WPC Energy Marks the End of a Successful 24th World Petroleum Congress in Calgary

CALGARY, Alberta, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The 24th World Petroleum Congress (WPC) has come to a close after five days of engaging conversations centered on the theme "Energy Transition: The Path to Net Zero". The Organising Committee for Canada ("OCAN") is proud to share that the 24th WPC saw over 10,000 unique visitors to the exhibition, over 5,000 delegates in attendance at the Congress, and registrants from 111 countries.

"The 24th WPC has been an incredible success," said Denis Painchaud, President & CEO, OCAN. "We hit all our topline numbers and have received incredibly positive feedback about the overall experience from participants. I want to thank attendees, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors, as well as our Board, organizing team, employees, contractors and volunteers for making this a truly special event. I would also like to thank Minister Wilkinson, Premier Smith and Mayor Gondek for their participation and support. This event has been a win for the global energy industry, the Canadian energy industry, for Canada and for Calgary."

"We are thrilled to celebrate the progress achieved during a week of productive and engaging dialogue at the 24th WPC," said Pedro Miras, President, WPC Energy. "WPC Energy's vision is to facilitate an open dialogue around oil, gas, energy and its products with participation from around the world. We look forward to continuing these important conversations as we look forward to the 25th WPC taking place in Saudi Arabia in 2026."

Notable highlights from the 24th WPC included:

  • The Opening Ceremony took place on Sunday, September 17 which included a ceremony to officially mark the transition from World Petroleum Council to a new name, WPC Energy. The Opening Ceremony also included a keynote address from the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Canada and remarks from Danielle Smith, Premier of Alberta and Jyoti Gondek, Mayor of Calgary.
  • Day one of the Congress featured a Ministerial Dialogue with HRH Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman Al Saud. This included an MOU signing to officially pass organizing privileges of WPC to Saudi Arabia, which will be hosting the 25th edition in Riyadh in 2026. Following this session, WPC Energy President Pedro Miras presented Aramco President & CEO Amin Nasser with the prestigious WPC Dewhurst Award, recognizing his leadership and contributions to the oil and gas industry.
  • The exhibition floor was heavily populated all four days, attracting visitors and delegates alike to discover features including the Carbon Tech Expo, Canada House, Digital Poster Plaza and Sustainability & Social Responsibility Pavilion. Sponsors and attending organizations have stated that they enjoyed a tremendous amount of business success at the event and felt that they achieved full value for their investments.
  • Feedback from attendees has consistently highlighted the strength of WPC's speaker panels. The programme included seven plenary sessions, daily luncheon panels, ministerial sessions with global participation, CEO strategic sessions and technical forums, with government representatives, CEOs, academics and more from around the world.
  • Congress proceedings concluded with the WPC Excellence Awards (WPCEA), presented Thursday afternoon. These awards distinguish companies, institutions or any public or private organization engaged in the oil and gas industry for promoting or operating with high excellence standards. The 2023 WPCEA recipients included:
    • WPCEA for Social Responsibility:
      • Kilang Pertamina Internasional Refinery Unit III Plaju: Lighting More Hopes – Indonesia (Small Company)
      • Marun Petrochemical Company: MAHSHAHR Deserves the Best – Iran (Large Company)
    • WPCEA for Technological Development:
      • Micro–Bac International: Bacterial application for environmental and economical improvements in SWD assets – USA (Small Company)
      • Saudi Aramco: Sensor Ball – Saudi Arabia (Large Company)
    • WPCEA for Gender & Inclusion
      • Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO): Women of Tomorrow "" A strategic initiative for Gender & Inclusion "" Bahrain
  • Calgary welcomed people from all over the world to participate in WPC. Hotels, restaurants and event spaces all opened their doors to delegates and visitors "" a true demonstration of Calgarian hospitality and a major contributor to the overall success of the event.

Recognizing our Sponsors
OCAN is pleased to recognize the Diamond, Platinum and Elite sponsors of the 24th WPC for their support: Accenture, Aramco, CNPC, Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy, Sinopec, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Cenovus Energy, Pathways Alliance, Repsol, Suncor, bp, Bennett Jones, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Chevron, Deloitte, Enbridge, ExxonMobil | Imperial, Petrobas, PwC Canada, S&P Commodity Insights, Sonangol EP and WestJet. OCAN would also like to recognize its government partners including PrairiesCan, the Government of Alberta and the City of Calgary for their funding and in–kind contributions and support.

