Duck Creek Technologies inaugure Payments Marketplace, une place de marché destinée aux paiements de bout en bout, et une nouvelle intégration auprès de Paymentus

BOSTON, 04 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur mondial de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers) annonce le lancement de Payments Marketplace, sa place de marché destinée aux paiements, un écosystème de paiements complet conçu pour le secteur de l’assurance mondiale. La place de marché destinée aux paiements de Duck Creek, Payments Marketplace, offre une intégration fluide auprès de fournisseurs de paiement de confiance, et permet une gestion des paiements de bout en bout pour les assureurs. Duck Creek a annoncé un partenariat important avec Paymentus (NYSE : PAY), l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions de paiement numérique avec notre place de marché, pour une intégration facilitée. Ce partenariat représente des milliards en matière de volumes de paiements effectués via la place de marché destinée aux paiements. Ensemble, Duck Creek et Paymentus pourront compter comme clients certaines compagnies d’assurance parmi les 10 meilleures au monde, ainsi que des assureurs renommés sur le plan régional. 

En se basant sur l’adaptateur de paiements de Duck Creek, Payments Orchestrator, Payments Marketplace réduit les délais d’intégration des paiements à seulement une à deux semaines, ce qui correspond à une amélioration significative par rapport aux neuf à dix–huit mois généralement nécessaires pour les intégrations directes. Le processus d’intégration utilise notamment l’adaptateur de paiements de Duck Creek, Payments Orchestrator, offrant ainsi aux assureurs une connectivité rapide, sans nécessiter des années de préparation pour l’orchestration. Payments Orchestrator de Duck Creek relie les assureurs à des technologies et prestataires de solutions de paiement internationaux, afin de prendre en charge à la fois les recouvrements et les paiements, quelle que soit l’infrastructure informatique existante.

« Duck Creek continue d’innover avec le lancement de Payments Marketplace, notre place de marché destinée aux paiements. Cela représente un pas en avant majeur dans les technologies d’assurance et offre aux assureurs et à leurs clients un traitement des paiements fluide, axé sur la sécurité », a déclaré Allan Lacoste, directeur des paiements chez Duck Creek Technologies. « Grâce à des partenariats stratégiques avec des leaders du secteur comme Paymentus, nous construisons un écosystème robuste qui offre aux assureurs flexibilité et fiabilité en matière de paiement. »

Les assureurs bénéficient d’actualisations en continu, d’une forte redondance et d’une expérience client améliorée. Payments Marketplace donne la priorité aux meilleures pratiques, aux certifications et à des processus de vérification approfondis pour tous les partenaires, ce qui inclut le respect de normes de sécurité rigoureuses et une compatibilité fluide avec les systèmes de base de logiciel en tant que service (SaaS) de Duck Creek.

« Grâce à notre partenariat avec Duck Creek, nous pouvons fournir nos meilleures solutions de facturation et de paiement électroniques à une clientèle plus vaste et plus internationale », a indiqué Jerry Portocalis, directeur commercial chez Paymentus Holdings, Inc. « Ensemble, nous pourrons atteindre notre objectif commun de simplifier les paiements pour les assureurs, et d’offrir les meilleures expériences qui soient à leurs clients. »

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur mondial de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et exploitent le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations flexibles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres–mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site Suivez–nous sur les réseaux sociaux pour découvrir nos actualités : LinkedIn et X.  

Interlocutrice auprès des médias :
Marianne Dempsey/Tara Stred

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352852)

Duck Creek Technologies Lança Payments Marketplace e Nova Integração Total com a Paymentus

BOSTON, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anunciou o lançamento do seu Payments Marketplace, um ecossistema abrangente de pagamentos criado para a indústria global de seguros. O Duck Creek Payments Marketplace oferece integração perfeita com provedores de pagamento confiáveis e gerenciamento total de pagamentos para operadoras. Duck Creek anuncia parceria significativa com a Paymentus, (NYSE: PAY), provedora líder de soluções de pagamento digital para o nosso mercado para facilitar a integração. Essa parceria traz bilhões em volume de pagamentos para o Payments Marketplace. Juntas, a Duck Creek e a Paymentus irão atender várias seguradoras globais Top 10, bem como grandes seguradoras regionais como clientes.

Utilizando o Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator, o Payments Marketplace acelera os cronogramas de integração de pagamentos para apenas uma a duas semanas – uma melhoria significativa em relação aos nove a 18 meses normalmente necessários para integrações diretas. O processo de integração utiliza o Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator, oferecendo conectividade rápida às operadoras sem exigir anos de preparação para a orquestração. O Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator conecta seguradoras a tecnologias e provedores globais de pagamento, oferecendo suporte a cobranças e pagamentos, independentemente da infraestrutura de TI existente.

“A Duck Creek continua a inovar com o lançamento do nosso Payments Marketplace, que representa um grande avanço na tecnologia de seguros e oferece processamento de pagamentos focados na segurança e contínuos para as operadoras e seus clientes”, disse Allan Lacoste, Diretor de Pagamentos da Duck Creek Technologies. “Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com líderes do setor, como a Paymentus, estamos criando um ecossistema robusto que capacita as operadoras com pagamentos flexíveis e confiáveis.”

