King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre gibt Start des innovativen klinischen Pharmakogenomik-Dienstes bekannt

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) ist stolz darauf, den Start der ersten Phase seines klinischen Pharmakogenomik–Dienstes innerhalb seines Herzzentrums bekannt zu geben. Dieser bahnbrechende Dienst nutzt die DNA des Patienten, um die Dosierung und Auswahl der Arzneimittel individuell zu gestalten, und lutet damit eine neue ra im Gesundheitswesen ein, in der die personalisierte Behandlung fr jede Person im Vordergrund steht. Dieser bahnbrechende Ansatz ist geeignet, die Behandlungsergebnisse zu verbessern und mgliche Schden zu verringern.

Die Experten des KFSH&RC erklrten, dass diese Analyse den rzten die Mglichkeit gibt, jedem Patienten unter Bercksichtigung seines individuellen Gesundheitszustands und seiner genetischen Merkmale mageschneiderte Medikamente zu verschreiben. Das Ansprechen der Patienten auf Arzneimittel kann je nach ihrem genetischen Profil sehr unterschiedlich sein. Was sich bei einem Patienten als wirksam erweist, kann daher bei einem anderen nur eine minimale Wirkung haben. Es ist erwhnenswert, dass statistisch gesehen 15 % der Krankenhauseinweisungen auf unerwnschte Arzneimittelwirkungen zurckzufhren sind. Dies stellt eine erhebliche finanzielle und personelle Belastung fr die Gesundheitssysteme in aller Welt dar.

Dieser innovative Dienst ist ein gemeinsames Projekt des Centre for Genomic Medicine, von Healthcare Information Technology Affairs und des Pharmaceutical Care Department des KFSH&RC. In der Anfangsphase umfasst dieser Dienst sechs der nach Krankenhausdaten am hufigsten verschriebenen Medikamente, von denen bekannt ist, dass ihre Wirksamkeit durch genetische Variationen beeinflusst wird.

Das KFSH&RC hat deutlich gemacht, dass es sich weiterhin dafr einsetzt, den Umfang dieses Dienstes schrittweise auf alle Krankenhausabteilungen auszuweiten. Diese Ausweitung unterstreicht das unermdliche Engagement des Krankenhauses, jedem Patienten eine individuelle Behandlung zukommen zu lassen, ein Hchstma an Sicherheit zu gewhrleisten und schdliche Wirkungen zu minimieren, whrend gleichzeitig die neuesten, weltweit anerkannten wissenschaftlichen Praktiken eingehalten werden.

Auf der Global Health Exhibition, die vom 29. bis 31. Oktober in Riad stattfindet und bei der das KFSH&RC als strategischer Gesundheitspartner eine wichtige Rolle spielt, wird das Krankenhaus den innovativen Dienst vorstellen, der die Gesundheitsversorgung in der Region zu verbessern verspricht.

Das KFSH&RC erklrte, es wolle den Anwendungsbereich des Dienstes schrittweise auf alle medizinischen Fachrichtungen ausdehnen. Dies sei Teil seines Engagements fr eine personalisierte Gesundheitsversorgung fr jeden Patienten auf hchstem Niveau in Bezug auf Sicherheit und Schadensverhtung und diene der Nutzung der weltweit neuesten wissenschaftlich erprobten Verfahren.

Das King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre gilt als eines der weltweit fhrenden Zentren fr spezialisierte Gesundheitsversorgung, als Vorreiter in Sachen Innovation und als fortschrittliches medizinisches Forschungs– und Ausbildungszentrum. Darber hinaus ist es bestrebt, in Zusammenarbeit mit fhrenden lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Instituten medizinische Technologien zu entwickeln und die Gesundheitsversorgung weltweit zu verbessern, um erstklassige Dienstleistungen im klinischen Bereich sowie in Forschung und Bildung zu erbringen.


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8965796)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Lança Inovadora Farmacogenômica Clínica

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) tem o orgulho de anunciar o lanamento da fase inaugural do seu servio de farmacogenmica clnica no Heart Center. Este servio pioneiro que utiliza o DNA do paciente para adaptar as escolhas e dosagens dos medicamentos, estabelece uma nova era na rea da sade que prioriza o tratamento personalizado para cada indivduo. Esta abordagem inovadora est viabiliza o aprimoramento dos resultados do tratamento e a reduo dos danos potenciais.

