Nikkiso Expande Operações nos EUA para Apoiar Seu Crescente Segmento de Hidrogênio

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Oct. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Grupo), parte da Nikkiso Co., divulgou hoje que adquiriu toda a propriedade e instalaes de 66370.8 metros quadrados em Murrieta, Califrnia para expandir suas operaes de manufatura e teste.

O Grupo fabrica e testa vaporizadores criognicos, trocadores de calor, skids de processo, unidades de separao de ar e produtos de liquefao "" e a expanso adicionar quatro estaes de teste de hidrognio no local para apoiar o crescente segmento de hidrognio do Grupo.

“A economia do hidrognio est acelerando com o avano da transio energtica, e a Nikkiso tem um grande papel a desempenhar”, disse Peter Wagner, CEO da Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. "Esta expanso das instalaes viabilizar o aumento das operaes e o maior apoio demanda global por nossos produtos e tecnologias criognicas de ltima gerao."

A construo ter incio no primeiro semestre de 2024.

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group faz parte da Diviso Industrial da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. Lt. Japo. A sede do Grupo est localizada no sul da Califrnia, e a empresa tem instalaes, escritrios e centros de servio em todo o mundo para manufatura de equipamentos de processamento de gs criognico projetados (bombas, turboexpansores, trocadores de calor, etc.) e plantas de processamento de gases industriais, Liquefao de Gs Natural (GNL), liquefao de hidrognio, amnia e captura e liquefao de carbono.

Contato com a Mdia
Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8945173)

Nikkiso verstärkt seine Aktivitäten in den USA zur Unterstützung seines wachsenden Wasserstoffgeschäfts

TEMECULA, Kalifornien, Oct. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (der "Konzern"), Teil von Nikkiso Co., Ltd., gab heute bekannt, dass das Unternehmen das vollstndige Eigentum an seiner Anlage in Murrieta, Kalifornien, sowie 6,6 Hektar Land erworben hat, um seine Produktions– und Testaktivitten zu erweitern.

Derzeit baut und testet der Konzern kryogene Verdampfer, Wrmetauscher, Prozess–Skids, Luftzerlegungsanlagen und Verflssigungsprodukte. Mit der Erweiterung kommen vier Wasserstoff–Teststationen am Standort hinzu, um das wachsende Wasserstoffgeschft des Konzerns zu untersttzen.

"Die Wasserstoffwirtschaft nimmt mit der Energiewende an Fahrt auf, und Nikkiso spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle", sagte Peter Wagner, CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. "Die Erweiterung der Anlage ermglicht es uns, den Betrieb auszubauen und die weltweite Nachfrage nach unseren hochmodernen kryogenen Produkten und Technologien besser zu bedienen."

Die Bauarbeiten werden in der ersten Hlfte des Jahres 2024 beginnen.

ber Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group ist Teil der Industrial Division von Nikkiso Co., Ltd. in Japan. Der Konzern hat seinen Hauptsitz in Sdkalifornien und verfgt weltweit ber Anlagen, Bros und Servicezentren fr die Herstellung und den Service von Gerten zur Verarbeitung kryogener Gase (Pumpen, Turboexpander, Wrmetauscher usw.) und Verarbeitungsanlagen fr Industriegase, die Verflssigung von Erdgas (LNG), die Verflssigung von Wasserstoff, Ammoniak sowie die CO2–Abscheidung und –Verflssigung.

Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8945173)

Nikkiso étend ses opérations aux États-Unis afin de soutenir ses activités d'hydrogène croissantes

TEMECULA, Californie, 06 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (le Groupe ), qui fait partie de Nikkiso Co., Ltd., a annonc aujourd'hui avoir acquis la pleine proprit de son installation Murrieta, en Californie, ainsi qu'un terrain de 6,6 hectares dans le but d'tendre ses oprations de fabrication et de test.

l'heure actuelle, le Groupe fabrique et teste des vaporisateurs cryogniques, des changeurs thermiques, des patins de traitement, des units de sparation d'air et des produits de liqufaction, et l'expansion ajoutera quatre stations de test d'hydrogne sur place pour soutenir les activits d'hydrogne croissantes du Groupe.