As operadoras se beneficiam das atualizações contínuas, redundância robusta e experiências aprimoradas do cliente. O Payments Marketplace prioriza as melhores práticas, certificações e um processo completo de verificação para todos os parceiros. Isso inclui a adesão a padrões de segurança rigorosos e compatibilidade perfeita com os principais sistemas SaaS da Duck Creek.

“Por meio da nossa parceria com a Duck Creek, podemos oferecer nossas melhores soluções de faturamento e pagamento eletrônico para uma base de clientes maior e mais global”, disse Jerry Portocalis, Diretor Comercial da Paymentus Holdings, Inc. “Juntas, alcançaremos nosso objetivo comum de simplificar os pagamentos para as operadoras e ajudá–las a oferecer as melhores experiências aos clientes.”

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies
A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora global de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.   

Contato com a Mídia:  
Marianne Dempsey/Tara Stred  

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352852)

Duck Creek Technologies führt End-to-End-Payments Marketplace und neue Integration mit Paymentus ein

BOSTON, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, der Anbieter intelligenter Lösungen, der die Zukunft der Sach– und Unfallversicherung sowie der allgemeinen Versicherung gestaltet, gibt die Einführung des umfassenden, speziell für die globale Versicherungsbranche entwickelten Ökosystems Payments Marketplace bekannt. Der Payments Marketplace von Duck Creek bietet eine nahtlose Integration mit vertrauenswürdigen Zahlungsanbietern und ermöglicht eine End–to–End–Zahlungsverwaltung für Versicherungsunternehmen. Duck Creek hat eine bedeutende Partnerschaft mit Paymentus (NYSE: PAY) angekündigt, einem führenden Anbieter von Lösungen für den digitalen Zahlungsverkehr zur einfachen Integration in unseren Marktplatz. Mit dieser Partnerschaft steigt das Zahlungsvolumen auf dem Payments Marketplace auf Milliardenhöhe. Gemeinsam werden Duck Creek und Paymentus zahlreiche der 10 wichtigsten globalen Versicherungsunternehmen sowie große regionale Versicherer als Kunden betreuen. 

Durch die Verwendung des Payments Orchestrator von Duck Creek beschleunigt Payments Marketplace die Integrationszeit für Zahlungen auf nur ein bis zwei Wochen – eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber den üblichen 9 bis 18 Monaten, die für direkte Integrationen erforderlich sind. Insbesondere nutzt der Integrationsprozess den Payments Orchestrator von Duck Creek, der den Anbietern eine schnelle Konnektivität bietet, ohne dass jahrelange Vorbereitungen für die Orchestrierung erforderlich sind. Der Payments Orchestrator von Duck Creek verbindet Versicherungsunternehmen mit globalen Zahlungstechnologien und –anbietern und unterstützt sowohl Inkasso als auch Auszahlungen, unabhängig von der vorhandenen IT–Infrastruktur.

„Duck Creek setzt seine Innovationskraft mit der Einführung unseres Payments Marketplace fort, der einen großen Sprung in der Versicherungstechnologie darstellt und eine auf Sicherheit ausgerichtete, nahtlose Zahlungsabwicklung für Versicherungsunternehmen und ihre Kunden ermöglicht“, erklärte Allan Lacoste, Chief Payments Officer bei Duck Creek Technologies. „Durch strategische Partnerschaften mit Branchenführern wie Paymentus bauen wir ein robustes Ökosystem auf, das den Anbietern Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit bei allen Zahlungen bietet.“

Versicherungsunternehmen profitieren von regelmäßigen Aktualisierungen, robuster Redundanz und verbesserten Kundenerfahrungen. Der Payments Marketplace setzt auf Best Practices, Zertifizierungen und ein umfassendes Überprüfungsverfahren für alle Partner. Dazu gehören die Einhaltung strenger Sicherheitsstandards und die nahtlose Kompatibilität mit den SaaS–Kernsystemen von Duck Creek.

„Dank unserer Partnerschaft mit Duck Creek können wir unsere erstklassigen elektronischen Rechnungs– und Zahlungslösungen einem größeren, globalen Kundenstamm anbieten“, so Jerry Portocalis, Chief Commercial Officer von Paymentus Holdings, Inc. „Zusammen werden wir unser gemeinsames Ziel der vereinfachten Zahlungsabwicklung für Versicherungsunternehmen umsetzen und sie bei der Bereitstellung der besten Kundenerfahrung für ihre Kunden unterstützen.“

Über Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies ist der globale Anbieter von intelligenten Lösungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermöglicht, die Leistungsfähigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und zukunftssichere Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizität, Zweckmäßigkeit und Transparenz sind für Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind überzeugt, dass Versicherungen für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfügbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten benötigen. Unsere marktführenden Lösungen sind als Einzellösungen oder als komplette Suite erhältlich. Alle sind über Duck Creek OnDemand verfügbar. Besuchen Sie, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanälen für aktuelle Informationen – LinkedIn und X.  

Marianne Dempsey/Tara Stred

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352852)

Surplus Solutions Expands Global Offerings with Refurbished Analytical and Medical Equipment, Supported by New Brand and Website Launch

WOONSOCKET, R.I., Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Surplus Solutions, a global leader in Equipment Lifecycle Management (ELM) services, specializing in procuring and reselling laboratory, processing, and packaging equipment is proud to announce the expansion of its offerings to include Certified Surplus™ refurbished equipment and a growing portfolio of medical equipment, now available to customers worldwide. This milestone, made possible through the company’s 2024 acquisition of FAMECO, a European leader in laboratory and medical equipment refurbishment, strengthens our ability to deliver high–quality refurbished solutions globally.

