Fortrea forme un partenariat industriel avec Veeva et Advarra dans le but de simplifier l’expérience des patients et des centres en matière d’essai clinique

DURHAM, État de Caroline du Nord, 10 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE), ci–après la « Société », une organisation mondiale de recherche contractuelle de premier plan (ou « CRO », de l’anglais Contract research organization), annonce ce jour un partenariat industriel avec les membres fondateurs Veeva Systems Inc., un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions cloud pour le secteur des sciences de la vie à l’échelle mondiale, et Advarra, un fournisseur de premier plan de technologies de recherche clinique auprès des centres de recherche clinique et des promoteurs, afin d’offrir une solution intégrée centrée sur le patient et le centre qui simplifie l’expérience de l’essai clinique.

Dans un secteur confronté à des défis complexes en matière d’exécution des essais cliniques, Fortrea met en place une alliance de partenaires industriels – à commencer par les membres fondateurs, Veeva et Advarra – afin de s’attaquer de front à certains d’entre eux. De nombreux centres croulent sous les tâches administratives faisant appel à des technologies multiples et complexes dont l’interopérabilité est limitée. Cela affecte leur capacité à se concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus, les patients, et à améliorer leur recrutement et leur expérience de participants à des études cliniques.

Fortrea, Veeva et Advarra s’associent pour offrir une solution technologique unifiée et fluide, qui intègre les meilleures technologies et tire parti de l’expertise de Fortrea en matière de processus. Cela permettra d’alléger la charge administrative des patients et des centres, tout en améliorant l’accessibilité des essais cliniques pour le public.

« Notre Comité consultatif des centres nous a fait savoir que la multitude de technologies utilisées dans le cadre d’une étude constituait l’un de leurs plus grands défis », a déclaré Mark Morais, directeur général et président des services cliniques de Fortrea. « En collaboration avec les partenaires leaders du secteur et membres fondateurs, Veeva et Advarra, nous passons à l’action en vue de supprimer les complexités afin de résoudre les problèmes des centres et des patients et de changer la donne. Nous tirons parti de notre position avantageuse unique dans le secteur, qui nous permet de conjuguer notre expertise avec les écosystèmes de technologies et de données des meilleurs partenaires, ce qui renforce notre alliance au fur et à mesure, en simplifiant considérablement l’expérience des patients, des centres et des promoteurs. »

Pour les centres, le partenariat est en passe d’offrir :

  • une expérience d’ouverture de session simplifiée, basée sur le cloud, pour les études menées par Fortrea,
  • un accès aux technologies de l’étude par le biais d’un tableau de bord unique,
  • un environnement unifié couplé à une base unique pour déposer les documents et les dossiers de l’étude ;

Pour les patients, la solution vise à offrir :

  • un soutien et une formation faciles d’accès, étape par étape, visite par visite, tout au long du parcours du patient au cours de l’essai,
  • une expérience utilisateur simplifiée grâce à une plateforme unique,
  • une fonction d’auto–référence pour rechercher et trouver des études à propos de la maladie dont ils souffrent,
  • un soutien et une formation continus via un portail en ligne ou une application mobile,
  • une application mobile et Web simplifiée pour donner leur consentement et répondre aux enquêtes sur les résultats.

« Veeva contribue à faire progresser les essais cliniques grâce à des applications connectées qui réduisent la charge de travail des patients en lien avec leur participation, améliorent l’exécution des centres de recherche et augmentent la transparence pour les promoteurs », a déclaré Jim Reilly, vice–président de Veeva Development Cloud Strategy. « L’extension de notre partenariat avec Fortrea visant à fournir les applications pour la Veeva Clinical Platform répondra aux besoins uniques des patients, des centres et des promoteurs, tout en améliorant de manière significative la qualité des données d’étude et la collaboration avec les centres. »

« Advarra a pour mission de briser les barrières qui entravent la recherche clinique, c’est pourquoi nous sommes ravis d’apporter notre solution Longboat et nos services IRB dans le cadre de ce partenariat innovant et collaboratif visant à alléger la charge des centres et des patients », a confié Elisa Cascade, chef de produit chez Advarra. « En s’appuyant sur notre solution Longboat, Fortrea offrira une expérience de recherche clinique repensée, qui améliorera à la fois la conformité au protocole et l’engagement du centre et du patient tout au long du processus d’essai clinique. »

Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont Fortrea stimule l’innovation dans le domaine de la santé à travers le monde, consultez le site suivant : Pour plus d’informations sur les plateformes technologiques, consultez les sites de Veeva Clinical Platform et d’Advarra Longboat.

À propos de Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions de développement clinique et d’accès aux soins pour les patients dans le secteur des sciences de la vie. Fortrea s’associe à des sociétés établies et émergentes du domaine biopharmaceutique, des dispositifs médicaux et des diagnostics pour stimuler l’innovation en matière de santé, et accélérer la mise au point de traitements révolutionnaires pour les patients qui en ont besoin. Nous proposons des services de gestion d’essais cliniques de phase I à IV, de pharmacologie clinique, d’essais différenciés axés sur des technologies habilitantes, et des services post–autorisation. Nos solutions s’appuient sur 30 ans d’expérience dans 20 domaines thérapeutiques, une passion pour la rigueur scientifique, des connaissances exceptionnelles et un solide réseau de centres de recherche. Notre équipe talentueuse et diversifiée d’environ 19 000 collaborateurs répartis sur plus de 90 pays est dimensionnée pour fournir des solutions ciblées et agiles à nos clients, partout dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont Fortrea est moteur d’influence du pipeline au patient, rendez–vous sur et suivez–nous sur LinkedIn et X (anciennement Twitter) @Fortrea.

