AI-Media's LEXI Tool Kit Expanded with LEXI Recorded – Breakthrough Solution for the Growing VOD Market

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media is excited to announce the launch of its VOD automated captioning solution, LEXI Recorded. This groundbreaking product, created initially for a major sporting franchise, utilizes the cutting–edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology of their flagship LEXI product. LEXI Recorded will address the ever–increasing demand for high volume, fast turnaround and easy captioning of recorded content, while ensuring high accuracy and cost–effectiveness. It is also capable of seamlessly integrating with a customer's media management system, to become an end–to–end media production workflow, and delivering a more efficient and hands off recorded captioning process.

AI–Media's Chief Product Officer, Bill McLaughlin says: “LEXI Recorded represents a significant leap forward in the world of automated captioning for recorded media, providing unparalleled speed, accuracy, and cost efficiency. With LEXI Recorded, we are not just meeting but exceeding the demands for high–volume, quick, and precise captioning of recorded content. With accuracy comparable to human captioning, the ability to seamlessly integrate into diverse production workflows and priced from $0.20USD per minute, this is a gamechanger for high volume broadcasters of content.

We are proud to continue our legacy of innovation and leadership in the captioning space. LEXI Recorded is a testament to our commitment to delivering cutting–edge solutions that empower organizations to enhance accessibility with efficiency in media production.”

Key Features of LEXI Recorded include:

  • Speed and Efficiency: LEXI Recorded ensures the rapid turnaround of captioned files, enabling organizations to meet tight deadlines and deliver content promptly to their audiences. Files can be turned around, in a variety of formats, in as little as the length of the video.
  • High Accuracy: Powered by advanced AI technology, LEXI Recorded offers excellent accuracy at 98% NER, and even higher with the use of custom dictionaries or topic models.
  • Cost Efficiency: The automated nature of LEXI Recorded significantly reduces operational costs, providing a cost–effective solution for organizations of all sizes. From as little as $0.20USD per minute, LEXI Recorded has the potential to provide our customers with substantive cost savings over traditional human captioning of recorded content.
  • Flexible Integration Patterns for Diverse Workflows: Recognizing the diversity of production workflows, AI–Media offers flexible integration patterns, allowing organizations to tailor their integration with LEXI Recorded according to their unique needs. Options include API–based integration, shared folder–based integration, and custom integration, catering to organizations with varying software development capabilities.
  • API Integration for Seamless Workflows: At the core of LEXI Recorded's integration capabilities is AI–Media's Orders API. This developer–friendly API adheres to industry standards, including REST, JSON, API key, HTTPS, and TLS, making it easy to navigate and work with. The API also supports both AI–fulfilled LEXI Recorded and captioner–fulfilled Premium Recorded order types, ensuring a smooth transition between AI and human–based captioning without disruption.
  • Instant Language Translation: Submit orders with source audio in over 30 languages and receive either same–language captions or AI translated subtitles.
  • Flexible interface options: Choose between ad hoc use of the LEXI Recorded online portal or for high volume users; a bespoke, integration set–up to manage super–fast, low touch turnaround of content.
  • AI–Media also offers 24/7 global support backed by best–in–class engineering excellence.

LEXI Recorded is yet another solution in AI–Media's LEXI Tool Kit now cementing the company as the global leader in captioning technology and solutions.

The AI–Media team will be showcasing the LEXI Recorded solution from 14–17 April at the NAB Show 2024 in Las Vegas; the world's largest broadcast and media trade convention. To book a 1:1 session at NAB Show to learn more about LEXI Recorded or our other solutions click HERE.

For more information about LEXI Recorded visit the LEXI Recorded page on the AI–Media site.

About AI–Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company AI–Media is a global leader in the provision of high–quality live and recorded captioning, transcription and translation solutions. The company helps the world’s leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure and cost–effective captioning via its AI–powered LEXI automatic captioning solution and end–to–end range of captioning hardware. Globally, AI–Media technology delivers well over 10 million minutes of live and recorded media content, and online events and web streams every month. AI–Media (ASX: AIM) commenced trading on the ASX on 15 September 2020. For more information on AI–Media please visit AI–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9036193)

Un retour sur investissement de 228 % et des bénéfices affichés à hauteur de 34,8 millions de dollars pour les clients de Quantexa, selon la nouvelle étude Total Economic Impact de Forrester (une étude sur l'impact économique total)

LONDRES, 13 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les professionnels ont besoin d’exploiter une base de données fiable pour prendre les meilleures décisions en matière d’efficacité opérationnelle, de projets d’avenir et de développement. Or, la plupart d’entre elles pâtissent d’un manque de vision client à 360 degrés, restent confrontées à des doublons, se reposent sur des processus inefficaces, et enregistrent des contre–performances.

Aujourd’hui, Quantexa publie l’étude The Total Economic Impact™ consacrée à sa plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle, conçue pour conduire une analyse justificative de la valeur commerciale des entreprises pour les aider à mieux saisir l’impact financier que représentent leurs investissements technologiques. Dans le but de mesurer le retour sur investissement potentiel et les autres avantages que sa technologie d’intelligence décisionnelle peut apporter aux entreprises, Quantexa a confié à Forrester Consulting le soin de réaliser des entretiens avec six de ses clients, occupant des postes de direction liés aux données dans les domaines de la banque, des télécommunications et du secteur public.

Dans ses conclusions, établies à partir des témoignages des répondants, l’étude dresse le bilan des avantages quantitatifs et qualitatifs, mais aussi des éventuels impacts financiers et des risques auxquels s’expose une organisation mixte en exploitant la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle développée par Quantexa.

