افتتاح النسخة الثالثة من المعرض الفني الدولي

ALULA, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

يعود معرض صحراء X العلا في نسخته الثالثة في الفترة من 9 فبراير إلى 23 مارس 2024، تحت عنوان “في حضرة الغياب” ليقدم 15 عملاً إبداعياً يدور حول الأشياء العظيمة المخفية التي لا يمكن للعين رؤيتها.

يفتح معرض “صحراء X العلا” أبوابه للجميع مجاناً وهو معرض فنّي بنسخة متكررة تجري إقامتها سنوياً ضمن فتراتٍ محددة في الهواء الطلق بمنطقة العلا الصحراوية الواقعة في قلب شبه الجزيرة العربية والتي تتمتّع بمكانة عالمية مرموقة. تأتي نسخة هذا العام بإشراف القيّمين الفنيين مايا الخليل ومارسيلو دانتاس، المديرين الفنيين رنيم فارسي ونيفيل ويكفيلد.

عقب نسختين ناجحتين منذ عام 2020، يعود “صحراء X العلا” في نسخته الثالثة في الفترة من 9 فبراير إلى 23 مارس 2024، حيث يعرض أعمالاً فنية معاصرة ذات رؤية لفنانين سعوديين وعالميين، وسط المناظر الطبيعية الصحراوية الاستثنائية في العلا وهي منطقة صحراوية ساحرة تقع في شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية. تعتبر العلا وجهة عالمية لعشاق الفن الأثري لغناها بالتجارب الفريدة المستمدّة من روح المكان الآسر. كما يدعو المعرض الفنانين لخوض حوارٍ مع البيئة الصحراوية والمناظر الطبيعية الفريدة والمعالم الأثرية في العلا، ليستلهموا منها أعمالاً مميزة تنبع من البيئة المحلية ويتردد صداها مع عشاق الفن في جميع أنحاء العالم.
تحت عنوان ” في حضرة الغياب”، يطرح معرض “صحراء X العلا 2024″، الذي يُقام في إطار مهرجان فنون العلا الذي يجري من 9 فبراير وحتى 2 مارس 2024، تساؤلات عميقة عن “ما لا يمكن رؤيته؟”. إذ غالباً ما يُستهان بالصحاري، باعتبارها لا تعدو كونها مساحاتٍ من الفراغ تبدو صامتة بلا حراك، غير أن هناك ما هو أكثر بكثير مما تراه العين. قد دُعي الفنانون المشاركون في المعرض إلى استكشاف الأفكار التي تدور حول ما لا تراه الأعين ولا يكون جلياً في الواقع.

وتتضمن القائمة الكاملة للفنانين المشاركين الأسماء التالية:

  • أسيل اليعقوب، مواليد 1986 – كويتية.
  • أيمن يسري ديدبان، مواليد 1966 – سعودي فلسطيني.
  • بوسكو سودي، مواليد 1970 – مكسيكي.
  • كالين عون، مواليد 1983 – لبنانية.
  • فيصل سمرة، مواليد 1955 – سعودي.
  • فلوة ناظر، مواليد 1972 – سعوديّة.
  • جيوسبي بينوني، مواليد 1947 – إيطالي.
  • إبراهيم مهاما، مواليد 1987 – غانيّ.
  • قادر عطية، مواليد 1970 – جزائري فرنسي
  • كارولا براغا، مواليد 1988 – برازيليّة
  • كيمسوجا، مواليد 1957 – كوريّة جنوبية
  • منيرة القادري، مواليد 1983 – كويتية
  • نجود السديري، مواليد 1994 – سعوديّة.
  • باسكال هاشم، مواليد 1979 – لبناني.
  • رنا حداد، مواليد 1970 – لبنانية.
  • رند عبد الجبار، مواليد 1990 – عراقيّة
  • سارة العيسى، مواليد 1990 – سعوديّة.

 : معرض “صحراء X العُلا”: روزي لويت، بيلهام للاتصالات rosie@pelhamcommunications.com ألويزيا روسيلاي، بيلهام للاتصالات، aloisia@pelhamcommunications.com 442089693959+ صحراء إكس: لين وينتر، إنك desertx@lynwinter.com

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9033517)

Hit by Climate Change, Authorities Seek to Improve Saffron Yields in Kashmir

Farmers checking the saffron flowers on their farm in Pampore, Kashmir. Credit: Athar Parvaiz/IPS

Farmers checking the saffron flowers on their farm in Pampore, Kashmir. Credit: Athar Parvaiz/IPS

By Athar Parvaiz
SRINAGAR, India, Feb 7 2024 – Saffron, the expensive spice from the Kashmir Himalayas, has been facing challenges for years, mostly related to yields and inadequate irrigation compounded by the climate crisis.

While the government launched the 4.1 billion rupee National Saffron Mission (NMS) in 2010 to mitigate these challenges and rejuvenate saffron cultivation in Kashmir, its efficacy remains questionable, farmers say.

Saffron is one of Kashmir’s major industries, along with horticulture and agriculture, supporting some 17,000 families in the region. India contributes 5% of the world’s total production, of which 90% is supplied from the Kashmir Himalayan region.

The spice has been cultivated since 500 AD in the Kashmir valley and reached its peak in the 1990s at an annual average yield of around 15.5 tonnes from 5,700 hectares (14,085 acres), but both the land farmed for saffron and yields have declined since then.

According to a study, prolonged periods of drought have caused significant concerns among saffron farmers.

“Since the crop heavily relies on rainfall, insufficient precipitation has resulted in the region experiencing its lowest saffron productivity in the past three decades,” the study says.

“In addition to the challenges posed by drought, the region is also facing issues related to urbanization and increasing population growth,” the study further says. According to Kashmir’s agriculture department, saffron land has reduced from 5,700 hectares in the 1990s to 3,715 hectares in 2016 due to land-use conversions.

Saffron farmers, who grow the “king of spices” in fields sprawling across several thousand hectares, mainly in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district, have been complaining for years that lack of rainfall at crucial times has led to a decline in saffron production.

