Chief Sales Officer of AI-Media Excited to Showcase Subtitling Innovation at Upcoming IBC Broadcast Tradeshow

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, the leader in technology–driven live captioning & subtitling, transcription, and translation solutions, is excited to announce its presence at the IBC Show 2023, scheduled to take place from 15th "" 18th September in Amsterdam, NE. The event promises to be a gathering of industry experts, thought leaders, and innovative companies in the broadcast and media technology sector.

As the global leader in captioning and subtitling for the broadcast industry, AI–Media is proud to be part of this influential event. Our Chief Sales Officer, James Ward, will lead our delegation and represent our commitment to excellence in delivering cutting–edge solutions to our clients and partners.

AI–Media's Chief Sales Officer, James Ward said:

“We are delighted to participate at the IBC show once again. This tradeshow is an exceptional platform for us to showcase our latest innovations and demonstrate how we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the broadcast industry. We're excited to engage with industry leaders, customers, and partners, and to share our vision for the future of broadcasting.”

AI–Media will be showcasing several key broadcast solutions at the event, the cornerstone of which is our AI–Powered live automatic captioning solution "" LEXI. LEXI consistently delivers accuracy rates of over 98%, identifies speaker changes, uses AI to ensure captions don't interrupt onscreen content and all at a fraction of the cost of human captions. This innovative tool is revolutionizing real–time captioning, providing a cost–effective solution that has been embraced by the world's leading broadcasters. AI–Media will be conducting live demos at the booth to display this groundbreaking technology in action.

The recently launched AI–powered LEXI Captioning Tool Kit will also be featured at IBC2023, featuring six key solutions each designed to address different captioning needs. LEXI Tool Kit transforms content creation and captioning, offering complete end–to–end solutions for media companies, broadcasters, event producers, educational institutions, and content creators worldwide. Broadcasters can mix and match the Tool Kit components to suit their business needs, accessing solutions including captioning, translation, archiving & search and disaster recovery.

With IP video production at the forefront of innovation in the broadcasting landscape; broadcasters can look to AI–Media's ALTA solution for their IP compatible closed captioning and subtitling encoding solution. ALTA supports global broadcast standards including SMPTE–2110, MPEG–TS inputs, and can output 2110–40, DVB subtitles, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext and SMPTE 2038. Deployable as a standalone virtual machine, a pre–packaged AMI or turnkey physical server, ALTA can fit into any production workflow. Along with effortlessly handling six languages per instance, ALTA also supports the insertion of advertising cues using SCTE–35 and SCTE–104. With ALTA, AI–Media is helping broadcasters elevate their IP video broadcasts to new heights of reach and accessibility. Also available at the booth will be our range of SDI Hardware Encoders, including our Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 RU caption encoder – now synonymous as the broadcast standard for SDI encoders.

We're also excited to provide customers with an early look at our upgraded LEXI Translate solution, which is the next level of language accessibility within our LEXI Tool Kit. This soon to be released version boasts unmatched accuracy in real–time translation, allowing broadcasters to distribute content to a wider audience than ever before.

Join AI–Media at IBC 2023, September 15–18, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Booth #5.C31. Attendees are encouraged to book a meeting with the AI–Media team to discover our range of end–to–end broadcast captioning solutions.

About AI–Media

Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company AI–Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription and translation solutions. The company helps the world's leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure and cost–effective captioning via its AI–powered LEXI automatic captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via AI–Media's range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network "" the world's largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, AI–Media delivers over 8 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. AI–Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM). For more information, please visit AI–

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–2ae1–4f56–89ed–437f9da454a2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921516)

“Averting the SaaS Data Apocalypse” by Simon Taylor: A Journey Through the SaaS Data Landscape

Boston, Massachusetts, Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — HYCU, Inc., the fastest growing data protection as a service company is taking a major first step as the digital world is on the brink of a catastrophe. As more companies increasingly rely on Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, the looming SaaS data apocalypse is quickly emerging as the most significant threat to data in years. Today, Simon Taylor's new book, Averting the SaaS Data Apocalypse,” is released to shine a light on this imminent digital threat and share real world examples of what can be done to avoid digital mayhem.