Les éléments suivants sont au cœur des avantages cités par les clients :

  • Un retour sur investissement de 228 % sur trois ans
  • Une période d’amortissement inférieure à huit mois
  • Une valeur actuelle nette estimée à 34,8 millions de dollars en avantages pour les clients sur trois ans

Les 5 avantages clés et le montant des économies réalisées grâce à la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa

Un responsable mondial de la détection de la criminalité financière chez un client du secteur des services financiers observe que « Quantexa nous permet d’identifier des données et de les fusionner quasi instantanément au sein d’un écosystème flexible et évolutif délivrant une vue multidimensionnelle du client. Ce modèle nous aide à réduire les risques, à déployer moins d’infrastructures et de ressources humaines, et à monétiser les données. »

Pour obtenir tous les détails de l’étude Total Economic Impact™ dédiée à la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa, nous vous invitons à télécharger le rapport 2024 intégral.

À propos de Quantexa

Pionnière de l’intelligence décisionnelle mondiale, Quantexa développe des logiciels de données et d’analyse permettant aux professionnels de prendre des décisions opérationnelles éclarées en donnant plus de sens à leurs données. En exploitant les dernières avancées en matière de Big Data et d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa fait apparaître les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en fournissant sous un seul toit une synthèse contextuelle et intégrée des données internes et externes. Elle relève des enjeux majeurs en lien avec la gestion des données, la connaissance du client, la veille client, la criminalité financière, les risques, la fraude et la sécurité à toutes les étapes du cycle de vie de la relation client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte aujourd’hui plus de 675 collaborateurs et des milliers d’utilisateurs brassant des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde. La société a des bureaux à Londres, Dublin, Bruxelles, Malaga, aux Émirats arabes unis, à New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne et Tokyo.

Demandes médias 

C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
C: Adam Jaffe, vice–président sénior du marketing d’entreprise
T: +1 609 502 6889


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913213)

Laut neuer Studie zu gesamtwirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen erzielten Kunden von Quantexa 228 % Kapitalrendite mit zusätzlichen Vorteilen in Höhe von 34,8 Mio. USD

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Unternehmen benötigen eine vertrauenswürdige Datengrundlage, um effektive Entscheidungen treffen zu können, die es ihnen ermöglichen, effizient zu arbeiten, für die Zukunft zu planen und zu wachsen. Dennoch kämpfen viele Unternehmen weiterhin mit einer fehlenden einheitlichen Kundenansicht, doppelten Datensätzen, ineffizienten Prozessen und unwirksamen Ergebnissen.

Quantexa hat heute die Studie „The Total Economic Impact™ of The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform“ (Die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Quantexa Decision Intelligence–Plattform) veröffentlicht. Sie bietet eine Analyse zur Rechtfertigung des Geschäftswerts, die Unternehmen hilft, die finanziellen Auswirkungen ihrer Technologieinvestitionen zu verstehen. Quantexa beauftragte Forrester Consulting mit der Befragung von sechs Kunden in datenbezogenen Führungspositionen im Bankwesen, in der Telekommunikation und im öffentlichen Sektor, um die potenzielle Investitionsrendite und andere Vorteile zu untersuchen, die Unternehmen mit Decision Intelligence erzielen können.

In diesem Fall skizziert die Studie auf der Grundlage der befragten Kunden eine Aufschlüsselung der quantitativen und qualitativen Vorteile, der potenziellen finanziellen Auswirkungen und der damit verbundenen Risiken der Implementierung der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa für eine zusammengesetzte Organisation.

Zu den Vorteilen für die Kunden gehörten:

  • 228 % Kapitalrendite in drei Jahren
  • Amortisationszeit von weniger als acht Monaten
  • Geschätzter Nettogegenwartswert von 34,8 Mio. USD an Kundenvorteilen über drei Jahre

5 Hauptvorteile und wie viel mit der Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa eingespart wurde

Ein globaler Leiter der Abteilung für die Aufdeckung von Finanzkriminalität bei einem Kunden aus dem Finanzdienstleistungssektor erklärte: „Quantexa bietet uns die Möglichkeit, Daten in einem flexiblen und skalierbaren Ökosystem zu beschaffen und zu verschmelzen, und es bietet eine mehrdimensionale Sicht auf den Kunden fast in Echtzeit. Es ermöglicht uns, dieses Modell zu nutzen, um das Risiko zu verringern, den Umfang der Infrastruktur und der personellen Ressourcen zu reduzieren und Datenbestände zu monetarisieren.“

Für weitere Informationen über die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Quantexa Decision Intelligence–Plattform laden Sie bitte die vollständige Studie für das Jahr 2024 herunter.

Über Quantexa

Quantexa ist ein globales Unternehmen für Daten– und Analysesoftware, das Pionierarbeit im Bereich Decision Intelligence leistet und Unternehmen in die Lage versetzt, vertrauenswürdige betriebliche Entscheidungen zu treffen, indem es Daten Bedeutung verleiht. Mit den neuesten Fortschritten in den Bereichen Big Data und KI deckt die Decision Intelligence–Plattform von Quantexa verborgene Risiken und neue Chancen auf, indem sie eine kontextbezogene, vernetzte Sicht auf interne und externe Daten an einem einzigen Ort bietet. Sie löst die größten Herausforderungen in den Bereichen Datenmanagement, KYC (Kundenprofil), Customer Intelligence, Finanzkriminalität, Risiko, Betrug und Sicherheit während des gesamten Kundenlebenszyklus.