One or two spells of rain in September and October are vital for the crop to flower, farmers say. But in most years since the late 1990s, it either hasn’t rained in those months or has rained too much, damaging the crop, says farmer Mohammad Reshi, adding that farmers still rely on the weather in the cropping season.

“The sprinkle irrigation system, which the government claims has been put in place, should have been functional by now. But it is not working. You can see for yourself what has happened to these pipes and the bore wells. They are not serving any purpose,” Reshi tells IPS while pointing at the defunct sprinkle irrigation system in a saffron field in Pampore, where saffron cultivation is concentrated in Kashmir.

Though, Reshi says, tube wells have been dug and pipes have been laid in saffron fields for years now, “we are yet to see the water in saffron fields.”

According to him, the project was supposed to be completed years ago, but it still lingers. Denying the allegations of saffron farmers, Ghulam Mohammad Dhobi, Joint Director of Kashmir’s agriculture department, who is also the Nodal Officer for NMS, says that the government is trying its best to help the farmers get good yields.

“The farmers have not to wait for long to see the positive results of the irrigation infrastructure, as we are expecting its completion soon after it will function properly,” Dhobi tells IPS.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), which has given saffron cultivation in Kashmir a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) status, “saffron cultivation has been facing severe challenges of sustainability and livelihood security, with an urgent need to adopt appropriate technologies to address water scarcity, productivity loss, and market volatility.”

Scientific research has established that irrigation plays the most important role in saffron cultivation in Kashmir. Firdous Nahvi, a former agriculture scientist at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, says that saffron yields have traditionally depended on rainfall in the crucial months from August to October in Kashmir, and saffron yields have fallen in recent years because of the irrigation problem.

According to Nahvi, until 1999-2000, Kashmir received well-distributed precipitation of 1,000 to 1,200 mm per year in the form of rain and snow, but that has now decreased to 600 to 800 mm.

“In any part of the world, farming is unthinkable without water,” Nahvi says and adds: “Creating irrigation facilities was the critical part of the project because we have observed in recent years that it doesn’t rain when the crop needs the moisture.” Nahvi was the expert who advised the NMS implementers about the need for installing the sprinkle irrigation system for saffron cultivation in Kashmir.

Solutions in Farming Methods

Bashir Allie, an agricultural scientist who heads Kashmir’s Saffron Research Station, says that he has also advised the agriculture and irrigation departments of the Kashmir government that creating drip irrigation facilities is crucial for improving saffron yields.

“But we are also working with farmers through our field awareness program to enhance saffron yield,” Allie tells IPS, adding that he and his team are telling the farmers to plant the optimum number of corms in the saffron fields rather than planting them haphazardly.

For example, Allie says, the farmers mostly plant up to 300,000 corms per hectare, “whereas we advise them to go for 500,000 to one million corms per hectare (or 50 corms per square meter).” This, he says, will help the farmers increase their yields, provided they uproot the old corms every four years and plant new corms.

“What we have also observed is that the farmers keep the corms in the fields for up to 20 years and leave them unattended,” he tells IPS, adding that this affects the yield as the older corms keep producing new corms, which increases the competition for nutrients within the population and the entire population underperforms (in producing flowers), thus affecting the yield.

“So, the solution we are offering to the farmers is to plant the optimum number of corms (50 corms per square meter) and replace the corms after every four years,” Allie informs.

To mitigate the impact of drought conditions on saffron crops, Allie says that he and his team have advised the farmers to start growing almond trees in saffron fields at a distance of four to five meters so that they provide shade and help the farmers retain moisture in their saffron fields.

“Once the almond trees produce branches, they will provide shade to saffron fields, as saffron is a shade-loving plant. Also, the moisture in the soil will be retained,” Allie says, adding that the almond trees, besides providing shade, will also produce almonds, thereby helping the farmers increase their income.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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Forscher des KFSH&RC und der KAUST entdecken Gen, das für die Vermehrung des gefährlichsten Malariastamms verantwortlich ist

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Einem Forscherteam des King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) ist in Zusammenarbeit mit der King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) und Forschern aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, den USA und Indien ein wichtiger wissenschaftlicher Durchbruch gelungen: die Entdeckung eines entscheidenden Gens, das zur Bekämpfung der Malariaerkrankung beiträgt. Dieses als PfAP2–MRP bezeichnete Gen ist für den Replikationsprozess von Plasmodium falciparum, dem Parasiten, der die tödlichste Form der Malaria verursacht, von wesentlicher Bedeutung.

Mit Hilfe fortschrittlicher Labortechniken gelang es den Forschern, das PfAP2–MRP–Gen zu hemmen und seine entscheidende Rolle im Lebenszyklus des Malariaparasiten in den roten Blutkörperchen aufzudecken. Durch diese Hemmung wird die Fähigkeit des Parasiten, sich zu vermehren, erheblich beeinträchtigt, wodurch die Schwere der Krankheitssymptome verringert und ihre Ausbreitung eingedämmt wird. Diese Entdeckung ist besonders wichtig im Zusammenhang mit der Malariaform Plasmodium falciparum, die jährlich über eine halbe Million Menschenleben fordert.

Dr. Ashraf Dada, Vorsitzender der Abteilung für Pathologie und Labormedizin am King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Dschidda und leitender Forscher, erklärte: „Diese Entdeckung ebnet den Weg für die Entwicklung wirksamerer Behandlungen gegen Plasmodium falciparum, dem tödlichsten Malariastamm.“ Darüber hinaus verbessert diese Studie das Verständnis der wissenschaftlichen Community für den Verlauf der Krankheit und ihre Interaktion mit dem menschlichen Immunsystem und stärkt damit die Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung dieses in Afrika weit verbreiteten Malariaparasiten.