To learn more about what took place at the 24th WPC, please visit www.24wpc.com. To stay connected to WPC Energy and updates regarding the 25th WPC in Riyadh in 2026, please visit www.world–petroleum.org.

About the World Petroleum Congress
Held every three years in WPC Energy member countries, the World Petroleum Congress is the world's premier oil, gas and energy forum that attracts the attendance of heads of state, energy leaders and technical experts who discuss the challenges and opportunities of managing the world's petroleum and energy resources for the benefit of all. Under the theme of "Energy Transition: The Path to Net Zero," the 24th WPC in Calgary featured a multi–stream conference, including strategic and technical sessions, an international exhibition covering 225,000 ft2, programming for young professionals, and special events such as Canada Night, Women's Networking Breakfast, Ministerial Reception, Excellence Awards and much more.

The information presented at the Congress, as well as the discussions and debates around the progressive programme topics, will help to define realistic, workable paths forward for the global energy industry to achieve a net zero future.

About WPC Energy
Established in 1933, WPC Energy, formerly World Petroleum Council, is a non–advocacy, non–political organization with charitable status in the U.K. and has accreditation as a Non–Governmental Organization (NGO) from the United Nations (UN). WPC Energy is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable management and the use of the world's energy resources for the benefit of all. WPC Energy conducts the triennial World Petroleum Congress, covering all aspects of the industry including management of the industry and its social, economic, and environmental impact.

For information about the 24th World Petroleum Congress, contact:
Rebecca Hurl, Brookline Public Relations
E–mail: rhurl@brooklinepr.com

For further information about WPC Energy, contact:
Sarah Beattie, Project Manager
E–mail: sarahb@world–petroleum.org

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926687)

Duck Creek Technologies gibt Gewinner der ersten Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023 bekannt

BOSTON, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, ein Anbieter intelligenter, zukunftsdefinierender Lsungen im Bereich der Schaden– und Unfallversicherung, gibt heute die Gewinner der Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023 bekannt, die im Rahmen des jhrlichen Partner Summit 2023 vom 20. bis 21. September 2023 in Orlando, Florida, verliehen werden. Die Duck Creek Partner of the Year Awards 2023 haben die Systemintegrator–Partner Accenture, Aggne und Coforge, die Lsungspartner Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications und Quadient sowie der Beratungspartner Penguin Tech erhalten.

Der fhrende SaaS–Anbieter (Software–as–a–Service) nahm sich whrend seiner Veranstaltung Zeit, um die unglaublichen Leistungen seiner Lsungspartner, Systemintegratoren und Beratungspartner weltweit zu wrdigen. Die Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards wurden ins Leben gerufen, um die Strke von Partnerschaften zu wrdigen und bedeutende gemeinsame Leistungen im gesamten Versicherungsbereich zu feiern. Zur Wrdigung ihres Hchstma an Exzellenz als Partner von Duck Creek und ihrer Vision, ihr Geschft voranzubringen und gleichzeitig die Zukunft der Versicherung neu zu gestalten, wurden den acht Gewinnern glserne Trophen mit individueller Gravur berreicht.

Accenture wurde als "System Integrator Partner of the Year" ausgezeichnet, weil es sich bei den gemeinsamen Markteinfhrungsaktivitten hervorgetan hat, Duck Creek–Lsungen an Kunden auf der ganzen Welt liefert und die Standards fr die Einhaltung der Liefertermine immer wieder bertrifft. Accenture hat die hchste Anzahl an abgeschlossenen Implementierungen von Duck Creek–Lsungen erreicht und behlt seine Position als wichtige Einflussgre fr globale Kunden–Upsells.

Aggne erhielt die Auszeichnung als "Americas Value Creation Partner of the Year" fr seine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit den Vertriebsteams von Duck Creek bei der Differenzierung und Gewinnung von Neugeschften sowie fr die Entwicklung von Akzeleratoren zur Sicherstellung der erfolgreichen Migration von Kunden auf Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

Coforge wurde als "International Value Creation Partner of the Year" fr die herausragende Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungspaketen fr Kunden gewrdigt, die eine schnellere Wertschpfung durch Duck Creek ermglicht haben. So konnte Coforge vorgefertigte Duck Creek OnDemand–Lsungen mit Hilfe von Beschleunigern und Best Practices in Rekordzeit erfolgreich implementieren.

