eXp Realty Ultrapassa Marco de 1.000 Agentes na África do Sul

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Aug. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty , "the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet" e a principal subsidiria da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), anunciou hoje que ultrapassou 1.000 agentes em toda a frica do Sul, representando um aumento de mais de 74% em relao ao total de 574 agentes em julho de 2022.

"Este um momento de orgulho para a eXp Realty South Africa, por alcanar um marco to grande", disse Michael Valdes, Diretor de Crescimento da eXp Realty. “Nossa proposta de valor atraente e em constante evoluo voltada para o agente continua a repercutir com agentes de todo o mundo. Estamos muito contentes em poder contar com mais de 1.000 profissionais do setor imobilirio na frica do Sul!”

De acordo com Andrew Thompson, Diretor e Lder de Pas da eXp Realty South Africa, a eXp South Africa realizou mais transaes nos primeiros seis meses deste ano em comparao com o ano passado. "A eXp frica do Sul teve uma operao positiva de fluxo de caixa, livre de dvidas e lucrativa nos seus primeiros 15 meses desde que recebeu sua licena por meio da Autoridade Reguladora de Profissionais de Propriedades em dezembro de 2020", disse Thompson.

"Desde o seu incio, a eXp permanece comprometida em colocar os agentes em primeiro lugar e proporcionar a eles o conhecimento e as ferramentas necessrias para que possam atingir todo o seu potencial. Tenho muito orgulho de poder liderar um grupo to incrvel de agentes nessa expanso e alm", acrescentou.

A eXp frica do Sul tem orgulho na sua dedicao em servir a comunidade, tendo recentemente doado R350.000 para o Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman da Gift of the Givers em apoio s comunidades locais e internacionais.

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) a holding da eXp Realty , Virbela e SUCCESS Enterprises.

A eXp Realty a maior empresa imobiliria independente do mundo, com mais de 88.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canad, Reino Unido, Austrlia, frica do Sul, ndia, Mxico, Portugal, Frana, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itlia, Hong Kong, Colmbia, Espanha, Israel, Panam, Alemanha, Repblica Dominicana, Grcia, Nova Zelndia, Chile, Polnia e Dubai alm de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobilirio a oportunidade nica de ganhar prmios de capital por metas de produo e contribuies para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de solues tecnolgicas de corretagem e imobiliria, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, servios profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, que permite que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS e seus ativos de mdia, foi fundada em 1897 e uma marca e publicao lder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informao, visite https://expworldholdings.com.

Declarao de Previso

As declaraes de previso contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declaraes de previso que tm por base a atual opinio e suposies da administrao que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. As declaraes de previso so vlidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a empresa no tem nenhuma obrigao de atualizar ou revisar tais declaraes. Tais declaraes no so garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declaraes de previso incluem, mudanas nos negcios ou outras condies de mercado; dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em nveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, de aumentar a receita; e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comisso de Valores Mobilirios da empresa, incluindo, mas no se limitando ao Relatrio Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulrio 10–Q e no Relatrio Anual no Formulrio 10–K.

Contato de Relaes com a Mdia:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contato de Relaes com Investidores:

Denise Garcia


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8893103)

eXp Realty dépasse le jalon des 1 000 agents en Afrique du Sud

BELLINGHAM, Washington, 11 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty , le cabinet de courtage le plus ax sur les agents de la plante ( the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet) et la filiale principale d'eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), a annonc aujourd'hui avoir dpass les 1 000 agents travers l'Afrique du Sud, reprsentant une hausse de plus de 74 % par rapport au total de 574 agents en juillet 2022.

Atteindre un tel jalon est une fiert pour eXp Realty South Africa , a dclar Michael Valdes, directeur de la croissance d'eXp Realty. Notre proposition de valeur attrayante et centre sur les agents en constante volution continue d'veiller un cho parmi les agents du monde entier et nous sommes vritablement ravis d'accueillir plus de 1 000 professionnels immobiliers en Afrique du Sud !

Selon Andrew Thompson, directeur et responsable pays d'eXp Realty South Africa, eXp South Africa a comptabilis plus de transactions au cours des six premiers mois de cette anne par rapport l'anne dernire. eXp South Africa a bnfici d'une exploitation au flux de trsorerie positif, sans dette et rentable au cours des 15 premiers mois qui ont suivi l'obtention de sa licence auprs de la Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority en dcembre 2020 , a comment M. Thompson.