Die Quantexa Decision Intelligence–Plattform verbessert die operative Leistung mit einer über 90 % größeren Genauigkeit und einer 60–mal schnelleren Auflösung des Analysemodells als herkömmliche Ansätze. Quantexa wurde 2016 gegründet und hat heute mehr als 675 Mitarbeiter und Tausende von Nutzern, die mit Milliarden von Transaktionen und Datenpunkten auf der ganzen Welt arbeiten. Das Unternehmen hat Niederlassungen in London, Dublin, Brüssel, Malaga, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne und Tokio.


Kontakt: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E–Mail: Quantexa@fightorflight
Kontakt: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
Tel.: +1 609 502 6889


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913213)

Clientes da Quantexa obtiveram um ROI de 228% com benefícios de $34,8 milhões de acordo com um novo estudo de impacto econômico global

LONDRES, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Para operar de maneira eficiente, planejar o futuro e crescer, as organizações precisam de uma base de dados confiável para permitir decisões eficazes. No entanto, muitas organizações ainda enfrentam desafios com a falta de uma visão unificada do cliente, registros duplicados, processos ineficientes e resultados inadequados.

Hoje, a Quantexa publicou o estudo Total Economic Impact™ da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão Contextual da Quantexa, fornecendo uma análise de justificativa de valor comercial para ajudar as organizações a entender o impacto financeiro de seus investimentos em tecnologia. A Quantexa contratou a Forrester Consulting para entrevistar seis clientes em papéis de liderança relacionados a dados nos setores bancário, de telecomunicações e público, a fim de examinar o potencial de retorno sobre o investimento e outros benefícios que as empresas podem obter com a Inteligência de Decisão.

Neste estudo, são detalhados os benefícios quantitativos e qualitativos, os possíveis impactos financeiros e os riscos associados à implementação da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa em uma organização composta com base nos clientes entrevistados.

Benefícios para o cliente:

  • Retorno de 228% sobre o investimento ao longo de três anos
  • Período de retorno inferior a oito meses
  • Valor presente líquido estimado de $34,8 milhões em benefícios para o cliente ao longo de três anos

Cinco principais benefícios e o montante economizado com a Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão Contextual da Quantexa

Um Diretor Global de Detecção de Crimes Financeiros de um cliente do setor de Serviços Financeiros declarou que, “A Quantexa nos oferece a capacidade de coletar e integrar dados em um ecossistema flexível e escalável, fornecendo uma visão multidimensional do cliente quase em tempo real. Isso nos capacita a utilizar esse modelo para mitigar riscos, reduzir a quantidade de infraestrutura e recursos humanos, e monetizar os ativos de dados.”

Para obter mais informações sobre o Total Economic Impact™ da Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão Contextual da Quantexa, faça o download do estudo completo de 2024.

Sobre a Quantexa

A Quantexa é uma empresa global de software de dados e análise pioneira em Inteligência de Decisão que capacita as organizações a tomar decisões operacionais confiáveis, dando sentido aos dados. Usando os mais recentes avanços em big data e IA, a plataforma Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa descobre riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades, fornecendo uma visão contextual e conectada de dados internos e externos em um só lugar. Ela soluciona os principais desafios em gestão de dados, KYC, inteligência do cliente, crime financeiro, risco, fraude e segurança, durante todo o ciclo de vida do cliente.

A Plataforma de Inteligência de Decisão da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional, proporcionando um aumento de mais de 90% na precisão e uma resolução do modelo analítico 60 vezes mais rápida do que as abordagens tradicionais. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa conta atualmente com mais de 675 colaboradores e milhares de usuários trabalhando com bilhões de transações e pontos de dados em todo o mundo. A empresa possui escritórios em Londres, Dublin, Bruxelas, Málaga, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Nova York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne e Tóquio.

Informações para a mídia 

C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightorflight
C: Adam Jaffe, Vice–Presidente Sênior de Marketing Corporativo
T: +1 609 502 6889


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913213)

Quantexa Customers Achieved 228% ROI with Benefits of $34.8M in New Total Economic Impact Study

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Organizations need a trusted data foundation to enable effective decisions that allow them to operate efficiently, plan for the future, and grow. Yet many organizations continue to struggle with a lack of a single customer view, duplicated records, inefficient processes, and ineffective results.

Today, Quantexa has published The Total Economic Impact™ of The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform study, providing business value justification analysis to help organizations understand the financial impact of their technology investment. Quantexa commissioned Forrester Consulting to interview six customers in data–related leadership roles across banking, telecommunications, and the public sector to examine the potential return on investment and other benefits enterprises can realize with Decision Intelligence.

In this case, the study outlines a breakdown of the quantitative and qualitative benefits, potential financial impacts, and associated risks of implementing Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform for a composite organization based on the interviewed customers.

Customer benefits included:

  • Three–year 228% Return on Investment
  • Payback period less than eight months
  • Estimated $34.8M Net Present Value in customer benefits over three years

5 Key Benefits and how much was saved with Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform

A Global Head of Financial Crime Detection, Financial Services customer stated that, “Quantexa provides us the ability to source and fuse data in a flexible and scalable ecosystem and it provides a multi–dimensional view of the customer almost in real time. It enables us to use this model to reduce risk and to reduce the amount of infrastructure and human resources and monetize data assets.”

For more information on the Total Economic Impact™ of Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform, please download the full 2024 study.

About Quantexa

Quantexa is a global data and analytics software company pioneering Decision Intelligence that empowers organizations to make trusted operational decisions by making data meaningful. Using the latest advancements in big data and AI, Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence platform uncovers hidden risk and new opportunities by providing a contextual, connected view of internal and external data in a single place. It solves major challenges across data management, KYC, customer intelligence, financial crime, risk, fraud, and security, throughout the customer lifecycle.