Os experts da KFSH&RC dizem que esta anlise capacita os mdicos a prescrever medicamentos personalizados para cada paciente, levando em considerao suas condies de sade e caractersticas genticas nicas. As respostas dos pacientes aos produtos farmacuticos podem ser substancialmente diferentes de acordo com seus perfis genticos. Por isso, o que demonstra ser eficaz para um paciente pode ter um impacto mnimo em outro. Vale a pena notar que as estatsticas revelam que 15% das internaes hospitalares decorrem de reaes adversas a medicamentos, que causam nus financeiros e humanos substanciais aos sistemas de sade em todo o mundo.

Este servio inovador um esforo colaborativo entre o Centro de Medicina Genmica, Assuntos de Tecnologia da Informao de Sade e o Departamento de Assistncia Farmacutica do KFSH&RC. Na sua fase inicial, este servio engloba seis dos medicamentos mais frequentemente prescritos, de acordo com dados hospitalares, cuja eficcia sabidamente influenciada pelas variaes genticas.

O KFSH&RC deixou claro que continua empenhado em expandir progressivamente o mbito deste servio, abrangendo todos os departamentos do hospital. Essa expanso demonstra a dedicao inabalvel do hospital em fornecer cuidados de sade personalizados a todos os pacientes, garantindo o nvel mximo de segurana e minimizao de danos, ao mesmo tempo em que adere s mais recentes prticas cientficas adotadas em todo o mundo.

Na Exposio Global de Sade realizada em Riade de 29 a 31 de outubro, onde a KFSH&RC ter um papel vital como parceira estratgica de sade, o hospital ir introduzir o servio inovador que promete acelerar os resultados de sade na regio.

O KFSH&RC disse que est trabalhando para expandir gradualmente o escopo da aplicao do servio para incluir todas as especialidades mdicas, como parte do seu compromisso de fornecer cuidados de sade personalizados para cada paciente no mais alto nvel de segurana e preveno de danos possvel, e utilizar as mais recentes prticas cientificamente comprovadas em todo o mundo.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center considerado um dos mais proeminentes do mundo na prestao de cuidados de sade especializados, um pioneiro em inovao e um centro avanado de pesquisa e educao mdica. O hospital tambm trabalha no desenvolvimento tecnologias mdicas e aprimoramento dos cuidados de sade em todo o mundo em parceria com instituies locais, regionais e internacionais proeminentes. Para o alcance de um servio de classe mundial nos campos clnico, de pesquisa e educacional.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8965796)

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center annonce le lancement d’un service de pharmacogénomique clinique innovant

RIYADH, Arabie saoudite, 25 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre ( KFSH&RC ) est fier d'annoncer le lancement de la phase inaugurale de son service de pharmacognomique clinique au sein de son ple cardiologie. Ce service pionnier utilise l'ADN du patient pour adapter les dosages et le choix des mdicaments, annonant ainsi une nouvelle re dans les soins de sant, qui donne la priorit un traitement personnalis pour chaque individu. Cette approche novatrice devrait permettre d'amliorer les rsultats thrapeutiques et de rduire les effets indsirables potentiels des mdicaments.

Selon les experts du KFSH&RC, cette analyse permet aux mdecins de prescrire des mdicaments adapts chaque patient, en tenant compte de son tat de sant et de ses caractristiques gntiques. Les ractions des patients aux produits pharmaceutiques peuvent varier considrablement en fonction de leur profil gntique. Par consquent, ce qui s'avre efficace pour un patient peut n'avoir qu'un effet minime pour un autre. Il convient de noter que les statistiques rvlent que 15 % des admissions l'hpital sont dues des effets indsirables des mdicaments, ce qui reprsente une charge financire et humaine considrable pour les systmes de soins de sant du monde entier.

Ce service innovant est le fruit d'une collaboration entre le Centre de mdecine gnomique, le dpartement des technologies de l'information dans le domaine de la sant et le dpartement des soins pharmaceutiques du KFSH&RC. Dans sa phase initiale, ce service englobe six des mdicaments les plus frquemment prescrits, sur la base des donnes hospitalires recueillies, dont l'efficacit est connue pour tre influence par des variations gntiques.

