King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre kündigt schnellen Gesamtgenomsequenzierungs-Service an

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In einer fr den Nahen Osten bahnbrechenden Entwicklung hat das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) einen Service namens Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing (rWGS, schneller Gesamtgenomsequenzierungs–Service) im Rahmen seiner Gesundheitslsungen eingefhrt. Dieser Service soll rzten helfen, insbesondere bei schwerkranken Neugeborenen, deren Krankheiten schnell und przise identifiziert werden mssen, seltene und genetische Strungen zu diagnostizieren.

Der rWGS–Service ist fr Neugeborene mit seltenen Erkrankungen von unschtzbarem Wert, da er ihnen hilft, den oft langwierigen Prozess von Tests und Behandlungen zu vermeiden, der sich ber Monate oder sogar Jahre hinziehen kann, ohne eine genaue Diagnose zu liefern. Dies erhht die berlebenschancen und senkt die Gesamtkosten des Gesundheitswesens, da Krankenhauseinweisungen, unntige Tests und medizinische Versorgung auf ein Minimum reduziert werden.

Bemerkenswerterweise hat das Krankenhaus den Zeitaufwand fr diese Gentests von der blichen zweimonatigen Dauer auf weniger als 35 Stunden reduziert. Bei der Planung der medizinischen Versorgung kritisch kranker Neugeborener ist die Reaktionszeit von grter Bedeutung, und die rasche Bereitstellung von Testergebnissen gewhrleistet eine prompte und individuell angepasste medizinische Behandlung und verhindert Verzgerungen, die andernfalls zu einer Verschlechterung des Zustands der Patienten oder sogar zum Tod fhren knnten.

Im Rahmen seiner Teilnahme am Global Health Summit, bei dem KFSH&RC als strategischer Partner im Gesundheitswesen eine wichtige Rolle spielt, informiert das Krankenhaus an seinem Messestand ber den rWGS. Zu den Spitzenleistungen des Krankenhauses gehren die Analyse von bis zu 99 % der DNA–Sequenzen aus Blutproben von Patienten sowie verschiedene innovative Gesundheitslsungen.

Die umfassende Untersuchung der genetischen Zusammensetzung erfolgt in einem straffen vierstufigen Verfahren. Zunchst wird die DNA in handhabbare Segmente zerlegt. Anschlieend wird sie mit einem barcodehnlichen Symbol kodiert, das eine einfache Identifizierung ermglicht, hnlich wie bei der Nachverfolgung von Produkten in einem Geschft. Die Untersuchung selbst wird mit spezieller Ausrstung durchgefhrt. Schlielich vergleichen moderne Computersysteme und Software diese Sequenzen, um Unterschiede in den DNA–Sequenzen zu identifizieren und die fr Krankheiten verantwortlichen genetischen Mutationen zu ermitteln.

Das KFSH&RC bietet eine Gesundheitsversorgung auf hchstem Niveau und die bestmgliche Patientenerfahrung in einem integrierten Bildungs– und Forschungsumfeld. Es arbeitet mit fhrenden lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Einrichtungen zusammen und tauscht sein Fachwissen mit ihnen aus, um einen weltweit wettbewerbsfhigen Service in den Bereichen Klinik, Forschung und Bildung zu bieten.

Das KFSH&RC ist weltweit fr seine spezialisierte Gesundheitsversorgung bekannt und gilt als Pionier in der medizinischen Innovation und als Zentrum fr fortschrittliche medizinische Forschung und Ausbildung. Es betrachtet es als Verpflichtung, medizinische Technologien voranzutreiben und den Standard der Gesundheitsversorgung weltweit durch Partnerschaften mit fhrenden lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Institutionen in den Bereichen Klinik, Forschung und Ausbildung zu verbessern.


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969319)

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Lança Novo Rápido Sequenciamento Total de Genoma

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) introduziu um servio chamado Rapid Whole–Genome Sequencing (Rpido Sequenciamento Total de Genoma – rWGS), um desenvolvimento revolucionrio, como parte da suas solues de cuidado da sade. Este servio foi concebido para ajudar os mdicos a diagnosticar doenas raras e genticas, particularmente em recm–nascidos gravemente doentes que requerem uma identificao rpida e precisa da sua condio.

O servio de Rpido Sequenciamento Total de Genoma Inteiro inestimvel para recm–nascidos com doenas raras, pois ajuda evitar o processo muitas vezes demorado de testes e tratamentos que podem se estender por meses ou at anos sem um diagnstico preciso. O servio aumenta as probabilidades de sobrevivncia e reduz o custo geral dos cuidados de sade, minimizando as internaes hospitalares, exames desnecessrios e cuidados mdicos.

