Matmerize erhält DOD-Auftrag für die Entwicklung schwer entflammbarer Polymer-Verbundwerkstoffe mithilfe fortschrittlicher KI-Methoden

ATLANTA, Nov. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc, ein branchenfhrendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Polymer– und Formulierungsinformatik, verkndet mit Stolz seine Auswahl durch das US–Verteidigungsministerium (Department of Defense, DOD) fr einen "Small Business Innovation Research"–Vertrag (SBIR), der darauf abzielt, KI–Methoden zur Beschleunigung des Designs neuartiger schwer entflammbarer Polymerverbundwerkstoffe voranzutreiben. Matmerize ist begeistert von dem transformativen Potenzial dieses Projekts, das nicht nur den Brandschutz fr Schiffe und U–Boote der Marine verbessern wird, sondern auch in einer Vielzahl von Branchen Anwendung finden wird, darunter im Bauwesen, in der Luft– und Raumfahrt, in der Automobilindustrie und bei Konsumgtern. Diese Auszeichnung folgt auf einen weiteren SBIR–Vertrag, der Matmerize krzlich von der National Science Foundation (NSF) zugewiesen wurde, um physikalisch informierte und physikalisch verstrkte Architekturen des maschinellen Lernens zu entwickeln, um die Materialentwicklung voranzutreiben.

Die Entflammbarkeit von Polymerverbundwerkstoffen wird durch eine Reihe quantitativer Parameter bestimmt, die in der Regel mit hoch standardisierten Instrumenten/Tests gemessen werden, die von der American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) und anderen Organisationen festgelegt wurden. Wnschenswerte polymere Materialien, die die spezifischen Werte von ASTM– und nicht–ASTM–genormten Tests erfllen, erfordern eine optimale Kombination von Basispolymeren, funktionellen Additiven, Flammschutzmitteln und Verarbeitungsbedingungen. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verteidigungsministerium wird Matmerize eine Polymerinformatik–Fhigkeit entwickeln, die geeignete kuratierte Daten und fortschrittliche KI/ML–Techniken verwendet, um das Design von schwer entflammbaren Polymermatrixverbundwerkstoffen zu beschleunigen, die andere fr die Marine kritische mechanische und thermische Leistungsziele erfllen.

Zu den wichtigsten Punkten des Vertrags gehren:

(1) Erstellung einer Datenbank fr Verbundwerkstoffe mit Angaben zur Entflammbarkeit und anderen relevanten Eigenschaften wie maximale Wrmefreisetzungsrate, Zeit bis zur Entzndung und Rauchdichte,
(2) Entwicklung von KI–Modellen, die auf der Datenbank trainiert werden, um die relevanten Eigenschaften fr neue Verbundwerkstoffformulierungen vorherzusagen, und
(3) Empfehlung eines Pools vielversprechender Polymerverbundwerkstoffe, d. h. von Kombinationen aus Basispolymeren, funktionalen Additiven, Flammschutzmitteln und Verarbeitungsbedingungen, fr die experimentelle Synthese und Prfung.

Ein Medien–Snippet zu dieser Ankndigung knnen Sie durch Klicken auf diesen Link abrufen:

AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites: Creating AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites using Customer's Proprietary Data

Huan Tran, Director of Research Innovation bei Matmerize, erklrte: "Diese Zusammenarbeit ist ein groer Erfolg auf dem Weg zu sichereren, schwer entflammbaren Polymerverbundwerkstoffen. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, bei der Entwicklung modernster KI–gesteuerter Lsungen fr schwer entflammbare Verbundwerkstoffe fhrend zu sein, die nicht nur die strengen ASTM–Prfstandards erfllen, sondern auch entscheidende Sicherheitsanforderungen fr unsere Marineschiffe erfllen."

Das Herzstck der Matmerize–Innovation und Vorzeigeprodukt des Unternehmens ist PolymRize "" eine ausgeklgelte cloudbasierte Polymerinformatik–Softwareplattform, die die Entwicklung von Polymeren, Verbundwerkstoffen und Formulierungen beschleunigen soll. Der SBIR–Vertrag des Verteidigungsministeriums passt perfekt zur Kernmission von Matmerize, das immense Potenzial der KI in der modernen Werkstofftechnik zu erschlieen, um kritische Herausforderungen anzugehen sowie Funktionalitt, Brandsicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit zu verbessern. Die beiden SBIR–Vertrge des Verteidigungsministeriums und der NSF kommen zu einem gnstigen Zeitpunkt und werden die KI–basierte PolymRize–Technologie auf synergetische Weise vorantreiben.