Le KFSH&RC a clairement indiqu qu'il restait dtermin tendre progressivement le champ d'application de ce service tous les services de l'hpital. Cette expansion souligne la volont inbranlable de l'hpital de dispenser des soins de sant personnaliss chaque patient, de garantir le plus haut niveau de scurit et de minimiser les effets indsirables, tout en adhrant aux dernires pratiques scientifiques approuves l'chelle mondiale.

l'occasion du salon Global Health Exhibition, qui se tient Riyad du 29 au 31 octobre, un vnement dans le cadre duquel le KFSH&RC joue un rle essentiel en qualit de partenaire stratgique dans le domaine de la sant, l'hpital s'apprte dvoiler ce service innovant qui promet de faire progresser les rsultats en matire de soins de sant dans la rgion.

Le KFSH&RC a dclar qu'il s'apprtait tendre progressivement le champ d'application du service toutes les spcialits mdicales dans le cadre de son engagement dispenser des soins de sant personnaliss chaque patient moyennant le plus haut niveau de scurit et de prvention des effets indsirables et exploiter les dernires pratiques scientifiquement prouves dans le monde entier.

L'tablissement est considr comme l'un des plus rputs au monde en matire de soins de sant spcialiss, un pionnier en matire d'innovation et un centre de recherche et d'enseignement mdical de pointe. Il cherche galement dvelopper des technologies mdicales et amliorer les soins de sant dans le monde entier, en partenariat avec d'minentes institutions locales, rgionales et internationales. Assurer un service de niveau international dans les domaines clinique, de la recherche et de l'enseignement, telle est la mission qu'il s'est fixe.

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Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible l'adresse suivante :–52ae–4fe5–8579–0cbdfcca9d1c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8965796)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has achieved a significant milestone by successfully conducting liquid biopsies on patients spanning various age groups. This innovative approach offers a safer alternative to conventional tissue biopsies. Notably, KFSH&RC stands out as the first healthcare facility in the Middle East to adopt this cutting–edge technology. 

This groundbreaking method is distinguished by its ability to detect approximately 50 genes associated with cancer and over 3,000 genetic mutations. This represents a pivotal advancement in patient care, eliminating the need to extract tissue from the affected area for examination. This transformative step greatly enhances healthcare outcomes and elevates the overall patient experience.

Liquid biopsy offers advantages over traditional tissue biopsies. It's less invasive, involving a simple 10 ml blood sample that can be repeated during treatment. Additionally, it provides high accuracy in swiftly detecting tumor biomarkers, predicting treatment responses, identifying emerging mutations, and confirming the absence of tumor recurrence, marking a significant advancement in cancer science.

This technology presents a safer alternative to traditional biopsies for patients facing challenges in accessing affected tissue without surgical intervention, as seen in cases like lung cancer. It is particularly beneficial for elderly patients, for whom a lung tissue biopsy may not be suitable due to the potential for severe complications associated with it.

As a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh from October 29 to 31, KFSH&RC will showcase its pavilion in the accompanying exhibition, where visitors can explore Liquid biopsy technology and various other healthcare solutions and technologies.

Liquid biopsy technology holds promise for other stages of cancer treatment at KFSH&RC. Through the routine use of the test, it is possible to build a database of tumor–causing mutations in the local community, which helps in early diagnosis of cancer before tumors form, in addition to tracking changes in the patient’s condition, frequently during treatment, allowing timely adjustments to treatment plans and preventing worsening of the condition.

This achievement is a part of KFSH&RC's ongoing commitment to harness advanced technologies for enhancing operational excellence and patient care. The test facilitates swift clinical decision–making for cancer patient management and reduces both the testing time and its process through full automation.

KFSH&RC stands as one of the world's prominent institutions in delivering specialized healthcare, leading the way in innovation, and serving as an advanced hub for medical research and education. Furthermore, it actively endeavors to advance medical technologies and elevate global healthcare standards through collaborations with significant local, regional, and international organizations, aiming to deliver world–class clinical, research, and educational services.

