Duck Creek Technologies gibt Ernennung eines neuen Chief Financial Officer bekannt

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– sowie der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet, gibt die Ernennung von Teresa M. Kim zum Chief Financial Officer (CFO) bekannt. Teresa M. Kim ist eine versierte Fhrungskraft im Finanzbereich mit hervorragenden Kenntnissen und langjhriger Erfahrung in den Bereichen Cloud Computing, Technologieplattformen und der ffentlichen Rechnungslegung bei Unternehmen der "Big Four". Sie wechselt zu Duck Creek, nachdem sie 20 Jahre lang bei Akamai Technologies (Akamai), einem weltweiten Content–Delivery–Network– und Cloud–Service–Unternehmen, beschftigt war. Dort hatte sie zuletzt die Position des Vice President (VP) of Finance in der Cloud–Technologie–Gruppe inne und zeichnete fr einen Umsatz von mehr als 2 Milliarden US–Dollar verantwortlich, whrend sie dem Unternehmen half, eine skalierende Plattform der Spitzenklasse aufzubauen. Whrend ihrer Zeit bei Akamai war sie auerdem VP of Finance in der Medien– und Karriereabteilung des Unternehmens und half dabei, strategische Vertragsverhandlungen mit Medienkunden zu fhren. Zuvor war sie als Controller–Assistentin fr die globale Buchhaltung und den Betrieb zustndig und leitete ein groes Team von 120 Fachleuten sowie den Aufbau von Kompetenzzentren fr Finanzen in Indien und Polen.

Vor ihrer Ttigkeit bei Akamai war Kim als leitende Wirtschaftsprferin bei Ernst & Young (EY) ttig, wo sie Kunden im Technologie–, Kommunikations– und Unterhaltungssektor von EY untersttzte. Sie begann ihre Karriere in der Finanzberatung bei KPMG und Economic Analysis Corporation, bevor sie in die ffentliche Rechnungslegung wechselte.

"Frau Kim ist eine dynamische und umsichtige Fhrungspersnlichkeit mit ausgeprgtem finanziellen Scharfsinn, Kundenorientierung und Erfahrung im Bereich Cloud– und Plattformtechnologie. Da sich Duck Creek weiterhin auf internationales Wachstum und SaaS–Reife konzentriert, wird sie eine enorme Bereicherung sein, wenn es darum geht, unsere eigene strategische Transformation zu steuern und unsere Finanzoperationen zu optimieren", sagte Mike Jackowski, CEO von Duck Creek. "Dies ist eine aufregende Zeit fr uns alle bei Duck Creek, und ich bin zuversichtlich, dass ihr Talent uns helfen wird, weiterhin Werte fr unsere Kunden, Partner und Stakeholder zu schaffen."

Teresa M. Kim sagte dazu: "Ich freue mich, bei Duck Creek mitzuarbeiten, da das Unternehmen seine Fhrungsposition in der globalen Versicherungsbranche ausbaut. Ich fhle mich geehrt, dass ich die Gelegenheit habe, mit Mike Jackowski und dem gesamten Team von Duck Creek in einer Zeit des beschleunigten Wachstums eng zusammenzuarbeiten."

Teresa M. Kim erwarb ihren Bachelor of Arts mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft und dem Nebenfach Asiatisch–Amerikanische Studien an der UCLA. Sie erwarb einen MBA und einen Masterabschluss in Rechnungswesen an der Northeastern University. Teresa M. Kim ist im Groraum Boston ansssig.

ber Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermglicht, die Leistungsfhigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und immerwhrende Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizitt, Zweckmigkeit und Transparenz sind fr Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfgbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten brauchen. Unsere marktfhrenden Lsungen sind als Einzellsungen oder als Komplettpaket erhltlich. Alle sind ber Duck Creek OnDemand verfgbar. Besuchen Sie, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanlen fr die neuesten Informationen "" LinkedIn und Twitter.