Zudem wurde nachgewiesen, dass das PfAP2–MRP–Gen die Produktion genetisch unterschiedlicher Proteinrezeptoren steuert, die es dem Parasiten ermöglichen, sich dem Immunsystem des Wirts zu entziehen. Dieser Mechanismus spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der weltweiten Ausbreitung der Malaria und unterstreicht die Bedeutung des Gens für die Entwicklung künftiger therapeutischer Strategien.

Diese bemerkenswerte Studie, die in der renommierten Fachzeitschrift „Nature“ veröffentlicht wurde, entstand im Rahmen einer engen Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem KFSH&RC und der KAUST bei der Durchführung innovativer Forschungstätigkeiten, die nicht nur auf die Verbesserung der Diagnose von Mikroben, Bakterien und Parasiten abzielen, sondern auch die globalen Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung von Krankheitserregern und zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Gesundheit unterstreichen.

Das King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre gehört zu den weltweit führenden Anbietern spezialisierter Gesundheitsversorgung, treibt Innovationen voran und dient als Zentrum für medizinische Forschung und Ausbildung. Durch strategische Partnerschaften mit bekannten lokalen, regionalen und internationalen Instituten engagiert sich das Krankenhaus für die Weiterentwicklung medizinischer Technologien und die Anhebung der Standards im Gesundheitswesen weltweit.

Über das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) ist eine führende Gesundheitseinrichtung im Nahen Osten, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die optimale Wahl für jeden Patienten zu sein, der eine spezialisierte Gesundheitsversorgung benötigt. Das Krankenhaus kann auf eine lange Geschichte in der Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen, Herz–Kreislauf–Erkrankungen, Organtransplantationen, Neurowissenschaften und Genetik zurückblicken.

Im Jahr 2023 stufte „Brand Finance“ das King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre als das beste akademische medizinische Zentrum im Nahen Osten und in Afrika und als eines der 20 besten weltweit ein. Darüber hinaus wurde das Krankenhaus im Jahr 2022 von der Zeitschrift Newsweek als einer der weltweit führenden Gesundheitsdienstleister ausgezeichnet.

Im Rahmen von Saudi Vision 2030 wurde am 21. Dezember 2021 ein königliches Dekret erlassen, das die Umwandlung des Krankenhauses in eine unabhängige, gemeinnützige Einrichtung in staatlichem Besitz vorsieht und den Weg für ein umfassendes Transformationsprogramm ebnet, das darauf abzielt, durch Exzellenz und Innovation eine globale Führungsposition im Gesundheitswesen zu erreichen.

Ein Foto zu dieser Ankündigung ist verfügbar unter https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/38b3fbef–fece–4a76–b326–2d57ab1b16ba

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9033396)

Des chercheurs de KFSH&RC et de KAUST découvrent le gène responsable de la reproduction de la souche de paludisme la plus dangereuse qui soit

RIYADH, Arabie saoudite, 07 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Il s’agit là d’une véritable découverte scientifique : en collaboration avec l’université des sciences et technologies du roi Abdallah (« KAUST ») et aux côtés de chercheurs venant du Royaume–Uni, des États–Unis et d’Inde, une équipe de chercheurs du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (« KFSH&RC ») a mis au jour un gène important essentiel à la lutte contre le paludisme. Ce gène, baptisé PfAP2–MRP, joue un rôle primordial dans le processus de réplication de Plasmodium falciparum, le parasite responsable de la souche de paludisme la plus létale.

Des techniques de laboratoire avancées ont permis aux chercheurs d’inhiber le gène PfAP2–MRP, révélant ainsi son rôle critique dans le cycle de vie du parasite responsable du paludisme dans les globules rouges. L’inhibition vient compromettre la capacité du parasite à se reproduire, atténuant ainsi la gravité des symptômes de la maladie et limitant sa propagation. Cette découverte a de grandes répercussions, car elle porte sur le paludisme provoqué par Plasmodium falciparum, qui chaque année coûte la vie à plus de 500 000 personnes.

Le Dr Ashraf Dada, président du service de pathologie et de médecine de laboratoire au King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre à Djeddah et chercheur en chef, explique : « Cette découverte ouvre la voie au développement de traitements plus efficaces contre la souche de la maladie la plus létale, Plasmodium falciparum. » Par ailleurs, cette étude permet aux scientifiques de mieux comprendre la progression de la maladie et son interaction avec le système immunitaire de l’être humain, contribuant par là même à renforcer les initiatives de lutte contre la propagation du parasite responsable du paludisme le plus fréquemment rencontré en Afrique.

Qui plus est, l’étude en question a démontré que le gène PfAP2–MRP régulait la production de récepteurs protéiques diversifiés sur le plan génétique permettant au parasite d’échapper aux attaques du système immunitaire de l’hôte. Ce mécanisme joue un rôle déterminant dans la propagation du paludisme et met en exergue l’importance du gène dans le développement de stratégies thérapeutiques futures.

Publiée dans la prestigieuse revue Nature, cette étude fort intéressante est le fruit de l’étroite collaboration entre KFSH&RC et KAUST dans le cadre d’activités de recherche innovantes visant à faciliter la détection de la présence de microbes, bactéries et parasites, tout en soulignant l’effort de lutte contre les pathogènes et d’amélioration de la santé humaine entrepris à l’échelle mondiale.

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre compte parmi les leaders mondiaux de la prestation de soins de santé spécialisés, encourageant l’innovation et servant de centre de formation et de recherche médicale avancée. Par l’entremise de partenariats stratégiques avec des institutions locales, régionales et internationales, l’hôpital s’emploie à faire avancer les technologies médicales et à élever les normes en matière de soins à l’échelle mondiale.

À propos du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre :

Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (« KFSH&RC ») est un établissement de santé de premier plan au Moyen–Orient, dont l’ambition est de devenir le meilleur choix pour chaque patient nécessitant des soins spécialisés. L’hôpital se targue d’un palmarès richement doté en matière de traitement de cancers et de maladies cardiovasculaires, de transplantation d’organes, de neurosciences et de génétique.