From the meteoric rise of the SaaS data apocalypse to deep dives into how leading organizations, including the Boston Red Sox, Zebra Technologies, Bain Capital, and LS Direct, have navigated these challenging waters, Taylor offers an unparalleled insight into the modern SaaS landscape.

In the book's foreword, Enrique Salem, Partner at Bain Capital, an investor in HYCU, underscores the importance of Simon Taylor's work, stating, “From the dawn of the digital era to the explosive growth of data and the intricacies of SaaS, our digital world is brimming with both opportunities and threats. Simon Taylor, through this pivotal book, offers not just insights but a roadmap to navigating these challenges. 'Averting the SaaS Data Apocalypse' stands as a beacon for businesses, guiding them through the dynamic times of the data revolution. Simon's profound perspectives offer a blueprint for a more secure and streamlined digital age, ensuring the safeguarding of our digital tomorrow.”

In this compelling narrative, readers are plunged into a journey through the treacherous landscape of SaaS data sprawl. However, amidst the chaos, HYCU emerges as the beacon of hope with its first of its kind, R–Cloud, low code data protection development platform, leading the charge against this digital threat.

"There are 23,000+ SaaS applications in use globally, and more than 50% of successful ransomware attacks happening through SaaS use, and predictions that a successful ransomware attack will occur every two seconds by 2031, signs of the Apocalypse are clear," said Taylor. "The purpose of the book is to shed light on this emerging crisis, offer practical recommendations on how to deal with it, and learn from some of the most forward–thinking IT leaders that share their experiences in how to truly avert what is becoming the biggest IT challenge of our lifetime."

“Averting the SaaS Data Apocalypse” is available for purchase on in print and Kindle versions worldwide with the pending release in audiobook format on Audible. For special orders, corporate packages, or a free signed copy, please visit: Signed Copy.


About Simon Taylor:

Simon Taylor is the CEO and founder of HYCU, the world's fastest growing multicloud data protection company. He has more than 20 years' experience in go–to–market strategy development, product marketing and channel sales management for the tech industry. He has worked for leading companies such as Comtrade Group, Forrester Research, Putnam Investments and Omgeo.

He received an MBA in international business from IE (Instituto de Empresa) Business School and an undergraduate degree in operations technology from Northeastern University. He is the author of "John's Book," an acclaimed full–length novel, and is a board member at Uncornered, an active member of YPO and a Research Fellow at Boston College.

About HYCU

HYCU is the fastest–growing leader in the multi–cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS–based data backup and recovery to on–premises, cloud–native and SaaS environments, the company provides unparalleled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. As an award–winning and recognized visionary in the industry, HYCU solutions eliminate complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy–based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make the world safer. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, customers experience frictionless, cost–effective data protection, anywhere, everywhere. HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921609)

A Curia apoia o ensaio clínico de fase 1 da nova vacina de RNA de última geração da Replicate Bioscience

ALBANY, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organizao lder em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao por contrato, anunciou hoje que sua parceira, Replicate Bioscience, recebeu autorizao IND da FDA e dosou o primeiro participante com RBI–4000, uma vacina autorreplicante (de srRNA) contra a raiva, em um estudo clnico de fase 1 utilizando material clnico desenvolvido como parte da colaborao com a Curia.

A Curia liderou o desenvolvimento do processo, o aumento de escala e a fabricao de acordo com as BPFa do frmaco de srRNA RBI–4000. Com aproximadamente 10.000 bases, este srRNA significativamente maior do que um RNAm linear convencional e, historicamente, tem sido difcil fabric–lo nas escalas necessrias para o desenvolvimento clnico. O desenvolvimento do mtodo analtico da Curia e a qualificao dos ensaios tambm foram fundamentais para a liberao dessa molcula de srRNA.

"A Curia se orgulha de ser pioneira na fabricao dessa nova classe de tecnologia de srRNA ao fornecer o frmaco de srRNA RBI–4000 nossa parceira Replicate para apoiar seu ensaio clnico de fase 1", afirmou Christopher Conway, Presidente de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Curia. "Dedicamo–nos a fornecer solues vantajosas, desde o desenvolvimento at a fabricao de acordo com as BPFa para nossos clientes na rea de RNAm."