L'conomie de l'hydrogne acclre au rythme des progrs de la transition nergtique, et Nikkiso a un rle important jouer , a dclar Peter Wagner, PDG de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. Cette expansion de notre installation nous permet de dvelopper nos oprations et de mieux rpondre la demande mondiale pour nos produits et technologies cryogniques de pointe.

La construction commencera au cours du premier semestre 2024.

propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group fait partie de la division industrielle de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. au Japon. Le Groupe est bas en Californie du Sud et compte des installations, bureaux et centres de service dans le monde entier pour fabriquer et entretenir des quipements techniques de traitement du gaz cryognique (pompes, turbo–dtendeurs, changeurs thermiques, etc.), ainsi que des usines de traitement pour les gaz industriels, la liqufaction du gaz naturel (GNL), la liqufaction de l'hydrogne, l'ammoniac et le captage et la liqufaction du carbone.

Contact auprs des mdias
Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8945173)

Nikkiso Expands Operations in the U.S. to Support Its Growing Hydrogen Business

TEMECULA, Calif., Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Group), part of Nikkiso Co., Ltd., announced today that it has acquired full ownership of its facility in Murrieta, Calif., and 16.4 acres of land to expand its manufacturing and testing operations.

Currently the Group builds and tests cryogenic vaporizers, heat exchangers, process skids, air separation units, and liquefaction products "" the expansion will add four hydrogen testing stations on site to support the Group's growing hydrogen business.

"The hydrogen economy is accelerating as the energy transition progresses, and Nikkiso has a large role to play," said Peter Wagner, CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. "This facility expansion allows us to scale operations and better support global demand for our state–of–the–art cryogenic products and technologies."

Construction will begin in the first half of 2024.

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is part of the Industrial Division of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. in Japan. The Group is headquartered in Southern California with facilities, offices, and service centers around the world to manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for industrial gases, natural gas liquefaction (LNG), hydrogen liquefaction, ammonia, and carbon capture and liquefaction.

Media contact
Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8944570)

Nikkiso Sponsors 2023 Central German Hydrogen Congress and Presents Its Hydrogen Growth Strategy

FREYBURG, Germany, Aug. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Group) is pleased to sponsor this year's Central Hydrogen Congress event and present its hydrogen growth strategy for German and European clean energy markets.

Nikkiso's Clean Energy & Industrial Gases business has more than 50 years of cryogenics experience, and with the Group's recent acquisition of Cryotec, it has greatly increased its ability to support and enable the growing hydrogen markets in Europe.

"Nikkiso's leadership in advanced hydrogen technologies and applications and our extensive global experience building hydrogen infrastructure and developing innovative solutions will support Germany's desire to accelerate its energy transition to a net zero economy using hydrogen," said Peter Wagner, CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases.

Nikkiso Cryotec is a member of Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases, located in Wurzen, Saxony. The business specializes in custom solutions for CO plants and plants that produce and technical gases. It has more than 2,000m (21,500 ft ) of manufacturing area and more than 2,000 m (21,500 ft ) of storage space which enables in–house production of numerous international projects.

Currently, Nikkiso Cryotec is developing customized solutions for industry and agriculture, transportation and traffic, medical and pharmaceutical industry, chemical and petrochemical industry as well as for metal processing and metallurgy.

"Our sponsorship of the Central German Hydrogen Congress event is a symbol of Nikkiso's commitment to growing our presence in Germany and the European clean energy markets," said Corinne Ziege, managing director, Nikkiso Cryotec.

"We intend to support the development of efficient and safe infrastructure for hydrogen supply, develop hydrogen fueling stations throughout Germany and Europe, and support public advocacy and education efforts regarding the use of hydrogen as a clean energy source."

