1 de Recruitment Process Outsourcing (Terceirizao de Processos de Recrutamento – RPO) na RPO Baker's Dozen List de 2023 da HRO Today

A pesquisa de satisfao do cliente mais antiga do setor de RPO, a Baker's Dozen List da HRO Today, foi criada para destacar os principais provedores de RPO do mundo e dar transparncia s parcerias de RPO mais impactantes. Os fornecedores so classificados em uma variedade de fatores, incluindo amplitude de solues, qualidade do servio e tamanho do negcio.

" uma honra estar em primeiro lugar na Baker's Dozen List", disse John Wilson, CEO da WilsonHCG. "Esse reconhecimento significa muito para ns como empresa, porque impulsionado exclusivamente pelo feedback dos clientes. realmente um testemunho do compromisso e cuidado que o nosso pessoal tem com o relacionamento com os nossos clientes. Quero agradecer imensamente equipe e mal posso esperar para aproveitar esse sucesso medida que continuamos a agregar ainda mais valor s parcerias com nossos clientes."

"Desde a primeira incluso da WilsonHCG na Baker's Dozen List da HRO Today como uma marca desafiadora, ela tem se concentrado em um timo atendimento ao cliente e abordagens inovadoras s terceirizao de processos de recrutamento e solues de fora de trabalho. Ela se transformou de desafiadora nos seus primeiros dias em uma grande e dominante lder do mercado, ajudando a redefinir o que o sucesso dessas ofertas de servios deve parecer para os clientes. Notavelmente, a orientao de servio do WilsonHCG continuou a ser aprimorada com a sua transformao em uma das maiores e mais bem–sucedidas empresas do setor. Parabenizamos a empresa e sua equipe de liderana por sua incluso como principal fornecedora do Baker's Dozen List da HRO Today", disse Elliot Clark, CEO da HRO Today.

Visite o site da HRO Today aqui para encontrar mais informaes sobre a Baker's Dozen List.

Sobre a WilsonHCG
A WilsonHCG uma premiada lder global em solues completas de talentos. Como parceira estratgica ela ajuda algumas das marcas mais admiradas do mundo a desenvolver funes abrangentes de talentos. Com uma presena global em mais de 65 pases e seis continentes, a WilsonHCG fornece um conjunto completo de servios configurveis para talentos, incluindo recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), pesquisa de executivos, solues de talentos contingentes e consultoria de talentos.

TALENT. mais do que uma soluo, o nosso cerne.


Contato com a Mdia

+44 7889901517


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926330)

WilsonHCG named No. 1 global RPO provider in HRO Today’s 2023 RPO Baker’s Dozen List

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG has been recognized as the No. 1 Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) provider in HRO Today's 2023 Baker's Dozen List.

The longest–standing customer satisfaction survey in the RPO industry, HRO Today's Baker's Dozen List is designed to highlight the world's top RPO providers and lends transparency into the RPO partnerships that are most impactful. Providers are rated on a range of factors including breadth of solutions, quality of service and size of deal.

"It's an honor to be ranked No. 1 in the Baker's Dozen List," said John Wilson, CEO at WilsonHCG. "This recognition means so much to us as a business because it's solely driven by client feedback. It really is a testament to the commitment and care that our people place in our client relationships. I want to say a huge thank you to the team and can't wait to build on this success as we continue to add even more value to our client partnerships."

"Since WilsonHCG's first placement on the HRO Today Baker's Dozen as a challenger brand, it has focused on great customer service and innovative approaches to recruitment process outsourcing and workforce solutions. It has transitioned from its early days as a challenger to a large and market dominating leader which is helping redefine what success should look like for clients of these service offerings. Remarkably, WilsonHCG's service orientation has continued to improve as it has grown to one of the largest and most successful companies in the space and we congratulate it and its leadership team on ranking as the top provider on the HRO Today RPO Baker's Dozen," said Elliot Clark, CEO of HRO Today.

Visit the HRO Today website here to find more information about the Baker's Dozen List.

About WilsonHCG
WilsonHCG is an award–winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world's most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent talent solutions and talent consulting.

TALENT. It's more than a solution, it's who we are.


Media contact

+44 7889901517


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8925480)

Purdue researcher awarded $1.3 million for malaria drug trials in Southeast Asia and Africa

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind., Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Purdue researcher is taking a giant leap forward in the fight against drug–resistant strains of malaria in developing countries.

