Curia rejoint le palmarès 2023 des 10 meilleures entreprises de sous-traitance pharmaceutique en Inde établi par India Pharma Outlook

ALBANY, État de New York, 05 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, un organisme de premier plan spcialis dans la recherche, le dveloppement et la fabrication sous contrat dans le secteur pharmaceutique, annonce ce jour sa distinction comme l'une des 10 des entreprises de sous–traitance pharmaceutique (Contract Development Manufacturing Organisations, CMDO) prsentes en Inde, tabli par India Pharma Outlook. La liste intgrale est reprise dans l'dition de novembre 2023 du magazine India Pharma Outlook.

Cette reconnaissance met l'honneur les contributions respectives des deux centres grs par Curia, savoir Aurangabad et Hyderabad. Tandis que l'tablissement d'Aurangabad se consacre la fabrication sous contrat de principes actifs pharmaceutiques (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, API) et de produits intermdiaires, celui d'Hyderabad abrite le centre de recherche Hyderabad Research Center, spcialis dans la chimie pharmaceutique et le dveloppement chimique et analytique. Les deux centres accueillent galement le centre de contrle qualit de Curia et le centre mondial de services partags (Global Shared Services, GSS). Ces deux piliers de l'infrastructure mondiale de l'organisation assurent la standardisation des processus et leur volutivit.

Le principe d'amlioration continue ancr au c"ur des valeurs de Curia se reflte sur l'intgralit de sa gamme de services. Par ailleurs, ses investissements dans les technologies innovantes en font un partenaire de poids auprs des laboratoires pharmaceutiques et biotechnologiques tout au long du processus de recherche, de dveloppement et de fabrication de mdicaments. L'engagement de Curia pour tre un employeur de choix est galement mis en valeur dans le rapport, source d'une culture de travail riche en possibilits en matire de dveloppement professionnel et de reconnaissance pour ses collaborateurs.

Cette distinction tmoigne du talent et des efforts ininterrompus de nos tablissements d'Aurangabad et d'Hyderabad, et reprsente un honneur bien mrit pour notre quipe , a dclar Philip Macnabb, PDG de Curia. Et de poursuivre : En Inde, nos tablissements sont en qute permanente d'excellence. Ils sont essentiels notre mission d'amliorer la vie des patients .

Le comit ditorial d'India Pharma Outlook a dress la liste avec le concours d'un panel de juges rassemblant des experts du secteur mais aussi des responsables de l'exprience client et des analystes. Les laurats sont retenus au regard de leur effet positif sur l'conomie indienne, induit par des crations d'emplois et des initiatives de promotion de la recherche et du dveloppement, et pour leurs offres de qualit suprieure dans l'industrie pharmaceutique et biotechnologique.

propos de Curia
Curia est un organisme de premier plan spcialis dans la recherche, le dveloppement et la fabrication sous contrat dans le secteur pharmaceutique, dont la gamme de produits et services s'tend de la R&D la fabrication commerciale pour le compte d'une clientle pharmaceutique et biopharmaceutique. Curia emploie prs de 4 000 employs rpartis sur 27 centres implants en Asie, aux tats–Unis et en Europe. Ensemble, les collaborateurs de Curia transforment la curiosit en gurison. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur

Coordonnes Curia :
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Un fichier PDF accompagnant ce communiqu est disponible l'adresse suivante :–f26f–4811–946f–e03d10480984

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990130)

Curia Entra para a Lista das 10 Melhores Empresas CDMO de 2023 da India Pharma Outlook

ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organizao lder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao, anunciou hoje que entrou para a para a lista das 10 Melhores Empresas CDMO de 2023 da India Pharma Outlook. A lista completa pode ser consultada na edio de novembro de 2023 da revista India Pharma Outlook.

Este reconhecimento uma homenagem s contribuies das unidades de Aurangabad e de Hyderabad da Curia. A instalao de Aurangabad fornece fabricao contratada de insumos farmacuticos ativos (APIs) e intermedirios, e a unidade de Hyderabad inclui o Centro de Pesquisa de Hyderabad com experincia em qumica medicinal e desenvolvimento qumico e analtico. Esses locais tambm abrigam o centro de controle de qualidade da Curia e o centro de Servios Globais Compartilhados (Global Shared Services – GSS), que do suporte organizao global da empresa, permitindo a padronizao e a escalabilidade dos processos.

