Nyxoah Annonce que l'Étude Pivot DREAM U.S. Atteint les Critères d'Évaluation Primaires

Nyxoah Annonce que l'Étude Pivot DREAM U.S. Atteint les Critères d'Évaluation Primaires

Le taux de réponse à l'indice d'apnée–hypopnée (IAH) est de 63,5 % en intention de traiter (ITT) (p=0,002).
Taux de réponse à l'indice de désaturation en oxygène (IDO) de 71,3 % en intention de traiter (ITT) (p<0,001)
Réduction médiane de l'IAH à 12 mois de 70,8%.

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgique – 19 mars 2024, 21h05 CET / 16h05 ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Bruxelles/Nasdaq : NYXH) (« Nyxoah » ou la « Société ») opère dans le secteur des technologies médicales et se concentre sur le développement et la commercialisation de solutions innovantes destinées à traiter le Syndrome d’Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS). La Société a annoncé aujourd'hui que l'étude pivot DREAM aux États–Unis a démontré une réduction statistiquement significative sur les critères d'évaluation co–primaires, à savoir le taux de répondeurs à l'IAH à 12 mois, selon le critère de Sher, et le taux de répondeurs à l'IDO, tous deux sur la base de l'ITT.

L'étude DREAM est un essai pivot, mené dans le cadre d'une exemption relative aux dispositifs expérimentaux (“Investigational Device Exemption” – IDE) et conçu pour soutenir l'autorisation de mise sur le marché du système de stimulation du nerf hypoglosse (HGNS) Genio® aux États–Unis. Cette étude multicentrique, prospective, ouverte et interventionnelle a recruté 115 patients et ses critères d'efficacité co–primaires sont le taux de réponse à l'indice d'apnée–hypopnée (IAH), selon le critère de Sher, et le taux de réponse à l'indice de désaturation en oxygène (IDO), tous deux mesurés au bout de 12 mois*. Les sujets devaient également dormir en décubitus dorsal pendant au moins 60 minutes lors de leur test polysomnographique (PSG) à 12 mois. De plus amples informations concernant l'étude sont disponibles dans la section 1.5.4 du rapport annuel de la société concernant l'exercice 2022, qui peut être consulté sur le site web de la société en utilisant le lien suivant : Nyxoah Annual Report 2022 EN.pdf.

Les participants à l'étude DREAM avaient un IAH moyen de 28,0, un IDO moyen de 27,0 et un indice de masse corporelle moyen de 28,5. À 12 mois, 73 sujets ont été considérés comme répondeurs à l'IAH, selon le critère de Sher, soit un taux ITT de répondeurs à l'IAH de 63,5 % (p=0,002), et 82 sujets ont été considérés comme répondeurs à l'IDO, soit un taux de répondeurs à l'IDO de 71,3 % (p<0,001). Les sujets ont présenté une réduction médiane de l'IAH à 12 mois de 70,8 %, avec des améliorations similaires de l'IAH dans les positions de sommeil en décubitus dorsal et décubitus latéral. Les résultats de sécurité du traitement expérimental étaient favorables, avec 11 événements indésirables graves, ou EIG, chez dix sujets, soit un taux d'EIG de 8,7 %. Sur les 11 EIG, trois étaient liés au dispositif et il y a eu trois explantations.

“DREAM est une étude pivot, multicentrique et internationale de Genio, une technologie HGNS de nouvelle génération offrant aux patients une stimulation bilatérale avec une solution de batterie non implantée, alimentée et contrôlée par un dispositif externe. Avec les données de DREAM, Genio a démontré les résultats positifs d’efficacité que les patients souffrant de SAOS, ayant échoué dans les thérapies médicales traditionnelles, sont en droit d'attendre. En particulier, la stimulation bilatérale unique de Genio offre la possibilité d'améliorer les résultats pour un plus grand nombre de patients souffrant d'AOS. Je suis ravi que Nyxoah et Genio s'efforcent d'élargir les options et de faire progresser la thérapie HGNS pour le SAOS, et je suis impatient de la proposer à mes patients dès qu'elle sera approuvée par la FDA”, a commenté B Tucker Woodson, MD, Chef, Professeur – Medical College of Wisconsin et investigateur principal de l'étude DREAM”.

“Je suis très heureux d'annoncer les résultats positifs de DREAM, car ils ouvrent la voie à Genio pour changer le paradigme du traitement de l'AOS aux États–Unis. Grâce à la conception de Genio centrée sur le patient, aux données cliniques solides et aux enseignements commerciaux tirés de l'Europe, nous sommes convaincus que Nyxoah peut devenir une société leader dans le domaine du SAOS”, a commenté Olivier Taelman, CEO de Nyxoah. “Nous sommes en train de finaliser le quatrième et dernier module de la demande d'autorisation de mise sur le marché et j'ai hâte de lancer Genio aux États–Unis, en attente de l'approbation de la FDA.”

Conférence téléphonique et présentation par webcast

La Management de la Société organisera une conférence téléphonique pour discuter des résultats de DREAM aujourd'hui à partir de 21h30 CET / 16h30 ET. La retransmission de la conférence sera accessible via la page Investor Relations du site web de Nyxoah ou via ce lien : DREAM Results Webcast. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas l'intention de poser une question au Management, la Société recommande d'écouter la webdiffusion.

Si vous avez l'intention de poser une question, veuillez utiliser le lien suivant : DREAM Results Call. Après l'inscription, un courriel sera envoyé, comprenant les détails de la connexion et un code d'accès unique à la conférence téléphonique, nécessaire pour participer à l'appel en direct. Pour être sûr d'être connecté avant le début de l'appel, la Société suggère de s'inscrire au moins 10 minutes avant le début de l'appel.

À propos de Nyxoah
Nyxoah opère dans le secteur des technologies médicales. Elle se concentre sur le développement et la commercialisation de solutions innovantes destinées à traiter le Syndrome d’Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS). La principale solution de Nyxoah est le système Genio®, une thérapie de neurostimulation du nerf hypoglosse sans sonde et sans batterie qui a reçu le marquage CE, centrée sur le patient et destinée à traiter le Syndrome d’Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil (SAOS), le trouble respiratoire du sommeil le plus courant au monde. Ce dernier est associé à un risque accru de mortalité et des comorbidités, dont les maladies cardiovasculaires. La visions de Nyxoah est que les patients souffrant de SAOS doivent pouvoir profiter de nuits réparatrices et vivre pleinement leur vie.

À la suite de la finalisation probante de l’étude BLAST OSA, le système Genio® a reçu le marquage européen CE en 2019. Nyxoah a réalisé avec succès deux IPO : l’une sur Euronext Bruxelles en septembre 2020 et l’autre sur le NASDAQ en juillet 2021. Grâce aux résultats positifs de l'étude BETTER SLEEP, Nyxoah a reçu le marquage CE pour l’extension de ses indications thérapeutiques aux patients souffrant de collapsus concentrique complet (CCC), pour lesquels les thérapies concurrentes sont actuellement contre–indiquées. En outre, la Société a annoncé les résultats positifs de l'étude pivot DREAM IDE en vue de l'approbation de la FDA et de la commercialisation aux États–Unis.

Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le rapport annuel de la société pour l'exercice 2023 qui sera déposé le 20 mars 2024 et visiter le site http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Attention – Marquage CE depuis 2019. Dispositif de recherche aux États–Unis. Limité à un usage expérimental aux États–Unis par la loi fédérale américaine.

Déclarations Prospectives
Certaines déclarations, croyances et opinions contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont de nature prospective et reflètent les attentes actuelles de la société ou, le cas échéant, des administrateurs ou de la direction de la Société concernant le système Genio® et les études cliniques en cours sur le système Genio® ; les avantages potentiels du système Genio® ; les objectifs de Nyxoah concernant le développement, la voie réglementaire et l'utilisation potentielle du système Genio® ; l'utilité des données cliniques pour l'obtention éventuelle de l'approbation de la FDA pour le système Genio® ; la communication des données de l'essai pivot DREAM U.S. de Nyxoah ; le dépôt d'une demande d'approbation auprès de la FDA ; et l'entrée sur le marché américain. De par leur nature, les déclarations prévisionnelles impliquent un certain nombre de risques, d'incertitudes, d'hypothèses et d'autres facteurs qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats ou les événements réels diffèrent matériellement de ceux exprimés ou sous–entendus dans les déclarations prévisionnelles. Ces risques, incertitudes, hypothèses et facteurs pourraient avoir une incidence négative sur le résultat et les effets financiers des plans et événements décrits dans le présent document. En outre, ces risques et incertitudes comprennent, sans s'y limiter, les risques et incertitudes énoncés dans la section “Facteurs de risque” du rapport annuel de la société sur le formulaire 20–F pour l'exercice clos le 31 décembre 2022, déposé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) le 22 mars 2023, et des rapports ultérieurs que la Société dépose auprès de la SEC. Une multitude de facteurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les changements dans la demande, la concurrence et la technologie, peuvent faire en sorte que les événements, les performances ou les résultats réels diffèrent de manière significative de tout développement anticipé. Les déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse concernant des tendances ou des activités passées ne constituent pas des garanties de performances futures et ne doivent pas être considérées comme une déclaration selon laquelle ces tendances ou activités se poursuivront à l'avenir. En outre, même si les résultats ou développements réels sont conformes aux déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse, ces résultats ou développements peuvent ne pas être représentatifs des résultats ou développements des périodes futures. Aucune déclaration ou garantie n'est donnée quant à l'exactitude ou à la justesse de ces déclarations prospectives. En conséquence, la Société décline expressément toute obligation ou tout engagement de publier des mises à jour ou des révisions des déclarations prospectives contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse à la suite d'un changement des attentes ou d'un changement des événements, conditions, hypothèses ou circonstances sur lesquels ces déclarations prospectives sont basées, sauf si la loi ou la réglementation l'exige expressément. Ni la Société, ni ses conseillers ou représentants, ni aucune de ses filiales, ni les dirigeants ou employés de ces personnes ne garantissent que les hypothèses sous–jacentes à ces déclarations prospectives sont exemptes d'erreurs et n'acceptent aucune responsabilité quant à l'exactitude future des déclarations prospectives contenues dans ce communiqué de presse ou quant à la survenance effective des développements prévus. Vous ne devriez pas accorder une confiance excessive aux déclarations prospectives, qui ne sont valables qu'à la date du présent communiqué de presse.

Contact :
David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000930141)

Nyxoah Announces DREAM U.S. Pivotal Study Meets Primary Endpoints

Nyxoah Announces DREAM U.S. Pivotal Study Meets Primary Endpoints

Reports an Apnea–Hypopnea Index (AHI) responder rate of 63.5% on an intent to treat (ITT) basis (p=0.002)
Reports an Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI) responder rate of 71.3% on an intent to treat (ITT) basis (p<0.001)
Median 12–month AHI reduction of 70.8%

Mont–Saint–Guibert, Belgium – March 19, 2024, 9:05pm CET / 4:05pm ET – Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels/Nasdaq: NYXH) (“Nyxoah” or the “Company”), a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), today announced the DREAM U.S. pivotal study achieved a statistically significant reduction in the co–primary endpoints of 12–month AHI responder rate, per the Sher criteria, and ODI responder rate, both on an ITT basis.

The DREAM study is a pivotal trial, being conducted under an investigational device exemption (IDE) and is designed to support the marketing authorization of the Genio® hypoglossal nerve stimulation system (HGNS) in the United States. This multicenter, prospective, open–label, interventional study enrolled 115 patients and has co–primary efficacy endpoints of the Apnea–Hypopnea Index (AHI) responder rate, per the Sher criteria, and the Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI) responder rate, both measured at 12 months*. Subjects also were required to sleep supine for at least 60 minutes at their 12–month polysomnography test (PSG). More information regarding the study can be found in section 1.5.4 of the Company's annual report regarding financial year 2022, which can be found on the Company’s website using the following link: Nyxoah Annual Report 2022 EN.pdf.

Study participants entered the DREAM study with a mean AHI of 28.0, mean ODI of 27.0 and mean body mass index of 28.5. At 12 months, 73 subjects were determined to be AHI responders, per the Sher criteria, resulting in an ITT AHI responder rate of 63.5% (p=0.002), and 82 subjects were determined to be ODI responders, resulting in an ODI responder rate of 71.3% (p<0.001). Subjects demonstrated a median 12–month AHI reduction of 70.8%, with similar AHI improvements in supine and non–supine sleeping positions. The safety results for the investigational treatment were favorable, with 11 serious adverse events, or SAEs, in ten subjects resulting in an SAE rate of 8.7%. Out of the 11 SAEs, three were device related and there were three explants.

“DREAM is a pivotal, multicenter, international study of Genio, a next generation HGNS technology offering patients bi–lateral stimulation with a non–implanted battery solution powered and controlled by a wearable. With the DREAM data, Genio has demonstrated positive efficacy results that OSA patients, having failed traditional medical therapies, have come to expect. Notably, Genio’s unique bilateral stimulation provides the potential for improved outcomes for a wider spectrum of OSA patients. I am excited that Nyxoah and Genio are working towards expanding options and advancing HGNS therapy for OSA, and I look forward to offering it to my patients upon FDA approval,” commented B Tucker Woodson, MD, Chief, Professor – Medical College of Wisconsin and Principal Investigator of the DREAM study.”

“I am excited to report the positive DREAM results, as they pave the way for Genio to shift the OSA treatment paradigm in the U.S. With Genio’s patient centric design, strong clinical data and commercial learnings from Europe, we are confident Nyxoah can become a leading OSA company.” commented Olivier Taelman, Nyxoah’s Chief Executive Officer. “We are finalizing the fourth and final module submission in the PMA application and I look forward to launching Genio in the U.S, pending FDA approval.”

Conference call and webcast presentation

Company management will host a conference call to discuss the DREAM results today beginning at 9:30pm CET / 4:30pm ET. A webcast of the call will be accessible via the Investor Relations page of the Nyxoah website or through this link: DREAM Results Webcast. For those not planning to ask a question of management, the Company recommends listening via the webcast.