Open Philanthropy has awarded $1.38 million to Philip Low to further validate a drug therapy that he and his colleagues have previously shown to successfully treat the disease. Low (rhymes with "now") is Purdue University's Presidential Scholar for Drug Discovery and the Ralph C. Corley Distinguished Professor of Chemistry in the College of Science.

For years, experts have been concerned about the rise of drug–resistant malaria variants in Southeast Asia and the prospect that one or more of these strains might travel to Africa. A similar event occurred in the 1980s with the emergence of drug resistance to the then–standard treatment of chloroquine, which resulted in millions of deaths.

But Low is working to save lives on both continents by conducting clinical trials to validate previous results and to test whether the number of days of an anti–malaria treatment can be reduced.

While studying how malaria propagates in human blood, Low and his research team discovered that the cancer drug therapy imatinib is effective in the treatment of drug–resistant malaria. Trials in Southeast Asia showed that imatinib, when combined with the customary malaria therapy, clears all malaria parasites from 90% of patients within 48 hours and 100% of patients within three days. The patients receiving imatinib were also relieved of their fevers in less than half of the time experienced by similar patients treated with the standard therapy.

Open Philanthropy has awarded Low $600,000 for a larger clinical trial in Southeast Asia to validate his previous trials. The organization has also awarded Low $780,000 to determine whether the usual three–day therapy can be reduced to two days or even one. This work will be focused in the African countries of Kenya and Tanzania where malaria is prominent.

"We found that people in Africa must often walk many miles to obtain treatment for malaria. They will receive three pills, walk all the way home, take one or two pills, start to feel better, and then save the third pill for their next malaria infection," Low said. "When they don't finish the course of treatment, only the most drug–resistant strains of the parasite survive and spread. And that's how people build up drug resistance. So we'd like to eventually be able to cure all patients with just one pill. It would prevent these drug–resistant strains from ever proliferating."

Open Philanthropy is a grantmaking organization whose mission is to use its resources to help others as much as it can, according to the funder.

"This is yet another case of an organization recognizing Philip Low's brilliance, scientific vision and mission to help people in all corners of the world," said Brooke Beier, senior vice president of Purdue Innovates. "The Purdue Research Foundation has been a proud partner in supporting his work, protecting and promoting his intellectual property that is changing lives and making our world a better place to live."

Since 1988, Low has been listed on more than 145 invention disclosures to the Purdue Innovates Office of Technology Commercialization. He has been listed on more than 600 patents in nearly two dozen countries around the world from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and international patent organizations. During his tenure at Purdue, Low has been awarded 213 research grants for more than $43.5 million. His work also receives support from the Purdue Institute for Cancer Research and the Purdue Institute for Drug Discovery.

Imatinib was originally produced by Novartis for the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia and other cancers. It works by blocking specific enzymes involved in the growth of cancers.

"When we discovered the ability of imatinib to block parasite propagation in human blood cultures in petri dishes, we initiated a human clinical trial where we combined imatinib with the standard treatment (piperaquine plus dihydroartemisinin) used to treat malaria in much of the world," Low said.

Malaria infects human red blood cells, where it reproduces and eventually activates a red blood cell enzyme that in turn triggers rupture of the cell and release of a form of the parasite called a merozoite into the bloodstream. Low and his colleagues theorized that by blocking the critical red blood cell enzyme, they could stop the infection. The data from initial drug trials have confirmed that.

"Because we're targeting an enzyme that belongs to the red blood cell, the parasite can't mutate to develop resistance "" it simply can't mutate our proteins in our blood cells," Low said. "This is a novel approach that will hopefully become a therapy that can't be evaded by the parasite in the future. This would constitute an important contribution to human health."

The goal, Low said, is to get this into developing countries to save lives. With this new round of funding, he says they're now closer than they've ever been.

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution with excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top 4 in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, with 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue's main campus has frozen tuition 12 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap, including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the new Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, and Purdue Computes, at https://www.purdue.edu/president/strategic–initiatives.

About Purdue Innovates

Purdue Innovates is a unified network at Purdue Research Foundation to assist Purdue faculty, staff, students and alumni in either IP commercialization or startup creation. As a conduit to technology commercialization, intellectual property protection and licensing, startup creation and venture capital, Purdue Innovates serves as the front door to translate new ideas into world–changing impact.