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is part of the Industrial Division of Nikkiso co. Lt. Japan. The Group operates in the US, under Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.). The Group member companies manufacture, and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for Industrial Gases, Natural Gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery as well as Carbon Capture Solutions. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit and

Nikkiso Cryotec
+49 3425 8965 1610

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8913498)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group annonce une expansion de son installation de ventes, service et ingénierie en Afrique du Sud

TEMECULA, Californie, 22 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (le Groupe ), qui fait partie de Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japon) et opre dans le cadre de Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (tats–Unis), est fier d'annoncer une nouvelle expansion de ses capacits de ventes, service et ingnierie pour le march africain. Depuis son installation, l'entreprise fournira une assistance pour tous les produits du Groupe.

Situe Waterfall, dans le KwaZulu–Natal, en Afrique du Sud, l'installation t tablie pour fournir une empreinte plus forte en Afrique et afin de soutenir le centre conomique et le hub d'ingnierie d'Afrique du Sud. Les ingnieurs locaux et l'quipe d'assistance aux services sur le terrain apporteront des connaissances spcifiques de la rgion et des marchs locaux, permettant la cration de solutions hautement personnalises.

Outre l'offre de ventes techniques pour l'ensemble des produits du Groupe, l'entreprise a ajout une quipe de mise en service d'units de sparation de l'air comprenant une assistance client. Cette quipe d'assistance en ingnierie supplmentaire fournira une optimisation de la conception et des processus ainsi que des solutions innovantes la rgion. L'installation fournira aussi de l'quipement GNL afin de soutenir la grande expansion de gaz naturel au large du Mozambique, et le dveloppement potentiel de pipelines virtuels pour le GNL en guise de combustible dans le but d'attnuer la crise de l'lectricit.

Cette expansion nous positionne de manire pouvoir ragir rapidement aux besoins nergtiques croissants de l'Afrique, et offrir une assistance et un service amliors nos clients grce notre prsence locale , selon Peter Wagner, PDG de Cryogenic Industries et prsident du Groupe.

Bruce van Dongen sera le directeur gnral. Une installation de service est prvue pour un moment indfini dans l'avenir. Elle prendra en charge les pompes et turbodtendeurs. Cette expansion reflte l'engagement du groupe et son soutien au dveloppement du march africain.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (aujourd'hui membre de Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) et ses entreprises membres fabriquent et entretiennent des quipements de traitement du gaz cryognique (pompes, turbodtendeurs, changeurs thermiques, etc.), et des usines de traitement pour les gaz industriels, la liqufaction du gaz naturel (GNL), la liqufaction de l'hydrogne (LH2) et le cycle organique de Rankine pour la rcupration de la chaleur perdue. Fonde il y a plus de 50 ans, Cryogenic Industries est la socit–mre d'ACD, de Nikkiso Cryo, de Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, de Cosmodyne et de Cryoquip, et d'un groupe administr en commun comptant une vingtaine d'entits oprationnelles.

Pour tout complment d'information, veuillez consulter les sites et


Anna Quigley

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse suivante :–e389–4adb–86c2–43133a748d6e/fr

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8793066)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group kündigt Erweiterung des Vertriebs-, Service- und Technikstandorts in Südafrika an

TEMECULA, Kalif., March 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (die "Gruppe"), Teil der Unternehmensgruppe Nikkiso Co. Ltd (Japan) und unter dem Namen Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (USA) ttig, ist stolz darauf, eine weitere Ausweitung ihrer Vertriebs–, Service– und Technikkapazitten fr den afrikanischen Markt bekannt geben zu knnen. Von diesem Werk aus werden alle Produkte der Gruppe untersttzt.

Das Werk in Waterfall, Kwazulu–Natal, Sdafrika, wurde errichtet, um die Prsenz in Afrika zu strken und Sdafrikas Technikzentrum und den dortigen Wirtschaftsstandort zu untersttzen. Die Techniker und Auendienstmitarbeiter vor Ort bringen spezifische Kenntnisse der Region und der lokalen Mrkte mit und ermglichen so hochgradig mageschneiderte Lsungen.