If you plan to ask a question, please use the following link: DREAM Results Call. After registering, an email will be sent, including dial–in details and a unique conference call access code required to join the live call. To ensure you are connected prior to the beginning of the call, the Company suggests registering a minimum of 10 minutes before the start of the call.

About Nyxoah
Nyxoah is a medical technology company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Nyxoah’s lead solution is the Genio® system, a patient–centered, leadless and battery–free hypoglossal neurostimulation therapy for OSA, the world’s most common sleep disordered breathing condition that is associated with increased mortality risk and cardiovascular comorbidities. Nyxoah is driven by the vision that OSA patients should enjoy restful nights and feel enabled to live their life to its fullest. 

Following the successful completion of the BLAST OSA study, the Genio® system received its European CE Mark in 2019. Nyxoah completed two successful IPOs: on Euronext Brussels in September 2020 and NASDAQ in July 2021. Following the positive outcomes of the BETTER SLEEP study, Nyxoah received CE mark approval for the expansion of its therapeutic indications to Complete Concentric Collapse (CCC) patients, currently contraindicated in competitors’ therapy. Additionally, the Company announced positive outcomes from the DREAM IDE pivotal study for FDA and U.S. commercialization approval.

For more information, please see the Company’s annual report for the financial year 2023 which will be filed on March 20, 2024 and visit http://www.nyxoah.com/.

Caution – CE marked since 2019. Investigational device in the United States. Limited by U.S. federal law to investigational use in the United States.

Forward–looking statements

Certain statements, beliefs and opinions in this press release are forward–looking, which reflect the Company’s or, as appropriate, the Company directors’ or managements’ current expectations regarding the Genio® system and ongoing clinical studies of the Genio® system; the potential advantages of the Genio® system; Nyxoah’s goals with respect to the development, regulatory pathway and potential use of the Genio® system; the utility of clinical data in potentially obtaining FDA approval of the Genio® system; reporting data from Nyxoah’s DREAM U.S. pivotal trial; filing for FDA approval; and entrance to the U.S. market. By their nature, forward–looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements. These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors could adversely affect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Additionally, these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks and uncertainties set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 20–F for the year ended December 31, 2022, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on March 22, 2023, and subsequent reports that the Company files with the SEC. A multitude of factors including, but not limited to, changes in demand, competition and technology, can cause actual events, performance or results to differ significantly from any anticipated development. Forward looking statements contained in this press release regarding past trends or activities are not guarantees of future performance and should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. In addition, even if actual results or developments are consistent with the forward–looking statements contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in future periods. No representations and warranties are made as to the accuracy or fairness of such forward–looking statements. As a result, the Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward–looking statements in this press release as a result of any change in expectations or any change in events, conditions, assumptions or circumstances on which these forward–looking statements are based, except if specifically required to do so by law or regulation. Neither the Company nor its advisers or representatives nor any of its subsidiary undertakings or any such person's officers or employees guarantees that the assumptions underlying such forward–looking statements are free from errors nor does either accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the forward–looking statements contained in this press release or the actual occurrence of the forecasted developments. You should not place undue reliance on forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

David DeMartino, Chief Strategy Officer
+1 310 310 1313


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000930141)

TaiMed Biologics تبرم شراكة تعاون مع AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals لتسويق عقارTrogarzo®  (Ibalizumab-uiyk) في منطقة الشرق الأوسط  وشمال أفريقيا

 تايبيه، تايوان والرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — أبرمت شركة TaiMed Biologics (المشار إليها في ما يلي بـ TaiMed)، وهي شركة تايوانية للتكنولوجيا الحيوية مملوكة للقطاع العام، اتفاقية ترخيص وتوزيع حصرية مع شركة AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals (المشار إليها في ما يلي بـ AcedrA)، وهي شركة تتخذ من المملكة العربية السعودية مقراً لها وتعمل على تلبية الاحتياجات الطبية غير الملباة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. بموجب الاتفاقية، ستتولى AcedrA تسجيل عقار Trogarzo® (Ibalizumab–uiyk) والترويج والتسويق له في جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.

حصل عقار Trogarzo®  على موافقة إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية لعلاج المرضى البالغين المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية من النوع 1 (HIV–1)، وهو الفيروس المسؤول عن متلازمة نقص المناعة المكتسب (الإيدز). يتمّ إعطاء عقار Trogarzo® إلى جانب الأدوية الأخرى المُستخدمة في حالات الإصابة بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية عندما تفشل أي من التركيبات القياسية في السيطرة على العدوى عندما يكتسب الفيروس مقاومة ضدها (فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية المقاوم للأدوية المتعددة).

وفي معرض تعليقه على الاتفاقية، قال Dr. Jimmy Chang، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة TaiMed: “نحن سعداء للغاية لتمكننا من توسيع نطاق وصول مرضى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية إلى عقار Trogarzo® في دول جديدة. تكرّس شركة AcedrA تركيزها على تطوير الأدوية اليتيمة المخصّصة لعلاج الحالات الطبية النادرة؛ بالتالي، توفر لنا هذه الاتفاقية فرصة رائعة لدخول أسواق منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في فترة زمنية قصيرة.” وأضاف: “تمثّل هذه الاتفاقية خطوة هامة أخرى لجلب القيمة إلى المساهمين من خلال بلوغ الإمكانات التجارية الكاملة لعقار Trogarzo®.”

بموجب شروط الاتفاقية، ستكون AcedrA مسؤولة عن توفير عقارTrogarzo®  وفقاً لطلبات المرضى الفرديين، والتي يمكن من خلالها للأطباء وصف عقار Trogarzo® قانونياً وأخلاقياً للمرضى قبل التوافر التجاري للدواء. وبالتالي، ستكون AcedrA، مسؤولة عن العمليات التنظيمية والمبيعات والتسويق والطب والتوزيع في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا من خلال مجموعة واسعة من أنشطة التوزيع.

من جانبه، أشار Dr. Hosni STA، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة AcedrA: “تكرّس AcedrA جهودها بشكل مسؤول لخدمة المجتمعات التي تكثر فيها الاحتياجات العلاجية غير الملباة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. نحن على ثقة بأن هذا التعاون الهام بين شركتي  AcedrA و TaiMed لاتاحة وصول المرضى بشكل ميسور التكلفة إلى عقار Trogarzo® سيساهم بتحسين النتائج السريرية لمرضى فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية الذين لا يملكون سوى خيارات علاجية محدودة.” وأكمل قائلاً: “يتمثّل التزامنا في أن نكون شركة تركز على المريض، وأن نعمل بشكل وثيق مع الجهات المقدمة للرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، وسيكون من دواعي سرورنا أن نتعاون بشكل استراتيجي مع شركة TaiMed لتعزيز حياة المرضى في المنطقة وتحسينها.”