Contact information:

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–ae09–4d9a–8658–a5efc2b198c3–7dc5–47e4–af70–09088ad689e1 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID )

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has achieved a significant milestone by successfully conducting liquid biopsies on patients spanning various age groups. This innovative approach offers a safer alternative to conventional tissue biopsies. Notably, KFSH&RC stands out as the first healthcare facility in the Middle East to adopt this cutting–edge technology. 

This groundbreaking method is distinguished by its ability to detect approximately 50 genes associated with cancer and over 3,000 genetic mutations. This represents a pivotal advancement in patient care, eliminating the need to extract tissue from the affected area for examination. This transformative step greatly enhances healthcare outcomes and elevates the overall patient experience.

Liquid biopsy offers advantages over traditional tissue biopsies. It's less invasive, involving a simple 10 ml blood sample that can be repeated during treatment. Additionally, it provides high accuracy in swiftly detecting tumor biomarkers, predicting treatment responses, identifying emerging mutations, and confirming the absence of tumor recurrence, marking a significant advancement in cancer science.

This technology presents a safer alternative to traditional biopsies for patients facing challenges in accessing affected tissue without surgical intervention, as seen in cases like lung cancer. It is particularly beneficial for elderly patients, for whom a lung tissue biopsy may not be suitable due to the potential for severe complications associated with it.

As a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh from October 29 to 31, KFSH&RC will showcase its pavilion in the accompanying exhibition, where visitors can explore Liquid biopsy technology and various other healthcare solutions and technologies.

Liquid biopsy technology holds promise for other stages of cancer treatment at KFSH&RC. Through the routine use of the test, it is possible to build a database of tumor–causing mutations in the local community, which helps in early diagnosis of cancer before tumors form, in addition to tracking changes in the patient’s condition, frequently during treatment, allowing timely adjustments to treatment plans and preventing worsening of the condition.

This achievement is a part of KFSH&RC's ongoing commitment to harness advanced technologies for enhancing operational excellence and patient care. The test facilitates swift clinical decision–making for cancer patient management and reduces both the testing time and its process through full automation.

KFSH&RC stands as one of the world's prominent institutions in delivering specialized healthcare, leading the way in innovation, and serving as an advanced hub for medical research and education. Furthermore, it actively endeavors to advance medical technologies and elevate global healthcare standards through collaborations with significant local, regional, and international organizations, aiming to deliver world–class clinical, research, and educational services.

Contact information:

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–ae09–4d9a–8658–a5efc2b198c3–7dc5–47e4–af70–09088ad689e1 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID )

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has achieved a significant milestone by successfully conducting liquid biopsies on patients spanning various age groups. This innovative approach offers a safer alternative to conventional tissue biopsies. Notably, KFSH&RC stands out as the first healthcare facility in the Middle East to adopt this cutting–edge technology. 

This groundbreaking method is distinguished by its ability to detect approximately 50 genes associated with cancer and over 3,000 genetic mutations. This represents a pivotal advancement in patient care, eliminating the need to extract tissue from the affected area for examination. This transformative step greatly enhances healthcare outcomes and elevates the overall patient experience.

Liquid biopsy offers advantages over traditional tissue biopsies. It's less invasive, involving a simple 10 ml blood sample that can be repeated during treatment. Additionally, it provides high accuracy in swiftly detecting tumor biomarkers, predicting treatment responses, identifying emerging mutations, and confirming the absence of tumor recurrence, marking a significant advancement in cancer science.

This technology presents a safer alternative to traditional biopsies for patients facing challenges in accessing affected tissue without surgical intervention, as seen in cases like lung cancer. It is particularly beneficial for elderly patients, for whom a lung tissue biopsy may not be suitable due to the potential for severe complications associated with it.

As a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh from October 29 to 31, KFSH&RC will showcase its pavilion in the accompanying exhibition, where visitors can explore Liquid biopsy technology and various other healthcare solutions and technologies.

Liquid biopsy technology holds promise for other stages of cancer treatment at KFSH&RC. Through the routine use of the test, it is possible to build a database of tumor–causing mutations in the local community, which helps in early diagnosis of cancer before tumors form, in addition to tracking changes in the patient’s condition, frequently during treatment, allowing timely adjustments to treatment plans and preventing worsening of the condition.