To support its expansion, Surplus Solutions has introduced a newly redesigned website at, a refreshed brand identity, and a new logo that represents the company’s commitment to innovation and global growth.

Expanding Global Access to Refurbished Lab and Medical Equipment

With the addition of a dedicated refurbishment facility in the U.S., Surplus Solutions is now offering certified refurbished lab and medical equipment to customers across North America and globally. This expansion builds on the expertise of FAMECO, acquired in 2024, and represents a significant milestone in the company’s growth. By leveraging FAMECO’s established processes and extending capabilities to the U.S., Surplus Solutions is now positioned to provide high–quality, cost–effective refurbished equipment with comprehensive quality assurance—bringing greater value and accessibility to customers worldwide.

“Expanding our refurbishment operations to the U.S. is an exciting step that allows us to better serve our customers with cost–effective, environmentally friendly solutions, while minimizing the risks often associated with traditional ‘as is’ secondhand equipment sales,” said Joe Reale, CEO of Surplus Solutions. “This investment strengthens our position as a global leader and lays the foundation for future growth in technical services across lab and medical equipment offerings.”

New Website and Brand to Support Growth

To complement this expansion, Surplus Solutions has launched a newly designed website offering:

  • A streamlined, user–friendly experience for browsing and purchasing equipment.
  • Detailed product information and specifications for informed decision–making.
  • Expanded service offerings, including logistics, appraisals, and asset management solutions.
  • Enhanced support for buyers and sellers, simplifying the equipment lifecycle process.

The refreshed brand and website reinforce Surplus Solutions' commitment to delivering maximum value and positioning itself as a trusted partner for pre–owned, used and refurbished laboratory and medical equipment worldwide.

Surplus Solutions invites customers to explore the new website and learn more about its expanded capabilities. Visit the new site today at

About Surplus Solutions

Founded in 2006 and headquartered in Woonsocket, RI, Surplus Solutions is a leading provider of Equipment Lifecycle Management (ELM) services, specializing in procuring and reselling laboratory, processing, and packaging equipment for the biotech, pharmaceutical, and life sciences industries. With over 240,000 square feet of warehouse space across the U.S. and Europe, Surplus Solutions offers an extensive inventory of high–quality equipment. In 2024, the company expanded its global presence through the acquisition of FAMECO, an international leader in the sale and refurbishment of laboratory and medical equipment. With its newly established U.S. refurbishment facility and a vast network covering more than 50 countries, Surplus Solutions continues to provide trusted solutions to maximize the value of surplus assets.

For more details, visit

Connect with Surplus Solutions: Email | Website | LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–694e–4409–a8e9–73b85026d8fc

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352633)

Duck Creek Technologies Launches End-to-End Payments Marketplace and New Integration with Paymentus

BOSTON, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the global intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces the launch of its Payments Marketplace, a comprehensive payments ecosystem purpose–built for the global insurance industry. The Duck Creek Payments Marketplace offers seamless integration with trusted payment providers and delivers end–to–end payment management for carriers. Duck Creek announced a significant partnership with Paymentus, (NYSE: PAY), a leading provider of digital payment solutions to our marketplace for ease of integration. This partnership brings billions in payment volume to the Payments Marketplace. Together, Duck Creek and Paymentus will serve several global Top 10 insurance carriers as well as large regional insurers as customers. 

Leveraging the Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator, the Payments Marketplace accelerates payment integration timelines to as little as one to two weeks—a significant improvement over the nine to 18 months typically required for direct integrations. Notably, the integration process leverages Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator, offering carriers rapid connectivity without requiring years of orchestration readiness. Duck Creek Payments Orchestrator connects insurers to global payment technologies and providers, supporting both collections and payouts, regardless of existing IT infrastructure.

“Duck Creek continues to innovate with the launch of our Payments Marketplace, which represents a major leap forward in insurance technology and delivers security–focused, seamless payment processing for carriers and their customers,” said Allan Lacoste, Chief Payments Officer at Duck Creek Technologies. “Through strategic partnerships with industry leaders like Paymentus, we're building a robust ecosystem that empowers carriers with both payment flexibility and reliability.”

Carriers benefit from continuous updates, robust redundancy, and enhanced customer experiences. Payments Marketplace prioritizes best practices, certifications, and a thorough vetting process for all partners. This includes adherence to rigorous security standards and seamless compatibility with Duck Creek’s SaaS core systems.

“Through our partnership with Duck Creek, we can deliver our best–in–class electronic billing and payment solutions to a larger, more global customer base,” said Jerry Portocalis, Chief Commercial Officer of Paymentus Holdings, Inc. “Together, we’ll realize our common goal to simplify payments for carriers and help them deliver the best customer experiences for their customers.”

About Duck Creek Technologies  
Duck Creek Technologies is the global intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and X.   

