Oitenta países participam da Mesa Redonda Ministerial

RIAD, Arábia Saudita, Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Future Minerals Forum (FMF) anunciou hoje que sua Mesa Redonda Ministerial, a ser realizada em 9 de janeiro de 2024, antes da terceira edição do Fórum, deverá bater recordes de participação. Do total de 80 com presença confirmada até o momento, mais de 45 enviarão ministros para participar de discussões com as partes interessadas nessa reunião única, além de 20 organizações internacionais oficiais, 30 organizações não governamentais e 13 associações comerciais.

Por ser a reunião de mais alto nível sobre minerais realizada no mundo, a Mesa Redonda representa um ponto de virada histórico para o setor mundial de mineração e metais, a contribuição da Super Região que se estende da África à Ásia Ocidental e Central e o papel de liderança do Reino nesse setor e nessa região.

A Mesa Redonda Ministerial é uma iniciativa de várias partes interessadas conduzida pelo governo e criada pela Arábia Saudita para melhorar a cooperação internacional na produção de minerais essenciais envolvidos na transformação do setor de energia. A reunião acontece em um momento em que o setor de minerais enfrenta desafios sem precedentes, gerados pela crescente demanda por minerais e metais de transição energética, em que todos os países estão empenhados em garantir cadeias de suprimentos estáveis.

Além disso, a Mesa Redonda Ministerial enfatiza a importância da colaboração para enfrentar esse desafio global já previsto.

Sua Excelência, o Vice–Ministro de Assuntos de Mineração, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, salientou que o número de ministros que confirmaram presença na Mesa Redonda reflete o peso político e econômico do Reino e a crescente importância dos minerais nos últimos anos. Esse nível de participação demonstra que o FMF se consolidou como a principal plataforma global responsável por moldar o futuro dos minerais. Sua Eminência declarou: “A representação governamental de alto nível de países que produzem e consomem minerais significa que os governos de todo o mundo tomaram consciência da importância dos minerais e estão empenhados em garantir cadeias de suprimentos confiáveis para eles. Isso é particularmente relevante para os minerais estratégicos que são essenciais para os programas e projetos de transformação de energia e para os setores correlatos.”

A Mesa Redonda incluirá uma discussão sobre a concorrência que o mercado de metais está enfrentando em nível internacional e como criar espaço para que os países, em meio a essa concorrência, cheguem a um acordo mútuo.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000907098)

80 pays autour de la Table ronde ministérielle

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 03 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur (ou FMF) a annoncé aujourd’hui que sa Table ronde ministérielle, prévue le 9 janvier 2024 en amont de l’ouverture de la troisième édition de l’événement, devrait battre tous les records de présence. Sur les quatre–vingts pays ayant à ce jour confirmé leur participation, plus de quarante–cinq mandateront des ministres pour participer aux débats entre les participants de cette réunion unique. 20 organisations internationales officielles, 30 organisations non gouvernementales et 13 associations professionnelles ont également confirmé leur présence.

En tant que plus grand rassemblement sur les minéraux du monde, la Table ronde représente un tournant historique mondial pour le secteur des mines et des métaux, mais aussi pour la super région qui s’étend de l’Afrique à l’Asie occidentale et centrale, et plaide en faveur du leadership régional du royaume saoudien dans ce secteur.

La Table ronde ministérielle est une initiative multipartite à l’initiative du gouvernement et organisée par l’Arabie saoudite pour renforcer la coopération internationale en matière de production de minéraux essentiels à la transformation du secteur énergétique. Cette réunion se matérialise à l’heure où le secteur minier fait face à des enjeux sans précédent en lien avec la demande croissante de minéraux et de métaux induite par la transition énergétique, tous les pays s’efforçant de maintenir des chaînes d’approvisionnement stables.

En outre, la Table ronde ministérielle souligne l’importance de la collaboration pour anticiper ce défi planétaire.

S.E. le vice–ministre des Affaires minières, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, a observé que le nombre de ministres ayant confirmé leur présence à la Table ronde reflète le poids politique et économique du Royaume et l’importance croissante des minéraux ces dernières années. Un tel niveau de participation démontre que le FMF s’est imposé comme une plateforme mondiale de premier plan pour façonner l’avenir des minéraux. S.E. a déclaré : « Une représentation gouvernementale de haut niveau des pays producteurs et consommateurs de minéraux traduit la prise de conscience des gouvernements du monde entier envers l’importance des minéraux, à l’heure où tous cherchent à sécuriser des chaînes d’approvisionnement fiables, et notamment pour les minéraux stratégiques, essentiels aux programmes et projets de transition énergétique et aux industries connexes ».

La Table ronde prévoit un débat sur la concurrence, enjeu majeur du marché international des métaux, et envisage de réfléchir à la meilleure manière d’aboutir à un accord entre les pays.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000907098)

80 Länder nehmen an Ministeriellem Runden Tisch teil

RIAD, Saudi–Arabien, Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das Future Minerals Forum (FMF) gab heute bekannt, dass der Ministerielle Runde Tisch, der am 9. Januar 2024 im Vorfeld der dritten Ausgabe des Forums stattfinden wird, einen neuen Teilnehmerrekord aufstellen wird. Von den achtzig Ländern, die bisher ihre Teilnahme bestätigt haben, werden mehr als fünfundvierzig Minister entsenden, um an den Diskussionen mit den Interessenvertretern auf dieser einen Tagung teilzunehmen. Hinzu kommen 20 offizielle internationale Organisationen, 30 Nichtregierungsorganisationen und 13 Wirtschaftsverbände.

Als höchstes Treffen zum Thema Mineralien in der Welt stellt der Runde Tisch einen historischen Wendepunkt für den globalen Bergbau– und Metallsektor, den Beitrag der Superregion, die sich von Afrika bis West– und Zentralasien erstreckt, und die Führungsrolle des Königreichs in diesem Sektor und in der Region dar.