This achievement is a part of KFSH&RC's ongoing commitment to harness advanced technologies for enhancing operational excellence and patient care. The test facilitates swift clinical decision–making for cancer patient management and reduces both the testing time and its process through full automation.

KFSH&RC stands as one of the world's prominent institutions in delivering specialized healthcare, leading the way in innovation, and serving as an advanced hub for medical research and education. Furthermore, it actively endeavors to advance medical technologies and elevate global healthcare standards through collaborations with significant local, regional, and international organizations, aiming to deliver world–class clinical, research, and educational services.

Contact information:

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–ae09–4d9a–8658–a5efc2b198c3–7dc5–47e4–af70–09088ad689e1 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID )

ضمن جناحه في ملتقى الصحة العالمي 

"التخصصي" يستعرض رحلته في مجال أبحاث الطب الحيوي في الفضاء

الرياض: 29 أكتوبر

يستعرض مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث مسيرته الرائدة وتوجهاته المستقبلية في أبحاث الطب الحيوي في الفضاء ودورها في تحسين صحة الإنسان، وذلك ضمن جناحه في ملتقى الصحة العالمي، الذي يشارك فيه "التخصصي" كشريك استراتيجي صحي.

ويتناول "التخصصي" عبر جناحه في الملتقى تجربته الرائدة في قيادة أربع تجارب بحثية في علوم الخلية في الفضاء، والتي شملت اختباراً لاستجابة الخلايا المناعية للالتهاب في الفضاء، ورصدًا لنشاط آلاف الجينات في الخلايا المناعية المتعرضة للالتهاب مع مرور الوقت، إضافة إلى رصد التغييرات الناتجة في عمر الحمض الريبونووي المراسل (mRNA) بين الفضاء والأرض، ومحاكاة استجابة الالتهاب للعلاج الدوائي باستخدام نموذج خلايا مناعية، لاكتشاف إمكانية تطبيقها لأغراض الوقاية والعلاج المبكر

وهدفت تلك التجارب البحثية التي نُفذت بالتعاون مع الهيئة السعودية للفضاء، وذلك ضمن الرحلة العلمية لرائدي الفضاء السعوديين ريانة برناوي وعلي القرني، إلى محطة الفضاء الدولية (ISS)، إلى المساهمة في الأبحاث الاستكشافية وتطبيقاتها في طب الفضاء لتعزيز سلامة رواد الفضاء، ومدى الاستفادة من المعرفة الناتجة عنها على الأرض.

واستمرت التجارب العلمية أربعة أيام، بإشراف ومتابعة فريق البحث العلمي برئاسة رئيس قسم الجزيئات الحيوية وعالم الأبحاث بمستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث الدكتور خالد سعد أبو خبر، والعالمة المشاركة الدكتورة وجدان بنت عبد الرحيم الأحمدي، والعالم المشارك الدكتور إدوارد حتي، من مركز بايوسيرڤ للتقنية الحيوية الفضائية بولاية كولورادو بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ومستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث بالرياض.

ويسعى "التخصصي" نحو إجراء مزيد من الأبحاث في مجال الطب الحيوي في الفضاء؛ للوصول إلى فهم أفضل لتأثير نقص أو انعدام الجاذبية والإشعاعات الكونية على الجسم البشري، والاستفادة من بيئة الفضاء التي توفر فرصًا لإجراء تجارب طبية لا يمكن إجراؤها على الأرض، وهذا يشمل دراسة كيفية نمو الخلايا والأنسجة في ظروف الجاذبية الصغرى، والتي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى اكتشافات جديدة في علاجات الأمراض، مما يفتح الأبواب لاكتشافات وتطورات قد تغير مسار الطب الحيوي.

ويُعد مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث، من بين الأبرز عالمياً في تقديم الرعاية الصحية التخصصية ورائداً في الابتكار، ومركزًا متقدمًا في البحوث والتعليم الطبي، كما يسعى لتطوير التقنيات الطبية والارتقاء بمستوى الرعاية الصحية على مستوى العالم، وذلك بالشراكة مع كبار المؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية، لتحقيق خدمة عالمية المستوى في المجالات السريرية والبحثية والتعليمية.