Coordonnées de Fortrea :
Relations médias auprès de Fortrea : Galen Wilson – 703–298–0802,
Médias : Kate Dillon – 646–818–9115,

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9016115)

Fortrea Estabelece Parceria do Setor com a Veeva e a Advarra para Agilizar a Experiência de Ensaios Clínicos de Pacientes e Locais

DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (a “Empresa”), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje uma parceria da indústria com os membros fundadores Veeva Systems Inc., fornecedora líder de soluções de nuvem do setor para a indústria global de ciências da vida, e Advarra, fornecedora líder de tecnologia de pesquisa clínica para locais e patrocinadores de pesquisa clínica, para fornecer uma solução integrada centrada no paciente e no local que agiliza a experiência do ensaio clínico.

Em uma indústria que enfrenta desafios complexos para a execução de ensaios clínicos, a Fortrea está estabelecendo uma aliança de parceiros da indústria – começando com os membros fundadores, Veeva e Advarra – para enfrentar alguns desses desafios de frente. Muitos sites são sobrecarregados por operações administrativas que usam várias tecnologias complexas com interoperabilidade limitada. Isso afeta sua capacidade de se concentrar no que mais importa – os pacientes – e aprimorar seu recrutamento e experiência na participação em estudos clínicos.

A Fortrea, a Veeva e a Advarra entraram em parceria para oferecer uma solução tecnológica unificada e integrada que une as melhores tecnologias da categoria e utiliza a experiência da Fortrea com processos. Isso irá ajudar a reduzir a carga administrativa dos pacientes e locais, e irá aumentar a acessibilidade do público aos ensaios clínicos.

“Nosso Conselho Consultivo Local nos informou que a multiplicidade de tecnologias utilizadas em um estudo é um dos seus maiores desafios”, disse o Diretor de Operações e Presidente de Serviços Clínicos da Fortrea, Mark Morais. “Trabalhando com parceiros e membros fundadores líderes do setor Veeva e Advarra, estamos tomando medidas para remover as complexidades para que possamos abordar os pontos problemáticos dos locais e pacientes e fazer a diferença. Estamos tomando por base a nossa perspectiva única no setor e usando a nossa experiência com os ecossistemas de tecnologia e dados dos melhores parceiros da categoria – além da nossa aliança – para simplificar drasticamente a experiência dos pacientes, locais e patrocinadores.”

Para os locais, a parceria irá proporcionar:

  • uma experiência de logon simplificada e baseada em nuvem para estudos realizados pela Fortrea
  • acesso a tecnologias de estudo por meio de um único painel
  • um ambiente unificado com um único repositório para documentos e registros do estudo

Para os pacientes, a solução está sendo projetada para oferecer:

  • suporte e educação de fácil acesso, passo a passo, visita por visita ao longo da jornada de teste de um paciente
  • uma experiência de usuário simplificada por meio de uma única plataforma
  • funcionalidade de autorreferência para pesquisas e buscas de estudos na sua área de doença de interesse
  • suporte e educação contínuos ao paciente por meio de um portal online ou aplicativo móvel
  • um aplicativo móvel e web simplificado para aprovação e respostas a pesquisas de resultados

“A Veeva está ajudando a avançar os ensaios clínicos com aplicativos conectados que reduzem os problemas com a participação dos pacientes, agilizam a execução dos locais de pesquisa e aumentam a transparência para os patrocinadores”, disse Jim Reilly, vice–presidente da Veeva Development Cloud Strategy. “A nossa parceria com a Fortrea para fornecimento de aplicativos da Veeva Clinical Platform irá atender às necessidades únicas dos pacientes, locais e patrocinadores, e aprimorar substancialmente a qualidade dos dados do estudo e a colaboração com os locais.”

“A missão da Advarra é quebrar os silos que impedem a pesquisa clínica, por isso estamos muito contentes em poder fornecer a nossa solução Longboat e serviços IRB como parte desta parceria inovadora e colaborativa que visa reduzir os problemas para o local e o paciente”, disse Elisa Cascade, diretora de produtos da Advarra.  “Com a nossa solução Longboat, a Fortrea irá oferecer uma experiência de pesquisa clínica redesenhada que irá aprimorar a conformidade com o protocolo e o envolvimento do local e do paciente em todo o processo de testes clínicos.”

Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está impulsionando a inovação em saúde em todo o mundo em Para mais informação sobre as plataformas de tecnologia, visite Veeva Clinical Platform e Advarra Longboat.  

Sobre a Fortrea

A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico e acesso ao paciente para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes que precisam delas. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I–IV, farmacologia clínica, soluções de testes com tecnologia diferenciada e serviços pós–aprovação. As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada de aproximadamente 19.000 pessoas que trabalham em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para paciente na e siga–nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter) @Fortrea.

Contatos da Fortrea:
Fortrea para Mídia: Galen Wilson – 703–298–0802,
Fortrea para Mídia: Kate Dillon – 646–818–9115, 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9016115)

Fortrea gründet Industriepartnerschaft mit Veeva und Advarra zur Optimierung der Erfahrungen von Patienten und Prüfzentren bei klinischen Studien

DURHAM, North Carolina, Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (das „Unternehmen“), ein weltweit führendes Auftragsforschungsinstitut (Contract Research Organization, CRO), gab heute die Branchenpartnerschaft mit den Gründungsmitgliedern Veeva Systems Inc., einem führenden Anbieter von Cloud–Lösungen für die globale Biowissenschaftsbranche, und Advarra, einem führenden Anbieter von Technologien für die klinische Forschung für Prüfzentren und Sponsoren, bekannt, um Patienten und Prüfzentren eine integrierte Lösung bereitzustellen, die den Ablauf klinischer Studien optimiert.

In einer Branche, die bei der Durchführung klinischer Studien mit komplexen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist, baut Fortrea beginnend mit den Gründungsmitgliedern Veeva und Advarra eine Allianz von Industriepartnern auf, um einige dieser Herausforderungen direkt anzugehen. Viele Prüfzentren müssen sich mit Verwaltungsvorgängen befassen, die mehrere komplexe Technologien mit begrenzter Interoperabilität beinhalten. Dies beeinträchtigt ihre Möglichkeit, sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren: die Patienten und die Verbesserung ihrer Rekrutierung und ihrer Erfahrung bei der Teilnahme an klinischen Studien.