The Quantexa Decision Intelligence Platform enhances operational performance with over 90% more accuracy and 60 times faster analytical model resolution than traditional approaches. Founded in 2016, Quantexa now has more than 675 employees and thousands of users working with billions of transactions and data points across the world. The company has offices in London, Dublin, Brussels, Malaga, UAE, New York, Boston, Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Tokyo.

Media Enquiries 

C: Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E: Quantexa@fightorflight
C: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
T: +1 609 502 6889   


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913213)

World Social Forum Seeks to Reemerge as an Influential Gathering of Diversity

A poster of the World Social Forum in Kathmandu, to be held Feb. 15-19, 2024. This is the second time that the Forum is holding its world meeting in Asia. The first was in Mumbai, India, in 2004, when it was attended by 111,000 people. CREDIT: WSF

A poster of the World Social Forum in Kathmandu, to be held Feb. 15-19, 2024. This is the second time that the Forum is holding its world meeting in Asia. The first was in Mumbai, India, in 2004, when it was attended by 111,000 people. CREDIT: WSF

By Mario Osava
RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb 13 2024 – The World Social Forum (WSF) is today “more necessary than ever,” according to Oded Grajew, promoter and co-founder of the global civil society meeting – a festival of diversity that has not yet succeeded in fomenting or designing the “other possible world” that it predicted when it was created and adopted that motto.

The WSF, whose next edition will be held Feb. 15-19 in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, first emerged in 2001 in Porto Alegre, a city in southern Brazil, at the initiative of Brazilian organizations and social movements, in coordination with international groups.

The idea proposed by Grajew was to hold a counterpoint to the World Economic Forum, which meets annually in the Swiss Alps city of Davos. Hence the similar name but different focus, on social issues, the initial coincidence of dates in January, and the banners against neoliberalism and globalization.

The first edition brought together nearly 20,000 people from 117 countries. Participation grew and exceeded 100,000 people in several global meetings held in different countries, after the first three held in Porto Alegre, where it has returned on several occasions.

The meetings took place in the Indian city of Mumbai in 2004, then in 2006, the WSF was divided between Bamako (Mali) and Caracas, to be followed by Nairobi (2007), Dakar (2011), Tunis (2013 and 2015) and Mexico City (2022).

In addition to Porto Alegre, it returned to Brazil in 2009 (Belém, in the eastern Amazon) and 2018 (Salvador, in the northeast). And it expanded into national, regional and thematic forums, promoting debates on a range of issues, from economic to environmental and climate, gender, ethnic, sexual minorities, and disabilities questions.

But the WSF has been in decline since the last decade. It has lost its initial charm and repercussions, and its current impact on global crises is hardly noticeable, especially since it was born as a movement that did not aim to reach conclusions, but rather to generate debates and demonstrate that “another world is possible.”

“We are losing the game so far,” Grajew told IPS by telephone from Sao Paulo. “The climate crisis has worsened, inequalities and conflicts have grown, with the risk of nuclear war, confidence in democracy is declining and global governance is lacking. These are enormous risks that threaten the human species.”

All of this increases the need to revitalize the WSF, because it is about strengthening civil society, the only way to solve the challenges, in the view of its organizers.

The WSF, despite everything, has already left a legacy as a “space for making connections and mounting resistance by society around the world,” Grajew said. It contributed to raising the visibility of the climate emergency on the international agenda, strengthened the anti-racist struggle and fostered alliances that made indigenous peoples “political actors in a way that they were not before,” he said, to illustrate.

In Brazil, it was the increasingly strong civil society that prevented a coup d’état that would have installed a dictatorship and returned the far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro to office, said Grajew, currently an advisor to several institutions and president emeritus of the Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility, a businessman turned social activist who remains so at the age of 80.

A picture from one of the first editions of the World Social Forum, in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre, showing the globe seen from the South, which has been a repeated part of its logos, as well as its slogan: "Another world is possible". The assembly style that does not reach conclusions has been at the same time the strength and weakness of the movement. CREDIT: Claes

A picture from one of the first editions of the World Social Forum, in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre, showing the globe seen from the South, which has been a repeated part of its logos, as well as its slogan: “Another world is possible”. The assembly style that does not reach conclusions has been at the same time the strength and weakness of the movement. CREDIT: Claes

Solutions and resources are available

“Today we know what the problems of humanity are and how to solve them; what is lacking is political will,” Grajew argued.

“Our problem is not economic, it’s not a lack of resources; it’s a problem of political and social organization,” said Ladislau Dowbor, an 83-year-old economist who always addresses the WSF. “Global GDP is 100 trillion dollars per year, equivalent to 4,200 dollars a month per family of four people. It is enough for a decent and comfortable life for all. All that would be needed is a tax of only four percent on the fortunes of the richest one percent of humanity.”

The WSF is an attempt to create a connected political force from the profusion of organizations and social movements in which civil society seems to be fragmented, with a multiplicity of banners, from environmental to feminist, anti-racist and egalitarian.

There was an explosion of social diversity in the 1960s and 1970s, with the affirmation of multiple identities and their struggles, which seek convergence in processes such as the WSF. These are generally progressive movements, which are not automatically connected together.

The most immediate antecedent was the so-called “Battle for Seattle,” the city in the northwest U.S. state of Washington that in 1999 brought together anti-globalization activists during a World Trade Organization summit, demanding globalization of the people and not of the economy.

“It’s a long-term process. Diversity is a richness, but sometimes it is divided by identity sectarianism,” said Daniel Aarão Reis, a 78-year-old historian who extensively studied Brazil’s 1964-1985 military dictatorship and the Soviet revolution.