Der Ministerielle Runde Tisch ist eine von Saudi–Arabien ins Leben gerufene, von der Regierung geleitete Multi–Stakeholder–Initiative zur Verbesserung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit bei der Gewinnung kritischer Mineralien für die Transformation des Energiesektors. Das Treffen findet zu einer Zeit statt, in der der Mineraliensektor vor noch nie dagewesenen Herausforderungen steht, die durch die steigende Nachfrage nach Mineralien und Metallen für die Energiewende bedingt sind, und in der alle Länder um die Sicherung stabiler Lieferketten ringen.

Darüber hinaus unterstreicht der Ministerielle Runde Tisch die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit bei der Bewältigung dieser zu erwartenden globalen Herausforderung.

S.E. Vizeminister für Bergbauangelegenheiten, Khalid Al–Mudaifer, hob hervor, dass die Anzahl der Minister, die ihre Teilnahme am Runden Tisch zugesagt haben, das politische und wirtschaftliche Gewicht des Königreichs und die zunehmende Bedeutung von Mineralien in den letzten Jahren widerspiegelt. Diese Teilnehmerzahl zeigt, dass sich das FMF als führende globale Plattform für die Gestaltung der Zukunft von Mineralien etabliert hat. S.E. erklärte: „Die hochrangige Vertretung von Regierungen aus Ländern, die Mineralien produzieren und verbrauchen, bedeutet, dass sich die Regierungen in der ganzen Welt nun der Bedeutung von Mineralien bewusst sind, da sie versuchen, zuverlässige Lieferketten für sie zu sichern. Dies gilt insbesondere für die strategischen Mineralien, die für Programme und Projekte zur Energiewende und die damit verbundenen Industrien von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.“

Bei dem Rundtischgespräch wird es auch um den Wettbewerb gehen, den der Metallmarkt auf internationaler Ebene erlebt, und um die Frage, wie inmitten dieses Wettbewerbs Raum für eine Einigung der Länder untereinander geschaffen werden kann.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000907098)

Enovis Conclui Aquisição da LimaCorporate S.p.A

WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE: ENOV, “Enovis” ou a “Empresa”) uma empresa de crescimento de tecnologia médica orientada para a inovação, anunciou hoje a conclusão da aquisição da LimaCorporate S.p.A. (“Lima”), uma empresa ortopédica de capital fechado líder global focada na restauração do movimento por meio de um portfólio inovador de soluções de implantes. 

A Lima fortalece a posição da Enovis no mercado global de reconstrução ortopédica com um portfólio complementar de soluções e tecnologias cirúrgicas comprovadas, que irão acelerar o crescimento global e a expansão da margem. Além disso, o portfólio da Lima inclui implantes de titânio trabecular impressos em 3D e uma oferta abrangente de revisão dos ombros, o que fortalecerá ainda mais a posição da Empresa no mercado em rápido crescimento de extremidades. 

“Estamos entusiasmados com a entrada da equipe tão talentosa da Lima para a Enovis. Esta união leva o segmento de reconstrução da Enovis a uma receita de US$ 1 bilhão e cria um inovador de rápido crescimento no mercado global de reconstrução ortopédica. Este é outro grande exemplo de como usamos aquisições estratégicas para acelerar nosso crescimento, adicionar grandes tecnologias e talentos à nossa empresa e gerar valor agregado para nossos acionistas”, disse Matt Trerotola, Presidente e Diretor Executivo da Enovis.

Sobre a Enovis Corporation
A Enovis Corporation (NYSE: ENOV) é uma empresa de crescimento de tecnologia médica voltada para a inovação, dedicada ao desenvolvimento de soluções clinicamente diferenciadas que geram resultados mensuráveis para o paciente e transformam os fluxos de trabalho. Concentrada em uma cultura de melhoria contínua, talento global e inovação, a extensa gama de produtos, serviços e tecnologias integradas da Empresa incentivam estilos de vida ativos nas áreas de ortopedia e além. As ações ordinárias da empresa são negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York sob o símbolo ENOV. Para mais informação sobre a Enovis, visite www.enovis.com

Declarações de Previsão
Este comunicado para a imprensa inclui “declarações de previsão definidas pelo EUA Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Tais declarações de previsão incluem, mas não estão limitadas a, declarações sobre os planos, objetivos, expectativas e intenções da Empresa, e outras declarações que não são fatos históricos ou correntes. As declarações de previsão têm por base as expectativas atuais da Empresa e envolvem riscos e incertezas que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam diferentes dos resultados expressos ou implícitos em tais declarações de previsão. Os fatores que podem fazer com que os resultados da Empresa sejam substancialmente diferentes das expectativas atuais incluem, mas não estão limitados a, riscos e incertezas em relação aos respectivos negócios da Empresa e da Lima, fazendo com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes. Esses riscos e incertezas incluem, mas não estão limitados aos efeitos da aquisição nas operações da Empresa e da Lima, incluindo a condição e desempenho financeiro futuro da empresa conjunta, resultados operacionais, estratégia e planos, incluindo tratamento fiscal antecipado, passivos imprevistos, despesas de capital futuras, receitas, despesas, ganhos, sinergias, desempenho econômico, endividamento, perdas, perspectivas futuras e estratégias de negócios e gerenciamento para a gestão, expansão e crescimento das operações da nova empresa conjunta; o impacto potencial da consumação da aquisição nos relacionamentos com clientes, fornecedores e outros terceiros; e os outros fatores detalhados nos relatórios da Empresa arquivados na Securities and Exchange Commission dos EUA (a “SEC”), incluindo seu Relatório Anual mais recente no Formulário 10–K e Relatórios Trimestrais subsequentes no Formulário 10–Q sob o título “Fatores de Risco”, bem como os outros riscos discutidos nos registros da Empresa na SEC. Além disso, as declarações de previsão tomam por base suposições que podem mudar. Este comunicado de imprensa é válido somente até a presente data. A Empresa se isenta de qualquer obrigação de atualizar as informações aqui contidas.