Essa nova classe de vacinas de srRNA trazem vrias vantagens em relao s vacinas de RNAm existentes, incluindo a necessidade de dosagens mais baixas e maior tolerabilidade. Esse avano abre tambm a porta a mais inovaes em RNA para uso em vacinas e terapias com menos restries em relao ao tamanho das molculas.

"Nossa colaborao com a Curia nos ajudou a fabricar uma nova classe de RNAs autorreplicantes que tm o potencial de fornecer perfis melhorados de bioatividade, tolerabilidade e eficcia em comparao com outras tecnologias de RNA", disse Nathaniel Wang, PhD., fundador e CEO da Replicate. "A Curia ampliou a escala de um processo para RNAs mais longos, que permitiu a produo em larga escala com rendimentos, pureza e potncia suficientes para apoiar o ensaio clnico de fase 1 da Replicate."

A Curia est comprometida em ser uma parceira preferencial desde a descoberta e desenvolvimento at fabricao e comercializao, fornecendo um conjunto completo de servios de suporte a pequenas e grandes molculas, frmacos, enchimento e acabamento assptico de produtos farmacuticos e testes laboratoriais em todas as fases do ciclo de vida do desenvolvimento de medicamentos.

Sobre a Curia
A Curia, antiga AMRI, uma organizao lder em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricao por contrato, que fornece produtos e servios desde a P&D at a fabricao em escala comercial para clientes farmacuticos e biofarmacuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionrios da Curia em 29 locais nos Estados Unidos, Europa e sia ajudam seus clientes a progredir da curiosidade cura. Saiba mais em

Informaes de contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921444)

Curia unterstützt die klinische Studie der Phase 1 von Replicate Bioscience mit einem neuartigen RNA-Impfstoff der nächsten Generation

ALBANY, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, ein fhrendes Auftragsforschungs–, Entwicklungs– und Produktionsunternehmen, gab heute bekannt, dass sein Partner Replicate Bioscience die IND–Freigabe von der FDA erhalten hat und der erste Teilnehmer mit RBI–4000, einem selbstreplizierenden (srRNA) Tollwut–Impfstoff, in einer klinischen Studie der Phase 1 unter Verwendung von klinischem Material, das im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit Curia entwickelt wurde, geimpft wurde.

Curia fhrte die Prozessentwicklung, das Scale–up und die cGMP–Herstellung des Wirkstoffs srRNA RBI–4000 durch. Mit etwa 10.000 Basen ist diese srRNA deutlich grer als eine herkmmliche lineare mRNA und war in der Vergangenheit nur schwer in dem fr die klinische Entwicklung erforderlichen Umfang herzustellen. Die Entwicklung der analytischen Methode und die Qualifizierung der Assays durch Curia waren ebenfalls entscheidend fr die Freigabe dieses srRNA–Molekls.

"Curia ist stolz darauf, ein Pionier in der Herstellung dieser neuen Klasse von srRNA–Technologie zu sein, indem wir den Wirkstoff RBI–4000 srRNA an unseren Partner Replicate liefern, um ihn bei seiner klinischen Studie der Phase 1 zu untersttzen", sagte Christopher Conway, President, Research & Development, Curia. "Wir sind bestrebt, unseren Kunden im mRNA–Bereich vorteilhafte Lsungen von der Entwicklung bis zur cGMP–Herstellung anzubieten."

Diese neue Klasse von srRNA–Impfstoffen bietet eine Reihe potenzieller Verbesserungen im Vergleich zu den bestehenden mRNA–Impfstoffen, darunter eine geringere Dosierung und bessere Vertrglichkeit. Die Weiterentwicklung erffnet zudem Mglichkeiten fr weitere RNA–Innovationen zur Verwendung in Impfstoffen und Therapeutika mit weniger Beschrnkungen hinsichtlich der Moleklgre.

"Unsere Zusammenarbeit mit Curia half uns bei der Herstellung einer neuen Klasse von selbstreplizierenden RNAs, die das Potenzial haben, im Vergleich zu anderen RNA–Technologien verbesserte Bioaktivitts–, Vertrglichkeits– und Wirksamkeitsprofile zu liefern", so Nathaniel Wang, Ph.D., Grnder und CEO von Replicate. "Curia hat ein Verfahren fr lngere RNAs entwickelt, das eine gro angelegte Produktion mit einer Ausbeute, Reinheit und Wirksamkeit ermglicht, die die klinische Studie der Phase 1 von Replicate untersttzt."