لمحة عن TaiMed Biologics:

تأسست شركة TaiMed Biologics عام 2007 وكرست جهودها لأن تكون المطوّر والمصنّع الرائد للمستحضرات الصيدلانية الحيوية المبتكرة. قامت TaiMed بتطوير عقار ibalizumab–uiyk (Trogarzo®) الأول ضمن فئته القائم على الأجسام المضادة التي تعالج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية، والذي نال الموافقة من إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية في عام 2018. ومن خلال الاستفادة من الخبرة التي اكتسبتها في تطوير عقار Trogarzo® وغيره من الأجسام المضادة المبتكرة وحيدة النسيلة طويلة المفعول المضادة لفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية التي لا تزال في طور الإعداد، رسخت شركة TaiMed مكانتها أيضاً باعتبارها منظمة لتطوير العقود والتصنيع (CDMO)، تعمل على توفير حلول التصنيع التي تتيح للشركاء اكتشاف المواد الحيوية وتطويرها وتصنيعها بدءاً من منضدة المختبر وصولاً إلى السوق. للمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة الموقع الالكتروني التالي: http://www.taimedbiologics.com.

لمحة عن Trogarzo®  (Ibalizumab–uiyk):

يعدّ عقار Trogarzo®علامة تجارية مسجلة لشركة TaiMed Biologics Inc، وهو من مثبطات ما بعد التعلق الموجّه نحو مستقبلات الخلايا التائية (CD4) المضيفة لعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية من النوع 1 (HIV–1).  Trogarzo® هو جسم مضاد أحادي النسيلة متوافق مع البشر يرتبط بمركّبات المجال الثاني (domain 2) من مجالات الغلوبولين المناعي على سطح الخلايا المناعية. يرتبط البروتين السكري المغلف (gp120) المتموضع على سطح فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية من النوع 1 (HIV–1) بمركّبات المجال الأول (domain 1) من مجالات الغلوبولين المناعي للخلايا التائية. وبفضل اعتماده على الإعاقة الفراغية، (التفاعل الناتج بين الجزيئات نتيجة لشكلها و/أو العلاقة الفراغية بينها)، يساهم عقار Trogarzo®  بصدّ دخول الفيروسات، دون التدخل في وظائف المناعة الخلوية الطبيعية. علاوة على ذلك، Trogarzo® هو العامل المضاد للفيروسات القائم على الأجسام المضادة وحيدة النسيلة (mAb) الأول والوحيد طويل المفعول ضد فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية من النوع 1 (HIV–1)، الحاصل على الترخيص من قبل إدارة الغذاء والدواء الأمريكية، والذي يتمتع بخصائص سلامة مثبتة.

يُستخدم Trogarzo®، وهو من مثبطات ما بعد التعلق الموجّه نحو مستقبلات الخلايا التائية (CD4) المضيفة لعلاج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية من النوع 1 (HIV–1)، إلى جانب مضادات الفيروسات القهقرية الأخرى، لعلاج عدوى فيروس العوز المناعي البشري من النوع 1 (HIV–1) لدى البالغين الذين إما يخضعون أو سبق أن خضعوا للعلاج، المصابين بعدوى فيروس العوز المناعي البشري –1 المقاومة للأدوية المتعددة، والذين لا يحقق نظامهم العلاجي الحالي المضاد للفيروسات القهقرية أي نتيجة.

يمكن للمرضى ومقدمي الرعاية الصحية الحصول على التفاصيل المتعلقة بعقار Trogarzo® عبر الرابط الالكتروني التالي: www.trogarzo.com

يمكن لمتخصصي الرعاية الصحية الاتصال بشركة AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals للاطلاع على المزيد من المعلومات عن برنامج الوصول المبكر / الوصول الخاص إلى عقار Trogarzo®  من خلال الاتصال بالأرقام التالية:

هاتف المكتب في المملكة العربية السعودية: 966114000036+
هاتف المكتب في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة: 97148855083+
هاتف المكتب في تونس: 21670287207+
أو عبر البريد الإلكتروني: medical.affairs@acedrarx.com

لمحة عن AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals:

تعدّ شركة AcedrA Pharmaceutical Company (المعروفة أيضاً باسم AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals) شركة متخصصة تكرّس جهودها لدعم الاحتياجات الطبية والتجارية غير الملباة التي من شأنها المساهمة في رعاية المرضى، تقدم خدماتها إلى منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا انطلاقاً من مقرّها في المملكة العربية السعودية. تملك AcedrA، وهي شركة سعودية مقرها في العاصمة الرياض، مكاتب موزّعة في كلّ من دبي بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وفي العاصمة التونسية، تونس. تركز الشركة على تسويق وتوزيع الأدوية والتكنولوجيا الحيوية للقطاعات العلاجية المتخصصة التالية: الأمراض النادرة، الأدوية اليتيمة، أمراض الدم، الأورام، أمراض التمثيل الغذائي، الاضطرابات الوراثية، العلاجات الأنزيمية البديلة، تقنيات إعادة التوليف، الأدوية المخصّصة لعلاج الأمراض المهددة للحياة، علم الأعصاب، البدائل الحيوية، وغيرها الكثير.

للاطلاع على المزيد من المعلومات عن شركة AcedrA BioPharmaceuticals، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الالكتروني التالي: www.acedrarx.com  أو إرسال الاستفسارات إلى عنوان البريد الالكتروني التالي: info@acedrarx.com

لوسائل الإعلام: media@acedrarx.com

جهات الاتصال:

الجهات المسؤولة عن الاتصالات الاعلامية لدى AcedrA

Dr. Ameera Abu Jarour
Quality & Business Support Manager
Tel: +966 11 400 0036
Email: ameera.abj@acedrarx.com

Eng. Layla Wahabi
Chief Compliance Officer
Tel: +966 11 400 0032
Email: layla.wah@acedrarx.com 

المسؤول عن الاتصالات الاعلامية لدى TaiMed

Jack Chen
Chief Financial Officer
Email: jchen@taimedbio.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000930028)

Zoom Named to Fast Company’s Annual List of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM), has been named to Fast Company’s prestigious list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024.

This year’s list shines a spotlight on businesses that are shaping industry and culture through their innovations. These organizations are setting new standards and achieving remarkable milestones in all sectors of the economy. Alongside the World's 50 Most Innovative Companies, Fast Company recognizes 606 organizations across 58 sectors and regions.

“At Zoom, we continue to innovate rapidly and are doubling down on our commitment to offering an AI–powered collaboration platform that delivers limitless human connection, reimagines teamwork, and strengthens customer connections,” said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. “Fast Company’s recognition further validates our mission and dedication to providing our customers with choice and a high–quality, open collaboration platform powered by AI that just works.”

Zoom AI Companion drives impact in the workplace
In 2023, Zoom launched AI Companion, an AI–powered assistant that is designed to empower collaboration and unlock users’ potential across the Zoom platform by delivering critical information, automating routine tasks, and helping users stay informed. AI Companion utilizes Zoom's unique federated approach to AI, which is designed to deliver high–quality results by dynamically incorporating Zoom’s artificial intelligence model as well as third–party artificial intelligence models. With this approach, Zoom can offer AI Companion across the Zoom platform and at no additional cost*, helping to democratize AI by making it accessible to all employees within an organization.

AI Companion delivers on Zoom’s commitment to helping businesses drive more effective collaboration and productivity through its platform, including Meetings, Team Chat, Notes, Docs, Whiteboard, Mail and Calendar, and Clips. Users can stay within one platform to help make work, less work.