Depuis sa cration, eXp demeure engage accorder la priorit aux agents pour les doter des connaissances et outils ncessaires afin d'atteindre leur plein potentiel. Je suis trs fier de pouvoir mener un groupe aussi incroyable d'agents au cours de cette expansion et plus encore , a–t–il ajout.

eXp South Africa est firement dtermine servir la communaut, ayant rcemment fait don de 350 000 R au Dr Imtiaz Sooliman de Gift of the Givers pour soutenir les communauts locales et internationales.

propos d'eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la socit holding d'eXp Realty , Virbela et SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty est la plus grande socit immobilire indpendante dans le monde avec plus de 88 000 agents aux tats–Unis, au Canada, au Royaume–Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, Porto Rico, au Brsil, en Italie, Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Isral, au Panama, en Allemagne, en Rpublique dominicaine, en Grce, en Nouvelle–Zlande, au Chili, en Pologne et Duba, et elle continue de se dvelopper l'chelle internationale. En tant que socit cote en bourse, eXp World Holdings fournit aux professionnels immobiliers l'opportunit unique d'obtenir des primes en actions en fonction de leurs objectifs de production et de leur contribution la croissance globale de l'entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entreprises offrent une gamme complte de solutions technologiques en matire de courtage et d'immobilier, y compris son modle innovant de courtage rsidentiel et commercial, ses services professionnels, ses outils de collaboration et son dveloppement personnel. Le service de courtage bas sur le cloud est aliment par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondment sociale et collaborative, permettant aux agents d'tre plus connects et productifs. SUCCESS Enterprises, ancre par le magazine SUCCESS et ses proprits mdiatiques connexes, a t cre en 1897 et est une marque ainsi qu'une publication de premier plan dans le domaine du dveloppement personnel et professionnel.

Pour tout complment d'information, veuillez consulter le site https://expworldholdings.com.

noncs prospectifs

Les noncs contenus dans les prsentes peuvent inclure des noncs de futures attentes et d'autres noncs prospectifs se basant sur les opinions et suppositions actuelles de la direction et impliquent des risques connus et inconnus ainsi que des incertitudes pouvant causer une diffrence substantielle entre les rsultats, performances ou vnements rels et ceux exprims ou sous–entendus dans ces noncs. Ces noncs prospectifs sont valables uniquement la date indique dans les prsentes, et la socit n'assume aucune obligation de les rviser ou de les mettre jour. Ces noncs ne sont pas des garanties de performances futures. Des facteurs importants pouvant causer une diffrence substantielle et dfavorable entre les rsultats rels et ceux exprims dans les noncs prospectifs comprennent les changements commerciaux ou d'autres conditions du march ; la difficult de maintenir la hausse des dpenses des niveaux modestes tout en augmentant les recettes ; et les autres risques dtaills de temps autre dans les dpts de la socit auprs de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, sans s'y limiter, le rapport trimestriel le plus rcemment dpos sur formulaire 10–Q et le rapport annuel sur formulaire 10–K.

Contact des relations avec les mdias :

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contact des relations avec les investisseurs :

Denise Garcia


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8893103)

eXp Realty überschreitet Meilenstein von 1.000 Maklern in Südafrika

BELLINGHAM, Washington, Aug. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Wie eXp Realty , das sich selbst als "maklerorientiertestes Immobilienmaklerunternehmen der Welt" bezeichnet, und die wichtigste Tochtergesellschaft von eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), heute bekanntgaben, hat das Unternehmen die Marke von 1.000 Maklern in ganz Sdafrika berschritten, was einem Anstieg von ber 74 % gegenber der Gesamtzahl von 574 Maklern im Juli 2022 entspricht.

"Dies ist ein stolzer Moment fr eXp Realty South Africa und ein groer Meilenstein", so Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer von eXp Realty. "Unser attraktives und sich stndig weiterentwickelndes, auf Makler ausgerichtetes Wertangebot findet bei Maklern aus aller Welt groen Anklang, und wir sind begeistert, dass wir in Sdafrika nun mit ber 1.000 Immobilienprofis vertreten sind!"

Laut Andrew Thompson, Director und Country Leader von eXp Realty South Africa, hat eXp South Africa in den ersten sechs Monaten dieses Jahres mehr Transaktionen durchgefhrt als im letzten Jahr. "eXp South Africa hat in den ersten 15 Monaten seit Erhalt der Lizenz durch die Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority im Dezember 2020 einen positiven Cashflow und einen schuldenfreien, profitablen Betrieb realisiert", so Thompson.