O foco da Curia na melhoria contnua do seu conjunto abrangente de servios e investimentos em tecnologias inovadoras posiciona a empresa como uma forte parceira de empresas farmacuticas e de biotecnologia em todo o espectro da pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao de medicamentos. O relatrio tambm destaca o compromisso da Curia em ser um empregador preferido, proporcionando aos funcionrios uma cultura rica em oportunidades de desenvolvimento e reconhecimento profissional no local de trabalho.

"Essa conquista um testemunho do talento e do trabalho rduo das nossas instalaes em Aurangabad e Hyderabad, e uma honra merecida para a equipe", disse Philip Macnabb, CEO da Curia. "Nossas unidades na ndia buscam incansavelmente a excelncia e so vitais para o nosso objetivo de melhorar a vida dos pacientes."

O conselho editorial do India Pharma Outlook compilou a lista com um painel de juzes com experincia no setor, incluindo CXOs e analistas. Os vencedores foram escolhidos pelo seu impacto na economia da ndia atravs da criao de emprego, promoo de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, e pelas suas ofertas de alta qualidade na indstria farmacutica e biotecnolgica.

Sobre a Curia
A Curia uma organizao lder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao que fornece produtos e servios de P&D por meio da fabricao comercial para clientes farmacuticos e biofarmacuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionrios da Curia em 27 locais nos EUA, Europa e sia ajudam seus clientes a avanar da curiosidade para a cura. Saiba mais em

Contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

PDF acompanhando este comunicado disponvel em:–f26f–4811–946f–e03d10480984

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990130)

Curia von India Pharma Outlook auf der Liste der 10 besten CDMO-Unternehmen in Indien für 2023 aufgeführt

ALBANY, New York, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, ein fhrendes Auftragsforschungs–, Entwicklungs– und Produktionsunternehmen, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass es von India Pharma Outlook als eines der 10 besten CDMOs in Indien anerkannt worden ist. Die vollstndige Liste finden Sie in der Ausgabe des India Pharma Outlook–Magazins fr November 2023.

Diese Anerkennung wrdigt die Beitrge der Curia–Standorte Aurangabad und Hyderabad. In Aurangabad werden pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, APIs) und Zwischenprodukte in Auftragsfertigung hergestellt, und der Standort Hyderabad umfasst das Forschungszentrum Hyderabad mit Fachwissen in medizinischer Chemie sowie chemischer und analytischer Entwicklung. An diesen Standorten befinden sich auch das Qualittskontrollzentrum und das Global Shared Services (GSS)–Zentrum von Curia, die die globale Organisation des Unternehmens untersttzen und eine Standardisierung und Skalierbarkeit der Prozesse ermglichen.

Der Fokus von Curia auf die kontinuierliche Verbesserung seines umfassenden Dienstleistungsangebots und die Investitionen in innovative Technologien machen das Unternehmen zu einem starken Partner fr Pharma– und Biotechnologieunternehmen im gesamten Bereich der Arzneimittelforschung, –entwicklung und –herstellung. Der Bericht hebt auch das Engagement von Curia hervor, ein bevorzugter Arbeitgeber zu sein, der seinen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern eine Arbeitsplatzkultur bietet, die reich an Mglichkeiten zur beruflichen Entwicklung und Anerkennung ist.

"Dieser Erfolg ist ein Zeugnis fr das Talent und die harte Arbeit unserer Einrichtungen in Aurangabad und Hyderabad und eine wohlverdiente Auszeichnung fr das Team", so Philip Macnabb, CEO von Curia. "Unsere indischen Standorte streben unermdlich nach Spitzenleistungen und sind fr unser Ziel, das Leben der Patienten zu verbessern, von entscheidender Bedeutung."

Die Redaktion von India Pharma Outlook stellte die Liste gemeinsam mit einem Gremium von Jurymitgliedern mit Fachkenntnissen in der Branche, darunter CXOs und Analysten, zusammen. Die Preistrger wurden aufgrund ihres Einflusses auf die indische Wirtschaft durch die Schaffung von Arbeitspltzen, die Frderung von Forschung und Entwicklung und fr ihr hochwertiges Angebot in der Pharma– und Biotechnologiebranche ausgewhlt.

ber Curia
Curia ist ein fhrendes Auftragsforschungs–, Entwicklungs– und Produktionsunternehmen, das pharmazeutischen und biopharmazeutischen Kunden Produkte und Dienstleistungen von der Forschung und Entwicklung bis zur kommerziellen Herstellung anbietet. Die fast 4.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von Curia an 27 Standorten in den USA, Europa und Asien untersttzen ihre Kunden dabei, von Kreativitt und Neugier zu Behandlungs– und Heilungsmglichkeiten zu gelangen. Erfahren Sie mehr unter