In his view, the consolidation of opposition to or containment of the damage caused by capitalism in the current situation faces two adverse factors.

“One is the decline of the working class, which since the late nineteenth century, concentrated in the cities, had a demographic weight and organized strength to lead that struggle, attracting other popular segments, which were sometimes even a majority of the population, such as peasant farmers. But it has suffered demographic losses, slow but evident since the 1970s,” Aarão Reis said.

Another is the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, which gave way to unbridled capitalism, with the “restoration of tsarist traditions.” This hit progressive forces even if they were critical of authoritarian socialism. For a long period Moscow had supported, for example, national liberation struggles.

Photo of a march of the Thematic Social Forum on Older Adults in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, in January 2023. Thematic, national and regional forums proliferated around the world after the first global meetings of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, from 2001 to 2003, and in Mumbai, India, in 2004. CREDIT: Tânia Rego / Agência Brasil

Photo of a march of the Thematic Social Forum on Older Adults in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, in January 2023. Thematic, national and regional forums proliferated around the world after the first global meetings of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, from 2001 to 2003, and in Mumbai, India, in 2004. CREDIT: Tânia Rego / Agência Brasil

Far right can unite progressives

“Creating connections between the myriad of dispersed currents, without a powerful hub such as workers’ struggles, with their unions and parties, is a great challenge. But sometimes an external enemy helps foment these connections. That was the case of Nazism, which gave rise to a broad alliance against it,” the historian said in an interview with IPS in Rio de Janeiro.

The far right, which brings together racism, threat to democracy, misogyny and other retrograde stances, can “help condense that dispersed nebula that the left has become,” said Aarão Reis, a professor at the Fluminense Federal University.

In the case of the WSF, its apparent loss of momentum exacerbated internal divisions in the International Council which is responsible for managing the forum.

“The WSF is like the spiritual exercises of the church, which benefit those who are present, but are basically internal, and don’t spread to society,” by not expressing itself on the burning issues of the world and thus making it impossible to communicate outwardly, Argentine- Italian Roberto Savio, co-founder and president emeritus of Inter Press Service (IPS), who was an active member of the International Council, said from Rome.

This is how the 89-year-old expert on South-South communications described the disagreement of some activists and advisers with the Charter of Principles that defines the WSF as “a plural and diversified space” of reflection and connection of entities and movements, that is “non-partisan” and “non-deliberative.”

Screenshot from the closing assembly, on Jan. 31, of the World Social Forum 2021, which was held only in digital format that year. The difficulties of organizing an unprecedented online meeting did not prevent, according to the organizers, 9,561 participants from 144 countries and 1,360 organizations from taking part in 751 activities, including workshops, round tables, debates and sectoral assemblies. CREDIT: Mario Osava / IPS

Screenshot from the closing assembly, on Jan. 31, of the World Social Forum 2021, which was held only in digital format that year. The difficulties of organizing an unprecedented online meeting did not prevent, according to the organizers, 9,561 participants from 144 countries and 1,360 organizations from taking part in 751 activities, including workshops, round tables, debates and sectoral assemblies. CREDIT: Mario Osava / IPS

Not a party

Chico Whitaker, another co-founder of the Forum and a fervent defender of the Charter of Principles, said “We have to continue being a space for connection, for the search for alternatives and forms of action, for new paths. Action is a function of the participating organizations and movements, not of the Forum.”

The discrepancy has existed since the beginning of the WSF and stems from “an old culture of hierarchical, autocratic politics,” he told IPS by telephone from São Paulo.

At 92 years of age, Whitaker regretted that he was not able to travel to Kathmandu which was “too far away,” and that he would be engaged in “very limited” digital participation.

The edition in Kathmandu will be hybrid, both face-to-face and digital, but the time zone difference between the capital of Nepal and São Paulo, for example, is nine hours, which makes it difficult to follow the activities from afar.

That is why the debates of greatest interest in the Americas will be held at night in the Nepali capital, said Rita Freire, representative of the Ciranda network, which is in charge of the WSF collaborative communication at the International Council.

Freire, a 66-year-old journalist and editor of the Middle East Monitor, also represents an alternative of political action “within the process of the Forum, but maintaining the Charter of Principles.”

A new body is being tested in Kathmandu, the Assembly of Struggles and Resistance with social movements, which will adopt political positions and declarations. “But it will do so in its own name and not in the name of the Forum,” Freire clarified from São Paulo by telephone a few hours before taking a flight to Kathmandu.

Holding the gathering in Asia opens new horizons for the WSF, as it is the most dynamic region of the global South, at least in economic terms, agreed Freire and Whitaker. It reflects a mobilization of the social organizations of Nepal and neighboring countries, which came together and offered to host the Forum.

Une nouvelle étude d’envergure apporte une quantification de « l’avantage d’opportunités » qu’apporte une éducation haut de gamme lorsqu’elle est associée aux droits de citoyenneté

LONDRES, 13 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le leader mondial en gestion de patrimoine Henley & Partners a publié une nouvelle étude pionnière sur la manière dont une éducation de premier ordre associée à des droits d’accès mondiaux élargis, crée des opportunités significatives pour la génération à venir en développant leurs réseaux à l’échelle mondiale, en maximisant leurs perspectives de carrière, leur potentiel de revenus et leur mobilité économique qui permettront d’obtenir plus de succès et une solide prospérité tout au long de leur vie.