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Duck Creek Technologies

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920167)

Duck Creek Technologies Nomeia Nova Diretora de Finanças

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeao de Teresa M. Kim como Diretora de Finanas. Kim lder financeira snior talentosa com slida experincia e histrico em computao em nuvem, plataformas de tecnologia e auditoria e consultoria “Big Four”. Ela ingressou na Duck Creek aps uma carreira de 20 anos na Akamai Technologies (Akamai), empresa mundial de rede de distribuio de contedo e servios em nuvem, onde recentemente foi vice–presidente (VP) de finanas do grupo de tecnologia em nuvem, supervisionando uma receita de mais de US $ 2 bilhes, ajudando a empresa a criar uma plataforma de escala de categoria internacional. Na Akamai ela tambm foi vice–presidente de finanas da diviso de mdia e operadoras, ajudando a liderar negociaes estratgicas de contratos de clientes de mdia. Ela tambm ocupou o cargo de controladora assistente, supervisionando a contabilidade e operaes globais, liderando uma grande equipe de 120 profissionais, criando centros financeiros de excelncia na ndia e na Polnia.

Antes da Akamai, Kim atuou como auditora snior da Ernst &Young (EY), apoiando clientes no setor de tecnologia, comunicaes e entretenimento da EY. Ela iniciou sua carreira em funes de consultoria financeira na KPMG e na Economic Analysis Corporation antes de passar para a contabilidade pblica.

"Teresa uma lder dinmica e ponderada, com forte perspiccia financeira, foco no cliente e experincia em operaes de tecnologia de nuvem e plataforma. Com a Duck Creek dando continuidade sua concentrao no crescimento internacional e na maturidade SaaS, ela ser uma tremenda adio para ajudar a direcionar nossa prpria transformao estratgica e otimizar nossas operaes financeiras", disse Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek. "Este um momento empolgante para todos ns da Duck Creek e estou confiante de que seu talento nos ajudar a continuar criando valor para nossos clientes, parceiros e partes interessadas."

Kim acrescentou: "Estou muito feliz em me juntar Duck Creek, pois ela fortalece sua posio de liderana no setor global de seguros. Me sinto honrada em ter a oportunidade de trabalhar em estreita colaborao com Mike e toda a equipe da Duck Creek durante um perodo de crescimento acelerado."

Kim fez BA com foco em economia e especializao em estudos asitico–americanos na UCLA. Ela fez MBA e mestrado em contabilidade na Northeastern University. Kim est baseada na regio metropolitana de Boston.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indstria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operaes geis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propsito e transparncia so fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponvel para indivduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas solues lderes do mercado esto disponveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informao. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informaes "" LinkedIn e Twitter.


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Duck Creek Technologies

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920167)

Duck Creek Technologies annonce la nomination d'une nouvelle directrice financière

BOSTON, 11 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD, annonce la nomination de Teresa M. Kim au poste de directrice financire. Mme Kim est une cheffe de file majeure et accomplie dans le domaine des finances, possdant un historique et des antcdents solides en cloud–computing, en plateformes technologiques et en comptabilit publique des Big Four . Elle rejoint Duck Creek aprs 20 annes passes chez Akamai Technologies (Akamai), une socit de services cloud et un rseau de diffusion de contenu dans le monde entier, o elle tait le plus rcemment vice–prsidente des finances dans son groupe de technologie cloud, supervisant plus de 2 milliards de dollars de recettes tout en aidant l'entreprise btir une plateforme de classe mondiale volutive. Lorsqu'elle travaillait chez Akamai, elle tait aussi vice–prsidente des finances dans sa division mdias et supports, aidant mener des ngociations de contrats clients stratgiques dans le domaine des mdias. Elle occupait auparavant une fonction de contrleuse adjointe, supervisant la comptabilit et les oprations mondiales la tte d'une grande quipe de 120 professionnels et btissant des centres financiers d'excellence en Inde et en Pologne.

Avant d'arriver chez Akamai, Kim a occup la fonction d'auditrice suprieure pour Ernst & Young (EY), soutenant les clients d'EY dans le secteur de la technologie, des communications et du divertissement. Elle a dbut sa carrire des postes de conseil financier chez KPMG et Economic Analysis Corporation avant de passer la comptabilit publique.

Teresa est une cheffe de file dynamique et rflchie associant un puissant savoir–faire financier, une focalisation client importante et une grande exprience dans les oprations technologiques de plateforme et cloud. Alors que Duck Creek continue de se concentrer sur la croissance internationale et la maturit du SaaS, elle sera un atout prodigieux pour aider diriger notre propre transformation stratgique et optimiser nos oprations financires , a dclar Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek. Il s'agit d'un moment palpitant pour nous tous, chez Duck Creek, et je suis persuad que son talent nous aidera continuer crer de la valeur pour nos clients, nos partenaires et nos parties prenantes.