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في ملتقى الصحة العالمي

"التخصصي" يستعرض تجربته الرائدة في تعزيز رحلة المرضى العلاجية

الرياض : 25 أكتوبر  

يستعرض مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث في ملتقى الصحة العالمي 2023 المنعقد في العاصمة الرياض خلال الفترة 29–31 أكتوبر الجاري، تجربته الرائدة في تعزيز رحلة المرضى العلاجية، بالاعتماد على حلول صحية  رقمية مبتكرة، وأثرها في تحسين نتائج الرعاية الصحية، وكفاءة التشغيل في مجالات طبية هامة.

وحقق "التخصصي" تقدماً في سلاسة إجراءات قبول المرضى لبدء رحلتهم العلاجية، من خلال أتمتة الإجراء عبر بوابة "إحالات"، وهي خدمة رقمية يقدمها المستشفى لجميع الجهات الطبية الحكومية والخاصة والأفراد، كما تمكن الخدمة المستخدمين من تقديم تقاريرهم الطبية مباشرة ، وجمع بياناتهم الشخصية وتاريخهم الطبي في منصة واحدة من غير الحاجه للحضور شخصياً إلى المستشفى ؛ بما يسهل تقييم الحالة وأهليتها للعلاج من عدمه مع امكانية متابعة الطلب والاطلاع على المستجدات .

ويتمكّن المرضى من متابعة تقدم مراحل العلاج (عن بُعد)، وذلك عن طريق "تطبيق التخصصي" الذي يتيح لهم إمكانية الوصول الآمن إلى سجلاتهم وتقاريرهم الطبية، والتحقق من نتائج الأشعة والمختبرات الطبية، إلى جانب جدولة المواعيد بسهولة، وحضور المواعيد الافتراضية مع الأطباء، إضافة إلى التقييم السريري المستمر لتتبع فعالية العلاج، وإعادة صرف الدواء  واللوازم الطبية والغذائية ، وخدمات اخرى تسهل عملية التواصل مع الفريق الطبي والمستشفى مما تفعل من دور المريض واشراكه في آلية اتخاذ القرار.

ويلتزم "التخصصي" بتقديم تجربة علاجية عالية الجودة  جميع مراحلها مؤتمتة، ما يختصر الوقت والجهد على المستفيدين، ويعزز عملية اتخاذ القرار الطبي، عبر أساليب مبتكرة ونماذج رعاية تستفيد من التحول الرقمي  للمعلومات الصحية، وقدرتها على الربط بين التقنيات الطبية المختلفة، ودمج النتائج السريرية والوثائق والبيانات الطبية، وقد أدى ذلك إلى ضمان التدفق السلس للمعلومات، وتعزيز كفاءة الرعاية وتكييفها بما يناسب المريض.

ويعد مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث من بين الأبرز عالميًا في تقديم الرعاية الصحية التخصصية، ورائدًا في الابتكار، ومركزًا متقدمًا في البحوث والتعليم الطبي، كما يسعى لتطوير التقنيات الطبية والارتقاء بمستوى الرعاية الصحية على مستوى العالم، وذلك بالشراكة مع كبار المؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية، لتحقيق خدمة عالمية المستوى في المجالات السريرية والبحثية والتعليمية.

يذكر أن ملتقى الصحة العالمي الذي يقام بحضور 250 عارضاً من 15 دولة؛ يعد أهم تجمع للرعاية الصحية في الشرق الأوسط، حيث يوفر منصة لتواصل المجتمعات الصحية السعودية والعالمية، بما في ذلك المصنعين والمورّدين الإقليميين والعالميين، كما يعد الملتقى الذي يأتي هذا العام تحت شعار "الاستثمار في الصحة" تجربة محورية تشكل مستقبل الرعاية الصحية.