En 2023, le cabinet de conseil Brand Finance a attribué au KFSH&RC la première place sur le podium des centres médicaux universitaires au Moyen–Orient et en Afrique et l’a classé parmi les 20 meilleurs au niveau mondial. En outre, en 2022, le magazine Newsweek a reconnu l’hôpital comme un chef de file de la prestation de soins de santé à l’échelle internationale.

Dans le cadre du programme saoudien Vision 2030, un décret royal prévoyant de faire de l’hôpital une entité publique indépendante à but non lucratif a été publié le 21 décembre 2021, ouvrant ainsi la voie à un programme de transformation exhaustif visant à devenir un leader mondial des soins de santé grâce à l’excellence et à l’innovation.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/38b3fbef–fece–4a76–b326–2d57ab1b16ba

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9033396)

Pesquisadores do KFSH&RC & KAUST Descobrem Gene Responsável pela Reprodução da Cepa da Malária Mais Perigosa

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em um grande avanço científico, uma equipe de pesquisa do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC), em colaboração com o King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), e em conjunto com pesquisadores do Reino Unido, dos EUA e da Índia, descobriu um gene vital fundamental para o combate à malária. Este gene, denominado PfAP2–MRP, é essencial no processo de replicação de Plasmodium falciparum, o parasita que causa a cepa mais letal da malária.

Técnicas laboratoriais avançadas permitiram que os pesquisadores inibissem o gene PfAP2–MRP, revelando seu papel essencial no ciclo de vida do parasita da malária nos glóbulos vermelhos. Essa inibição interrompe significativamente a capacidade do parasita de se reproduzir, reduzindo a gravidade dos sintomas da doença e restringindo sua disseminação. Esta descoberta é particularmente impactante, pois aborda a malária Plasmodium falciparum, que mata mais de meio milhão de pessoas todos os anos.

O Dr. Ashraf Dada, Presidente do Departamento de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre em Jeddah e pesquisador principal, disse: “Esta descoberta abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de tratamentos mais eficazes para a cepa mais mortal da malária, o Plasmodium falciparum.” Este estudo aumenta a compreensão da comunidade científica sobre a progressão da doença e sua interação com o sistema imunológico humano, e aprimora os esforços de combate a este parasita da malária tão prevalente na África.

Além disso, a pesquisa demonstrou que o gene PfAP2–MRP regula a produção de receptores proteicos geneticamente diversos, permitindo que o parasita engane o sistema imunológico do hospedeiro. Esse mecanismo desempenha um papel significativo na disseminação global da malária e ressalta a importância do gene no desenvolvimento de futuras estratégias terapêuticas.

Publicado na prestigiada revista “Nature”, este estudo notável faz parte de uma estreita colaboração entre o KFSH&RC e o KAUST nas atividades de pesquisas inovadoras destinadas não apenas a aprimorar o diagnóstico de micróbios, bactérias e parasitas, mas também ressalta um esforço global para o combate de patógenos e melhoria da saúde humana.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre é dos líderes globais de prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, condução de inovação, e um hubs avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. Por meio de parcerias estratégicas com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, o hospital se dedica ao avanço de tecnologias médicas e elevação dos padrões de cuidado da saúde em todo o mundo.

Sobre o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) é uma instituição de saúde líder no Oriente Médio, idealizada para ser a escolha ideal para todos os pacientes que procuram cuidados de saúde especializados. O hospital tem uma longa história de tratamento de câncer, doença cardiovascular, transplante de órgãos, neurociências e genética.

Em 2023, o “Brand Finance” classificou o King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre como o melhor centro médico acadêmico do Oriente Médio e da África e entre os 20 melhores do mundo. Além disso, em 2022 ele foi reconhecido como um dos principais provedores de cuidado de saúde pela revista Newsweek.

Como parte da Saudi Vision 2030, um decreto real foi emitido em 21 de dezembro de 2021 visando transformar o hospital em uma entidade independente, sem fins lucrativos e de propriedade do governo, abrindo caminho para um programa abrangente de transformação com objetivo de alcançar a liderança global em cuidados de saúde por meio da excelência e inovação.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9033396)

White House Still Denies Mideast Turmoil Linked to Gaza

Displaced Palestinians at a temporary shelter in the Southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah. Crerdit: OHCHR/ Media Clinic

By Daniel Larison
WASHINGTON DC, Feb 7 2024 – The Biden administration continues to deny any connections between the war in Gaza and the ongoing conflicts involving U.S. forces in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

The White House’s position that these are all unrelated conflicts that are just cropping up at the same time can’t be squared with the evidence showing that the war in Gaza has fueled regional instability and violence, including the recent drone attack by an Iraqi militia that killed three American service members and injured more than 40 at a base in Jordan earlier this week.

As much as the administration might want to keep the conflict confined to Gaza, the truth is that it has spread to several other countries. It is a disservice to the American people and to American military personnel to pretend that U.S. support for the war in Gaza hasn’t already had serious negative consequences for regional stability and for American forces in the region when it clearly has.

When he was asked about this “same, larger conflict” at a press conference on Wednesday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby dismissed any link between Gaza and the U.S. fight with the Houthis or the back-and-forth strikes between local militias and U.S. forces.

“I absolutely don’t agree with your description of the same, larger conflict. There’s a conflict going on between Israel and Hamas…and we’re going to make sure that we continue to get Israel the support that they need to defend themselves against this still viable threat,” Kirby said.

“There were attacks on our troops and facilities in Iraq and Syria well before the seventh of October, certainly in the last administration as well. As for the Houthis, they can claim all they want that this is linked to Gaza, but two-thirds of the ships that they’re hitting have no connection to Israel whatsoever. So it’s just not true, it’s a falsehood.”

Kirby’s answer is misleading and false. The umbrella group in Iraq that claimed responsibility for the attack in Jordan, the Islamic Resistance of Iraq, explicitly stated that its attack was connected to the war in Gaza.