Curia "" Kontaktinformationen:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Eine PDF–Datei zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfgbar unter:–f26f–4811–946f–e03d10480984

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990130)

Zoom named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for UCaaS, Worldwide

SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM), today announced that analyst firm Gartner has named Zoom a Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), Worldwide for the fourth time in a row. The UCaaS report evaluated 11 companies in the unified communications space, and Zoom has been recognized as a Leader in this space for its UCaaS offerings. Zoom includes enterprise–grade solutions like Zoom Team Chat, Zoom Phone, Zoom Meetings, Zoom Contact Center, and Zoom AI Companion.

"We are excited to be named a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for UCaaS for the fourth consecutive year which we feel is a result of our ongoing commitment to offer an exceptional UCaaS experience,” said Graeme Geddes, Chief Growth Officer at Zoom. "As we continue to innovate and evolve our platform, we remain true to solving real customer problems and delivering limitless human connection.”

To read a complimentary copy of the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for UCaaS report, please click here.

Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications as a Service, Worldwide, Rafael Benitez, Megan Fernandez, Christopher Trueman, Pankil Sheth, 28 November 2023.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and MAGIC QUADRANT is a registered trademark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and are used herein with permission. All rights reserved

About Zoom
Zoom is an all–in–one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Public Relations
Bridget Moriarty
Corporate PR Manager

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8990024)

Global Typhoid Challenges in Focus at International Conference in Rwanda

KIGALI, Rwanda, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The 13th International Conference on Typhoid & Other Invasive Salmonelloses gets under way today in Kigali, Rwanda, with nearly 350 researchers, healthcare professionals and policymakers meeting to find ways to address the urgent challenges of typhoid and other invasive salmonelloses.

The three–day conference, hosted by the Coalition against Typhoid (CaT), housed at the Sabin Vaccine Institute, is the largest convening of the typhoid research community. Titled "Catalysing Change: The Urgency of Expanding Impact–Driven Solutions," it will feature 95 oral presentations and 120 poster presentations exploring opportunities for preventing and combating typhoid and invasive non–typhoid salmonella disease (iNTS).

Typhoid is a bacterial infection contracted through the consumption of food or beverages contaminated with Salmonella Typhi. There are an estimated 9–24 million cases of typhoid fever globally each year, leading to more than 110,000 deaths.

"These meetings have consistently fostered research collaborations and knowledge exchange that have been instrumental in advancing important progress within this field," says Dr. Denise Garrett, Vice President, Applied Epidemiology at the Sabin Vaccine Institute. "Our aim is to address the current challenges in typhoid and iNTS control and prevention, discuss impactful tools and potential solutions, and collectively explore approaches to forge a pathway forward."

Urgent issues in typhoid and iNTS control include:

  • Escalating drug resistance, limiting treatment options for typhoid patients.
  • The impact of climate change and extreme weather events, contributing to typhoid spread.
  • Need for improved diagnostics to assess disease burden and to facilitate decision–making for the introduction of the typhoid vaccine into national immunization schedules.
  • Need to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) infrastructure, such as water treatment or filtration, installation and management of sanitation systems, and education on proper handwashing to prevent the transmission of typhoid and other invasive salmonelloses.

The conference is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and will run through December 7.

For more information about the Coalition against Typhoid, visit:

For media inquiries:

About the Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation. Unlocking the potential of vaccines through partnership, Sabin has built a robust ecosystem of funders, innovators, implementers, practitioners, policymakers and public stakeholders to advance its vision of a future free from preventable diseases. As a non–profit with three decades of experience, Sabin is committed to finding solutions that last and extending the full benefits of vaccines to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. At Sabin, we believe in the power of vaccines to change the world. For more information, visit and follow us on X, @SabinVaccine.

Sabin leads research projects generating estimates of the burden of enteric fever around the world and conducts typhoid vaccine immunogenicity, effectiveness, and impact studies. Sabin's Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project (SEAP) tracks enteric fever in Bangladesh and Nepal to establish disease burden and the potential impact of vaccines. Additionally, Sabin leads the Sero–epidemiology and Environmental Surveillance (SEES) project, which has developed and validated sero–surveillance tools to rapidly estimate the burden of enteric fever in community settings.