Copart wurde fr seine Integration mit Duck Creek als "Operational Efficiency Solution Partner of the Year" ausgezeichnet. Sie verbessert die betriebliche Effizienz fr unsere gemeinsamen Kunden und ermglicht es ihnen, intelligente Versicherungsentscheidungen zu treffen und die Bedrfnisse der Versicherten schnell zu erfllen. Copart ist ein geschtzter Marktpartner fr Duck Creek auf dem Markt der Top–10–Autoversicherer und bietet einen branchenfhrenden Fahrzeug–Bergungsdienst, der fr Duck Creeks Kfz–Schadenstrategie von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Die robuste Integration mit Duck Creek ist ein nachweisliches Beispiel fr die gleichzeitige Verbesserung der betrieblichen Effizienz und der Kundenzufriedenheit.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions wurde als "Speed–to–Market Solution Partner of the Year" fr seine Integrationen mit Duck Creek ausgezeichnet, die die Markteinfhrung fr unsere gemeinsamen Kunden erheblich beschleunigt haben. LexisNexis Risk Solutions ist seit 14 Jahren ein Partner von Duck Creek. Das Unternehmen bietet zehn vorgefertigte Integrationen fr seine branchenfhrenden Lsungen. Seine Integrationen werden konsequenter als andere angenommen, was zu krzeren Implementierungszeiten und Kosteneinsparungen fr unsere gemeinsamen Kunden fhrt.

Quadient wurde fr die Bereitstellung einer berzeugenden Lsungsintegration zur besseren Personalisierung der Erfahrungen der Versicherungsnehmer als "Personalized Experiences Solution Partner of the Year" gewrdigt. Quadient ist ein fhrendes Unternehmen im Bereich Kundenkommunikationsmanagement und bietet Integrationen fr "Duck Creek Policy" sowie "Duck Creek Claims" an. Quadient hat im Jahr 2023 eng mit Duck Creek an verschiedenen Co–Marketing–Aktivitten im Zusammenhang mit diesen Integrationen zusammengearbeitet und somit zahlreiche neue Absatzmglichkeiten fr beide Parteien erffnet.

Smart Communications wurde als "International Solution Partner of the Year" ausgezeichnet, weil das Unternehmen weltweit einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Geschft von Duck Creek leistet. Smart Communications ist ein anerkannter Weltmarktfhrer im Bereich Kundenkommunikationsmanagement. Im Jahr 2023 berzeugte sein Team durch die intensive Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team von Duck Creek, um gemeinsam wichtige Demonstrationsintegrationen zu entwickeln, und sponserte unseren ersten jhrlichen Kundengipfel fr unsere APAC–Region.

Penguin Tech erhielt die Auszeichnung als "Consulting Partner of the Year", weil das Unternehmen einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Wert des Duck Creek–kosystems geleistet hat. Das Team von Penguin Tech verfgt ber mehr als 40 Jahre Erfahrung mit Duck Creek und hat das Wachstum des Duck Creek–kosystems durch die Entwicklung zahlreicher Integrationen im Auftrag unserer Solution Partner beschleunigt. Diese Integrationen mit Marktfhrern haben zu berzeugenden Verkaufsdemonstrationen gefhrt und das Wertangebot von Duck Creek erweitert.

"Wir sind begeistert von den wertvollen Partnerschaften, die wir eingegangen sind, und unseren Mglichkeiten, mit renommierten Unternehmen wie Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications und Penguin Tech zusammenzuarbeiten. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Innovationslandschaft in der Versicherungsbranche neu, indem wir weiterhin erstklassige cloudbasierte Lsungen gepaart mit auergewhnlichen Dienstleistungen anbieten", so Mike Jackowski, CEO von Duck Creek Technologies. "Es ist ein Privileg, diese Errungenschaften anzuerkennen und die Leistungen unserer Partner auf unserem Partner Summit 2023 vor einem Publikum zu wrdigen, das aus Hunderten von anderen Mitgliedern des kosystems besteht."