The Houthi leadership has been emphatic that their attacks will continue for as long as the war does. The decision of other actors to jump on a cause’s bandwagon may be cynical or not, but there is no denying that they have jumped on the bandwagon.

Refusing to face the reality of the connections between these conflicts guarantees that the U.S. will pursue ineffective and counterproductive policies by ignoring that the key to defusing regional tensions is to bring the war in Gaza to an end as quickly as possible.

Kirby did not mention that militia attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria had ceased for several months prior to October 7 because of the understanding that the U.S. and Iran had reached in connection with the prisoner exchange deal. It was only after October 7 that those attacks resumed and then increased to record levels.

Local militias have additional reasons of their own for targeting U.S. forces that predate the war, but there is no way to understand the intensity of the attacks in recent months or their cessation during the pause in fighting in Gaza last year without recognizing that they are linked to Israel’s war.

The same goes for the Houthi attacks. The Houthis did not launch a campaign against commercial shipping during their war with the Saudi coalition, so this is not something that they have usually done since seizing power in 2014. The first Houthi attacks after October 7 were aimed at Israel itself. The Houthis shifted tactics to targeting commercial vessels, but it was clear that they were doing so in response to the war.

No doubt the Houthis are acting opportunistically and are launching these attacks partly to bolster their own political fortunes in Yemen, but that doesn’t change the reality that these attacks are happening now because of the war in Gaza. If that’s true, it also seems reasonable to conclude that the attacks against shipping could be ended with a ceasefire there as well.

The Biden administration has strong political incentives to deny links between these different conflicts. If they acknowledge a link, that makes it harder for them to justify their unconditional backing for Israel’s war because of the greater costs involved. It also undermines their argument for military action in Yemen against the Houthis.

The White House needs Americans to think that the costs of continued support for the war are lower than they are, and they also need Americans to buy that the strikes on Yemen aren’t related to their stubborn opposition to a ceasefire in Gaza.

Now that there are American fatalities from an Iraqi militia attack, the administration wants to compartmentalize each conflict so that the American people won’t conclude that U.S. soldiers are being killed because of a foreign war that the president chose to support without conditions.

The administration insists that it wants to prevent a regional war, but that won’t be successful if it fails to recognize the relationships between Israel’s campaign and what is happening elsewhere in the Middle East. Denying the link with Gaza in Yemen has already led to the blunder of escalation against the Houthis.

That has done nothing to make commercial shipping more secure, but it has drawn the U.S. into another unnecessary, open-ended fight. The president is on the verge of making a similar mistake in response to the drone attack in Jordan.

The U.S. can choose to entangle itself ever deeper in Middle Eastern conflicts as it is doing now, or it can recognize the futility and folly of going down the same dead-end road it has traveled before. If Washington wants to avoid involvement in new conflicts, it must reject the path of escalation and it must stop fueling the war in Gaza that is one of the chief drivers of regional instability.

In the longer term, the U.S. needs to reduce its military footprint in the region to make it harder for other actors to hit American forces, and it needs to reassess and significantly cut back on its client relationships.

The public deserves an honest accounting of what our government is doing in the Middle East and why, and right now the White House isn’t providing anything close to that. If the president won’t change course, the very least that he can do is level with the American people about the full costs of continuing down the dangerous path that he has chosen.

Source: Responsible Statecraft

Daniel Larison is a regular columnist at Responsible Statecraft, contributing editor at Antiwar.com, and a former senior editor at The American Conservative magazine. He has a Ph.D. in History from the University of Chicago. He writes regularly for his newsletter, Eunomia, on Substack.

The views expressed by authors on Responsible Statecraft do not necessarily reflect those of the Quincy Institute or its associates.

IPS UN Bureau


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Neocolonial ISDS, Abused, Biased, Costly, and Grossly Unfair

By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Feb 7 2024 – Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in international trade and investment agreements – long abused by opportunists with means – are slowly being rejected by cautious governments.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Developing country governments need to be much more wary of ISDS and its implications, and should urgently withdraw from existing commitments. They should expunge ISDS clauses in existing trade and investment agreements and exclude them from new ones.

ISDS ripe for abuse
ISDS allows a foreign investor to sue a ‘host’ government for compensation by claiming new laws, regulations and policies adversely affect expected profits, even if changed in the public interest. It involves binding arbitration without going to court.

ISDS provisions are included in many free trade agreements (FTAs) and bilateral investment treaties (BITs). These were invoked in 84% of cases before the World Bank Group’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the most used arbitration forum. Investment contracts and national investment laws are also invoked.

ISDS decisions are made by commercial ‘for-profit’ arbitrators prone to conflicts of interest. Foreign investors can thus seek compensation amounting to billions of dollars via a parallel legal system favouring them.

ISDS provisions in such agreements enable foreign investors to sue governments for billions of dollars in compensation by claiming changes in national law or policy will reduce profits for their investments.

Neocolonial ISDS
During the colonial era, imperial authorities often used concession contracts to grant private companies exclusive rights to extract resources, such as minerals and crops, or conduct other economic operations, including building infrastructure and operating utilities.

Investments were protected by (colonial) law, and sometimes by investment contracts after independence. Companies might negotiate contracts with governments to get better terms. A tenth of the claims before the ICSID involved such contracts.

Thus, ISDS perpetuates a colonial pattern of privileging the interests of foreign capital. The World Bank’s Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS) has long promoted including ISDS in domestic investment laws. Thirty of the 65 countries it advised enacted new laws providing for such arbitration.

Investment treaty arbitration started as a post-colonial innovation to protect the assets of former colonial powers from newly independent states. Investment arbitration rules deliberately privilege foreign investment over national law.

ISDS abused, biased and corrupt
ISDS encourages abuse and corruption. As legal fees and arbitration awards tend to be very significant for developing countries, when invoked, ISDS has a chilling effect intimidating host governments, often forcing them to concede or compromise regardless of the merits of the claims.

Nigeria was ordered to pay US$11 billion to a British Virgin Islands company, Process & Industrial Developments (P&ID). P&ID had used ISDS to claim compensation from Nigeria for allegedly breaking gas supply and processing contract.