Users can benefit from the multitude of AI Companion capabilities that can assist with repetitive tasks, helping to save users time and increase efficiency, including:

  • Receive an automated meeting summary after the meeting to share with attendees and those who were unable to attend.
  • Catch up quickly in a meeting without disrupting the meeting flow by discreetly submitting questions via the in–meeting AI Companion side panel.
  • Watch recordings through highlights and smart chapters, and review summaries and next steps, to quickly catch up on a missed meeting.
  • Receive help to quickly draft messages based on the context of a Team Chat thread, and ask AI Companion to adjust tone and length.
  • Catch up on long chat threads through generative AI summarization.
  • Get help generating ideas on a digital whiteboard and organizing them into categories.
  • Receive AI–generated draft email suggestions based on the context of an email thread.

Additional capabilities are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

The World's Most Innovative Companies stands as Fast Company's hallmark franchise and one of its most anticipated editorial efforts of the year.

Fast Company's editors and writers identified the companies driving progress around the world and across industries, evaluating thousands of submissions through a competitive application process. The result is a globe–spanning guide to innovation today, from early–stage startups to some of the most valuable companies in the world. Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies package is available online, as well as in–app form via iTunes, and on newsstands beginning March 26. The hashtag is #FCMostInnovative.

“Our list of the Most Innovative Companies is both a comprehensive look at the innovation economy and a snapshot of the business trends that defined the year,” said Fast Company editor–in–chief Brendan Vaughan. “We saw extraordinary innovation across the board in 2023, but we also saw a handful of clear patterns: the growing footprint and impact of AI, the triumphant return of live events, and great leaps forward in climate tech. We face daunting challenges on many fronts, but the solutions we celebrate in MIC give me plenty of hope about the future.”

Fast Company will host the Most Innovative Companies Summit and Gala on May 16. The summit features a morning and afternoon of inspiring content, followed by a creative black–tie gala including networking, a seated dinner, and an honoree presentation. This event celebrates the Most Innovative Companies honorees and provides an inside look at cutting–edge business trends and what it takes to innovate in 2024.

About Zoom
Zoom is an all–in–one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at zoom.com.

Fast Company is the only media brand fully dedicated to the vital intersection of business, innovation, and design, engaging the most influential leaders, companies, and thinkers on the future of business. Headquartered in New York City, Fast Company is published by Mansueto Ventures LLC, along with our sister publication Inc., and can be found online at www.fastcompany.com.

Zoom Public Relations
Bridget Moriarty

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9065842)

Couvrez les derniers développements en matière d'allergie et d'immunologie clinique lors du Congrès 2024 de l'EAACI à Valence en Espagne


VALENCE, Espagne, 19 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L'European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), qui compte plus de 16 000 membres venant de 125 pays, organise chaque année son congrès autour des dernières avancées en matière de recherche et d'innovation dans le domaine de l'allergie et de l'immunologie clinique. C'est avec grand plaisir que nous vous invitons à participer au prochain congrès 2024 de l'EAACI, qui aura lieu à Valence en Espagne du 31 mai au 3 juin 2024.
Afin que vous puissiez profiter d'une expérience immersive, nous vous proposerons un espace presse dédié où vous pourrez organiser des entretiens avec des médecins et des chercheurs de premier plan dans ce domaine.

S'inscrire gratuitement

Notre site, la Foire de Valence, est un centre de congrès et d'expositions prestigieux, reconnu pour sa modernité et sa versatilité. De plus, l'événement se déroulera à Valence, une ville espagnole dynamique, réputée pour son harmonieuse coexistence entre tradition et modernité.

Le programme scientifique portera sur l'ensemble des domaines de l'allergie et de l'immunologie clinique. Avec pour thème général « Révolutionner les soins aux patients grâce à la puissance de la science des données », notre congrès promet d'être un événement de réflexion exceptionnel. Nous nous réjouissons de présenter un programme varié et dynamique, comprenant plus de 150 séances scientifiques, soigneusement élaborées pour informer et inspirer les participants.


  • Sciences de l'environnement : joignez–vous à la conversation pour comprendre le lien entre les problèmes environnementaux et la hausse considérable des maladies allergiques telles que l'asthme, la rhinoconjonctivite allergique et la dermatite atopique dans les pays industrialisés au cours des dernières années.
  • Allergies alimentaires : un problème majeur de santé publique, dont la fréquence augmente dans les zones métropolitaines et qui a un impact significatif sur la vie des patients souffrant d'allergies. Nous discuterons des approches de pointe en matière de gestion des allergies alimentaires.
  • Innovations en immunothérapie : découvrez des développements révolutionnaires en matière d'immunothérapie allergénique, un domaine voué à transformer le traitement des allergies. En savoir plus sur les dernières avancées dans l'application de l'immunothérapie.
  • Allergies pédiatriques : examinez l'incidence croissante des allergies chez les enfants dans le monde entier et les facteurs qui contribuent à ce phénomène. Découvrez les initiatives mondiales concernant les allergies pédiatriques et les efforts de collaboration visant à améliorer le bien–être des enfants qui en souffrent.

Les principaux leaders d'opinion de l'EAACI
Sous ce lien, vous trouverez notre comité dédié, composé de médecins et de scientifiques renommés de différentes nationalités, disponibles pour des interviews et des rapports.

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE : https://eaaci.org/news/


Podcast : https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram : @eaaciHQ
Twitter: @EAACI_HQ
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EAACI
CONTACT : communications@eaaci.org

HASHTAGS : #EAACIannualCongress

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000929992)

Fique a par dos últimos desenvolvimentos nas áreas da Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica no Congresso da EAACI de 2024 em Valência, Espanha


VALÊNCIA, Espanha, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Academia Europeia de Alergia e Imunologia Clínica (EAACI), com mais de 16 mil associados de 125 países, organiza anualmente o seu congresso para revelar a mais recente investigação e avanços inovadores no âmbito das alergias e imunologia clínica. Temos o prazer de lhe fazer o convite para participar no próximo Congresso da EAACI de 2024, que decorrerá em Valência, de 31 de maio a 3 de junho de 2024.
Na tentativa de oferecermos uma experiência imersiva, oferecemos uma área dedicada à comunicação social, na qual poderá agendar entrevistas com os mais destacados médicos e investigadores do setor.

Registe–se gratuitamente

O nosso recinto, a Feria de Valencia, é um prestigiado centro de convenções e exposições conhecido pela sua modernidade e versatilidade. Além disso, o evento terá lugar na vibrante cidade de Valência, que é reconhecida pela coexistência harmoniosa de tradição e modernidade.

O Programa Científico irá englobar todo o espetro da Alergologia e Imunologia Clínica. Sob o tema abrangente “Revolucionar os cuidados dos pacientes através do poder da ciência de dados”, o nosso congresso promete ser uma jornada intelectual extraordinária. Temos o prazer de apresentar um programa diversificado e dinâmico, com mais de 150 sessões científicas meticulosamente concebidas para informar e inspirar.