Curia hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, von der Erforschung und Entwicklung ber die Herstellung bis hin zur Vermarktung ein Partner erster Wahl zu sein, und bietet in jeder Phase des Lebenszyklus der Wirkstoffentwicklung eine umfassende Palette von Dienstleistungen zur Untersttzung von kleinen und groen Moleklen, Wirkstoffen, aseptischem Fill & Finish sowie Labortests.

ber Curia
Curia (ehemals AMRI) ist ein fhrendes Auftragsforschungs–, Entwicklungs– und Produktionsunternehmen. Es bietet Pharma– und Biopharma–Kunden Produkte und Dienstleistungen von der Forschung und Entwicklung bis zur kommerziellen Herstellung. Die fast 4.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von Curia an 29 Standorten in den USA, Europa und Asien untersttzen ihre Kunden dabei, von Kreativitt und Neugier zu Behandlungs– und Heilungsmglichkeiten zu gelangen. Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie unter

Curia "" Kontaktinformationen:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921444)

Curia Supports Replicate Bioscience’s Phase 1 Clinical Trial of Novel Next-Generation RNA Vaccine

ALBANY, N.Y., Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced that its partner, Replicate Bioscience, has received IND clearance from the FDA and has dosed the first participant with RBI–4000, a self–replicating (srRNA) rabies vaccine, in a Phase 1 clinical study utilizing clinical material developed as part of the collaboration with Curia.

Curia conducted process development, scale–up and cGMP manufacture of srRNA RBI–4000 drug substance. At approximately 10,000 bases, this srRNA is significantly larger than a conventional linear mRNA and has been historically difficult to manufacture at the scales required for clinical development. Curia's analytical method development and qualification of the assays were also critical to the release of this srRNA molecule.

"Curia is proud to be a pioneer in manufacturing this new class of srRNA technology by delivering RBI–4000 srRNA drug substance to our partner Replicate in support of their Phase 1 clinical trial," said Christopher Conway, President, Research & Development, Curia. "We are dedicated to providing advantaged solutions from development to cGMP manufacture for our customers in the mRNA field."

This new class of srRNA vaccine offers a number of potential improvements to existing mRNA vaccines, including lower dosage requirements and improved tolerability. The advancement also opens the door for further RNA innovation for use in vaccines and therapeutics with fewer constraints on molecule size.

"Our collaboration with Curia helped us manufacture a new class of self–replicating RNAs which have the potential to deliver improved bioactivity, tolerability and efficacy profiles as compared to other RNA technologies,” said Nathaniel Wang, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Replicate. "Curia scaled up a process for longer RNAs that enabled large–scale production at yields, purity and potency to support Replicate's Phase 1 clinical trial."

Curia is committed to being a partner of choice from discovery and development through manufacture and commercialization, providing a full suite of services to support small and large molecule, drug substance, drug product aseptic fill–finish and laboratory testing at every phase of the drug development life cycle.

About Curia
Curia, formerly AMRI, is a leading contract research, development, and manufacturing organization providing products and services from R&D through commercial manufacturing to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers. Curia's nearly 4,000 employees at 29 locations across the U.S., Europe, and Asia help its customers advance from curiosity to cure. Learn more at

Curia Contact Information:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8920285)

Curia soutient l'essai clinique de phase 1 de Replicate Bioscience sur un vaccin novateur à base d'ARN de nouvelle génération

ALBANY, ÉTAT DE NEW YORK, 13 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, une organisation de recherche, dveloppement et fabrication en sous–traitance de premier plan, a annonc aujourd'hui que son partenaire, Replicate Bioscience, a reu une autorisation de sa demande de nouveau mdicament exprimental (Investigational New Drug, IND) auprs de la FDA et a dos le premier participant avec RBI–4000, un vaccin antirabique base d'ARN auto–rpliquant (ARNar) pour une tude clinique de phase 1 employant du matriel clinique dvelopp dans le cadre de sa collaboration avec Curia.