Weitere Informationen ber diese preisgekrnten Duck Creek–Partner finden Sie unter https://www.duckcreek.com/partner/ und auf den Websites der Partner:

Gewinner des Systemintegrator–Preises:




Gewinner des Lsungspartner–Preises:


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Gewinner des Beratungspartner–Preises:

Penguin Tech

ber Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies ist der Anbieter intelligenter Lsungen, der die Zukunft der Schaden–/Unfall– und der allgemeinen Versicherungsbranche gestaltet. Wir sind die Plattform, auf der moderne Versicherungssysteme aufgebaut werden und die es der Branche ermglicht, die Leistungsfhigkeit der Cloud zu nutzen, um agile, intelligente und immerwhrende Prozesse zu betreiben. Authentizitt, Zweckmigkeit und Transparenz sind fr Duck Creek von zentraler Bedeutung. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Versicherungen fr Privatpersonen und Unternehmen verfgbar sein sollten, wann, wo und wie sie diese am meisten brauchen. Unsere marktfhrenden Lsungen sind als Einzellsungen oder als Komplettpaket verfgbar, und alle sind erhltlich ber Duck Creek OnDemand. Besuchen Sie www.duckcreek.com, um mehr zu erfahren. Folgen Sie Duck Creek auf unseren sozialen Kanlen fr die neuesten Informationen "" LinkedIn und Twitter.

Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926501)

Duck Creek Technologies Divulga Nomes dos Vencedores do Primeiro Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023

BOSTON, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar os nomes dos vencedores do primeiro Primeiro Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023, realizado durante o Partner Summit '23 em Orlando, na Flrida nos dias 20 e 21 de setembro de 2023. Os Prmios de Parceiro do Ano de 2023 da Duck Creek foram os Parceiros Integradores de Sistemas Accenture, Aggne e Coforge; Parceiros de Soluo Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications e Quadient; e Parceiro de Consultoria Penguin Tech.

A lder SaaS (software como servio) dedicou tempo durante seu evento para reconhecer as incrveis realizaes dos seus parceiros de solues, integradores de sistemas e parceiros de consultoria de todo o mundo. O Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards foi criado para reconhecer o poder das parcerias e celebrar conquistas conjuntas significativas em todo o ecossistema de seguros. Os prmios de vidro gravados foram entregues aos oito vencedores por alcanarem o mais alto nvel de excelncia como parceiros da Duck Creek e por terem uma viso de avanar seus negcios enquanto reimaginam o futuro dos seguros.

A Accenture foi reconhecida como Parceiro Integrador de Sistemas do Ano por se destacar em atividades conjuntas de entrada no mercado, fornecendo solues Duck Creek para clientes em todo o mundo e excedendo consistentemente os padres de adeso entrega." A Accenture alcanou o maior nmero de implementaes concludas de todas as solues da Duck Creek e mantm sua posio como uma influncia significativa para upsells globais de clientes.

A Aggne foi reconhecida como Parceira de Criao de Valor do Ano das Amricas pela colaborao bem–sucedida com as equipes de vendas da Duck Creek para diferenciar e conquistar novos negcios e o desenvolvimento de aceleradoras para garantir a migrao bem–sucedida de clientes para o Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

A Coforge foi reconhecida como Parceira Internacional de Criao de Valor do Ano por fornecer uma entrega excepcional de servios embalados aos clientes, obtendo um time–to–value mais rpido da Duck Creek." A Coforge implantou com sucesso solues Duck Creek OnDemand integradas usando aceleradores e melhores prticas em tempo recorde.

A Copart foi reconhecida como Parceira de Solues de Eficincia Operacional do Ano por sua integrao com a Duck Creek. Ela aprimora a eficincia operacional para os nossos clientes mtuos, permitindo que eles tomem decises inteligentes de seguro e atendam rapidamente s necessidades dos segurados. A Copart tem sido uma parceira de mercado valiosa para a Duck Creek no mercado das 10 melhores seguradoras de automveis, alm de fornecer um servio de salvamento de veculos lder do setor, central para a estratgia de sinistros automotivos da Duck Creek. Sua integrao robusta com a Duck Creek fornece um exemplo demonstrvel de aprimoramento simultneo da eficincia operacional e da experincia do cliente.

A LexisNexis Risk Solutions foi reconhecida como a Parceira de Solues de Rpida Colocao no Mercado do Ano por sua integrao com a Duck Creek, e por seu substancial impacto na velocidade da colocao dos nossos produtos no mercado. A LexisNexis Risk Solutions parceira da Duck Creek h 14 anos. Ele oferece dez integraes integradas para suas solues lderes do setor. Suas integraes so adotadas de forma mais consistente do que outras, resultando em menor tempo de implementao e economia de custos para os nossos clientes mtuos.