Notavelmente, o hospital reduziu o tempo necessrio para este teste gentico de uma durao tpica de dois meses para menos de 35 horas. O tempo de resposta fundamental para o planejamento dos cuidados de sade para recm–nascidos gravemente doentes, e a entrega rpida dos resultados dos testes garante uma resposta mdica rpida e personalizada, evitando atrasos que, de outra forma, poderiam levar ao agravamento da condio do paciente ou at mesmo morte.

Como participante do Global Health Summit, onde o KFSH&RC tem um papel essencial como parceiro estratgico de cuidada da sade, o hospital compartilha os detalhes do servio de Rpido Sequenciamento Total de Genoma no seu estande. Os recursos de ponta do hospital incluem a anlise de at 99% das sequncias de DNA de amostras de sangue de pacientes, juntamente com vrias solues inovadoras de sade.

O exame abrangente da composio gentica envolve um processo simplificado de quatro etapas. Primeiro, o DNA dividido em segmentos gerenciveis. Em seguida, ele codificado com um smbolo semelhante a um cdigo de barras para facilitar a identificao, semelhante ao rastreamento de produtos em uma loja. O exame em si realizado com equipamento especializado. Finalmente, sistemas de computador e software avanados comparam essas sequncias, identificando diferenas nas sequncias de DNA e identificando as mutaes genticas responsveis pelas doenas.

O KFSH&RC fornece o mais alto nvel de cuidados de sade e proporciona a melhor experincia possvel ao paciente dentro de um ambiente educacional e de pesquisa integrado. Ele colabora e compartilha sua expertise com as principais instituies locais, regionais e internacionais, e fornece servios de classe mundial em clnica, pesquisa e educao.

Reconhecido mundialmente por seus cuidados de sade especializados, o KFSH&RC pioneiro em inovao mdica e um centro de pesquisa e educao mdica avanada. Ele se dedica ao avano das tecnologias mdicas e elevao do padro de assistncia mdica em escala em todo o mundo, por meio de parcerias com instituies locais, regionais e internacionais nas reas de clnica, pesquisa e educacional.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969319)

O Capacity Command Center do KFSH&RC é um Modelo Pioneiro para Alcance da Máxima Eficiência Operacional

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os profissionais de sade esto enfrentando um aumento contnuo na demanda por servios de sade, exigindo um redirecionamento dos esforos para melhorar a eficincia operacional das instituies de sade. Em resposta a este desafio que os prestadores de cuidados de sade em todo o mundo enfrentam, o Capacity Command Center no King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) emergiu como pioneiro no aumento da eficincia operacional atravs da implementao de procedimentos reconhecidos mundialmente. Essencialmente, visa melhorar os resultados gerais da sade em alinhamento com as metas da Saudi Vision 2030 (Viso Saudita).

Desde o seu lanamento em setembro de 2021, o Centro realizou mais de 170.000 procedimentos de interveno, reduzindo significativamente o tempo de espera no leito de 32 horas para 6 horas. O departamento de emergncia tambm teve uma reduo de 14% no tempo de espera. Alm disso, o tempo de espera na farmcia e no laboratrio melhoraram, com mais de 90% dos beneficirios sendo atendidos em menos de 15 minutos.

Desde a sua criao, o Centro tornou–se a principal fonte de tomada de deciso baseada em dados. Ele continua a monitorar continuamente os movimentos dos pacientes para manter a qualidade do atendimento, aderir aos procedimentos operacionais padro e prever os volumes de demanda para mitigar riscos e enfrentar possveis desafios.

Como parceiro estratgico de sade na Global Health Exhibition em Riade de 29 a 31 de outubro, o KFSH&RC est apresentando os seus mecanismos para aprimoramento da eficincia operacional, dos resultados de sade e da experincia do paciente, posicionando–se como uma soluo de sade lder na regio.

O Capacity Command Center conta com uma estratgia que ajusta planos de negcios e intervenes com base em prticas baseadas em evidncias impulsionadas pela inteligncia artificial para aprimorar o mapeamento e o planejamento do fluxo de trabalho. Os servios do Centro incluem relatrios tcnicos, minerao de dados, aprimoramento do desempenho operacional e anlise de processos e planos, culminando na emisso regular de relatrios.

Este Centro faz parte dos esforos contnuos do KFSH&RC de aproveitar todos os recursos e oferecer as tecnologias mais recentes para aprimorar os resultados e a eficincia operacional. Seu objetivo ser a opo ideal para todos os pacientes que busquem servios de sade especializados, tornando esses servios acessveis a uma gama mais ampla de beneficirios.