Chiho Kim, CTO bei Matmerize, zeigte sich ebenfalls begeistert: "Die beiden gleichzeitigen SBIR–Vertrge vom Verteidigungsministerium und der NSF sind eine durchschlagende Besttigung fr die bahnbrechende Polymerinformatik–Plattform PolymRize von Matmerize. Diese Vertrge werden uns die erforderlichen Ressourcen und die Untersttzung bieten, um unsere KI–basierte PolymRize–Plattform weiter vorantreiben zu knnen."

Weitere Informationen zur innovativen PolymRize–Plattform finden Sie unter:

ber Matmerize:
Matmerize, Inc. ist eine krzlich erfolgte Ausgrndung aus dem Georgia Institute of Technology und wurde von Dr. Rampi Ramprasad und Dr. Chiho Kim gegrndet. Matmerize ist ein fhrender Innovator an der Schnittstelle zwischen moderner Werkstofftechnik und knstlicher Intelligenz. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, den Brandschutz und die Nachhaltigkeit durch KI–Technologie zu revolutionieren und die Grenzen des Mglichen zu erweitern. Unser engagiertes Expertenteam ist bestrebt, Lsungen zu entwickeln, die sich positiv auf die Entwicklung neuer Materialien auswirken und gleichzeitig den kologischen Fuabdruck minimieren.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8979907)

Matmerize secures DOD award to develop low-flammability polymer composite materials using advanced AI methods

ATLANTA, Nov. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., an industry leader in Polymer & Formulations Informatics proudly announces its selection by the US Department of Defense (DOD) for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract aimed at advancing AI methodologies for accelerating the design of novel low–flammability polymer composite materials. Matmerize is excited about the transformative potential of this project as it will not only enhance fire safety for Navy ships and submarines, but will also find applications in a wide range of industries, including construction, aerospace, automotive and consumer products. This award comes at the heels of another SBIR recently awarded to Matmerize by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop physics–informed and physics–enforced machine learning architectures to advance materials development.

The flammability of polymer composites is quantified by a set of quantitative parameters, typically measured using highly standardized instruments/tests defined by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other agencies. Desirable polymeric materials that meet the specific values of ASTM and non–ASTM standardized tests require an optimal combination of base polymers, functional additives, flame retardants, and processing conditions. Matmerize will collaborate with DOD to develop a Polymer Informatics capability using suitable curated data and advanced AI/ML techniques, aimed at the accelerated design of low–flammability polymer matrix composites that meet other critical mechanical and thermal performance targets needed by the Navy.

Key highlights of the contract include:

(1) creation of a composite materials database with flammability and other relevant properties such as maximum heat release rate, time to ignition, and smoke density,
(2) development of AI models trained on the database to predict the relevant properties for new composite formulations, and
(3) recommend a pool of promising polymer composites, i.e., the combinations of base polymers, functional additives, flame retardants, and processing conditions, for experimentally synthesis and testing.

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link:

AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites: Creating AI Custom Models for Low Flammability Polymer Composites using Customer's Proprietary Data

Huan Tran, Director of Research Innovation for Matmerize stated, "This collaboration signifies a major achievement in the pursuit of safer, lower–flammability polymer composites. We take great pride in spearheading the development of cutting–edge AI–driven solutions for low–flammability composite materials that not only meet rigorous ASTM testing standards but also address the vital safety requirements mandated for our Navy ships."

At the heart of Matmerize's innovation lies PolymRize, their flagship product "" a cloud–based Polymer Informatics software platform meticulously crafted to expedite the advancement of polymers, composites, and formulations. The DOD SBIR aligns perfectly with Matmerize's core mission to unlock the immense potential of AI in advanced materials engineering to address critical challenges and improve functionality, fire safety and sustainability. Both the DOD and the NSF SBIRs come at an opportune time and will jointly propel and advance the AI–based PolymRize technology in a synergistic manner.

Chiho Kim, CTO at Matmerize expressed his enthusiasm by stating "The two concurrent SBIR awards granted by DOD and NSF, represent a resounding endorsement of Matmerize's pioneering Polymer Informatics platform PolymRize. These contracts will provide us the resources and support needed to further advance our AI based PolymRize platform."