Mme Kim a ajout : Je me rjouis de rejoindre Duck Creek alors que cette entreprise renforce sa position de leader dans le secteur mondial de l'assurance. Je suis honore d'avoir l'opportunit de travailler en troite collaboration avec Mike et toute l'quipe de Duck Creek au cours d'une priode de croissance acclre.

Mme Kim a acquis sa licence en conomie avec option tudes asio–amricaines l'UCLA. Elle a obtenu son MBA et un master de comptabilit la Northeastern University. Mme Kim est base dans le Grand Boston.

propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systmes d'assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des oprations agiles, intelligentes et prennes. Authenticit, mission et transparence sont les mots cls de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l'assurance devrait tre au service des individus et des entreprises quand, o et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du march sont disponibles sparment ou sous la forme d'une suite complte, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur Suivez Duck Creek sur ses rseaux sociaux pour connatre les toutes dernires informations "" LinkedIn et Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920167)

Duck Creek Technologies Announces New Chief Financial Officer

BOSTON, Sept. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces the appointment of Teresa M. Kim as chief financial officer (CFO). Kim is an accomplished senior finance leader with a strong background and history in cloud computing, technology platforms, and "Big Four" public accounting. She joins Duck Creek following a 20–year tenure with Akamai Technologies (Akamai), a worldwide content delivery network and cloud service company, where she most recently served as vice president (VP) of finance in their cloud technology group overseeing $2 billion–plus in revenues while helping the business to build a scaling world–class platform. While at Akamai, she also was VP of finance in their media and carrier division helping to lead strategic media customer contract negotiations. Previously, she held a role as assistant controller overseeing global accounting and operations leading a large team of 120 professionals and building out finance centers of excellence in India and Poland.

Prior to Akamai, Kim served as a senior auditor with Ernst &Young (EY), supporting clients in EY's technology, communications, and entertainment sector. She began her career in financial consulting roles with KPMG and Economic Analysis Corporation before moving into public accounting.

"Teresa is a dynamic and thoughtful leader with strong financial acumen, client focus, and experience across cloud and platform technology operations. As Duck Creek continues to focus on international growth and SaaS maturity, she will be a tremendous asset in helping to direct our own strategic transformation and optimize our financial operations," said Mike Jackowski, CEO of Duck Creek. "This is an exciting time for all of us at Duck Creek and I am confident her talent will help us to continue creating value for our customers, partners, and stakeholders."

Kim adds, "I'm excited to join Duck Creek as it strengthens its leadership position in the global insurance industry. I'm honored to have the opportunity to work closely with Mike and the entire Duck Creek team during a period of accelerated growth."

Kim earned her Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus in economics and minor in Asian American studies from UCLA. She earned her MBA and a master's degree in accounting from Northeastern University. Kim is based in the greater Boston area.

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information "" LinkedIn and Twitter.


Drake Manning
Duck Creek Technologies

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8919541)

Security & Safety Service During the UN General Assembly Week

Protection is paramount to ensure that processes run smoothly during High-Level week. Credit: Shutterstock

By Mollie Fraser-Andrews
GENEVA, Switzerland, Sep 11 2023 – The United Nations Security and Safety Service is the Division charged with the strategic management of safety and security operations at Headquarters, Offices away from Headquarters, Regional Commissions, and International Tribunals.

As part of its daily role, the Service enables a safe and secure operating environment for UN activities and high-level events such as the UN General Assembly (UNGA). With the UNGA now in progress, we take you behind the scenes to what it takes to prepare for High-Level week which begins September 19.

The UN security officers are at the front and center of this event, and they undertake their roles of safeguarding dozens of world leaders with the utmost seriousness, professionalism, and experience garnered from their daily responsibilities.

Rodrigo Victor da Paixão, Deputy Chief of the Security and Safety Service, notes, “On any given day of the year at the UNHQ, we might have several VVIPs or Heads of State/Government coming in. We practically do a mini-GA every day,” he adds with a smile.