About the Coalition against Typhoid (CaT)

The Coalition against Typhoid (CaT), based at the Sabin Vaccine Institute, works to prevent typhoid and other invasive salmonelloses through research, education, and advocacy. With more than 800 members, the Coalition acts as a catalyst in the global health community to coordinate partnerships, convene decision–makers, and advocate for sustainable solutions, including access to next–generation vaccines and clean water. The Coalition, formed in 2010, is guided by a multi–stakeholder steering committee. It is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Media Contact:
Monika Guttman
Media Relations Specialist
Sabin Vaccine Institute
+1 (202) 621–1691

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–0b8f–4647–80a0–fa5995adacc3

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989910)

Curia Recognized on India Pharma Outlook’s 2023 List of Top 10 CDMO Companies in India

ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced it has been recognized as one of the top 10 CDMOs in India by India Pharma Outlook. The full list can be viewed in the November 2023 edition of the India Pharma Outlook magazine.

This recognition acknowledges the contributions of Curia's Aurangabad and Hyderabad sites. The Aurangabad facility provides contract manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates, and the Hyderabad site includes the Hyderabad Research Center with expertise in medicinal chemistry and chemical and analytical development. These sites also house Curia's quality control center and Global Shared Services (GSS) center, which support the company's global organization, enabling process standardization and scalability.

Curia's focus on continuous improvement for its comprehensive suite of services and investments in innovative technologies position the company as a strong partner to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies across the drug research, development and manufacturing continuum. The report also highlights Curia's commitment to being an employer of choice, providing employees with a workplace culture rich in opportunities for professional development and recognition.

"This achievement is a testament to the talent and hard work from our Aurangabad and Hyderabad facilities, and it is a well–deserved honor for the team," said Philip Macnabb, CEO, Curia. "Our India sites relentlessly pursue excellence and are vital to our goal of improving patients' lives."

India Pharma Outlook's editorial board compiled the list with a panel of judges with expertise in the industry, including CXOs and analysts. Winners were chosen for their impact on India's economy through job creation, fostering research and development and for their high–quality offerings in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.

About Curia
Curia is a leading contract research, development, and manufacturing organization providing products and services from R&D through commercial manufacturing to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers. Curia's nearly 4,000 employees at 27 locations across the U.S., Europe, and Asia help its customers advance from curiosity to cure. Learn more at

Curia Contact Information:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

A PDF accompanying this announcement is available at:–f26f–4811–946f–e03d10480984

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989258)

Duck Creek Technologies Unveils the Next Generation of Data Management and Analytics with the Launch of Duck Creek Clarity™

BOSTON, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces the release of Duck Creek ClarityTM, an innovative, cloud–native technology solution and the successor to Duck Creek Insights, designed to empower insurers with advanced data management, reporting, and analytics capabilities. With the introduction of Duck Creek Clarity, the company also modernizes the traditional technology upgrade cycle through a unique “Active Delivery” approach, which provides continuous updates and eliminates the need for insurers to undergo timely and costly upgrade projects.

Duck Creek Clarity is a cloud–native offering that simplifies the process of accessing, managing, and unifying data originating from Duck Creek's SaaS–based (software–as–a–service) core systems, including policy, billing, and claims solutions. With the ability to seamlessly integrate external data sources, Duck Creek Clarity enables teams to gain comprehensive insights, leading to enhanced decision–making and improved loss ratios. Insurers can harness this powerful service for both daily operational reporting and strategic long–term planning, setting the stage for portfolio–wide improvements.

Duck Creek Clarity leverages the Snowflake Data Cloud to equip insurers with curated data layers and a suite of pre–built business intelligence dashboards and reports, facilitating more informed underwriting and renewal decisions, as well as team performance evaluation. This new offering also simplifies data integration into AI/ML (artificial intelligence/machine learning) models, consumer and agent/broker applications, and third–party systems, empowering insurers to make well–informed decisions at every stage of the insurance lifecycle, from underwriting to billing and claims.

“We are ushering in a new era of data–driven excellence with the launch of Duck Creek Clarity," said Jess Keeney, Chief Product & Technology Officer, Duck Creek Technologies. "Duck Creek has proven the solution's robust capabilities are an essential element that supports data ownership and agile decision–making, which offers insurers a greater competitive edge in the marketplace. This is only the beginning of Duck Creek's commitment to ongoing investment in data and analytics that enable insurers across the globe to be smarter and faster in their response to market opportunities. Duck Creek Clarity is a pivotal step in our technology roadmap vision to provide insurers with the means to "execute with intelligence,' optimize operational efficiencies, and provide more personalized customer experiences."