For more information on the innovative PolymRize platform please visit:

About Matmerize:
Matmerize, Inc. is a recent spin–out from the Georgia Institute of Technology and was founded by Dr. Rampi Ramprasad and Dr. Chiho Kim. Matmerize is a leading innovator at the intersection of advanced materials engineering and artificial intelligence. With a mission to revolutionize fire safety and sustainability through AI technology, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Our dedicated team of experts strives to create solutions that positively impact new material development while minimizing the environmental footprint.

For further information, inquiries, or media contact, please reach out to:

Matmerize, Inc.
Y: Watch Matmerize Videos on YouTube
L: Follow our LinkedIn Page

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8974273)

Most Visited South African Safaris, as per travel app, Visited

TORONTO, Nov. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Find out which South African Safaris made the Top 10 Most Visited Travel List. Users can also see what percentage of all the most famous safaris they have been to with the travel app, Visited.

Kruger makes it to the most visited South African Safari in the world, published by Arriving In High Heels. The popular safaris travel list is based on 1.9 million users, who travel to view wildlife and beautiful scenery.

"While Kruger is the most visited safari in the world, Tanzania's Serengeti and Kenya's Masai Mara are in 2nd and 3rd place. South Africa's 2nd most popular safari location, the Addo Elephant National Park, is in 15th spot among other African safaris. The majority of most visited safaris falling into Kenya and Tanzania. South Africa as a country is 51st most visited country in the world, while Tanzania and Kenya are further behind, suggesting that visitors to South Africa do more then just visit a game reserve," said Anna Kayfitz, Founder of Arriving In High Heels.

Visited is a travel app that helps users check off famous places they have been to or wish to travel, users can also create their own personalized travel maps and plan their next destinations with an itinerary feature. The itinerary page, ranks countries that users still wish to visit based on the selections that the users have made by scrolling through travel pictures, checking off places from travel lists and add experiences.

Most popular South African destinations include:

  1. Kruger National Park
  2. Addo Elephant National Park
  3. Pilanesberg Game Reserve
  4. Sabi Sand Game Reserve
  5. Hluhluwe–imfolozi Game Reserve
  6. Karoo National Park
  7. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
  8. Mountain Zebra National Park
  9. Augrabies Falls National Park
  10. Mala Mala Game Reserve

For a full list of African Safaris and to mark destinations from other popular travel lists, download Visited on iOS or Android.

About Visited App:
Visited is a popular travel app, that aims to inspire travel and celebrate user's travel achievements. The main feature is the mapping past and future travels by country, region or cities which allows for a quick visualization of person's travel journey. The travel app also allows users to keep track of past travels by checking off places and experiences from over 150 travel lists, they can also add places they wish to visit in the future. Those wished for destinations appear ranked in the itinerary place where users can answer the question: where to next? Other app features include ordering a personalized travel posture and see personalized travel stats such as travel rank and number of countries they have been to.

To learn more about the Visited app and its latest feature update, please visit

About Arriving In High Heels Corporation
Arriving In High Heels Corporation is a mobile app company; Visited is their most popular app. Other apps include Pay Off Debt and X–Walk.

Contact Information

Anna Kayfitz

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969560)

Führender japanischer Telekommunikationsanbieter SoftBank Corp. setzt Synchronoss Personal Cloud ein

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, Oct. 31, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. ("Synchronoss" oder das "Unternehmen") (Nasdaq: SNCR), ein weltweit fhrender und innovativer Anbieter von Cloud–, Messaging– und digitalen Produkten und Plattformen, gab heute bekannt, dass SoftBank Corp. ("SoftBank"), einer der grten Telekommunikationsanbieter Japans, Synchronoss Personal Cloud zur Untersttzung seines Anshin Data Box–Service einsetzt.

Mit Anshin Data Box knnen Kunden Fotos, Videos und Dateien, die auf Handys und anderen Gerten gespeichert sind, sichern und wiederherstellen. Auerdem ermglichen die KI–Funktionen der Plattform, Fotos mit geringer Auflsung zu optimieren und durch eine Reihe von Effekten und Styling–Tools neue Arten von Inhalten zu erstellen.

Die Anshin Data Box von SoftBank ist ab November ber verschiedene Vertriebskanle erhltlich und bietet 500 GB Speicherplatz pro Monat. Auerdem wird der Personal Cloud–Service in neue Gerte integriert, sodass die Kunden ihn whrend des Onboarding–Prozesses einfach aktivieren knnen. SoftBank wird die Anshin Data Box auch ber seine Ladengeschfte und den digitalen Vertriebskanal anbieten.