Media Contacts:  
Marianne Dempsey/Tara Stred  

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352303)

Lantronix to Debut New LM4 AI-Powered Out-of-Band Management Platform at Cisco Live

IRVINE, Calif., Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global leader of compute and connectivity for IoT solutions enabling AI Edge intelligence, will debut its new LM4 AI–powered Out–of–Band Management (OOBM) platform at Stand A10 during Cisco Live, February 10–14, 2025, at Amsterdam RAI. Lantronix’s LM4 is the industry’s first console server specifically designed, sized and priced for Intermediate Distribution Frames (IDFs) and compact environments such as ATMs, kiosks, and network aggregation points. Engineered for healthcare, finance, utilities, telecommunications, government, retail and manufacturing, the LM4 delivers enterprise–grade automation, compliance and cybersecurity capabilities, leveraging technology proven in military and financial networks.

“We’re excited to introduce the LM4 Out–of–Band Management platform, which enables our customers to leverage rules–based AI for secure, reliable and automated network infrastructure recovery and mitigation,” said Mathi Gurusamy, chief strategy officer at Lantronix. “At Lantronix, we are committed to enabling network management automation with innovative solutions that enable our customers to be more efficient, secure and bottom–line focused.”

Serial console servers represented a $320 million worldwide market in 2024 and are growing at a steady 7 percent rate to a projected $391 million in 2026, according to the Dell’Oro Group.

Out–of–Band Management Everywhere

An advanced out–of–band management platform, the small yet powerful LM4 provides access, continuous monitoring and automated remediation of issues as well as control of network infrastructure devices. Operational whether the network is up or down, the expert system uses rules–based AI to recover and mitigate network infrastructure automatically, including reliable and secure access to remote gear during an outage. With up to four ports of serial console connections for directly managing gear plus support for up to 48 virtual ports, the LM4’s compact size and affordable price enables network managers to utilize out–of–band everywhere, including many locations previously considered too small and numerous for advanced out–of–band management.

Running the powerful LMOS software, the LM4 brings the power of NOC–based software to the network’s edge to create a separate management plane in the rack with network infrastructure. With continuous monitoring and automated runbook responses, the LM4 can detect and solve issues before traditional NOC–based tools even know there is an issue. LMOS features a granular authorization model that integrates with existing access controls as well as automated change management functions, including the ability to store multiple config and OS files with local backups to enable automated rollback of failed config changes.

Standardize on Lantronix LM–Series Solutions for Enterprise–Grade OOB Management

The LM4 runs the same LMOS software as the LM83X and LM80 console servers, expanding the LM–Series console access options anywhere from 2–104 ports. The LM–Series is centrally managed by the Lantronix Control Center, which is available to run on–premises as a VM or hosted in the cloud. Lantronix’s LM–Series products allow customers to standardize their out–of–band management and deploy enterprise–grade functionality and AI–driven automation at all points in the network. The result is a more resilient network that’s easier to manage with fewer issues, reduced support truck rolls and stronger security and compliance.

Lantronix is the go–to source for innovative out–of–band solutions, providing a suite of reliable, secure and easy–to–deploy platforms, all supported by its exceptional service team.

Also being shown at Cisco Live are:

Out–of–Band Management Solutions

  • LM83X, delivering AI–driven out–of–band management of 8–104 devices over serial console connections in a scalable and robust console server with dual power inputs. 
  • LM80, providing a fixed 8–port serial AI–driven out–of–band management solution that can automate a majority of routine IT maintenance and recovery tasks quickly and error–free.
  • Lantronix Control Center, a single pane of glass for managing all LM–series devices for secure remote access as well as for automating management of each of the connected network infrastructure devices. It is a single source for Authorization–Authentication–Accounting (AAA) controls, creating monitoring and action rules without scripting, centrally archiving both monitored device operating system and configuration files and compliance reporting.

Reliable Gateways and Console Servers With Trusted Performance

  • EMG 8500, Lantronix’s Edge Management Gateway that provides secure remote access for branch offices, remote locations, retail stores or anywhere an offsite network device gateway is needed and where space is limited.
  • SLC 8000: Advanced Console Manager, providing secure access to IT equipment with 8–48 ports of RS–232 and USB console connections.
  • G520 Series, Lantronix’s next–generation IoT cellular LTE CAT 4G and 5G gateway designed for industrial applications, including pre–enabled Percepxion™ Edge Solution Platform to increase operational efficiency and prevent cyber–attacks. 
  • X300 Series, a Cellular Compact IoT Gateway Solution that includes Lantronix’s IoT gateway hardware and centralized device management, cellular data, enhanced security and expert technical support in an all–in–one package.

Expert Technical Support

  • LEVEL Technical Services, providing dedicated technical support experts to assist with implementing out–of–band deployments and limited lifetime equipment warranties. 

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global leader of compute and connectivity IoT solutions that target high–growth markets, including Smart Cities, Enterprise and Transportation. Lantronix’s products and services empower companies to succeed in the growing IoT markets by delivering customizable solutions that enable AI Edge Intelligence. Lantronix’s advanced solutions include Intelligent Substations infrastructure, Infotainment systems and Video Surveillance, supplemented with advanced Out–of–Band Management (OOB) for Cloud and Edge Computing.

For more information, visit the Lantronix website.