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The Hamas-Israel Conflict

Credit: Below the Sky/

“You shall love truth and peace.” Zechariah 8:19

By Kevin P. Clements
TOKYO, Japan, Oct 25 2023 – The world and the Middle East do not need another violent conflict. This is a region that has experienced far too much violence over the years. Hamas’ desperate attacks on innocent civilians was intended to provoke an Israeli overreaction that would, among other things, jeopardise Israeli diplomatic negotiations with the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia and create generalised anxiety within Israel. It was also aimed at demonstrating Hamas’ military capacity and vengeance for years of a humiliating blockade of Gaza. Kidnapping Israeli civilians was callous and brutal but part of a plan to use hostages as bargaining chips around the release of Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

The ferocity of the Hamas violence against innocent Israelis was appalling and many war crimes were committed in the first 24 hours of the invasion. After the initial shock, Israeli military vengeance has been swift in coming.

Since the events of the weekend, a gigantic humanitarian catastrophe and many other war crimes are unfolding in Gaza itself. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised “Vengeance”. He stated that there would be no “restraint on the military” and that the newly formed coalition government would crush Hamas, whose fighters he called “wild animals” and “barbarians.”

“We are fighting a cruel enemy, an enemy that is worse than ISIS,” he said, adding “and we will crush and eliminate it, like the world crushed and eliminated ISIS.” While the swift military response is understandable, an unencumbered Israeli military operation to extract vengeance for the 1,200 Israeli’s killed is likely to generate many more casualties and new martyrs especially since Israel has “laid siege” to Gaza, cutting off water, power, electricity and food supplies. Medical and health facilities are overstretched and supplies running out.

There are two wars currently in play. The first has to do with the battle on the ground. Initially Hamas’s unrestrained militia had the upper hand but now the formidable Israeli military machine is moving into action with terrifying consequences for the 2.3 million inhabitants of Gaza, not all of whom are Hamas supporters. One million are under the age of 19. The Israeli air force has been dropping hundreds of bombs on Gaza including strikes throughout the day and night. Over 263,000 people have been forced to flee their homes in the Gaza Strip, as heavy bombardments from the air, land and sea continue to hit the Palestinian enclave. There is nowhere for these displaced persons to go. Over 2,000 Palestinians have been killed since the blockade and bombing of Gaza began.

There are no exits to Egypt and certainly none to Israel. The presence of thousands of Israeli self-defence forces in tanks and on foot all around Gaza suggest that an invasion of the strip is highly likely with 2.3 million Palestinians unable to escape Israeli “vengeance” .

The second battle is for control of the narrative. Israel immediately moved into a victim narrative, comparing the Hamas assault to 9/11, Pearl Harbour and the Holocaust. President Biden called the Hamas attacks “pure evil”. All of these comparisons are intended to evoke memories of swift and “legitimate” military action and “vengeance”. Hamas, on the other hand claims that its actions are justified by years of blockade, oppression and humiliation. Gaza, for example, is often referred to as the largest open-air prison in the world. The world’s media (led by the United States) promotes the first narrative while pro-Palestinian states and free Arab media the second. Neither narrative, however, can be used to demonise, and justify unrestrained bloodshed against, the other.

Despite years of occupation and humiliation by Israel, Hamas gains nothing by killing and kidnapping Israeli civilians and randomly terrorizing the Israeli population.

On the other side, nothing is gained by Israel declaring “vengeance” against Hamas, bombing civilians and now blockading Gaza.

All victims will and must be grieved and mourned by friends and families. There are no winners in this war. It’s a disaster for everyone.

As the SG of the United Nations put it. This most recent violence “does not come in a vacuum” but “grows out of a long-standing conflict, with a 56-year long occupation and no political end in sight.”

Antonio Gutteres appealed for an end to “the vicious cycle of bloodshed, hatred and polarization”:

Israel must see its legitimate needs for security materialized – and Palestinians must see a clear perspective for the establishment of their own state realized. Only a negotiated peace that fulfils the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis, together with their security alike – the long-held vision of a two-State solution, in line with United Nations resolutions, international law and previous agreements – can bring long-term stability to the people of this land and the wider Middle East region.

In the meantime, we are witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe unfold before our eyes. We cannot remain mute in the face of violence on both sides. There can be no military solution to the Palestinian conflict. It’s critical that there be swift negotiations to generate some humanitarian corridors to let those that wish to leave Gaza do so and to enable the UN and other humanitarian organisations bring in water, power, food and medical supplies to serve the needs of a besieged population. It’s also important (even as the Israeli army prepares for an invasion) that both sides are reminded of and are willing to fight according to long established rules of war. Proposing that Israel will fight “without restraint” is a recipe for multiple human rights violations in response to those already perpetrated by Hamas.

