Concentrix et Webhelp finalisent leur rapprochement, créant ainsi un leader mondial diversifié en matière d'expérience client, parfaitement positionné pour se développer

NEWARK, Californie, 26 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ : CNXC), l'un des plus grands fournisseurs mondiaux de services et technologies d'exprience client (EC), a annonc aujourd'hui avoir finalis son rapprochement avec Webhelp, l'intgration des deux socits tant en cours. En attendant que la socit issue de ce rapprochement finalise son nom dfinitif, elle oprera sous le nom commercial Concentrix + Webhelp.

Cette alliance positionne davantage encore Concentrix + Webhelp comme un leader mondial de l'EC, avec une gamme largie de solutions d'IA gnrative, de capacits numriques et de services haute valeur ajoute. Elle renforce aussi sa proposition de valeur d'EC de bout en bout, avec l'une des prsences mondiales les plus robustes et quilibres du secteur pour aider les meilleures marques du monde transformer leur exprience client et atteindre leurs objectifs commerciaux.

Je me rjouis de me lancer dans cette nouvelle aventure ensemble et je suis persuad qu'en combinant nos forces, nous jouirons d'une position exceptionnelle pour redfinir le secteur et concevoir, btir et mettre en "uvre l'avenir de l'EC pour nos clients extraordinaires que nous estimons beaucoup. Je tiens remercier nos employs capables de changer la donne dans le monde entier, qui ont rendu cela possible. Je suis vritablement honor de travailler avec une quipe aussi diversifie et talentueuse , a dclar Chris Caldwell, PDG de Concentrix + Webhelp.

La socit accueille aussi deux nouveaux membres dans son conseil d'administration, Olivier Duha et Nicolas Gheysens. Olivier est un entrepreneur, philanthrope, le co–fondateur et l'ancien PDG de Webhelp, et il occupera la fonction de vice–prsident du conseil d'administration. Nicolas est associ chez Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ( GBL ), le plus grand actionnaire de la socit suite au rapprochement de Concentrix et Webhelp, et apporte avec lui une riche exprience dans le domaine de l'investissement et en tant qu'administrateur, ayant accompagn la croissance de grandes entreprises europennes.

Nous avons de la chance d'intgrer notre conseil d'administration des personnes ayant des comptences aussi solides et une exprience aussi approfondie dans le domaine de l'exprience client. En intgrant Olivier et Nicolas notre quipe, nous tendons notre expertise internationale en matire de direction de grandes socits multinationales complexes pour les accompagner sur la voie de la russite , a dclar Kathryn Marinello, prsidente du conseil d'administration de Concentrix.

Cette alliance constitue un moment dcisif, runissant deux leaders reconnus du march avec des cultures, une prsence gographique, des capacits et des perspectives de croissance complmentaires dans plus de 70 pays. sa clture, la transaction a t estime environ 4 milliards de dollars, dette nette incluse.

propos de Concentrix + Webhelp
Nous sommes l'un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions et de technologies d'exprience client (EC). Nous crons des parcours client qui changent la donne pour certaines des meilleures marques au monde, et pour celles qui transforment le monde tel que nous le connaissons. Chaque jour, nous concevons, construisons et mettons en "uvre des EC qui aident les marques se dvelopper dans le monde entier et ouvrir des perspectives d'avenir. Qu'il s'agisse d'une solution spcifique ou d'un parcours complet, de bout en bout, nous avons les comptences pour agir. Nous sommes les stratges l'origine des expriences qui dfinissent les marques. Nous sommes des passionns de technologies qui dveloppent des solutions plus intelligentes. Et nous sommes des experts oprationnels capables de grer l'ensemble pour assurer un fonctionnement sans faille. Dans plus de 70 pays et six continents, nous fournissons nos services aux diffrents secteurs verticaux cls, comprenant la technologie et les produits lectroniques grand public, la vente au dtail, les voyages et l'e–commerce, les services bancaires, financiers et assurances, la sant, les communications et les mdias, l'automobile ainsi que l'nergie et le secteur public. Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ : CNXC) opre sous le nom commercial Concentrix + Webhelp. Lieu d'intervention : quasiment partout. Consultez le site pour en savoir plus.

Dclaration Safe Harbor
Le prsent communiqu de presse contient des noncs prospectifs au sens de l'article 27A de la loi sur les valeurs mobilires (Securities Act) de 1933 et de l'article 21E de la loi sur les bourses de valeurs (Securities Exchange Act) de 1934. Les noncs prospectifs incluent, sans s'y limiter, les dclarations concernant l'intgration des entreprises Concentrix et Webhelp, les points forts et lments de diffrenciation des entreprises combines, notre positionnement dans le secteur ainsi que les dclarations comprenant des mots comme croire, s'attendre , pouvoir, s'engager , fournir, il y a des chances que, devoir et d'autres expressions semblables. Ces noncs prospectifs sont incertains par nature et impliquent des risques et des incertitudes substantiels qui pourraient entraner une diffrence considrable entre les rsultats rels et ceux exprims ou sous–entendus dans ces noncs. Les risques et incertitudes incluent, entre autres : les risques lis la capacit intgrer les entreprises Concentrix et Webhelp avec succs ; notre capacit raliser les conomies estimes, les synergies ou les autres avantages anticips du rapprochement, ou le fait que ces avantages pourraient prendre plus longtemps que prvu se raliser ; la diversion de l'attention de la direction ; l'impact potentiel de la combinaison sur les relations avec les clients et autres tiers ; les risques lis aux conditions conomiques en gnral, y compris la demande des consommateurs, les taux d'intrt, l'inflation, les chanes d'approvisionnement et les effets du conflit en Ukraine ; les cyber–attaques sur nos rseaux et systmes informatiques et ceux de nos clients ; l'incapacit de notre personnel et de nos entrepreneurs respecter nos contrles et processus, ainsi que ceux de nos clients ; l'incapacit protger les informations personnelles et propritaires ; l'incapacit mettre en "uvre notre stratgie d'EC numrique ; la perte de personnel cl ou l'incapacit attirer et conserver du personnel avec les aptitudes et l'expertise ncessaires pour nos activits ; les hausses du cot de la main–d'"uvre ; les effets de la pandmie de COVID–19 et d'autres maladies contagieuses, les catastrophes naturelles, les conditions mtorologiques dfavorables ou les crises sanitaires publiques ; les risques gopolitiques, conomiques et climatiques ou mtorologiques dans les rgions comptant une grande partie de nos oprations ; l'incapacit identifier, complter et intgrer avec succs des investissements ou acquisitions stratgiques ; les conditions concurrentielles dans notre secteur et la consolidation de nos concurrents ; des passifs fiscaux plus levs que prvu ; la demande de technologies et solutions d'EC ; la variabilit de la demande de nos clients ou la rsiliation anticipe de nos contrats clients ; le niveau d'activit professionnelle de nos clients et l'acceptation par le march ainsi que les performances de leurs produits et services ; les fluctuations des taux de change des devises ; l'oprabilit de nos services de communication ainsi que de nos rseaux et systmes informatiques ; les changements apports aux lois, rglementations ou directives rglementaires ; les dommages l'encontre de notre rputation dus aux actions ou inactions de tiers ; les actions d'investigation ou lgales ; et les autres facteurs contenus dans le rapport annuel de la Socit sur formulaire 10–K pour l'exercice clos au 30 novembre 2022 dpos auprs de la Securities and Exchange Commission ainsi que les dpts suivants auprs de la SEC. Nous n'assumons aucune obligation de mettre jour les noncs prospectifs, qui ne sont valables qu' la date laquelle ils sont formuls.

Copyright 2023 Concentrix Corporation
Tous droits rservs. Concentrix, Webhelp, Concentrix + Webhelp, les logos Concentrix et Webhelp ainsi que tous les autres noms de socit, produits et services et slogans Concentrix sont des marques commerciales dposes de Concentrix Corporation et de ses filiales. Concentrix et le logo Concentrix sont enregistrs au United States Patent and Trademark Office et dans les juridictions non amricaines applicables. Les autres noms et marques constituent la proprit de leurs dtenteurs respectifs.