“Safe Harbor” Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward–looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws, including, without limitation, statements related to Lantronix leadership. These forward–looking statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results, future business, financial condition, or performance to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward–looking statement contained in this news release. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as the effects of negative or worsening regional and worldwide economic conditions or market instability on our business, including effects on purchasing decisions by our customers; our ability to mitigate any disruption in our and our suppliers’ and vendors’ supply chains due to the COVID–19 pandemic or other outbreaks, wars and recent tensions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, or other factors; future responses to and effects of public health crises; cybersecurity risks; changes in applicable U.S. and foreign government laws, regulations, and tariffs; our ability to successfully implement our acquisitions strategy or integrate acquired companies; difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights; the level of our indebtedness, our ability to service our indebtedness and the restrictions in our debt agreements; and any additional factors included in our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on Sept. 9, 2024, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part I of that report, as well as in our other public filings with the SEC. Additional risk factors may be identified from time to time in our future filings. In addition, actual results may differ as a result of additional risks and uncertainties of which we are currently unaware or which we do not currently view as material to our business. For these reasons, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward–looking statements. The forward–looking statements we make speak only as of the date on which they are made. We expressly disclaim any intent or obligation to update any forward–looking statements after the date hereof to conform such statements to actual results or to changes in our opinions or expectations, except as required by applicable law or the rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC. If we do update or correct any forward–looking statements, investors should not conclude that we will make additional updates or corrections.

©2025 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix is a registered trademark. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Lantronix Media Contact:
Gail Kathryn Miller
Corporate Marketing &
Communications Manager

Lantronix Analyst and Investor Contact:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9352539)

Unlock Your Trading Edge with Axi at the 2025 Money Expo Mexico

SYDNEY, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading online FX and CFD broker Axi announced that it is attending this year’s Money Expo Mexico, taking place on February 26–27, 2025, at Centro Citibanamex.

Event attendees will have the opportunity to learn about Axi Select, Axi’s innovative capital allocation program designed to empower ambitious traders on their trading journey, as well as meet Axi Select traders who are well on their way to reaching the $1million milestone. “We invite all traders to visit our team at Booth 14 and uncover the future of trading with Axi,” says Greg Rubin, Head of Axi Select at Axi, before adding “We look forward to networking with fellow traders and showcasing the exceptional benefits of Axi Select. Our program features zero registration fees, capital funding of up to $1,000,000 USD, the opportunity to earn up to 90% of the profits, and advanced tools to accelerate traders’ trading potential.”

Additionally, visitors can explore their Introducing Broker (IB) and Affiliate programs or learn more about Axi’s longstanding partnership with Manchester City, Premier League Champions. Man City memorabilia and the club's mascots will be on–site for photos and attendees stand the chance to win exciting prizes from the broker, including signed player shirts and other merchandise.

The broker has a longstanding partnership with Premier League club, Manchester City FC, as well as LaLiga club, Girona FC, and Brazilian club, Esporte Clube Bahia. In 2023, they also announced England international John Stones as their Brand Ambassador. More recently, the broker was recognised with the ‘Innovator of the Year’ award at the 2024 Dubai Forex Expo, as well as being named ‘Most Innovative Proprietary Trading Firm’ by Finance Feeds.

The Axi Select programme is only available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. In our dealings with you, we will act as a principal counterparty to all of your positions. This content is not available to AU, NZ, EU and UK residents. For more information, refer to our Terms of Service.

About Axi

Axi is a global online FX and CFD trading company, with thousands of customers in 100+ countries worldwide. Axi offers CFDs for several asset classes including Forex, Gold, Oil, and more.

For more information or additional comments from Axi, please contact:

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001046428)

Afghanistan’s Humanitarian Crisis Expected to Worsen in 2025

The United Nations Security Council met on December 12, 2024 to discuss the deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe

By Oritro Karim
UNITED NATIONS, Feb 4 2025 – The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan has deteriorated significantly since the 2021 Taliban Offensive, an insurgency that resulted in the Taliban’s reclamation of power and the fall of the nation’s republic. In 2024, the Taliban issued further restrictions on human rights in Afghanistan, particularly for women and girls. These restrictions caused the country to enter a state of economic emergency. This, compounded with heightened insecurity and limited access to basic services, has left over 23 million people in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

Since 2021, the military group began coordinating a series of restrictive measures that significantly limited physical autonomy, access to education and freedom of expression, especially for women and girls. It is believed that women are currently unable to enter public spaces or hold jobs across multiple sectors.

On January 23, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for two high-ranking Taliban leaders, Supreme Leader Haibatullah Akhundzada and Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdul Hakim Haqqani, citing crimes of gender-based persecution. “These applications recognise that Afghan women and girls as well as the LGBTQI+ community are facing an unprecedented, unconscionable and ongoing persecution by the Taliban,” said ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan. He added that violations of international humanitarian law subjected to dissenters have been documented.

According to the arrest warrant, opposition to the Taliban’s statutes have been “brutally repressed” through murder, torture, imprisonment, sexual violence, and enforced disappearance. The ICC has indicated that it remains dedicated to analyzing future impunities perpetrated by the Taliban.

On January 16, Human Rights Watch (HRW) provided examples of the multifaceted humanitarian crisis that arose from the Taliban’s restrictions against women. According to the report, the Taliban’s edicts on women’s employment and freedom of movement have severely impeded their ability to receive access to healthcare. Additionally, Afghanistan’s healthcare system has been significantly damaged from an absence of female workers.

