LeddarTech et Prospector Capital Corp. annoncent l’entrée en vigueur de la déclaration d’enregistrement et la tenue d’une assemblée générale extraordinaire le 13 décembre 2023 visant l’approbation du regroupement d’entreprises

QUÉBEC, 04 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech Inc. ( LeddarTech ou l' Entreprise ), une socit de logiciels automobiles qui fournit des technologies logicielles de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l'IA, innovatrices et brevetes pour systmes avancs d'aide la conduite (systmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systmes AD), et Prospector Capital Corp. ( Prospector ) (NASDAQ : PRSR, PRSRU, PRSRW), une socit d'acquisition vocation spcifique cote en bourse dirige par l'ancien prsident de Qualcomm, Derek Aberle et prside par l'ancien vice–prsident du conseil d'administration de Qualcomm, Steve Altman, ont fait savoir aujourd'hui que le 4 dcembre 2023, la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (la SEC ) a annonc l'entre en vigueur de la dclaration d'enregistrement sur le formulaire F–4, telle que modifie, dpose par LeddarTech Holdings Inc. ( Newco ) dans le cadre du projet de regroupement d'entreprises annonc prcdemment (le Regroupement d'entreprises ). Le dossier peut tre consult dans son intgralit sur le site web de la SEC l'adresse www.sec.gov.

Prospector a galement commenc envoyer la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus dfinitive le 4 dcembre 2023, incluse dans la dclaration d'enregistrement, relative l'assemble gnrale extraordinaire des actionnaires qui doit se tenir dans le cadre du Regroupement d'entreprises (l' Assemble gnrale extraordinaire ). L'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire devrait se tenir le 13 dcembre 2023 10 h 00, heure de l'Est. L'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire se tiendra dans les bureaux de White & Case LLP situs au 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, et virtuellement via une webdiffusion en direct www.cstproxy.com/prospectorcapital/egm2023. Les dtenteurs d'actions ordinaires de Prospector la clture des activits la date de rfrence du 14 novembre 2023 ont le droit d'tre convoqus l'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire et de voter ladite assemble. De plus amples renseignements sur le Regroupement d'entreprises et les rsolutions qui seront soumises au vote lors de l'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire figurent dans la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus dfinitive dpose par Prospector, disponible l'adresse www.sec.gov.

Si les conditions de clture du Regroupement d'entreprises sont remplies, y compris l'approbation du Regroupement d'entreprises par les actionnaires de Prospector, la socit issue du Regroupement d'entreprises prvoit oprer sous le nom de LeddarTech Inc. et devrait tre cote au NASDAQ sous le nouveau symbole LDTC , avec des bons de souscription sous le symbole LDTCW . La cotation au NASDAQ est subordonne la clture du Regroupement d'entreprises et au respect de toutes les exigences d'inscription au NASDAQ.

propos de LeddarTech

Entreprise mondiale de logiciels fonde en 2007, base Qubec et disposant de centres de R&D supplmentaires Montral, Toronto et Tel Aviv (Isral), LeddarTech dveloppe et propose des solutions logicielles compltes de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l'intelligence artificielle qui permettent le dploiement d'applications ADAS et de conduite autonome (AD). Le logiciel de classe automobile de LeddarTech applique des algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle et de vision numrique avancs afin de gnrer des modles 3D prcis de l'environnement, pour une meilleure prise de dcision et une navigation plus sre. Cette technologie performante, volutive et conomique permet la mise en "uvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour vhicules automobiles et hors route par les quipementiers et les fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Ayant dpos plus de 150 demandes de brevets (dont 80 accordes) qui amliorent les capacits des systmes d'aide la conduite et de conduite autonome, l'entreprise a contribu plusieurs innovations lies des applications de tldtection. Une plus grande conscience situationnelle est essentielle pour rendre la mobilit plus sre, plus efficace, plus durable et plus abordable : c'est ce qui motive LeddarTech vouloir devenir la solution logicielle de fusion de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adopte.

Renseignements complmentaires disponibles sur www.LeddarTech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook et YouTube.

propos de Prospector Capital Corp.

Prospector est une socit d'acquisition vocation spcifique cre dans le but de raliser une fusion, un change d'actions, une acquisition d'actifs, un achat d'actions, une rorganisation ou un regroupement d'entreprises similaire avec une ou plusieurs entreprises, mettant l'accent sur les socits proposant des solutions avances et hautement diffrencies dans le secteur technologique. La socit est dirige par une quipe d'investisseurs et de cadres expriments qui se concentrent sur l'identification et les investissements dans des entreprises forte croissance dotes d'quipes de gestion solides et d'opportunits de march attrayantes. Les titres de Prospector se ngocient sur le NASDAQ sous les symboles PRSR , PRSRU et PRSRW .

Renseignements importants sur la transaction propose et o les trouver

Dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises propos, Prospector, LeddarTech et Newco ont prpar et dpos auprs de la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (la SEC ) la dclaration d'enregistrement sur le formulaire F–4 (la Dclaration d'Enregistrement ), et Prospector enverra ses actionnaires la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus contenue dans la Dclaration d'Enregistrement et dposera d'autres documents concernant le regroupement d'entreprises auprs de la SEC. Le prsent communiqu de presse ne se substitue aucune circulaire de sollicitation de procurations, dclaration d'enregistrement, circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus ou autres documents que Prospector ou Newco pourrait dposer auprs de la SEC dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises. LES INVESTISSEURS ET LES PORTEURS DE TITRES SONT INSTAMMENT PRIS DE LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT ET DANS LEUR INTGRALIT LA DCLARATION D'ENREGISTREMENT LORSQU'ELLE SERA DISPONIBLE, TOUT AMENDEMENT OU SUPPLMENT LA DCLARATION D'ENREGISTREMENT ET TOUT AUTRE DOCUMENT DPOS PAR PROSPECTOR OU NEWCO AUPRS DE LA SEC DANS LE CADRE DU REGROUPEMENT D'ENTREPRISES, CAR CES DOCUMENTS CONTIENDRONT DES RENSEIGNEMENTS IMPORTANTS. Les investisseurs et les dtenteurs de titres pourront obtenir gratuitement des copies de la Dclaration d'Enregistrement et des autres documents dposs auprs de la SEC par Prospector ou Newco sur le site web gr par la SEC l'adresse www.sec.gov.