  • Ciência ambiental: Junte–se ao debate para compreender como as questões ambientais aumentaram significativamente as doenças alérgicas, tais como a asma, a rinoconjuntivite alérgica e a dermatite atópica nos países industrializados nos últimos anos.
  • Alergias alimentares: Um importante problema de saúde pública com uma crescente prevalência em áreas metropolitanas e um impacto significativo nas vidas dos pacientes com alergias. Iremos debater abordagens de vanguarda que visam o tratamento das alergias alimentares.
  • Inovações na imunoterapia: Descubra os desenvolvimentos revolucionários na imunoterapia com alergénios, uma área que está a transformar o panorama do tratamento das alergias. Descubra os mais recentes avanços na aplicação de imunoterapia.
  • Alergias pediátricas: Explore a crescente incidência de alergias entre as crianças em todo o mundo e os fatores que contribuem para este fenómeno. Obtenha perspetivas no que respeita a iniciativas globais que visam as alergias pediátricas e esforços colaborativos para aumentar o bem–estar dos jovens afetados por alergias.

Líderes de opinião da EAACI
Nesta hiperligação, encontrará o nosso comité dedicado, composto por médicos e cientistas de renome, de várias nacionalidades, que estão disponíveis para entrevistas e relatos.

COMUNICADO DE IMPRENSA: https://eaaci.org/news/


Podcast: https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram: @eaaciHQ
Twitter: @EAACI_HQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EAACI
CONTACTO: communications@eaaci.org

HASHTAGS: #EAACIannualCongress

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000929992)

Cover the Latest Developments in Allergy and Clinical Immunology at the EAACI Congress 2024 in Valencia, Spain


VALENCIA, Spain, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), with a membership of over 16,000 from 125 countries, annually orchestrates its congress to unveil the latest research and innovative advancements in allergy and clinical immunology. We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the upcoming EAACI Congress 2024, scheduled to take place in Valencia from May 31st to June 3rd, 2024.
In a bid to provide you with an immersive experience, we will offer you a dedicated press area where you can schedule interviews with leading physicians and researchers in the field.

Register for free

Our venue, Feria de Valencia, is a prestigious convention and exhibition centre known for its modernity and versatility. Moreover, the event will take place at the vibrant city of Valencia, which is celebrated for its harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity.

The Scientific Programme will encompass the entire spectrum of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Under the overarching theme of “Revolutionizing Patient Care Through the Power of Data Science” our congress promises to be an extraordinary intellectual journey. We are delighted to present a diverse and dynamic program featuring over 150 scientific sessions meticulously crafted to inform and inspire.


  • Environmental Science: Join the conversation to understand how environmental issues have significantly increased allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and atopic dermatitis in industrialized countries in recent years.
  • Food Allergy: A major public health issue with rising prevalence in metropolitan areas and a significant impact on the lives of patients with allergies. We will discuss about cutting–edge approaches to managing food allergies.
  • Innovations in Immunotherapy: Discover revolutionary developments in allergen immunotherapy, an area transforming the landscape of allergy treatment. Learn about the latest advances in the application of immunotherapy.
  • Pediatric Allergies: Explore the increasing incidence of allergies among children worldwide and the factors contributing to this phenomenon. Gain insights into global initiatives addressing pediatric allergies and collaborative efforts to enhance the well–being of young individuals affected by allergies.

In this link, you'll find our dedicated committee, comprised of renowned doctors and scientists from various nationalities, available for interviews and reports.

PRESS RELEASE: https://eaaci.org/news/


Podcast: https://linktr.ee/eaaci
CONTACT: communications@eaaci.org

HASHTAGS: #EAACIannualCongress

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000929992)

Informieren Sie sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Allergie und klinischen Immunologie auf dem EAACI-Kongress 2024 in Valencia, Spanien


VALENCIA, Spanien, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Europäische Akademie für Allergologie und klinische Immunologie (EAACI), die mehr als 16.000 Mitglieder aus 125 Ländern zählt, veranstaltet jährlich diesen Kongress, um die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und innovativen Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Allergie und der klinischen Immunologie vorzustellen. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum kommenden EAACI–Kongress 2024 ein, der vom 31. Mai bis 3. Juni 2024 in Valencia stattfinden wird.
In einem eigens eingerichteten Pressebereich haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Interviews mit führenden Ärzten und Forschern auf diesem Gebiet zu vereinbaren, sodass Sie einen umfassenden Eindruck gewinnen können.

Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos

Unser Veranstaltungsort, die Feria de Valencia, ist ein renommiertes Kongress– und Ausstellungszentrum, welches für seine Modernität und Vielseitigkeit bekannt ist. Diese Veranstaltung findet zudem in der pulsierenden Stadt Valencia statt, wo Tradition und Moderne Hand in Hand gehen.

Das wissenschaftliche Programm wird das gesamte Spektrum der Allergologie und klinischen Immunologie umfassen. Unter dem übergreifenden Thema „Revolutionizing Patient Care Through the Power of Data Science“ erwartet Sie eine Konferenz, die zu einer außergewöhnlichen intellektuellen Reise einlädt. Wir freuen uns, ein vielfältiges und abwechslungsreiches Programm mit über 150 wissenschaftlichen Beiträgen präsentieren zu können, die mit großer Sorgfalt zusammengestellt wurden, um zu informieren und zu inspirieren.


  • Umweltwissenschaft: Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Umweltprobleme in den letzten Jahren in den Industrieländern zu einem erheblichen Anstieg allergischer Erkrankungen wie Asthma bronchiale, allergischer Rhinokonjunktivitis und atopischer Dermatitis geführt haben.
  • Lebensmittelallergie: Ein zentrales Problem der öffentlichen Gesundheit mit steigender Prävalenz in Großstädten und erheblichen Auswirkungen auf das Leben von Allergikern. Wir werden über innovative Ansätze zur Behandlung von Lebensmittelallergien diskutieren.
  • Innovationen in der Immuntherapie: Entdecken Sie revolutionäre Entwicklungen in der Allergen–Immuntherapie, einem Bereich, der die Allergietherapie grundlegend verändert. Erfahren Sie mehr über die jüngsten Fortschritte beim Einsatz der Immuntherapie.
  • Pädiatrische Allergien: Informieren Sie sich über das weltweit zunehmende Auftreten von Allergien bei Kindern und die Faktoren, die zu dieser Entwicklung beitragen. Erhalten Sie Einblicke in globale Initiativen zum Thema pädiatrische Allergien und in gemeinsame Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung des Wohlergehens junger Allergiker.

Schlüsselakteure des EAACI
Unter diesem Link stellen wir Ihnen unser engagiertes Komitee vor, das sich aus renommierten Ärzten und Wissenschaftlern verschiedener Nationalitäten zusammensetzt und für Interviews und Berichte zur Verfügung steht.