"Wir geben Mobilfunkanbietern und Telekommunikationsbetreibern fortwhrend strategische Werkzeuge an die Hand, um den Kundennutzen zu steigern", so Jeff Miller, President und CEO von Synchronoss. "Diese neue Cloud–Einfhrung mit SoftBank erweitert unsere langjhrige Beziehung zu SoftBank und unsere Prsenz in Japan. Sie unterstreicht auch unsere Cloud–First–Strategie, die neue Wachstumschancen fr die Personal Cloud–Plattform von Synchronoss erffnet."

ber Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq: SNCR) entwickelt Software, mit der Unternehmen weltweit zuverlssig und ansprechend mit ihren Kunden in Verbindung treten knnen. Die Produktpalette des Unternehmens trgt dazu bei, Netzwerke zu optimieren, Onboarding zu vereinfachen und Abonnenten zu motivieren, um so neue Einnahmequellen freizusetzen, Kosten zu senken und Markteinfhrungen zu beschleunigen. Hunderte Millionen Abonnenten vertrauen auf die Produkte von Synchronoss, um mit den Menschen, Diensten und Inhalten, die sie lieben, im Einklang zu bleiben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Domenick Cilea

Matt Glover und Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969031)

SoftBank Corp., premier opérateur de télécommunications japonais, déploie Synchronoss Personal Cloud

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 31 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. ( Synchronoss ou la Socit ) (NASDAQ : SNCR), innovateur et leader mondial dans les domaines du cloud, de la messagerie et des plateformes et produits numriques, a annonc aujourd'hui que SoftBank Corp. ( SoftBank ), l'un des plus grands oprateurs de tlcommunications du Japon, a dploy Synchronoss Personal Cloud pour faire fonctionner son service Anshin Data Box.

Anshin Data Box permet aux clients de sauvegarder et de restaurer des photos, des vidos et des fichiers stocks sur des tlphones portables et d'autres appareils. En outre, les fonctionnalits d'intelligence artificielle de la plateforme permettent d'optimiser les photos en basse rsolution et de crer de nouveaux types de contenu grce une srie d'effets et de styles.

Disponible ds novembre sur plusieurs rseaux de distribution, Anshin Data Box de SoftBank comprendra 500 gigaoctets de stockage par mois. En outre, le service de cloud personnel sera directement intgr aux nouveaux appareils, ce qui permettra aux clients de l'activer facilement au cours du processus de mise en route. SoftBank distribuera galement Anshin Data Box par l'intermdiaire de ses boutiques et de son flux d'achat numrique.

Nous continuons de donner aux oprateurs de tlcommunications et aux fournisseurs de services mobiles des outils stratgiques pour amliorer la valeur client , a dclar Jeff Miller, prsident et directeur gnral de Synchronoss. Ce nouveau lancement cloud avec SoftBank renforce notre relation de longue date et notre prsence au Japon. Il renforce galement notre stratgie cloud–first, qui reprsente de nouvelles opportunits de croissance pour la plateforme Synchronoss Personal Cloud.

propos de Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un dveloppeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier d'interagir avec leurs abonns de manire fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits aide fluidifier les rseaux, simplifier l'intgration et interagir avec les abonns afin de crer de nouvelles sources de revenus, de rduire les cots et d'acclrer la mise sur le march. Plusieurs centaines de millions d'abonns font confiance aux produits Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu'ils aiment. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur

Contact relations mdias :
Domenick Cilea

Contact relations investisseurs :
Matt Glover et Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969031)

SoftBank Corp., Principal Operadora de Telecomunicações Japonesa Implanta a Synchronoss Personal Cloud

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. ("Synchronoss" ou a "Empresa") (Nasdaq: SNCR), lder global e inovadora em nuvem, mensagens e produtos e plataformas digitais, anunciou hoje que o SoftBank Corp. ("SoftBank"), uma das maiores operadoras de telecomunicaes do Japo, ativou a Synchronoss Personal Cloud com o seu servio Anshin Data Box.

O Anshin Data Box permite que os clientes faam backup e restaurem fotos, vdeos e arquivos armazenados em telefones celulares e outros dispositivos. Alm disso, os recursos de inteligncia artificial da plataforma fornecem a capacidade de otimizar fotos de baixa resoluo e criar novos tipos de contedo por meio de uma srie de efeitos e estilizadores.