"Data is a critical building block for insurance companies looking to unlock the true power and efficacy of advanced analytics and generative AI," said Tom Benton, Partner at ReSource Pro (formerly known as Strategy Meets Action). "Insurers need data management and analytics tools like Duck Creek Clarity that can break down data silos and provide a path toward rapidly accelerating their level of data maturity, and ultimately help insurance product management, underwriting, and claims teams make smarter decisions and deliver more differentiated customer experiences."

Join the Duck Creek Technologies live product launch webinar on Thursday, December 7, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. ET to learn more about empowering data–driven insurance decisions with Duck Creek Clarity.

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information "" LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts:

Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989593)

SAABSOFT Unveils Latest Property Listing Update in Bitrix24 CRM

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a significant move to redefine real estate CRM solutions, SAABSOFT, recognized as the official Bitrix24 partner in the UAE and across the Middle East, has enthusiastically unveiled its newest update for the Property Listing module within Bitrix24 CRM. This major enhancement, already adopted by over 400 leading real estate companies in the UAE, reinforces SAABSOFT's role as a key influencer in the technological landscape of the region's real estate industry.

Revolutionizing Real Estate CRM with Advanced Features

The new version of SAABSOFT's Property Listing in Bitrix24 CRM is equipped with several key enhancements that cater to the specific demands of the real estate sector:

  1. Advanced Search Filters: The introduction of advanced search filters allows users to navigate through listings with unprecedented ease and precision, ensuring that the right properties are matched with the right clients.
  2. Multiple Account Management in Listing Portals: Addressing the need for expansive outreach, the update enables real estate professionals to manage multiple accounts across various listing portals from a single, centralized platform.
  3. Automated Media Upload and Watermarking: A streamlined media upload feature now automatically adds watermarks to images, enhancing brand presence and protecting intellectual property with minimal effort.
  4. Workflow Approval for Listing Publication: Ensuring quality and compliance, the new workflow approval process facilitates the review and authorization of listings before they are published on portals.
  5. Seamless Portal Leads Integration: The update seamlessly integrates leads from various portals directly into Bitrix24 CRM, enabling efficient tracking and management of potential client interactions.
  6. Enhanced Lead and Listing Matching: Perhaps the most ground–breaking feature is the sophisticated system that matches leads with the most suitable listings, optimizing the chances of successful transactions.

A Vision for the Future: A Statement from the Managing Director

In a statement, the Managing Director of SAABSOFT highlighted the impact of the update, “As the official Bitrix24 partner in the Middle East, we understand the dynamic needs of the real estate sector. This update reflects our commitment to providing top–notch solutions that cater specifically to the complexities and demands of the industry. By empowering over 400 leading real estate firms in the UAE with our enhanced module, we are setting a new standard in real estate CRM efficiency and innovation. The integration of leads and the sophisticated matching system are game–changers, promising to enhance the way real estate professionals connect with clients and manage their portfolios.”

Impact on the Real Estate Industry

This update is expected to have a substantial impact on the real estate sector. By simplifying and streamlining various aspects of property management and client interaction, SAABSOFT's new Property Listing feature is set to empower real estate companies with tools that can significantly enhance productivity and client satisfaction. Real estate professionals can now enjoy a more intuitive, efficient, and effective CRM experience, enabling them to focus more on client relations and less on administrative tasks.


Founded in 2018 and based in Dubai, UAE, Saabsoft is a premier software company with a legacy of over 20 years of technology expertise. As a key player in digital transformation, software development, business automation, digital marketing, and research and data analysis, Saabsoft stands at the forefront of technological innovation. As the authorized Bitrix24 partner in Dubai, serving the MENA region, Saabsoft's expertise in Bitrix24 dates back to 2016. The company excels in implementation, configuration, customization, and training, assisting numerous enterprises across various industries in automating their business processes with Bitrix24 Ecosystem.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–cc7c–46bf–88ef–c454383f2ab4

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000902707)

STX Group Launches Working Capital Solution to Accelerate Renewable Energy Transition

Amsterdam, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AMSTERDAM (December 5, 2023) STX Group, a leading environmental markets and climate solutions firm, today announces the launch of a working capital solution, specifically designed for environmental certificates. The launch comes as a response to the increased requirements for companies to hold environmental certificates to meet their ESG targets. Traditional financing methods often fall short in providing the necessary funding. STX Group has established an independent Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) offering companies the necessary working capital funding for their environmental certificates.

The new service provides STX Group's customers and counterparties with financial flexibility to manage the energy transition.