PRESSEMITTEILUNG: https://eaaci.org/news/


Podcast: https://linktr.ee/eaaci
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eaaci/
Instagram: @eaaciHQ
Twitter: @EAACI_HQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EAACI
KONTAKT: communications@eaaci.org

HASHTAGS: #EAACIannualCongress

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000929992)

Education Cannot Wait Interviews Professor Mohammed Belhocine, Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation within the African Union

By External Source
Mar 19 2024 (IPS-Partners)


Professor Mohammed Belhocine is an Algerian national. Former Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, he held various positions in Algeria, at the Faculty of Medicine and the Ministry of Health, before joining the international civil service in 1997. Former Director of the Division of Non-Communicable Diseases at the WHO Regional Office for Africa (in Harare, then in Brazzaville), he was also WHO Representative in Nigeria and Tanzania. He ended his career as UN System Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Tunisia from 2009 to 2013. From June 2015 to February 2016, at the request of the WHO Regional Director, he returned to duty as WHO Representative in Guinea, playing an active role in providing technical support and expertise to the country’s response to the Ebola epidemic. In October 2021, supported by his country, he was elected to the position of Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation within the African Union. Professor Belhocine is the father of three children and has six grandchildren.

ECW: 2024 is the Africa Year of Education. How can African Union Member States work with donors, civil society partners and multilateral organizations to transform and accelerate the delivery of education for girls and boys impacted by armed conflicts, forced displacement and climate-induced disasters in Africa?

Professor Mohammed Belhocine: The AU Theme of the Year 2024 is dedicated to Education, and it presents a crucial opportunity for African Union Member States to collaborate with various stakeholders to enhance education delivery for children affected by conflicts, displacement and climate disasters.

Leveraging existing frameworks like the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25), countries can embark on policy alignment, ensuring the alignment of national education policies, prioritizing inclusive and quality education for all, particularly in crisis-affected areas.

In addition, AU Member States can embark on work with civil society partners, multilateral organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO, WFP, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and Education Cannot Wait, and multilateral or bilateral funding partners, to mobilize resources for education programs in conflict zones and areas affected by displacement and climate disasters; and they can advocate for increased attention and investment in education in crisis settings at regional and global forums, while forging partnerships with governments, NGOs, and international agencies to amplify impact and reach. Many examples can be drawn, throughout the continent.

For example, on education delivery for girls and boys impacted by armed conflict, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has established the “Children, Not Soldiers” campaign in collaboration with the United Nations, advocating for the release and reintegration of child soldiers and prioritizing their education and rehabilitation.

In Somalia, GPE has partnered with the government to support the rebuilding of its education system, providing funding for teacher training, school construction and curriculum development in conflict-affected regions.

On displaced children, civil society organizations play a crucial role in engaging communities, advocating for children’s rights, and providing education services in hard-to-reach areas. They can work closely with communities to identify needs, mobilize resources and implement education programs tailored to local contexts.

In South Sudan, for instance, organizations like Save the Children and UNICEF have established temporary learning spaces and community-based education programs to reach children affected by conflict and displacement, ensuring continuity of learning in challenging environments.

The Education Cannot Wait (ECW) fund has supported countries like Nigeria in providing education for internally displaced children affected by the Boko Haram insurgency, focusing on building inclusive and resilient education systems. Likewise, in the Western Sahara refugee camp of Tindouf (Algeria) UNICEF, WFP, UNHCR and NGOs are supporting children’s education.

On climate change-induced disasters, following the devastating impact of Cyclone Idai in 2019, Mozambique has been working with international partners to rebuild and strengthen its education infrastructure. The intervention includes constructing cyclone-resistant schools and developing early warning systems to protect schools from future disasters. Kenya is implementing a climate change curriculum in primary and secondary schools to educate about climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

By leveraging the expertise, resources and collective efforts of African Union member states, donor organizations, civil society partners and multilateral organizations, it’s possible to transform and accelerate the delivery of education for children impacted by crises in Africa, ensuring they have access to quality education and opportunities for a brighter future.

AU Member States can foster innovation in education delivery, such as leveraging technology for remote learning and establishing temporary learning spaces in refugee camps and disaster-affected areas; enhance the capacity of education systems to respond effectively to crises, including training teachers and education personnel in trauma-informed pedagogy and psychosocial support; and engage communities, including parents, local leaders and affected populations, in the design and implementation of education programs to ensure relevance and sustainability.

For instance, through Japanese funding, the International Institute of Capacity Building in Africa (UNESCO-IICBA) supports the African Union International Centre for Women and Girls Education (AU-CIEFFA) in two main projects. The first one aims at creating safe, supportive, and resilient learning environments to safeguard children’s right to education amid conflict and crises in the Sahel, Central and East Africa with a budget of US$1,155,000. The second relates to capacity-building of teachers to promote continuous and inclusive access to safe and quality education for girls in west Africa with a budget of US$3,260,000.

ECW: Approximately 98 million children are out-of-school across sub-Saharan Africa. In areas impacted by armed conflict, forced displacement, climate change and other protracted crises, girls are especially at risk of dropping out, being forced into child marriage, and being denied their human rights. Why must we redouble investments in girls’ education?

Professor Mohammed Belhocine: Redoubling investments in girls’ education is imperative, especially in areas affected by armed conflict, displacement and climate crises, considering the Safe Schools Declaration. It is believed that girls in these contexts face heightened risks of dropping out, child marriage and human rights violations. This adds to the fact that even in “normal” times, less girls attend school than boys.

Against this backdrop, the African Union Commission established the African Union International Centre for Girls and Women (AU-CIEFFA), to coordinate the promotion of girls’ and women’s education in Africa, with a view of achieving their economic, social and cultural empowerment. The Centre works closely with AU Member States and government, civil society, and international partners to keep girls’ education as a priority concern. We all know that education is a driver for peace and stability. By ensuring that girls have access to safe and quality education, we can help prevent conflict, promote social cohesion and contribute to long-term peacebuilding efforts which, invariably, will promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. It will protect girls from social abuses: child marriage, human trafficking, sexual abuse, child labour and so on. We must redouble investments in girls’ education to implement the Safe School Declaration, which has been ratified by 35 AU member States and which reaffirms the commitment to protect education from attack during armed conflict. Redoubling investments in girls’ education should include implementing measures outlined in the declaration to ensure safe learning environments for all children, especially girls, in crisis-affected areas. COVID-19 exacerbated those vulnerabilities.

ECW: There is a massive funding gap for education across Africa, particularly for girls and boys impacted by emergencies and protracted crises. Why should donors, the private sector and high-net-worth individuals invest in education in Africa through dedicated funds such as “Education Cannot Wait”?

Professor Mohammed Belhocine: Donors, the private sector and high-net-worth individuals are encouraged to invest in education in Africa, through efficiently dedicated funds, such as Education Cannot Wait.

One of the reasons here should be for long-term stability and peace. We all know that education plays a crucial role in fostering social cohesion, promoting peacebuilding and preventing conflict. By investing in education in Africa, donors can support initiatives that provide safe and inclusive learning environments, promote tolerance and understanding, and empower young people to actively participate in building peaceful and stable societies.

On the other hand, education is a key determinant for economic development. Education is a powerful catalyst for economic growth and poverty reduction. By investing in education, donors can help equip young Africans with the knowledge and skills they need to participate in the workforce, start businesses, and contribute to their communities’ development. This, in turn, can have positive ripple effects on Africa’s overall economic prosperity. Experts teach us that the mid-term return on investment in education is one of the highest.