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse–481a–4e4e–809d–72dcadc4c2b2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8928728)

Concentrix und Webhelp schließen Zusammenschluss ab und schaffen ein diversifiziertes, weltweit führendes CX-Unternehmen, das gut für Wachstum positioniert ist

NEWARK, Kalifornien, Sept. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ: CNXC), ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Dienstleistungen und Technologien im Bereich Customer Experience (CX), hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass der Zusammenschluss mit Webhelp abgeschlossen ist und die Integration der beiden Unternehmen im Gange ist. Das fusionierte Unternehmen wird unter dem Namen Concentrix + Webhelp firmieren, bis es seinen endgltigen Namen festgelegt hat.

Durch den Zusammenschluss positionieren sich Concentrix und Webhelp noch strker als globaler CX–Marktfhrer mit einem erweiterten Angebot an generativen KI–Lsungen, digitalen Kompetenzen und hochwertigen Dienstleistungen. Darber hinaus strkt das Unternehmen sein End–to–End–CX–Wertangebot mit einer der strksten und ausgewogensten globalen Prsenzen in der Branche, um die besten Marken der Welt dabei zu untersttzen, das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern und seine Geschftsziele zu erreichen.

"Ich freue mich darauf, diese neue Reise gemeinsam anzutreten und bin berzeugt, dass wir mit unseren gemeinsamen Strken einzigartig positioniert sind, um die Branche neu zu definieren und die Zukunft von CX fr unsere groartigen und geschtzten Kunden zu gestalten, aufzubauen und zu betreiben. Ich mchte unseren Wegbereitern in der ganzen Welt danken, die dies mglich gemacht haben. Ich fhle mich sehr geehrt, mit einem so vielfltigen und talentierten Team zusammenzuarbeiten", so Chris Caldwell, CEO von Concentrix + Webhelp.

Das Unternehmen begrt auch zwei neue Mitglieder im Verwaltungsrat: Olivier Duha und Nicolas Gheysens. Herr Duha ist Unternehmer, Philanthrop, Mitbegrnder und ehemaliger CEO von Webhelp und wird als stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats fungieren. Herr Gheysens ist Partner bei Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ("GBL"), dem Hauptaktionr des Unternehmens nach dem Zusammenschluss von Concentrix und Webhelp, und bringt eine Flle von Erfahrungen im Investmentbereich und in Verwaltungsrten mit, wo er das Wachstum groer und erfolgreicher Unternehmen in ganz Europa untersttzt hat.

"Wir freuen uns, dass wir unseren Verwaltungsrat um solch starke Persnlichkeiten mit umfangreicher Erfahrung in der Customer Experience Industrie erweitern knnen. Mit Herrn Duha und Herrn Gheysens erweitern wir unsere internationale Expertise in der Fhrung groer, komplexer, multinationaler Unternehmen auf einem erfolgreichen Wachstumspfad", so Kathryn Marinello, Verwaltungsratsvorsitzende von Concentrix.

Dieser Zusammenschluss ist ein Meilenstein, denn er bringt zwei anerkannte Marktfhrer zusammen, die sich in Bezug auf Kultur, Prsenz, Fhigkeiten und Wachstumsvisionen in mehr als 70 Lndern ergnzen. Zum Zeitpunkt des Abschlusses wurde die Transaktion mit ca. 4 Mrd. USD bewertet, einschlielich der Nettoverschuldung.

ber Concentrix + Webhelp
Wir sind ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Customer Experience (CX) Lsungen und Technologien. Wir schaffen bahnbrechende Customer Journeys fr einige der besten Marken der Welt, die die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, verndern. Jeden Tag entwerfen, entwickeln und betreiben wir CX, die Marken auf der ganzen Welt und in der Zukunft zu Wachstum verhilft. Ganz gleich, ob es sich um eine spezifische Lsung oder um die gesamte End–to–End Customer Journey handelt "" wir haben alles im Griff. Wir sind die strategischen Denker, die markenprgende Erlebnisse gestalten. Die Technikfreaks, die intelligentere Lsungen entwickeln. Und die operativen Experten, die dafr sorgen, dass alles reibungslos luft. In mehr als 70 Lndern und auf sechs Kontinenten bieten wir Dienstleistungen fr die wichtigsten Branchen an, darunter Technologie und Unterhaltungselektronik, Einzelhandel, Reisen und E–Commerce, Banken, Finanzdienstleistungen und Versicherungen, Gesundheitswesen, Kommunikation und Medien, Automobilindustrie sowie Energie und ffentlicher Sektor. Die Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ: CNXC), die unter dem Handelsnamen Concentrix + Webhelp firmiert. Standort: praktisch berall. Besuchen Sie, um mehr zu erfahren.

Diese Pressemitteilung enthlt zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen im Sinne von Abschnitt 27A des Securities Act von 1933 und Abschnitt 21E des Securities Exchange Act von 1934. Zu den zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen gehren unter anderem Aussagen ber die Integration der Geschftsbereiche von Concentrix und Webhelp, die Strken und die Differenzierung der kombinierten Geschftsbereiche, unsere Positionierung in der Branche sowie Aussagen, die Wrter wie glauben, erwarten, knnen, werden, liefern, knnten und sollten und andere hnliche Ausdrcke enthalten. Diese zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen sind von Natur aus ungewiss und beinhalten erhebliche Risiken und Ungewissheiten, die dazu fhren knnen, dass die tatschlichen Ergebnisse wesentlich von den in diesen Aussagen ausgedrckten oder implizierten Ergebnissen abweichen. Zu den Risiken und Ungewissheiten gehren unter anderem: Risiken in Bezug auf die Fhigkeit, die Geschftsbereiche von Concentrix und Webhelp erfolgreich zu integrieren; unsere Fhigkeit, die geschtzten Kosteneinsparungen, Synergien oder anderen erwarteten Vorteile des Zusammenschlusses zu realisieren, oder dass es lnger als erwartet dauern knnte, bis solche Vorteile realisiert werden; die Ablenkung der Aufmerksamkeit des Managements; die potenziellen Auswirkungen des Zusammenschlusses auf die Beziehungen zu Kunden und anderen Dritten; Risiken in Bezug auf die allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen, einschlielich der Verbrauchernachfrage, der Zinsstze, der Inflation, der Lieferketten und der Auswirkungen des Konflikts in der Ukraine; Cyberangriffe auf unsere Netzwerke und Informationstechnologiesysteme oder die unserer Kunden; das Versagen unserer Mitarbeiter und Auftragnehmer bei der Einhaltung unserer Kontrollen und Prozesse und der unserer Kunden; die Unfhigkeit, persnliche und geschtzte Informationen zu schtzen; die Unfhigkeit, unsere digitale CX–Strategie umzusetzen; der Verlust von Schlsselpersonal oder die Unfhigkeit, Personal mit den fr unser Geschft erforderlichen Fhigkeiten und Kenntnissen zu gewinnen und zu halten; der Anstieg der Arbeitskosten; die Auswirkungen der COVID–19–Pandemie und anderer bertragbarer Krankheiten, Naturkatastrophen, ungnstiger Witterungsverhltnisse oder Krisen im ffentlichen Gesundheitswesen; geopolitische, wirtschaftliche und klima– oder wetterbedingte Risiken in Regionen, in denen sich unsere Geschftsttigkeit stark konzentriert; die Unfhigkeit, strategische Akquisitionen oder Investitionen erfolgreich zu identifizieren, abzuschlieen und zu integrieren; die Wettbewerbsbedingungen in unserer Branche und die Konsolidierung unserer Wettbewerber; hhere Steuerverbindlichkeiten als erwartet; die Nachfrage nach CX–Lsungen und –Technologien; Schwankungen in der Nachfrage unserer Kunden oder die vorzeitige Beendigung von Kundenvertrgen; das Niveau der Geschftsttigkeit unserer Kunden und die Marktakzeptanz und Leistung ihrer Produkte und Dienstleistungen; Wechselkursschwankungen; die Funktionsfhigkeit unserer Kommunikationsdienste und Informationstechnologiesysteme und –netzwerke; nderungen von Gesetzen, Vorschriften oder behrdlichen Richtlinien; Schdigung unseres Rufs durch Handlungen oder Unterlassungen Dritter; Ermittlungen oder Rechtsstreitigkeiten; und andere Faktoren, die im Jahresbericht des Unternehmens auf Formblatt 10–K fr das am 30. November 2022 endende Geschftsjahr bei der US–Brsenaufsichtsbehrde Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) und in nachfolgenden SEC–Einreichungen enthalten sind. Wir sind nicht verpflichtet, zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen zu aktualisieren, da diese nur zu dem Zeitpunkt gelten, zu dem sie gemacht werden.

