FreedomPay annonce un partenariat stratégique avec PAX Technology, Inc. pour des solutions de commerce mondial améliorées


FreedomPay, plateforme technologique de commerce privilgie des industries mondiales comprenant l'htellerie, l'hbergement, la vente au dtail et plus encore, annonce aujourd'hui sa collaboration avec PAX Technology, Inc., l'un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement lectroniques de la plante.

compter du deuxime trimestre 2024, FreedomPay lancera des appareils PAX Technology offrant une exprience de validation de commande se montrant la fois sre, fluide et unifie pour les consommateurs tout en permettant aux marchands de bnficier des capacits d'analyse des donnes et des programmes de fidlit avantageux de FreedomPay. Ce partenariat renforce l'engagement de FreedomPay favoriser un cosystme ouvert et accessible pour ses partenaires sectoriels et marchands.

FreedomPay se ddie offrir une exprience client sans gale en priorisant la vitesse, la scurit et la personnalisation , a dclar Chris Kronenthal, prsident de FreedomPay. En faisant quipe avec PAX Technology, les marchands du monde entier peuvent dsormais offrir une exprience commerciale de niveau suprieur.

Ce partenariat annonce une nouvelle re d'excellence commerciale pour les marchands et consommateurs du monde entier. Grce l'inclusion d'une connectivit sans fil 4G de pointe, les marchands pourront dsormais profiter de transactions rapides et fluides. Les appareils tout–en–un de PAX Technology, intgrant la fois point de vente et paiements, rationalisent les oprations et simplifient l'exprience de validation de commande.

Cette collaboration avec FreedomPay associe une technologie commerciale de pointe avec des solutions matrielles d'acceptation des paiements faisant figure de leaders du secteur, favorisant le commerce mondial en permettant des transactions faciles et sres tant pour les consommateurs que pour les entreprises , a comment Andy Chau, prsident et directeur gnral de PAX Technology, Inc. Notre ligne de terminaux Android constituera une solution de paiement extrmement flexible pour FreedomPay et ses clients.

propos de FreedomPay
La plateforme Next Level Commerce de FreedomPay transforme les systmes et processus de paiement existants pour les faire passer la pointe de la technologie et permet aux marchands de dvoiler la puissance des paiements. En tant que premier choix pour bon nombre des plus grandes entreprises du monde dans les domaines de la vente au dtail, de l'htellerie, de l'hbergement, des jeux, des sports et du divertissement, des services alimentaires, de l'ducation, des soins de sant et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a t spcialement conue pour fournir des performances solides dans l'environnement extrmement complexe du commerce mondial.

La socit maintient un environnement de scurit de classe mondiale et a t la premire obtenir la validation convoite du Conseil des normes de scurit de l'industrie des cartes de paiement (PCI) par rapport la norme de cryptage point point (P2PE/EMV) en Amrique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matire de paiements, de scurit, d'identit et d'analyse de donnes sont disponibles en magasin, en ligne et sur mobile et sont prises en charge par l'adoption rapide des API. La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay prime fonctionne sur une seule et unique pile technologique unifie sur plusieurs continents, permettant ainsi aux entreprises d'offrir une exprience innovante de niveau suprieur l'chelle mondiale.

propos de PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. est l'un des plus grands fournisseurs de solutions de paiement lectroniques au monde, comptant 70 millions de terminaux situs dans plus de 120 pays. En tant que fabricants mondiaux de premier plan dans le domaine, nous sommes dtermins proposer des solutions de paiement innovantes, sres et de haute qualit aux entreprises, de toutes tailles, travers la plante. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur le site

Contact :
Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies pour FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922545)

FreedomPay gibt strategische Partnerschaft mit PAX Technology, Inc. für verbesserte Lösungen beim globalen Handel bekannt


FreedomPay, die bevorzugte Commerce–Technologieplattform fr zahlreiche Branchen wie Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Einzelhandel und mehr, gibt heute seine Zusammenarbeit mit PAX Technology, Inc. bekannt, einem der weltweit grten Anbieter elektronischer Zahlungslsungen.

Im zweiten Quartal 2024 wird FreedomPay Gerte mit PAX–Technologie einfhren, die Verbrauchern ein sicheres, problemloses und einheitliches Kassenerlebnis bieten und Hndlern mit den robusten Treueprogrammen und Datenanalysefunktionen von FreedomPay untersttzen. Diese Partnerschaft unterstreicht das Bestreben von FreedomPay, ein offenes und zugngliches kosystem fr seine Hndler und Industriepartner zu frdern.

"FreedomPay hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein unvergleichliches Kundenerlebnis zu bieten, indem es Geschwindigkeit, Sicherheit und Personalisierung in den Vordergrund stellt", so Chris Kronenthal, President von FreedomPay. "Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit PAX Technology knnen Hndler berall auf der Welt nun Hndlern und Verbrauchern ein Commerce–Erlebnis auf ganz neuem Level bieten."

Die Partnerschaft lutet eine neue ra von Spitzenleistungen im Handel fr Hndler und Verbraucher weltweit ein. Die Integration der hochmodernen 4G–Mobilfunkverbindung ermglicht Hndlern jetzt die problemlose und schnelle Durchfhrung der Transaktionen. Die All–in–One–Gerte von PAX Technology, die sowohl den Point–of–Sale als auch den Zahlungsverkehr integrieren, optimieren die Ablufe und vereinfachen den Zahlungsvorgang.

"Die Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay verbindet modernste Handelstechnologie mit branchenfhrenden Hardwarelsungen fr die Zahlungsakzeptanz und frdert den globalen Handel, indem sie sichere Transaktionen fr Verbraucher und Unternehmen ermglicht", sagte Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Unsere Android–Terminals bieten eine uerst flexible Zahlungslsung fr FreedomPay und seine Kunden."

ber FreedomPay
Die Next Level Commerce–Plattform von FreedomPay verwandelt bestehende Zahlungssysteme und –prozesse von veralteten in moderne Lsungen und ermglicht es Hndlern, neue Zahlungsmglichkeiten fr sich zu entdecken. Als erste Wahl fr viele der weltweit grten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Glcksspiel, Sport und Unterhaltung, Foodservice, Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und Finanzdienstleistungen wurde die Technologie von FreedomPay speziell entwickelt, um in der hochkomplexen Umgebung des globalen Handels eine felsenfeste Leistung zu erbringen.