O KFSH&RC reconhecido mundialmente por seus servios de sade especializados e pioneiro em inovao, pesquisa mdica avanada e educao mdica. A instituio tambm trabalha no desenvolvimento tecnologias mdicas e aprimoramento dos padres de cuidados de sade em todo o mundo em parceria com as principais instituies locais, regionais e internacionais, para oferecer um servio de classe mundial nos campos clnico, de pesquisa e educacional.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969263)

Das Capacity Command Center des KFSH&RC ist ein bahnbrechendes Modell zur Erreichung maximaler operativer Effizienz

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anbieter von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen sehen sich mit einem kontinuierlichen Anstieg der Nachfrage nach Gesundheitsdienstleistungen konfrontiert, was eine Neuausrichtung der Bemhungen zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz von Gesundheitseinrichtungen erforderlich macht. Als Antwort auf diese Herausforderung, mit der sich Gesundheitsdienstleister weltweit konfrontiert sehen, hat sich das Capacity Command Center im King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) als Vorreiter bei der Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz durch die Einfhrung weltweit anerkannter Verfahren erwiesen. Es zielt im Wesentlichen darauf ab, die allgemeine Gesundheitsversorgung im Einklang mit den Zielen der saudischen Vision 2030 zu verbessern.

Seit seiner Erffnung im September 2021 hat das Zentrum mehr als 170.000 Eingriffe durchgefhrt und die Wartezeit am Bett von 32 auf 6 Stunden deutlich verkrzt. Auch in der Notaufnahme haben sich die Wartezeiten um 14 % verkrzt. Auerdem haben sich die Wartezeiten in der Apotheke und im Labor verbessert, so dass ber 90 % der Leistungsempfnger in weniger als 15 Minuten bedient werden knnen.

Seit seiner Grndung hat sich das Zentrum zur wichtigsten Quelle fr datengesttzte Entscheidungen entwickelt. Es berwacht kontinuierlich die Patientenbewegungen, um die Qualitt der Versorgung aufrechtzuerhalten, die Standardbetriebsverfahren einzuhalten und den Bedarf vorherzusagen, um Risiken zu minimieren und potenzielle Herausforderungen zu bewltigen.

Gleichzeitig prsentiert KFSH&RC als strategischer Gesundheitspartner auf der Global Health Exhibition in Riad vom 29. bis 31. Oktober seine Mechanismen zur Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz, der Ergebnisse der Gesundheitsversorgung und der Patientenerfahrung und positioniert sich damit als fhrende Gesundheitslsung in der Region.

Das Capacity Command Center sttzt sich auf eine Strategie, die Geschftsplne und Interventionen auf der Grundlage evidenzbasierter Verfahren anpasst, die durch knstliche Intelligenz gesteuert werden, um die Abbildung und Planung von Arbeitsablufen zu verbessern. Zu den Dienstleistungen des Zentrums gehren technische Berichterstattung, Datenauswertung, Verbesserung der operativen Leistung sowie berprfungsprozesse und –plne, die in der regelmigen Herausgabe von Berichten gipfeln.

Dieses Zentrum ist Teil der laufenden Bemhungen des KFSH&RC, alle Ressourcen zu nutzen und die neuesten Technologien einzusetzen, um die Ergebnisse und die betriebliche Effizienz zu verbessern. Es soll die optimale Wahl fr jeden Patienten sein, der spezialisierte Gesundheitsdienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen mchte, und diese Dienstleistungen einem breiteren Kreis von Leistungsempfngern zugnglich machen.

Das KFSH&RC ist weltweit fr seine spezialisierte Gesundheitsversorgung bekannt und gilt als Pionier in den Bereichen Innovation, medizinische Spitzenforschung und medizinische Ausbildung. Die Einrichtung ist aktiv bestrebt, medizinische Technologien zu entwickeln und den Standard der Gesundheitsversorgung weltweit zu verbessern, indem sie mit fhrenden lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Organisationen zusammenarbeitet, um erstklassige Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Klinik, Forschung und Ausbildung zu erbringen.


Fotos zu dieser Bekanntmachung sind verfgbar unter:–779b–48f8–bf90–542602be547f–ea23–47f2–b81a–240a1e2bb3a5

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969263)

Le Capacity Command Center du KFSH&RC précurseur de l’efficacité opérationnelle optimale

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 31 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les prestataires de soins de sant doivent rpondre une demande en services de sant toujours plus forte, qui les conduit recentrer leurs efforts sur l'optimisation oprationnelle des tablissements de soins. Le Capacity Command Center du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) s'inscrit l'avant–garde des dmarches d'amlioration spcifiques en matire d'efficacit oprationnelle via la mise en place de procdures internationalement reconnues pour rpondre aux enjeux des prestataires de sant du monde entier. L'hpital vise essentiellement relever le niveau sanitaire global en s'alignant sur les objectifs du plan de dveloppement Saudi Vision 2030.