noncs prospectifs

Certains noncs contenus dans le prsent communiqu de presse peuvent tre considrs comme des noncs prospectifs au sens du Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995, de la section 27A du Securities Act et de la section 21E de l'Exchange Act des tats–Unis (lesquels noncs prospectifs comprennent galement les noncs prospectifs et les renseignements prospectifs au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilires applicables), y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les noncs concernant le regroupement d'entreprises impliquant Prospector, LeddarTech et Newco, la capacit raliser le regroupement d'entreprises et son calendrier, les avantages attendus du regroupement d'entreprises, la clture du financement par placement priv et le produit attendu de celui–ci, ainsi que les noncs relatifs la stratgie, aux oprations futures, aux perspectives, aux objectifs et aux projections financires et autres mesures financires anticips de Newco. Les noncs prospectifs comprennent gnralement des noncs de nature prvisionnelle qui dpendent d'vnements ou de conditions venir ou qui s'y rfrent, et comprennent des termes tels que pouvoir , anticiper , prvoir , avoir l'intention de , estimer , planifier , croire , s'attendre , projeter de et autres expressions similaires et verbes au futur et au conditionnel notamment. Les noncs qui ne sont pas des faits historiques sont des noncs prospectifs. Les noncs prospectifs reposent sur des convictions et des hypothses actuelles qui sont soumises des risques et des incertitudes et ne constituent pas des garanties de performance future. Les rsultats rels peuvent diffrer sensiblement de ceux contenus dans un nonc prospectif en raison de divers facteurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter : (i) le risque que les conditions de clture du regroupement d'entreprises ne soient pas remplies, y compris le dfaut d'obtenir en temps voulu ou non l'approbation des actionnaires pour le regroupement d'entreprises ou le dfaut d'obtenir en temps voulu ou non les autorisations rglementaires requises, y compris de la Cour suprieure de justice du Qubec; (ii) les incertitudes quant au calendrier de ralisation du regroupement d'entreprises et la capacit de Prospector, de LeddarTech et de Newco raliser le regroupement d'entreprises; (iii) la possibilit que d'autres avantages prvus du regroupement d'entreprises ne se ralisent pas, et le traitement fiscal prvu du regroupement d'entreprises; (iv) la survenance de tout vnement susceptible de donner lieu la rsiliation du regroupement d'entreprises; (v) le risque que des litiges entre actionnaires lis au regroupement d'entreprises ou autres rglements ou enqutes affectent le calendrier ou la ralisation du regroupement d'entreprises ou entranent des cots importants de dfense, d'indemnisation et de responsabilit; (vi) l'volution de la conjoncture conomique gnrale et/ou des conditions propres l'industrie; (vii) les ventuelles perturbations dues au regroupement d'entreprises susceptibles de nuire aux activits de LeddarTech; (viii) la capacit de LeddarTech retenir, attirer et embaucher du personnel cl; (ix) les ractions ou changements ngatifs potentiels dans les relations avec les clients, employs, fournisseurs ou autres parties rsultant de l'annonce ou de la ralisation du regroupement d'entreprises; (x) l'incertitude commerciale potentielle, y compris les changements dans les relations commerciales existantes, pendant la dure du regroupement d'entreprises, susceptible d'affecter la performance financire de LeddarTech; (xi) les dveloppements lgislatifs, rglementaires et conomiques; (xii) l'imprvisibilit et la gravit d'vnements catastrophiques, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les actes de terrorisme, le dclenchement d'une guerre ou d'hostilits et toute pidmie, pandmie ou apparition de maladie (y compris la COVID–19), ainsi que la rponse de la direction l'un des facteurs susmentionns; (xiii) l'accs au capital et au financement et la capacit de LeddarTech maintenir le respect des clauses restrictives de ses emprunts; et (xiv) les autres facteurs de risque dtaills de temps autre dans les rapports de Prospector dposs auprs de la SEC, y compris le rapport annuel de Prospector sur le formulaire 10–K, les rapports trimestriels priodiques sur le formulaire 10–Q, les rapports courants priodiques sur le formulaire 8–K et autres documents dposs auprs de la SEC, ainsi que les facteurs de risque qui figureront dans la Dclaration d'Enregistrement. La liste des facteurs importants ci–dessus n'est pas exhaustive. Ni Prospector ni LeddarTech ne peuvent garantir que les conditions du regroupement d'entreprises seront remplies. Sauf si la loi applicable l'exige, ni Prospector ni LeddarTech ne s'engagent rviser ou mettre jour les noncs prospectifs, ni mentionner d'autres noncs prospectifs, que ce soit la suite de nouvelles informations, d'vnements futurs ou autres.

Absence d'offre ou de sollicitation

Le prsent communiqu de presse ne constitue pas une offre de vente ou la sollicitation d'une offre d'achat de titres de Prospector ou de Newco, ni une sollicitation de vote ou d'approbation, et il n'y aura pas de vente de titres dans une juridiction o une telle offre, sollicitation ou vente serait illgale avant l'enregistrement ou la qualification en vertu de la lgislation sur les valeurs mobilires d'une telle juridiction. Aucune offre de valeurs mobilires ne peut tre faite si ce n'est au moyen d'un prospectus rpondant aux exigences de la section 10 du Securities Act de 1933, tel que modifi (le Securities Act ).

Participants la sollicitation

Prospector, LeddarTech et Newco, ainsi que certains de leurs administrateurs, dirigeants et employs respectifs, peuvent tre considrs comme des participants la sollicitation de procurations dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises. Des renseignements sur les administrateurs et les dirigeants de Prospector sont disponibles dans le rapport annuel sur le formulaire 10–K pour l'exercice clos le 31 dcembre 2022, qui a t dpos auprs de la SEC le 31 mars 2023. Les renseignements concernant les personnes qui peuvent, en vertu des rgles de la SEC, tre considres comme des participants la sollicitation de procurations dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises, y compris une description de leurs intrts directs ou indirects, par la dtention de titres ou autrement, seront prsents dans la Dclaration d'Enregistrement et dans d'autres documents pertinents lorsqu'ils seront dposs auprs de la SEC. Ces documents peuvent tre obtenus gratuitement auprs de la source indique ci–dessus.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice–prsident, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tl. : + 1–418–653–9000 poste 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associs sont des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent tre des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes utilises pour dsigner les produits ou les services de leurs propritaires respectifs.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989420)

LeddarTech and Prospector Capital Corp. Announce Effectiveness of Registration Statement and December 13, 2023 Extraordinary General Meeting to Approve Business Combination

QUEBEC CITY, Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech Inc. ("LeddarTech" or the "Company"), an automotive software company that provides patented disruptive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software technology for ADAS and AD, and Prospector Capital Corp. ("Prospector") (NASDAQ: PRSR, PRSRU, PRSRW), a publicly traded special–purpose acquisition company led by former Qualcomm President Derek Aberle and chaired by former Qualcomm Vice Chairman Steve Altman, today announced that on December 4, 2023 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") declared effective the Registration Statement on Form F–4, as amended, filed by LeddarTech Holdings Inc. ("Newco") in connection with the previously announced proposed business combination (the "Business Combination"). The filing can be viewed in its entirety on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

Prospector also commenced mailing the definitive proxy statement/prospectus on December 4, 2023, which was included in the Registration Statement, relating to the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held in connection with the Business Combination (the "Extraordinary General Meeting"). The Extraordinary General Meeting is scheduled to be held on December 13, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at the offices of White & Case LLP located at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, and virtually via a live webcast at www.cstproxy.com/prospectorcapital/egm2023. Holders of Prospector's ordinary shares at the close of business on the record date of November 14, 2023 are entitled to notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting and to vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting. More details about the Business Combination and the resolutions to be voted upon at the Extraordinary General Meeting can be found in the definitive proxy statement/prospectus filed by Prospector, available at www.sec.gov.

Assuming satisfaction of the conditions of the closing of the Business Combination, including approval of the Business Combination by Prospector shareholders, the combined company intends to operate as LeddarTech Inc. and is expected to be listed on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol "LDTC", with warrants under the ticker "LDTCW". The NASDAQ listing is subject to the closing of the Business Combination and fulfillment of all NASDAQ listing requirements.

About LeddarTech

A global software company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Quebec City with additional R&D centers in Montreal, Toronto and Tel Aviv, Israel, LeddarTech develops and provides comprehensive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving (AD) applications. LeddarTech's automotive–grade software applies advanced AI and computer vision algorithms to generate accurate 3D models of the environment to achieve better decision making and safer navigation. This high–performance, scalable, cost–effective technology is available to OEMs and Tier 1–2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off–road vehicle ADAS solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote–sensing innovations, with over 150 patent applications (80 granted) that enhance ADAS and AD capabilities. Better awareness around the vehicle is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to seek to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.LeddarTech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook and YouTube.

About Prospector Capital Corp.

Prospector is a special–purpose acquisition company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses with a focus on companies with advanced and highly differentiated solutions for the technology sector. The company is led by a team of experienced investors and executives focused on identifying and investing in high–growth companies with strong management teams and attractive market opportunities. Prospector's securities are traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbols "PRSR," "PRSRU" and "PRSRW."