The newly launched SPV solution differs from traditional financing through the wide range of liquid and less liquid certificates that can be financed as well as offering higher advance rates. The SPV takes temporary ownership of the environmental commodities which may allow for balance sheet friendly treatment of the financing. The SPV is an attractive platform for lenders to gain access to one of the fastest growing parts of the credit universe. Through its extensive client base, STX Group has unrivaled access to counterparties looking to finance their environmental certificate holdings. This allows lenders to add collateralized credit exposure to highly rated counterparties to their portfolio.

The introduction of the SPV follows a sequence of new financial solutions and services introduced by STX Group earlier this year, placing the company at the forefront of incumbent financial markets where environmental commodities play an emerging role. This momentum is underscored by recent additions to STX Group's portfolio, including the April 2023 launch of the borrowing base facility where a broad base of environmental commodities was for the first time recognizes as collateral by global banks, and the unveiling of the STX Group carbon fund in October 2023. Both demonstrate the growing importance of environmental commodities as pivotal financial instruments.

"The launch of this new solution provides immense opportunities for our customers and counterparties as they increase their activities in environmental commodities markets. We are delighted to work with them by providing them with more efficient and secure market access," said Bart Wesselink, Chief Financial and Risk Officer of STX Group.

The SPV is independently managed by Vistra, one of the leading fund administrator and corporate service providers. Vistra is regulated by Dutch Central Bank DNB.

– ENDS –

About STX Group

STX Group is a leading global environmental commodity trader and climate solutions provider. For over 15 years, the company has been at the forefront of the global transition towards a low–carbon economy. By leveraging its expertise in accurately pricing pollution and emissions, it has helped to cultivate trust in market–based solutions to the decarbonization of the economy.

With its trading and Corporate Climate Solutions offerings, STX Group ensures that money flows to hundreds and thousands of projects that make the world a greener place, while providing corporations with the certified proof–points of their contributions to environmental progress.

After acquiring Vertis and its subsidiary Strive in December 2021, the STX Group now boasts a diverse team of nearly 500 employees from over 50 countries. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, STX Group has 13 offices around the world and an annual trading volume of over EUR 4 billion.

For more information, please visit

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Media contact

Jaime Santisteban

+33 6 80 80 99 98


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989794)

‘War on Drugs’ Failed and Policies Need Major Overhaul – Report

Global drug policies need an overhaul, new report says. Credit: Jonathan Gonzalez/Unsplash

Global drug policies need an overhaul, new report says. Credit: Jonathan Gonzalez/Unsplash

By Ed Holt
BRATISLAVA, Dec 5 2023 – A major advocacy group has demanded an overhaul of global drug policies as a landmark report is released showing how governments’ complacency has perpetuated a failed ‘war on drugs’ despite its devastating consequences for millions of people around the world.

Using wide-ranging data from UN, government, academic, and civil society sources, ‘Off track: Shadow Report for the mid-term review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration on Drugs’ released today (December 5) by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) illustrates the collapse of the UN drug control regime, its authors say.

It shows how, despite billions spent every year to curb drug markets and availability, in the last four years, the number of people who use drugs has risen to historic levels, overdose deaths are surging, executions for drug offences have soared, and millions have continued to be imprisoned for drug offences. And this is all while access to treatment for drug dependency remains low and shockingly unequal in different parts of the world.

But at the same time, the group claims, the long-held consensus behind global prohibition is fracturing, and since 2019, the number of people who can legally access internationally controlled drugs for non-medical use has more than doubled to over 294 million.

“There has often been an attitude [at policy level] that drugs are wrong and that the approach to drug use should be a punitive one. But recently there has been a growing recognition, on the ground and at grassroots level but also at some policymaking level, that this approach is not working. That recognition is accelerating as we reach a breaking point on this,” Marie Nougier, Head of Research and Communications at IDPC and one of the main authors of the report, told IPS.

The report is, according to IDPC, the only completely comprehensive evaluation of drug policy developments globally since the 2019 Ministerial Declaration on drugs which laid down the main objectives of the international community in addressing the world drug situation for a 10-year period. It also shows how drug policy has affected, both negatively and positively, not just drug users but other communities and people affected by drug use.

Drawing on a broad range of data and evidence, as well as on the experience of civil society and communities, the report shows, however, that there has been little, incomplete, or no progress in achieving the Declaration’s objectives.

Presenting personal testimony as well as data on, among others, drug use, drug production and trafficking, and the effects of drug law enforcement on users and others, it concludes there is little evidence that policies aimed at the prohibition and eradication of drugs have been effective in reducing illegal drug markets, or tackling their connection with human insecurity, violence, and organised crime.