Copyright 2023 Concentrix Corporation
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Concentrix, Webhelp, Concentrix + Webhelp, die Logos von Concentrix und Webhelp sowie alle anderen Unternehmens–, Produkt– und Dienstleistungsnamen und Slogans von Concentrix sind Marken oder eingetragene Marken der Concentrix Corporation und ihrer Tochtergesellschaften. Concentrix und das Concentrix–Logo sind beim U.S. Patent & Trademark Office und in anwendbaren Nicht–US–Rechtsordnungen eingetragen. Andere Namen und Marken sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Inhaber.

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfgbar unter–481a–4e4e–809d–72dcadc4c2b2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8928728)

Concentrix e Webhelp Concluem União, Criando um Líder Global de CX Diversificado, Bem-posicionado para o Crescimento

NEWARK, Califórnia, Sept. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ: CNXC), fornecedora lder global de servios e tecnologias de experincia do cliente (CX), anunciou hoje que encerrou sua unio com a Webhelp e que a integrao das duas empresas est em andamento. Enquanto no decidir sobre o nome permanente, a empresa conjunta usar o nome comercial Concentrix + Webhelp.

Essa combinao posiciona ainda mais a Concentrix + Webhelp como lder global em CX, com uma ampla gama de solues de IA generativa, recursos digitais e servios de alto valor. Tambm fortalece sua proposta de valor completo de CX, com uma das pegadas globais mais robustas e equilibradas do setor para ajudar as melhores marcas do mundo a transformar as experincias dos clientes e atingir seus objetivos de negcios.

"Estou animado em embarcar nesta nova jornada conjunta e acredito que, com a unio dos nossos pontos fortes, estamos posicionados de forma nica para redefinir a indstria e projetar, construir e administrar o futuro da CX para nossos clientes incrveis e valiosos. Quero agradecer aos nossos visionrios em todo o mundo que tornaram isso possvel. Estou realmente honrado em trabalhar com uma equipe to diversificada e talentosa", disse Chris Caldwell, CEO da Concentrix + Webhelp.

A empresa tambm recebe dois novos membros no Conselho de Administrao, Olivier Duha e Nicolas Gheysens. Olivier empreendedor, filantropo, cofundador e ex–CEO da Webhelp e atuar como Vice–Presidente do Conselho. Nicolas scio do Groupe Bruxelles Lambert ("GBL"), o maior acionista da empresa aps a unio Concentrix + Webhelp, com vasta experincia em investimentos e conselhos, apoiando o crescimento de empresas grandes e bem–sucedidas em toda a Europa.

"Temos a sorte de adicionar ao nosso Conselho pessoas com habilidades e experincias to profundas no setor de experincia do cliente. Com a incluso de Olivier e Nicolas, expandimos nossa experincia internacional na liderana de grandes e complexas empresas multinacionais em um caminho bem–sucedido de crescimento", disse Kathryn Marinello, Presidente do Conselho da Concentrix.

Esta unio um momento marcante, pois rene dois lderes de mercado reconhecidos com culturas, pegada, capacidades e viso de crescimento complementares em mais de 70 pases. No fechamento do mercado, a transao foi avaliada em aproximadamente US $ 4 bilhes, incluindo a dvida lquida.

Sobre a Concentrix + Webhelp
Ol, somos uma fornecedora lder global de solues e tecnologia de experincia do cliente (CX). Criamos jornadas visionrias que esto mudando o mundo para algumas das melhores marcas do globo. Todos os dias, projetamos, construmos e executamos CX que ajuda as marcas a crescer em todo o mundo e no futuro. Seja uma soluo especfica ou a jornada completa "" ns temos tudo sob controle. Somos os pensadores estratgicos que projetam experincias que definem a marca. Os geeks de tecnologia que criam as solues mais inteligentes. E os especialistas operacionais que executam e fazem com que tudo funcione perfeitamente. Em mais de 70 pases e seis continentes, fornecemos servios nos principais setores da indstria, incluindo tecnologia e eletrnicos de consumo; varejo, viagens e comrcio eletrnico; servios bancrios, financeiros e seguros; sade; comunicaes e mdia; automotivo; e energia e setor pblico. Concentrix Corporation (NASDAQ: CNXC) operando sob o nome comercial Concentrix + Webhelp. Localizao: virtualmente em todos os lugares. Visite para obter mais informao.

Declaraes de Previso
Este comunicado contm "declaraes de previso" de acordo com a definio do termo estabelecido na Seo 27A da Lei de Valores Mobilirios (Securities Act) de 1933 e na Seo 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobilirios (Securities Exchange Act) de 1934. As declaraes de previso incluem, mas no esto limitadas a, declaraes sobre a integrao dos negcios da Concentrix e da Webhelp, os pontos fortes e a diferenciao dos negcios conjuntos, nosso posicionamento no setor, e declaraes que incluem palavras como acreditar, esperar, pode, ir, fornecer, poderia e deveria e outras expresses semelhantes. Estas declaraes de previso so inerentemente incertas envolvem riscos e suposies substanciais que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados expressos ou implcitos em tais declaraes. Os riscos e incertezas incluem, entre outras coisas: riscos relacionados capacidade de integrar com sucesso os negcios da Concentrix e da Webhelp; nossa capacidade de realizar economias de custos estimadas, sinergias ou outros benefcios previstos da unio, ou que tais benefcios possam levar mais tempo para serem alcanados do que o esperado; desvio da ateno da administrao; o impacto potencial da unio nos relacionamentos com clientes e outros terceiros; riscos relacionados s condies econmicas gerais, incluindo demanda do consumidor, taxas de juros, inflao, cadeias de suprimentos e os efeitos do conflito na Ucrnia; ataques cibernticos s nossas redes e sistemas de tecnologia da informao ou de nossos clientes; a falha da nossa equipe e terceiros em aderir aos controles e processos nossos e dos nossos clientes; a incapacidade de proteger informaes pessoais e proprietrias; a incapacidade de executar nossa estratgia de CX digital; a perda de pessoal essencial ou a incapacidade de atrair e reter funcionrios com as habilidades e conhecimentos necessrios para os nossos negcios; aumentos do custo da mo–de–obra; os efeitos da pandemia da COVID–19 e outras doenas transmissveis, desastres, condies climticas adversas ou crises de sade pblica; riscos geopolticos, econmicos e climticos, ou relacionados ao clima em regies com uma concentrao significativa das nossas operaes; a incapacidade de identificar, concluir e integrar com sucesso aquisies ou investimentos estratgicos; condies competitivas da nossa indstria e consolidao dos nossos concorrentes; passivos fiscais mais altos do que o esperado; a demanda por solues e tecnologia CX; variabilidade na demanda dos nossos clientes ou a resciso antecipada dos nossos contratos com clientes; o nvel de atividade comercial dos nossos clientes e a aceitao e desempenho do mercado dos seus produtos e servios; flutuaes da taxa de cmbio; a operacionalidade dos nossos servios de comunicao e sistemas e redes de tecnologia da informao; mudanas na lei, regulamentos ou orientaes regulatrias; danos nossa reputao por meio de aes ou omisses de terceiros; aes investigativas ou legais; e outros fatores contidos no Relatrio Anual da Empresa no Formulrio 10–K para o exerccio fiscal encerrado em 30 de novembro de 2022 arquivado na Comisso de Valores Mobilirios e nos registros subsequentes da SEC. No nos responsabilizamos por atualizar as declaraes de previso que somente tm validade a partir da data em que so feitas.