When P&ID initiated ISDS proceedings in August 2012, it had not even bought a site for the gas supply facility. Yet, it claimed to be ready to fulfil its contractual obligations.

Six years later, in November 2023, the English High Court ruled the contract in dispute was obtained fraudulently via secretive practices allowed by ISDS. The Court also ruled P&ID had bribed Nigerian officials, including its legal team then, to get the contract.

Presiding English High Court Judge Knowles expressed “puzzlement over how the [ISDS] Tribunal failed to notice the serious irregularities” despite various “red flags” of fraud noted by others.

Elsewhere, Pacific Rim Mining Corp, a Canadian company, had proposed a massive gold mine in El Salvador using water-intensive cyanide ore processing. Later, it claimed the government had violated its domestic investment law by not issuing a permit for the mine.

The ICSID ultimately rejected the company’s claim, ordering it to pay two-thirds of the US$12 million El Salvador had spent on legal fees. But the company has refused to pay.

Wake-up call ‘down under’
The Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET) advocacy group has updated its brief supporting its call for the urgent review and removal of ISDS clauses in the country’s existing foreign trade and investment agreements.

AFTINET has specifically urged the Australian Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) to review and amend the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA).

The Australian Labor Party government, elected in May 2022, pledged not to include ISDS in new trade agreements, and to review such provisions in current agreements. Its brief focuses on ISDS provisions used by Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer to sue Canberra.

Registering his Zeph Investments in Singapore, Palmer has used AANZFTA ISDS provisions to get compensation from Australia in two matters. The first is his application for an iron ore mining lease in Western Australia.

The second is against the authorities’ refusal of coal mining permits in Queensland for environmental reasons. Palmer has also made a third claim invoking the Singapore-Australia FTA, bringing his total claims to nearly A$410 billion.

Despite the government’s policy against ISDS, the provision was not reviewed in the amended AANZFTA. AFTINET is urging Canberra to urgently remove its exposure to ISDS cases as Palmer’s actions have made this all the more urgent.

ISDS abuses recognised
The Palmer case has increased concerns about ISDS, especially the abuse of lack of transparency. Arbitration processes are typically closed-door, preventing public, including forensic scrutiny of business transactions and practices.

AFTINET notes “excessive” ISDS claims have been growing, while Judge Knowles noted the “severe abuses” of ISDS in the Nigeria v. P&ID case “driven by greed”.

The huge compensations sought and awarded have encouraged even more “long-shot, speculative ISDS claims”. Such claims are typically based on “loose” book-keeping and dubious projections and other calculations, easily falsified by well-paid accomplices.

While the Australian government pledges no new ISDS commitments, but also wants to get rid of earlier ones, much more vulnerable developing country governments seem quite oblivious of the huge risks they are exposing their countries to!

IPS UN Bureau


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Les leaders du luxe : Automobili Pininfarina récompensée par trois prix internationaux

  • Automobili Pininfarina entame l’année 2024 en remportant plusieurs prix récompensant ses designs
  • PURA Vision a reçu le prix d’argent dans la catégorie Produits conceptuels / Design de produits automobiles et de transport lors des International Design Awards
  • Automobili Pininfarina a été nommé « Fabricant de voitures électriques performantes de luxe de l’année 2024 » par le magazine LUXlife
  • Battista Edizione Nino Farina a été nommé « Meilleur hypercar électrique » au Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024
  • Une série complète de ressources pour accompagner ces informations peut être consultée ici

CAMBIANO, Italie, 07 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Automobili Pininfarina a démarré l’année 2024 en remportant trois prix, continuant ainsi à consolider le succès de son année précédente record.

Le magazine LUXlife a désigné le constructeur Automobili Pininfarina « Constructeur de voitures électriques de luxe performantes de l’année 2024 » à l’occasion de ses récompenses annuelles.

Reconnaissant les progrès inégalés et la créativité exceptionnelle du monde du luxe, les prix LUXlife récompensent les leaders et les pionniers qui redéfinissent l’excellence au sein de l’industrie, pour instaurer de nouveaux standards en matière de sophistication et d’élégance. Automobili Pininfarina a été récompensée dans la catégorie « Leaders du luxe ».

Cette récompense a été suivie d’une autre pour le concept de PURA Vision, qui a reçu la médaille d’argent dans la catégorie Produits conceptuels / Conception de produits automobiles et de transport lors des 2024 International Design Awards.

La PURA Vision, conçue par Dave Amantea, Chief Design Officer, marque le début de ce qui promet d’être une nouvelle ère pour les véhicules électriques de luxe. Elle a été présentée lors de la Monterey Car Week 2023.

Dave Amantea, directeur du design, a commenté : « Notre philosophie de design PURA est axée sur la simplicité et la beauté intemporelle que l’on retrouve dans tous les modèles d’Automobili Pininfarina. Cette idée s’exprime dans la silhouette élégante et les proportions saisissantes de la PURA Vision, envisagée ici comme un véhicule utilitaire électrique de luxe (e–LUV) novateur » .

Les principes de la philosophie PURA, établis par Automobili Pininfarina, redéfinissent l’ADN des modèles emblématiques passés de Pininfarina SpA pour réécrire l’avenir, en combinant l’inspiration des voitures classiques emblématiques avec des éléments futuristes.

Inspirée par les proportions et les détails raffinés des voitures classiques, PURA Vision se distingue par une silhouette élégante avec des proportions audacieuses à l’arrière de la cabine et combine une beauté intemporelle avec des détails exquis pour créer une identité complexe avec une présence inimitable. Parmi ses caractéristiques les plus remarquables, on peut citer son vitrage étroit et ses portières sans montants à triple ouverture, qui offrent un accès exceptionnel à son habitacle sophistiqué.