Contato de Relações com Investidores
Kyle Rose
Vice–Presidente, Relações com Investidores
Enovis Corporation

Contato com a Mídia
Katie Sweet
Vice–Presidente, Comunicações Corporativas
Enovis Corporation

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9012121)

Enovis finalise l’acquisition de LimaCorporate S.p.A.

WILMINGTON, Delaware, 03 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE : ENOV, « Enovis » ou la « société ») une entreprise en pleine croissance dans le domaine des technologies médicales axée sur l’innovation a annoncé, ce jour, avoir finalisé l’acquisition de LimaCorporate S.p.A. (« Lima »), leader mondial privé dans le domaine de l’orthopédie qui s’efforce de rétablir l’émotion du mouvement grâce à une gamme innovante de solutions implantaires. 

Lima contribue à renforcer la position d’Enovis sur le marché mondial de la reconstruction orthopédique avec une gamme complémentaire de solutions et de technologies chirurgicales éprouvées, qui permettront d’accélérer la croissance mondiale et l’accroissement des marges. En outre, la gamme proposée par Lima comprend des implants trabéculaires en titane imprimés en 3D et une prothèse totale d’épaule, ce qui contribuera à renforcer encore davantage la position de la société dans le domaine en pleine croissance des extrémités. 

« Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir l’équipe talentueuse de Lima chez Enovis. Cette association porte le chiffre d’affaires du secteur de la reconstruction d’Enovis à 1 milliard de dollars, ce qui en fait un pionnier en pleine croissance sur le marché mondial de la reconstruction orthopédique. Il s’agit là encore d’un excellent exemple de notre utilisation des acquisitions stratégiques afin d’accélérer notre croissance, d’ajouter des technologies et talents d’exception à notre société et de générer une valeur composée pour nos actionnaires », a déclaré Matt Trerotola, Président et PDG d’Enovis.

À propos d’Enovis Corporation
Enovis Corporation (NYSE : ENOV) est une société en pleine croissance dans le domaine des technologies médicales axée sur l’innovation et le développement de solutions différenciées sur le plan clinique qui permettent de générer des résultats mesurables pour les patients et de révolutionner les flux de travail. Mue par une culture du dépassement perpétuel favorisant les talents internationaux et l’innovation, la large gamme de produits, de services et de technologies intégrées proposée par la société encourage des modes de vie actifs grâce à l’orthopédie et bien plus. Les actions ordinaires de la société sont cotées aux États–Unis à la Bourse de New York sous le symbole ENOV. Pour en savoir plus sur Enovis, consultez le site : www.enovis.com

Déclarations prospectives
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives, y compris des déclarations prospectives au sens de la loi américaine « Private Securities Litigation Reform Act » de 1995. Ces déclarations prospectives comprennent, sans s’y limiter, des déclarations concernant les plans, objectifs, attentes et intentions de la société ainsi que d’autres déclarations qui ne correspondent pas à des faits historiques ou actuels. Les déclarations prospectives sont fondées sur les attentes actuelles de la société et impliquent des risques et des incertitudes qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ceux exprimés ou impliqués dans ces déclarations prospectives. Les facteurs susceptibles de faire en sorte que les résultats formulés par la société diffèrent sensiblement des attentes actuelles incluent, sans s’y limiter, les risques et incertitudes concernant les activités respectives de la société et de Lima, et les résultats réels pourraient différer sensiblement. Ces risques et incertitudes incluent, sans s’y limiter, les effets de l’acquisition sur les opérations de la société et de Lima, y compris sur la situation financière et les performances futures de la société issue du regroupement, les résultats d’exploitation, la stratégie et les plans, y compris le traitement fiscal prévu, les dettes imprévues, les dépenses en capital futures, les revenus, les dépenses, les bénéfices, les synergies, les performances économiques, l’endettement, les pertes, les perspectives d’avenir et les stratégies commerciales et de direction pour la gestion, l’expansion et la croissance des opérations de la nouvelle société issue du regroupement ; l’impact potentiel de l’achèvement de l’acquisition sur les relations avec les clients, les fournisseurs et autres tiers ; et les autres facteurs détaillés dans les rapports de la société déposés auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (la « SEC ») des États–Unis, y compris son rapport annuel le plus récent sur le formulaire 10–K et ses rapports trimestriels ultérieurs sur le formulaire 10–Q sous le titre « Facteurs de risque », ainsi que les autres risques évoqués dans les documents déposés par la société auprès de la SEC. En outre, ces déclarations reposent sur des hypothèses susceptibles de changer. Ce communiqué de presse n’est valable qu’à la date des présentes. La société décline toute obligation de mettre à jour les informations contenues dans le présent document.

Contact relations avec les investisseurs
Kyle Rose
Vice–président, Relations avec les investisseurs
Enovis Corporation

Contact médias
Katie Sweet
Vice–présidente, Communications d’entreprise
Enovis Corporation

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9012121)

Enovis schließt Übernahme von LimaCorporate S.p.A. ab

WILMINGTON, Delaware, Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE: ENOV, „Enovis“ oder das „Unternehmen“), ein innovationsorientiertes Wachstumsunternehmen im Bereich der Medizintechnik, hat heute den Abschluss der Übernahme von LimaCorporate S.p.A. („Lima“) bekanntgegeben, einem weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich der Orthopädie, das sich auf die Wiederherstellung von Bewegung durch ein innovatives Portfolio von Implantatlösungen konzentriert. 

Lima stärkt die Position von Enovis auf dem globalen Markt für orthopädische Rekonstruktion mit einem komplementären Portfolio bewährter chirurgischer Lösungen und Technologien, was das globale Wachstum und die Ausweitung der Gewinnspanne beschleunigen wird. Darüber hinaus umfasst Limas Portfolio 3D–gedruckte trabekuläre Titanimplantate und ein umfassendes Revisionsangebot für Schultern, was die Position des Unternehmens auf dem schnell wachsenden Markt für Extremitäten weiter stärken wird. 