Disponvel em novembro em vrios canais de distribuio, o Anshin Data Box do SoftBank incluir 500 gigabytes de armazenamento por ms. Alm disso, o servio de nuvem pessoal ser integrado a novos dispositivos, permitindo a sua fcil ativao pelos clientes durante o processo de integrao. O SoftBank tambm oferecer o Anshin Data Box atravs das suas lojas de varejo e fluxo de compra digital.

"Continuamos a emponderar as operadoras de telecomunicaes e provedores de servios mveis com as ferramentas estratgicas para a melhoria do valor do cliente", disse Jeff Miller, Presidente e CEO da Synchronoss. "Este novo lanamento da Cloud com o SoftBank amplia ainda mais o nosso longo relacionamento e a nossa presena no Japo. Tambm refora a nossa estratgia de cloud–first, que representa novas oportunidades de crescimento para a plataforma Synchronoss Personal Cloud."

Sobre a Synchronoss
A Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confivel e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integrao e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, reduo dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado. Centenas de milhes de assinantes confiam nos produtos da Synchronoss que se mantm em sincronia com as pessoas, servios e contedo que elas gostam. Saiba mais em

Contato de Relaes com a Mdia:
Domenick Cilea

Contato de Relaes com Investidores:
Matt Glover e Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8969031)

Leading Japanese Telecommunications Carrier SoftBank Corp. Deploys Synchronoss Personal Cloud

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. ("Synchronoss" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: SNCR), a global leader and innovator in cloud, messaging, and digital products and platforms, today announced that SoftBank Corp. ("SoftBank"), one of Japan's largest telecommunication carriers, has deployed Synchronoss Personal Cloud to power its Anshin Data Box service.

Anshin Data Box allows customers to backup and restore photos, videos, and files stored on mobile phones and other devices. Additionally, the platform's artificial intelligence features provide the capability to optimize low resolution photos and create new types of content through a series of effects and stylizers.

Available in November across multiple distribution channels, SoftBank's Anshin Data Box will include 500 gigabytes of storage per month. Additionally, the personal cloud service will be integrated into new devices, allowing customers to easily activate it during the onboarding process. SoftBank will also deliver Anshin Data Box through its retail stores and digital buy flow.

"We continue to empower telecom operators and mobile service providers with strategic tools to improve customer value," said Jeff Miller, President and CEO of Synchronoss. "This new Cloud launch with SoftBank further extends our long–standing relationship with them and our presence in Japan. It also reinforces our cloud–first strategy, which represents new growth opportunities for the Synchronoss Personal Cloud platform."

About Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (Nasdaq: SNCR) builds software that empowers companies around the world to connect with their subscribers in trusted and meaningful ways. The company's collection of products helps streamline networks, simplify onboarding, and engage subscribers to unleash new revenue streams, reduce costs, and increase speed to market. Hundreds of millions of subscribers trust Synchronoss products to stay in sync with the people, services, and content they love. Learn more at

Media Relations Contact:
Domenick Cilea

Investor Relations Contact:
Matt Glover and Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8968023)

Striim Redefining Digital Capabilities in Qatar with Google Cloud

DOHA, Qatar, Oct. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In an era where real–time insights shape business trajectories, Striim, Inc. unveiled a partnership with Google Cloud, in Qatar. As Google Cloud amplifies its footprint in the Doha region, the collaboration with Striim emerges as a beacon for enterprises aiming to optimize their digital landscapes.

"In today's rapidly evolving cloud landscape, real–time data insights remain a critical component of every enterprise's digital transformation strategy," said Ritika Suri, Director of Technology Partnerships at Google Cloud. "Utilizing Google Cloud technologies, Striim will power new capabilities that can improve how businesses operate and create real–world value for their organizations."

“Striim is humbled and excited to launch our fully managed SaaS service in the new Google Cloud region in Doha," stated Nadim Antar, Senior Vice President of WW Revenue and GM of EMEA at Striim. "This move follows our global strategy to bring the Striim capabilities to as many of Google Cloud's worldwide customers, being cognizant to remain compliant with various regions' data sovereignty requirements, as well as of course ensuring we provide high performance, low latency service for Google Cloud's global customer base. Customers in Qatar will now very easily be able to spin up a Striim service and start replicating their transactional systems like Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server into Google Cloud's BigQuery analytics platform to run a suite of real–time use cases, thereby enabling those customers to deliver higher levels of customer service, operational efficiency, and cost optimisations.”