“The loss of foreign development aid and Taliban rights violations have caused a catastrophic health crisis in Afghanistan that is disproportionately harming women and girls,” said Fereshta Abbasi, a researcher of Afghanistan at HRW. “The Taliban have severely obstructed women from providing or accessing health care, while the cost of treatment and medicine has put care out of reach for many Afghans.”

According to a study conducted by the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) titled Violation of Human and Women’s Rights by the Taliban in Afghanistan: The Taliban’s Takeover and its Consequences, the extensive restrictions on the autonomy of women and girls will yield severe economic and social consequences for Afghanistan.

Currently, approximately 3 million girls in Afghanistan have been deprived of education beyond sixth grade since 2021. It is estimated that the bans on women’s education and employment will cost the Afghan economy approximately 5.4 billion dollars. Furthermore, average wages increase by roughly 3.9 percent for each year that girls are in school. Afghanistan is projected to suffer intensified financial losses in the coming years.

The United Nations (UN) states that the exclusion of women and girls from the workforce and education greatly amplifies protection risks. Poverty has also been reported as a consequence of these edicts. According to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, restricting the role of women in public affairs “exacerbates poverty and hampers efforts to build a stable and resilient society”.

HRW states Afghanistan’s worsening economic crisis has facilitated extreme living conditions for approximately 23.7 million people, including 9.2 million children. It is estimated that roughly 14.7 million people are facing food insecurity, with 2.9 million at emergency levels of hunger. The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) estimates that 3.9 million children between the ages of 6 to 59 months are projected to suffer from acute malnutrition and desperately require humanitarian intervention.

Additionally, 48 percent of the population live below the poverty line. Basic services such as access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), are critically underfunded, with 8.4 million people lacking access to safe drinking water and 4.3 million without latrines.

Sufficient aid responses have not been implemented due to the vast scale of unexploded ordnance which has restricted mobility. According to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), explosive remnants of war are the leading cause of death among Afghan children. From October to December 2024, there were 47 child casualties as a result of unexploded ordnance. Ongoing violence and the presence of explosive munitions near schools also negatively impact access to basic services.

Despite the persistence of these compounding crises in Afghanistan, humanitarian organizations remain dedicated to providing life-saving assistance wherever they can. Last year, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) launched the 2025 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan for Afghanistan, requesting 2.4 billion USD to support these efforts. In 2025, aid groups aim to target approximately 16.8 million people, assisting them with access to food, shelter, healthcare, education, WASH services, and all other forms of multisectoral support.

However, the efficacy of aid services going forward is in a state of uncertainty due to President Trump’s new measures to freeze foreign aid. Over the past 24 years, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided Afghanistan with over 109 billion USD in aid, with 746 million being allotted to Afghanistan in 2024 alone. Funding cuts like this are projected to have disastrous effects on humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan going forward.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Beltone Debuts Latest Hearing Innovations with Beltone Envision(TM) Hearing Aids –The World’s Best Technology for Hearing in Noise And New Auracast Assistant

BALLERUP, Denmark, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Beltone proudly introduces its latest innovation: Beltone Envision™ hearing aids. Featuring the world’s best technology for hearing in noise1, Beltone Envision sets a new standard in noise management and voice clarity. These hearing aids keep users connected to their surroundings while bringing important sounds, like a friend's voice during a conversation at a busy restaurant, into clear focus.

Only 1 in 5 people who could benefit from hearing aids actually use them, leaving many to miss out on the sounds of life, communicating and socializing2. Representing Beltone’s most advanced hearing technology to date, Beltone Envision hearing aids empower users to connect with family, collaborate with colleagues, and engage fully with their surroundings. These devices intelligently detect the environment, noise levels, and speech cues, automatically adjusting settings for an optimal listening experience. 

Everyday noises such as air conditioning, traffic, kitchen sounds, and wind noise can be particularly distracting for those with hearing loss. The artificial intelligence (AI)3 inside Beltone Envision is trained to recognize and suppress thousands of unwanted noises while highlighting the sounds and voices users want to hear, ensuring a clearer and more focused listening experience. Beltone's unique human approach to AI mimics natural behavior, allowing the AI to prioritize sounds based on where the user is looking, not just how loud they are ensuring the user is in control and is the decision maker. A new, dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) chip enables the superior listening experience. This DNN–powered solution is up to 17 times more efficient than other leading hearing solutions with directionality and DNN noise reduction, resulting in a significant improvement to speech understanding4.

Available in the world’s smallest AI hearing aid5 and new streamlined RIE (receiver–in–ear) styles, Beltone Envision offers a discreet, modern, and comfortable solution to hearing loss, along with the clearest Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) Audio experience ever6, without compromising size, comfort or a full day battery performance. Compatible with Auracast™ broadcast audio, the next generation of assistive listening technology, Beltone Envision helps users stay connected to news and entertainment directly through their hearing aids. Additionally, Beltone is introducing a groundbreaking feature to the highly–rated Beltone HearMax™ app: the Auracast Assistant. This first–of–its–kind feature simplifies the listening experience, enabling users to connect to Auracast broadcasts with just a tap.

Beltone is also launching a new essential range of hearing aids with Beltone Commence™. Suitable for individuals with mild to profound hearing loss, Beltone Commence combines innovative technology, updated designs, and future–proof connectivity, including Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast broadcast audio, offering a powerful hearing solution for all to experience.