„Wir freuen uns, das talentierte Team von Lima bei Enovis begrüßen zu dürfen. Durch den Zusammenschluss erhöht sich der Umsatz des Rekonstruktionssegments von Enovis auf 1 Mrd. USD und es entsteht ein schnell wachsender Innovator auf dem globalen Markt für orthopädische Rekonstruktion. Dies ist ein weiteres großartiges Beispiel dafür, wie wir strategische Übernahmen nutzen, um unser Wachstum zu beschleunigen, großartige Technologien und Talente in unser Unternehmen einzubringen und den Wert für unsere Aktionäre zu steigern“, so Matt Terotola, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats und Chief Executive Officer von Enovis.

Über die Enovis Corporation
Die Enovis Corporation (NYSE: ENOV) ist ein innovationsorientiertes Wachstumsunternehmen im Bereich der Medizintechnik, das sich der Entwicklung klinisch differenzierter Lösungen verschrieben hat, die messbar bessere Patientenergebnisse erzielen und Arbeitsabläufe verändern. Im Rahmen einer Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung, globaler Talente und Innovation unterstützt das Unternehmen mit seiner umfangreichen Palette an Produkten, Dienstleistungen und integrierten Technologien einen aktiven Lebensstil in der Orthopädie und darüber hinaus. Die Stammaktien des Unternehmens sind in den Vereinigten Staaten an der New Yorker Börse unter dem Symbol ENOV notiert. Weitere Informationen über Enovis finden Sie unter www.enovis.com

Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen
Diese Pressemitteilung enthält zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, einschließlich zukunftsgerichteter Aussagen im Sinne des U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995. Solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen umfassen unter anderem Aussagen zu den Plänen, Zielen, Erwartungen und Absichten des Unternehmens sowie andere Aussagen, die keine historischen oder aktuellen Fakten darstellen. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen beruhen auf den aktuellen Erwartungen des Unternehmens und beinhalten Risiken und Ungewissheiten, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von den in diesen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen ausgedrückten oder implizierten Ergebnissen abweichen. Zu den Faktoren, die dazu führen könnten, dass die Ergebnisse des Unternehmens wesentlich von den derzeitigen Erwartungen abweichen, gehören unter anderem Risiken und Ungewissheiten in Bezug auf die jeweiligen Geschäfte des Unternehmens und von Lima, und die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse können wesentlich abweichen. Zu diesen Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten gehören unter anderem die Auswirkungen der Übernahme auf die Geschäftstätigkeit des Unternehmens und von Lima, einschließlich der künftigen finanziellen Lage und Leistung, der Betriebsergebnisse, der Strategie und der Pläne des kombinierten Unternehmens, einschließlich der erwarteten steuerlichen Behandlung, unvorhergesehener Verbindlichkeiten, künftiger Investitionsausgaben, Einnahmen, Ausgaben, Erträge, Synergien, wirtschaftlicher Leistung, Verschuldung, Verluste, Zukunftsaussichten sowie Geschäfts– und Managementstrategien für die Verwaltung, die Expansion und das Wachstum der Geschäftstätigkeit des neuen kombinierten Unternehmens; die möglichen Auswirkungen des Vollzugs der Übernahme auf die Beziehungen zu Kunden, Lieferanten und anderen Dritten; und die anderen Faktoren, die in den Berichten des Unternehmens, die bei der U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (die „SEC“) eingereicht wurden, erläutert werden, einschließlich des jüngsten Jahresberichts auf Formblatt 10–K und der nachfolgenden Quartalsberichte auf Formblatt 10–Q unter der Überschrift „Risikofaktoren“, sowie die anderen Risiken, die in den bei der SEC eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens erörtert werden. Darüber hinaus beruhen diese Aussagen auf Annahmen, die sich ändern können. Diese Pressemitteilung bezieht sich nur auf das Datum dieser Mitteilung. Das Unternehmen lehnt jede Verpflichtung zur Aktualisierung der hierin enthaltenen Informationen ab.

Kontakt für Anlegerbeziehungen
Kyle Rose
Vice President, Investor Relations
Enovis Corporation

Katie Sweet
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Enovis Corporation


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9012121)

New research harnesses AI and satellite imagery to reveal the expanding footprint of human activity at sea

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new study published today in the journal Nature offers an unprecedented view of previously unmapped industrial use of the ocean and how it is changing.

The groundbreaking study, led by Global Fishing Watch, uses machine learning and satellite imagery to create the first global map of large vessel traffic and offshore infrastructure, finding a remarkable amount of activity that was previously “dark” to public monitoring systems.

The analysis reveals that about 75 percent of the world’s industrial fishing vessels are not publicly tracked, with much of that fishing taking place around Africa and south Asia. More than 25 percent of transport and energy vessel activity are also missing from public tracking systems.

A new industrial revolution has been emerging in our seas undetected—until now,” said David Kroodsma, director of research and innovation at Global Fishing Watch and co–lead author of the study. “On land, we have detailed maps of almost every road and building on the planet. In contrast, growth in our ocean has been largely hidden from public view. This study helps eliminate the blind spots and shed light on the breadth and intensity of human activity at sea.” 

Researchers from Global Fishing Watch, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Duke University, UC Santa Barbara and SkyTruth analyzed 2 million gigabytes of satellite imagery spanning 2017–2021 to detect vessels and offshore infrastructure in coastal waters across six continents where more than three–quarters of industrial activity is concentrated.

By synthesizing GPS data with five years of radar and optical imagery, the researchers were able to identify vessels that failed to broadcast their positions. Using machine learning, they then concluded which of those vessels were likely engaged in fishing activity.