Depuis sa cration en septembre 2021, le centre a ralis plus de 170 000 interventions, et a considrablement abrg le temps d'attente pour un lit d'hospitalisation, le faisant passer de 32 6 heures. Le service des urgences a galement enregistr des temps d'attente moins longs de 14 %. En outre, les temps d'attente la pharmacie ou au laboratoire se sont courts. Plus de 90 % des patients reoivent dsormais leurs soins en moins de 15 minutes.

Le centre constitue la source principale des prises de dcision axes sur les donnes depuis son origine. L'activit des patients fait notamment l'objet d'une veille permanente visant le maintien qualitatif des soins. Par ailleurs, le centre respecte des procdures oprationnelles normalises et anticipe la demande en soins pour limiter le risque, tout en s'attachant remdier d'ventuels dfis.

En parallle, au titre de partenaire sant stratgique de la Global Health Exhibition organise Riyad du 29 au 31 octobre, le KFSH&RC prsente ses solutions d'amlioration en matire d'efficacit oprationnelle, les rsultats de ses prestations et du vcu des patients, se positionnant ainsi comme le leader rgional des soins de sant.

La stratgie du Capacity Command Center s'appuie sur l'ajustement des plans d'activit et des interventions des pratiques factuelles pilotes par l'intelligence artificielle pour mieux cartographier et planifier les flux de travail. Les services du centre comprennent l'tablissement de rapports techniques, la recherche de donnes, l'optimisation des performances oprationnelles, mais aussi la conception de processus et de plans d'examen menant la publication rgulire de rapports.

Ce centre illustre bien les efforts constants dploys par le KFSH&RC pour exploiter toutes les ressources et dvelopper les dernires technologies pour amliorer la fois les rsultats et l'efficacit oprationnelle. Son but et de devenir le choix idal de tout patient en qute de soins de sant spcialiss, et de rendre les soins accessibles une plus grande population de patients.

Mondialement reconnu pour ses prestations de sant spcialises, le KFSH&RC est un modle d'innovation, mais aussi de recherche et d'ducation mdicale avances. L'hpital s'efforce de dvelopper des technologies mdicales et d'amliorer le niveau des soins de sant dans le monde entier, et collabore avec des organisations locales, rgionales et internationales de premier plan pour atteindre les meilleures pratiques dans les domaines cliniques, de recherche et d'ducation.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969263)

تعد بديلاً أكثر أماناً من خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية

 "التخصصي" يطبّق تقنية تكشف مبكراً عن 50 جيناً مرتبطاً بالسرطان

الرياض:31 أكتوبر

نجح "التخصصي" في إجراء الخزعة السائلة لمختلف المراحل العمرية للمرضى، التي تعد بديلاً أكثر أماناً من خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية، بوصفه المركز الصحي الأول على مستوى الشرق الأوسط الذي يطبق هذه التقنية التي تمتاز بكشفها المبكر عن نحو 50 جيناً مرتبطاً بالسرطان ، وأكثر من 3000 طفرة جينية، ما يشكل نقلة نوعية في تجربة المرضى، وخياراً لا يتطلب استئصال أنسجة من المنطقة المصابة لفحصها، في خطوة تحسّن نتائج الرعاية الصحية، وتجربة المريض.

وتتفوق الخزعة السائلة على خزعات الأنسجة التقليدية؛ بكونها أقل توغلاً، حيث لا تتطلب سوى جمع عينة دم بمقدار حوالي 10 مل، إضافة إلى قابلية إجرائها بشكل متكرر خلال فترة العلاج، كما تمتاز بدقتها الفائقة، ما يسمح بالكشف السريع عن المؤشرات الحيوية للورم، والتنبؤ بالاستجابة للعلاج، واكتشاف الطفرات الناشئة الجديدة، والتحقق من عدم عودة الورم ، الأمر الذي يمثل ثورة طبية غير مسبوقة في علم السرطانات.

وتقدم التقنية خياراً أكثر أماناً من الخزعة التقليدية للمرضى في الحالات التي يصعب الوصول إلى الأنسجة المصابة بدون جراحة مثل سرطان الرئة، وكذلك للمرضى من كبار السن الذين لا يتناسب إجراء خزعة أنسجة الرئة مع وضعهم الصحي؛ نظراً لما قد يُرافقها من حدوث مضاعفات بالغة الخطورة.

وبالتزامن مع تواجده كشريك استراتيجي صحي بملتقى الصحة العالمي المنعقد في العاصمة الرياض خلال الفترة 29–31 أكتوبر الجاري، يستعرض مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث لزوار جناحه بالمعرض المصاحب؛ تقنية الخزعة السائلة إلى جانب عدد من التقنيات وحلول الرعاية الصحية.