A Quadient foi reconhecida como Parceira de Solues de Experincias Personalizadas do Ano por fornecer uma integrao de soluo atraente para uma melhor experincia de personalizao para o titular da aplice. A Quadient lder em gerenciamento de comunicaes com clientes com integraes disponveis para Aplice e Sinistros da Duck Creek. A Quadient se envolveu estreitamente com a Duck Creek durante 2023 em vrias atividades de co–marketing em torno dessas integraes, resultando em vrias novas oportunidades de vendas para ambas as partes.

A Smart Communications foi reconhecida como Parceira de Solues Internacional do Ano por sua substancial contribuio global aos negcios da Duck Creek. A Smart Communications lder mundial reconhecida da indstria de gesto de cliente. Em 2023, sua equipe se destacou por colaborar extensivamente com a equipe da Duck Creek para desenvolver as principais integraes de demonstrao em conjunto, sendo a patrocinadora da nossa primeira cpula anual de clientes para a nossa regio da APAC.

A Penguin Tech foi reconhecida como Parceira de Consultoria do Ano por sua substancial contribuio aos valores do ecossistema Duck Creek. A equipe da Penguin Tech tem mais de 40 anos de experincia conjunta com a Duck Creek e acelerou o crescimento do ecossistema da Duck Creek, desenvolvendo muitas integraes em nome dos nossos Parceiros de Solues. Essas integraes com lderes de mercado criaram demonstraes de vendas atraentes e ampliaram a proposta de valor da Duck Creek.

“Estamos entusiasmados com as valiosas parcerias que formamos e com a nossa capacidade de envolvimento colaborador com empresas ilustres como Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications e Penguin Tech. Juntos, estamos reformulando o cenrio de inovao no setor de seguros medida que continuamos oferecendo solues com base na nuvem de primeira linha, juntamente com servios excepcionais”, disse Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies. ” um privilgio reconhecer essas conquistas e comemorar as realizaes dos nossos parceiros no nosso Partner Summit '23, com um pblico composto por centenas de participantes do ecossistema.”

Para mais informao sobre estes parceiros premiados da Duck Creek, visite https://www.duckcreek.com/partner/ e estes sites de parceiros:

Integradores de Sistemas Premiados:




Parceiros de Solues Premiados:


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Parceiros de Consultoria Premiados:

Penguin Tech

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies fornecedora de solues inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indstria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operaes geis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propsito e transparncia so fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponvel para indivduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas solues lderes do mercado esto disponveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite www.duckcreek.com para obter mais informao. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informaes "" LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mdia:
Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926501)

Duck Creek Technologies annonce les lauréats de l'édition inaugurale de ses Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023

BOSTON, 21 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir de l'assurance gnrale et IARD, annonce aujourd'hui les laurats de l'dition inaugurale des Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023 lors de son annuel Partner Summit '23 se tenant Orlando, en Floride, les 20 et 21 septembre 2023. Les partenaires intgrateurs de systmes Accenture, Aggne et Coforge, les partenaires en solutions Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications et Quadient, et le partenaire en conseil Penguin Tech se sont vus dcerner le prix de Partenaire de l'anne Duck Creek 2023.

Le leader SaaS (software–as–a–service) a consacr du temps pendant son vnement pour reconnatre les ralisations incroyables de ses partenaires en solutions, en intgration de systmes et en conseil dans le monde. Le prix de Partenaire de l'anne Duck Creek Technologies a t cr pour rcompenser la puissance des partenariats et clbrer les ralisations communes significatives dans l'cosystme des assurances. Des prix en verre grav ont t remis aux huit laurats qui ont atteint le plus haut niveau d'excellence en tant que partenaire de Duck Creek et ayant su faire progresser leur activit tout en rinventant l'avenir de l'assurance.

Accenture a reu le titre de Partenaire intgrateur de systmes de l'anne pour avoir excell dans les activits conjointes de mise sur le march, en fournissant des solutions Duck Creek des clients du monde entier, et pour avoir constamment dpass les critres de respect de l'excution. Accenture a men bien le plus grand nombre de mises en "uvre compltes de solutions Duck Creek et maintient sa position d'influence significative pour les ventes incitatives auprs des clients au niveau mondial.