“Our goal is to enhance the lives of individuals with hearing loss at any stage of their hearing care journey. Whether you are a new or current hearing aid user, Beltone meets you where you are. With the introduction of our latest innovations, Beltone Envision and Beltone Commence, we are excited to continue offering the most advanced hearing aids that cater to all lifestyles, budgets, and types of hearing loss, ensuring everyone has access to quality hearing care and technology.”Scott Davis, Hearing division President at GN.

Key Features of Beltone Envision:

  • Advanced Noise Management & Voice Clarity: Utilizing cutting–edge AI technology, Beltone Envision excels at managing and reducing background noise. For example, in a bustling restaurant, these hearing aids can minimize the clatter of dishes and surrounding conversations, allowing users to clearly hear and engage with their companions.
  • New & Comfortable Designs: The microRIE style, our smallest option, offers a discreet fit with its gently curved shape, while the updated RIE styles are also ergonomically designed for all–day comfort. Available in a variety of colors, including new Navy Blue and bold Red, these designs cater to personal style preferences.
  • Effortless Streaming: Users can easily stream TV audio, music, and more directly to their Beltone Envision hearing aids for crystal–clear sound. Additionally, they can take important phone or video calls hands–free7 while on the go, simply by tapping their ear or device8.

Plus, Beltone Envision and Beltone Commence hearing aids are built to last with an all–over coating that makes them weatherproof and sweatproof, allowing users to enjoy their day regardless of the weather. Available in both rechargeable and replaceable battery styles, the rechargeable option provides all–day power on a single charge9, making these hearing aids perfect for on–the–go lifestyles.

The new Beltone Envision and Beltone Commence hearing aids will be available in the US and Germany starting on February 20, 2025 with more markets following. For more information, please visit

© 2025 GN Hearing A/S. All rights reserved. ReSound and Beltone are trademarks of GN Hearing A/S. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Auracast word mark and logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

For further information, please contact:

Press and the media

Marie Schleimann Nordlund
Director of Communication & Community
Tel: +45 3126 3734
Steen Frentz Laursen
Vice President, Group Communication
Tel: +45 45 75 07 21


About GN

GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technologies that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real–life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

GN was founded more than 150 years ago with a vision to connect the world. Today, inspired by our strong heritage, GN touches more lives than ever with our unique expertise and the broadest portfolio of products and services in our history – bringing people closer to what is important to them.

We market our solutions with the brands Jabra, ReSound, SteelSeries, Beltone, Interton, BlueParrott, Danavox, and FalCom in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, GN Group employs more than 7,000 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO). 
Visit our homepage and connect with us on LinkedInFacebook and X.

About Beltone

Beltone is a leading hearing brand based on individual care and technically optimal hearing solutions – sold via 1,500 Beltone branded hearing care stores in the US and via hearing care professional in select other markets. Visit us at and connect with us on LinkedIn.

1 Schumacher & Growth (2025), Cui & Groth (2024), Quilter (2021), GN Proprietary Data on File
2 Deafness and hearing loss. World Health Organization 2022
3 Available only in Beltone Envision microRIE style
4 Jespersen, Dieu & Rubachandran (2024)
5 GN Proprietary Data on File
6 Based on claims by Bluetooth SIG
7 Hands–free calls are available on compatible iOS and Android™ devices. For a list of devices check:–us/help–center/compatibility
8 TapControl is available with Beltone Envision microRIEs. Hands–free calls are available on compatible iOS and Android™ devices. For a list of devices check:–us/help–center/compatibility
9 Styles with replaceable batteries are also available. GN Proprietary Data on File

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–9f35–4d9b–8f61–908c156fb177–7882–4c2d–8f8a–5eefc7a967a7

Video accompanying this announcement is available at:–e197–408e–b37f–4d26aa95cf88

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1001046468)

GN introduces its most intelligent hearing portfolio yet, including ReSound Vivia – the world's smallest AI powered hearing aid

  • Built on decades of shared AI research and development across the GN Group, GN has pioneered a unique approach to AI that mimics the brain’s natural sound processing via a new Intelligent Focus feature to create a superior hearing experience in noise.
  • This breakthrough technology is packed in the world's smallest rechargeable Receiver–in–Ear hearing aid, (microRIE), ReSound Vivia™ offering all–day battery power and comfort without compromise.
  • ReSound Vivia is powered by a dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) chip trained on 13.5 million spoken sentences that spotlights speech and eliminates distracting noise, offering the best solution for hearing in noise without cutting people off from the world around them.
  • To enable even more people to experience their best–in–class technologies, GN is bringing some of its most advanced features, including Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) Audio and Auracast™ broadcast audio, to a new essentials range with the launch of ReSound Savi™.

BALLERUP, Denmark, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — GN, the global leader in hearing aid innovation, today announces the launch of ReSound Vivia, the world's smallest AI powered hearing aid, and ReSound Savi, an essentials range featuring Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast broadcast audio.

The new ReSound Vivia hearing aids deliver unparalleled sound quality in noisy environments and all–day comfort without compromising size or battery life. Central to this innovation is GN's unique human approach to AI, which models the brain's natural sound processing capability to create voice clarity in complex listening environments. GN's Intelligent Focus feature is distinctive in its ability to respond to the direction a person is looking, ensuring the AI enhances sounds based on the user's natural response to their environment. GN’s proprietary technology provides a more natural and effortless listening experience, even in challenging situations like noisy restaurants or crowded venues.