Curia a men le dveloppement des procds, la mise l'chelle et la fabrication respectant les BPFa de la substance mdicamenteuse base d'ARNar RBI–4000. Comptant environ 10 000 bases, cet ARNar est bien plus grand qu'un ARNm linaire conventionnel et a toujours t difficile fabriquer aux chelles requises pour le dveloppement clinique. Le dveloppement d'une mthode analytique par Curia et la qualification des essais ont aussi jou un rle crucial dans le lancement de cette molcule d'ARNar.

Curia est fire d'tre une pionnire dans la fabrication de cette nouvelle classe de technologie d'ARNar en fournissant la substance mdicamenteuse base d'ARNar RBI–4000 son partenaire Replicate afin de soutenir son essai clinique de phase 1 , a dclar Christopher Conway, prsident de la recherche et du dveloppement chez Curia. Nous nous ddions offrir des solutions avantageuses, depuis le dveloppement jusqu' une fabrication respectant les BPFa, nos clients dans le domaine de l'ARNm.

Cette nouvelle classe d'ARNar apporte de nombreuses amliorations potentielles aux vaccins existants base d'ARNm, notamment des posologies plus basses et une meilleure tolrance. Cet avancement ouvre galement la voie une innovation supplmentaire de l'ARN en vue d'une utilisation dans les vaccins et produits thrapeutiques avec moins de contraintes en ce qui concerne la taille des molcules.

Notre collaboration avec Curia nous a aids fabriquer une nouvelle classe d'ARN auto–rpliquants qui ont le potentiel d'offrir des profils de bio–activit, de tolrance et d'efficacit amliors en comparaison avec les autres technologies d'ARN , a comment Nathaniel Wang, Ph.D., fondateur et PDG de Replicate. Curia a labor un processus pour des ARN plus longs ayant permis une production grande chelle selon des rendements, une puret et une puissance mme de soutenir l'essai clinique de phase 1 de Replicate.

Curia est dtermine tre un partenaire de choix depuis la dcouverte et le dveloppement jusqu' la fabrication et la commercialisation, en fournissant une suite complte de services permettant la prise en charge des activits de remplissage–finition aseptique des produits mdicamenteux, substances mdicamenteuses, petites et grandes molcules, ainsi que des tests en laboratoire, chaque phase du cycle de vie du dveloppement de mdicaments.

propos de Curia
Curia, anciennement AMRI, est une organisation de recherche, dveloppement et fabrication en sous–traitance de premier plan qui fournit des produits et services allant de la R&D aux clients pharmaceutiques et biopharmaceutiques en passant par la fabrication commerciale. Bass sur 29 sites travers les tats–Unis, l'Europe et l'Asie, les prs de 4 000 employs de Curia aident les clients de l'entreprise passer de la curiosit la gurison. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur

Contact chez Curia :
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921444)

The Baloch Girls Remain Stranded at the School Gates

Ten years ago I ran an academy for girls in Dohr Gatti, a small slum on the outskirts of Gwadar, a coastal city in Balochistan, southwestern Pakistan. Most of the girls were between the ages of eleven and fifteen and had the little opportunity to receive a formal education. Plagued by tradition and poverty, their desire […]

Annual Investment Meeting announces new identity as AIM Congress, gears up for 13th edition in Abu Dhabi, May 2024

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Under its new identity as "AIM Congress," the Organizing Committee of the World's Leading Investment Platform will once again gather together regional and international leaders, thinkers, and innovators at the 13th edition of the event taking place from 7 to 9 May 2024 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

To be anchored on the theme "Adapting to a Shifting Investment Landscape: Harnessing New Potential for Global Economic Development," AIM Congress 2024 is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology and the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) as lead partner.

To be hosted again in the UAE's vibrant capital, AIM Congress 2024 plans to surpass the success achieved by its last year's edition which attracted 10,313 participants and 693 speakers from 175 countries.

His Excellency Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade, expressed his enthusiasm for AIM Congress 2024, stating that, "For more than a decade, AIM Congress has been steadfast in its commitment to promote global economic cooperation and harness the potential of countries especially emerging markets. Amid the backdrop of the shifting global investment scene, it is all–important for countries to adapt and explore new avenues for growth. For its 2024 edition, AIM Congress will continue to be the leading venue where the world's key economic stakeholders congregate to facilitate dialogue and pave the way for impactful investments that propel a brighter, better future for each and everyone."