وتحمل تقنية الخزعة السائلة وعودًا بمراحل أخرى من علاج السرطان لدى "التخصصي"، فمن خلال الاستخدام الروتيني للاختبار، يمكن بناء قاعدة بيانات للطفرات المسببة للأورام لدى المجتمع المحلي، الأمر الذي يساعد في التشخيص المبكر للسرطان قبل تكوّن الأورام، إضافة إلى تتبع التغيرات في حالة المريض بصورة متكررة أثناء العلاج، ما يتيح إجراء تعديلات في الوقت المناسب على خطط العلاج والحيلولة دون تفاقم الحالة.

ويأتي هذا الإنجاز في إطار جهود "التخصصي" المستمرة في تسخير التقنيات المتقدمة لتحسين التميز التشغيلي ورعاية المرضى، حيث يتيح الاختبار اتخاذ قرارات سريرية سريعة لإدارة مرضى السرطان، وتقليل الفترة الزمنية لإجراء الاختبار؛ كونه مؤتمتًا بالكامل.

ويُعد مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث، من بين الأبرز عالمياً في تقديم الرعاية الصحية التخصصية ورائداً في الابتكار، ومركزًا متقدمًا في البحوث والتعليم الطبي، كما يسعى لتطوير التقنيات الطبية والارتقاء بمستوى الرعاية الصحية على مستوى العالم، وذلك بالشراكة مع كبار المؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية، لتحقيق خدمة عالمية المستوى في المجالات السريرية والبحثية والتعليمية.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID )

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Utilizes Early Cancer Detection Technology for 50 Genes

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has achieved a significant milestone by successfully conducting liquid biopsies on patients spanning various age groups. This innovative approach offers a safer alternative to conventional tissue biopsies. Notably, KFSH&RC stands out as the first healthcare facility in the Middle East to adopt this cutting–edge technology.

This groundbreaking method is distinguished by its ability to detect approximately 50 genes associated with cancer and over 3,000 genetic mutations. This represents a pivotal advancement in patient care, eliminating the need to extract tissue from the affected area for examination. This transformative step greatly enhances healthcare outcomes and elevates the overall patient experience.

Liquid biopsy offers advantages over traditional tissue biopsies. It's less invasive, involving a simple 10 ml blood sample that can be repeated during treatment. Additionally, it provides high accuracy in swiftly detecting tumor biomarkers, predicting treatment responses, identifying emerging mutations, and confirming the absence of tumor recurrence, marking a significant advancement in cancer science.

This technology presents a safer alternative to traditional biopsies for patients facing challenges in accessing affected tissue without surgical intervention, as seen in cases like lung cancer. It is particularly beneficial for elderly patients, for whom a lung tissue biopsy may not be suitable due to the potential for severe complications associated with it.

As a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh from October 29 to 31, KFSH&RC will showcase its pavilion in the accompanying exhibition, where visitors can explore Liquid biopsy technology and various other healthcare solutions and technologies.

Liquid biopsy technology holds promise for other stages of cancer treatment at KFSH&RC. Through the routine use of the test, it is possible to build a database of tumor–causing mutations in the local community, which helps in early diagnosis of cancer before tumors form, in addition to tracking changes in the patient's condition, frequently during treatment, allowing timely adjustments to treatment plans and preventing worsening of the condition.

This achievement is a part of KFSH&RC's ongoing commitment to harness advanced technologies for enhancing operational excellence and patient care. The test facilitates swift clinical decision–making for cancer patient management and reduces both the testing time and its process through full automation.

KFSH&RC stands as one of the world's prominent institutions in delivering specialized healthcare, leading the way in innovation, and serving as an advanced hub for medical research and education. Furthermore, it actively endeavors to advance medical technologies and elevate global healthcare standards through collaborations with significant local, regional, and international organizations, aiming to deliver world–class clinical, research, and educational services.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969156)

Henley & Partners hosts the 17th Global Citizenship Conference in Dubai

LONDON, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — More than 400 delegates from over 35 countries are expected to attend the 17th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, which takes place next week (8–10 November) at the Shangri–La Hotel DIFC in Dubai, UAE.

Hosted by world–leading international citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners, this annual event has become the world's largest and most significant conference on private wealth and investment migration, bringing together presidents, prime ministers, senior government ministers and officials, leading academics, private client advisors, wealth management professionals, and top–tier financial and business media.

The 2023 conference program features sophisticated, cutting–edge content on the major developments shaping investment migration and geopolitics today, offering delegates the opportunity to engage with the world's leading minds and latest ideas around the central themes of global citizenship and interconnectivity.