For more information on licensing a Purdue innovation, contact the Office of Technology Commercialization at otcip@prf.org. For more information about involvement and investment opportunities in startups based on a Purdue innovation, contact Purdue Innovates at purdueinnovates@prf.org.

Media contact: Steve Martin, sgmartin@prf.org

Sources: Philip Low, plow@purdue.edu

Brooke Beier, blbeier@prf.org


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8923129)

WilsonHCG Nomeada como Líder e Estrela de Desempenho na Avaliação Global da PEAK Matrix® de 2023 de Serviços RPO do Everest Group

TAMPA, Flórida, June 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WilsonHCG foi nomeada Lder e Estrela de Desempenho na Avaliao anual Global da PEAK Matrix de 2023 de Servios RPO do Everest Group

A PEAK Matrix analisa a dinmica de mudana do cenrio de RPO, fornecendo uma avaliao comparativa objetiva com base em dados de mais de 45 provedores de RPO com base na sua capacidade geral em diferentes mercados de servios globais.

"Estamos honrados com a nossa nomeao como Lder e Estrela de Desempenho mais uma vez. Nosso pessoal se dedica todos os dias para ajudar na melhoria das empresas dos nossos clientes "" o que fundamental no cenrio de talentos em rpida evoluo de hoje", disse John Wilson, CEO da WilsonHCG. "Tambm estamos orgulhosos da nossa posio como Principal Concorrente na APAC, pois esta uma regio em que continuamos a expandir nos ltimos 12 meses."

Comentando sobre o status global do WilsonHCG como Lder e Estrela de Desempenho, Arkadev Basak, Parceiro do Everest Group, disse: "Juntamente com sua profunda experincia em funes altamente qualificadas de nicho de sourcing, a WilsonHCG se destaca devido sua presena e ofertas analticas globais. A aquisio da Claro e da Tracking Talent fortaleceu suas ofertas de servios e ajudou a posicionar a WilsonHCG como Lder e Estrela de Desempenho na Avaliao da PEAK Matrix de 2023 de Servios RPO do Everest Group "" Global."

O forte histrico da WilsonHCG na contratao de candidatos de colarinho branco de alta qualificao e sua duplicao no espao de sade e cincias da vida (HLS) foi elogiado pelo Everest Group, assim como sua significativa capacidade de entrega na Amrica do Norte e forte presena na EMEA.

Outros destaques da avaliao incluem:

  • Como a rede de centros de entrega global da WilsonHCG oferece suporte a vrias indstrias compradoras.
  • A vasta rede de parcerias da empresa com fornecedores de tecnologia.
  • Sua aquisio da Claro para fornecer uma oferta lder de mercado para inteligncia de mercado de talentos.

A WilsonHCG tambm foi nomeada Lder e Estrela de Desempenho na Amrica do Norte, um Concorrente Principal e Estrela de Desempenho na EMEA e Concorrente Principal na APAC.

Basak continuou: "A WilsonHCG participante principal na Amrica do Norte devido sua forte capacidade de entrega e de contratar colarinhos brancos nos nichos, principalmente de alta–tecnologia, cuidados mdicos e cincias da vida. Sua srie de investimentos orgnicos e inorgnicos para aumentar a penetrao no mercado, melhorar a capacidade tecnolgica e ofertas de consultoria ajudou no seu posicionamento como Lder e Estrela de Desempenho na Avaliao Global da PEAK Matrix de 2023 de Servios RPO do Everest Group – Amrica do Norte."

Para mais informaes sobre a PEAK Matrix , visite o site Everest Group.

Sobre a WilsonHCG

A WilsonHCG uma premiada lder global em solues totais de talentos. Como parceira estratgica ela ajuda algumas das marcas mais admiradas do mundo a desenvolver funes abrangentes de talentos. Com uma presena global em mais de 65 pases e seis continentes, a WilsonHCG fornece um conjunto completo de servios configurveis para talentos, incluindo recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), pesquisa de executivos, solues de talentos contingentes e consultoria de tecnologia.

TALENT. mais do que uma soluo; o nosso cerne.


Contato com a Mdia
Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4e63ef5e–761d–4037–b8b5–adce40d52acd

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8866954)

WilsonHCG nommée Leader et Entreprise hors pair dans l'évaluation mondiale PEAK Matrix® 2023 des services RPO d'Everest Group

TAMPA, Floride, 29 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG a t nomme Leader et Entreprise hors pair (Star Performer) une fois encore dans l'valuation mondiale PEAK Matrix 2023 des services d'externalisation des processus de recrutement (RPO) d'Everest Group.