Fortrea, Veeva und Advarra bieten zusammen eine nahtlose, einheitliche Technologielösung an, die erstklassige Technologien einbindet und das Prozess–Know–how von Fortrea nutzt. Diese Lösung trägt dazu bei, den Verwaltungsaufwand für Patienten und Prüfzentren zu verringern und die Zugänglichkeit klinischer Studien für die Öffentlichkeit zu verbessern.

„Vom Beirat unseres Prüfzentrums haben wir erfahren, dass die Vielzahl der in einer Studie verwendeten Technologien eine der größten Herausforderungen darstellt“, erklärt Mark Morais, Chief Operating Officer und President of Clinical Services bei Fortrea. „In Zusammenarbeit mit den branchenführenden Partnern und Gründungsmitgliedern Veeva und Advarra ergreifen wir Maßnahmen zum Verringern der Komplexität, damit wir die Probleme von Prüfzentren und Patienten angehen und etwas bewirken können. Wir nutzen unsere einzigartige Position in der Branche, die es uns ermöglicht, unser Fachwissen in die Technologie– und Daten–Ökosysteme erstklassiger Partner einzubringen. So können wir unsere Allianz stetig erweitern und die Erfahrung für Patienten, Prüfzentren und Sponsoren erheblich vereinfachen.“

Für Prüfzentren bietet die Partnerschaft folgende Vorteile:

  • ein cloudbasiertes, vereinfachtes Anmeldeverfahren bei von Fortrea durchgeführten Studien
  • Zugriff auf Studientechnologien über ein einziges Dashboard
  • eine einheitliche Umgebung mit einem einzigen Repository für Studiendokumente und Unterlagen

Für Patienten bietet die Lösung folgende Vorteile:

  • leicht zugängliche, schrittweise Unterstützung und Aufklärung bei jedem Besuch während des gesamten Studienverlaufs eines Patienten
  • eine vereinfachte Benutzeroberfläche über eine einzige Plattform
  • Selbstüberweisungsfunktion für die Suche und das Auffinden von Studien im relevanten Krankheitsbereich
  • kontinuierliche Unterstützung und Aufklärung der Patienten über ein Online–Portal oder eine mobile App
  • eine einfache Mobil– oder Webanwendung für die Einwilligung in und Beantwortung von Ergebnisumfragen

„Veeva trägt dazu bei, klinische Studien mit vernetzten Anwendungen voranzutreiben, um den Aufwand für die Teilnahme von Patienten zu verringern, die Durchführung für Prüfzentren zu optimieren und die Transparenz für Sponsoren zu erhöhen“, so Jim Reilly, Vice President bei Veeva Development Cloud Strategy. „Die Ausweitung unserer Partnerschaft mit Fortrea zur Bereitstellung von Veeva Clinical Platform–Anwendungen wird die besonderen Bedürfnisse von Patienten, Prüfzentren und Sponsoren erfüllen und gleichzeitig die Qualität der Studiendaten und die Zusammenarbeit mit den Prüfzentren deutlich verbessern.“

„Advarra hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die verhärteten Strukturen zu durchbrechen, die die klinische Forschung behindern. Wir freuen uns daher, unsere Longboat–Lösung und IRB–Dienstleistungen im Rahmen dieser innovativen und kooperativen Partnerschaft anbieten zu können, die darauf abzielt, die Belastung für Prüfzentren und Patienten zu verringern“, so Elisa Cascade, Chief Product Officer bei Advarra. „Durch den Einsatz unserer Longboat–Lösung kann Fortrea eine neue Erfahrung in der klinischen Forschung bieten, die sowohl die Einhaltung von Protokollen als auch die Einbindung von Prüfzentren und Patienten während des gesamten Prozesses der klinischen Studie verbessern wird.“

Informationen dazu, wie Fortrea Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen auf der ganzen Welt vorantreibt, finden Sie unter Weitere Informationen zu den Technologieplattformen finden Sie unter Veeva Clinical Platform und Advarra Longboat.

Über Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Lösungen für die klinische Entwicklung und den Zugang zu Patienten in der Biowissenschaftsbranche. Wir arbeiten mit aufstrebenden und großen biopharmazeutischen, medizintechnischen und diagnostischen Unternehmen zusammen, um Innovationen im Gesundheitswesen voranzutreiben, die lebensverändernde Therapien für bedürftige Patienten beschleunigen. Fortrea bietet Management von klinischen Studien der Phasen I–IV, klinische Pharmakologie, differenzierte technologiegestützte Studienlösungen und Dienstleistungen nach der Zulassung. Die Lösungen von Fortrea basieren auf drei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in mehr als 20 Therapiegebieten, einer Leidenschaft für wissenschaftliche Strenge, außergewöhnlichen Erkenntnissen und einem starken Netzwerk von Prüfzentren. Unser talentiertes und vielseitiges Team von etwa 19.000 Mitarbeitern in über 90 Ländern ist so skaliert, dass wir unseren Kunden weltweit gezielte und flexible Lösungen anbieten können. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie Fortrea zu einer transformativen Kraft von der Pipeline bis zum Patienten wird, unter und folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn und X (früher Twitter) @Fortrea.

Kontakt zu Fortrea:
Fortrea – Medien: Galen Wilson – 703–298–0802,
Fortrea – Medien: Kate Dillon – 646–818–9115, 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9016115)

EMGA Secures a Commitment for USD 30.0 Million Senior Debt Finance for Citizens Development Business Finance PLC in Sri Lanka

LONDON, Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), an investment bank specializing in emerging markets, has successfully secured a commitment for USD 30.0 million in senior debt finance for Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) based in Sri Lanka. EMGA originated, structured, and negotiated this financing arrangement, with the financial support provided by the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, EMGA's Head of Investment Banking commented, “Despite the challenges we faced, we are delighted to have delivered again an innovative funding solution for CDB. We believe this marks a significant milestone, in being the first external funding commitment secured for a Sri Lankan NBFI in several years. It will also allow for CDB to continue to support SMEs, including female–owned enterprises, as well as the renewable energy sector in the country.”