Dr. Christian H. Kalin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, who will also be speaking at the conference, points out that there could not be a more relevant and necessary time to connect across borders as citizens of the world. "At a moment in our history when our world seems increasingly fractured and polarized, it is more important than ever for us to focus our minds on our shared humanity and how we can be stronger together. While it may mean different things to different people, global citizenship is based on the principle that we all have responsibilities to the world as a whole, rather than just our own local communities or countries. This conference aims to expand our horizons through global learning and understanding so that we can effect change in a more meaningful sense on both a small and larger scale."

Notable key speakers at the conference include the Prime Ministers of Montenegro, H.E. Dr. Dritan Abazovic, and of Grenada, the Hon. Dickon Mitchell, as well as the former President and Speaker of the Parliament of the Maldives, the Hon. Mohamed Nasheed. CEO of the Dubai Economic Development Corporation, Hadi Badri, along with Prof. Dr. Christian Joppke of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Bern in Switzerland, Dr. Titus Gebel, President of the Free Cities Foundation in Germany, Prof. Dr. Khalid Koser, Executive Director of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund, Chief Partnership Officer of Women in AI, Middle East, Debbie Botha, and Dr. Parag Khanna, Founder and CEO of Climate Alpha in Singapore, among many others. They all will share their perspectives on the key social, economic, political and environmental trends shaping our world.

Another highlight of the conference will be the 2023 Global Citizen Award Dinner on 9 November to honor a remarkable individual working to advance one of the global challenges affecting humanity today. Hosted in collaboration with the Swiss non–profit humanitarian organization Andan Foundation, this year's laureate will be announced at the gala event and the net proceeds of the evening will be donated to the foundation which focuses on self–reliance of refugees through education, entrepreneurship, and employment.

Notes to Editors

For further information and media accreditation to attend the 17th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, please contact:

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of Public Relations
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

About Henley & Partners

Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals and their advisors rely on our expertise and experience in this area. The firm's highly qualified professionals work together as one team in over 40 offices worldwide.

The concept of residence and citizenship by investment was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day.

Henley & Partners also runs the world's leading government advisory practice for investment migration, which has raised more than USD 12 billion in foreign direct investment. Trusted by governments, the firm has been involved in strategic consulting and in the design, set–up, and operation of the world's most successful residence and citizenship programs.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Sharing ‘Real-Time’ Data, Consistent, Simple Messaging Helps

Aradhiya Khan, 25, a transwoman, got her vaccination in the middle of the night in July 2021, when the centre was less crowded, and stood in the women's line as there was none for her gender.

Aradhiya Khan, 25, a transwoman, got her vaccination in the middle of the night in July 2021, when the centre was less crowded, and stood in the women’s line as there was none for her gender.

By Zofeen Ebrahim
KARACHI, Oct 31 2023 – After months of warding off appeals from his employers to get vaccinated for the COVID-19 disease, Mohammad Yusuf, 24, working as a live-in domestic worker in Karachi’s Clifton area, finally relented and got his first shot.

“I believed that anyone who took the vaccine would die within two years,” he told IPS. He said he got this information from social media.

The people who finally convinced him were his parents living in the village of Rahil, in Sindh’s province of Umerkot district, where, according to Yusuf, “not a single case of COVID-19 has to date been found.” But because Karachi was rife with the virus then, his parents explained that he might catch the infection if he remained unvaccinated.

The other reason for his hesitancy was the fear that if he got COVID-19 and was hospitalized, he may die without saying goodbye to his family and be buried unceremoniously by strangers. “You either got well within ten days, or you’d die a very difficult and painful death with breathlessness, high fever, and then death,” is how he explained the disease and its symptoms.

Rakhi Matan, 40, a caretaker for the elderly, had heard, “If someone got COVID-19, the government would come and pick them up from their home and take them to a center, inject poison into you after which you died”. It was this fear that got her to vaccinate herself. But since the shot, she often falls sick and attributes it to the vaccine.

The country began its COVID-19 vaccination campaign first by inoculating health workers on February 2, 2021, a year after the first case was reported in February 2020. This was followed closely by senior citizens and gradually to everyone over 18 years of age.

According to data from the Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination (MoNHSR&C), by March 2022, of the total eligible population of a little over 143 million, more than 125 million had received their first jab.

Dr Rana Imran Sikander, executive director at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences and who was then heading the COVID-19 ward there, was the first person in Pakistan to receive the shot from the batch of 500,000 Sinopharm vaccines received from China.

It was also the time when “myths and conspiracies abounded,” leading to hesitancy and fear of side effects. The more far-fetched conspiracy theories circulating in his hospital included ‘Bill Gates wants to reduce the world’s population,’ ‘the United States is injecting microchips into humans to make them their slaves,’ ‘Gates wants to alter their DNA.’

“Seeing me well and alive gave a huge boost to my co-workers,” said Sikander, who luckily has not caught COVID-19 even once. It could also be because he had also volunteered a dose six months prior to the official shot for the vaccine trial, he said.