His Excellency Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Chairman of ADDED, said: "Building on the remarkable success of AIM's previous edition, we are raising the bar to meet the expectations of the global investment community. As the Capital of Capital, Abu Dhabi is leading global conversations on investments outlook and dynamics in an era characterised by mega shifts. Our approach to inward and outward investments is guided by our unwavering commitment to place human development, sustainability, and advanced technology at the core of socio–economic plans at local and international levels, support of ESG agendas, and enhance synergies through international cooperation to improve life for all."

For his part, Dawood Al Shezawi, President of AIM Global Foundation, commented: "In the face of the various challenges confronting our world today, coupled with the continued decline in global economic growth, emerges the announcement of AIM's new identity as AIM Congress, which positions itself as a premier venue for investment, providing the optimal platform for esteemed leaders and decision–makers around the world to collectively address our most pressing issues, reshape the global trade and investment landscape, and ultimately foster positive, enduring social and economic impacts in diverse regions worldwide."

AIM Congress is built upon a foundation of its five key pillars "" FDI, FPI, Startups, SMEs, and Future Cities "" that underpin the event's objectives and provide a framework for its activities.

For more details
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000839289)

Deriv Group lancera Deriv Prime lors du IFX EXPO Cyprus 2023

LIMASSOL, Chypre, 13 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv Group a annonc le lancement prochain de Deriv Prime, sa branche institutionnelle, lors de l'IFX Expo qui se droulera du 19 au 21 septembre 2023 Limassol (Chypre).

L'entreprise entend redfinir le cadre d'accs aux liquidits et la dynamique des transactions, notamment en proposant des solutions de liquidit compltes et adaptes aux besoins des socits de courtage, des entreprises, des startups et autres entits financires, quelle que soit la taille de ces dernires.

Deriv Prime marque une avance en matire de solutions de liquidits institutionnelles, offrant ainsi une proposition convaincante aux institutions qui souhaitent explorer le monde complexe du trading. Grce sa technologie de pointe, son vaste rseau et son approche axe sur les institutions, Deriv Prime rpond aux besoins en matire de liquidit et ouvre la voie une nouvelle re de perspectives en matire de trading. Ce changement pourrait conduire une plus grande tendance visant repenser les solutions de liquidits et favoriser, terme, un environnement plus dynamique et plus concurrentiel.

L'cosystme de Deriv Prime est soutenu par une technologie de pointe, ce qui favorise un fonctionnement continu avec une latence et des perturbations minimales. On peut citer entre autres principales fonctionnalits de cette infrastructure : une intgration simple aux systmes existants, une latence ultra–faible facilite par un routage des ordres, un accs fiable d'importants pools de liquidit pour des cours concurrentiels et une assistance ddie.

D'aprs le responsable de Deriv Prime, Alexandros A. Patsalides, Deriv Prime est non seulement une solution de liquidits, mais il s'agit galement d'une rponse stratgique aux dfis auxquels font face les institutions dans le secteur financier actuel toujours plus dynamique.

Deriv Prime offre une liquidit haut de gamme et une profondeur de march unique. Une telle adaptabilit permet un large spectre de traders de trouver des options appropries l'intrieur de l'cosystme Deriv Prime poursuit–il.

L'intgration de Deriv Prime se distingue par sa simplicit, facilite par le protocole FIX qui relie parfaitement le fournisseur de pont ou la passerelle MT5 d'un utilisateur. Les ordres sont achemins de manire intelligente, avec une vitesse d'excution moyenne infrieure 50 ms, ce qui garantit une liquidit et une efficacit accrues.

mesure que les brokers s'ouvrent de nouveaux marchs, la diversification du portefeuille n'est plus une option adapte aux besoins des diffrents traders. Deriv Prime rpond cette demande grce une offre d'actifs, notamment le Forex, les cryptomonnaies, les matires premires, les actions et indices, ainsi que des ETF qui sont personnalisables et adaptables aux diffrents besoins de trading des brokers et de leurs clients.