Jeremy Dobson, EMGA's Chief Operating Officer commentated, “CDB's strong financial standing enabled EMGA to navigate the prevailing macroeconomic headwinds in Sri Lanka to secure the commitment for this funding. This achievement not only underscores EMGA's expertise in navigating complex financial landscapes, but also highlights the successful collaboration between EMGA, CDB, and DFC in setting a positive precedent for a leading Sri Lankan financial institution to secure external funding in challenging economic climates.”

Maryam Khosharay, DFC’s Deputy Vice President of the Office of Development Credit commented, “We are very glad to continue DFC’s commitment to bolstering investments in Sri Lanka especially those advancing financing for women and green assets in times of economic difficulty and high energy prices.”

Commenting on the transaction, Director Corporate Finance of CDB Roshan Abeygoonewardena opined that CDB has been continually strengthening the bottom of the pyramid as an overarching ethos of its sustainability agenda. “For us women entrepreneurs, especially in the micro and SMEs is where the wheels of the economy turn. Prioritizing women’s empowerment in our business model with access to finance which in turn will spur financial independence and inclusivity will be the panacea in adding fillip to Sri Lanka’s development and economic agenda.”

Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), based in London and New York helps financial institutions and corporates seeking new debt or equity capital. EMGA’s multi–national team combine the decades of experience necessary to complete transactions within most emerging countries, including Sri Lanka. EMGA continues to expand its geographic reach, solidifying its place as a preeminent, emerging market focused, niche investment bank.

Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) stands among the five largest non–Bank financial institutions in Sri Lanka and is one of the most innovative financial institutions in the country, with a strong commitment to sustainability, exemplary corporate governance, accountability, and transparency. It is renowned for disrupting the financial services industry with far–reaching technological innovations and cutting–edge financial solutions.

The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is the U.S. Government's development finance institution. DFC partners with the private sector to finance solutions to the most critical challenges facing the developing world today. We invest across sectors including energy, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and small business and financial services. DFC investments adhere to high standards and respect the environment, human rights, and worker rights.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000908217)

Distinguished Scientists with Breakthroughs in Gene Therapy for Neuromuscular Diseases, and Revolutionary RNA Discoveries , Announced as King Faisal Prize Laureates in Medicine & Science

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Professor Jerry Mendell was announced this year’s laureate in King Faisal Prize for Medicine for his groundbreaking contributions to screening, early diagnosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders, and Professor Howard Chang was announced this year’s laureate in King Faisal Prize for Science in the field of Biology for his pioneering work in uncovering the significance of long non–coding RNAs in gene regulation and function and his collaborative efforts in advancing genome–wide methodologies to identify DNA regulatory regions. Other laureates’ names were announced to win King Faisal Prize in 2024 for enriching humanity with invaluable achievements and discoveries, and excelling in the fields of Islamic Studies and Serving Islam.   

Professor Jerry Mendell’s work lies in the screening, early diagnosis, and treatment of patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and limb girdle muscular dystrophies. The Prize’s Medicine topic for 2024 was “Management of Peripheral Disabilities”.

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) used to be considered the primary genetic contributor to infant mortality. Around 95% of infants that were diagnosed with SMA, did not survive beyond the age of two. Babies with SMA type 1 are missing a gene called survival motor neuron gene 1 (SMN1) which is vital for their development and its absence prevents them from moving, talking, swallowing, and eventually breathing. Professor Mendell, the Director of Gene Therapy Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Curran Peters Chair in Pediatric Research, used gene–therapy to deliver a healthy gene (SMN1) to patients’ cells. He was the first to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of high doses of AAV–mediated gene transfer therapy for individuals diagnosed with SMA type 1. Adeno–associated viral vectors (AAV) are engineered viruses specifically designed to deliver DNA, and in the context of SMA treatment, they carry the genetic encoding of the healthy SMN gene. His therapeutic approach has garnered worldwide approval, and in 2019 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted approval for the first–ever gene therapy treatment for pediatric patients under 2 years of age diagnosed with SMA.

Gene–therapy has also been used by Professor Mendell to correct the genetic mutations for patients suffering from the most common form of muscular dystrophy; Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a progressive neuromuscular disease. In patients with DMD, genetic mutations prevent cells from making dystrophin; a protein responsible for developing and maintaining healthy muscle tissue. While initial symptoms in DMD patients manifest in skeletal muscles, the condition progresses to impact the heart and respiratory functions. Gene therapy serves to rectify this genetic abnormality, enabling the body to generate dystrophin and impede the ongoing degeneration of muscle tissue. In June 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first treatment for pediatric patients 4–5 years old with DMD using the novel gene–therapy co–invented by Professor Mendell and Professor Louise Rodino–Klapac; a post–doctoral fellow in Mendell’s lab at the time. A single injection treatment involves administering a micro–dystrophin gene into an adeno–associated virus serotype (AAVrh74), facilitating the delivery of missing or corrected genes to cells.

Professor Mendell has been involved in clinical trials for gene therapy for limb–girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) including types 2E, 2B, and 2D. LGMD is an umbrella term that represents several rare types of muscular dystrophy that cause muscle weakness in shoulders, upper arms, hips, and upper legs. It is a chronic condition that affects people of all ages. In one of his studies, Prof. Mendell and his team used a single injection of a low dose of a gene therapy vector to address the primary cellular deficit associated with LGMD2B. The approach repaired the injured muscle fibers, reducing degeneration, and enhancing muscle function.

As author of over 400 papers, Prof. Mendell was elected to the National Academy of Medicine in 2021. He was also recognized by the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) with a Translational Science Award in his Name. Science Magazine awarded him the Breakthrough Achievement Award in 2017 for SMA Gene Therapy.

As for this year’s Science Prize in the field of Biology, Professor Howard Chang was announced the laureate, for unveiling the intrinsic role of long non–coding RNAs in gene regulation and function, and for his collaborative endeavors in advancing genome–wide methodologies identifying DNA regulatory regions. Such findings are significantly influencing the realms of molecular biology and genetics, contributing to a deeper understanding of intricate human diseases. His research addresses how large sets of genes are turned on or off together, a key point that helps understand normal development, cancer, and aging.