"Seit seiner Grndung hat sich eXp stets dafr eingesetzt, die Makler in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen und ihnen das Wissen und die Hilfsmittel an die Hand zu geben, um ihr volles Potenzial ausschpfen zu knnen. Ich bin sehr stolz darauf, eine so unglaubliche Gruppe von Maklern durch diese Expansion und darber hinaus fhren zu knnen", so Thompson weiter.

eXp South Africa ist stolz darauf, sich fr die sdafrikanische Gesellschaft einzusetzen, und spendete krzlich 350.000 ZAR (ca. 17.000 EUR) an Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, Grnder der Hilfsorganisation "Gift of the Givers", um lokale und internationale Gemeinschaften zu untersttzen.

ber eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) ist die Holdinggesellschaft von eXp Realty , Virbela und SUCCESS Enterprises.

eXp Realty ist das grte unabhngige Immobilienunternehmen der Welt mit mehr als 88.000 Maklern in den Vereinigten Staaten, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Knigreich, Australien, Sdafrika, Indien, Mexiko, Portugal, Frankreich, Puerto Rico, Brasilien, Italien, Hongkong, Kolumbien, Spanien, Israel, Panama, Deutschland, der Dominikanischen Republik, Griechenland, Neuseeland, Chile, Polen und Dubai und expandiert weiter auf internationaler Ebene. Als brsennotiertes Unternehmen bietet eXp World Holdings Immobilienfachleuten die einzigartige Mglichkeit, fr Produktionsziele und Beitrge zum Gesamtwachstum des Unternehmens Aktienprmien zu erhalten. eXp World Holdings und seine Geschftsbereiche bieten ein umfassendes Angebot an Technologien fr Makler und Immobilienfachleute, darunter ein innovatives Maklermodell fr Wohn– und Gewerbeimmobilien, professionelle Dienstleistungen, Kollaborationstools und Ressourcen fr persnliche Entwicklung. Das cloudbasierte Maklerunternehmen wird von Virbela untersttzt, einer immersiven 3D–Plattform mit starkem sozialen und kollaborativen Fokus, die es Maklern ermglicht, besser vernetzt und produktiver zu sein. SUCCESS Enterprises, mit der Zeitschrift SUCCESS und den dazugehrigen Medien, wurde 1897 gegrndet und ist eine fhrende Marke und Publikationsplattform fr persnliche und berufliche Entwicklung.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter https://expworldholdings.com.

"Safe Harbor"–Erklrung

Die hierin enthaltenen Aussagen knnen Aussagen ber Zukunftserwartungen und andere zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen enthalten, die auf den gegenwrtigen Ansichten und Annahmen des Managements beruhen und bekannte und unbekannte Risiken und Ungewissheiten beinhalten, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Ereignisse erheblich von den in diesen Aussagen dargelegten oder implizierten abweichen. Solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gelten nur zum Zeitpunkt der Verffentlichung dieses Dokuments. Das Unternehmen ist nicht verpflichtet, sie zu berarbeiten oder zu aktualisieren. Solche Aussagen sind keine Garantie fr zuknftige Leistungen. Zu den wichtigen Faktoren, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich und nachteilig von den in den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen zum Ausdruck gebrachten Ergebnissen abweichen, gehren nderungen der Geschfts– oder sonstigen Marktbedingungen, die Schwierigkeit, das Ausgabenwachstum auf einem bescheidenen Niveau zu halten und gleichzeitig die Einnahmen zu steigern, sowie andere Risiken, die von Zeit zu Zeit in den von der Securities and Exchange Commission eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens beschrieben werden, einschlielich, aber nicht beschrnkt auf den aktuellen per Formular 10–Q eingereichten Quartalsbericht und per Formular 10–K eingereichten Jahresbericht.


eXp World Holdings, Inc.



Denise Garcia


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8893103)

Let’s Shape Tech to be Transformative & Meet Every Child’s Learning Needs

Credit: UNICEF Sujan

By Robert Jenkins, Lauren Rumble and Verena Knaus
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 11 2023 – Did you know that the power of computers has been doubling roughly every two years since the 1960s? Every day it seems there’s a new app or piece of tech that unlocks new and efficient ways to do things; to better engage with the world, or with learning.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the longstanding gender digital divide. Even though digital tech can be used to continue education at scale and is rapidly becoming core to the educational enterprise, it only benefits those who can access it.

And millions of girls often don’t have access to digital technology for many reasons: because communities, schools or families think that technology is a male-only domain, because of online safety risks, because they have been uprooted from their homes or forced to leave school before they learn to use computers, or because they never go to school in the first place.