Businesses today are in a race, not just against competitors, but against time. Real–time data streaming, intelligent analytics, and instantaneous decision–making aren't luxuries; they're essentials. Enter Striim Cloud. A flagship offering, it stands as a testament to Striim's commitment to bridging the real–time data gap with Google Cloud's robust platform. This partnership promises to deliver:

  • Instantaneous Insights: Understand market shifts, customer behavior, and operational anomalies as they happen, positioning your enterprise at the forefront of actionable intelligence.
  • Operational Excellence: With Striim's solutions, businesses can improve efficiency, thereby achieving unparalleled agility in response to dynamic market needs.
  • Competitive Edge: Real–time analytics translates to real–time advantages "" a quintessential requirement for businesses vying for market leadership.

To understand how your enterprise can be part of this digital revolution, delve deeper into Striim's offerings on Google Cloud.

About Striim

Striim, Inc. is the only supplier of unified, real–time data streaming and integration for analytics and operations in the Digital Economy. Striim Platform and Striim Cloud make it easy to continuously ingest, process, and deliver high volumes of real–time data from diverse sources (both on–premises or in the cloud) to support multi– and hybrid cloud infrastructure. Striim collects data in real time from enterprise databases (using non–intrusive change data capture), log files, messaging systems, and sensors, and delivers it to virtually any target on–premises or in the cloud with sub–second latency enabling real–time operations and analytics. For more information, visit, read our blog at, follow @striimteam, or download the Striim platform.

Media Contact:
Dianna Spring
(650) 241–0680 ext. 354

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8963659)

Cuentas to Introduce Proprietary Mobile Security Technology to the U.S. Market

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cuentas, Inc. (Nasdaq: CUEN & CUENW) (“Cuentas”), developer of an alternative financial ecosystem to the underbanked, today signed a letter of intent to acquire control of WHEN Group (World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. "" OTC Pink: WHEN), pending Nasdaq and shareholder approval and other specified conditions, through a share exchange with WHEN's principal shareholder, leaving Cuentas uniquely debt–free and well positioned to grow its mobile and FinTech lines.

The WHEN Group was founded by Israeli engineers and international professionals with deep background in Cyber security and data threat remediation in both government and private sectors. From business and personal privacy to fin–tech security, WHEN has been developing solutions that utilize advanced pattern recognition and AI to create a security screening environment that can detect and defend against a range of threats and attacks on telecom, banking, and other communication infrastructure. Upon closing of the acquisition, Cuentas intends to begin integrating WHEN's portfolio of Cyber Security solutions into the Cuentas Mobile Platform as well as offering WHEN's advanced solutions to Cuentas' fintech partners.

This move comes on the heels of new global conflicts from Ukraine to Israel, conflicts which have increasingly brought to light the dangers that are threatening our global digital infrastructure systems. These threats extend beyond governments to families and individuals. According to a recent report by the Red Cross, "There is no escaping the life–changing and life–endangering impact that digital technologies are having on people affected by conflict." Digital threats such as surveillance, cyber–attacks, misuse of personal data, misinformation and disinformation are all–pervasive and these risks continue to evolve rapidly with new technologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AI) joining an ever–expanding list of digital dangers.1


Cuentas' Management has been working with WHEN to identify immediate opportunities to provide WHEN solutions not only to the CUENTAS mobile platform, but also to the businesses and industries that Cuentas serves in the U.S. and around the world. Additionally, the parties are planning on deploying WHEN's proprietary software to protect families concerned with external cyber threats at home, enabling the monitoring of a child and his environmental behavioral patterns that will alert parents to potential tragedies caused by cyberbullying, pedophiles, other predators, and depression / state of mind.

In consideration of the acquisition of the 75% stake in WHEN, Cuentas will issue to UCG, Inc. the principal shareholder of WHEN, such number of common shares of CUEN which will represent on the date of issuance 50% of Cuentas' issued and outstanding capital (on a fully diluted basis), in exchange for UCG's stake in WHEN. Subject to the terms of the agreement, WHEN Group management, including Major Gen. (Ret) Danny Yatom, a former Director of Israeli Mossad, and current President of WHEN, and Giora Rosensweig, CEO with major experience in cyber security and artificial intelligence, will be joining the Cuentas Board of Directors and Executive Management. While the companies will initially continue to operate independently, management from both teams believe the synergies between the companies can pave the way to even deeper relationships.