Professor Howard Chang, a physician–scientist, Professor of Dermatology and Genetics, and Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor of Cancer Research at Stanford University, has made significant contributions to the field of RNA medicines. His lab’s work has focused on understanding the roles of long noncoding RNAs (a genetic material found in cells) in biological regulation and their potential therapeutic applications. He discovered long sequences of RNA that, in contrast to the better–known messenger (mRNAs) responsible for protein synthesis, do not encode proteins. Prof. Chang discovered that these sequences play a role in influencing DNA accessibility. They act like a magnet for other RNA molecules and alter mRNA splicing, to affect gene expression, among other duties. Despite not encoding proteins, lncRNAs are crucial for controlling the timing and amount of protein production, impacting the overall function and behavior of cells.

In every human cell, 2 meters of DNA are packed in a 10–micron nucleus, so most of the DNA is highly compacted making most of it inaccessible except for the active DNA elements that the cell is using and reading. Discovering the location of these accessible elements provides insights into the cell's “software”. Prof. Chang’s lab has pioneered techniques to map the landscape of chromatin; the substance that forms chromosomes and consists of DNA and proteins that structure the genome and control gene expression. One groundbreaking technique innovated by Chang’s lab was the Assay of Transposase Accessible Chromatin, which used an enzyme called Tn5 transposase which copies and pastes DNA. This technique led to a million–fold improvement in the sensitivity and hundred–fold improvement in the speed of mapping regulatory DNA – the epigenome– in human cells.

His work unraveled mechanisms and targets in various human diseases, notably cancer, immunity, and development. His recent investigations into extrachromosomal DNA in cancer revealed key findings. Prof. Chang also established the RNA Medicine Program at Stanford, which works to accelerate the discovery and translation of RNA science into human therapeutics.

Prof. Chang’s honors include the NAS Award for Molecular Biology, Outstanding Investigator Award of the National Cancer Institute, Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research, Judson Daland Prize of the American Philosophical Society, and the Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise. His work was honored by the journal Cell as a Landmark paper over the last 40 years and by Science as “Insight of the decade”.

In addition to Medicine and Science, King Faisal Prize recognized this year the achievements of an outstanding thinker and scholar in the field of Islamic Studies and exemplary leaders who played a pivotal role in serving Islam, Muslims, and humanity at large.

Professor Wael Hallaq, the Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University, was selected to receive the “Islamic Studies” prize in “Islamic Legislations and their Contemporary Applications” for 2024. He has provided an academic reference, parallel to the traditional Orientalist writings, that influenced universities around the world. This was evident in his numerous works that were translated into many languages, and his success in establishing a guideline for the development of Islamic legislation.

As for the Service to Islam Prize, the Japan Muslim Association and Dr. Mohammad Sammak, were announced as co–laureates for this year’s 2024 prize.

King Faisal Prize for Arabic Language & Literature for 2024 on the topic of “Non–Arab Institutions and their Endeavors to Promote Arabic” was withheld due to nominated works not elevating to the criteria of the prize.

King Faisal Prize's laureates names for 2024 were announced today in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, by HRH Prince Turki Alfaisal and the Prize's Secretary General Dr. Abdulaziz Alsebail. Since 1979, King Faisal Prize in its 5 different categories has awarded 295 laureates who have made distinguished contributions to different sciences and causes. Each prize laureate is endowed with USD 200 thousand; a 24–carat gold medal weighing 200 grams, and a Certificate inscribed with the Laureate’s name and a summary of their work which qualified them for the prize. 


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9015914)

[INVNT GROUP]™ the Global Brand Storytelling Agency Portfolio, Expands to South Asia Opening Tenth Office in Mumbai, India

Mumbai, India, Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — [INVNT GROUP] The Global BrandStory Project™, announces its expansion into South Asia opening its tenth office across seven countries in Mumbai, India. The move aligns with the Group’s vertical and horizontal growth strategy, which supports the increasing demand for innovative brand storytelling in one of the fastest–growing markets including Tata Motors, Hitachi Vantara, Samsung, Amazon, Unilever, Sun Pharmaceutical, and more.

With a significant presence already established in key locations such as New York, London, Sydney, Singapore, Dubai, San Francisco, Detroit, Washington D.C, and Stockholm, the addition of Mumbai to [INVNT GROUP]'s global footprint marks another step in bolstering its services to both local and multinational clients.

“We are excited to extend our reach and expertise to South Asia, a region that is rapidly emerging as a hub for technological and marketing communications innovation. Establishing a base in Mumbai is not solely a strategic decision but also a response to our client's growing needs to engage and build wider and deeper communities. It reinforces our commitment to delivering impactful brand stories globally and locally, catering to the unique challenges and opportunities in the region. Our goal is to create unparalleled brand experiences that resonate deeply with local audiences and set new standards in creativity and strategic execution on the global stage. We’re also thrilled to welcome Laveesh Pandey, who joins our team with the perfect experience to drive the group’s expansion in the region,” said Scott Cullather, President & CEO of [INVNT GROUP], and CEO of INVNT.ATOM.

Laveesh Pandey has been appointed Managing Director of [INVNT GROUP] South Asia, reporting into Scott Cullather and Kristina McCoobery, INVNT CEO and [INVNT GROUP], COO. Pandey, previously Chief Operating Officer at Starlight Gaming, joins the global agency with over two decades of experience in the Media & Entertainment industry. Having held key positions at MindShare, Reliance Entertainment, Zapak Digital Entertainment and Clockwork Events, Pandey brings a deep knowledge of technology, gaming, experiential marketing, and advertising, with his award–winning leadership powering transformative B2B and B2C brand experiences. 

“I am elated to lead [INVNT GROUP]’s expansion into South Asia, particularly in the dynamic and crowded Indian market. Brands in this region are eager for innovative ways to stand out, and we are here to deliver a blend of global best practices with deep local insights. In a world that is rapidly evolving, our focus is on connecting brands with their most important communities and audiences in meaningful, authentic, and engaging ways. With [INVNT GROUP]’s diverse capabilities, we are set to redefine brand storytelling in the vibrant South Asian market, creating real impact through the next great era of brand engagement in this region,” said Laveesh Pandey, Managing Director of [INVNT GROUP] South Asia.