Gallup Pakistan carried out 13 surveys (from March 2020 to January 2022) to understand people’s attitudes towards the pandemic. It also recorded the change in their perception towards the disease and the vaccine over a two-year period.

“The most alarming finding was that for close to 60 percent of health professionals, social media was a key source of information, and as high as one in five doctors were not willing to take the vaccine,” Bilal I. Gilani, executive director at Gallup Pakistan, told IPS. A consistent perception among Pakistanis in general, during all these months, he said, was “that COVID-19 was a foreign conspiracy.”

Like epidemiologists study viruses and find solutions on how to control the spread of diseases, anthropologist Dr Heidi Larson studies misinformation and tries to contain it before it spreads like wildfire. She is, therefore, not surprised as to why Sikander’s colleagues were “hesitant or losing confidence in vaccines.”

She has been studying the trend of how rumors start, flourish, and then taper, for 13 years under her Vaccine Confidence Project that she started in 2010.

At a recent Global Media Dialogue, held earlier this month, organized by the Internews, Larson spoke to a group of journalists about how important it was for health workers and policymakers to “listen” to what people are saying and why and “even listen to the rumors,” and they will “reveal that they [people] are not being heard”.

“That’s the cue to address the rumors,” she said. Already the findings say there is a drop in confidence around basic childhood vaccines, which she finds “pretty significant” and worrying as “we’ve never seen such a drop,” she said.

But how did the Pakistan government manage to get 130 million (above the age of 15) of the 250 million Pakistanis vaccinated for at least two doses in two years (by May 2022) after the pandemic? Given that the polio virus has continued to be found in Pakistan with communities refusing to get their children administered the oral vaccine, there was a fear among government officials it may face the same challenge with the COVID-19 vaccine.

Looking back to the two years of the pandemic, when he was the federal minister for planning and headed the National Command and Control Centre (NCOC) that had been set up to plan and contain the pandemic, Asad Umar said the two most important ingredients — “transparency and sharing of real-time data with the media when COVID-19 struck” was how they managed to dispel misinformation.

“By the time we were ready to vaccinate the people, the media had become our allies and played a huge role in supporting us in fighting misinformation and even disinformation.”

The other reason was that “for a change, all political parties were on board, and there was across-the-board consensus and confidence on the decisions made by the NCOC,” he said. The center disbanded as quickly as it was formed. “It’s a good model and needs to be institutionalized if we are to fight any future catastrophes, natural or health,” said Umar.

In July 2021, 76 percent of Pakistanis claimed that the government was controlling the COVID-19 situation well, according to a Gallup survey, although it diminished to just 41 percent by 2022.

It was “the oneness of message and consistency, coupled with an efficient vaccine delivery, which helped fight vaccine hesitancy,” said Dr Zaeem Ul Haq, a health and risk communication (real-time exchange of information, advice and opinions between experts and people who face a health hazard) expert who led communication and community engagement part of Pakistan’s response to the pandemic.

But to understand how the country succeeded in vaccinating millions of people, Haq said it was important to differentiate between vaccine-resistant (due to vested interests and political or religious beliefs difficult to convert) and vaccine-hesitant (if their questions around vaccines are appropriately answered can be converted) groups to be able to continue fighting misinformation. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, he said, these terms were used interchangeably and erroneously by the Pakistani media, which must be avoided, especially in the case of childhood immunization.

He shared that with simple and consistent messaging, combined with an age-appropriate, systematic administration of a vaccine, this reason-specific hesitancy declined in subsequent surveys.”

Dr Zafar Mirza, former special advisor to the prime minister for health, the government’s use of innovative approaches helped reach diverse and underserved populations.

“We put out pro-vaccination messages replacing the ringtones for nearly 150 million mobile phones, which made a huge impact,” he said. The Gallup survey found that by 2022, 84 percent of adult Pakistanis with mobile phone access had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Another task carried out successfully was by the brigade of female community health workers and vaccinators, who convinced people to get vaccinated.

“Through the over 8,000 vaccinators and health workers and 300,000 community leaders, we managed to reach a population of 35 million in the remotest parts of Pakistan,” said Mirza.

A toll-free helpline, the Sehat Tahaffuz-1166, launched just before the pandemic in November 2019 to provide guidance for polio and its vaccine, was used to disseminate information about COVID-19.

“At one point, we had 500 call agents and 30 doctors daily assuaging the apprehensions and concerns about the infection and later the vaccine itself,” Mirza told IPS. From approximately 300 calls per day in 2019, it reached to 25,000, although the agents have attended as many as 70,000 calls in a day, too, he added.