Das Unternehmen unterhlt eine erstklassige Sicherheitsumgebung und war das erste Unternehmen, das vom PCI Security Standards Council die begehrte Validierung des Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) Standards in Nordamerika erhielt. Die robusten Lsungen von FreedomPay in den Bereichen Zahlungen, Sicherheit, Identitt und Datenanalyse sind in Geschften, online und mobil verfgbar und werden durch eine schnelle API–Einfhrung untersttzt. Die preisgekrnte FreedomPay Commerce–Plattform arbeitet auf einem einzigen, einheitlichen Technologie–Stack ber mehrere Kontinente hinweg und ermglicht es Unternehmen, ein innovatives Next Level–Erlebnis auf globaler Ebene zu bieten.

ber PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, Inc. ist einer der weltweit grten Anbieter von elektronischen Zahlungslsungen mit 70 Millionen Terminals in ber 120 Lndern. Als ein weltweit fhrender Hersteller von Zahlungslsungen haben wir uns verpflichtet, innovative, qualitativ hochwertige und sichere Zahlungslsungen fr groe und kleine Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt zu liefern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922545)

CNN Travel recognises Dominica as one of the best Caribbean islands

Roseau, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Cable News Network (CNN) Travel has nominated the Commonwealth of Dominica as one of the nine best islands in the Caribbean!

All nine countries were categorised based on what they were known for catering to a variety of tourists' reasons for travelling to the Caribbean. Dominica, also widely referred to as the "Nature Isle of the Caribbean', boasts intricate features that make it one of the ultimate destinations for tourists and visitors alike.

CNN Travel classified all nine countries according to the following criteria:

1. Dominica: For lush natural beauty

2. North and Middle Caicos: For the unspoiled Caribbean

3. Curaao: For "city' life

4. Saba: For white–knuckle aviation thrill

5. Antigua: For diverse beaches

6. Barbados: For great cuisine and rum

7. St Barts: For over–the–top luxury

8. Puerto Rico: For music and dance

9. Martinique: For a taste of France in the Caribbean

CNN Travel highlighted the lush natural island as it is home to natural rainforests, luxurious eco–friendly resorts and sustainable and eco–tourism practices around the Nature Isle. Coulibri Ridge, is one of Dominica's eco–resorts that has been featured on Conde Nast Traveller and prides itself on its sustainable accommodation standards.

Tourists can complement their visit by booking accommodation in any of the luxurious resorts with natural outdoor adventures. Some factors that supported this recognition are as follows:

Untamed nature

It is renowned for its lush rainforests, pristine rivers, and abundant waterfalls. The island's rugged terrain includes the Morne Trois Pitons National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which showcases volcanic peaks, hot springs, and the famous Boiling Lake.

Morne Trois Pitons National Park

The Morne Trois Pitons National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its stunning natural beauty and unique geological features. Spanning approximately 68,000 acres, this park encompasses a diverse range of ecosystems, making it a biodiverse hotspot in the Caribbean.

The national park is dominated by volcanic activity, the park displays dramatic features like Boiling Lake, the world's second–largest hot spring, and the Valley of Desolation, known for its fumaroles and bubbling mud pots.

There are several breathtaking waterfalls, including Trafalgar Falls and Middleham Falls, offering visitors the opportunity to swim in refreshing pools and enjoy the lush surroundings.

There is a rich biodiversity and home to various rare and endemic species of plants and animals, including the Sisserou parrot, which is the country's national bird. It plays a crucial role in conservation efforts, protecting endangered species and preserving Dominica's natural heritage.

Morne Trois Pitons offers a network of well–maintained hiking trails, allowing visitors to explore its natural wonders, such as the challenging trek to the Boiling Lake or the accessible Emerald Pool trail.

The park is also culturally significant, with historical remains of indigenous Kalinago settlements, adding an anthropological dimension to its natural beauty.

Boiling Lake

The Boiling Lake is a geothermal wonder situated within Morne Trois Pitons National Park, formed by the collapse of a fumarole, a vent for volcanic gases. It is one of only a few known boiling lakes in the world.

The lake's most distinctive feature is its constantly churning and bubbling waters, caused by the intense heat beneath. The water temperature ranges from 180 to 197 degrees Fahrenheit (82 to 92 degrees Celsius), making it too hot for a traditional swim.

The lake is one of the largest of its kind globally, spanning approximately 200 feet (61 meters) in diameter. Its depth is estimated to be over 200 feet, although exact measurements are challenging due to the constantly changing water levels.

The Boiling Lake is a testament to Dominica's volcanic activity. It is nestled within a volcanic crater and surrounded by a lush rainforest, highlighting the island's geological diversity.

Accessible only by a challenging hike, the journey to the Boiling Lake takes trekkers through dense forests, sulphur springs, and breathtaking viewpoints, making it a popular destination for adventurous hikers and nature enthusiasts.

Soufriere–Scott's Head Marine Reserve

The Soufriere–Scott's Head Marine Reserve (SSMR) pristine and ecologically significant protected area alongside the west coast of Dominica. One of the most remarkable aspects of this reserve is its diverse marine ecosystem. The nutrient–rich waters support an array of marine species, including vibrant coral reefs, sponges, and an impressive variety of fish species. Divers and snorkelers can witness the colourful underwater world with species like parrotfish, angelfish, and seahorses.

Dominica's volcanic origins are evident in the underwater landscape of the SSMR. Submerged volcanic craters, drop–offs, and underwater vents create a dramatic and dynamic seascape. The Soufriere volcano, which gives the area its name, is a prominent feature. The reserve also boasts underwater hot springs and geothermal activity, creating unique geological formations.

The reserve is located at the southern tip of the island, where the Caribbean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. The rugged coastline and cliffs of Scott's Head Peninsula provide stunning vistas and hiking trails for those seeking a terrestrial adventure.