Aggne a reu le titre de Partenaire de l'anne en cration de valeur dans les Amriques pour sa collaboration fructueuse avec les quipes de ventes de Duck Creek visant la diffrenciation et l'acquisition de nouvelles activits ainsi que le dveloppement d'acclrateurs pour garantir la migration russie des clients vers la plateforme SaaS Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

Coforge a reu le titre de Partenaire de l'anne en cration de valeur au niveau international pour sa prestation exceptionnelle de services packags aux clients, permettant Duck Creek d'acclrer la rentabilit. Coforge est parvenue dployer des solutions Duck Creek OnDemand prpackages en utilisant des acclrateurs et les meilleures pratiques en un temps record.

Copart a t nomm Partenaire de l'anne en solution d'efficacit oprationnelle pour son intgration avec Duck Creek. La solution amliore l'efficacit oprationnelle pour nos clients communs, en leur permettant de prendre des dcisions claires en matire d'assurance et de rpondre rapidement aux besoins des assurs. Copart est pour Duck Creek un prcieux partenaire de mise sur le march dans le segment des 10 premiers assureurs automobiles et offre un service de rcupration automobile de premier plan essentiel la stratgie de Duck Creek en matire de sinistres automobiles. Son intgration solide avec Duck Creek est un exemple concret de l'amlioration la fois de l'efficacit oprationnelle et de l'exprience client.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions a obtenu le titre de Partenaire de l'anne en solution d'acclration de mise sur le march pour ses intgrations avec Duck Creek qui ont eu un impact significatif sur la rapidit de mise sur le march de nos clients mutuels. LexisNexis Risk Solutions est un partenaire de Duck Creek depuis quatorze ans. L'entreprise propose dix intgrations prconstruites pour ses solutions de pointe. Ses intgrations sont plus largement adoptes que d'autres, permettant une mise en "uvre plus rapide et des conomies pour nos clients mutuels.

Quadient a reu le prix de Partenaire de l'anne en solution d'expriences personnalises parce que l'entreprise fournit une intgration de solution convaincante visant mieux personnaliser l'exprience des assurs. Quadient est un acteur majeur de la gestion des communications avec les clients avec des intgrations pour Duck Creek Policy et Claims. Quadient a collabor troitement avec Duck Creek au cours de l'anne 2023 dans diverses activits de co–marketing autour de ces intgrations, qui ont ouvert de nombreuses opportunits de ventes pour les deux parties.

Smart Communications s'est vue dcerner le titre de Partenaire de l'anne en solution internationale pour avoir contribu de manire remarquable aux activits de Duck Creek l'chelle mondiale. Smart Communications est un leader mondial reconnu en gestion des communications avec les clients. En 2023, son quipe s'est distingue par sa collaboration troite avec l'quipe de Duck Creek pour le dveloppement conjoint d'intgrations de dmonstration cls et a parrain notre premier sommet annuel ddi aux clients pour notre rgion APAC.

Penguin Tech a reu le titre de Partenaire de l'anne en conseil pour ses contributions significatives la valorisation de l'cosystme de Duck Creek. L'quipe de Penguin Tech compte plus de 40 annes d'exprience combine avec Duck Creek et a acclr la croissance de l'cosystme de Duck Creek en dveloppant de nombreuses intgrations pour le compte de nos partenaires en solutions. Ces intgrations avec les leaders du march ont permis de crer des dmonstrations de vente convaincantes et d'largir la proposition de valeur de Duck Creek.

Nous sommes ravis des partenariats prcieux que nous avons nous et de notre capacit collaborer avec des entreprises rputes telles que Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications et Penguin Tech. Ensemble, nous repensons le paysage de l'innovation dans le secteur des assurances tout en continuant fournir des solutions de premier ordre bases sur le cloud associes des services d'exception , a dclar Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies. C'est un privilge de reconnatre ces ralisations et de clbrer les performances de nos partenaires lors de notre Partner Summit '23 en compagnie d'un public compos de centaines de membres de l'cosystme.

Pour plus d'informations concernant les partenaires Duck Creek rcompenss, consultez la page https://www.duckcreek.com/partner/ et les sites Web de ces partenaires :

Laurats de la catgorie Intgrateur de systmes :




Laurats de la catgorie Partenaire de solution :


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Laurat de la catgorie Partenaire de conseil :

Penguin Tech

propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dfinit l'avenir du secteur de l'assurance gnrale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systmes d'assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des oprations agiles, intelligentes et prennes. Authenticit, mission et transparence sont les mots cls de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l'assurance devrait tre au service des individus et des entreprises quand, o et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du march sont disponibles sparment ou sous la forme d'une suite complte, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez–vous sur www.duckcreek.com. Suivez Duck Creek sur ses rseaux sociaux pour connatre les toutes dernires informations "" LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts auprs des mdias :
Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926501)

Ecommerce platform Ubuy selects Nuvei to accelerate its international growth

MONTREAL and KUWAIT CITY, KUWAIT, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nuvei Corporation ("Nuvei" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI), the Canadian fintech company, announces today that it has been selected by Ubuy, a leading international eCommerce platform based in Kuwait that specializes in connecting consumers all over the world with global brands, to enhance its customer checkout experience.