La PEAK Matrix analyse la dynamique changeante du paysage de la RPO, fournissant une valuation comparative objective et base sur les donnes de 45 fournisseurs de RPO en fonction de leur capacit globale sur diffrents marchs mondiaux.

Nous sommes honors d'avoir t nomms Leader et Entreprise hors pair une fois encore. Nos quipes s'efforcent chaque jour d'aider nos clients amliorer leurs activits. Leur dvouement atteindre l'excellence est crucial dans le paysage des talents en volution rapide d'aujourd'hui , a dclar John Wilson, PDG de WilsonHCG. Nous sommes galement fiers de notre position de Concurrent de premier plan dans l'APAC, car c'est une rgion dans laquelle nous avons poursuivi notre expansion au cours des 12 derniers mois.

S'exprimant propos du statut mondial de WilsonHCG en tant que Leader et Entreprise hors pair, Arkadev Basak, partenaire chez Everest Group, a comment : Outre son expertise profonde en matire d'approvisionnement de talents hautement qualifis de niche, WilsonHCG se dmarque en raison de son empreinte mondiale et de ses offres analytiques. Son acquisition de Claro et Tracking Talent a renforc ses offres de services et a aid positionner WilsonHCG comme un Leader et une Entreprise hors pair dans l'valuation mondiale PEAK Matrix 2023 des services d'externalisation des processus de recrutement (RPO) d'Everest Group.

Les solides antcdents de WilsonHCG en matire de recrutement de cols blancs hautement qualifis et son engagement redoubl dans le secteur des soins de sant et des sciences de la vie ont t salus par Everest Group, ainsi que sa capacit de livraison significative en Amrique du Nord et sa forte prsence dans la rgion EMOA.

Autres faits saillants retenus dans l'valuation :

  • Comment le rseau de centres de livraison mondiaux de WilsonHCG soutient de multiples industries d'acheteurs.
  • Le vaste rseau de partenariats de la socit avec des fournisseurs de technologie.
  • Son acquisition de Claro en vue de fournir une offre de premier plan pour la veille du march des talents.

WilsonHCG a galement t nomme Leader et Entreprise hors pair en Amrique du Nord, Concurrent de premier plan et Entreprise hors pair dans la rgion EMOA, ainsi que Concurrent de premier plan dans la rgion APAC.

M. Basak a ajout : WilsonHCG es un acteur cl en Amrique du Nord grce ses fortes capacits de livraison et sa facult de recruter des cols blancs de niche en particulier dans les secteurs des hautes technologies, des soins de sant et des sciences de la vie. Sa srie d'investissements organiques et inorganiques visant accrotre sa pntration du march et amliorer ses capacits technologiques et ses offres de conseil a contribu a son positionnement en tant que Leader et Entreprise hors pair dans l'valuation PEAK Matrix 2023 Amrique du Nord des services d'externalisation des processus de recrutement (RPO) d'Everest Group.

Pour en savoir plus sur l'valuation PEAK Matrix , veuillez consulter le site Internet d'Everest Group.

propos de WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG est un leader mondial prim dans les solutions totales de talents. Oprant en tant que partenaire stratgique, la socit aide certaines de marques les plus admires au monde dvelopper des fonctions de talents compltes. Grce une prsence mondiale couvrant plus de 65 pays et six continents, WilsonHCG fournit une suite complte de services de talents configurables, notamment l'externalisation des processus de recrutement (RPO), la recherche de cadres, ainsi que des solutions de gestion de talents et de conseil en technologie.

TALENT. Plus qu'une solution, c'est notre identit.


Contact auprs des mdias
Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4e63ef5e–761d–4037–b8b5–adce40d52acd

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8866954)

Auszeichnung von WilsonHCG als Leader und Star Performer in der PEAK Matrix®-Bewertung 2023 für globale RPO-Dienste der Everest Group

TAMPA, Florida, June 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG wurde in der jhrlichen PEAK Matrix –Bewertung der Everest Group in der Kategorie “Global Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services” erneut als Leader und Star Performer ausgezeichnet.

Die PEAK Matrix analysiert die sich verndernde Dynamik der RPO–Landschaft und bietet eine objektive, datengesttzte vergleichende Bewertung von mehr als 45 RPO–Anbietern auf der Grundlage ihrer Gesamtfhigkeit in unterschiedlichen globalen Dienstleistungsmrkten.