INVNT™ also welcomes Abhishek Pandey as Producer (previously Senior Manager of Operations & Client Relations at MidasNext Media), and Varun Parashar as Manager of Account Services (previously Marketing & Community Lead at Starlight Gaming).

With this expansion, [INVNT GROUP] continues to uphold its vision of engaging audiences everywhere by crafting compelling and impactful brand stories across all platforms.

For more information, please visit [INVNT GROUP].


[INVNT GROUP] THE GLOBAL BRANDSTORY PROJECT™ is a growing portfolio of complementary disciplines designed to help forward–thinking organizations everywhere, impact the audiences that matter, anywhere, with offices in New York, London, Sydney, Singapore, Dubai, San Francisco, Mumbai, Stockholm, Detroit, and Washington D.C. Led by President and CEO, Scott Cullather, [INVNT GROUP]™ was established as a growing evolution of the live global brand storytelling agency INVNT™, with a vision to provide engaging, well–articulated, impactful brand stories across all platforms. 

The GROUP consists of: modern brand strategy firm, Folk Hero™; creative–led culture consultancy, Meaning; production studio & creative agency, HEVĒ™; events for colleges and universities, INVNT Higher Ed; digital innovation division, INVNT.ATOM™; creative multimedia experience studio, Hypnogram™; ITP Live (Any Venue Video, Thunder Audio, In Sync), portfolio of full–service production for live entertainment; and the original live global brand storytelling agency, INVNT.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9015785)

Legit Security Announces Historic 2023 Year-End

Company named to elite Fortune Cyber 60 list; expands executive bench;
delivers nearly 250% year–over–year ARR growth

PALO ALTO, Calif., Jan. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Legit Security, the leading application security posture management (ASPM) platform that enables secure application delivery, today announced that 2023 delivered the most successful year in the company’s history, including most recently being named to the Fortune Cyber 60 list of the most important venture–backed startups.

Legit’s platform enables security leaders, including CISOs, product security leaders and security architects, to gain comprehensive visibility into risks across the development pipeline from the infrastructure to the application layer. With a crystal–clear view of the development lifecycle, customers ensure that the code deployed is traceable, secure, and compliant.

Key milestones Legit achieved in 2023 include:

  • Achieved nearly 250% ARR (annual recurring revenue) growth in 2023 and secured a net retention rate of 190% while doubling the company’s customer base.
  • Continuing to grow the company’s team in both Israel and the United States, including expanding its Tel Aviv office and opening a new office in Boston.
  • Being named to the Fortune Cyber 60 list of the most important venture–backed startups. For the inaugural list, Lightspeed Venture Partners partnered with Fortune to identify the top companies that offer enterprise–grade cybersecurity solutions. Legit was included in the “growth stage” category for its notable growth in 2023.
  • Expanding the company’s executive bench with the addition of Aaron Cote as chief revenue officer (CRO), Dave Howell as chief marketing officer (CMO), and Erez Rosenfeld as vice president of finance. All report to Roni Fuchs, Legit’s chief executive officer (CEO) and co–founder.
  • Announcing a $40 million Series B investment round led by CRV with participation from Cyberstarts, Bessemer Venture Partners and TCV.
  • Being named as a “sample vendor” in several Gartner research reports, including “Innovation Insight for Application Security Posture Management,” Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Security” (supply chain security), “Hype Cycle for Application Security, 2023 (ASPM),” and “How to Select DevSecOps Tools for Secure Software Delivery.”
  • Launching a collaboration with CrowdStrike to offer customers an integrated solution encompassing both Legit’s platform and CrowdStrike’s cloud security posture management (CSPM) platform, ensuring the cloud environments are optimally configured and safeguarded.

“It is clear that the fundamental approach to application security must change because the problems organizations face go well beyond what can be solved through yet another scanning tool,” said Fuchs. “I’m proud of the success the team achieved in 2023. It’s a testament to the fact that customers need the ability to understand the entire software pipeline to drive an effective security program.”

For more information, please visit: To learn about career opportunities with Legit, visit

About Legit Security
Legit Security provides an application security posture management platform that secures application delivery from code to cloud and protects an organization's software supply chain from attacks. The platform’s unified application security control plane and automated SDLC discovery and analysis capabilities provide visibility and security control over rapidly changing environments and prioritize security issues based on context and business criticality to improve security team efficiency and effectiveness.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9015704)

Assessing Public Debt Sustainability with a Long-Term View

An office worker is conducting a financial review on a whiteboard. Credit: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska. Source:

By Vatcharin Sirimaneetham
BANGKOK, Thailand, Jan 10 2024 – When students from poor families in developing countries are offered places at prestigious universities, they are often faced with a tough choice. One option is to accept the offer and create more debt, likely through borrowing from a loan shark, to pay for tuition fees. Another option is to forgo this opportunity, which could be the first in family generations, and start working as low-wage workers.

Which option is better?

If what matters is the ability to repay debt in coming months, then entering the labour market not only avoids creating new debt but also generates income. Yet, if one adopts a longer-term view and considers that tertiary education could offer higher earnings, and thus ability to pay off debt, and savings in the long run, then going to a university seems more viable.

While governments are different from individuals in many ways, this is also the nature of choices that policymakers in developing countries face. They embark on ambitious development pathways, such as providing universal healthcare services and boosting renewable energy production, which are good for people and the environment in the future, but they often mean additional sovereign borrowing and debt today.

Should governments borrow more to invest in development, or should they give up these investments to attain ‘sustainable’ public debt level, as perceived by creditors and financial markets?

Arguably, investments to foster equitable and green development do not bode well with the current approaches on public debt sustainability analysis adopted by international financial institutions and credit rating agencies.