Ubuy is leveraging Nuvei's global reach, local payments market expertise, and extensive suite of alternative payment methods (APMs), to enter new markets and offer its customers a diverse selection of payment options. Nuvei currently offers its customers access to 634 APMs, all available through a single integration. Online businesses can tailor each respective end market via the most relevant payment methods for that region to optimize the consumer checkout experience.

Alternative payment methods are increasingly critical to international expansion and accelerating growth for eCommerce businesses. Consumer payment preferences are constantly evolving, with a number of APMs such as Alipay (China), iDEAL (The Netherlands), and PIX (Brazil) now being the preferred online payment method for consumers in their region. Ubuy is enabling its customers in all three of these markets to pay using these preferred methods, as well as the most popular methods in many other markets, through its integration with Nuvei. Alternative payment methods also enable consumers to complete a purchase when a card transaction fails, ensuring customer retention and further boosting revenues.

Having access to all the leading payment methods in every market globally will enable Ubuy to scale internationally without compromising on its commitment to offering a ubiquitous consumer eCommerce experience to all its customers, no matter where they are located.

Ubuy's CTO & Founder, Dhari Al Abdulhadi, commented on the announcement: "It is important for us to offer an industry–leading eCommerce experience for our customers, including enabling them to complete purchases via any of the payment methods they are familiar with. We're delighted to be partnering with Nuvei to offer all the relevant payment methods our customers demand in each market we operate, through a single integration, and without the need to manage many dozens of independent relationships with payments companies."

Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO, added: "It is our mission to enable our customers to connect more closely to their customers through payments, wherever they are based and however they want to pay. As an eCommerce business with customers all over the world, Ubuy's global appeal is underpinned by checkouts tailored to local markets. We're proud to support Ubuy as it continues to accelerate its growth."

This announcement further solidifies Nuvei's focus and commitment to pursuing growth in the Middle East and Africa region.

About Ubuy

Founded in 2012, Ubuy is a leading cross–border retail search engine that connects customers to over 100 million unique products from top international brands. Ubuy is committed to providing the best possible shopping experience for its customers, building a connected world where quality brands are just a tap away. The platform started from Ubuy Kuwait and currently caters to their services in more than 180+ countries, fostering a global shopping community.

For more information, visit www.ubuy.com

About Nuvei

Nuvei (Nasdaq: NVEI) (TSX: NVEI) is the Canadian fintech company accelerating the business of clients around the world. Nuvei's modular, flexible and scalable technology allows leading companies to accept next–gen payments, offer all payout options and benefit from card issuing, banking, risk and fraud management services. Connecting businesses to their customers in more than 200 markets, with local acquiring in 47+ markets, 150 currencies and 634 alternative payment methods, Nuvei provides the technology and insights for customers and partners to succeed locally and globally with one integration.

For more information, visit www.nuvei.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926408)

Duck Creek Technologies Announces Winners of Its Inaugural 2023 Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards

BOSTON, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces today the winners for the company's inaugural 2023 Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards during its annual Partner Summit '23, held in Orlando, Florida, September 20–21, 2023. Receiving Duck Creek's 2023 Partner of the Year Awards were Systems Integrator Partners Accenture, Aggne and Coforge; Solution Partners Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications, and Quadient; and consulting partner Penguin Tech.

The SaaS (software–as–a–service) leader dedicated time during their event to recognize the incredible accomplishments of their solution partners, systems integrators and consulting partners worldwide. The Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards were created to acknowledge the power of partnerships and celebrate significant joint achievements across the insurance ecosystem. Engraved glass awards were handed to the eight winners for achieving the highest level of excellence as a partner to Duck Creek and for having a vision to advance their business while reimagining the future of insurance.

Accenture was recognized as System Integrator Partner of the Year for excelling in joint go–to–market activities, delivering Duck Creek solutions to customers across the globe, and consistently exceeding delivery adherence standards." Accenture has achieved the highest number of completed implementations across Duck Creek solutions and maintains its position as a significant influence for global customer upsells.