"Wir fhlen uns sehr geehrt ber die erneute Auszeichnung als Leader und Star Performer. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter gehen jeden Tag an ihre Grenzen und darber hinaus, um die Unternehmen unserer Kunden dabei zu untersttzen, besser zu werden "" ihr Engagement fr Spitzenleistungen ist in der heutigen, sich schnell wandelnden Talentlandschaft von entscheidender Bedeutung", so John Wilson, CEO von WilsonHCG. "Wir sind auch stolz auf unsere Ernennung als "Wichtiger Mitbewerber" (Major Contender) im Asien–Pazifik–Raum, einer Region, in der wir in den letzten 12 Monaten weiter expandiert haben."

Arkadev Basak, Partner der Everest Group, kommentierte die globale Einstufung von WilsonHCG als Leader und Star Performer wie folgt: "Neben seiner umfassenden Fachkompetenz bei der Rekrutierung von hochqualifiziertem Personal fr Nischenpositionen zeichnet sich WilsonHCG durch seine globale Prsenz und sein analytisches Angebot aus. Die bernahme von Claro und Tracking Talent hat das Dienstleistungsangebot von WilsonHCG gestrkt und dazu beigetragen, dass das Unternehmen in der PEAK Matrix –Bewertung 2023 der Everest Group in der Kategorie “Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services "" Global” als Leader und Star Performer eingestuft wurde."

Die Everest Group lobte die starke Erfolgsbilanz von WilsonHCG bei der Rekrutierung hochqualifizierter Angestellter und die Verdopplung des Engagements im Bereich Gesundheitswesen und Biowissenschaften (HLS) sowie die bedeutende Vermittlungsfhigkeit in Nordamerika und die starke Prsenz in der EMEA–Region.

Weitere Hhepunkte der Bewertung sind:

  • Untersttzung mehrerer Abnehmerbranchen durch das Netzwerk von WilsonHCG.
  • das umfangreiche Netz von Partnerschaften des Unternehmens mit Technologieanbietern.
  • die bernahme von Claro, um ein marktfhrendes Angebot fr Talentmarkt–Intelligenz zu schaffen.

WilsonHCG wurde auerdem als Leader und Star Performer in Nordamerika, als Major Contender und Star Performer in der EMEA–Region und als Major Contender in der APAC–Region ausgezeichnet.

Arkadev Basak ergnzte: "WilsonHCG ist ein wichtiger Akteur in Nordamerika aufgrund seiner starken Vermittlungsfhigkeiten und der Fhigkeit, Nischenpositionen fr Angestellte zu besetzen, insbesondere in den Bereichen Hightech, Gesundheitswesen und Biowissenschaften. Die Reihe von organischen und anorganischen Investitionen zur Erhhung der Marktdurchdringung, zur Verbesserung des technologischen und des Beratungsangebots trug dazu bei, dass das Unternehmen in der PEAK Matrix – Bewertung 2023 fr Nordamerika der Everest Group in der Kategorie "Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services" als Leader und Star Performer eingestuft wurde".

Weitere Informationen zur PEAK Matrix finden Sie auf der Website der Everest Group.

ber WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG ist ein mehrfach ausgezeichneter, weltweit fhrender Anbieter von umfassenden Talentlsungen. Als strategischer Partner untersttzt das Unternehmen einige der angesehensten Marken der Welt beim Aufbau umfassender Talentfunktionen. Mit einer weltweiten Prsenz in mehr als 65 Lndern und auf sechs Kontinenten bietet WilsonHCG ein umfangreiches Angebot an konfigurierbaren Talent–Dienstleistungen, einschlielich Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Vermittlung von Fhrungskrften, Zeitarbeitslsungen und Beratungsdienstleistungen.

TALENT. Es ist mehr als eine Lsung, es ist das, was wir sind.


Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung finden Sie unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4e63ef5e–761d–4037–b8b5–adce40d52acd

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8866954)

WilsonHCG named a Leader and a Star Performer in Everest Group’s 2023 Global RPO Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment

TAMPA, Fla., June 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG has been named a Leader and a Star Performer once again in Everest Group's annual Global Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services PEAK Matrix Assessment.