Copyright 2023 Concentrix Corporation
Todos os direitos reservados. Concentrix, Webhelp, Concentrix + Webhelp, os logotipos Concentrix e Webhelp, e todos os outros nomes e slogans de empresas, produtos e servios da Concentrix so marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da Concentrix Corporation e suas subsidirias. Concentrix e o logotipo da Concentrix Reg. Pat. U.S. & Tm. Off. e jurisdies aplicveis fora dos EUA. Outros nomes e marcas so de propriedade dos seus respectivos proprietrios.

Foto deste comunicado disponvel em–481a–4e4e–809d–72dcadc4c2b2

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8928728)

Datacubed Health Launches eClinical Platform App in China, Ensuring Full Compliance and Accessibility

New York, New York, Sept. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Datacubed Health, a leading global provider of innovative solutions for patient engagement and data collection in clinical trials, is excited to announce the official launch of its eClinical platform app in China. This milestone achievement represents a significant step forward for Datacubed Health's commitment to expanding its presence in the Chinese market.

As part of this strategic move, Datacubed Health has joined forces with AppInChina, a renowned leader in Android App Store publication, ensuring seamless deployment of the eClinical platform app in official Android stores across China and the Apple App Store. This partnership guarantees accessibility to a wide range of devices and ecosystems.

Kyle Hogan, President of Datacubed Health, emphasized the importance of this collaboration: “Our partnership with AppInChina has been instrumental in ensuring the smooth launch of our eClinical platform app in China. This strategic alliance allows us to reach a broader audience while maintaining compliance with local regulations, which is essential for our growth in this market.”

In preparation for this momentous launch, Datacubed Health has established a legal entity within China and acquired all necessary commercial and legal licenses and certificates. These crucial steps are a testament to Datacubed Health's commitment to providing secure and regulated services within the Chinese market.

Brett Kleger, CEO of Datacubed Health, stated, “Our investment in establishing a legal presence and obtaining the requisite licenses underscores our dedication to operating ethically and responsibly in China. We are focused on delivering cutting–edge solutions while adhering to local regulations and standards.”

Moreover, Datacubed Health has undertaken comprehensive efforts to ensure full software compliance with Chinese regulations. The eClinical platform app for China has been meticulously customized to align with local requirements and has undergone rigorous testing by local quality assurance teams. This meticulous approach ensures the seamless functioning of the platform while adhering to Chinese network security requirements and restrictions.

Datacubed Health has also bolstered its presence in China by establishing a fully compliant and fault–tolerant Software as a Service (SaaS) infrastructure. The Datacubed China solution is now hosted in AWS Beijing, ensuring data security and reliability for users in the region.

With these key developments in operational, legal, and software compliance, Datacubed Health is well–prepared to provide unmatched support to clinical research efforts in China. The launch of the eClinical platform app represents a significant stride in bridging the gap between global research initiatives and the Chinese healthcare landscape.

In the words of CEO Brett Kleger: “We are thrilled to introduce Datacubed Health's eClinical platform app to the Chinese market. Our partnership with AppInChina, legal entity establishment, and rigorous compliance efforts demonstrate our dedication to providing world–class services to our Chinese users. We look forward to empowering clinical research initiatives in China with our cutting–edge solutions.”

To learn more, we invite you to join us at Booth #24 at the 11th Annual Outsourcing in Clinical Trials Southern California 2023 from September 26–27 in San Diego, California, or visit our website at

About Datacubed Health:

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926943)

Why Floods ‘Beyond Our Imagination’ Hit Nepalese Himalayan Town

Kagbeni village in September 2022. This year's flood swept away houses and infrastructure and destroyed livestock and crops. Photo: Tanka Dhakal/IPS

Kagbeni village in September 2022. This year’s flood swept away houses and infrastructure and destroyed livestock and crops. Photo: Tanka Dhakal/IPS

By Tanka Dhakal
KATHMANDU, Sep 26 2023 – When a flash flood descended on a Himalayan community in the Mustang district in Nepal, it shocked the residents, climate change experts, and disaster risk management.

Anil Pokharel described it as “beyond our imagination.” He has experienced many disasters as the Chief Executive at the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority for the Government of Nepal.

“The extreme events in Mustang this year surprised us because it was unusual and beyond our imagination,” says Pokharel. “Now we are trying to comprehend what actually happened and what we can do to avoid such events in the future, but we are certain that the risk of unexpected disasters is increasing.”

On August 13, 2023, Kagbeni village in Varagung Muktichhetra Rural Municipality-4, Mustang, experienced a flash flood where mud and water caused approximately USD 7.4 million worth of destruction.

The mountain range in Mustang, which attracts thousands of tourists yearly, faces an increased risk of disaster due to climate change. This affects the majestic mountains and the people living in the foothills. Photo: Tanka Dhakal/IPS

The mountain range in Mustang, which attracts thousands of tourists yearly, faces an increased risk of disaster due to climate change. This affects the majestic mountains and the people living in the foothills. Photo: Tanka Dhakal/IPS

The torrential rainfall in the mountain district, which is popular with tourists, some 450km west of Kathmandu, caused the Tiri River, which snakes through the area, to burst its banks, resulting in an unprecedented flash flood in the Kagkhola River. As a result, 50 houses were damaged, a motorable bridge and three temporary bridges were destroyed, and more than 31 indigenous and endangered Lulu cows died. It also caused damage to other livestock and agriculture. Lives were spared because the community was warned to move to safety before the mud and sludge hit the town.

Mustang, known for its majestic mountain terrain and beautiful Himalayan range, was surprised to experience the wrath of this extreme event.

“We were not ready for this type of incident,” said Hom Bahadur Thapa Magar, the Chief Administrative Officer of Varagung Muktichhetra Rural Municipality.

“In fact, that flash flood exceeded our worst possible imagination.”

What Caused the Flood?

Diki Gurung, a resident and vice-chair of the Municipality, stated that she had never seen a flood like this in her lifetime.

“We don’t know what caused it, but it was not like this before.”

Gurung’s family has lived in the region for generations.

“My mother didn’t go through this type of incident, and I remember my grandmother saying that in her time, there were floods, but not like this one.”

She believes villages in mountain regions are experiencing changes in rainfall patterns, and the intensity of the rain has increased, putting them at risk of new types of disasters such as floods and debris flows. These have been increasing each year.

“Maybe it is because of the changing climate,” Gurung speculates.

In June 2021, another mountain region, Manang, experienced unusually intense rainfall and destructive flooding. In the same year, the upper area of Shindhupalchwok also went through heavy rainfall-caused flood-related disasters. In recent years, mountain areas have witnessed changes in precipitation patterns, with unusually intense weather events becoming more frequent, and there is data to prove it.

Graphic: Tanka Dhakal Source: The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) Created with Datawrapper

Graphic: Tanka Dhakal Source: The Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) Created with Datawrapper

On August 13, the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) ‘s weather station at Jomsom Airport, Mustang, recorded 25.4 mm of rainfall in one day, unusual for that area where the average August rainfall is 43.9 mm. Mustang received above-normal rain in just three days, from 12 to August 14. On August 12, the area received 9.2 mm, 25.4mm on August 13, and 18 mm on August 14. According to the data from Jomsom Weather Station, August recorded 217.3 mm of rainfall, which is 495 percent more than the average rainfall for the area. In recent years, mountain districts like Mustang and Manang have received more rain than usual, and this year is following the trend.

Scientists say climate change-induced extreme weather events cause the heightened risk of floods and disasters in Himalayan villages like Kagbeni.

“It feels like heavy rainfall over a short period and flash-flood-like disasters are becoming a trend in the mountain regions,” says scientist Dr Arun Bhakta Shrestha. “It’s not only in Mustang this year; there were similar cases in Manang and the upper hills of Shindhupalchwok in 2021. The root of these disasters is connected to the upper streams, and changed precipitation patterns are one of the main causes.”

Shrestha, who leads the Strategic Group for Reducing Climate and Environmental Risk at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge center for countries in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region, including Nepal, conducted research after the Melamchi flood in June 2021.

The study concluded that multiple factors contributed to that significant disaster, including intense rainfall in high mountain areas. While no such research exists on the Mustang flood, there are similarities with past events in Manang and Shindhupalchwok.

Recent IPCC reports also suggest extreme weather events and their intensity increase due to human-induced climate change.