“Historically, vessel activity has been poorly documented, limiting our understanding of how the world’s largest public resource—the ocean—is being used,” said co–lead author Fernando Paolo, senior machine learning engineer at Global Fishing Watch. “By combining space technology with state–of–the–art machine learning, we mapped undisclosed industrial activity at sea on a scale never done before.”

While not all boats are legally required to broadcast their position, vessels absent from public monitoring systems, often termed “dark fleets,” pose major challenges for protecting and managing natural resources. Researchers found numerous dark fishing vessels inside many marine protected areas, and a high concentration of vessels in many countries’ waters that previously showed little–to–no vessel activity by public monitoring systems.

“Publicly available data wrongly suggests that Asia and Europe have similar amounts of fishing within their borders, but our mapping reveals that Asia dominates—for every 10 fishing vessels we found on the water, seven were in Asia while only one was in Europe,” said co–author Jennifer Raynor, assistant professor of natural resource economics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “By revealing dark vessels, we have created the most comprehensive public picture of global industrial fishing available.” 

The study also shows how human activity in the ocean is changing. Coinciding with the COVID–19 pandemic, fishing activity dropped globally by about 12 percent, with an 8 percent decline in China and a 14 percent drop elsewhere. In contrast, transport and energy vessel activity remained stable.

Offshore energy development surged during the study period. Oil structures increased by 16 percent, while wind turbines more than doubled. By 2021, turbines outnumbered oil platforms. China’s offshore wind energy had the most striking growth, increasing ninefold from 2017 to 2021.

“The footprint of the Anthropocene is no longer limited to terra firma,” said co–author Patrick Halpin, professor of marine geospatial ecology at Duke University. “Having a more complete view of ocean industrialization allows us to see new growth in offshore wind, aquaculture and mining that is rapidly being added to established industrial fishing, shipping and oil and gas activities. Our work reveals that the global ocean is a busy, crowded and complex industrial workspace of the growing blue economy.” 

The study highlights the potential of this new technology to tackle climate change. Mapping all vessel traffic will improve estimates of greenhouse gas emissions at sea, while maps of infrastructure can inform wind development or aid in tracking marine degradation caused by oil exploration.

“Identifying offshore infrastructure is critical for understanding offshore energy development impacts and trends, and is crucial data for our work to detect marine pollution events and hold responsible parties to account,” said co–author Christian Thomas, a geospatial engineer at SkyTruth.  

The open data and technology used in the study can help governments, researchers and civil society to identify hotspots of potentially illegal activity, determine where industrial fishing vessels may be encroaching on artisanal fishing grounds, or simply better understand vessel traffic in their waters.

“Previously, this type of satellite monitoring was only available to those who could pay for it. Now it is freely available to all nations,” concluded Kroodsma. “This study marks the beginning of a new era in ocean management and transparency.”

The study was made possible thanks to the generous support of Bloomberg Philanthropies, National Geographic Pristine Seas and Oceankind, and our technology partner, Google. As an awardee of The Audacious Project, a collaborative funding initiative that is catalyzing social impact on a grand scale, Global Fishing Watch is able to further the application of this innovative work.

Notes to the editor:

  • Download supporting data visualizations and figures from the paper here: Media kit
  • Download the data at: https://globalfishingwatch.org/datasets–and–code 
  • Data providers: The co–authors of the study wish to acknowledge the contribution from the following technology and data providers; AIS: Spire, ORBCOMM; Radar and optical imagery: European Space Agency (ESA); and Computing resources: Google / Earth Engine.

Global Fishing Watch is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through increased transparency of human activity at sea. By creating and publicly sharing map visualizations, data and analysis tools, we aim to enable scientific research and transform the way our ocean is managed. We believe human activity at sea should be public knowledge in order to safeguard the global ocean for the common good of all.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9012061)

Enovis Completes Acquisition of LimaCorporate S.p.A

WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE: ENOV, “Enovis” or the “Company”) an innovation–driven, medical technology growth company, today announced that it closed the acquisition of LimaCorporate S.p.A. (“Lima”), a privately held global orthopedic leader focused on restoring motion through an innovative portfolio of implant solutions. 

Lima strengthens Enovis’ position in the global orthopedic reconstruction market with a complementary portfolio of proven surgical solutions and technologies, which will accelerate global growth and margin expansion. In addition, Lima's portfolio includes 3D printed Trabecular Titanium implants and a comprehensive revision offering in shoulders, which will further strengthen the Company's position in the fast–growing extremities market. 

“We are excited to welcome Lima's talented team to Enovis. The combination brings Enovis’ recon segment to $1 billion in revenues and creates a fast–growing innovator in the global orthopedic reconstruction market. This is another great example of how we use strategic acquisitions to accelerate our growth, add great technologies and talent to our company, and drive compounding value for our shareholders,” said Matt Trerotola, Chair, and Chief Executive Officer of Enovis.

About Enovis Corporation
Enovis Corporation (NYSE: ENOV) is an innovation–driven medical technology growth company dedicated to developing clinically differentiated solutions that generate measurably better patient outcomes and transform workflows. Powered by a culture of continuous improvement, global talent, and innovation, the Company’s extensive range of products, services, and integrated technologies fuels active lifestyles in orthopedics and beyond. The Company’s shares of common stock are listed in the United States on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ENOV. For more information about Enovis, please visit www.enovis.com

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This press release includes forward–looking statements, including forward–looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward–looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that are not historical or current fact. Forward–looking statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward–looking statements. Factors that could cause the Company’s results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding the Company’s and Lima’s respective businesses, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the effects of the acquisition on the Company’s and Lima’s operations, including on the combined company’s future financial condition and performance, operating results, strategy and plans, including anticipated tax treatment, unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, expenses, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, losses, future prospects, and business and management strategies for the management, expansion and growth of the new combined company’s operations; the potential impact of the consummation of the acquisition on relationships with customers, suppliers and other third parties; and the other factors detailed in the Company’s reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10–K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q under the caption “Risk Factors,” as well as the other risks discussed in the Company’s filings with the SEC. In addition, these statements are based on assumptions that are subject to change. This press release speaks only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any duty to update the information herein.