Neben dem technischen Vertrieb fr alle Produkte der Gruppe wurde ein Team fr die Inbetriebnahme von Luftzerlegungsanlagen zusammengestellt, das auch den Kundensupport bernimmt. Der zustzliche technische Support wird Prozess– und Designoptimierung sowie innovative Lsungen fr die Region bieten. Die Anlage wird auch LNG–Ausrstung bereitstellen, um die groe Erdgasexpansion vor Mosambik und die mgliche Entwicklung virtueller Pipelines fr LNG–Kraftstoff zur Linderung der Stromkrise zu untersttzen.

"Durch diese Expansion sind wir in der Lage, schnell auf den wachsenden Energiebedarf in Afrika zu reagieren und unseren Kunden durch unsere Prsenz vor Ort einen besseren Service und Support zu bieten", so Peter Wagner, CEO von Cryogenic Industries und President des Konzerns.

Bruce van Dongen wird als Managing Director fungieren. Fr die Zukunft ist eine Serviceeinrichtung geplant, die Pumpen und Turboexpander untersttzen soll. Diese Expansion ist Ausdruck des Engagements und der Untersttzung fr das Wachstum des afrikanischen Marktes.

Die Mitgliedsunternehmen von Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (jetzt ein Mitglied von Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fertigen und warten technische Gerte zur Verarbeitung kryogener Gase (Pumpen, Turboexpander, Wrmetauscher usw.) und Prozessanlagen fr Industriegase und Erdgasverflssigung (LNG), Wasserstoffverflssigung (LH2) und Organic Rankine Cycle zur Rckgewinnung von Abwrme. Cryogenic Industries wurde vor ber 50 Jahren gegrndet und ist die Muttergesellschaft von ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne und Cryoquip und eine gemeinsam gesteuerte Gruppe von 20 operativen Einheiten.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter und


Anna Quigley

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankndigung ist verfgbar unter:–e389–4adb–86c2–43133a748d6e/de

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8793066)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Anuncia a Expansão da Instalação de Vendas, Serviço e Engenharia na África do Sul

TEMECULA, Califórnia, March 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Grupo), parte da Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japo), operando sob a Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (EUA), tem o orgulho de anunciar mais uma expanso da sua capacidade de vendas, servio e engenharia no mercado africano. A partir das suas instalaes, eles fornecero suporte para todos os produtos do Grupo.

Localizada em Waterfall, KZN, frica do Sul, a instalao foi criada para proporcionar uma presena mais forte na frica e apoiar o centro de engenharia e o centro econmico da frica do Sul. O suporte local de engenharia e de servio em campo ir oferecer um conhecimento especfico da regio e dos mercados locais, permitindo solues altamente personalizadas.

Alm de oferecer vendas tcnicas para todos os produtos do Grupo, uma nova equipe de comissionamento de unidade de separao de ar oferece suporte ao cliente. O suporte adicional de engenharia fornecer otimizao de processos e de design, e solues inovadoras para a regio. A instalao tambm fornecer equipamentos de GNL, em apoio grande expanso do gs natural em Moambique e ao potencial desenvolvimento de oleodutos virtuais para combustvel de GNL para mitigar a crise de eletricidade.

"Essa expanso nos permite responder rapidamente s crescentes necessidades de energia da frica e oferecer mais servios e suporte aos nossos clientes com a nossa presena local", disse Peter Wagner, CEO da Cryogenic Industries e Presidente do Grupo.

Bruce van Dongen atuar como Diretor Administrativo. Uma instalao de servio est prevista para o futuro, em suporte s bombas e aos turboexpansores. Isto um exemplo do compromisso e apoio do grupo para com a ampliao do mercado africano.


A Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (agora parte da Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) fabrica e presta servios para equipamentos de processamento de gs criognico projetados (bombas, turboexpansores, trocadores de calor, etc.) e plantas de processo para Gases Industriais, Liquefao de Gs Natural (GNL), Liquefao de Hidrognio (LH2) e Ciclo Rankine Orgnico para Recuperao de Calor de Resduos. Fundada h mais de 50 anos, a Cryogenic Industries a empresa controladora da ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne e Cryoquip, e de um grupo comumente controlado de 20 entidades operacionais.