Important Information About the Proposed Transaction and Where to Find It

In connection with the proposed business combination, Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco have prepared and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") the registration statement on Form F–4 (the "Registration Statement"), and Prospector will mail the proxy statement/prospectus contained within the Registration Statement to its shareholders and file other documents regarding the business combination with the SEC. This press release is not a substitute for any proxy statement, registration statement, proxy statement/prospectus or other documents Prospector or Newco may file with the SEC in connection with the business combination. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT WHEN IT BECOMES AVAILABLE, ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS TO THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED BY PROSPECTOR OR NEWCO WITH THE SEC IN CONNECTION WITH THE BUSINESS COMBINATION, BECAUSE THESE DOCUMENTS WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the Registration Statement and other documents filed with the SEC by Prospector or Newco through the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov.

Forward–Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered forward–looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act (which forward–looking statements shall also include forward–looking statements and forward–looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws), including, but not limited to, statements regarding the business combination involving Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco, the ability to consummate the business combination and the timing thereof, the anticipated benefits from the business combination, the closing of the private placement financing and expected proceeds therefrom and statements relating to Newco's anticipated strategy, future operations, prospects, objectives and financial projections and other financial metrics. Forward–looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as "may," "will," "should," "would," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "likely," "believe," "estimate," "project," "intend" and other similar expressions among others. Statements that are not historical facts are forward–looking statements. Forward–looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward–looking statement as a result of various factors, including, without limitation: (i) the risk that the conditions to the closing of the business combination are not satisfied, including the failure to timely or at all obtain shareholder approval for the business combination or the failure to timely or at all obtain any required regulatory clearances, including of the Superior Court of Justice of Qubec; (ii) uncertainties as to the timing of the consummation of the business combination and the ability of each of Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco to consummate the business combination; (iii) the possibility that other anticipated benefits of the business combination will not be realized, and the anticipated tax treatment of the business combination; (iv) the occurrence of any event that could give rise to termination of the business combination; (v) the risk that shareholder litigation in connection with the business combination or other settlements or investigations may affect the timing or occurrence of the business combination or result in significant costs of defense, indemnification and liability; (vi) changes in general economic and/or industry–specific conditions; (vii) possible disruptions from the business combination that could harm LeddarTech's business; (viii) the ability of LeddarTech to retain, attract and hire key personnel; (ix) potential adverse reactions or changes to relationships with customers, employees, suppliers or other parties resulting from the announcement or completion of the business combination; (x) potential business uncertainty, including changes to existing business relationships, during the pendency of the business combination that could affect LeddarTech's financial performance; (xi) legislative, regulatory and economic developments; (xii) unpredictability and severity of catastrophic events, including, but not limited to, acts of terrorism, outbreak of war or hostilities and any epidemic, pandemic or disease outbreak (including COVID–19), as well as management's response to any of the aforementioned factors; (xiii) access to capital and financing and LeddarTech's ability to maintain compliance with debt covenants; and (xiv) other risk factors as detailed from time to time in Prospector's reports filed with the SEC, including Prospector's Annual Report on Form 10–K, periodic Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q, periodic Current Reports on Form 8–K and other documents filed with the SEC, as well as the risk factors to be contained in the Registration Statement. The foregoing list of important factors is not exhaustive. Neither Prospector nor LeddarTech can give any assurance that the conditions to the business combination will be satisfied. Except as required by applicable law, neither Prospector nor LeddarTech undertakes any obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statement, or to make any other forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

No Offer or Solicitation

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of Prospector or Newco, a solicitation of any vote or approval, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act").

Participants in Solicitation

Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco, and certain of their respective directors, executive officers and employees, may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the business combination. Information about the directors and executive officers of Prospector can be found in the Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, which was filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023. Information regarding the persons who may, under the rules of the SEC, be deemed participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the business combination, including a description of their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be set forth in the Registration Statement and other relevant materials when they are filed with the SEC. These documents can be obtained free of charge from the source indicated above.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989420)

Climate Action Forum: Indiaspora Convenes Climate Experts at COP 28

WASHINGTON and DELHI, India, Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Indiaspora, a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting the Indian diaspora for a stronger, more interconnected global community, is hosting the Climate Action Forum at COP 28 on December 7th from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM at the Anantara Downtown Dubai Hotel, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Climate is the existential issue of our times. The Indian diaspora contains reputed experts contributing to solutions in various areas of environmental sustainability and climate change. Moreover, as evidenced during the recently concluded G20 Summit, India is playing an instrumental role in developing solutions in this realm.

As part of Indiaspora's mission to inspire and position the global Indian diaspora as a force for good, and to build bridges among diaspora leaders and prominent leading lights resident in India, Indiaspora is privileged to serve as a platform to bring diverse and constructive voices together during COP 28.

Indiaspora will host its daylong Climate Action Forum featuring 28 speakers from 5 countries under the theme of "Empower, Educate, Inspire, Act." Distinguished speakers from various sectors, including government, industry, and civil society, will participate in engaging panel discussions on topics such as sustainable technology, green finance, renewable energy, and the role of diaspora in climate advocacy. Key speakers include Dominic Waughray (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), Madhav Pai (WRI–India), BK Sister Jayanti (Faith Leader) and Vivek Oberoi (Indian Film Actor). Our partners in this endeavor are Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), Dasra, India Climate Collaborative, Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN).

The agenda will be live on December 6th here.

Indiaspora invites members of the media to attend this forum. Please complete the pre–registration here.

MR Rangaswami, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Indiaspora, said, "This Climate Forum represents another step in Indiaspora's objective of being a convener for the Indian diaspora and leaders in India on some of the most pressing global issues. From our earlier work on climate, it is evident to us that these key stakeholders play an important role in advancing a globally beneficial environmental agenda."

Sreekumar Nair, CEO of Indiaspora–India, added that "Indiaspora's Climate Forum builds upon our work over the past 3 years in organizing virtual global Climate Summits. Given the caliber of expertise on stage at our Forum, it promises to be an insightful and impactful dialogue. We are excited to hear from an eclectic group of speakers including policymakers, entrepreneurs, business leaders, academics and nonprofit executives."

About Indiaspora: Indiaspora (www.indiaspora.org) is a nonprofit community of powerful global Indian leaders from diverse backgrounds and professions who are committed to inspiring the diaspora to be a force for positive impact by providing a platform to collaborate, engage, and catalyze social change.

Media Contacts:

USA (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Mira Bhayroo
Senior Coordinator, Marketing & Communications
+1 (267) 608–9513

India (New Delhi)
Shrenya Malik
Manager of Events and Research, India Branch
+91 88001 06529

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989357)

Zenas BioPharma Fortalece a Liderança Executiva com a Nomeação de Jennifer Fox como Diretora de Negócios e Financeira, e de Tanya Fischer, MD, Ph.D. como Dirigente de P&D e Médica

WALTHAM, Mass., Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Zenas BioPharma, uma empresa biofarmacutica global comprometida em se tornar lder no desenvolvimento e comercializao de terapias voltadas para inflamaes e imunologia (I&I), divulgou hoje a nomeao de Jennifer Fox como Diretora de Negcios e Financeira, e de Tanya Fischer, MD, Ph. D como Dirigente de P&D e Mdica.

"Estamos muito contentes com a vinda de Tanya e de Jen para a nossa equipe executiva", disse Lonnie Moulder, Fundador e Diretor Executivo da Zenas BioPharma. "Tanya uma lder mdica–cientista profundamente experiente e Jen uma lder experiente em finanas de sade e desenvolvimento corporativo. Com suas dcadas de experincia em liderana no setor, elas sero uma adio inestimvel para a Zenas na nossa prxima fase de crescimento, progresso de vrios programas globais de desenvolvimento clnico em estgio avanado com o objetivo de fornecer terapias direcionadas a I&I diferenciadas para pacientes necessitados em todo o mundo."