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Enovis Corporation

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9011517)

Fear as Russian Anti-LGBT Law Comes into Effect

The Russian Supreme Court ruling making the “international LGBT movement” an extremist organization will come into effect on January 9, 2024. Graphic: IPS

The Russian Supreme Court ruling making the “international LGBT movement” an extremist organization will come into effect on January 9, 2024. Graphic: IPS

By Ed Holt
BRATISLAVA, Jan 3 2024 – “This is what you get after ten years of state propaganda and brainwashing,” says Anatolii*.

The Moscow-based LGBT rights activist’s ire is directed at a recent ruling by Russia’s Supreme Court declaring the “international LGBT movement” an extremist organization.

Details of the ruling, made on November 30 after a closed hearing, have yet to be made public—it will not be enforced until January 9, 2024, and until then, no one is likely to be any the wiser about its practical implementation, says Anatolii.

But its vagueness—critics point out that no “international LGBT movement” exists as an organization—has already fueled fears that it could lead to the arbitrary prosecution of anyone involved in any activities supporting the LGBT community.

And the potential punishments for such support are draconian, with participating in or financing an extremist organization carrying a maximum 12-year prison sentence under Russian law.

In the weeks since the ruling was announced, fear has spread among LGBT people.

“Russian queers are really scared,” Anatolii tells IPS.

But while fearful, many see it as the latest, if potentially the most drastic, act in a decade-long campaign by the Kremlin to marginalise and vilify the LGBT community in the country through legislation and political rhetoric.

The first legislative attack on the community came in 2013, not long after Vladimir Putin had returned to power as President, when a law came into effect banning “the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” to anyone under the age of 18.

This was followed by increasingly homophobic political discourse, and Kremlin campaigns—prominently backed by the country’s powerful Orthodox Church—promoting ‘traditional family values’ in society and casting LGBT activism as a product of the degenerate West and a threat to Russian identity.

Then in 2022, the ban on “LGBT propaganda” was extended to cover all public information or activities supporting LGBT rights or displaying non-heterosexual orientation and implicitly linked the LGBT community with paedophilia—the law refers to the “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations and/or preferences, paedophilia, and sex change.”

A ban on same sex marriage has also been written into the constitution; authorities have labelled a number of LGBT organizations as “foreign agents,” stigmatizing them and forcing them to adhere to a set of funding and bureaucratic requirements that can be liquidating, and earlier this year a law was passed banning transgender people officially or medically changing their gender.

With each new piece of pernicious legislation, and an accompanying rise in intensity and normalization of homophobic hate speech from politicians, the LGBT community has suffered, its members say.

“The Supreme Court ruling is just a continuation of Russia’s homophobic policies. The amount of physical violence against LGBT people has been growing in Russia for 10 years. After each such law, it intensifies even more noticeably,” Yaroslav Rasputin, editor at the Russian-language LGBT website www.parniplus.com, told IPS.

“We expect homophobes will feel justified in attacking LGBT people [after the ruling], both through cyberbullying and physical assaults,” he added.

Members of the LGBT community and rights campaigners who spoke to IPS said there was a desperate fear among many LGBT people now. While the threat of physical violence was often felt as being very real, there was also a crippling concern over the uncertainty many would now face in their daily activities.

Many do not know what will constitute “support” for the LGBT community. Some are trawling through years of social media records, deleting any possible positive references to LGBT or reposted messages on the topic for fear of the information being used against them by authorities.

And there are worries that simply being openly gay could somehow be interpreted as extremism.

Lawyers who have advised LGBT people and groups in the past say that it will be much easier for security forces to initiate and prosecute cases of extremism than propaganda, as the latter is more difficult to prove.

“Although the government says these ‘repressions’ concern only political activists, in reality this is not the case. We know this from previous homophobic laws. Sometimes people spontaneously get caught for who they are. No one knows when it will be safe to come out and when not,” said Rasputin.

Anatolii said the organisation he works for has been inundated with calls from people “in panic and despair” over the ruling, many of whom are looking for help to leave the country.

LGBT groups outside Russia have also reported a huge uptick in calls from people trying to find safe passage to other countries.

“We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of people contacting us, perhaps three or four times more. LGBT people in Russia are really worried about the ruling; they don’t know what might be defined as extremist,” Aleksandr Kochekovskii from the Berlin-based organisation Quarteera e. V, which helps LGBT refugees and migrants to arrive and find their way around Germany, told IPS.

“Unfortunately, a lot of people will leave Russia because of this ruling because they feel in danger. There is a ubiquitous psychological pressure on LGBT people in Russia now,” he added.

Even some openly gay figures in Russia have publicly acknowledged that LGBT people may be forced to flee the country.

“This is real repression. There is panic in Russia’s LGBT community. People are emigrating urgently. The actual word we’re using is evacuation. We’re having to evacuate from our own country. It’s terrible,” Sergei Troshin, a gay municipal deputy in St Petersburg, told the BBC.

But others warn the Kremlin may be looking to use the ruling to crack down on the community as a whole as much as individuals.

“At this point, the state’s main goal is to erase the LGBT community from society and [the country’s] history,” Mikhail*, a Russian LGBT activist who recently left the country and now works for a pan-European NGO campaigning for minority health rights, told IPS. “It is hard to imagine how many organisations defending the rights of LGBT people will be able to exist in Russia any more since such support is [considered to be] advocating terrorism,” he added.

Some such organisations have already decided to close in the wake of the ruling. The Russian LGBT Sports Federation announced it had stopped its activities, and one of the most prominent LGBT groups in the country, Delo, which provided legal assistance to people in the community, also closed following the court decision.