L’indice Henley Opportunity Index, un nouvel outil de référence exclusif présenté dans le premier rapport Henley Education Report, quantifie l’impact et la probabilité de succès qu’une éducation de qualité supérieure, associée à des droits de résidence supplémentaires et/ou à des citoyennetés alternatives acquises grâce à une migration d’investissements, peut avoir sur la préservation et l’accroissement de la richesse multigénérationnelle.

Cet indice, le premier du genre, évalue et classe les principaux programmes mondiaux de résidence et de citoyenneté par l’investissement en fonction de six paramètres, notamment une éducation de qualité supérieure, des opportunités de carrière, le potentiel de revenus, l’avancement de carrière, la mobilité économique et la qualité de vie, afin de fournir aux investisseurs, aux entrepreneurs et aux familles fortunées un point de référence leur permettant de comparer et d’identifier les lieux qui offrent les meilleurs écosystèmes pour permettre aux générations futures de progresser dans leur carrière et de maximiser leur potentiel de revenus.

Dominic Volek, responsable groupe pour les clients privés chez Henley & Partners, déclare que l’éducation et la migration des investissements agissent comme des “catalyseurs intergénérationnels” et qu’il s’agit de la première étude de ce type qui tente de mesurer l’avantage comparatif de cette combinaison porteuse de fortes potentialités. « Un équilibre réussi entre la création de richesse et la génération d’opportunités est une caractéristique fondamentale des économies émergentes. Notre indice aide les familles à s’orienter vers des stratégies de migration d’investissement personnalisées afin de permettre à leurs enfants et à leurs héritiers d’accéder aux meilleures écoles dans le monde, aux marchés du travail les plus lucratifs et à une meilleure qualité de vie grâce aux avantages et à la flexibilité des options alternatives de résidence et de citoyenneté par l’investissement qui leur donnent le droit d’étudier, de vivre, de travailler et d’investir dans les pays de leur choix. »

La valeur cumulée de l’accès et de l’éducation à l’échelle mondiale

Si l’on utilise la fonction comparative de l’indice d’opportunité Henley, une famille philippine dont le score total d’opportunité ne s’élève qu’à 23 % dans son pays d’origine, pourrait porter la probabilité de réussite de la génération suivante à 82 % en accédant à des droits de résidence aux États–Unis par le biais du programme d’immigration des investisseur US EB–5 Immigrant Investor Program. De manière similaire, une famille vietnamienne ayant un score de 24 %, en déménagement en Suisse par le biais du programme de résidence suisse, Swiss Residence Program porterait son avantage à 85 %, et pour des Nigérians ayant un score d’opportunité de seulement 14 %, un investissement dans le programme d’investisseurs mondiaux, le Singapore Global Investor Program, qui offre des droits de résidence dans la ville–État, augmenterait leurs chances de 65 %, pour atteindre un score remarquable de 79 %. D’autres options d’investissement, telles que le visa UAE Golden Visa et le nouveau visa de la Nouvelle–Zélande Active Investor Plus Visa, pourraient offrir aux jeunes de ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest un avantage de 63 % et 59 %, respectivement.

De même, pour une famille sud–africaine qui envisage une installation en Europe, investir dans le programme portugais Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program lui permettra de réaliser des avantages intergénérationnels cumulés, car après cinq ans de résidence légale, elle peut demander la citoyenneté, ce qui lui permettra de vivre, travailler ou étudier n’importe où dans l’Union européenne. Il convient également de souligner des gains notables en termes de perspectives d’emploi de premier ordre (25/100 pour l’Afrique du Sud contre 47 pour le Portugal – un bond de 88 %) et de qualité de vie élevée (l’Afrique du Sud obtient un score de 40 et le Portugal de 61 – une amélioration de 53 %), mais le plus grand avantage serait l’augmentation spectaculaire de la mobilité économique (l’Afrique du Sud obtient seulement 17/100 par rapport à 74 pour le Portugal – une amélioration stupéfiante de 335 %).

Comme le souligne dans le rapport Tess Wilkinson, directrice de Henley & Partners Education, l’éducation ne peut à elle seule garantir des opportunités sur le futur marché du travail. « Investir dans l’éducation de vos enfants est universellement reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs moyens de leur assurer plus tard le succès dans la vie, il convient d’ajouter que de multiples études montrent que les titulaires d’un diplôme de l’enseignement supérieur gagnent environ 50 % de plus. Cependant, les recherches économiques montrent également que plus de deux tiers des variations de revenus entre les individus à l’échelle mondiale sont simplement imputables au pays de résidence des individus. Ainsi, combiner des études de renommée mondiale avec des droits de résidence ou de citoyenneté connexes pour accéder à ces marchés de l’emploi lucratifs reste essentiel. »

Selon une recherche exclusive menée pour le rapport par le Dr José Caballero, économiste senior à l’IMD World Competitiveness Center en Suisse, l’effet cumulatif de la migration de l’investissement découle du fait que les programmes permettent aux parents de faire migrer leurs enfants par le biais de l’établissement permanent. « Ce faisant, les parents peuvent offrir à leurs enfants de meilleures opportunités éducatives et professionnelles sans les tracas liés à l’obtention d’un visa d’étudiant et/ou d’étudiant de troisième cycle. Ces opportunités comprennent l’accès à un enseignement primaire et secondaire de haute qualité, de plus grandes opportunités de développement professionnel, la possibilité de vivre dans un environnement offrant une qualité de vie élevée, des perspectives de revenus plus importants et une mobilité transfrontalière facilitée. Ce type d’accès et d’opportunités facilitent la pérennité de la prospérité familiale en augmentant les probabilités de création et de préservation de la richesse, en dotant la génération suivante d’un ensemble plus solide de compétences et de capacités. »

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Sarah Nicklin
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Portable : +27 72 464 8965

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913268)

Ground-breaking New Study Quantifies ‘Opportunity Advantage’ of Premium Education Coupled with Citizenship Rights

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading international wealth advisory firm Henley & Partners has published pioneering new research into how first–class education, combined with expanded global access rights, creates significant opportunity for the next generation, growing their global networks, maximizing their career prospects, earning potential, and economic mobility for greater success and prosperity across their lifetimes.