A Sra. Fox uma executiva experiente em finanas e desenvolvimento corporativo com um extenso histrico em finanas corporativas e bancos de investimento em sade, tendo assessorado inmeras empresas pblicas e privadas com estratgias, financiamentos, fuses e aquisies. Antes de ingressar na Zenas, a Sra. Fox atuou como Diretora Financeira da Nuvation Bio, uma empresa biotecnologia de capital aberto. Ela atuou como Diretora Administrativa e Co–Dirigente da North America Healthcare Corporate e do Investment Banking Group do CitiGroup. Antes do CitiGroup, a Sra. Fox ocupou cargos seniores em bancos de investimento do Deutsche Bank, Bear Stearns, Bank of America e Prudential Securities. Ela formada em finanas e marketing pelo Manhattan College.

A Dra. Fischer um mdica–cientista com profunda experincia na academia e em empresas farmacuticas e de biotecnologia, e liderana de programas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento em estgio inicial e avanado em vrias reas teraputicas, incluindo neurologia e doenas raras. Antes de ingressar na Zenas, ela atuou como Diretora de Desenvolvimento e Dirigente de Medicina Translacional da Biohaven, uma empresa biofarmacutica de capital aberto. A Dra. Fischer iniciou sua carreira no setor na Bristol Myers Squibb e ocupou cargos de liderana em P&D de responsabilidade crescente na EMD–Serono, Sanofi–Genzyme e Alnylam. Ela foi neurologista da Yale University School of Medicine aps a concluso da sua residncia em Neurologia no Yale New Haven Hospital. Ela formada em Medicina e fez PhD na University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School e Rutgers University, respectivamente, e recebeu o prestigioso Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

Sobre a Zenas BioPharma

A Zenas BioPharma uma empresa biofarmacutica mundial comprometida em se tornar lder global no desenvolvimento e comercializao de terapias voltadas para inflamaes e imunologia (I&I) para pacientes necessitados em todo o mundo. Com desenvolvimento clnico e operaes globais, a Zenas est avanando um portflio de teraputicas autoimunes potencialmente diferenciadas em reas de alta necessidade mdica. Nossa experiente equipe de liderana e rede de parceiros de negcios impulsionam a excelncia operacional para oferecer terapias potencialmente transformadoras para melhorar a vida das pessoas que enfrentam doenas autoimunes e raras. Para mais informao sobre a Zenas BioPharma, visite www.zenasbio.com e siga–nos no Twitter em @ZenasBioPharma e LinkedIn.

Sobre o Obexelimab

O obexelimab um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado de Fase 3 bifuncional, no citoltico, de investigao que imita a ao dos complexos antgeno–anticorpo por ligao a CD19 e FcRIIb para inibir a atividade das clulas da linhagem B. Em vrios estudos clnicos em fase inicial, inclusive de diversas doenas autoimunes, 198 indivduos foram tratados com obexelimab. Nestes estudos clnicos, o obexelimab demonstrou inibio da funo das clulas B sem a reduo das clulas, e um efeito encorajador no tratamento de pacientes com vrias doenas autoimunes. A Zenas adquiriu direitos mundiais exclusivos do obexelimab da Xencor, Inc. O Obexelimab est sendo avaliado em um estudo clnico global de Fase 3 em pacientes com Doena Relacionada a IgG4 e em um estudo global de Fase 2/3 em pacientes com anemia hemoltica autoimune quente (wAIHA). O desenvolvimento clnico do obexelimab para Esclerose Mltipla e Lpus Eritematoso Sistmico est sob avaliao.

Mais informaes sobre a Fase 3 (INDIGO) do estudo para o tratamento de Doenas Relacionadas IgG4 esto disponveis em clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241. Mais informaes sobre a Fase 3 (SApHiAre) do estudo para o tratamento de wAIHA esto disponveis em clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05786573.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8988518)

Zenas BioPharma stärkt seine Führungsspitze mit der Ernennung von Jennifer Fox als Chief Business Officer und Chief Financial Officer sowie von Tanya Fischer, M.D., PhD. als Leiterin von Forschung und Entwicklung und als Chief Medical Officer

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, ein weltweit ttiges Biopharmazieunternehmen, das sich der Aufgabe verschrieben hat, eine fhrende Position in der Entwicklung und Vermarktung von zielgerichteten Therapien fr die Behandlung entzndlicher und immunologischer Erkrankungen (I&I–Therapien) einzunehmen, gab heute die Ernennung von Jennifer Fox als Chief Business Officer und Chief Financial Officer sowie von Tanya Fischer, M.D., Ph. D. als Leiterin von Forschung und Entwicklung und als Chief Medical Officer bekannt.

"Wir freuen uns sehr, Tanya Fischer und Jennifer Fox in unserem Fhrungsteam begren zu drfen", sagte Lonnie Moulder, Grnder und Chief Executive Officer von Zenas BioPharma. "Frau Fischer ist eine sehr erfahrene rztlich–wissenschaftliche Fhrungskraft und Jennifer Fox ist eine versierte Fhrungskraft in den Bereichen Finanzen im Gesundheitswesen und Unternehmensentwicklung. Mit ihrer jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung als Fhrungskrfte in der Branche werden sie eine unschtzbare Bereicherung fr Zenas sein, wenn wir in unsere nchste Wachstumsphase eintreten und mehrere globale Programme in der spten klinischen Entwicklung mit dem Ziel vorantreiben, Patientinnen und Patienten auf der ganzen Welt differenzierte I&I–Therapien zur Behandlung ihrer Erkrankungen anzubieten."

Frau Fox ist eine erfahrene Fhrungskraft in den Bereichen Finanzen und Unternehmensentwicklung mit einer umfangreichen Erfolgsbilanz in den Bereichen Unternehmensfinanzen und Investmentbanking im Gesundheitswesen. Sie hat zahlreiche private und brsennotierte Unternehmen in Bezug auf Strategie, Finanzierungen sowie Fusionen und bernahmen beraten. Bevor sie zu Zenas kam, war Frau Fox als Chief Financial Officer bei Nuvation Bio ttig, einem brsennotierten Biotechnologieunternehmen. Davor war sie als Managing Director und stellvertretende Leiterin der North America Healthcare Corporate and Investment Banking Group bei CitiGroup ttig. Vor ihrer Ttigkeit bei der CitiGroup hatte Frau Fox leitende Positionen im Investmentbanking bei der Deutschen Bank, bei Bear Stearns, Bank of America und Prudential Securities inne. Sie erwarb einen Bachelorabschluss in Finanzen und Marketing am Manhattan College.

Dr. Fischer ist rztin und Wissenschaftlerin mit umfassender Erfahrung in der akademischen Welt und in Pharma– und Biotechnologieunternehmen, wo sie Forschungs– und Entwicklungsprogramme in frhen und spten Stadien in verschiedenen therapeutischen Bereichen betreute, darunter Neurologie und seltene Krankheiten. Bevor sie zu Zenas kam, war sie Chief Development Officer und Leiterin von Translational Medicine bei Biohaven, einem brsennotierten biopharmazeutischen Unternehmen. Dr. Fischer begann ihre berufliche Laufbahn in der Branche bei Bristol Myers Squibb und bekleidete Fhrungspositionen in Forschung und Entwicklung mit wachsender Verantwortung bei EMD–Serono, Sanofi–Genzyme und Alnylam. Sie ist Neurologin und war nach Abschluss ihrer Facharztausbildung in Neurologie am Yale New Haven Hospital an der Yale University School of Medicine ttig. Sie hat an der University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School sowie an der Rutgers University promoviert und wurde mit dem prestigetrchtigen Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) ausgezeichnet.