The marine reserve offers world–class diving opportunities, with sites like "Champagne Reef' where underwater geothermal vents release streams of bubbles, resembling champagne. This phenomenon creates an otherworldly diving experience.

The reserve's coastal and mangrove areas are important habitats for various bird species, including migratory birds, making it a haven for birdwatchers. It is protected by strict conservation regulations, including no–fishing zones, to preserve its natural beauty and biodiversity.

There is a cultural importance to the local community, as Scott's Head Village is a fishing hub and a gateway for exploring the marine reserve. The reserve's beauty extends beyond its underwater wonders, with numerous hiking trails, waterfalls, and birdwatching opportunities.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922488)

Chief Sales Officer von AI-Media präsentiert Untertitelungsinnovation auf der kommenden IBC Broadcast-Messe

BROOKLYN, New York, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, der fhrende Anbieter von technologiebasierten Lsungen fr Live–Untertitelung, Transkription und bersetzung, freut sich, seine Teilnahme an der IBC Show 2023 anzukndigen, die vom 15. bis 18. September in Amsterdam, Niederlande, stattfindet. Die Veranstaltung verspricht ein Zusammentreffen von Branchenexperten, Vordenkern und innovativen Unternehmen im Bereich der Rundfunk– und Medientechnologie zu werden.

Als weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Untertiteln fr die Rundfunk– und Fernsehbranche ist AI–Media stolz darauf, an dieser einflussreichen Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Unser Chief Sales Officer, James Ward, wird unsere Delegation anfhren und unser Engagement fr Spitzenleistungen bei der Bereitstellung von Spitzenlsungen fr unsere Kunden und Partner vertreten.

James Ward, Chief Sales Officer von AI–Media, dazu:

"Wir freuen uns, dass wir erneut an der IBC teilnehmen knnen. Diese Messe ist eine auergewhnliche Plattform fr uns, um unsere neuesten Innovationen zu prsentieren und zu zeigen, wie wir die Grenzen des Machbaren in der Broadcast–Branche immer weiter verschieben. Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Branchenfhrern, Kunden und Partnern ins Gesprch zu kommen und unsere Vision fr die Zukunft des Broadcastings zu teilen."

AI–Media wird auf der Veranstaltung mehrere wichtige Broadcast–Lsungen vorstellen, deren Eckpfeiler unsere KI–gesttzte Lsung fr automatische Live–Untertitelung "" LEXI "" ist. LEXI liefert durchgngig Genauigkeitsraten von ber 98 %, erkennt Sprecherwechsel, nutzt KI, um sicherzustellen, dass die Untertitel den Bildschirminhalt nicht unterbrechen, und das alles zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten von menschlichen Untertiteln. Dieses innovative Tool revolutioniert die Untertitelung in Echtzeit und bietet eine kosteneffiziente Lsung, die von den weltweit fhrenden Rundfunkanstalten angenommen wird. AI–Media wird auf dem Stand Live–Demos durchfhren, um diese bahnbrechende Technologie in Aktion zu zeigen.

Das krzlich eingefhrte KI–gesttzte LEXI Captioning Tool Kit wird ebenfalls auf der IBC2023 vorgestellt und umfasst sechs Schlssellsungen, die jeweils fr unterschiedliche Untertitelungsanforderungen konzipiert sind. LEXI Tool Kit verndert die Erstellung von Inhalten und Untertiteln und bietet komplette End–to–End–Lsungen fr Medienunternehmen, Sendeanstalten, Veranstaltungsproduzenten, Bildungseinrichtungen und Content–Ersteller weltweit. Sender knnen die Komponenten des Toolkits je nach ihren geschftlichen Anforderungen kombinieren und auf Lsungen wie Untertitelung, bersetzung, Archivierung und Suche sowie Disaster Recovery zugreifen.

Mit der IP–Videoproduktion an der Spitze der Innovation in der Broadcasting–Landschaft knnen Sender auf AI–Media's ALTA Lsung fr ihre IP–kompatible Closed Captioning– und Untertitel–Encoding–Lsung zu suchen. ALTA untersttzt globale bertragungsstandards wie SMPTE–2110 und MPEG–TS–Eingnge und kann 2110–40, DVB–Untertitel, DVB–TTML, DVB–Teletext und SMPTE 2038 ausgeben. ALTA kann als eigenstndige virtuelle Maschine, als vorkonfiguriertes AMI oder als schlsselfertiger physischer Server bereitgestellt werden und fgt sich so in jeden Produktionsablauf ein. ALTA beherrscht nicht nur mhelos sechs Sprachen pro Instanz, sondern untersttzt auch die Einblendung von Werbehinweisen gem SCTE–35 und SCTE–104. Mit ALTA hilft AI–Media den Sendern, ihre IP–Videobertragungen auf ein neues Niveau der Reichweite und Zugnglichkeit zu heben. Ebenfalls am Stand erhltlich ist unser Angebot an SDI–Hardware–Encodern, einschlielich unseres Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 RU Caption Encoders "" mittlerweile der Broadcast–Standard fr SDI–Encoder.

Wir freuen uns auch, unseren Kunden einen ersten Einblick in unsere aktualisierte LEXI Translate–Lsung zu geben, die die nchste Stufe der sprachlichen Zugnglichkeit in unserem LEXI Tool Kit darstellt. Diese in Krze erscheinende Version zeichnet sich durch eine unbertroffene Genauigkeit bei der Echtzeitbersetzung aus und ermglicht es den Sendern, Inhalte an ein greres Publikum als je zuvor zu verbreiten.