This is because returns to investment in development only become clearly visible in the long run, but the current approaches prioritize a country’s ability to meet debt obligations in the near term. There is a risk that too much emphasis is being put on reducing short-term debt distress risk at the cost of social and environmental welling.

Given the lack of a long-term, development-aligned approach to assess public debt sustainability, ESCAP in its Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2023 proposes a new, ‘augmented’ approach to supplement the existing approaches.

This augmented approach duly considers the scale of a country’s investment needs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how such investment can reduce, rather than increase, the government debt-to-GDP ratio in the future. For example, investing in the SDGs would raise the potential GDP level amid a more educated and healthier workforce, technological innovation, and climate-resilient economies.

The augmented approach also considers the sovereign debt implications of pursuing national SDG financing strategies and structural development policies. In the same way that many students seek financial grants and part-time jobs to make their university education a reality, governments also actively explore domestic and international financing options to fund their development ambitions. This financing aspect should form a critical part of any debt sustainability analysis.

Unlike traditional approaches, the augmented approach does not categorize debtor countries into a low or high risk of public debt distress based on some common thresholds. This is because ‘sustainable’ debt level should be country specific, depending on the gap between development progress and goals, among others.

Instead, based on the ESCAP Macroeconomic Model, this new approach illustrates different trajectories of government debt levels under different policy scenarios and adverse shocks. This helps policymakers make informed choices on how to strike a balance between achieving the SDGs and maintaining public debt sustainability in the long run.

The analysis on Mongolia as a pilot country in the Survey 2023 shows that investing in the SDGs would, as expected, result in a surging government debt level initially due to large spending needs. Yet, after considering the sizeable socioeconomic and environmental benefits of investing in the SDGs as well as a package of policies aimed at promoting a green and diversified economy, mobilizing fiscal resources and attracting private finance for development, government indebtedness is expected to fall notably in the long run.

Going beyond policy research, the augmented public debt sustainability analysis was discussed at the fourth session of the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Financing for Development in early November 2023. During a dedicated session, high-level government officials also highlighted policy actions that Mongolia, Pakistan and Viet Nam have undertaken to balance the SDG attainment with long-term public debt sustainability.

The augmented approach is also implemented as part of ESCAP’s technical assistance for its member States. For example, ESCAP is working with the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) of Viet Nam to study the fiscal, socioeconomic and environmental implications of policies on carbon pricing, poverty reduction, and investments in information and communications technology. A national workshop was organized in mid-December 2023.

Vatcharin Sirimaneetham is an Economic Affairs Officer at ESCAP.

IPS UN Bureau


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Cooperative Farming Makes Bangladesh’s Coastal Women Farmers Climate-Resilient

Bangladeshi women cooperative farmers underwent training and support on climate-tolerant agricultural practices, which helped them cope with the adverse consequences of extreme weather events in the coastal regions. Credit: Rafiqul Islam/IPS

Bangladeshi women cooperative farmers underwent training and support on climate-tolerant agricultural practices, which helped them cope with the adverse consequences of extreme weather events in the coastal regions. Credit: Rafiqul Islam/IPS

By Rafiqul Islam
PATUAKHALI, BANGLADESH , Jan 10 2024 – In the past, Salma Begum, 40, lost her crops every year due to natural disasters. She lives with her five-member family in Ashabaria village under Rangabali upazila, a remote coastal island in Patuakhali district.

“We did not have enough livelihood options in the coastal area where we live. Cyclones, coastal floods, and tidal surges have been having adverse impacts on agriculture, making it difficult for my wage-laborer husband to find work regularly,” she said.

“We have no arable land either,” said Salma, a mother of three.

Now, the Local Government Initiative on Climate Change (LoGIC) project, jointly implemented by the Bangladesh government and UNDP for delivering adaptation benefits to vulnerable coastal people, has ushered in a ray of hope for Salma and many others since they got training on climate-tolerant livelihood practices.

After the training, eight women of Ashabaria village, including Salma, formed a group, and each member of the group received Taka 30,000 (USD 273) from the project’s Climate Resilient Fund (CRF) through their bank accounts. Later, they deposited the money in a group bank account.

“With the money we received from the CRF, we first leased arable land from a local landlord at Taka, which cost us one lakh (USD 910), and we started climate-resilient agriculture under cooperatives last year,” said Salma, who is also the group leader.

She said they sowed mug dal, also known as mung bean, and paddy on the agricultural land.

“Because torrential rain damaged our paddy field just before harvesting the food grain, we were unable to make a profit from cultivating that paddy last year. But this year we earned a profit of Taka 20,000 (US$ 180) by sowing mug dal. We got Taka 2,500 each from the profit.”

Shahnaj Akter, another member, said that before starting a new venture, they sit together and take any decisions in consultation with each other.

“We work together on the crop field too. During the mug dal cultivation, we ourselves sowed and harvested the cash crop. And even we ourselves processed mug dal before selling it,” she said.

Shahnaj said they also received training on sheep and duck farming and vegetable cultivation. Now she spends several hours a day at her homestead, where she has built a duck farm and is cultivating vegetables.

“Now I have 20 ducks at my farm. I get eggs every day and sell them. I get meat too from my duck farm. So, I am now supporting my family financially by selling vegetables and eggs,” she said.

“In the past, we led a miserable life as we did not have enough income. Now, after starting agriculture under cooperatives, we are now able to support my family,” said Rabeya Begum, a mother of five.

Building Climate Resilience

Led by the Local Government Division of the Ministry of Local Government Rural Development and Cooperatives, the LoGIC project is providing the Community Resilience Fund (CRF), aiming to help the most climate-vulnerable women build resilience to climate change by enabling them to take climate-adaptive livelihoods.

Through this CRF support, the women apply community-based approaches to invest in climate-adaptive livelihoods like sunflower production, climate-tolerant rice, dal and watermelon cultivation, and more.

Maksudur Rahman, the project’s community mobilization facilitator, said the climate-vulnerable coastal women developed business plans together and accordingly leased arable lands from landowners within their surrounding neighborhood. Later, they prepared the land for cultivating climate-tolerant crop varieties.