"I have known some of the players on the WHEN team for many years and have always believed that their solutions could become a standard in communications security for businesses and families," said Cuentas Co–Founder and CEO Arik Maimon. "The world needs what WHEN is developing now more than ever" and we are going to bring it to them!"

WHEN Group was incorporated as a joint venture between SG77 and RNA Ltd, which develop and improve cyber security and cyber monitoring solutions in the B2C and B2B marketplace. WHEN has recently moved into telecommunications platforms with its acquisition of CrossMobile, a licensed Telecom (full core mobile virtual network operator) in Poland, joining a small, rarified group of licensed telecom operators in the EU. Cuentas believes that this will provide a powerful proof of concept for the Company's planned launch of services into the US.

"We have been heads down focused on created a state–of–the–art technology platform that defends critical communications and financial infrastructure against attack and compromise," said Major Gen. (Ret.) Danny Yatom, President of WHEN and Former Director of Israeli Mossad. "The proposed transaction puts us on the world stage and will enable us to bring our innovations more rapidly to market."

WHEN's easy–to–use A.I. and machine learning driven platform is a holistic solution that integrates with any system and is fully customizable based on customer needs. Management believes their solutions address a broad segment of the fast–growing, multi–billion–dollar cyber security market.

"We needed to get our solutions in front of major players in the US and around the world," stated Giora Rosensweig, CEO of WHEN Group. "With Cuentas as partners, we see the opportunity to expand more rapidly across multiple markets and industries."

Both Cuentas and WHEN have taken a broad portfolio approach to their markets, and management teams are aligned on the notion of building extended platforms, focusing on new technologies that connect vertical markets. With this acquisition, Cuentas is extending its platform from connect, to protect.

"Increasingly, people address the digital world through their mobile devices, and in many countries, the mobile phone is the only way they connect," stated Michael De Prado, Co–founder and President of Cuentas. "We have seen what can happen when the digital world gets out of control, and we want to protect businesses and families who are increasingly at risk."

Earlier in the year, Cuentas made a move into the real estate tech market, with the launch of Cuentas Casa, and the announcements of development and tech partnerships for the next generation of building construction. WHEN management mirrors this approach with their recent acquisition of Polish Telco, CrossMobile. Further, a key investor and stakeholder in WHEN is real estate developer, George Baumoehl, an early investor in WHEN, a WHEN director and part of the group who are exchanging their equity interest in WHEN for the Cuentas shares.

"Technology is bringing the world closer together, and, now with AI, the opportunities to impact multiple markets efficiently have increased significantly," said Baumoehl. "I see the combination of WHEN tech and Cuentas access as pivotal, and I have communicated to management of both companies that I will continue to support their growth."

According to Grand View Research, the global cyber security market size was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030. The growing number of cyber–attacks owing to the proliferation of e–commerce platforms, the emergence of smart devices, and the deployment of the cloud are some of the key factors propelling the market growth. Increasing usage of devices equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT) and intelligent technologies is expected to increase the cases of cyber threats. As such, end–user organizations are anticipated to integrate advanced cyber security solutions to mitigate the cyber–attacks risk, supporting the market growth.2


"With the world's virtually 100% dependency on communication and financial technology, the risk may be incalculable," continued Maimon. "With this announcement, we are now able to focus not just on connecting, but also on protecting the markets, business and families we reach."

Cuentas' Board of Directors has approved the transaction and the Companies expect to complete the transaction this year. The closing is contingent on several factors, including without limitation, the approval of Nasdaq and the shareholders of Cuentas approving the transaction.

About WHEN

World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (d/b/a WHEN Group) is a holding company comprised of CrossMobile, SG 77, Inc./RNA Ltd, which develops and significantly improves existing cybersecurity solutions in the B2C and B2B marketplace. WHEN Group develops new systems by applying pattern recognition technology based on IOT / mobile / servers and computer activity, analyzing human and device behavior, relationships, and BPM (Business Process Management) to automatically identify and prevent potential danger to individuals and companies. The B2C Cybersecurity division targets families concerned with external cyber threats and exposures in addition to monitoring a child's behavioral patterns that may alert parents to potential tragedies caused by cyberbullying, pedophiles, other predators, and depression. The B2B Cybersecurity system software development and implementation company is focused on innovative solutions for the constantly evolving cyber challenges of businesses, non–governmental organizations (NGOs) and governmental entities. By deploying a highly experienced development team, RNA Ltd. anticipates both internal and external cyber threats, by identifying behavioral patterns that flag potential cyber compromises. Additional information is available at:

About Cuentas

Cuentas, Inc. (Nasdaq: CUEN & CUENW) is creating an alternative financial ecosystem for the growing global population who do not have access to traditional financial alternatives. The Company's proprietary technologies help to integrate FinTech (Financial Technology), e–finance and e–commerce services into solutions that deliver next generation digital financial services to the unbanked, under–banked and underserved populations nationally in the USA. The Cuentas Platform integrates Cuentas Mobile, the Company's Telecommunications solution, with its core financial services offerings to help entire communities enter the modern financial marketplace. Cuentas has launched its General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) Card, which includes a digital wallet, discounts for purchases at major physical and online retailers, rewards, and the ability to purchase digital content. In Q1 of 2023 Cuentas launched Cuentas Casa, an alternative housing development initiative that secured a 10–year supply agreement for a patented, sustainable building system that will provide the bridge between its technology solutions and the affordable housing market. Cuentas has made investments to date in affordable housing projects for over 450 apartments. LINK: AND

Forward–Looking Statements
This news release contains “forward–looking statements,” as that term is defined in section 27a of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21e of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward–looking statements involve substantial uncertainties and risks and are based upon our current expectations, estimates and projections and reflect our beliefs and assumptions based upon information available to us at the date of this release. We caution readers that forward–looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward–looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to, Nasdaq and shareholder approval of the proposed transaction, our ability to manage our research and development programs that are based on novel technologies, our ability to successfully integrate WHEN operations and product offerings, the sufficiency of working capital to realize our business plans and our ability to raise additional capital, market acceptance, the going concern qualification in our financial statements, our ability to retain key employees, our competitors developing better or cheaper alternatives to our products, risks relating to legal proceedings against us and the risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading “RISK FACTORS” in Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, and in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statement for any reason.

Investor Relations

Cuentas, Inc.

SOURCE: Cuentas, Inc.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8949824)

Sectigo® and Maxtec partner to Deliver Digital Trust to African Businesses

ROSELAND, N.J., Sept. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sectigo , a global leader in automated Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM), and digital certificates and Maxtec, distributors of market leading cybersecurity technologies, have announced a partnership to deliver African organizations best–in–class identity management.

African businesses face numerous cybersecurity challenges. With the increasing volume of attacks actively exploiting vulnerabilities associated with digital identities, the need for digital trust has never been greater. In addition, the trend towards shorter certificate lifespans, is an extremely important and costly issue for IT teams. In February 2023, Google announced in its "Moving Forward, Together" roadmap the intention to reduce the maximum possible validity for public TLS certificates from 398 days to 90 days.

The new era of short–lived certificates means vastly more certificates will be required by African organizations to retain digital trust. For organizations without a robust certificate management solution, the move to 90–day maximum validity will cause severe certificate management issues and increase the risk of outages and data breaches.

"Maxtec is thrilled to partner with Sectigo as a distributor of their industry leading web security solutions. This partnership enables us to offer Sectigo's certificate lifecycle management platform, to enhance web security, increase brand trust and elevate compliance," said Praven Pillay, Managing Director of Maxtec.

The partnership strengthens an existing collaboration, in which Maxtec has provided its best–in–class solutions, support services, and managed services alongside Sectigo's automated, CA agnostic certificate lifecycle management platform, Sectigo Certificate Manager.

"We are excited to have struck this partnership with Maxtec. This partnership demonstrates our joint commitment to deliver best–in–class certificate management technology to African organizations," said Ottavio Camponeschi – Vice President EMEA of Sectigo. "This solution will deliver immediate benefits for companies by delivering an automated approach to certificate lifecycle management, providing greater efficiency and effectiveness of their security resources."

About Maxtec
Maxtec are distributors of market leading cybersecurity technologies that are trusted around the globe."We empower our South African and SADC IT Partners with best–in–class solutions, support services, and managed services to enhance their cybersecurity offerings and secure their customers' data.

About Sectigo
Sectigo is a leading provider of automated Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) solutions and digital certificates – trusted by the world's largest brands. Its cloud–based universal CLM platform issues and manages the lifecycles of digital certificates issued by Sectigo and other Certificate Authorities (CAs) to secure every human and machine identity across the enterprise. With over 20 years establishing digital trust, Sectigo is one of the longest–standing and largest CAs with more than 700,000 customers. For more information, visit

Tom Faust
Stanton Public Relations & Marketing
(646) 502–3513

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8924189)