In addition, education is closely intertwined with health outcomes. By investing in education, donors can support initiatives that provide children with essential health education, promote positive health behaviours, and contribute to better health outcomes for individuals and communities. Furthermore, education can also serve as a protective factor against issues such as child marriage, early pregnancy and other harmful practices.

Therefore, investing in education in Africa through dedicated funds such as Education Cannot Wait is not only a moral imperative, but also a strategic opportunity to build a better future for millions of children and youth, unlock the continent’s potential, and contribute to global progress and prosperity.

ECW: As seen by droughts in the Sahel, flooding in Libya and East Africa, and other climate-induced disasters, climate change is a major threat to sustainable development across Africa. How can we better connect the dots between climate action and education action to build a more sustainable future for Africa?

Professor Mohammed Belhocine: Connecting climate and education actions is better done within existing African Union’s Frameworks, aligned with Agenda 2063, for a more sustainable future in Africa.

One of the steps to take is to implement initiatives to make schools more environmentally sustainable, such as smart water management, incorporating renewable energy sources, promoting waste reduction and recycling, as well as integrating environmental themes into school activities and infrastructure development. This can also be done by engaging local communities in climate education and action through outreach programs, community-based projects, and partnerships with grassroots organizations, fostering a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for climate change resilience and environmental stewardship.

These actions cannot go without providing training and support to educators, policymakers and community leaders on climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience-building strategies, empowering them to lead effective initiatives at the local, regional and national levels. This can also lead to investment in research and innovation to develop context-specific solutions to climate-related challenges in education, leveraging indigenous knowledge and technology to build resilience and promote sustainable development.

Lastly here is the need to foster collaboration between education and environmental ministries, as well as other relevant sectors such as agriculture, energy and water resources, to develop holistic approaches in addressing climate change through education and policy integration. The need to raise awareness about the interconnectedness of climate change and education, calls for increased funding, policy support and international cooperation to address both issues effectively and equitably.

ECW: We all know that ‘leaders are readers’ and that reading skills are key to every child’s education. What are three books that have most influenced you personally and/or professionally, and why would you recommend them to others?

Professor Mohammed Belhocine: The more you read, the more you learn. As one famous singer put it: “I am a beginner with whitening hair.”

It’s difficult to select only three books, as all of them would influence you in one way or another. Screening through my recent and ancient readings, and trying to link your question to our discussion, I would single out three important titles: The first one is the monumental work of Cheikh Anta Diop, Pre-colonial black Africa (1960), which, when published, constituted a major epistemological break with hitherto received ideas on African historical sociology. It is a must for whoever wants to better understand the anthropological, social, cultural, scientific and economic foundations of African societies. The second relates to the famous best seller Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2012) by Yuval Noah Harari. Combining natural and social sciences, the author offers, in a simple and pleasant style, an overview of the history of mankind from the Stone Age to the 21st century. This book was followed by another one from the same author, questioning the future of humankind: 21 lessons for the 21st century in an era of ever evolving technologies.

Many other titles come into my mind. These include, for instance, the works of Joseph Ki Zerbo on African history, culture and education, and many novels from African and non-African novelists, but let me stop here.

As we enter the digital era, I cannot but encourage our youth to read books, because reading a book helps consolidate our knowledge, our memory and our critical thinking, and ultimately, forge our character.


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How A Program in Ghana to Create Green Jobs Can Be a Lesson for US Mayors & Across the Globe

The MMC, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, and local community leaders celebrate the construction of a childcare center in an informal area of Accra, Ghana. Credit: Samer Saliba

By Elizabeth K. T. Sackey and Vittoria Zanuso
ACCRA / NEW YORK, Mar 19 2024 – For the past eight years, Chiso has collected waste as part of Accra’s informal waste management sector. Since arriving in Ghana from Nigeria, he has earned enough to allow him and his family to survive, but saving money has been nearly impossible.

For Chiso, accessing the formal labor market has been challenging due to factors like obtaining a national ID. Without access to a formal job, Chiso has no negotiating power, leaving him at the mercy of fluctuating market prices and aggressive competitors, jeopardizing his health and livelihood.

For years, Accra has faced two concurrent trends: the arrival of displaced people like Chiso into the city from elsewhere in the country and West Africa, and a growing need for workers in green jobs to make the city cleaner, healthier and safer. Many displaced people in Accra, like most other cities, struggle to find good-paying jobs.

At the same time, Accra grapples with improper waste management – the World Bank estimates that around 20,000 Ghanaians die prematurely each year from poor water, sanitation and hygiene, most of them living in Accra,

Teaming up with the Mayors Migration Council, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly devised a solution to tackle both of these issues at once, and turn what could be seen as a challenge into the opportunity to build a greener, more inclusive city: we would help migrant workers enroll in formal waste cooperatives, while helping fill gaps in the city’s waste management value chain.

Since the program’s launch last year with support from the Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees, we’ve successfully established a cooperative of 40 waste workers and assisted over 250 people in situations similar to Chiso’s register for national health insurance.

We also convened national and city authorities to advocate for nationwide policy changes to make it easier for migrants to access jobs by simplifying requirements for national identification and other services.

And we’re alleviating the daily strains that migrants in Accra face, such as creating a child care center in a major hub for informal waste workers to provide safe spaces for children away from the hazardous sites where their parents work.

This program not only demonstrates what happens when funds are given directly to the governments closest to the people, but also illustrates how migrants can fill employment gaps, contributing to greener and more inclusive cities. And it can be done anywhere in the world – including in the U.S.

Like Ghana, many cities have large numbers of migrants eager to work in the formal economy, coupled with a shortage of workers to take on green jobs. In the U.S. this is particularly the case following recent investments from the Inflation Reduction Act that will boost the green labor market with more than 1.5 million new clean energy jobs by 2030.

Given the large scale of labor demands, this could result in a worker shortage. But migrant workers could play an important role in accelerating the green transition by filling skills gaps and labor needs like those that are expected in the U.S. in the next few years. We believe that mayors across the U.S. and the globe could also develop win-win programs that match migrants who want to work with jobs that cities need to fill.

Several U.S. mayors for example, including Mayor Ron Nirenberg in San Antonio, Mayor Kate Gallego in Phoenix, Mayor Karen Bass in Los Angeles, Mayor Mike Johnson in Denver, and Mayor Brandon Johnson in Chicago, have already been champions for migrants in their communities.

In these cities, migrants constitute a large proportion of the workforce in rapidly growing green industries like waste management and manufacturing.

As the number of migrants and displaced individuals seeking refuge in cities continues to rise in the U.S. and worldwide, there’s a need to support the mayors embracing them as active contributors to the transition to a green economy. Despite doing more with less, mayors often lack access to the funding and resources needed to implement solutions like Accra’s at scale.

Accra’s green jobs program serves as a model for the effectiveness of directly funding mayors who know their cities’ needs and opportunities best. We call on the philanthropic community to join us and lead by example by localizing their giving and investing directly in cities, and we call on mayors across the world to consider how they can create win-win opportunities for migrants and their city’s economies.

Elizabeth K. T. Sackey is Mayor of Accra, Ghana and Vittoria Zanuso is Executive Director of the Mayors Migration Council.

IPS UN Bureau


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