Even when girls can access digital learning, the content may be rife with harmful gender norms – just as it often is in textbooks. Stereotypes are perpetuated and girls’ education suffers.

Providing access to the tech hardware can make an enormous difference, but it is not a silver bullet. Digital learning isn’t just putting existing materials on a screen instead of on a chalkboard or in a textbook.

It is about taking the opportunity to make education systems better and more responsive to the gender-specific needs of children and young people and equipping teachers with the skills to do so. It can only do that if we’re intentional about how we want to use it.

Recently, the Transforming Education Summit (TES) has committed to doing just that: to “harness the power of the digital revolution to ensure quality education is provided as a public good and a human right, with a particular focus on the most marginalized.”

Unlocking the power of digital learning for these children and young people, especially girls, relies on three keys:

    • Connecting children to digital learning irrespective of their gender identity, or where they live or where they come from, UNICEF is working to connect every school to the Internet by 2030 through the Giga initiative.
    • Developing and adapting high quality learning content so that it’s context-specific, curriculum-aligned, and accessible to all. UNICEF with UNESCO and partners launched Gateways to Public Digital Learning, a new global initiative to ensure that every learner, teacher, and family – especially the most marginalized – can easily access and use high-quality digital education content. To facilitate access to high quality content, UNICEF’s Learning Passport is helping meet the specific needs of learners- especially those forced to leave their homes – and educators in over 28 countries reaching three million children.
    • Equipping teachers with the capacity to use digital technology to improve learning as well as with gender-responsive pedagogical skills so they can support children in all their diversity to develop the skills they need for school, life, and work – including supporting girls and young women to develop digital literacy.

One way UNICEF is forging this third key is through the new Gender Responsive Digital Pedagogies guide for educators. The Guide uses practical exercises to help teachers produce gender-responsive lesson plans, learning materials, and instruction, as well as guidance on protecting girls and boys from online bullying, violence, and sexual violence – critical skills in the digital age.

It also outlines strategies to engage parents and caregivers in their child’s learning using digital tools. In Lebanon, UNICEF has worked closely with the Center for Educational Research and Development (CERD) – a national organization charged with modernization and development of education, based on educational planning – to integrate part of the guide into their teachers’ training curricula.

This national uptake reflects our commitment:

We want to ensure that, as the world accelerates the use of digital technologies for education, we don’t simply carry over existing biases and harmful gender norms into teaching and learning.

With digital tech, learning tools can easily be replaced or updated – unlike printed materials. Educators can thus hone materials to be context-specific and, critically, remove harmful gender references and stereotypes from curricula.

How teachers interact with girls and boys can model more equal and gender-transformative expectations of themselves and each other.

Digital learning has the advantage of being mobile, opening doors for alternative learning pathways for children and adolescents who are excluded or need flexible arrangements.

It can make quality learning accessible to children who speak minority languages and children and young people on the move – especially important for girls on the move, some of the most vulnerable people in the world.

In situations that are otherwise hostile and uncertain, digital learning can be a way to help children to feel included and prepare them to succeed in school, work, and life.

Ensuring that girls’ access to digital technology is keeping pace with its proliferation and technological changes is and will not be easy. But it is essential.

The new Guide is a global public good – a critical building block for action on the TES commitments. Furthermore, as the 67th Conference on the Status of Women focuses on how innovation and education in the digital can promote gender equality, policymakers can be catalyst for digital learning.

To keep pace, our learning tools, practices, and policies need to stay up to date to match the technology – and champion the rights of all children, in all their diversity.

Robert Jenkins is the Global Director of Education and Adolescent Development at UNICEF; Lauren Rumble is the Associate Director of Gender Equality at UNICEF; Verena Knaus is the Global Chief of Migration and Displacement at UNICEF.

Source: UNICEF

IPS UN Bureau


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Russia Upstages Neo-Colonialist France in West Africa

Peacekeepers from the Nigerien contingent of MINUSMA provide security in eastern Mali. In June 2023, the Security Council unanimously approved the complete withdrawal of UN peacekeeping forces in Mali, although it will take six months for the final “blue helmets” to depart. Credit: MINUSMA/Harandane Dicko

By Thalif Deen
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 11 2023 – Going back to the 16th century and continuing through the late 1960s, France was described as the world’s second largest colonial power—just behind the British Empire.

As the old saying goes: The sun would never set over the British Empire because God wouldn’t trust an Englishman in the dark. But would that also apply to the French colonial empire?