But other mainstays of the LGBT community are also shutting their doors. The owners of one of the oldest gay clubs in Russia, “Central Station” in St Petersburg, said they had been forced to close the club after the site’s owners refused to rent to them. Its closure came as other gay clubs and bars in Moscow were raided by police just 24 hours after the Supreme Court ruling. People’s names taken, and ID documents copied.

Although police said the raids were part of anti-drug operations, LGBT activists said they could see the true purpose behind them.

“The state has made it very clear that it is ready to use the apparatus of force against LGBT people in Russia,” said Mikhail.

But the ruling is also expected to have effects for LGBT people beyond their interactions with other individuals or groups within the community.

Accessing specific healthcare services, for instance, seems likely to become more difficult.  Some practitioners, such as psychiatrists and psychologists, have until now openly indicated their services as LGBT-friendly. But according to some Russian media reports, it is thought many will no longer be able or willing to do so, and that others may simply stop providing their services to LGBT people altogether out of fear of repercussions.

Experts warn that without qualified help, the risks of suicide, PTSD, and the development of other mental disorders will rise, especially among children, something that was seen after the first law banning the promotion of LGBT to minors was passed in 2013.

International rights groups have condemned the court ruling and urged other countries to provide a safe haven for those forced to flee Russia and to support Russian LGBT activists working both inside and outside the country.

Whatever the effects of the law eventually are once it is fully implemented, it looks unlikely there will be any improvement for the LGBT community in the near future.

Activists predict anti-LGBT political rhetoric will probably only intensify as President Putin looks to cement support among voters ahead of elections in March, and as the Kremlin tries to draw the public’s attention away from the country’s problems, not least those connected to the war raging in Ukraine.

“It’s easier to create an artificial enemy than to struggle with the real problems the war has caused. The LGBT+ community in Russia is a kind of collective scapegoat, taking a punch and feeling the people’s wrath,” said Anatolii.

Others say that as the war drags on, repression of the LGBT community may start being repeated among other minority groups.

“Everything the Kremlin does in Russia is an attempt to divert people’s attention from the war. ‘Othering’ is typical for all dictatorial regimes. I am quite sure that soon [the Kremlin] will start targeting other groups like migrants and foreigners,” Nikolay Lunchenkov, LGBT Health Coordinator for the Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender, and Sexual Diversity NGO, which works with the LGBT community in Russia, told IPS.

Note: *Names have been changed for safety reasons.


IPS UN Bureau Report


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Will the Human Rights Movement Survive the Gaza War?

Destruction in Gaza Strip. Credit: UNICEF/Hassan Islyeh

By Connor Echols
WASHINGTON DC, Jan 3 2024 – In its military campaign in Gaza, Israel faces a seemingly endless list of alleged human rights violations. International monitors argue the Israel Defense Forces have starved Gazans, targeted journalists attempting to cover the carnage, tortured detainees, and attacked hospitals full of wounded civilians.

The U.S. — a passionate backer of civilian protections in Ukraine — has struggled to find the right way to address these claims while still standing by its long-time partner. The bombing has been “indiscriminate,” says President Joe Biden, but perhaps it will improve tomorrow. Killing more than 10,000 women and children in two months is not “genocide,” argues White House spokesperson John Kirby, but Hamas’ brutal Oct. 7 attacks were.

If human rights are fundamentally a matter of world consensus, then what does it tell us that the United States threatens to cast a second veto against a United Nations Security Council resolution begging for a humanitarian suspension of fighting?

What does it mean when a supposed champion of human rights seems to jettison them when it becomes inconvenient? For that matter, why should Israel care about human rights when it perceives its fight as existential?

Displaced Palestinians wait for food at Al-Shaboura camp, in Rafah. Credit: WHO

Kenneth Roth has a unique perspective on these questions. Roth, considered by many to be a dean of the human rights movement, spent nearly three decades as the executive director of Human Rights Watch before stepping down last year to become a visiting professor at Princeton University.

Under his leadership, HRW drew flak for, among other things, declaring Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories to be apartheid, all while documenting in meticulous detail abuses committed by Palestinian groups, including Hamas.

RS spoke with Roth to get his thoughts on human rights at a time of crisis. The following conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

Responsible Statecraft (RS): How would you rate the Biden administration’s handling of the Gaza crisis from a human rights perspective?

Roth: The Biden administration has been far too deferential to the Israeli Government, despite the pretty clear commission of war crimes in Gaza. And while the administration has pushed to ameliorate some of those war crimes — by pressing for humanitarian access, by urging greater attention to avoiding civilian casualties — that rhetorical push has not been backed by the use of the leverage that the administration has that might have really put pressure on the Israeli government to stop, whether that would be withholding or conditioning ongoing arm sales or military assistance, or even allowing a Security Council resolution to go forward.

RS: What would a better approach look like?

Roth: The initial problem was that Biden pretty unconditionally wrapped himself in the Israeli government’s response to the horrible October 7 attacks by Hamas. If you look at his initial comments, while there were caveats written in about the need to respect humanitarian law, there was no emotional punch behind them.

It was pretty clear that Biden simply stood with Israel and was giving it a green light to proceed with its military response to Hamas without much effort, at least during the first few weeks, to ensure that that response really did comply with humanitarian law. So, I think the Israeli government got the message that the references to humanitarian law were necessary for certain audiences, but that the administration’s heart was not in them.

RS: Would a more forceful form of messaging at the start have led to different results?

Roth: Obviously, it’s hard to know the counterfactual. But the U.S. government, which has the greatest leverage of any external actor, didn’t really use that leverage to ensure that its periodic rhetorical commitment to the need to respect humanitarian law was matched by its much more forceful embrace of the Israeli military response to Hamas.

RS: I’ve seen some reporting that the State Department has done internal inquiries as to whether U.S. officials could be legally complicit if Israel is found to have committed war crimes in Gaza. Do you have any thoughts on that question?