Plus récemment, l’Automobili Pininfarina Battista Edizione Nino Farina a été nommée « Meilleur hypercar électrique » au Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024. Présentée lors du Goodwood Festival of Speed 2023, elle rend hommage à la légende de la course automobile Nino Farina, neveu du fondateur de la société, Battista « Pinin » Farina, et premier champion du monde de Formule 1.

Chacun des cinq exemplaires uniques présente un détail particulier qui fait référence à une étape importante de la carrière de Nino dans le monde de la course automobile. Avec une finition en Rosso Nino sur mesure complétée par une livrée spéciale sur la partie inférieure de la carrosserie, en Bianco Sestriere et Iconica Blu, le design extérieur est complété par des jantes Glorioso en alliage d’aluminium forgé à 10 rayons, de couleur or satiné.

Contacts presse

Duncan Forrester 
Directeur de la communication 
(M) +49 (0) 171 265 4094         
Akira Shinonuma
Responsable de la communication
(M) +49 (0) 1511 0949270



Le siège des opérations d’Automobili Pininfarina se trouve à Munich, Allemagne, et réunit une équipe de cadres expérimentés dans le domaine de l’automobile, issus de marques de voitures de luxe et de haut de gamme. Conçue, dessinée et produite à la main en Italie, la Battista hyper GT et tous les futurs modèles seront vendus sur les principaux marchés internationaux sous la marque Pininfarina. L’entreprise a pour objectif de concevoir des expériences pour les plus grands influenceurs de goût du monde. Automobili Pininfarina GmbH est un investissement à 100 % de Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd suite à la signature d’un accord de licence de marque entre Pininfarina S.p.A. et Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Pininfarina S.p.A. joue un rôle important dans les activités de conception et de production en s’appuyant sur son expérience unique de 94 ans dans la production de nombreuses voitures comptant parmi les plus emblématiques au monde.

Les photos accompagnant cette publication sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante : 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000912370)

Führend im Luxussegment: Automobili Pininfarina mit drei internationalen Auszeichnungen geehrt

  • Automobili Pininfarina startet mit mehreren Auszeichnungen für sein Design in das Jahr 2024
  • PURA Vision erhält Silber in der Kategorie Conceptual Products/Automotive & Transport Product Design bei den International Design Awards
  • Automobili Pininfarina wird vom LUXlife Magazine zum „Luxury Electric Performance Car Manufacturer of the Year 2024“ ernannt
  • Battista Edizione Nino Farina zum besten Elektro–Hypercar beim Robb Report Monaco & Côte d'Azur Car of the Year 2024 gekürt
  • Die vollständige Materialsammlung zur Unterstützung dieser Mitteilung finden Sie hier

CAMBIANO, Italien, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Automobili Pininfarina hat das Jahr 2024 mit drei Preisgewinnen begonnen und baut damit auf dem Erfolg eines rekordverdächtigen Vorjahres auf.

Das LUXlife Magazine hat Automobili Pininfarina bei seinen jährlichen Auszeichnungen zum „Luxury Electric Performance Car Manufacturer of the Year 2024“ gekürt.

Mit den LUXlife Awards werden die unvergleichlichen Leistungen und die außergewöhnliche Kreativität in der Welt des Luxus gefeiert. Sie ehren die führenden Köpfe und Pioniere, die die Exzellenz in der Branche neu definieren und höhere Standards für Raffinesse und Eleganz setzen. Automobili Pininfarina war ein Gewinner in der Kategorie „Leaders in Luxury“.

Es folgte ein weiterer Sieg für das PURA Vision Designkonzept, das bei den 2024 International Design Awards mit Silber in der Kategorie Conceptual Products/Automotive & Transport Product Design ausgezeichnet wurde.

PURA Vision steht für den Beginn einer bahnbrechenden Ära für elektrische Luxusfahrzeuge und stammt aus der Feder von Chief Design Officer Dave Amantea. Die Studie wurde 2023 auf der Monterey Car Week enthüllt.

Dave Amantea, Chief Design Officer, dazu: „Unsere PURA–Designphilosophie steht für Schlichtheit und zeitlose Schönheit, die in jedem Modell von Automobili Pininfarina zum Ausdruck kommt. Die elegante Silhouette und die dramatischen Proportionen bringen diese Sprache beim PURA Vision zum Ausdruck, der hier als erstes elektrisches Luxus–Nutzfahrzeug (e–LUV) seiner Art vorgestellt wird.“

Die Prinzipien der PURA–Philosophie, die von Automobili Pininfarina ins Leben gerufen wurden, transformieren die DNA der ikonischen Modelle aus der Vergangenheit von Pininfarina SpA, um die Zukunft zu definieren, indem sie die Inspiration von ikonischen klassischen Autos mit futuristischen Elementen verbinden.

Inspiriert von klassischen Proportionen und exquisiten Details, präsentiert PURA Vision eine elegante Silhouette mit kühnen Proportionen von der Fahrerkabine bis zum Fahrzeugende, die zeitlose Schönheit mit exquisiten Details verbinden und eine dynamische Identität mit unverwechselbarer Präsenz schaffen. Zu den herausragenden Merkmalen gehören das schmale Glashaus und die dreifach zu öffnenden, säulenlosen Türen, die einen hervorragenden Zugang zu seinem anspruchsvollen Innenraum ermöglichen.

Erst kürzlich wurde der Automobili Pininfarina Battista Edizione Nino Farina beim Robb Report Monaco & Côte d'Azur Car of the Year 2024 zum besten elektrischen Hypercar gekürt. Er wurde beim Goodwood Festival of Speed 2023 vorgestellt und ist eine Hommage an die Rennsportlegende Nino Farina – Neffe des Firmengründers Battista „Pinin“ Farina und erster Formel–1–Weltmeister.

Jedes der fünf einzigartigen Exemplare weist ein exquisites Detail auf, das auf einen anderen Meilenstein in Ninos Rennkarriere verweist. Die Sonderlackierung in Rosso Nino wird durch eine spezielle Lackierung der unteren Karosserie in Bianco Sestriere und Iconica Blu ergänzt. Das Außendesign wird durch die 10–Speichen–Leichtmetallfelgen Glorioso in Satin Gold vervollständigt.