The Henley Opportunity Index, a proprietary new benchmarking tool showcased in the firm’s inaugural Henley Education Report, quantifies the impact and probability of success that a premium education coupled with additional residence rights and/or alternative citizenships acquired through investment migration, can have on preserving and growing multi–generational wealth.

The first–of–its–kind index evaluates and scores the world’s leading residence and citizenship by investment programs across six parameters, including premium education and employment opportunities, earning potential, career advancement, economic mobility, and livability to provide a benchmark for investors, entrepreneurs, and wealthy families to compare and identify locations that offer the best ecosystems for future generations to advance their careers and maximize their income potential.

Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, says both education and investment migration are ‘inter–generational enablers’ and this is the first study of its kind that attempts to measure the comparative advantage of this potent combination. “Successfully balancing wealth generation and opportunity creation are key characteristics of ascendant economies. Our index helps guide families on tailored investment migration strategies to clear pathways for their children and heirs to access the world’s best schooling, most lucrative job markets, and enhanced quality of life through the privileges and flexibility of alternative residence and citizenship by investment options that give them the right to study, live, work, and invest in countries of their choice.”

The cumulative value of global access and education

Using the comparative function of the Henley Opportunity Index, a Filipino family whose total opportunity score sits at just 23% in their home country, could raise the probability of success for the next generation to 82% by accessing residence rights in the US through the US EB–5 Immigrant Investor Program. Similarly, for a Vietnamese family on 24%, relocating to Switzerland through the Swiss Residence Program would increase their advantage to 85%, and for Nigerians with an opportunity score of just 14%, an investment in the Singapore Global Investor Program, which provides residence rights in the city state, would uplift their life chances by 65% to a remarkable 79%. Other investment options through the UAE Golden Visa and New Zealand’s new Active Investor Plus Visa could give youngsters from the west African nation an opportunity advantage of 63%, and 59%, respectively.

Similarly, for a South African family with Europe in their sights, investing in the Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program will realize compounded inter–generational benefits, as after five years of legal residence they can apply for citizenship, enabling them to live, work, or study anywhere in the EU. There are also notable gains in top–tier employment prospects (25/100 for South Africa versus 47 for Portugal — an 88% leap), and high livability (South Africa scores 40 and Portugal 61 — a 53% improvement), but the biggest advantage would be the dramatic increase in economic mobility (South Africa scores just 17/100 compared to Portugal’s 74 — an astonishing 335% enhancement).

As Tess Wilkinson, Director of Henley & Partners Education, points out in the report, education alone cannot guarantee opportunities in the future job market. “Investing in your child’s education is universally acknowledged as one of the best ways to set them up for success later in life, with multiple studies showing that those with tertiary qualifications earn around 50% more. However, economic research also shows over two–thirds of income variation between individuals globally is simply attributable to which country they live and work in. So, combining world–class academics with related residence or citizenship rights to access those lucrative job markets is key.”

According to exclusive research conducted for the report by Dr. José Caballero, Senior Economist at the IMD World Competitiveness Center in Switzerland, the cumulative effect of investment migration arises from the fact that the programs enable parents to migrate their children through permanent settlement. “In doing so, parents can provide greater education and professional opportunities without the hassles that acquiring a student and/or postgraduate visa entails. Those opportunities include access to premium primary and secondary education, greater opportunities for professional development, to live in an environment with a high quality of life, higher income prospects, and easier mobility across borders. Such access and opportunities facilitate the sustainability of family prosperity through greater probabilities of wealth creation and preservation by empowering the next generation with a more robust set of skills and capacities.”  

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Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913268)

Bahnbrechende neue Studie quantifiziert die „Chancenvorteile“ von erstklassiger Bildung in Verbindung mit Staatsangehörigkeiten

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das führende internationale Vermögensberatungsunternehmen Henley & Partners hat eine bahnbrechende neue Studie veröffentlicht, in der untersucht wird, wie eine erstklassige Ausbildung in Verbindung mit verbesserten globalen Zugangsrechten der nächsten Generation erhebliche Chancen sichert, weil damit ihre globalen Netzwerke wachsen und ihre Karriereaussichten, ihr Einkommenspotenzial und ihre wirtschaftliche Mobilität maximiert werden, sodass sie im Laufe ihres Lebens erfolgreicher sein und mehr Wohlstand generieren können.

Der Henley Chancenindex ist ein firmeneigenes neues Vergleichstool, das im ersten Henley Bildungsbericht vorgestellt wurde. Der Index misst den Einfluss und die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit, die mit einer erstklassigen Ausbildung in Verbindung mit zusätzlichen Aufenthaltsrechten und/oder alternativen Staatsangehörigkeiten, die durch Investitionsmigration erworben wurden, auf den Fortbestand und die Vermehrung von generationsübergreifendem Vermögen erzielt werden können.

Der einzigartige Index bewertet und benotet die weltweit führenden Aufenthalts– und Staatsbürgerschaftsprogramme mittels Investitionen anhand von sechs Parametern, darunter erstklassige Bildungs– und Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten, Verdienstmöglichkeiten, beruflicher Aufstieg, wirtschaftliche Mobilität und Lebensqualität. So erhalten Investoren, Unternehmer und wohlhabende Familien einen Maßstab für den Vergleich und die Identifizierung von Standorten, die künftigen Generationen das beste Umfeld für ihren beruflichen Aufstieg und die Maximierung ihres Einkommenspotenzials bieten.

Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients bei Henley & Partners, erklärt, dass sowohl Bildung als auch Investitionsmigration „generationenübergreifende Möglichkeiten“ bieten, und dass dies die erste Studie dieser Art ist, die versucht, den komparativen Vorteil dieser wirkungsvollen Verknüpfung zu messen. „Ein erfolgreiches Gleichgewicht zwischen der Generierung von Wohlstand und der Schaffung von Chancen ist ein wesentliches Merkmal aufstrebender Volkswirtschaften. Unser Index hilft Familien, maßgeschneiderte Strategien für die Investitionsmigration zu entwickeln, um ihren Kindern und Erben den Zugang zu den besten Schulen der Welt, den lukrativsten Arbeitsmärkten und einer besseren Lebensqualität zu ermöglichen. Dies geschieht durch die Privilegien und die Flexibilität, die alternative Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen und Staatsbürgerschaften mittels Investitionen bieten, welche ihnen das Recht geben, in den Ländern ihrer Wahl zu studieren, zu leben, zu arbeiten und zu investieren.“

Der kumulative Wert von globalem Zugang und Bildung

Anhand der Vergleichsfunktion des Henley Chancenindex kann eine philippinische Familie, deren Gesamtchancenwert in ihrem Heimatland bei nur 23 % liegt, die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit für die nächste Generation auf 82 % erhöhen, indem sie über das US EB–5 Immigrant Investor Program ein Aufenthaltsrecht in den USA erhält. Auch für eine vietnamesische Familie mit einem Wert von 24 % würde ein Umzug in die Schweiz über das Swiss Residence Program die Chance auf 85 % erhöhen, und für Nigerianer mit einem Chancenwert von nur 14 % würde eine Investition in das Singapur Global Investor Program, das Aufenthaltsrechte in dem Stadtstaat bietet, die Lebenschancen um 65 % auf beachtliche 79 % steigern. Andere Investitionsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen des VAE Golden Visa und des neuen neuseeländischen Active Investor Plus Visa verschaffen jungen Menschen aus dem westafrikanischen Land einen Chancenvorteil von 63 % bzw. 59 %.

Ähnlich verhält es sich mit einer südafrikanischen Familie, die Europa als Ziel vor Augen hat: Eine Investition in das Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program bringt generationenübergreifende Vorteile, denn nach fünf Jahren legalen Aufenthalts können sie die portugiesische Staatsbürgerschaft beantragen, die es ihnen ermöglicht, überall in der EU zu leben, zu arbeiten oder zu studieren. Es gibt auch bemerkenswerte Vorteile bei den Beschäftigungsaussichten (25/100 für Südafrika gegenüber 47 für Portugal – ein Zugewinn von 88 %) und bei der Lebensqualität (Südafrika erreicht 40 und Portugal 61 Punkte – eine Verbesserung um 53 %), aber der größte Vorteil ist der dramatische Anstieg der wirtschaftlichen Mobilität (Südafrika erreicht nur 17/100 Punkte im Vergleich zu 74 Punkten in Portugal – eine erstaunliche Verbesserung um 335 %).

Wie Tess Wilkinson, Direktorin von Henley & Partners Education, in dem Bericht betont, ist Bildung allein noch keine Garantie für Erfolgschancen auf dem zukünftigen Arbeitsmarkt. „In die Bildung Ihres Kindes zu investieren, gilt gemeinhin als eine der besten Möglichkeiten, es für den späteren Erfolg im Leben zu rüsten. Mehrere Studien zeigen, dass Menschen mit Hochschulabschluss rund 50 % mehr verdienen. Die Wirtschaftsforschung zeigt jedoch auch, dass über zwei Drittel der Einkommensunterschiede zwischen Einzelpersonen weltweit allein darauf zurückzuführen sind, in welchem Land sie leben und arbeiten. Der Schlüssel zum Zugang zu diesen lukrativen Arbeitsmärkten liegt also in der Kombination von erstklassigen Akademikern mit entsprechenden Aufenthalts– oder Staatsbürgerschaftsrechten.“

Laut einer exklusiven Studie, die von Dr. José Caballero, leitender Ökonom am IMD World Competitiveness Center in der Schweiz, für den Bericht durchgeführt wurde, ergibt sich der kumulative Nutzen der Investitionsmigration aus der Tatsache, dass die Programme Eltern ermöglichen, ihre Kinder durch eine dauerhafte Niederlassung zu migrieren. „Auf diese Weise können die Eltern ihren Kindern bessere Bildungs– und Berufschancen bieten, ohne die Schwierigkeiten bewältigen zu müssen, die mit der Beschaffung eines Studenten– und/oder Postgraduiertenvisums verbunden sind. Zu diesen Chancen gehören der Zugang zu einer erstklassigen Grund– und Sekundarschulbildung, bessere Möglichkeiten der beruflichen Entwicklung, das Leben in einer Umgebung mit hoher Lebensqualität, höhere Einkommensaussichten und eine verbesserte grenzüberschreitende Mobilität. Ein solcher Zugang und solche Möglichkeiten tragen dazu bei, den Wohlstand der Familie nachhaltig zu sichern, denn sie erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit, durch die Befähigung der nächsten Generation mit robusteren Qualifikationen und Fähigkeiten Wohlstand zu schaffen und zu erhalten.“

Lesen Sie die vollständige Pressemitteilung


Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobil: +27 72 464 8965

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000913268)