“We provide technical support for them. The LoGIC project also facilitates market linkages and networking support for women farmers so that they can sell their agricultural products,” he said.

Project coordinator AKM Azad Rahman said about 2,013 groups of women farmers have so far been formed under the project in the climate-vulnerable regions of Bangladesh, supporting around 35,000 women through the CRF scheme.

Extreme Weather Hits Coastal Agriculture Hard

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, while cyclonic storms, flooding, and storm surges severely affect agriculture in the country’s coastal area every year. Once a natural disaster hits the coastal region of Bangladesh, it damages a huge area of crop fields, putting local farmers in peril.

According to an estimate from the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Bangladesh incurred crop loss worth Taka two billion due to the recent cyclone Midhili that lashed the country’s coast.

The cyclone damaged 432.6 hectares of Aman paddy, and pea, mustard, Boro paddy seed beds, betel, and lentils were affected too.

Mahmud Hasan, chairman of Maudubi Union Parishad at Rangabali, said climate change is severely affecting agriculture in the country’s coastal area.

He said there is plenty of rainwater during the monsoon but a scarcity of water during the dry season.

“Pulse and watermelon cultivation faces setbacks during the dry season for lack of freshwater as the groundwater level drops drastically at that time,” he said.

Farmer Saifuddin Mito said they had to sow Aman paddy twice this year as their paddy seedbeds were damaged earlier due to excessive rainfall, resulting in an increase in the cost of crop production.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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How Afghan Women Connect and Learn in the Face of Taliban Restrictions

Social media has become a lifeline for many women and girls in Afghanistan but not all can afford it. Credit: Learning Together - Despite facing Taliban restrictions and controlled content, Afghan women navigate a digital landscape, showcasing their strength and determination in the face of adversity

Social media has become a lifeline for many women and girls in Afghanistan but not all can afford it. Credit: Learning Together

By External Source
Jan 10 2024 – The prevalence of social media usage among Afghan women and girls has surged since the Taliban assumed control of the country in August 2021. Faced with restrictions confining them to their homes, many women find solace in the messaging app WhatsApp.

The Taliban’s prohibitions on women attending school, university, and work have spurred an increased reliance on WhatsApp for maintaining connections with friends, sharing thoughts and information, engaging in discussions, and even participating in foreign language online classes and accessing online libraries.

Farhat Obeidi, 23, lives with his parents and two brothers in Kabul. She was a fourth-year psychology student at Kabul University when she was banned from attending university by the Taliban.

“After we were banned from university, I couldn’t meet my friends anymore. I kept in touch with my friends through WhatsApp. We created groups, and our professors shared all the course materials with us through these groups. Even our friends who could not afford to have smartphones were in contact with us using the cell phones of their families, and they were able to take part in our online study groups”, Farhat says.

Farhat says that the use of social media has helped in reducing the pressures and psychological problems caused by the unemployment of women and girls. Since the apps have no time and place restrictions, the women can stay connected also with friends and relatives who have immigrated. Using the app is safe and messaging is possible even when the internet connection is poor.

Nilab Noori, a resident of Kabul, says that the easiest way to be in touch with a large number of friends and colleagues at the same time is to create groups on messaging app.

“Although virtual communication can never be as effective as being present in the community, school and university, this method has helped women and girls to communicate with each other.”

Power outages in Afghanistan prevent young people who study online from continuing their education. Another obstacle is the high price of the internet connection or its poor quality.

“Since the majority of women have lost their jobs and income, and most Afghan families live below the poverty line, women can hardly afford the internet access”, Nilab says.

Tamna Alkozi had to quit her online studies, because she could not afford the fast internet connection. She used to study at Coventry University of England online via Zoom. 

At the same time, Tamna was working as a volunteer in one of the non-governmental organizations. Her task was to run online educational programs related to the mental health of adolescents and young people. The organization paid for her internet usage.

“After finishing my work, I couldn’t continue my studies because the Zoom program requires a fast internet connection which I couldn’t afford”, Tamna says.

Sara (pseudonym) was a first-year student of a fine arts faculty who was banned from going to university.

“Our professors left Afghanistan after the political changes and opened an online class for us from abroad. I had one online class a week, but I could not participate because I did not have internet access”, Sara says.

The lack of security in cyberspace causes concern among women, especially activists. Those who live inside Afghanistan cannot express their opposition to the Taliban group even through social media because it will cause their account to be shut down and even get them arrested.

Marina (pseudonym) is a journalist who works online under a pseudonym. “I used to share my reports with the media through WhatsApp, but my number was blocked and my account was deleted”, Marina says.

When she asked the telecommunications company why her number was blocked, they told her that they had received an order from the Taliban, and they could not activate the number again. 

Marina says that several women’s rights activists who are imprisoned by the Taliban have been traced and arrested through social media. She says the Taliban is violating people’s privacy by checking people’s personal mobile phones and WhatsApp messages at checkpoints.


Internet connections are in high demand in Afghanistan, but the content remains tightly controlled under the influence of the Taliban. Credit: Learning Together

Internet connections are in high demand in Afghanistan, but the content remains tightly controlled under the influence of the Taliban. Credit: Learning Together


Sexualized online abuse and hate speech targeting women in Afghanistan has significantly increased. Afghan Witness, an open-source project run by the non-profit Center for Information Resilience, collected and analyzed over 78,000 posts written in Dari and Pashto — two local Afghan languages — directed at almost 100 accounts of politically active Afghan women between June-December 2021 and the same period of 2022.

The number of abusive posts tripled during that time. Afghan Witness said it found the online abuse was “overwhelmingly sexualized,” with over 60% of the posts in 2022 containing terms such as “whore” or “prostitute.”

Some politically active women have decided to deactivate their social media accounts.

Despite these challenges, the use of social media has seen significant growth in Afghanistan. A recent survey indicates that over nine million of the 40 million Afghan population use the internet and engage with at least one social media platform. The majority of young Afghans prefer Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and TikTok.


The author is an Afghanistan-based female journalist, trained with Finnish support before the Taliban take-over. Her identity is withheld for security reasons