But its authors say there is widespread proof that punitive policies on drug use promoted by governments have actually undermined some of the key aims of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration itself and of the broader UN system, including the promotion of health, human rights, and sustainable development.

“The approach to drug use needs to be rethought,” said Nougier, citing examples of countries which have moved away from punitive approaches to drug use.

“No one country has a great drug policy – they all face different issues with regard to their drug policies – but for instance Colombia has implemented steps to address human rights in its drug policies and is looking to really move its policies in the right direction; Ghana is another example – in 2020 it replaced a punishment of a minimum five-year jail sentence for possession of drugs for personal use with giving judges the option of imposing a fine instead,” she said.

The latter change came out of working with civil society to review drug laws which now seek, amongst others, to treat drug use and dependence as a public health issue rather than focusing on law enforcement, incarceration, punishment, and repression, she explained.

The report also brings a focus on how the ‘war on drugs’ has also disproportionately affected some communities – and how little has been done to deal with this.

According to the civil society organisations surveyed for the report, drug control operations have a disproportionate impact on marginalised communities to a significantly high degree, in all corners of the world. However, only 12 out of the 54 survey respondents (22%) reported government efforts to reduce – directly or indirectly – such disproportionate impacts.

It highlights, and gives evidence, including personal testimony, for example of the disproportionate racial and gender impact of the enforcement of drug laws.

“There are lots of people apart from drug users themselves who are being affected by the ‘war on drugs’, for instance along lines of race and gender, among others. There are intrinsically racist approaches to drug control in some countries. Those targeted by law enforcement are often from specific groups,” Nougier pointed out.

For many years, critics of punitive drug policies, including major healthcare bodies such as the World Health Organisation (WHO), as well as drug users themselves, have called for decriminalisation of drug use, backed by the provision of harm reduction services such as needle exchange programmes, opioid agonist therapy (OAT) services, and others, as a public health measure.

But while many countries have seen the benefits of harm reduction measures and enthusiastically implemented at least some of them – although access to such programmes remains very poor in many parts of the Global South—policymakers, at least at national level, are much more reticent when it comes to decriminalisation.

“Politicians won’t say it in so many words, but the feeling we get is that it’s too much political effort to change drug policy. When we talk to them, they are very engaged and supportive when it comes to harm reduction measures, but as soon as you mention decriminalisation, everything changes,” said Nougier.

Campaigners for drug policy reform point to the recent pushback by the UK government to plans to open the UK’s first drug consumption room, where users could take their own drugs under medical supervision, in Glasgow. Discussed for years, it finally got the green light in September after it was confirmed that users using the room would not be prosecuted.

But the approval, granted by city authorities, was immediately criticised by the then Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, who said it was the wrong policy to address drug dependency, while Home Office minister Chris Philp said previously the UK Government does not support such facilities in England and Wales, over concern they “condone or even encourage” drug use.

Peter Krykant, an activist who ran his own unsanctioned mobile ‘overdose prevention service’ in Glasgow for years and who is now campaign lead for charity Cranstoun’s drug and alcohol support service, told IPS: “What we on the front line feel is that everything is getting harder every year because we’re not seeing any change to the system.”

However, policy reform advocates also point out that the room was approved and is set to open soon, with more cities in the UK likely to now apply for approval for similar facilities. They say this comes from a growing movement at grassroots level for a change in approaches to drug use.

“Grassroots advocacy, led by people who use drugs working in alliance with other community groups, has probably been the most effective approach towards establishing drug consumption rooms in cities. It is drug user activism that is challenging the status quo, taking the risks, and ultimately changing the law,” Niamh Eastwood, Executive Director of Release, a UK-based NGO campaigning for drug policy reform, told IPS.

Krykant pointed out that local communities have welcomed the Glasgow drug consumption room, with support for such sites high among the public.

There are signs that this is being recognised at a higher level, too. Earlier this year, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, called for an end to the ‘war on drugs’ and transformative changes towards drug policies based on health and human rights. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has also called for the decriminalisation of drug use and responsible regulation of drug markets by governments.

The IDPC report, which is being released before the mid-term review at the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March next year, makes note of the recognition, especially by Turk, of the failings of the current widespread punitive approach to drugs and gives a set of recommendations for transformative change of the UN drug control regime. These include, among others, putting health, development, and human rights at the heart of drug policy and allowing countries to consider the legal regulation of drugs.