“From a UN Security point of view, it is all about building on what we do all year round and scaling up for GA week. September witnesses intensified efforts due to the sheer volume of participants”, he mentions.

The number and level of participants call for a strengthened security posture, as per any event in the international arena. This involves flying in additional UN security officers from other duty stations to reinforce the New York staff.

As a National Special Security Event (NSSE) that requires full protective, crisis management, incident response, and counterterrorism capabilities at all levels, from local to the federal government, the UNGA is recognized by the host government as having both national and international significance.

The host government deploys the full power of its law enforcement and emergency response, often incorporating around 17 or 18 distinct US agencies led by the Secret Service.

Security measures are tightened around the UNHQ building during the High-Level segment. Credit: UNDSS Gallery

Preparations for the UNGA

In a sense, the GA never really ends. Da Paixão explains that “For us, it never stops. The day after the last event of the GA High-Level week, we are already preparing for next year, through reviewing lessons learned and how we can do it better next time.”

For all that, there is a process specific to each year’s GA with the stopwatch beginning in May. “That’s when we start doing our first internal coordination meetings. At first it is one every other week, then starting in July, every week,” Da Paixão notes.

Various drills are conducted in July and August, ranging from fire drills to mock medical emergencies to diverse mass casualty scenarios like terrorist attacks, natural disasters, etc. “We have a thorough plan in place in the event that we need to transport several people to the hospital at once. There is also close cooperation with the NYC fire department, our medical service, and hospitals nearby,” Da Paixão says, “We have prepared for all the worst-case scenarios.”

A specific security risk assessment for the UNGA is prepared by the SSS-NY Crisis Management and Strategic Planning Unit, in consultation with the relevant host country law enforcement authorities. Red Team exercises are conducted by various SSS teams to account for any vulnerabilities and implement mitigating measures.

In addition, a Security Operations Plan with evacuation, emergency, and safety plans is also prepared and updated continuously, along with various security concepts and needs analysis for the event that prompts a review of all procedures in place and safety inspections. Additional checkpoints are coordinated with NYPD to extend the outer perimeter to Second Avenue.

Bomb sweeps of the complex are also conducted before and during the event in coordination with the host country. SSS also coordinates and reviews with NYPD the traffic patterns outside the UN premises and manages vehicles and motorcade access and movement inside the complex.

The Special Services Unit (SSU) provides close protection to visiting dignitaries in coordination with host country agencies and visiting national security elements accompanying the VVIPs while on UN premises. SSU also liaises and provides briefings and walk-throughs for security counterparts before the GA.

Security briefings are crucial for the smooth running of the General Assembly session. Credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debele

During the GA

Months of efforts culminate at the UNGA High-Level week. Statistics from the previous year UNGA-77 revealed screening of a total of 55,580 persons and 67,698 items, with the daily highest record of 13,508 persons and 13,165 items.

The Pass and ID Unit issued a total of 146,940 ground and overlay passes with around 43% (9,524) ground passes, 38% (8,404) mission overlay passes, 16% (3,645) staff overlay passes and 3% (546) media passes.

The Special Services Unit assisted Member States in providing safety and security to 140 Heads of State (HOS) and Heads of Government (HOG), 63 Foreign Ministers (FMs), and 34 other VIPs. To add, 745 motorcades were allowed into the UNHQ compound with their 86 high and medium threat level HOS/HOG representatives, while 73 of them requested walkthrough escorts through the UN compound.

Furthermore, a Joint Operation Center is set up at the UN for the High-Level week, where various US agencies continuously coordinate with the UN Security representatives to e
nsure the smooth operation of the event.

“The GA entails more than its central proceedings. Numerous side events, dinners, and themed events and functions occur concurrently. This year, for instance, will feature the Sustainable Development Goal summit,” Paixão says. “This will bring in a lot more people and it is going to be a lot busier than a regular GA.”

Mollie Fraser-Andrews is Editorial Coordinator, UN TODAY.

Source: UN TODAY, the official magazine of international civil servants, Geneva

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Elevating Farmers’ Income Through Organic Poultry Rearing

Farmers have improved their income by rearing Gramapriya poultry, which is environmentally friendly and organic. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

Farmers have improved their income by rearing Gramapriya poultry, which is environmentally friendly and organic. Credit: Umar Manzoor Shah/IPS

By Umar Manzoor Shah
TELANGANA, INDIA, Sep 11 2023 – Even after toiling hard for an entire year, Shivaji Rao, a 37-year-old farmer, would find it hard to cover the basic expenses of his family.