ber Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma ist ein weltweit ttiges Biopharmazieunternehmen, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, fhrend in der Entwicklung und Vermarktung von zielgerichteten Therapien fr die Behandlung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit entzndlichen und immunologischen Erkrankungen (I&I–Therapien) in aller Welt zu werden. Zenas verfgt weltweit ber klinische Entwicklungskapazitten und –einrichtungen, um ein Portfolio potenziell differenzierter Autoimmuntherapeutika in Bereichen mit hohem ungedecktem medizinischem Bedarf zu entwickeln. Unser erfahrenes Fhrungsteam und unser Netzwerk von Geschftspartnern sorgen fr operative Spitzenleistungen, um potenziell transformative Therapien bereitzustellen, die das Leben von Menschen mit Autoimmunerkrankungen und seltenen Krankheiten verbessern. Weitere Informationen ber Zenas BioPharma finden Sie unter www.zenasbio.com und folgen Sie uns auf Twitter unter @ZenasBioPharma und LinkedIn.

ber Obexelimab

Obexelimab ist ein bifunktionaler, nicht–zytolytischer, humanisierter monoklonaler Antikrper in Phase III der klinischen Prfung, der die Wirkung von Antigen–Antikrper–Komplexen nachahmt, indem er CD19 und FcRIIb bindet, um die Aktivitt von Zellen der B–Linie zu hemmen. In mehreren klinischen Studien im Frhstadium, einschlielich zu verschiedenen Autoimmunerkrankungen, wurden 198 Probanden mit Obexelimab behandelt. In frhen klinischen Studien zeigte Obexelimab eine Hemmung der B–Zell–Funktion, ohne die Zellen zu dezimieren, und erzielte einen ermutigenden Behandlungseffekt bei Patienten mit verschiedenen Autoimmunkrankheiten. Zenas erwarb exklusive weltweite Rechte an Obexelimab von Xencor, Inc. Obexelimab wird derzeit in einer globalen klinischen Phase–III–Studie bei Patienten mit IgG4–assoziierter Erkrankung und in einer globalen Phase–II/III–Studie bei Patienten mit warmer autoimmunhmolytischer Anmie (wAIHA) untersucht. Die klinische Entwicklung von Obexelimab fr Multiple Sklerose und systemischen Lupus Erythematodes wird derzeit geprft.

Weitere Informationen ber die Phase–III–Studie (INDIGO) zur Behandlung der IgG4–assoziierten Erkrankung finden Sie unter clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241. Weitere Informationen ber die Phase–III–Studie (SApHiAre) zur Behandlung von wAIHA finden Sie unter clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05786573.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8988518)

Zenas BioPharma renforce sa direction avec la nomination de Jennifer Fox en tant que Chief Business Officer et Chief Financial Officer et de Tanya Fischer, M.D., PhD., en tant que Head of R&D et Chief Medical Officer

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 04 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, un laboratoire biopharmaceutique d'envergure mondiale dtermin devenir un leader dans le dveloppement et la commercialisation de traitements dans les domaines de l'inflammation et de l'immunologie ( I&I ), a annonc aujourd'hui la nomination de Jennifer Fox aux postes de Chief Business Officer (directrice gnrale) et de Chief Financial Officer (directrice financire), ainsi que de Tanya Fischer, M.D., PhD., en tant que Head of Research and Development (directrice recherche et du dveloppement) et Chief Medical Officer (directrice mdicale).

Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir Tanya et Jen dans notre quipe de direction , a dclar Lonnie Moulder, fondateur et prsident–directeur gnral de Zenas BioPharma. Tanya est mdecin et scientifique, dote d'une longue exprience, et Jen est une dirigeante chevronne dans le domaine de la finance dans les soins de sant et du dveloppement des entreprises. Avec leurs dizaines d'annes d'exprience des postes de direction au sein de l'industrie, elles seront toutes deux un atout inestimable pour Zenas l'entame de notre prochaine phase de croissance, en faisant progresser de multiples programmes mondiaux en phase finale de dveloppement clinique, avec pour objectif de fournir des traitements diffrencis dans les domaines de l'I&I aux patients qui en ont besoin dans le monde entier.

Jennifer Fox est une dirigeante exprimente dans le domaine de la finance et du dveloppement d'entreprise. Elle se targue d'un palmars impressionnant en matire de finance d'entreprise et de banque d'investissement dans les soins de sant, conseillant de nombreuses entreprises prives et publiques en stratgie, financement et fusions–acquisitions. Avant de rejoindre Zenas, Jennnifer Fox a occup le poste de Chief Financial Officer (directrice financire) chez Nuvation Bio, une socit de biotechnologie cote en Bourse. Auparavant, elle a t Managing Director (directrice gnrale) et Co–Head of North America Healthcare Corporate and Investment Banking Group (co–responsable du groupe de banque d'investissement et d'entreprise dans les soins de sant, Amrique du Nord) chez CitiGroup. Avant de rejoindre CitiGroup, Jennifer Fox a occup des postes de direction dans le domaine de la banque d'investissement la Deutsche Bank, la Bear Stearns, la Bank of America et chez Prudential Securities. Elle est titulaire d'une licence en finance et en marketing dlivre par le Manhattan College.

Le Dr Fischer est mdecin et scientifique. Elle s'est forge une grande exprience dans le monde universitaire et dans des laboratoires pharmaceutiques et des socits de biotechnologie, en dirigeant des programmes de recherche et de dveloppement de stade prcoce et avanc dans de nombreux domaines thrapeutiques, notamment la neurologie et les maladies rares. Avant de rejoindre Zenas, elle tait Chief Development Officer (directrice du dveloppement) et Head of Translational Medicine (directrice de la mdecine translationnelle) chez Biohaven, un laboratoire biopharmaceutique cot en Bourse. Tanya Fischer a commenc sa carrire dans l'industrie chez Bristol Myers Squibb et a occup des postes de direction en R&D, avec de plus en plus de responsabilits, chez EMD–Serono, Sanofi–Genzyme et Alnylam. Elle est neurologue et a t professeure l'cole de mdecine de l'universit de Yale au terme de son internat en neurologie l'hpital Yale New Haven. Elle est titulaire d'un doctorat en mdecine et d'un doctorat en sciences de l'Universit de mdecine et dentisterie du New Jersey (de la Robert Wood Johnson Medical School en mdecine et de l'Universit Rutgers en sciences). Elle a en outre reu la prestigieuse Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

propos de Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma est un laboratoire biopharmaceutique d'envergure mondiale dtermin devenir un leader dans le dveloppement et la commercialisation de traitements dans les domaines de l'inflammation et de l'immunologie ( I&I ) pour les patients qui en ont besoin dans le monde entier. Avec des capacits de dveloppement et des oprations cliniques aux quatre coins de la plante, Zenas fait progresser un portefeuille de traitements de maladies auto–immunes potentiellement diffrencis dans des domaines o les besoins mdicaux ne sont pas satisfaits. Notre quipe de direction exprimente et notre rseau de partenaires commerciaux stimulent l'excellence oprationnelle, afin d'apporter des traitements potentiellement transformateurs dans l'optique d'amliorer la qualit de vie des personnes atteintes de maladies rares et auto–immunes. Pour tout complment d'information sur Zenas BioPharma, veuillez consulter le site www.zenasbio.com et nous suivre sur Twitter l'adresse @ZenasBioPharma et sur LinkedIn.

propos de l'obxlimab

L'obxlimab est un anticorps monoclonal, humanis, non cytolytique, bifonctionnel et exprimental de phase 3, qui imite l'action de complexes antigne–anticorps en liant l'antigne CD19 et le rcepteur FcRIIb afin d'inhiber l'activit des lymphocytes B. Dans plusieurs tudes cliniques de stade prcoce, notamment sur diverses maladies auto–immunes, 198 sujets ont t traits avec l'obxlimab. Dans le cadre de ces tudes cliniques, l'obxlimab a dmontr une inhibition de la fonction des lymphocytes B sans les puiser, donnant lieu un effet thrapeutique encourageant chez les patients atteints de diverses maladies auto–immunes. Zenas a acquis des droits mondiaux exclusifs sur l'obxlimab auprs de Xencor, Inc. L'obxlimab fait actuellement l'objet d'une tude clinique mondiale de phase 3 portant sur des patients atteints de maladies lies aux IgG4 et d'une tude mondiale de phase 2/3 portant sur des patients atteints d'anmie hmolytique auto–immune ( AHAI ) auto–anticorps chauds . Le dveloppement clinique de l'obxlimab pour le traitement de la sclrose en plaques et du lupus rythmateux systmique est en cours d'valuation.