The military coups in three former French colonies — Burkina Faso, Mali and more recently Niger – are perhaps an indication of the beginning of the end of French post-colonial and neo-colonial ties to West Africa.

The three military leaders are turning towards Russia and the Russian mercenary group Wagner for new political, economic and military alliances.

The headline in a New York Times article last week read: “Waning Influence for France, the Colonizer that Stayed in West Africa “

The coup in Niger, a landlocked country of about 25 million people, is likely to result in the departure of more than 2,500 Western troops, including 1,100 Americans, who were stationed in the West African country to battle anti-US and anti-Western militant groups.

In Niger, there was also strong public support for the Russians, with demonstrators waving Russian flags.

Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics at the University of San Francisco, told IPS many Africans harbor understandable resentment towards French neocolonialism and their local collaborators.

“Unfortunately, despite the lack of a colonial legacy, the Russian influence is even worse. They are backing some of the region’s worst warlords, reactionary military leaders, and criminal elements,” he said.

Asked for his comments, US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters: “I have heard questions about these protests, sometimes in this briefing room, and sometimes you see people assume that because you see people on the streets it is an expression of actual support rather than people who might have been paid to show up at protests”.

Playing down the pro-Russian demonstrators, he said: “It does seem odd to me that if your country is suffering an attempted military takeover, the idea that the first thing anyone would do is run to a store and buy a Russian flag. That strikes me as somewhat an unlikely scenario.”

Miller also said that Yevgeniy Prigozhin, head of the Wagner Group, was publicly celebrating the events in Niger and “we certainly see Wagner take advantage of this type of situation whenever it occurs in Africa”.

“We, as I’ve stated before, did not see any role by Wagner in the instigation of this attempted takeover, and we have not seen any Wagner military presence as of yet in Niger. I don’t have any specific Wagner activities to – that I can make public at this point, but we saw Yevgeniy Prigozhin publicly celebrating what’s happened. And as I said, it did seem a very odd event that we had a bunch of Russian flags show up at so-called protests – in support of the junta leaders,” he added..

Perhaps the longest and bitterest battles against French colonialism took place in North Africa during the Algerian war of independence.

That battle was a major armed conflict between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front (NLF) from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria winning its independence from France and represented “the most recent and bloodiest example of France’s colonial history on the African continent”, with approximately 1.5 million Algerians killed and millions more displaced in the eight-year struggle for independence.

A posting on the Foreign Policy website August 8 said Niger’s coup leaders had one week to relinquish power and reinstate ousted President Mohamed Bazoum or else face military intervention by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

At midnight on Sunday, that deadline expired without Bazoum being reinstated. Now, Niger and its neighbors are preparing for possible war—and ECOWAS, which plans to hold a second emergency summit is questioning whether issuing its unprecedented threat was a smart idea to begin with.

On Sunday, Niger’s junta government sent troop reinforcements to the capital, Niamey, and closed Niger’s airspace to brace for ECOWAS’s potential invasion. A senior U.S. diplomat held “frank and at times quite difficult” talks on Monday with junta leaders, who rejected calls to restore democracy, according to Foreign Policy.

Asked about the Russian influence in Niger, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters August 7 “for sure we have concerns when we see something like the Wagner Group possibly manifesting itself in different parts of the Sahel, and here’s why we’re concerned: because every single place that this group, Wagner Group, has gone, death, destruction, and exploitation have followed.”

He said insecurity has gone up, not down. It hasn’t been a response to the needs of the countries in question for greater security.

“I think what happened and what continues to happen in Niger was not instigated by Russia or by Wagner, but to the extent that they try to take advantage of it – and we see a repeat of what’s happened in other countries, where they’ve brought nothing but bad things in their wake – that wouldn’t be good,” Blinken declared.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Time to Ensure Equity in Global Research Vocabulary

Categorizing countries into “low- and middle-income countries” and “high income countries” is not appropriate for studying healthcare systems and population health. It is misleading to categorize countries for convenience of data analysis and interpretation. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

Categorizing countries into “low- and middle-income countries” and “high income countries” is not appropriate for studying healthcare systems and population health. It is misleading to categorize countries for convenience of data analysis and interpretation. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

By Ifeanyi Nsofor and Sowmya R Rao
ABUJA, Aug 11 2023 – A recent publication in the journal PLOS Medicine reviewed the relationship between COVID-19 and mental health in eight low- and middle-income countries, collectively referred to as LMICs. As important as this publication is, we are appalled by the widespread use of the term “low- and middle-income countries” utilized in this article, and indeed in the majority of the global health literature and discourse.