He cultivates maize from his one-and-a-half-acre land in India’s Southern State of Telangana.

Roa told IPS that the prices of fertilisers and seeds in his home state have skyrocketed to the extent that it is herculean to even think of buying them in adequate quantity.

“The changes in climate, on the other hand, is wreaking havoc on poor farmers like us. The untimely rainfall, the drought-like situation coupled with the scarcity of irrigation facilities is leaving us high and dry to the core,” Roa said.

In a remote village of the state called Aseefabad, another farmer, namely Bhagwan Nath, shares a similar predicament.

He says besides farming, he does menial jobs like day labour at some government-sponsored construction sites to make ends meet.

However, the farmer who grows redgram (a type of legume) from a one-acre field says the farming and the daily paid labour aren’t enough to suffice his family’s needs.

“I mean, we have children who deserve better education. I need to send my kids to a good school so that they can get a quality education, but doing so needs money. I am not earning enough,” Bhaghwan told IPS.

There are scores of other farmers in the hamlet sharing the same tale and facing the same ordeal.

Nominally, their monthly incomes do not go beyond a mere 15 to 20 thousand rupees (180-240 USD).

Climate change in the region has been severely affecting the farmers with the late arrival of monsoons and sudden unexpected heat waves occurring.

“This drastic change in the weather pattern damages the crops beyond repair. At times, a year of hard work gets wasted with one single blow of wind. Further, the cost of seeds and fertilisers is adding to our predicament. It is turning us insane,” sighs Shivaji.

As per the government records, the hamlet, during February and March, experienced temperatures higher than the norm.

Typically, elevated temperatures result in increased moisture capacity of the air, often leading to the formation of thunderstorms. The temperatures in the hamlet surpassed 35°C, facilitating the absorption of moisture from the Bay of Bengal, culminating in the development of a depression.

Reports show that over the past decade, the area has encountered unprecedented weather occurrences – believed to be both climate-change-induced and because of rapid urbanisation in the region.

To mitigate the suffering of the farmers of this remote village, a few non-government organisations have visited the farmers, and this resulted in discussions around opportunities for marginalised farmers for self-sustaining livelihood and climate-resilient agricultural practices through community-owned processes.

One of the NGOs mooted the idea of pollution-free poultry farming for these farmers.

Along with other farmers, Roa and Bhagwan enrolled for the program. Each farmer received 40 chicks of the Gramapriya breed, with a mature weight ranging from 1.5 to 2 kilograms. The poultry rearing was environmentally friendly, ensuring that there was no odour emanating from the shed. This approach not only resulted in wholesome meat and eggs for the farmer’s family due to the organic nature of the produce but also generated supplementary income through the sale of organic meat, eggs, and compost derived from the bedding.

The training provided to farmers included instructions on formulating appropriate feed for the chicks, enabling them to be ready for the local market within just four months. One farmer, Bhagwan, has already sold ten birds weighing a total of 18 kilograms, earning an extra income of Rs 5400 (70 USD) at a rate of Rs 300 (4 USD) per kilogram over a span of nine months. Additionally, he has sold 200 eggs at Rs 5 each, resulting in an income of Rs 1000.

Moreover, Bhagwan is implementing a breeding strategy by using local chicks to hatch PFPF eggs, thereby multiplying the poultry population on his PFPF farm.

As a result of this new PFPF initiative, his annual earnings have increased by Rs 6400 (80 USD). In total, Bhagwanath’s annual income has risen from Rs 35,000 to Rs 40,000 (about 420 to 480 USD) within a few months due to these efforts.

Roa says that the poultry he has received has also helped him receive extra income and make a good living.

“Now, I am not entirely dependent upon farming. The poultry is what keeps me hopeful. I am planning to put in extra effort in this business and make a good living out of it.”

Roa says within three months, he has been able to earn more than 50 thousand rupees (700 USD) from selling organic eggs and chicken in the market.

“There is a growing demand for organic food, and people really like what I sell. They are quite responsive to it,” Roa said.

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