Davantage d'informations sur l'tude de phase 3 (INDIGO) pour le traitement de la maladie lie aux IgG4 sont disponibles sur clinicaltrials.gov : NCT05662241. Davantage d'informations sur l'tude de phase 3 (SApHiAre) pour le traitement de l'AHAI auto–anticorps chauds sont disponibles sur clinicaltrials.gov : NCT05786573.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8988518)

Zenas BioPharma Strengthens Executive Leadership with Appointment of Jennifer Fox as Chief Business Officer and Chief Financial Officer and Tanya Fischer, M.D., PhD. as Head of R&D and Chief Medical Officer

WALTHAM, Mass., Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of inflammation and immunology (I&I) directed therapies, today announced the appointment of Jennifer Fox as its Chief Business Officer and Chief Financial Officer and Tanya Fischer, M.D., Ph. D as Head of Research and Development and Chief Medical Officer.

"We are thrilled to welcome Tanya and Jen to our executive team," said Lonnie Moulder, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Zenas BioPharma. "Tanya is a deeply experienced physician–scientist leader and Jen is a seasoned healthcare finance and corporate development leader. With their decades of industry leadership experience, they will each be an invaluable addition to Zenas as we head into our next phase of growth, advancing multiple global programs in late–stage clinical development with a goal to deliver differentiated I&I directed therapies to patients in need around the world."

Ms. Fox is an experienced finance and corporate development executive with an extensive track record in corporate finance and healthcare investment banking, advising numerous private and public companies with respect to strategy, financings and mergers and acquisitions. Prior to joining Zenas, Ms. Fox served as Chief Financial Officer at Nuvation Bio, a publicly traded biotechnology company. She previously served as a Managing Director and Co–Head of North America Healthcare Corporate and Investment Banking Group at CitiGroup. Prior to CitiGroup, Ms. Fox held senior positions in investment banking at Deutsche Bank, Bear Stearns, Bank of America and Prudential Securities. She holds B.S. degrees in finance and marketing from Manhattan College.

Dr. Fischer is a physician–scientist with deep experience in academia and at both pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, leading early and late–stage research and development programs across multiple therapeutic areas, including neurology and rare diseases. Prior to joining Zenas, she served as Chief Development Officer and Head of Translational Medicine at Biohaven, a publicly traded biopharmaceutical company. Dr. Fischer began her industry career at Bristol Myers Squibb and held R&D leadership roles of increasing responsibility at EMD–Serono, Sanofi–Genzyme and Alnylam. She is a neurologist and held appointments at Yale University School of Medicine following the completion of her Neurology residency at Yale New Haven Hospital. She obtained MD and PhD degrees from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Rutgers University, respectively, and was awarded the prestigious Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

About Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma is a global biopharmaceutical company committed to becoming a leader in the development and commercialization of inflammation and immunology (I&I) directed therapies for patients in need around the world. With clinical development capabilities and operations globally, Zenas is advancing a portfolio of potentially differentiated autoimmune therapeutics in areas of high unmet medical need. Our experienced leadership team and network of business partners drive operational excellence to deliver potentially transformative therapies to improve the lives of those facing autoimmune and rare diseases. For more information about Zenas BioPharma, please visit www.zenasbio.com and follow us on Twitter at @ZenasBioPharma and LinkedIn.

About Obexelimab

Obexelimab is an investigational Phase 3–stage, bifunctional, non–cytolytic, humanized monoclonal antibody that mimics the action of antigen–antibody complexes by binding CD19 and FcRIIb to inhibit B–lineage cell activity. In several early–stage clinical studies, including in various autoimmune diseases, 198 subjects were treated with obexelimab. In these clinical studies, obexelimab demonstrated inhibition of B cell function without depleting the cells, resulting in encouraging treatment effect in patients with various autoimmune diseases. Zenas acquired exclusive worldwide rights to obexelimab from Xencor, Inc. Obexelimab is currently being studied in a global Phase 3 clinical study in patients with IgG4 Related Disease and a global Phase2/3 study in patients with warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (wAIHA). Clinical development of obexelimab for Multiple Sclerosis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is under evaluation.

More information on the Phase 3 (INDIGO) study for the treatment of IgG4 Related Disease is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241. More information on the Phase 3 (SApHiAre) study for the treatment of wAIHA is available at clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05786573.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8987984)

Pacific Leaders Announce Largest Conservation Effort in History

Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity plans to mobilize high-impact investment for this continent-wide transformation, including the largest conservation effort globally. Credit: Pacific Community

Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity plans to mobilize high-impact investment for this continent-wide transformation, including the largest conservation effort globally. Credit: Pacific Community

By Umar Manzoor Shah
DUBAI, Dec 4 2023 – Pacific people live at the nexus of oceans, climate, and food systems, and the interaction of climate and ocean is raising sea temperatures and threatening habitats and resources vital to the region’s sustenance, Palau’s President Surangel Whipps, Jr., said at the launch of an effort to protect and rejuvenate the region’s ecosystems and empower communities through to the year 2050—in what is considered to be the biggest single conservation effort in history—Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity.

At the event at COP28 on Sunday, the project received a 100-million USD pledge to protect and rejuvenate the region’s ecosystems and empower communities through 2050.

Several world leaders and politicians attended the launch at an event titled ‘Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity: Pacific Leaders Commitment to a Sustainable and Prosperous Blue Pacific: For Our Pacific and for the World.’ 

Whipps told the audience, “No one knows better than us about what works and what hasn’t worked in the Blue Pacific… Despite major efforts by our Pacific communities and long-standing international partners, development and environmental outcomes in the Pacific are not happening at the pace or scale needed to protect the planet or meet our regional needs. The world is not on track to meet any of the 17 sustainable development goals or climate goals by 2030. The Blue Pacific has a pivotal role in correcting the global course by achieving urgent global environmental commitments, including 30 by 30.”

Announcing the $100 million donation, CEO and President of Bezos Earth Fund, Andrew Steer, praised the Pacific Community for “dreaming big, aiming high, and working together”—a quote he attributed to Whipps, as he praised the Pacific community for what will be the biggest conservation effort in history of 1 billion hectares.

Surangel Whipps, Jr. the President of Palau shakes hands with CEO and President of Bezos Earth Fund Andrew Steer after the announcement of a USD 100 m donation to the Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity conservation effort. Credit: Pacific Community

Surangel Whipps, Jr., the President of Palau, shakes hands with CEO and President of Bezos Earth Fund Andrew Steer after the announcement of a USD 100 million donation to the Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity conservation effort. Credit: Pacific Community

Coastal Community builds a seawall. The Pacific Community's Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity aims to conserve 1 billion hectares. Credit: Pacific Community

Coastal Community builds a seawall. The Pacific Community’s Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity aims to conserve 1 billion hectares. Credit: Pacific Community

“This is nowhere enough, but it is important to all of us. If there was ever a time for multilateralism, this is it,” he said.

Tonga’s Prime Minister, Hu’akavameiliku Siaosi Sovaleni, agreed, saying the Pacific region needed genuine cooperation from world leaders in the prevention of natural resources.

“We do not need reports to tell us where we are. We know where we are standing, and that is the reason that we are here. There are initiatives being taken, but more is needed.”

The United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, termed the launch of extreme importance and stated that no prosperity in the Pacific is possible unless concrete measures are taken for its preservation.

He highlighted how putting an immediate ban on illegal fishing is crucial and should be stopped without delay.