Duncan Forrester
Chief Communications Officer
(Mobil) +49 (0) 171 265 4094
Akira Shinonuma
Communications Manager
(Mobil) +49 (0) 1511 0949270



Automobili Pininfarina hat seinen operativen Hauptsitz in München, Deutschland, mit einem Team von erfahrenen Führungskräften aus dem Bereich der Luxus– und Premium–Automobilmarken. Der Battista hyper GT und alle zukünftigen Modelle werden unter dem Markennamen Pininfarina in allen wichtigen Märkten der Welt verkauft. Das Unternehmen hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Erlebnisse für die führenden Geschmacksbildner der Welt zu entwerfen. Automobili Pininfarina GmbH ist eine 100–prozentige Beteiligung von Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. nach der Unterzeichnung eines Markenlizenzvertrags zwischen Pininfarina S.p.A. und Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Pininfarina S.p.A. spielt eine einflussreiche Rolle bei der Unterstützung von Design– und Produktionskapazitäten auf der Grundlage seiner einzigartigen 94–jährigen Erfahrung bei der Herstellung vieler der weltweit bekanntesten Automobile.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000912370)

Líderes no Luxo: Automobili Pininfarina Reconhecida com Três Prêmios Internacionais

  • A Automobili Pininfarina começa 2024 com vários prêmios ganhos por seu design
  • A PURA Vision recebeu o prêmio Silver na categoria Produtos Conceituais / Design de Produtos Automotivos e de Transporte no International Design Awards
  • Automobili Pininfarina nomeada “Luxury Electric Performance Car Manufacturer of the Year 2024” pela LUXlife Magazine
  • Battista Edizione Nino Farina é coroado o Melhor Hipercarro Elétrico no Robb Report Monaco & Côte d'Azur Car of the Year 2024
  • O conjunto completo de ativos para apoiar as notícias pode ser encontrado aqui

CAMBIANO, Itália, Feb. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Automobili Pininfarina deu início a 2024 com três prêmios conquistados, continuando a construir o sucesso de um ano anterior que bateu recordes.

A revista LUXlife nomeou a Automobili Pininfarina como “Fabricante de carros de luxo de desempenho elétrico do ano de 2024” em sua premiação anual.

Comemorando as conquistas inigualáveis e a criatividade excepcional no reino do luxo, os prêmios LUXlife homenageiam os líderes e pioneiros que redefinem a excelência no setor, estabelecendo padrões mais elevados de sofisticação e elegância. A Automobili Pininfarina foi a vencedora na categoria “Líderes em Luxo”.

Isso foi seguido por outra vitória para o conceito de design da PURA Vision, que recebeu o prêmio Silver em Conceptual Products / Automotive & Transport Product Design no 2024 International Design Awards.

O PURA Vision representa o início do que promete ser uma era inovadora para os veículos de luxo elétricos e foi escrito pelo Diretor de Design, Dave Amantea. Foi apresentado na Monterey Car Week de 2023.

Dave Amantea, Diretor de Design, comentou: “Nossa filosofia de design PURA tem tudo a ver com simplicidade e beleza atemporal, que é projetada em cada modelo da Automobili Pininfarina. A silhueta elegante e as proporções dramáticas expressam essa linguagem no PURA Vision, concebido aqui como o primeiro Veículo Utilitário de Luxo Elétrico (e–LUV) de sua categoria.”

Os princípios da filosofia PURA, estabelecidos pela Automobili Pininfarina, transformam o DNA de modelos icônicos do passado da Pininfarina SpA para definir o futuro, equilibrando a inspiração de carros clássicos icônicos com elementos futuristas.

Inspirado em proporções clássicas e detalhes requintados, o PURA Vision apresenta uma silhueta elegante com proporções ousadas de cabine traseira que combinam beleza atemporal com detalhes requintados para criar uma identidade dinâmica com presença inconfundível. Entre as características que chamam a atenção estão o vidro estreito e as portas sem colunas com abertura tripla, que proporcionam acesso supremo à sua sofisticada cabine.

Mais recentemente, o Automobili Pininfarina Battista Edizione Nino Farina foi eleito o Melhor Hipercarro Elétrico no Robb Report Monaco & Côte d'Azur Car of the Year 2024. Apresentado no Goodwood Festival of Speed de 2023, ele é uma homenagem à lenda das corridas Nino Farina – sobrinho do fundador da empresa, Battista “Pinin” Farina, e o primeiro campeão mundial de Fórmula 1.

Cada um dos cinco exemplares exclusivos apresenta um detalhe requintado que faz referência a um marco diferente na carreira de corrida de Nino. Com acabamento em uma pintura Rosso Nino sob medida, complementada por uma pintura especial na parte inferior da carroceria, com acabamento em Bianco Sestriere e Iconica Blu, o design exterior é complementado pelas rodas de liga leve Glorioso de alumínio forjado com 10 raios Satin Gold.

Contatos com a imprensa

Duncan Forrester
Diretor de comunicações
(M) +49 (0) 171 265 4094
Akira Shinonuma
Gerente de comunicações
(M) +49 (0) 1511 0949270



Automobili Pininfarina tem sua sede operacional em Munique, Alemanha, com uma equipe de executivos automotivos experientes de marcas de carros de luxo e premium. Projetado, concebido e produzido manualmente na Itália, o Battista hyper GT e todos os modelos futuros serão vendidos em todos os principais mercados globais sob a marca Pininfarina. O objetivo da empresa é projetar experiências para os principais fabricantes de sabores do mundo. A Automobili Pininfarina GmbH é um investimento de 100% da Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd após a assinatura de um contrato de licença de marca registrada entre a Pininfarina S.p.A. e a Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. A Pininfarina S.p.A. tem um papel influente no apoio às capacidades de design e produção com base em sua experiência única de 94 anos na produção de muitos dos carros mais icônicos do mundo.

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