A new, dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) chip enables the superior listening experience. This DNN–powered solution is up to 17 times more efficient than other leading hearing solutions with directionality and DNN noise reduction, resulting in a significant improvement to speech understanding.1 Trained on 13.5 million spoken sentences in various languages and with varied vocal effort, across 3.9 million tuned sound parameters, the DNN can perform 4.9 trillion operations per day to spotlight speech and reduce background noise.

Studies show ReSound Vivia offers the world's best hearing in noise experience, with 64% of users experiencing improved hearing in noisy environments compared to other AI hearing solutions, so they can enjoy conversations with greater ease and understanding.1

All of this advanced technology is packed into the world's smallest AI hearing aid, the ReSound Vivia microRIE. The microRIE style offers 30 hours wear on one battery charge and 20 hours of use for a typical day using a combination of Intelligent Focus and streaming.2 This all–day power ensures users can enjoy uninterrupted hearing and seamless connectivity without compromise.

Brian Dam Pedersen, Chief Technology Officer, Head of Research and Technology at GN, explains: “With ReSound Vivia, we've fundamentally reimagined how AI can enhance the hearing experience. Our unique Intelligent Focus feature mimics natural human behavior, allowing the AI to prioritize sounds based on where the user is looking, not just how loud they are. This creates a far more intuitive and natural listening experience, seamlessly integrating with the user's own perception of their environment. It's not just about amplifying sound; it's about intelligently enhancing the sounds that matter most. And we are not stopping here – all the knowledge, capabilities, and research we have acquired will be applied across other GN products and projects, furthering innovation across the Group.”

Recognizing the importance of accessibility, GN is launching ReSound Savi to ensure that even more people with hearing loss can experience the latest in connectivity innovation. Both ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi support Bluetooth LE Audio, including Auracast broadcast audio, the state–of–the–art low–energy connectivity feature. Building on a legacy of seamless connectivity, more people than ever will enjoy new streaming and communication opportunities in public places such as theaters, airports, restaurants, and arenas.  

As part of these launches, GN also introduces the world’s first app which integrates an Auracast Assistant for hearing aids. Connecting to Auracast is now as simple as a single tap in the ReSound Smart 3D™ app. This streamlined process simplifies selecting Auracast streams, even with smartphones and devices that don’t yet have an Auracast assistant built in.

Scott Davis, Hearing division President at GN, describes: “ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi represent a significant leap forward. Now you can have it all with ReSound Vivia, which combines world leading sound quality, all–day battery life, and the smallest size on the market for discretion and comfort, so users can hear their best without compromise. With ReSound Savi, we're making our cutting–edge connectivity, including Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast, accessible to a wider audience. These two product lines demonstrate GN's unwavering commitment to delivering innovation that brings people closer to each other and the things they love to do.”

GN understands the challenges and specific needs of hearing care professionals. This is why, alongside the launch of ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi, GN is introducing improvements to fitting software, alignment of domes and receivers for optimal comfort and acoustic performance across the portfolio, and exchangeable mic filters for easy care that improves hygiene and device longevity. These enhancements are designed to streamline clinic workflow, improve fitting accuracy, and ultimately enhance the user experience.

The new ReSound Vivia hearing aids are available in a microRIE rechargeable and two non–rechargeable RIE models, including a CROS model in the microRIE style – all in a wide variety of colors – including the new and elegant Navy Blue and Red. ReSound Savi is available in a new miniRIE rechargeable and two non–rechargeable RIE models in five modern colors. ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi hearing aids will be rolled out in the US and Germany on 20th February with more markets following, along with the equivalent Beltone Envision™ and Beltone Commence™ line–ups.

For more information, visit the ReSound and Beltone websites.

© 2025 GN Hearing A/S. All rights reserved. ReSound and Beltone are trademarks of GN Hearing A/S. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Auracast word mark and logos are trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc.

For further information, please contact:

Press and the media

Marie Schleimann Nordlund
Director of Communication & Community
Tel: +45 3126 3734
Steen Frentz Laursen
Vice President, Group Communication
Tel: +45 45 75 07 21

Investors and analysts

Rune Sandager
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +45 45 75 92 57


About GN

GN brings people closer through our leading intelligent hearing, audio, video, and gaming solutions. Inspired by people and driven by innovation, we deliver technologies that enhance the senses of hearing and sight. We help people with hearing loss overcome real–life challenges, improve communication and collaboration for businesses, and provide great experiences for audio and gaming enthusiasts.

GN was founded more than 150 years ago with a vision to connect the world. Today, inspired by our strong heritage, GN touches more lives than ever with our unique expertise and the broadest portfolio of products and services in our history – bringing people closer to what is important to them.

We market our solutions with the brands Jabra, ReSound, SteelSeries, Beltone, Interton, BlueParrott, Danavox, and FalCom in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, GN Group employs more than 7,000 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO). 
Visit our homepage and connect with us on LinkedInFacebook and  X.


1 Jespersen, Dieu & Rubachandran (2024)
2 GN Proprietary data on file

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–cf35–49ef–8198–92f1e3783997–a0c3–488c–844c–7559280496bf

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:–d637–48a1–8aa6–ef0e0fd54548

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