Besuchen Sie AI–Media auf der IBC 2023, 15.–18. September, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Stand Nr. 5.C31. Die Teilnehmer werden aufgefordert, einen Termin mit dem AI–Media–Team zu vereinbaren, um unser Angebot an Komplettlsungen fr die Untertitelung von Sendungen kennenzulernen.

ber AI–Media

Das 2003 in Australien gegrndete Technologieunternehmen AI–Media ist ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von Lsungen fr Live– und aufgezeichnete Untertitelung, Transkription und bersetzung. Mit seiner KI–gesttzten automatischen Untertitelungslsung LEXI untersttzt das Unternehmen die weltweit fhrenden Rundfunkanstalten, Unternehmen und staatlichen Behrden bei der Gewhrleistung einer hochprzisen, sicheren und kosteneffektiven Untertitelung. LEXI–Untertitel werden ber den Untertitel–Encoder und das iCap Cloud–Netzwerk von AI–Media "" das weltweit grte und sicherste Netzwerk zur Bereitstellung von Untertiteln "" an Millionen von Bildschirmen weltweit geliefert. Weltweit liefert AI–Media monatlich ber 8 Millionen Minuten an Live– und aufgezeichneten Medien. AI–Media wird an der australischen Brse (ASX:AIM) gehandelt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Ai–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922473)

Le directeur des ventes chez AI-Media est ravi de présenter une innovation en matière de sous-titrage lors du prochain salon professionnel IBC sur la diffusion

BROOKLYN, État de New York, 14 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, le chef de file des solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous–titrage en direct s'axant sur la technologie, a le plaisir d'annoncer sa prsence au salon IBC 2023, qui doit avoir lieu du 15 au 18 septembre Amsterdam, aux Pays–Bas. L'vnement promet d'tre un rassemblement d'experts de l'industrie, de leaders d'opinion et d'entreprises innovantes dans le secteur de la diffusion et des technologies mdiatiques.

En tant que leader mondial du sous–titrage pour l'industrie de la diffusion, AI–Media est fire de faire partie de cet vnement d'une grande influence. Notre directeur des ventes, James Ward, dirigera notre dlgation et reprsentera notre engagement envers l'excellence dans la fourniture de solutions de pointe nos clients et partenaires.

James Ward, directeur des ventes d'AI–Media, a dclar :

Nous sommes ravis de faire une nouvelle fois partie du salon IBC. Ce salon professionnel est une plateforme exceptionnelle qui nous permet de prsenter nos dernires innovations et de dmontrer comment nous continuons repousser les frontires du possible dans l'industrie de la diffusion. Nous sommes impatients d'changer avec des leaders de l'industrie, des clients et des partenaires, et de partager notre vision de l'avenir de la diffusion.

AI–Media va prsenter plusieurs solutions de diffusion cls lors de l'vnement, LEXI tant la pierre angulaire de notre solution de sous–titrage automatique en direct optimise par l'IA. LEXI fournit systmatiquement des taux de prcision suprieurs 98 %, identifie les changements de locuteur, utilise l'IA pour garantir que les sous–titres n'interrompent pas le contenu l'cran, et tout cela pour une fraction du cot des sous–titres d'origine humaine. Cet outil innovant est en train de rvolutionner le sous–titrage en temps rel, apportant une solution rentable qui a t adopte par les plus grands diffuseurs du monde. AI–Media organisera des dmonstrations en direct sur le stand pour prsenter cette technologie rvolutionnaire en action.

Le Kit d'outils de sous–titrage LEXI optimis par l'IA rcemment lanc sera galement prsent lors du salon IBC2023, avec six solutions cls, chacune conue pour rpondre aux diffrents besoins du sous–titrage. Le Kit d'outils LEXI transforme la cration de contenu et le sous–titrage, en proposant des solutions de bout en bout compltes pour les socits de mdias, les diffuseurs, les producteurs d'vnements, les tablissements d'enseignement et les crateurs de contenu dans le monde entier. Les diffuseurs peuvent associer et assortir les lments du Kit d'outils en fonction de leurs besoins professionnels, en ayant accs des solutions qui comprennent le sous–titrage, la traduction, l'archivage et la recherche, ainsi que la reprise aprs sinistre.

Avec la production de vido IP l'avant–garde de l'innovation dans le paysage de la diffusion, les diffuseurs peuvent compter sur la solution ALTA d'AI–Media pour leur encodage de sous–titres compatibles IP. ALTA adhre aux normes de diffusion mondiales, notamment les entres SMPTE–2110 et MPEG–TS, et peut produire des sous–titres 2110–40, DVB, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext et SMPTE 2038. ALTA peut s'adapter n'importe quel flux de production car elle peut tre dploye en tant que machine virtuelle autonome, AMI prte l'emploi ou serveur physique cl en main. En plus de grer sans effort six langues par instance, ALTA prend galement en charge l'insertion de signaux publicitaires l'aide de marqueurs SCTE–35 et SCTE–104. Avec ALTA, AI–Media aide les diffuseurs lever leurs diffusions vido par IP vers de nouveaux sommets en termes de porte et d'accessibilit. Notre stand prsentera galement notre gamme d'encodeurs matriels SDI, notamment notre encodeur de sous–titres Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 RU, dsormais synonyme de norme de la diffusion pour les encodeurs SDI.

Nous sommes galement impatients de fournir aux clients un aperu anticip de notre solution LEXI Translate amliore, qui constitue le niveau suprieur d'accessibilit linguistique au sein de notre Kit d'outils LEXI. Cette version bientt disponible offre une prcision ingale de traduction en temps rel, ce qui permet aux diffuseurs de distribuer le contenu une audience plus vaste que jamais auparavant.

Rejoignez AI–Media lors du salon IBC 2023, du 15 au 18 septembre, au Centre de conventions et d'expositions RAI Amsterdam, stand n 5.C31. Les participants sont encourags rserver une rencontre avec l'quipe AI–Media qui leur fera dcouvrir notre gamme de solutions de sous–titrage pour la diffusion de bout en bout.

propos d'AI–Media

Fonde en Australie en 2003, la socit technologique AI–Media est un leader mondial des solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous–titrage enregistrs et en direct. La socit aide les principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organismes gouvernementaux du monde assurer des sous–titrages de haute prcision, scuriss et rentables via sa solution de sous–titrage automatique LEXI optimise par l'IA. Des sous–titres LEXI sont livrs sur des millions d'cran travers le monde grce la gamme d'encodeurs de sous–titrage d'AI–Media et son rseau iCap Cloud "" le rseau de livraison de sous–titres le plus grand et le plus scuris au monde. l'chelle mondiale, AI–Media livre plus de 8 millions de minutes de contenu multimdia en direct et enregistr chaque mois. AI–Media est cote la bourse australienne (ASX : AIM). Pour de plus amples informations, rendez–vous sur le site AI–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922473)

Diretor de Vendas da AI-Media Animado em Mostrar a Inovação de Legendagem na Próxima IBC Broadcast Tradeshow

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI–Media, lder em solues de legendagem, legendagem oculta, transcrio e traduo ao vivo com base em tecnologia, tem o prazer de anunciar sua presena na IBC Broadcast Tradeshow a ser realizada entre 15 e 18 de setembro em Amsterd, Pases Baixos. O evento promete ser um encontro de especialistas, lderes de pensamento e empresas inovadoras do setor de tecnologia de transmisso e mdia.