“Climate change-induced changes in weather patterns could be one of many reasons for the Mustang flood, but we need to conduct research to understand it better,” Shrestha noted. He signaled that climate change could be one of several causes.

Demand for Special Risk Reduction and Disaster Plans

High mountain areas and the communities living there were already at risk due to the growing threat of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) caused by rising temperatures and their diverse and rapid impacts on the region.

Shrestha added: “In our observations, precipitation is becoming more frequent in high mountain regions, increasing the possibility of disasters other than GLOFs, too.”

That’s why, after the Mustang flood this year, there is a growing demand for specialized disaster risk reduction and management plans from local governments to experts in the field.

Kagbeni village after the August 13, 2023, flash flood. Photo: RSS

Kagbeni village after the August 13, 2023, flash flood. Photo: RSS

“A place like Mustang is not only known for its beautiful mountain ranges but also its vulnerability to disasters,” said Chief District Officer (CDO) Anup KC. “This region requires tailored and geography-aware development and disaster risk management plans.”

According to CDO KC, the recent flood is a wake-up call for disaster management officials at the provincial and federal levels, highlighting the increased vulnerability to disasters in Himalayan regions like Mustang.

Scientists like Shrestha agree.

“We are aware that our overall disaster preparedness is not strong, and this is even weaker in mountain regions due to their challenging geography and incomplete understanding of the risks,” he says. “Flash floods in high mountains are entirely new to us, and we need to understand and prepare for them with the specific needs of these areas in mind. We must adopt a multi-hazard risk management and preparedness approach.”

What Will Be the Next Step for Preparedness?

Officials at the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA) are aware of the growing demand for a comprehensive and specialized plan for the mountain region that addresses the unique needs of the Himalayas. Two geo-engineers from NDRRMA visited the flood-affected area to observe and better understand the event.

“However, we recognize that we cannot do this on our own,” added NDRRMA’s Chief Executive, Anil Pokhrel. “We are open to collaborating on research and need additional resources to address the increasing risks in the Himalayas.”

According to him, complex hazard systems are becoming more apparent in the mountains, leading to cascading impacts.

“That’s why we need global cooperation and collaboration to understand these complex hazards, which will help us create suitable plans that do justice to the Himalayas and its communities.”

IPS UN Bureau Report


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سمو ولي العهد يُطلق المخطط العام لمشروع قمم السودة

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية، 26 سبتمبر 2023:

أطلق صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود، ولي العهد رئيس مجلس الوزراء رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة السودة للتطوير –حفظه الله–، المخطط العام لمشروع تطوير السودة وأجزاء من رجال ألمع تحت مسمى "قمم السودة"، الذي يهدف إلى تطوير وجهة جبلية سياحية فاخرة فوق أعلى قمة في المملكة العربية السعودية على ارتفاع يصل إلى 3015 متر عن سطح البحر، في بيئة طبيعية وثقافية فريدة من نوعها في منطقة عسير جنوب غرب السعودية بما يتماشى مع جهود صندوق الاستثمارات العامة في تمكين القطاعات الحيوية الواعدة، ودعم استراتيجية تطوير منطقة عسير "قمم وشيم".

وأكد سمو ولي العهد رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة السودة للتطوير –حفظه الله–، أن قمم السودة ستعكس الوجه الجديد للسياحة الجبلية الفاخرة من خلال توفير تجربة معيشية غير مسبوقة، وسيساهم المشروع في تحقيق مستهدفات رؤية السعودية 2030 وتنمية القطاع السياحي والترفيهي، ودعم النمو الاقتصادي من خلال المساهمة في زيادة إجمالي الناتج المحلي التراكمي بأكثر من 29 مليار ريال سعودي، وتوفير آلاف الوظائف بشكل مباشر وغير مباشر.

وقال سمو ولي العهد: "يؤكد المخطط العام سعينا لتفعيل الجهود العالمية في الحفاظ على البيئة والثروات الطبيعية والتراثية وحفظها للأجيال القادمة، وبما يسهم في تنويع مصادر الدخل وبناء اقتصاد جاذب للاستثمارات الدولية والمحلية".

وأضاف سموه: "سيُحدث مشروع قمم السودة إضافة نوعية للقطاع السياحي وإبراز الجانب الثقافي في المملكة العربية السعودية، وسيساهم في جعل المملكة وجهة سياحية عالمية، وسيكون لدى العالم فرصة لاستكشاف جمال قمم السودة والتعرّف على تراثها الفريد وثقافتها الأصيلة ومجتمعها المضياف، وخوض تجارب لا تُنسى في أحضان الطبيعة وعلى متن السحاب".

وسيوفر مشروع قمم السودة خدمات الضيافة الفاخرة لمليوني زائر على مدار العام، كما سيعتمد المخطط العام في تصاميمه على الهوية العمرانية المحلية، حيث يضم 6 مناطق رئيسية تتمركز في مواقع مميزة، وهي: تَهْلَل، سَحَاب، سَبْرَة، جَرين، رجال، الصخرة الحمراء، تتنوع مرافقها بين الفنادق والمنتجعات الجبلية الفاخرة، والقصور والوحدات السكنية ذات الإطلالات الآسرة والمتاجر الفارهة، بالإضافة إلى نقاط الجذب الترفيهية والرياضية والثقافية، حيث سيتم تطوير 2700 غرفة فندقية، و 1336 وحدة سكنية، و 80 ألف متر مربع من المساحات التجارية، بحلول عام 2033 ، ويتكون المخطط العام لقمم السودة من 3 مراحل رئيسية، ومن المتوقع أن تكتمل أولى مراحله في عام 2027 ، حيث تتضمن المرحلة الأولى تطوير 940 غرفة فندقية و 391 وحدة سكنية و 32 ألف متر مربع من المساحات التجارية.

تقع قمم السودة على مساحة كبيرة من الغابات والجبال التي تمتد لأكثر من 627 كم² مع مساحة بناء لا تتجاوز 1% منها، مما يعكس التزام شركة السودة للتطوير بحماية البيئة وتطبيق معايير الاستدامة، والمحافظة على الموارد الطبيعية وتنميتها في منطقة المشروع التي تضم السودة وأجزاء من رجال ألمع، بما يدعم جهود مبادرة السعودية الخضراء.

يذكر أن السودة للتطوير هي إحدى شركات صندوق الاستثمارات العامة، تهدف إلى تطوير وجهة جبلية سياحية فاخرة، والحفاظ على البيئة الطبيعية والموروث الثقافي الإنساني في منطقة المشروع.

عن السودة للتطوير

السودة للتطوير هي إحدى شركات صندوق الاستثمارات العامة، تعمل على تطوير وجهة جبلية سياحية فاخرة في السودة وأجزاء من رجال ألمع، بمنطقة عسير جنوب غرب المملكة العربية السعودية. بهدف الحفاظ على المناظر الطبيعية والاحتفاء بالتراث الثقافي الغني للمنطقة، مع جذب 2 مليون زائر سنوياً على مدار العام بحلول 2033.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID )

Pemex Exploits Fossil Fuels with Money from International Banks

The state-owned Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) oil company is completing its seventh refinery on a 600-hectare site at Dos Bocas in the municipality of Paraíso, in the southeastern state of Tabasco. The plant will process some 290,000 barrels of fuels per day when it reaches full capacity. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS

The state-owned Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) oil company is completing its seventh refinery on a 600-hectare site at Dos Bocas in the municipality of Paraíso, in the southeastern state of Tabasco. The plant will process some 290,000 barrels of fuels per day when it reaches full capacity. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS

By Emilio Godoy
PARAÍSO, México, Sep 26 2023 – At the entrance to the municipality of Paraíso, in the southeastern Mexican state of Tabasco, there is a traffic circle that displays three things that are emblematic of the area: crabs, pelicans and mangroves.

But the monument lacks another element that has been vital to the region: oil, which has damaged the other three symbols through pollution. Marine animals have been affected by the oil and the mangroves have almost been cut down in a territory that had ample reserves of crude oil.