Let’s hope and work for a return of hostages, and reinforce all Turkish and UN moves for a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war. Without imagination and courage there will be no end to Palestinian hopelessness, humiliation, death and destruction. Without imagination and creativity on the Israeli side there will be no real security, and cycles of vengeance and violence will be deepened and normalised. The challenge is to draw on all the rich Jewish traditions of forgiveness and reconciliation to ensure that the responses to Hamas’s appalling slaughter are proportionate and restrained. There is no room for Gaza to become another Warsaw Ghetto with Israel responsible for vengeful death and destruction.

Kevin P. Clements is the Director of the Toda Peace Institute.

IPS UN Bureau


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The Palestinians Subject to 56 Years of Suffocating Occupation

Amid relentless violence, families flee their shattered homes in Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood, seeking refuge in the southern Gaza Strip. Credit: UNICEF/Eyad El Baba

By Antonio Guterres
UNITED NATIONS, Oct 25 2023 – The situation in the Middle East is growing more dire by the hour. The war in Gaza is raging and risks spiralling throughout the region.

Divisions are splintering societies. Tensions threaten to boil over. At a crucial moment like this, it is vital to be clear on principles — starting with the fundamental principle of respecting and protecting civilians.

I have condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel. Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets.

All hostages must be treated humanely and released immediately and without conditions. I respectfully note the presence among us of members of their families.

It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.

The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.

They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.

UN Secretary-General addresses the Security Council 24 October 2023. Credit: UN Photo

But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.

Even war has rules.

We must demand that all parties uphold and respect their obligations under international humanitarian law; take constant care in the conduct of military operations to spare civilians; and respect and protect hospitals and respect the inviolability of UN facilities which today are sheltering more than 600,000 Palestinians.

The relentless bombardment of Gaza by Israeli forces, the level of civilian casualties, and the wholesale destruction of neighborhoods continue to mount and are deeply alarming.

I mourn and honour the dozens of UN colleagues working for UNRWA – sadly, at least 35 and counting – killed in the bombardment of Gaza over the last two weeks. I owe to their families my condemnation of these and many other similar killings.

The protection of civilians is paramount in any armed conflict. Protecting civilians can never mean using them as human shields.

Protecting civilians does not mean ordering more than one million people to evacuate to the south, where there is no shelter, no food, no water, no medicine and no fuel, and then continuing to bomb the south itself.

I am deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in Gaza. Let me be clear: No party to an armed conflict is above international humanitarian law.

Thankfully, some humanitarian relief is finally getting into Gaza. But it is a drop of aid in an ocean of need.

In addition, our UN fuel supplies in Gaza will run out in a matter of days. That would be another disaster. Without fuel, aid cannot be delivered, hospitals will not have power, and drinking water cannot be purified or even pumped.

The people of Gaza need continuous aid delivery at a level that corresponds to the enormous needs. That aid must be delivered without restrictions.

I salute our UN colleagues and humanitarian partners in Gaza working under hazardous conditions and risking their lives to provide aid to those in need. They are an inspiration.

To ease epic suffering, make the delivery of aid easier and safer, and facilitate the release of hostages, I reiterate my appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

Even in this moment of grave and immediate danger, we cannot lose sight of the only realistic foundation for a true peace and stability: a two-State solution.

Israelis must see their legitimate needs for security materialized, and Palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for an independent State realized, in line with United Nations resolutions, international law and previous agreements.

Finally, we must be clear on the principle of upholding human dignity.

Polarization and dehumanization are being fueled by a tsunami of disinformation. We must stand up to the forces of antisemitism, anti-Muslim bigotry and all forms of hate.

Today is United Nations Day (October 24), marking 78 years since the UN Charter entered into force.

That Charter reflects our shared commitment to advance peace, sustainable development and human rights.

On this UN Day, at this critical hour, I appeal to all to pull back from the brink before the violence claims even more lives and spreads even farther.

IPS UN Bureau


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UN Secretary-General, in an address to the Security Council