The PEAK Matrix analyzes the changing dynamics of the RPO landscape, providing an objective, data–driven comparative assessment of more than 45 RPO providers based on their overall capability across different global services markets.

“We're honored to be named a Leader and a Star Performer yet again. Our people go above and beyond every day to help our clients' businesses get better "" their dedication to excellence is critical in today's rapidly evolving talent landscape," said John Wilson, CEO at WilsonHCG. "We're also proud of our position as a Major Contender in APAC, as this is a region that we've continued to expand in over the past 12 months."

Commenting on WilsonHCG's global status as a Leader and a Star Performance, Arkadev Basak, Partner, Everest Group, said: "Along with its deep expertise in sourcing niche high–skilled roles, WilsonHCG stands out due to its global footprint and analytical offerings. Its acquisition of Claro and Tracking Talent has fortified its service offerings and helped position WilsonHCG as a Leader and a Star performer on Everest Group's Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023 "" Global.”

WilsonHCG's strong track record for hiring high–skill white collar candidates and its doubling down on the healthcare and life sciences (HLS) space was commended by Everest Group, as was its significant delivery capability in North America and strong presence in EMEA.

Other highlights of the assessment include:

  • How WilsonHCG's network of global delivery centers support multiple buyer industries.
  • The company's vast web of partnerships with technology vendors.
  • Its acquisition of Claro to provide a market–leading offering for talent market intelligence.

WilsonHCG was also named a Leader and a Star Performer in North America, a Major Contender and a Star Performer in EMEA and a Major Contender in APAC.

Basak continued: "WilsonHCG is a key player in North America due to its strong delivery capabilities and ability to hire niche white collar roles particularly in high–tech, healthcare and life sciences. Its string of organic and inorganic investments to increase market penetration, improve technological capabilities and advisory offerings has helped in its positioning as a Leader and a Star Performer on Everest Group's Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Services PEAK Matrix Assessment 2023 – North America.”

To learn more about the PEAK Matrix please visit the Everest Group website.

About WilsonHCG

WilsonHCG is an award–winning, global leader in total talent solutions. Operating as a strategic partner, it helps some of the world's most admired brands build comprehensive talent functions. With a global presence spanning more than 65 countries and six continents, WilsonHCG provides a full suite of configurable talent services including recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), executive search, contingent talent solutions and technology advisory.

TALENT. It's more than a solution; it's who we are.


Media contact
Kirsty Hewitt
+44 7889901517

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4e63ef5e–761d–4037–b8b5–adce40d52acd

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8866171)

New Oceana Analysis Finds Tuna Fisheries Are Masking USD $411 Million Blue Shark Industry

WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new Oceana–commissioned study reveals that vessels authorized to fish in the waters of designated tuna regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) are operating major shark fisheries, propping up a massive blue shark (Prionace glauca) commercial fishery with a landing value worth USD $411 million. This first–of–its–kind analysis shows the catch value of blue shark exceeds that of each of the three iconic bluefin tuna fisheries. The report confirms blue shark represents 60% of all reported global shark catches, singularly dominating both the shark fin and meat trade, while direct management of the species remains absent.

Last month at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, world leaders voted to provide protections for 60 shark species, including blue sharks. This decision means these species can only be traded if their stocks are proven to be sustainably managed. Except for a 2019 catch limit set under the jurisdiction of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) RFMO, blue sharks are fished without any limits. "Despite being considered one of the most resilient and abundant shark species, blue shark populations are threatened by poor management," said Philip Chou, Oceana's Senior Director of Global Policy. "Without proper management, blue sharks and the ecosystems they balance face a perilous future. Direct and active fishery management of blue sharks must begin immediately."

This report analyzed global data on the catch, trade, and management of sharks and tuna reported to the Food and Agriculture Organization and RFMOs. Researchers led by Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd. found that nearly 200,000 metric tons of blue shark were legally caught and landed in 2019, amounting to over 7 million blue sharks. Of that catch, 90% was brought in by large–scale commercial fleets, mostly longliners, with 74% flagged to distant–water fishing nations. Spain and Taiwan are responsible for roughly half the total blue shark catch.

To access Oceana's summary and the full report, visit oceana.org/blueshark. This research was prepared for Oceana's Transparent Oceans Initiative "" an international program that illuminates the global footprint of the world's distant–water fishing fleets, catalyzing policy change to protect the ocean and the communities who rely on it.

Contact: Anna Baxter, abaxter@oceana.org

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8711327)