Como lder global em legendagem e legendagem oculta para a indstria de transmisso, a AI–Media tem orgulho de fazer parte deste evento influente. Nosso Diretor de Vendas, James Ward, liderar nossa delegao e representar o nosso compromisso com a excelncia no fornecimento de solues de ponta para nossos clientes e parceiros.

O Diretor de Vendas da AI–Media, James Ward, disse:

um grande prazer fazer parte da IBC Broadcast Tradeshow mais uma vez. Esta feira uma plataforma excepcional para mostrarmos nossas ltimas inovaes e demonstrarmos como continuamos a expandir os limites do que possvel no setor de transmisso. Estamos empolgados em nos envolver com lderes, clientes e parceiros do setor e compartilhar nossa viso para o futuro da transmisso.”

A AI–Media mostrar vrias solues–chave de transmisso no evento, com a nossa base fundamental, nossa soluo de legendagem automtica ao vivo com tecnologia AI "" LEXI. A LEXI oferece consistentemente taxas de preciso de mais de 98%, identifica alteraes no falante, usa IA para garantir que as legendas no interrompam o contedo na tela e tudo por uma frao do custo da legendagem humana. Esta ferramenta inovadora est revolucionando a legendagem em tempo real, fornecendo uma soluo econmica que est sendo adotada pelas principais emissoras do mundo. A AI–Media far demonstraes ao vivo no estande mostrando essa tecnologia inovadora em ao.

O recm–lanado LEXI Captioning Tool Kit, alimentado por IA, tambm ser apresentado na IBC2023, com seis solues principais, todas projetadas para atender as diferentes necessidades da legendagem. O LEXI Tool Kit transforma a criao e legendagem de contedo, oferecendo solues completas de ponta a ponta para empresas de mdia, emissoras, produtores de eventos, instituies educacionais e criadores de contedo em todo o mundo. As emissoras podem misturar e combinar os componentes do Tool Kit para atender s necessidades dos seus negcios, acessando solues, incluindo legendagem, traduo, arquivamento e pesquisa, e recuperao de desastres.

Com a produo de vdeo IP na vanguarda da inovao no cenrio de transmisso, as emissoras podem procurar a soluo ALTA da AI–Media para codificao de legendagem e legendagem oculta compatvel com IP. A ALTA compatvel com padres de transmisso globais, incluindo SMPTE–2110, entradas MPEG–TS e com sada 2110–40, legendas DVB, DVB TTML, DVB Teletext e SMPTE 2038. Implantvel como uma mquina virtual autnoma, uma AMI pr–definida ou um servidor fsico pronto para uso, a ALTA pode se encaixar em qualquer fluxo de trabalho de produo. Alm de lidar sem esforo com seis idiomas por instncia, a ALTA tambm compatvel com insero de dicas de publicidade com SCTE–35 e SCTE–104. Com a ALTA, a AI–Media est ajudando as emissoras a elevar suas transmisses de vdeo IP a novos patamares de alcance e acessibilidade. Tambm estar disponvel no estande nossa linha de codificadores de hardware SDI, incluindo nosso codificador de legenda RU Encoder Pro (HD492) 1 – agora sinnimo de padro de transmisso para codificadores SDI.

Tambm estamos muito contentes de fornecer aos clientes uma viso antecipada da nossa soluo LEXI Translate atualizada, o prximo nvel de acessibilidade de idiomas do nosso LEXI Tool Kit. Esta verso, a ser lanada em breve, tem uma preciso inigualvel na traduo em tempo real, permitindo que as emissoras distribuam contedo para um pblico mais amplo do que nunca.

Junte–se AI–Media na IBC 2023, de 15 a 18 de setembro, RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre, Estande #5.C31. Os participantes podem marcar uma reunio com a equipe da AI–Media para descobrir sua gama de solues de legendagem de transmisso.

Sobre a AI–Media

Fundada na Austrlia em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI–Media lder global de solues de legendagem transcrio e traduo ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agncias governamentais do mundo a garantir alta preciso, segurana e custo–benefcio por meio da sua soluo de legendagem automtica LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI so entregues a milhes de telas em todo o mundo atravs da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI–Media e sua iCap Cloud Network "" a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI–Media entrega mais de 8 milhes de minutos de mdia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI–Media negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrlia (ASX: AIM). Para mais informao, visite AI–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922473)

FreedomPay Announces Strategic Partnership with PAX Technology, Inc. for Enhanced Global Commerce Solutions


FreedomPay, the preferred commerce technology platform for global industries including hospitality, lodging, retail and more, today announces its collaboration with PAX Technology, Inc., one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world.

Available in Q2 2024, FreedomPay will introduce PAX Technology devices to enable a secure, seamless, and unified checkout experience for consumers while empowering merchants with FreedomPay's robust loyalty programs and data analytics capabilities. This partnership reinforces FreedomPay's commitment to fostering an open and accessible ecosystem for its merchants and industry partners.

"FreedomPay is dedicated to delivering an unparalleled consumer experience by prioritizing speed, security and personalization," said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. "By teaming up with PAX Technology, merchants worldwide can now offer merchants and consumers a Next Level commerce experience."

The partnership signals a new era of commerce excellence for merchants and consumers globally. With the inclusion of cutting–edge 4G wireless connectivity, merchants can now enjoy seamless and rapid transactions. PAX Technology's all–in–one devices, integrating both point–of–sale and payments, streamlines operations and simplifies the checkout experience.