For its part, UNICEF helped the government in battling vaccine hesitancy on social media platforms. “Through regular static posts and short videos, we communicated verified information about the vaccine’s efficacy. We posted messages from doctors, religious leaders, youth representatives, celebrities, community leaders, and even vaccinated individuals on our social media accounts,” UNICEF’s communications specialist, A. Sami Malik, told IPS. In addition, it regularly organized live interactive sessions on FB, Twitter Space, and Instagram, with experts providing responses to people’s questions and concerns.

This is not the last of the pandemics. Scientists are already warning of the possibility of a COVID-19-like pandemic at the scale of 2.5 percent to 3.3 percent yearly and 47 percent to 57 percent in the next 25 years. While vaccine hesitancy may have lowered, it has not ended after the pandemic. In fact, it gets fueled every time there is a reemergence of measles and polio in Pakistan. While vaccines must be delivered to the public in a coherent and effective manner to ensure public confidence in them, it will pay dividends if, as Dr Larson says, countries in general and Pakistan in particular, can recognize “the importance of emotions in people’s decision-making and in their willingness to cooperate.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Biden Is a Genocide Denier and “Enabler in Chief” for Israel’s Ongoing War Crimes

Air strikes continue in Gaza. Credit: World Health Organization (WHO)

By Norman Solomon
SAN FRANCISCO, USA, Oct 31 2023 – For three weeks, President Biden has played a key role in backing Israel’s war crimes while touting himself as a compassionate advocate of restraint. That pretense is lethal nonsense as Israel persists with mass killing of civilians in Gaza.

The same crucial standards that fully condemned Hamas’s murders of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 should apply to Israel’s ongoing murders that have already taken the lives of at least several times as many Palestinian civilians. And Israel is just getting started.

“We need an immediate ceasefire,” Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib wrote in an email Saturday evening, “but the White House and Congress continue to unconditionally support the Israeli government’s genocidal actions.”

That unconditional support makes Biden and the vast majority of Congress directly complicit with mass murder and genocide, defined as “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” The definition clearly fits the words and deeds of Israel’s leaders.

“Israel has dropped approximately 12,000 tons of explosives on Gaza so far and has reportedly killed multiple senior Hamas commanders, but the majority of the casualties have been women and children,” Time magazine summed up at the end of last week.

Israel’s military has been shamelessly slaughtering civilians in homes, stores, markets, mosques, refugee camps and healthcare facilities. Imagine what can be expected now that communications between Gaza and the outside world are even less possible.

For reporters, being on the ground in Gaza is very dangerous; Israel’s assault has already killed at least 29 journalists. For the Israeli government, the fewer journalists alive in Gaza the better; media reliance on Israeli handouts, news conferences and interviews is ideal.

Pro-Israel frames of reference and word choices are routine in U.S. mainstream media. Yet some exceptional reporting has shed light on the merciless cruelty of Israel’s actions in Gaza, where 2.2 million people live.

For example, on Oct. 28, PBS News Weekend provided a human reality check as Israel began a ground assault while stepping up its bombing of Gaza. “As Israeli ground operations intensified there, suddenly the phone and internet signal went out,” correspondent Leila Molana-Allen reported.

“So, people in Gaza, voiceless through the night as they were under these intense bombardments. People were unable to call ambulances, and we’ve heard this morning that ambulance drivers were standing at high points throughout, trying to see where the explosions were, so they could just drive directly there. People unable to communicate with their families to see if they’re alright. People this morning saying ‘we’ve been digging children out of the rubble with our bare hands because we can’t call for help.’”

While people in Gaza “are under some of the most intense bombardment we’ve ever seen,” Molana-Allen added, they have no safe place to go: “Even though they’re still being told to move to the south, in fact most people can’t get to the south because they have no fuel for their cars, they can’t travel, and even in the south bombardment continues.”

Meanwhile, Biden has continued to publicly express his unequivocal support for what Israel is doing. After he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week, the White House issued a statement without the slightest mention of concern about what Israel’s bombing was inflicting on civilians.

Instead, the statement said, “the President reiterated that Israel has every right and responsibility to defend its citizens from terrorism and to do so in a manner consistent with international humanitarian law.”

Biden’s support for continuing the carnage in Gaza is matched by Congress. As Israel began its fourth week of terrorizing and killing, only 18 members of the House were on the list of lawmakers cosponsoring H.Res. 786, “Calling for an immediate de-escalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.” All of those 18 cosponsors are people of color.

While Israel kills large numbers of Palestinian civilians each day — and clearly intends to kill many thousands more — we can see “progressive” masks falling away from numerous members of Congress who remain cravenly frozen in political conformity.

“In a dark time,” poet Theodore Roethke wrote, “the eye begins to see.”

Norman Solomon is the national director of and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. He is the author of many books including War Made Easy. His latest book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of Its Military Machine, was published in summer 2023 by The New Press.

IPS UN Bureau


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