Minister of State of the United Kingdom for Development and Africa, Andrew Mitchell, termed climate change a primary threat and said that the UK is keen to combat this threat without delay.

“We need to accelerate global action in terms of our agreements related to climate policy, and we want a genuine partnership in the Pacific for the greater common good,” Mitchell said.

Pertinently, Pacific leaders have been calling for a transformative shift for the Blue Pacific Continent for the objective of what they call ‘2050 Strategy and Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity (UBPP).’

The UBPP proposal invites collaboration from partners and investors, under the leadership of Pacific leaders, to forge ground-breaking partnerships facilitating the realization of this paradigm shift within the current decade.

Pacific leaders committed to an ambitious action plan designed to swiftly access new and additional funding tailored to the specific needs of the region. This plan empowers nations to take charge of their collective development and conservation agendas.

It involves the creation of a coalition platform to attract and coordinate diverse funders, supporting long-term development plans. Additionally, it harnesses the power to convene, access, and leverage funds through existing modalities or establish new ones, bringing catalytic and innovative financing to Pacific communities and organizations.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Barbara and Peter, the first-ever female and male T.rex on show together, break all records

Seven Dials City: Media Snippet

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

  • Most successful dinosaur exhibit of all–time
  • More than 1.5 million visitors see Barbara and Peter "" a world–first male & female T. rex pairing
  • Barbara is one of only three female T. rex specimens ever discovered
  • Auckland Museum breaks new ground by open access publication of scientific research of the specimens
  • Visitor numbers equivalent to a third of the population of New Zealand have seen the Barbara and Peter T. rex exhibit

AUCKLAND, New Zealand and LONDON, Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — With just days left to run, the world's first display of an adult male and female T.rex side by side is believed to be the most successful dinosaur exhibition of all time.

Already, 1.5 million people have visited Auckland Museum to see this spectacular exhibition, which has run for a year, and which will draw to a close on December 10, 2023. Given that New Zealand itself has a population of just 5.1 million inhabitants, the numbers who came to see the two T.rex dinosaurs, named Barbara and Peter, are unprecedented.

David Reeves, CEO of Auckland Museum, hailed the impact of the exhibition: "Not only have we seen visitor numbers equivalent to almost the whole of Auckland's population of 1.6 million come through the doors, but Barbara and Peter have provided a once–in–a–lifetime, educational experience for many, many thousands of school children. It has been a joy to see people's reactions as they encounter these magnificent specimens for the first time."

Tyrannosaurus rex fossils are extremely rare, with only about 20 T. rex on display in museums worldwide. These were the first T. rex exhibits in the Southern Hemisphere. The world's most famous dinosaur is so scarce that there is no T. rex on permanent exhibit in the Middle East, the whole of Asia, Africa or Latin America. There are only four T. rex on display in Europe.

Female T. rex specimens are rarer still, with Barbara representing only the third ever pregnant Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaur skeleton to be discovered. Barbara is 44.7 per cent complete, making her the 8th most complete T. rex in the world. She measures an impressive 11.7 metres long and 3.4m high.

Close viewing of the T.rex reveals some of the incredible anatomical features of one of the largest land predators of all time and offers the ability to inspect injuries that pathological findings revealed, specifically an injury to Barbara's leg, likely to have been caused by another T.rex. It is remarkable that a massive animal like Barbara, which relied on walking or running on two legs as the primary method of locomotion, could survive such an injury. She lived for a long period after the injury, as can be seen by the evidence of a healed metatarsal.

Dr Andre Lujan, President of the Association of Applied Paleontological Sciences, said: "The Auckland Museum should be congratulated on this ground–breaking world first exhibit of a male and female T.rex together. Visitor numbers show that a huge percentage of New Zealand's children got to see these magnificent specimens, which is a wonderful inspiration for the next generation of paleontologists."

Alongside the exhibiting of Barbara and Peter, Auckland Museum has made public the preliminary scientific research on the specimens, undertaken by expert academics. According to David Reeves: "The publication of this research, made available to the museum and its visitors, is a novel and hugely important concept, designed to bridge the gap for the lay observer between the learned, peer–reviewed academic reports and the very limited data typically supplied to visitors by museums in support of such exhibits. This has truly ignited the imagination of young scientists in New Zealand."

These preliminary reports have been prepared by two of the world's top theropod paleontologists, Dr David Burnham (University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum) and Dr John Nudds (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Manchester), who studied both Barbara and Peter in their university laboratories for many months.

Dr Nudds commented: "These reports are designed to encourage children and young people to learn about the extraordinary world of theropods, a subject that has fascinated me for my entire professional life."

Dr Burnham added: "Barbara and Peter each represents an individual animal that was a living and breathing organism. Studying and reporting publicly about each individual specimen means it becomes part of the entire body of knowledge about Tyrannosaurus rex. Therefore, every documented specimen counts enormously, not least because there are so very few."

This unique display, together with published research, has afforded the public to gain a deeper understanding of the history and mysteries of the T.rex, providing insights into their origins, lives, and the remarkable process of finding and mounting fossil specimens.

The exhibition will close soon, but already 1.5 million people have been thrilled by the once–in–a–lifetime opportunity to stand face–to–face with two real T. rex, brought together for the first time in 66 million years.

For further information

Seven Dials City

Simon Kelner
+44 7775 788898

James Devas
+44 7885 813 114


Auckland War Memorial Museum is one of New Zealand's first museums. The Museum tells the story of New Zealand, its place in the Pacific and its people. The Museum is a war memorial for the province of Auckland and holds one of New Zealand's top three heritage libraries. It has pre–eminent Mori and Pacific collections, significant natural history resources and major social and military history collections, as well as decorative arts and pictorial collections.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000902476)

A Climate Scientist’s View of COP 28

Research team in the Arctic. Professor Tjernström is standing on the left.

By Jan Lundius
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Dec 4 2023 – This year’s UN Climate Change Conference is taking place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December. The so-called COP summits are organised every year and constitute a means for the global community to agree on ways to address the climate crisis, such as limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, supporting vulnerable communities to adapt to the effects of climate change, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

More than 70,000 delegates are attending the COP28 in Dubai. Main delegates are the 47 representatives of the member states (called Parties), which constitute the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Business leaders, young people, climate scientists, Indigenous Peoples, journalists, and various other experts and stakeholders are also among the participants. Officially, COP 28 stands for the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.

UNFCCC was established in 1992 to combat “dangerous human interference with the climate system”, in part by limiting the greenhouse gas emissions that compromise Earth’s entire ecosystem, a prerequisite for human existence. Among other items on its agenda COP 28 will address progress made in accordance with the Paris Agreement of 2015, when 195 Parties of the UNFCCC agreed to keep the rise of global temperature to well below 2 °C (3.6 °F), compared to pre-industrial levels, and preferably limit the increase to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F).

To gain a scientific perspective of the meaning and influence of COP28, IPS asked Professor Tjernström about his views on climate change and what he assumes might be done to amend it. Michael Tjernström is since 2001 professor of Meteorology at Stockholm University. He has spent several periods at institutions such as CIRES, The Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and The Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), all in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Professor Tjernström’s main research interests concern climate change in the Arctic. He has participated in several scientific expeditions to Arctic areas and is since 2011 a member of the International Arctic Science Committee.

Michael Tjernström

IPS: Professor Tjernström, can the outcomes of COP28 drastically affect current climate changes?

Michael Tjernström: The COPs are a necessary and essential factor when it comes to addressing climate change. A COP summit might be likened to a regular check-up visit to the dentist. It can be painful, but is necessary for good dental hygiene. The dentist might find that your teeth are in a very bad state and to save them, urgent measures have to be taken – caries has to be amended, maybe a bad tooth has to be extracted, dental bridges inserted, etc . The point is that the dentist is an expert and you have to trust him. However, the decision to save your teeth is all yours. In a similar fashion the COPs intend to amend already present damages to the climate, determine their causes and try to prevent a negative development. But it is up to the members to act.