Despite the fading bonanza, the Mexican government decided to build the Olmeca refinery in the industrial port of Dos Bocas, in Paraíso, to refine some 290,000 barrels per day of oil from the Gulf of Mexico and thus reduce gasoline imports.“Their commitments are not credible. It is said there is no room for new fossil fuel projects, but the banks continue to support oil companies, like Pemex.” — Louis-Maxence Delaporte

It will be the seventh installation of the National Refining System in the country, in a port area that already has a crude oil shipping and export center of the state-owned oil giant Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), which controls the exploitation, refining, distribution and commercialization of hydrocarbons in the country.

Construction of the new infrastructure on an area of 600 hectares began in 2019, and although it was officially opened in 2022, the work has not been completed and it is expected to be fully operational in 2024.

But the plant has already provided revenue for the local economy, in the form of rents, transportation and food. However, there are also fears about its impact on a city of more than 96,000 inhabitants.

Genaro, a cab driver who preferred not to give his last name and is married with three children, said there is a sensation of risk. “We know what has happened in other places where there are refineries, with all the pollution. Besides, accidents occur,” he told IPS.

Near the plant is the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, home to hundreds of people and named after the president who nationalized the oil and electric industry in 1936.

There is an uneasy feeling among the local population. Irasema Lozano, a 36-year-old teacher who is a married mother of two, is one of the residents who is apprehensive about “the newcomer” to the city.

“Look around, there are houses, schools, stores. The government says it is a modern plant and that there is no danger, but we don’t feel safe with this huge plant,” she said.

Cab driver Genaro owns a house in the area, which he rents out. But he is now seriously thinking of selling it.

Construction of the plant has altered the life of the sprawling city around Dos Bocas. The “orange people”, referring to the color of the uniforms worn by everyone who works at the facility, are a permanent reminder of the changes as they move around town.

Talking about oil in Tabasco is a delicate matter, since the state is used to living with the exploitation of a light, low-sulfur, cheap and easy-to-extract hydrocarbon. It is also the home state of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a staunch defender of fossil fuels.

Pemex has financed the Olmeca megaproject with public funds, through its subsidiary Pemex Transformación Industrial. Its subsidiary PTI Infraestructura y Desarrollo has overseen construction.

The project has already had a high cost overrun, as the initial investment was estimated at seven billion dollars, a figure that has climbed to 18 billion dollars, according to the latest available data.

On this occasion, PTI ID has not turned to the international market to finance the work, according to the response to a public information access request from IPS.


The Olmeca refinery has a cost overrun, escalating from a planned initial investment of seven billion dollars to 18 billion dollars. The Mexican government expects the plant, located in Dos Bocas, in the southeastern municipality of Paraíso, to be fully operational by 2024. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS

The Olmeca refinery has a cost overrun, escalating from a planned initial investment of seven billion dollars to 18 billion dollars. The Mexican government expects the plant, located in Dos Bocas, in the southeastern municipality of Paraíso, to be fully operational by 2024. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS


The support of international banks

Traditionally, Pemex has depended on financial flows from international private banks. Between 2016 and 2022, 17 institutions gave nearly 61.5 billion dollars to the state-owned oil company, according to annual reports under the heading of “Banking on Climate Chaos” produced by a group of NGOs.

The British bank HSBC was the main financial backer of Pemex during this period, contributing 7.6 billion dollars, followed by the U.S.-based Citi (6.9 billion) and JP Morgan Chase (6.0 billion).

Pemex’s data gives a broader picture, as it shows more players in its lending field. Through direct loans, bond issuance, revolving credits (with automatic renewals) and project financing, 16 financial institutions have granted it 78.9 billion dollars since 2015.

In doing so, the international markets allow Pemex to obtain money for its operations and development, but in exchange they have turned it into the oil company with the highest debt in the world, some 100 billion dollars, which poses a great threat to Pemex and, by extension, to the country.

The main mechanism used is the insurance coverage or underwriting of Pemex’s financial operations by charging a commission.

Maaike Beenes, leader of banking and climate campaigns at the non-governmental BankTrack, told IPS that the large flow of financing means that banks feel confident that Pemex can repay the debt.

“Apparently it is because they think there are guarantees because it is a state-owned company. There is a lot of financing for the expansion of fossil fuel activities,” she said from the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

In 2020, Mexico was the 13th largest oil producer in the world and 19th largest gas producer. In terms of proven crude oil reserves, it ranked 20th and 41st respectively, according to Pemex data.


Two flares burn gas in the Nuevo Torno Largo neighborhood, in the municipality of Paraíso, in the vicinity of the Olmeca refinery. The southeastern state of Tabasco, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, has suffered the effects of pollution generated by oil production for more than 50 years through spills, contaminating gases, and water, air and soil pollution. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS

Two flares burn gas in the Nuevo Torno Largo neighborhood, in the municipality of Paraíso, in the vicinity of the Olmeca refinery. The southeastern state of Tabasco, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, has suffered the effects of pollution generated by oil production for more than 50 years through spills, contaminating gases, and water, air and soil pollution. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS


Fueling the crisis

By raising Pemex’s debt rating, the international banks risk their own voluntary climate targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, since the Mexican company’s GHG emission reduction targets are low.

For example, HSBC aims to achieve zero net emissions – where neutralized emissions equal those released into the atmosphere – in its operations and supply chain by 2030 and in its financing portfolio by 2050.

The bank says it is working with its clients to help them reduce their emissions. Its energy policy states that it will not finance new oil and gas fields.

But HSBC’s net zero goal has some gaps. According to the international Net Zero Tracker platform, its strategy lacks a detailed plan to achieve it, and has no reference on equity investment and no specification on formal accountability for monitoring progress, even though it covers Scope 1 (A1), 2 and 3 emissions.

A1 emissions come directly from sources under the polluter’s control, A2 emissions are indirect emissions from purchased energy, and A3 emissions are those originating in the final use of energy, not covered in A1 and A2, according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard, the most widely used in the world.

By 2022, Citi committed to achieving a 29 percent absolute reduction in emissions for the power sector and a 63 percent reduction in the intensity of its portfolio pollution for the electricity sector by 2030, addressing A1, A2 and A3 levels.

In this regard, Net Zero Tracker says the bank does not have a complete detailed plan for these decreases and makes no reference to investment in fossil fuel companies.

Another major player, JP Morgan Chase, has a target of a 69 percent reduction in the carbon intensity of power generation, which accounts for most of the sector’s climate impact, by 2030.

In the oil and gas segment, the company aims for a 35 percent decrease in operational carbon intensity, as well as a 15 percent drop in end-use energy carbon intensity for the same year.

But its net zero targets are in doubt, as Net Zero Tracker points out that they have shortcomings, such as a complete detailed plan, and no reference to equity investment and only partial coverage of A3.

Louis-Maxence Delaporte, fossil-free finance campaigner at the non-governmental Reclaim Finance, said that international financing for companies like Pemex is problematic as it is not aligned with the 2015 Paris climate change agreement, which sets out to keep global warming below 1.5°C.

“By not meeting these targets there is only greenwashing, like net zero. Their commitments are not credible. It is said there is no room for new fossil fuel projects, but the banks continue to support oil companies, like Pemex,” she told IPS from Paris.

Sandra Guzman, director general of the Climate Finance Group for Latin America and the Caribbean, says it is hypocritical for the banks to talk about the Paris Agreement, while continuing to invest in fossil fuels.

“In Mexico there are perverse incentives because the country depends on extractive activities. There is a vicious circle, as these activities demand a greater share of the public budget and the banks channel money into them,” she told IPS from London.


A photo taken at the entrance to the Olmeca refinery, which the Mexican government expects to start up by the end of the year and to be fully operational in 2024. The plant is located next to the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood which is home to hundreds of people, in the Paraíso municipality of the southeastern state of Tabasco. CREDIT: Emilio Godoy / IPS

A photo taken at the entrance to the Olmeca refinery, which the Mexican government expects to start up by the end of the year and to be fully operational in 2024. The plant is located next to the Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood which is home to hundreds of people, in the Paraíso municipality of the southeastern state of Tabasco. CREDIT: Emilio Godoy / IPS


Dirty money

Pollution from Pemex’s activities has grown since 2018, a reality to which its financiers turn a blind eye.