This term vastly oversimplifies the relationship both between individual LMICs, and between LMICs and High-income countries (HICs). It isn’t an exaggeration to say that the term is colonial and racist. It divides rather than unites. It is time to change the narrative and use an equitable term to describe countries in the Global South.

Terms such as “low- and middle-income countries” perpetuate these inequities and use the same brush to paint 85% of the world’s population as the same. The Global South has almost six times the population of the Global North, is incredibly diverse, and has pockets of high-, middle- and low-income communities. Even within a single LMIC there is incredible diversity

We are both from the Global South and now work in the Global North. Sowmya is from India while Ifeanyi is from Nigeria. We both live in the U.S. Indeed, Sowmya has lived there for more than 30 years. In our global health careers, we have experienced inequities meted to us and people like us simply because of where we are from.

Terms such as “low- and middle-income countries” perpetuate these inequities and use the same brush to paint 85% of the world’s population as the same. The Global South has almost six times the population of the Global North, is incredibly diverse, and has pockets of high-, middle- and low-income communities. Even within a single LMIC there is incredible diversity.

Without a doubt, categorizing countries into “low- and middle-income countries” and “high income countries” is not appropriate for studying healthcare systems and population health. It is misleading to categorize countries for convenience of data analysis and interpretation.

According to Google Scholar, so far in 2023, over 12,100 publications have used “low-and-middle income countries ” in their titles or in the text. A couple of editorials calling for a change in the classification were published in 2022 and yet, the same journal has over 15,000 publications since 2022 (more than 6000 in 2023) using these terms. Is this classification appropriate for healthcare-related research? We also do not believe that World Bank classification of countries using the gross national income (GNI) is appropriate in this scenario.

Furthermore, funding agencies and peer-reviewed journals perpetuate this problem by requiring the investigators to generalize studies conducted in one country (even one city/town/village) to not only the entire country but beyond that to other “low- and middle-income countries”.

Countries vary in their population sizes, demography, cultures, type of governments, education systems, health care policies, health care access, diseases, and socio-economic problems. Summarizing data across these countries and studying them as a unit to find a one-size-fits-all solution undermines the problems.

For instance, Nigeria has an estimated population of more than 200 million, more than 250 ethnicities that speak over 500 languages. On the other hand, India is the most populous country in the world, with a population of over 1.4 billion. It has more than 2000 ethnic groups that speak over 19,000 languages or dialects.

First, begin to rectify this issue by ensuring that studies are customized to each country so appropriate policies can be implemented to improve healthcare in the country being studied. Most problems and solutions are local and must be studied in this context.

Second, funding institutions and peer-reviewed journals should not insist on generalizability of the results beyond the targeted populations but focus on the possibility of the solutions being adaptable to different populations and situations.

Studies that can positively impact these populations even if small are worth being conducted and published. It may then be further researched and adapted as necessary in different settings but that should not be a condition for funding or publishing.

Third, knowledge transfer should be bi-directional and not unidirectional as is currently done. Therefore, countries in the Global North should be open to learning from solutions found in the Global South (what are also termed as “resource-limited or resource-poor” countries).

There are many lessons in this regard: African Union’s coordination of country COVID-19 responses through the Africa Centre for Disease Control, and diverse experiences on managing epidemics in the Global South.

Finally, researchers must tap into the power of local knowledge. This means including Ministries of Health and local investigators to identify the main problems that need studying and finding solutions to mitigate them – another step towards creating equity.

Having countries from the Global South involved with setting study priorities and also funding portions of studies will ensure that they are vested in the process and are equal partners in studies that impact their own populations. Indeed, no country has infinite resources as was seen during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and any solution that uses the available resources efficiently should be welcomed.

LMICs and HICs are vestiges of colonialism. They divide instead of unite by making the most populous parts of the global community inferior to the least populous. Most importantly, they perpetuate inequities which pose serious consequences for global solidarity.

Using ‘Global South’ versus ‘Global North’ to refer to LMICs and HICs respectively in global research vocabulary is the most equitable thing to do.


Dr. Ifeanyi M. Nsofor, MBBS, MCommH (Liverpool) is Senior New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute, Senior Atlantic Fellow for Health Equity at George Washington University, 2006 Ford Foundation International Fellow.

Dr. Sowmya R Rao is a Senior Research Scientist with the Department of Global Health at Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH), a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and a biostatistician primarily interested in global health disparities.