Para mais informao, visite e


Anna Quigley

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em:–e389–4adb–86c2–43133a748d6e/pt

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8793066)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Announces Expansion of Sales, Service and Engineering Facility in South Africa

TEMECULA, Calif., March 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group ("Group"), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) and operating under Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (USA) is proud to announce yet another expansion of their sales, service and engineering capabilities for the African market. From their facility they will be providing support for all the Group's products.

Located in Waterfall, KZN, South Africa, the facility was established to provide a stronger footprint in Africa and support South Africa's engineering hub and economic center. Local engineers and field service support will bring specific knowledge of the region and local markets, allowing highly customized solutions.

In addition to offering technical sales for all the Group's products, they have added an air separation unit commissioning team which includes customer support. The additional engineering support will provide process and design optimization and innovative solutions for the region. The facility will also provide LNG equipment, to support the large natural gas expansion off Mozambique, and potential development of virtual pipelines for LNG fuel to mitigate the electricity crisis.

"This expansion positions us to be able to respond rapidly to the growing energy needs of Africa, and to provide greater service and support to our customers with our local presence," according to Peter Wagner, CEO of Cryogenic Industries and President of the Group.

Bruce van Dongen will serve as Managing Director. A service facility is planned for some time in the future, which will support pumps and turboexpanders. This expansion represents their commitment to and support of the growth of the African market.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.) and process plants for Industrial Gases, and Natural Gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit and


Anna Quigley

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:–e389–4adb–86c2–43133a748d6e

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8791897)

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group Completes the Acquisition of Cryotec Anlagenbau GmbH, Wurzen, Germany

TEMECULA, Calif., Feb. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group ("Group"), a part of Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan), and operating under Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (USA), completed the acquisition of Cryotec Anlagenbau GmbH (Cryotec), located in Wurzen, Saxony, Germany for an undisclosed amount.

A global plant engineering and construction company, Cryotec provides planning, project management, manufacturing, and engineering services of skid–mounted/containerized air separation and liquefaction plants, and CO2 technologies offering tailored solutions to their customers.

Cryotec will operate as part of the Group's GmbH facility, based in Neuenburg am Rhine, Germany.

The Group consists of six functional business units: Cryogenic Pumps, Heat Exchanger Systems, Process Systems, Fueling & Solutions, Energy Infrastructure & Strategic Projects, and Service. Cryotec will be acting as the Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group competence and production center in Europe.

"Nikkiso will promote and sell globally the intelligent packaged solutions from Cryotec that reduce and recover carbon dioxide emissions, and further support the sustainability goals of the Group. Cryotec will have full access to the innovative technologies developed in California and elsewhere in the Nikkiso Group and offer localized packages, solutions, and stations for LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen) LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas), ammonia, and cryogenic energy storage applications within Germany and Europe. We will support the growth of Cryotec, by adding resources and increasing our manufacturing and assembly activities in Saxony and supplying Cryotec solutions to Germany and the global market", according to Peter Wagner, CEO of Cryogenic Industries and President of the Group.

Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer stated: “The acquisition of Cryotec Anlagenbau by Nikkiso strengthens the internationalization of a traditional Saxon company from Wurzen. Nikkiso has global experience in renewable energy, hydrogen, and energy storage. Renewable energies and green hydrogen play a key role in achieving the energy and climate targets in Saxony. The Free State of Saxony is already an important location for the research and application of hydrogen technologies. I am delighted that Nikkiso will contribute its expertise to Saxony in the future.”

"Nikkiso will be able to assist with this project realization as well as the supply and servicing of liquid hydrogen and LNG filling stations in the European Market", according to Ole Jensen, Vice President, Europe. "This acquisition represents our commitment to and support the European Union targets to be climate–neutral by 2050."

The purchase was effective February 3, 2023.

ABOUT Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is part of the Industrial Division of Nikkiso co. Lt. Japan. The Group operates in the US, under Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.). The Group member companies manufacture, and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for Industrial Gases, Natural Gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit and

Anna Quigley

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–2c93–4ad0–b03b–a87bda21cfce

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8743139)