In 2019, the Mexican oil company released 48 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent into the atmosphere, an increase of 3.3 percent, compared to 2018 levels, according to the report that Pemex sent to the Securities and Exchange Commission, a requirement for the company to sell bonds in the U.S. market.

In 2020, that pollution increased to 54 million tons, a rise of 12.5 percent, and the following year, to 70.5 million, an increase of 7.1 percent.

The main drivers of these increases have been the expansion of exploration, production and refining activities, plus drilling and flaring.

As of October 2022, Pemex was not in compliance with the 10-point framework of Climate Action + 100, a platform dedicated to measuring companies’ approach to the Paris Agreement goals. These aspects are related to short- and long-term reduction targets (2025 and 2050), decarbonization strategy and climate policies.

Therefore, the oil company, the eighth-largest global polluter as of 2017, according to the ranking of the non-governmental U.S. Climate Accountability Institute, is in breach of the Paris Agreement, adopted in 2015 and in force since 2021.

This also makes Mexico a country in non-compliance, as Pemex accounts for 10 percent of its GHG emissions.

Pemex has projected the reduction of pollution from its oil and gas production and extraction from 22.9 tons per 1000 barrels of crude oil equivalent in 2021 to 21.5 in 2025. For oil refining, the target is 39.6 tons per 1000 barrels in 2035, compared to just under 45.2 tons in 2021.

Delaporte criticized these targets as weak and insufficient, as they address only exploration and production (A1) emissions and leave out A2 and A3, the latter being the most polluting.


The Olmeca refinery is located in a coastal area of southeastern Mexico prone to flooding and exposed to rising sea levels due to increasing temperatures, one of the consequences of burning fossil fuels. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS

The Olmeca refinery is located in a coastal area of southeastern Mexico prone to flooding and exposed to rising sea levels due to increasing temperatures, one of the consequences of burning fossil fuels. CREDIT: Erik Contreras-Gerardo Morales / IPS


The national buttress

Another facet of the financial movement is related to national development banks, which have been pushing fossil fuel expansion without respecting their own social and environmental safeguards.

What Pemex has not received from international banks, the National Bank of Foreign Trade (Bancomext), the National Bank of Public Works and Services (Banobras) and Nacional Financiera (Nafin) have provided: hundreds of millions of dollars since 2018.

Since 2019, Bancomext has delivered 895 million dollars to the oil and gas industry, including Pemex, although the specific amount that went to the company itself is not public knowledge.

Banobras has been a great support for the oil company. In 2021, it provided over 1.1 billion dollars for the total acquisition of the Deer Park refinery in the U.S. state of Texas, of which Pemex already owned half and Shell the other 50 percent.

In addition, the bank shelled out 299 million dollars for the renovation of the Miguel Hidalgo refinery in the central state of Hidalgo.

Nafin lent Pemex 200 million dollars to upgrade the plant in 2021.

One phenomenon is the participation of the National Infrastructure Fund (Fonadin), which until now had never financed the fossil fuel sector. Last year, the fund contributed 346 million dollars for the renovation of diesel and gasoline processing technology at the Hidalgo refinery and at the Antonio M. Amor refinery, located in the central state of Guanajuato.

The latest operation involves 2.5 billion dollars in financing for the acquisition of the 13 production plants owned in the country by the Spanish company Iberdrola, 12 gas plants and one wind farm, in what has been described as part of “a new nationalization process.”

This maneuver also shows that international banks are still interested in financing fossil fuels, as the Spanish banks BBVA and Santander, as well as the U.S. Bank of America, have expressed a willingness to provide financing for the already agreed acquisition.

Climate activists stress that Mexican development banks have had social and environmental standards in place since 2017, but argue that they have been reluctant to apply them when it comes to Pemex.

Banobras has no safeguards assessments with respect to oil and gas projects, according to responses to information requests submitted by IPS. The same applied to Nafin, which did not carry them out in 2022 and 2023. The bank conducted one in 2021, classified as a bank secret. Bancomext also keeps information on this matter classified.

In the municipality of Paraíso, when the refinery begins to fully operate sometime in 2024, the pace will slow down, contrary to what the government wants. “We hope it will be profitable because it has cost a lot. And we hope nothing serious happens,” said Lozano, the teacher.

Beenes said Mexican and foreign banks should respect the Paris Agreement and abandon fossil fuels.

“State-owned banks can offer guarantees or insurance for credits. That is worrying, it is a problem for the transition. We are asking them to support the transition with specific investment conditions. It is in their best interest to stay away from fossil fuels, because they run the risk of having stranded assets in their portfolios,” she said.

The expert believes that banks are aware of the need for change, but the question is how fast they can do it.

Delaporte said development banks should finance green and non-oil companies.

“The change must be global, including commercial banks, development banks and hedge funds. Shareholders should ask Pemex not to build more facilities. If it refuses, they should divest and put the money into renewable companies,” she said.

Guzman, for her part, warned that if the current trend continues, it will be difficult for Mexico not only to meet its own climate targets, but also its contribution to the overall goal of keeping the global climate increase down to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“There is talk of the need to continue mobilizing financing through national development banks for climate change. They should take advantage of this to allow the channeling and mobilization of funds” for the energy transition, she said.

IPS produced this article with support from The Sunrise Project.

Anaqua Builds on its Momentum in Japan with New Leadership, Clients, Solutions and Country HQ

BOSTON, Sept. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, the leading global innovation and intellectual property (IP) management technology provider, today announced changes to its executive leadership team in Japan as the company continues its strong growth trajectory in the country. Futoshi Saito will join Anaqua Japan, effective October 10, 2023, as President & General Manager, responsible for driving Anaqua's ongoing business development and delivering enhanced client solutions in Japan.

Saito–san has previously held leadership positions at LexisNexis as Managing Director, Japan and South Korea, and Thomson Reuters (now part of Clarivate) as head of the IP & Science business in Japan. Saito–san holds a bachelor's degree in international studies from Dokkyo University and studied at the Graduate School of History at the State University of New York at Albany.

Anaqua also announced the opening of its new Japan headquarters in the TOKYO TORCH Tokiwabashi Tower, providing an expanded work space to support the company's accelerated growth, which has seen further strengthening of the team and a 50% increase in new sales YTD . The move continues Anaqua Japan's mission to invest in people, infrastructure and solutions in order to provide clients with the most comprehensive and effective IP management software and solutions in Japan. Other recent Anaqua investments in Japan include opening a second client datacenter on Microsoft Azure, hiring additional team members for the growing annuities and renewals business, and developing Japan–specific enhancements to the AQX IP management platform, both for the pharmaceutical market and trademark professionals.

"I am excited to join Anaqua, a company I have admired for many years over the course of my career in IP and legal technology," said Saito. "I am honored to lead Anaqua Japan through its next stage of growth and to help our clients better protect and maximize value from their IP portfolios."

Anaqua CEO Bob Romeo said: "We are delighted to have appointed Saito–san to lead Anaqua's business in Japan. His extensive IP and technology experience will enable him to engage quickly with our business and the wider market, forming important relationships with our existing and future clients, and providing strong leadership for our team and our further business development. I am very proud of our operations in Japan and I am excited for what is yet to come."

About Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. is a premier provider of integrated intellectual property (IP) management technology solutions and services for corporations and law firms. Its IP management software solutions, AQX and PATTSY WAVE, both offer best practice workflows with big data analytics and tech–enabled services to create an intelligent environment designed to inform IP strategy, enable IP decision–making, and streamline IP operations, tailored to each segment's need. Today, nearly half of the top 100 U.S. patent filers and global brands, as well as a growing number of law firms worldwide use Anaqua's solutions. Over one million IP executives, attorneys, paralegals, administrators, and innovators use the platform for their IP management needs. The company's global operations are headquartered in Boston, with offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia Pacific. For additional information, please visit, or on LinkedIn.

Company Contact:
Kyoko Tsurumi
Associate Director, Marketing and Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8927986)

Anaqua poursuit son élan au Japon avec une nouvelle direction, de nouveaux clients et un nouveau siège social

BOSTON, 26 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, le leader mondial de l'innovation et des technologies de gestion de la proprit intellectuelle (PI), a annonc aujourd'hui des changements dans son quipe de direction au Japon, alors que l'entreprise connat une forte croissance dans le pays. Futoshi Saito rejoindra Anaqua Japon, compter du 10 octobre 2023, en tant que Prsident et Directeur Gnral. Il aura la responsabilit du dveloppement commercial d'Anaqua et de la commercialisation de solutions avances pour les clients au Japon.