"This collaboration with FreedomPay combines cutting–edge commerce technology with industry–leading payment acceptance hardware solutions, driving global commerce by facilitating secure transactions for both consumers and businesses," said Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Our Android line of terminals will provide an extremely flexible payment solution for FreedomPay, and their customers."

About FreedomPay
FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

About PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world, with 70 million terminals located in over 120 countries. As a leading global manufacturer of payment solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative, high–quality, and secure payment solutions to businesses, large and small, worldwide. To learn more visit

Jennifer Tayebi
Hill+Knowlton Strategies for FreedomPay
+1 734 395 0780

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8921905)

FreedomPay Announces Strategic Partnership with PAX Technology, Inc. for Enhanced Global Commerce Solutions

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FreedomPay, the preferred commerce technology platform for global industries including hospitality, lodging, retail and more, today announces its collaboration with PAX Technology, Inc., one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world.

Available in Q2 2024, FreedomPay will introduce PAX Technology devices to enable a secure, seamless, and unified checkout experience for consumers while empowering merchants with FreedomPay's robust loyalty programs and data analytics capabilities. This partnership reinforces FreedomPay's commitment to fostering an open and accessible ecosystem for its merchants and industry partners.

"FreedomPay is dedicated to delivering an unparalleled consumer experience by prioritizing speed, security and personalization," said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. "By teaming up with PAX Technology, merchants worldwide can now offer merchants and consumers a Next Level commerce experience."

The partnership signals a new era of commerce excellence for merchants and consumers globally. With the inclusion of cutting–edge 4G wireless connectivity, merchants can now enjoy seamless and rapid transactions. PAX Technology's all–in–one devices, integrating both point–of–sale and payments, streamlines operations and simplifies the checkout experience.

"This collaboration with FreedomPay combines cutting–edge commerce technology with industry–leading payment acceptance hardware solutions, driving global commerce by facilitating secure transactions for both consumers and businesses," said Andy Chau, PAX Technology, Inc. President & CEO. "Our Android line of terminals will provide an extremely flexible payment solution for FreedomPay, and their customers."

About FreedomPay

FreedomPay's Next Level Commerce platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay's technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world–class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay's robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in–store, online and on–mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

About PAX Technology, Inc.
PAX Technology, one of the largest electronic payment solution providers in the world, with 70 million terminals located in over 120 countries. As a leading global manufacturer of payment solutions, we are committed to delivering innovative, high–quality, and secure payment solutions to businesses, large and small, worldwide. To learn more visit

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922209)

The 2023 CBI Index – the ultimate cross-jurisdictional investment tool launched

London, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the seventh edition of the CBI Index launched, providing captivating insights into the world's top investment migration programmes in 2023.

From inception, the CBI Index, published in partnership with the Financial Times' Private Wealth Magazine has been comprehensively ranking operational Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes for almost a decade "" making it the ultimate cross–jurisdictional investment tool for global investors. The CBI Index is a trusted source both for those who wish to compare CBI programmes as a whole, and for those who wish to compare specific aspects of each programme.

The Index has evolved to become more than just a ranking tool, over the years it has established itself as a trusted voice in the industry, dissecting and gleaning important insights and trends that drive the investment migration sector. This year is no different, the industry has seen the biggest shake–up since the pandemic and investors require a legitimate sounding board with which to base their investment decisions.

"The CBI Index remains as one of the most important planning tools for global investors looking to include citizenship by investment products in their portfolios. It is well known that the CBI industry is a fragmented one, with different countries managing their own unique programmes, each with varying benefits, requirements, and regulations. Consequently, it can be challenging for investors to evaluate the relative merits of each programme. The purpose of the CBI Index, therefore, is to bring value to the CBI industry by providing a data–driven and practical tool for appraising programmes and facilitating the decision–making process for individuals considering them," says James McKay, creator of the CBI Index and independent research consultant with expertise in global trend analyses.

The CBI Index assesses the performance and appeal of CBI programmes across a diverse range of indicators and measures by isolating factors "" or "pillars' "" that measure programme features and the desirability of different jurisdictions. The pillars have been chosen for their relevance and comprehensiveness of measurement, and include:

  1. Standard of Living
  2. Freedom of Movement
  3. Minimum Investment Outlay
  4. Mandatory Travel or Residence
  5. Citizenship Timeline
  6. Ease of Processing
  7. Due Diligence
  8. Family
  9. Certainty of Product

The intricate combination of benchmarking, statistical analysis, and comparative investigation is what makes the CBI Index the number one tool for cross–jurisdictional planning for investors looking to set up their businesses, grow their assets and even find a new home for their families in different markets.

Caribbean nations still retain top spots

This year, St Kitts and Nevis took the coveted top spot, beating 11 other nations with active CBI programmes including Antigua & Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Dominica, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Saint Lucia, Trkiye and Vanuatu.

The Caribbean nations of St Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and, Antigua and Barbuda took the top five spots in the 2023 CBI Index, indicating once again that the Caribbean has the most attractive CBI programmes in the world.

Despite global industry–wide challenges, St Kitts and Nevis took first place at 86 per cent and scored top marks in almost all pillars, cementing itself once again as a leader in the industry. Each of the nine pillars is scored out of a maximum of ten points and St Kitts and Nevis got full marks for Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence and Certainty of Product.

Dominica took second place, at 83 per cent and attained full marks for Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence and Ease of Processing.

Grenada and Saint Lucia shared third place 80 per cent, while Antigua and Barbuda took fifth place, at 73 per cent.

Increased global scrutiny requires agile solutions

This year marked one of the most eventful for the investment migration industry, thanks to the pressures from the United States, United Kingdom, and European Union, exercising their clout in requiring CBI nations to prove that their programmes are indeed not providing a gateway for illicit characters.

Political pressure to suspend CBI programmes has caused much anxiety in the industry "" threatening the existence of many programmes which are crucial in channelling much needed foreign direct investment to small island nations.

St Kitts and Nevis retained its top position in the due diligence category as it is the country leading the way in strengthening the legislative framework for its Programme, closing all loopholes relating to real estate investment and development projects. The St Kitts and Nevis Programme stands as one of the most regulated in the industry, showcasing the twin–island's seriousness when it comes to the integrity of its offering.