IPS: How do you perceive the UN’s role in this endeavour?

Michael Tjernström: There is absolutely no other global organization other than the UN which would be able to organize and be in charge of such a process. No other national, international, political or private, organisation would be able to establish a global consensus and general awareness, as well as maintaining the perseverance, stamina, objectivity and legal strength to do so. An endurance against all odds, but nevertheless made possible through the UN’s established rules, combined with its global and local outreach. Of course, there are cracks and concerns, but the administrative structure and operations of the UN are firmly based on the commitment of its member states.

People, who in general are prone to criticize the UN system are often only perceiving the actions of the Security Council and how its commitment is crippled by the veto power of its five permanent members. However, this does not apply to the UNFCCC and its scientific support organisation, ICCP. As a scientist and propagator for awareness about climate change, I perceive the lack of understanding the great importance of the UN as a marketing problem. People are not aware of what this global organisation stands for, and even less so – its support of the global scientific community.

IPS: Will you attend the COP summit in Dubai?

Michael Tjernström: No, most scientists have through their research already made their fair contribution to efforts to combat climate change. The current state of research, results and warnings are comprehensively explained and diffused through the ICCP reports and scientists have thus no need to attend the COPs. Whether or not politicians listen to science or not is not determined by my presence at a COP.

COP summits are more politically than scientifically motivated. However, they are based on the factual basis provided by ICCP reports. The COPs mainly attract other stakeholders than scientists, such as government representatives, spokespersons for environmentalist pressure groups and lobbyists representing the interests of fossil fuel-based industries, as well as oil and coal producing companies. Many such lobbyists try to find a place among decision makers, while environmentalists might be looking for political scapegoats.

People and organisations are trying to highlight their own, often specific interests, some of them being based on doubtful assumptions and moral priorities. Environmentalists have often demanded that certain interest groups be excluded from COP summits, like those lobbying for the use of fossil fuels, interests of oil producers, as well as industrialists who, for the sake of their own profit, try to minimize the threat from global warming.

Nevertheless, it is important that influential stakeholders are present . The global outreach demands this. Everyone has to be allowed to have their voice and concerns heard, as well as being provided with an opportunity to be informed about scientific achievements, new environmentally friendly technologies, and the threats of global warming.

Industrialization based on non-polluting and zero emissions of greenhouse gases, as well as new eco-friendly technology, are essential for change and improvement. Environmentalism’s contributions are also important. Like most revolutionary movements radical environmentalists highlight political and capitalist motivational reasons and misconduct, while they demand change and sacrifice. Historically did socialists and suffragettes contribute to emancipation and justice. However, some revolutionaries have turned into fanatics, and some have concentrated on relatively minor but easily targeted issues while ignoring an overall picture. For example, opponents to air travel are maybe not fully aware of the fact that it actually contributes to only three percent of global greenhouse emissions, while private cars and other fossil-fuel based transportation means account for much more of carbon dioxide emissions . It might be stated that it would be more beneficial for the environment to limit the use of your car, than avoid travelling by air. Veganism may be considered as beneficial when it comes to emission of greenhouse gases, though methane emissions from ruminating animals constitutes less than five percent of greenhouse gas emissions. If we could stop throwing away a third of all the food we produce, this would be much more efficient and would also have other benefits. However, every effort to limit greenhouse emissions is worthy of attention, though decisive and comprehensive political actions are particularly crucial for achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible. It is not enough to limit them; they must be eliminated.

IPS: But can COPs really have the impact you could wish for?

Michael Tjernström: In several respects, development is moving in the wrong direction, especially when it comes to acquiring knowledge. Many confide in badly informed, or even deceitful, social media and populist politicians. In certain circles a negative attitude to research and science is thriving. Science might by such groups be perceived as an essentially separate activity, practiced by an intellectual elite devoting itself to mutual admiration.

The COPs make participants aware of the fatal threat of global warming. But more than that, it also makes the general public aware and therefore participants can be held accountable for their actions, or lack thereof, and are through legally binding agreements forced to take social and economic measures to amend the ongoing destruction of natural resources, and the atmosphere.

IPS: What exactly is ICCP and what is its connection with the COPs

Michael Tjernström: Generally speaking, people are not knowledgeable, most don’t know what ICCP is. The task of ICCP, i.e. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is to advance scientific knowledge about climate change caused by human activities and it does so by examining all relevant scientific literature on the subject. This comprehensive review and dissemination of scientific insights and research results include natural, economic and social impacts and risks. ICCP also covers possible responsive options. IPCC does not conduct its own original research, its mandate is to survey the research situation, while aiming at being objective and comprehensive, and only openly published results that have already been reviewed by experts can be used. Thousands of scientists and other experts then volunteer to review the findings and publications of ICCP, before its key findings are compiled into a Synthesis Report intended for policymakers and the general public. Experts have described the work of ICCP as the biggest peer review of the global scientific community. COP28 will discuss the 6th ICCP Synthesis Report, issued in March 2023.

Most climate-related risks assessed in the Fifth Synthesis Report, issued in 2014, are in the Sixth Report deemed to be higher than earlier predicted and projected long-term impacts are worse than they were assumed to be in 2014. The Sixth Synthesis Report highlights that climatic and non-climatic risks will increasingly interact, creating compound and cascading risks, which will be extremely difficult to manage. The confidence of the conclusions has also been gradually increasing across the reports.

The development of climatological research is quite fast, the lag in actual efforts to halt global warming is mainly to be found in decisive decision-making. The original ICCP reports contain tens of thousands of pages that few decision-makers can assimilate. The summary for policy makers is reviewed and edited by several stakeholders. Efforts may thus be made to mitigate alarming findings and adapt them to political concerns. However, changes and adaptions are carefully wetted in order to secure that none of them contradict actual and fact-based research results, predictions and warnings.

IPS: Do you perceive yourself as a pessimist, or as an optimist?

Michael Tjernström: I am both hopeful and worried. As a researcher I cannot allow myself to fall victim to paralyzing dystopias. As a scientist I contribute to the measurement of climatological processes, while taking the pulse of the current situation, but also looking for trends and measures to mitigate, and perhaps even hinder, a worrisome development. Accordingly, a scientist has to be a kind of optimist even in the face of despair. Furthermore, I consider that my role as a researcher has to involve the popularization and dissemination of research results. A role I appreciate and feel comfortable with.

It is reasonable that we in the West, who so far have contributed by far the most to the ongoing climatological damage, also take our responsibility when it comes to mitigation and adaptation. We have the technological, historical and scientific prerequisites to make amends for all the damage we have caused and should therefore also go into the breach for the realisation of necessary improvements, while contributing to the economic means to do so.

But the picture is complicated. China is making great progress in climate research, but is at the same time contributing to the world’s largest emissions of greenhouse gases in total, and is number two in the world in per capita emissions, yet is still claiming they should still be treated as a developing country and indeed has a large poor population in the face of a rapidly growing middle class. Africa is lagging behind in its industrial development and consequently have limited emissions, but must nevertheless already now end its dependence on fossil fuels.

We in the West live well and safely and could without any major problems dismiss a lot of the gratuitous comfort we currently are enjoying. The drama is undeniable, even when the Paris Agreement was signed it was by some researchers pointed out that the 1.5 target was unattainable in reality. There is much talk about tipping points, when much of the existing ecological balance suddenly collapses, and that this might happen at a two degree rise in global temperature. But contributing factors are manifold and I don’t believe it will be happening in the near future. There is no really compelling evidence for most of these suggested tipping points. The most important thing is to immediately stop the burning of fossil fuels. In spite of all, I assume that much can and will be done to stop the worrisome development.

IPS interchange with Professor Tjernström was quite extensive and informative. In a following article we will return to Professor Tjernström describing his own research and thoughts about current, and future climatological changes.

IPS UN Bureau


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