Roth: Well, they could be. Biden’s references to the Israeli military conducting indiscriminate bombing were clearly not just a verbal slip. It probably reflected the internal conversations that the administration has. The second one even seems to have been somewhat deliberate.

And the significance of that is that indiscriminate bombardment is a war crime. As any administration lawyer would know, continuing to provide weapons to a force that is engaged in war crimes can make the sender guilty of aiding and abetting war crimes.

That is not some crazy, wacko theory. That was the basis on which former Liberian President Charles Taylor was convicted by an internationally backed tribunal, the so-called Special Court for Sierra Leone, for providing weapons to the Sierra Leonean rebel group known as the Revolutionary United Front, a group that was notorious for chopping off the limbs of its victims.

Because Taylor kept providing arms in return for the RUF’s diamonds while he knew the RUF was committing these war crimes, this internationally-backed tribunal found him guilty of aiding and abetting, convicted him, and sentenced him to 50 years in prison, which he is currently serving in a British prison.

RS: My next question is a little tricky, but I’m curious how you approach it. Israel claims that this war is a fight for its very survival. Why should a country that views itself as being in that position care about respecting human rights?

Roth: Well, I think the question is why should it care about adhering to international humanitarian law and protocols. It’s worth noting that humanitarian law was not drafted by a bunch of human rights activists and peaceniks. This was drafted by the world’s leading militaries. It was designed for war, for situations where governments often feel that they are existentially at risk, and these were the limits that the world’s leading militaries imposed on themselves. Israel has signed on to these standards, and it claims to abide by them. It has many capable lawyers who could be applying them. It just isn’t applying them.

It probably requires a certain psychological analysis to figure out why, but some of the signals being sent from the top indicate a willingness to disregard the requirements of humanitarian law. When you have Defense Minister [Yoav] Galant referring to the residents of Gaza as “human animals,” when you have [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu invoking the biblical story of Amalek in which there’s a divine injunction to not spare the men, women, children, or animals, these are not-so-subtle signals that the top political and military leadership in Israel doesn’t care that much about civilian casualties. This has seemed to have manifested itself in the indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks that the Israeli military has carried out in Gaza.

RS: It seems to me that focusing on war crimes or potential war crimes can sometimes lead to really bad policy outcomes. In this case, Israel is really spotlighting Hamas’ alleged war crimes. You think back to the war in Iraq, where there was a lot of highlighting of Saddam’s alleged war crimes. How can advocacy for human rights avoid supporting unfettered militarism?

Roth: First, I think it’s important to note that war crimes by one side do not justify war crimes by the other. If a warring party could cite the other side’s war crimes, you would quickly have no more Geneva Conventions because allegations of war crimes are often made in the passions of conflict. The fact that some people have committed war crimes — in this case, both sides — doesn’t justify that others resort to criminal conduct. Now, in terms of military action, few people contest that Israel had every right to respond to Hamas’ military attack. It was an extraordinarily lethal military attack. It was ruthless, with widespread murder, rape, abduction, and indiscriminate bombardment. So with an attack of that sort, no one should be surprised that the Israeli government responds. The only real question was, will it respond consistent with humanitarian law? Or would it flout that law?

RS: What does all this mean — especially the fact of the U.S. seemingly taking a step back in advocacy for the protection of human rights — what does all this mean for the state of human rights today?

Roth: It is harmful because the U.S. government is such a powerful voice, and when it does seem to make an exception in its human rights advocacy for a close ally like Israel, it discredits the U.S. as a voice for human rights around the world. Now, I should say this is not the only instance of inconsistency on the part of Washington. We’re seeing it as well as the Biden administration tries to build alliances to oppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or to contain China. So while the administration has spoken numerous times about its fundamental commitment to human rights, it’s been a very inconsistent commitment. And that inconsistency is probably most visible in the Middle East, which has been essentially a black hole in the administration’s human rights policy. It’s very difficult to be so permissive of human rights violations in one region of the world and have a whole lot of credibility on human rights in other parts of the world.

This means that one of those powerful voices we have has weakened itself. It’s not the first time that has happened. Under [former President Donald] Trump, the U.S. essentially abandoned any pretense of enforcing human rights. Prior administrations have had comparable inconsistencies. The U.S. still has been able to be a useful voice for human rights, despite these inconsistencies, in some cases, but it is a much weaker voice than if it had really been principled and consistent.

RS: How do you see the future of the push to get states to protect human rights? Are we in a moment of crisis that galvanizes change?

Roth: If you look at the various efforts to uphold human rights, they’ve been quite vigorous in certain cases. There has been a very strong response to Russian war crimes in Ukraine, complete with multiple General Assembly resolutions, the Human Rights Council standing up a commission of inquiry, the International Criminal Court launching an immediate investigation and actually charging Putin and one of his aides with war crimes.

A place where it’s been weaker has been, say, China’s crimes against humanity against the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, where we came within two votes of putting on the agenda a discussion of then-UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet’s very strong report on what she called possible crimes against humanity. But we didn’t even get that agenda item, so that’s a place where the world has been much weaker.

But there’s been greater mobilization, greater willingness to speak out on a range of other situations, whether that be Myanmar or Iran, Saudi abuses in Yemen for a time, Sudan, Ethiopia for a time, Venezuela, Nicaragua. So the idea that because there’s this black hole in U.S. human rights policy, therefore nothing can get done, that’s just not true. A lot gets done, but the defense of human rights is weaker because the U.S. has been an inconsistent supporter of the effort.

Source: Responsible Statecraft (RS)

Connor Echols is a reporter for Responsible Statecraft. He was previously an associate editor at the Nonzero Foundation, where he co-wrote a weekly foreign policy newsletter. Echols received his bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University, where he studied journalism and Middle East and North African Studies.

The views expressed by authors on Responsible Statecraft do not necessarily reflect those of the Quincy Institute or its associates.

IPS UN Bureau


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