Despite external pressures, it must be noted, Dominica was the first Caribbean nation to implement all "Six Principles' agreed upon with the United States at the Roundtable held in February 2023. The "Six Principles' include mandatory interviews for applicants aged 16 years and older and the revocation of passports from citizens who were dishonest in their applications.

Other nations in the Caribbean have followed suit, taking an agile and collaborative approach in responding to the global West.

CBI Index, still the most trusted cross–jurisdictional planning tool

The CBI Index has been published annually for seven years and remains as the most trusted source for global investors looking to expand their portfolios through citizenship by investment.

All 12 CBI programmes are measured according to nine pillars with reliance being placed on official sources and data publications from institutions of the highest international standing, as well as on the specialised input of industry experts, whose contributions and responses were used to obtain and interpret both qualitative and quantitative data used in the construction of the CBI Index.

In the 2023 CBI Index, the Freedom of Movement Pillar measures the relative strength of each country's citizenship on the basis of three equally weighted factors: the number of destinations to which a country's passport allows travel without restriction; the number of prime business hubs to which it provides access; and the degree to which a given citizenship provides settlement rights in other nations.

The Standard of Living Pillar is a measure of the level of wealth, comfort, and material goods offered by the 12 CBI jurisdictions under assessment. This pillar is vital to those who yearn to relocate and to secure a prosperous and fulfilling lifestyle as well as for those wanting to take advantage of local business opportunities or seeking additional geographical diversification for their assets.

The Minimum Investment Outlay Pillar measures one of the most practical and foremost considerations of CBI: how much capital is required for the investor to become an eligible applicant for the programme of their choosing.

The Mandatory Travel or Residence Pillar examines the travel or residence conditions imposed on applicants both before and after the granting of citizenship. Often busy with running a business or international travel, global citizens have little time to fulfil minimum stay requirements.

The Citizenship Timeline Pillar looks at the average time taken for citizenship to be secured by the applicant. The time at which application forms and supporting documentation are processed, and
the steps involved in approving an application, vary between programmes. Therefore, a thorough inspection of applicable laws, regulations, and policies was made to determine the official processing times mandated by each jurisdiction.

The Ease of Processing Pillar measures the end–to–end complexity of the CBI application process. In some jurisdictions, the application process can be a labour–intensive and painstaking task that is time–consuming for the applicant; in others, it is streamlined, and the applicant receives clear directives on how to proceed.

The Due Diligence Pillar, one of the most important, focuses on each nation's commitment to ensuring that their programme remains transparent and effective at evaluating potential candidates for citizenship. It is, therefore, a measure of each programme's integrity.

The Family Pillar measures the extent to which investors can obtain citizenship for their immediate and extended family. The CBI Index recognises that the rise of increasingly complex family relationships is driving investors to seek programmes that allow for a more diverse range of family members to be included under a primary application. While most CBI programmes provide for the inclusion of spouses and minor children, only a handful of countries do so for adult children and extended family.

The Certainty of Product Pillar encompasses a range of factors that measure a programme's certainty across five different dimensions: longevity, popularity and renown, stability, reputation and adaptability. With the CBI industry currently in a state of flux amid a tightening regulatory landscape, it is more important than ever to provide investors with a means of differentiating a programme's relative robustness.


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922219)

Mexico Turns to Military Entrepreneurs

Sara López (C) and other members of the Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpujil are seen here in a photo from 2020, while campaigning against the environmental problems posed by the Mayan Train, which will run through part of southern and southeastern Mexico. The Secretariat (ministry) of National Defense has been put in charge since September of the construction and administration of the Mexican government's flagship project. CREDIT: Cripx

Sara López (C) and other members of the Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpujil are seen here in a photo from 2020, while campaigning against the environmental problems posed by the Mayan Train, which will run through part of southern and southeastern Mexico. The Secretariat (ministry) of National Defense has been put in charge since September of the construction and administration of the Mexican government’s flagship project. CREDIT: Cripx

By Emilio Godoy
MEXICO CITY, Sep 14 2023 – Courage, sadness and impotence are expressed by Mayan indigenous activist Sara López when she talks about the Mayan Train (TM), the Mexican government’s biggest infrastructure project, which will cross the town where she lives and many others in the Yucatan Peninsula.

“These are things that cause damage. In the communities, both the National Guard (a civilian security force, but made up mostly of military personnel) and the army are present. People tell us they have lost the peace they used to have. There are communities that have been invaded, there has been a very strong impact,” the member of the non-governmental Regional Indigenous and Popular Council of Xpujil told IPS.

“The entire Yucatan peninsula is militarized,” she said from Candelaria, in the southeastern state of Campeche. Agriculture and livestock are the main activities in the municipality of some 47,000 inhabitants, which will be the site of a TM station.”The military are not trained for many functions. The government is concerned about economic growth and development, and to preserve that model it has put the military in charge. They think it will be achieved through infrastructure and extractive projects.” — Aleida Azamar

The megaproject consists of seven sections along some 1,500 kilometers and will also cross the states of Quintana Roo and Yucatan, which share the peninsula with Campeche together with the states of Chiapas and Tabasco.

The railway will run through 41 municipalities and 181 towns, with 20 stations and 14 stops.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who begins his sixth and final year in office on Dec. 1, has transferred the administration of ports, airports and rail transport to the Secretariat (ministry) of National Defense (Sedena).

This is despite the fact that there are no records of their performance in the management of these key areas in the recent history of the country, in which their experience has been limited to the production and sale of supplies.

Aleida Azamar, a researcher at the public Autonomous Metropolitan University, argued that uniformed personnel are not prepared for these tasks.

“The military are not trained for many functions. The government is concerned about economic growth and development, and to preserve that model it has put the military in charge. They think it will be achieved through infrastructure and extractive projects,” Azamar, who is coordinating a new book on the military and natural resources in Mexico, told IPS.

“In their view, the fastest way to finish them is with the army, because it is more difficult for the public to put up opposition when they see someone with a gun. It is not the most adequate solution.”