Many campaigners say decriminalisation and, eventually, regulation of drugs need to be implemented as soon as possible in global drug policies, from a public health perspective, if nothing else.

“Decriminalisation of drug possession is crucial if we want to see the best possible health outcomes for people who use drugs. Criminalisation is a major driver for stigma and marginalisation, which acts as a barrier to accessing services,” said Eastwood.

“Ultimately, though, regulation of drugs is the only way we can ensure that the supply of substances is as safe as possible. With an ever-more toxic supply across the world and now occurring in the UK, we need to protect people’s health by ensuring they have access to a regulated supply,” she added.

Nougier said that while the report makes a number of calls for reforms, the first steps to key policy changes, including decriminalisation, could be taken very easily.

“It would be naïve to think all the reforms and changes we are calling for could be done in their entirety overnight, but what we are saying is that governments need to recognise that the war on drugs is ‘undoable’, and that reforms need to be started now. That acknowledgement could be made immediately, and while decriminalisation in terms of policy would obviously take time, in practice it could be changed overnight simply by telling police not to criminalise people for drug use,” she said.

“Drug policy should be reviewed. You shouldn’t need to be repressing communities, instead you should be looking to support them,” Nougier added.

Quotes from Diego Garcia Sayan, Global Commission on Drug Policy:

Throughout my career as a lawyer, judge, minister, and human rights expert, I have seen first-hand how in Latin American countries and around the world, highly punitive drug control efforts have been a key driver of violence and mass incarceration, especially for women, racial and ethnic minorities, and people living in poverty.

The mid-term review, alongside other discussions taking place in Vienna, Geneva, and elsewhere, should lay the ground for a process of deep reform that will shed the global punitive paradigm, and protect the health, welfare, and human rights of people everywhere, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. This Shadow Report provides concrete steps on how this can be made possible.

Quote from Petra Schulz, Moms Stop The Harm, who lost her child Danny from drug poisoning in 2014:

Looking into the future, I see legally regulated substances with a public health focus as the only possible alternative. The war on drugs has failed many, and there are too many casualties, including our youngest child. Not a day goes by where I don’t think where he might be and what he might do if he was still with us.

Quote from Alexey Kvitkovsky, who provides critical peer support for People Who Use Drugs in war-torn Ukraine

I transported patients from their homes to the OAT room in my car under fire, and thanks to this, dozens of people got access to their medication. As a peer counsellor, I continued to advise OAT patients from Luhansk Oblast who had evacuated to the western regions of Ukraine from the hotspots on various issues: where to get humanitarian aid, OST, and antiretroviral medications, where temporary shelters were available, and how to get clothing and food.

Quote from Mona, mother of Hamza, who suffered excruciating pain due to a rare type of bone cancer

I would like to share the story of our son Hamza. He suffered from Ewing sarcoma for three years. The cancer spread throughout his body and the pain was out of control. The only rest he found was in the form of morphine, a painkiller that allowed him to sleep, eat and even breathe… Looking for medicine was our daily mission because we understood that any laps in our efforts would mean a hard pain for our beloved son.

Quote from Raj, who suffered first hand from the war on drugs in Patna City, India

Detained without due process, I endured physical abuse and intimidation, my dignity was stripped away by those meant to protect it. It became painfully clear that the war on drugs was a breeding ground for unchecked power and brutality. Forced to navigate a Kafkaesque legal system, I grappled with the trauma of my ordeal, witnessing firsthand the erosion of justice in the name of an elusive war.

Quote from Manoela Andrade, a woman who uses drugs in Brazil

We all know that the war on drugs was never against drugs, but against specific people. But what you may not know is that we, black women, are the most affected by this genocidal political project of body control.

Quote from Christian, a person who uses cannabis in Malta

The home-growing law adopted in Malta in 2021 has been a huge plus for us. Less dependence from the illegal market and its repercussions on the world, less dependence on importation, and now we get to know what we are consuming.

Quote from Junior “spirit” Cottle, a traditional cannabis farmer from St Vincent and the Grenadines

The perception that we are doing well, and that doing drugs means wallowing in money is a misconception. The illegal nature of what we do brings with it many risks. Like the risk of being caught and imprisoned, the risk of being robbed by armed gangs, the risk of having your crop being eradicated by law enforcement agencies… Yet we continue to ply the trade. And we do so because we have our families to care for, with little or no other source of employment.

[M]any growers have come to see the [cannabis] industry as a rich man’s paradise. But all is not lost. We must continue to struggle for a better space within the new industry, for a situation of fair trade, sustainability, and social justice.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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