propos de Deriv

Deriv a commenc son priple en 1999. Depuis lors, sa mission a consist rendre le trading en ligne accessible tous et partout. Les produits de Deriv comprennent des plateformes de trading intuitives, plus de 200 actifs trader (sur des marchs comme celui des devises, des actions et des cryptomonnaies), des types de transactions uniques, etc. Deriv dploie tous les efforts pour crer les meilleures conditions de travail pour ses plus de 1 200 employs rpartis dans 20 bureaux de 16 pays du monde, notamment grce une culture de travail positive, la rsolution rapide des proccupations des employs, la clbration des ralisations et la mise en "uvre d'initiaves de motivation du personnel.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse suivante :–6104–4c25–9256–3f926a0d043b

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000839274)

O Grupo Deriv vai lançar a Deriv Prime na IFX EXPO Cyprus 2023

LIMASSOL, Chipre, Sept. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv Group anunciou que ir lanar a sua diviso institucional, Deriv Prime, na prxima IFX Expo em Limassol, Chipre, de 19 a 21 de setembro de 2023.

O empreendimento visa remodelar o panorama de acesso liquidez e dinmica de negociao ao oferecer solues de liquidez abrangentes para atender s necessidades de corretoras, empresas, startups e outras entidades financeiras, independentemente do tamanho de seus negcios.

A Deriv Prime marca um avano nas solues de liquidez institucional, apresentando uma proposta atraente para as instituies que procuram navegar no complexo mundo do trading. Com a sua tecnologia de ponta, extensa rede e abordagem centrada nas instituies, a Deriv Prime responde s necessidades de liquidez e inaugura uma nova era de possibilidades de negociao. Esta disrupo poder desencadear uma tendncia mais alargada de reformulao das solues de liquidez, promovendo um ambiente mais dinmico e competitivo.

O ecossistema da Deriv Prime sustentado por uma tecnologia de ponta, oferecendo operaes contnuas com mnima latncia ou interrupes. Essa infraestrutura apresenta diversas caractersticas essenciais: integrao sem esforo com sistemas existentes, latncia ultra–baixa facilitada por roteamento inteligente de pedidos, acesso confivel a pools de liquidez profunda para feeds de preos competitivos e suporte dedicado.

“A Deriv Prime no se limita a fornecer liquidez. Trata–se de uma resposta estratgica aos desafios enfrentados pelas instituies no atual panorama financeiro em constante mutao”, afirmou Alexandros A. Patsalides, Diretor da Deriv Prime.

“A Deriv Prime acomoda liquidez de topo de gama e uma profundidade de mercado incomparvel. Essa adaptabilidade garante que um amplo espectro de traders possa encontrar opes adequadas dentro do ecossistema da Deriv Prime," continua Patsalides.

A integrao da Deriv Prime destacada pela sua simplicidade, facilitada pelo protocolo FIX, que vincula perfeitamente o provedor de bridge ou o gateway MT5 do usurio. Com uma velocidade mdia de execuo inferior a 50 ms, as ordens so encaminhadas de forma inteligente, garantindo maior liquidez e eficincia.

medida que as corretoras se expandem para novos mercados, a diversificao da carteira deixa de ser uma opo para satisfazer as necessidades de diferentes corretoras. A Deriv Prime surge para atender a essa procura, oferecendo diversos ativos que incluem Forex, Criptomoedas, Matrias–primas, Aes e ndices, e ETFs que podem ser personalizados para atender s necessidades de negociao especficas das corretoras e dos seus clientes.

Sobre a Deriv

Tendo iniciado o seu percurso em 1999, a misso da Deriv tem sido tornar a negociao online acessvel a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar. A oferta de produtos da Deriv inclui plataformas de negociao intuitivas, mais de 200 ativos negociveis (em mercados como forex, aes e criptomoedas), tipos de negociao exclusivos e muito mais. Com mais de 1.200 funcionrios em 20 escritrios globais espalhados por 16 pases, a Deriv esfora–se por proporcionar o melhor ambiente de trabalho, o que inclui uma cultura de trabalho positiva, a resoluo atempada das preocupaes dos funcionrios, a celebrao de conquistas e a realizao de iniciativas para aumentar o seu moral.

Aleksandra Zuzic

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