López Obrador announced on Sept. 4 the transfer of control of the Mayan Train from the state-owned National Tourism Development Fund (Fonatur) to Sedena, in an intensification of the trend of ceding more civilian responsibilities to the military, by handing over his flagship megaproject.

The president’s argument for this strategy is that he aims to reduce corruption in public works. But actually it may be due to other reasons, such as the culture of discipline in following orders so that the works advance as quickly as possible and thus meet the deadlines set.

Sedena will be responsible for the completion of sections five, six and seven of the railroad, whose works were started by Fonatur in July 2020 and which López Obrador promised would begin to operate by Dec. 1. Other sections are being built by private companies.

The resistance to deploying the military into the TM and other civilian areas is also due to its actions since 2006, when then President Felipe Calderón launched the so-called “war against drugs” using the military, which led to extrajudicial executions, disappearances, human rights violations and impunity, according to local and international organizations.

In fact, so far this century the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the highest regional court attached to the Organization of American States, has condemned Mexico on at least five occasions for military crimes such as forced disappearance, sexual violence and arbitrary detention.

The government promotes the TM as a major new engine of socioeconomic development in the southeast of the country and its trains will transport thousands of tourists, and cargo such as transgenic soybeans, palm oil and pork, the main products in the area.

The administration claims that it will create jobs, boost tourism beyond traditional attractions, and invigorate the regional economy, which has sparked highly polarized controversies between its supporters and critics.

The Mayan Train will run 1,500 kilometers, through 41 municipalities and 181 towns in the south and southeast of Mexico, with a cost overrun that already exceeds 28 billion dollars. CREDIT: Fonatur

The Mayan Train will run 1,500 kilometers, through 41 municipalities and 181 towns in the south and southeast of Mexico, with a cost overrun that already exceeds 28 billion dollars. CREDIT: Fonatur

From the barracks to business

Historically, the armed forces had been limited to producing supplies and building government facilities, such as hospitals and other infrastructure.

Sedena’s General Directorate of Military Industry operates at least 16 ammunition and armament factories.

However, thanks to the policies of the current government, Sedena has created the corporations Tren Maya, Aerolínea del Estado Mexicano, Grupo Aeroportuario, Ferroviario, de Servicios Auxiliares y Conexos Olmeca-Maya-Mexica (Gomm) and the Felipe Ángeles International Airport, located in the state of Mexico, adjacent to the Mexican capital.

Gomm is also involved in the operation of 12 airports, and will receive more in the future.

In addition, it will operate the revived Compañía Mexicana de Aviación, the country’s oldest airline and one of the first in the region, privatized in 2005 and closed since 2010. Under the new name Aerolínea del Estado Mexicano, the government resuscitated it in January, buying the brand. The armed forces will also manage hotels along the TM route.

At the same time, the Secretariat of the Navy (Semar) manages five shipyards in various areas of the country.

To run seven airports, including Mexico City’s, out of the 19 facilities under state control, Semar created the company Casiopea.

Mexico has 118 ports and terminals, of which 71 have been given in concession in 25 administrations of the National Port System. Since 2017, Semar has been administering the ports.

This scheme requires a lot of money, provided by the public budget. The clearest case is the TM, whose cost rose threefold, from the initial projected investment of 7.2 billion dollars to the current estimate of over 28 billion dollars.

For 2024, Sedena has already requested 6.7 billion dollars for the railroad, the second highest figure for the TM since 2020, when allocated funds totaled 349 million dollars.

Military requirements for all civilian sectors under their administration have grown, as Sedena requested 14.55 billion dollars, compared to 6.27 billion in 2023, and Semar asked for 4.02 billion, compared to 2.34 billion this year – in both cases more than double.

Behind this is the fact that state-owned companies under military management are not yet profitable, so they require subsidies. The non-governmental organization México ¿Cómo Vamos? calculates that it will take 17 years to recoup the investment in the TM and 22 years in the case of the Tulum International Airport, under construction in the state of Quintana Roo.

The Navy manages the Mexico City International Airport and six other airports, although it lacks experience in running this type of air transport infrastructure. CREDIT: Emilio Godoy / IPS

The Navy manages the Mexico City International Airport and six other airports, although it lacks experience in running this type of air transport infrastructure. CREDIT: Emilio Godoy / IPS

Potential threats

As in the case of military involvement in security and public safety, military business management poses risks of information concealment, corruption and economic losses.

The armed forces are the institutions that most violate human rights, including cases of murder, torture and sexual violence. Between 2007 and 2020, some 70,000 people suffered physical aggression after being apprehended by the army, according to the Citizen Security Program (PSC) of the private Ibero-American University.

The number of military personnel involved in public security already exceeds the total number of municipal and state police, in a proportion of 261,644 to 251,760, according to data reported by the PSC.

López the activist and Azamar the academic warned of the risks of military management.

“Only the government knows how much they have spent, how much is going to be spent,” said López. “There is no real report on what they are doing. Since the megaproject began, there has been no real information. They have never talked to us about environmental, cultural or economic impacts. It has caused us problems, it has been chaos for us. And once it is operating, the situation is going to get worse because of tourism.”

Azamar warned of increasing reliance on the military, the potential erosion of civil rights, a distorted perception of the approach to security and public safety and the undermining of trust in civilian institutions.

“There is a problem of lack of transparency and accountability: what is spent and how. It is risky, because there is no real, disaggregated data. This creates an environment of impunity that allows secrecy to continue and does not make it possible for other information to be made public. If there are no effective oversight mechanisms, abuses could be committed. We are in a gray area, because we do not know who controls them,” she argued.

In November 2021, López Obrador classified the TM as a “priority project” by means of a presidential decree, a strategy that facilitates the fast-tracking of environmental permits and thus hides information under the broad umbrella of national security.

This despite the fact that a month later, the Supreme Court reversed the national security agreements to annul the reservation of information, due to an appeal by the autonomous governmental National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data.

Mexico’s problems will not end in the short term, as pro-military policies will condition the next administration that will take office in December 2024, regardless of where it stands on the political spectrum, although the polls point to presidential hopeful Claudia Sheinbaum of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), López Obrador’s party, as the favorite.