Saito–san a prcdemment occup des postes de direction chez LexisNexis en tant que directeur gnral, Japon et Core du Sud, et chez Thomson Reuters (qui fait maintenant partie de Clarivate) en tant que responsable de l'activit PI & Science au Japon. M. Saito–san est titulaire d'une licence en tudes internationales de l'universit Dokkyo et a tudi la Graduate School of History de l'universit d'tat de New York Albany.

Anaqua a galement annonc l'ouverture de son nouveau sige social au Japon dans la TOKYO TORCH Tokiwabashi Tower, offrant un plus grand espace de travail pour soutenir la croissance acclre de l'entreprise. Depuis le dbut de l'anne, l'quipe a t renforce et les nouvelles ventes ont augment de 50 %. Ce dmnagement s'inscrit dans la mission d'Anaqua Japon, qui continue d'investir dans son personnel, l'infrastructure et les solutions afin de fournir aux clients le logiciel et les solutions de gestion de la proprit intellectuelle les plus complets et les plus efficaces au Japon. D'autres investissements rcents d'Anaqua au Japon incluent l'ouverture d'un second centre de donnes client sur Microsoft Azure, l'embauche de personnel supplmentaire pour l'activit croissante des annuits et des renouvellements, et le dveloppement d'amliorations spcifiques au Japon pour la plateforme de gestion de la proprit intellectuelle AQX, la fois pour le march pharmaceutique et pour les professionnels des marques.

Je suis ravi de rejoindre Anaqua, une entreprise que j'ai admir tout au long de ma carrire dans le domaine de la proprit intellectuelle et des technologies juridiques , a dclar Saito. Je suis honor de diriger Anaqua Japon dans sa prochaine tape de croissance et d'aider nos clients mieux protger et maximiser la valeur de leurs portefeuilles de proprit intellectuelle .

Bob Romeo, PDG d'Anaqua, a dclar : Nous sommes ravis d'avoir nomm Saito–san pour diriger les activits d'Anaqua au Japon. Sa grande exprience de la proprit intellectuelle et des technologies lui permettra de s'engager rapidement dans nos activits et sur le march en gnral, en tablissant des relations fortes avec nos clients actuels et futurs, et en pilotant avec brio notre quipe et notre dveloppement commercial. Je suis trs fier de nos activits au Japon et je suis impatient de voir ce qui nous attend.

A propos d'Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. est un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions et services technologiques intgrs de gestion de la proprit intellectuelle (PI). Ses logiciels, AQX et PATTSY WAVE , combinent les meilleurs outils pour dfinir une stratgie de proprit intellectuelle avise. Ses technologies, qui reposent notamment sur des workflows et des capacits d'analyses avancs, offre un environnement de travail intelligent conu pour une prendre de meilleures dcisions et optimiser les oprations de PI. Aujourd'hui, prs de la moiti des 100 premiers dposants de brevets amricains et des marques mondiales, ainsi qu'un nombre croissant de cabinets de conseils dans le monde utilisent les solutions Anaqua. Plus d'un million de dcideurs, avocats, parajuristes, gestionnaires et innovateurs utilisent la plateforme pour leurs besoins de gestion de la PI. Le sige de la socit est situ Boston, avec des bureaux aux Etats–Unis, en Europe et en Asie. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter le site, ou LinkedIn.

Contact presse :
Amandine Delagarde
Responsable Marketing

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8927985)

Anaqua nimmt in Japan weiter Fahrt auf: Neue Führung, Kunden, Lösungen und Headquarter

BOSTON / MÜNCHEN, Sept. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Anaqua, der weltweit fhrende Anbieter von Technologien fr das Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP), gab heute Vernderungen in seinem Fhrungsteam in Japan bekannt, mit denen das Unternehmen seinen starken Wachstumskurs in diesem Land fortsetzt. Futoshi Saito wird ab 10. Oktober 2023 als President und Geschftsfhrer von Anaqua Japan fungieren. Er wird fr die laufende Geschftsentwicklung und die Bereitstellung erweiterter Kundenlsungen in Japan verantwortlich sein.

Saito hatte zuvor Fhrungspositionen bei LexisNexis als Managing Director fr Japan und Sdkorea sowie bei Thomson Reuters (jetzt Teil von Clarivate) als Leiter des Bereichs IP & Science in Japan inne. Saito hat einen Bachelor–Abschluss in International Studies von der Dokkyo University und studierte an der Graduate School of History an der State University of New York in Albany.

Anaqua gab gleichzeitig die Erffnung seines neuen japanischen Hauptsitzes im TOKYO TORCH Tokiwabashi Tower bekannt. Das grere Platzangebot trgt dem beschleunigten Wachstum des Unternehmens Rechnung, das sich in einer 50–prozentigen Steigerung der Neuabschlsse im laufenden Jahr und einer eine weiteren Verstrkung des Teams ausdrckt. Mit diesem Schritt setzt Anaqua Japan sein Ziel fort, in Mitarbeiter, Infrastruktur und Lsungen zu investieren, um seinen Kunden die umfassendste und effektivste IP–Management–Software und –Lsung in Japan zu bieten. Zu den jngsten Investitionen von Anaqua in Japan gehren darber hinaus die Erffnung eines zweiten Microsoft Azure Kunden–Rechenzentrums, zustzliche Teammitglieder fr den wachsenden Bereich der Patentgebhren und –verlngerungen, sowie die Entwicklung Japan–spezifischer Erweiterungen der AQX– IP Management Plattform sowohl fr den Pharmamarkt als auch fr Markenspezialisten.

“Ich freue mich, ein Teil von Anaqua zu werden – ein Unternehmen, das ich whrend meiner Karriere in IP und LegalTech seit vielen Jahren bewundere" sagte Futoshi Saito. “Ich fhle mich geehrt, Anaqua Japan durch die nchste Wachstumsphase zu fhren und unsere Kunden dabei zu untersttzen, ihre IP–Portfolios besser zu schtzen und deren Wert zu maximieren.”

Bob Romeo, CEO von Anaqua, sagte: “Wir sind hoch erfreut, Futoshi Saito mit der Leitung der Geschfte in Japan zu betrauen. Seine umfassende Erfahrung in den Bereichen IP und Technologie wird es ihm ermglichen, sich schnell in unser Geschft und den Markt einzuarbeiten, um wichtige Beziehungen mit unseren bestehenden und zuknftigen Kunden aufzubauen und unser Team und unsere weitere Geschftsentwicklung erfolgreich zu fhren. Ich bin sehr stolz auf unsere Geschftsttigkeit in Japan und freue mich auf die weitere Zukunft.”

ber Anaqua

Anaqua, Inc. ist ein fhrender Anbieter von integrierten Technologielsungen und Dienstleistungen fr das Management von geistigem Eigentum (IP) fr Unternehmen und Anwaltskanzleien. Seine Softwarelsungen fr das IP–Management, AQX und PATTSY WAVE , bieten Best–Practice–Workflows mit Big–Data–Analysen und technologiegesttzten Diensten, um eine intelligente Umgebung zu schaffen, die die IP–Strategie informiert, die Entscheidungsfindung im IP–Bereich ermglicht und die IP–Ablufe rationalisiert, zugeschnitten auf die Bedrfnisse der einzelnen Segmente. Heute nutzen fast die Hlfte der 100 grten US–Patentanmelder und globalen Marken sowie eine wachsende Zahl von Anwaltskanzleien weltweit die Lsungen von Anaqua. Mehr als eine Million IP–Fhrungskrfte, Anwlte, Rechtsanwaltsgehilfen, Administratoren und Innovatoren nutzen die Plattform fr ihre IP–Management–Anforderungen. Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens befindet sich in Boston, mit Niederlassungen in den USA, Europa, Australien und Asien. Fr weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte oder LinkedIn.

+49–89–2 878 878 0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8927985)