Aggne was recognized as Americas Value Creation Partner of the Year for successful collaboration with Duck Creek sales teams to differentiate and win new business and development of accelerators to ensure successful migration of customers to Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

Coforge was recognized as International Value Creation Partner of the Year for providing exceptional delivery of packaged services to customers, realizing faster time to value from Duck Creek." Coforge successfully deployed prepackaged Duck Creek OnDemand solutions using accelerators and best practices in record time.

Copart was recognized as Operational Efficiency Solution Partner of the Year for its integration with Duck Creek. It improves operational efficiency for our mutual customers, enabling them to make intelligent insurance decisions and quickly meet policyholders' needs. Copart has been a valued go–to–market partner for Duck Creek in the top 10 auto insurer market and provides an industry–leading auto salvage service central to Duck Creek's automotive claims strategy. Its robust integration with Duck Creek provides a demonstrable example of simultaneously improving operational efficiency and customer experience.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions was recognized as Speed–to–Market Solution Partner of the Year for its integrations with Duck Creek, significantly impacting our mutual customers' speed to market. LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been a partner of Duck Creek for fourteen years. It offers ten pre–built integrations for its industry–leading solutions. Its integrations are more consistently adopted than others, resulting in quicker implementation time and cost savings for our mutual customers.

Quadient was recognized as Personalized Experiences Solution Partner of the Year for providing a compelling solution integration to better personalize the policyholder experience. Quadient is a leader in customer communications management with integrations available for Duck Creek Policy and Claims. Quadient engaged closely with Duck Creek during 2023 in various co–marketing activities around these integrations, resulting in multiple new sales opportunities for both parties.

Smart Communications was recognized as International Solution Partner of the Year for significantly contributing globally to Duck Creek's business. Smart Communications is a recognized global leader in customer communications management. In 2023, their team stood out by collaborating extensively with Duck Creek's team to develop key demonstration integrations jointly and sponsored our first annual customer summit for our APAC region.

Penguin Tech was recognized as Consulting Partner of the Year for making significant contributions to the value of the Duck Creek ecosystem. The Penguin Tech team has over 40 years of combined Duck Creek experience and accelerated the growth of the Duck Creek ecosystem by developing many integrations on behalf of our Solution Partners. These integrations with market leaders have created compelling sales demonstrations and extended the Duck Creek value proposition.

“We are thrilled by the valuable partnerships we've formed and our capacity to engage collaboratively with distinguished companies such as Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications, and Penguin Tech. Together, we are reshaping the landscape of innovation in the insurance industry as we continue delivering top–tier cloud–based solutions paired with exceptional services,” said Mike Jackowski, CEO, Duck Creek Technologies. “It is a privilege to recognize these achievements and commemorate the accomplishments of our partners at our Partner Summit '23, with an audience comprising hundreds of fellow ecosystem members."

For more information about these award–winning Duck Creek partners, visit https://www.duckcreek.com/partner/ and these partner websites:

Systems Integrator award winners:




Solution Partner award winners:


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Consulting Partner award winner:

Penguin Tech

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market–leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit www.duckcreek.com to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information "" LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts:
Carley Bunch

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8925918)

WilsonHCG nommé 1er fournisseur mondial de RPO dans la liste RPO Baker's Dozen 2023 de HRO Today

TAMPA, Floride, 21 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG a t reconnu 1er fournisseur pour l'externalisation des processus de recrutement (RPO) dans la liste Baker's Dozen 2023 de HRO Today.

La liste Baker's Dozen de HRO Today, la plus ancienne enqute de satisfaction client dans l'industrie de la RPO, est conue pour mettre en avant les meilleurs fournisseurs de RPO au monde et dmontre clairement les partenariats RPO qui ont le plus d'impact. Les prestataires sont valus sur une srie de facteurs, dont l'tendue des solutions, la qualit du service et la taille de la transaction.

C'est un honneur d'tre class numro un dans la liste Baker's Dozen , a indiqu John Wilson, PDG de WilsonHCG. Cette reconnaissance signifie normment pour nous en tant qu'entreprise, car elle est uniquement motive par les commentaires des clients. C'est vritablement un tmoignage de l'engagement et du soin que nos employs accordent nos relations clients. Je tiens dire un grand merci l'quipe, et je suis impatient de poursuivre sur cette lance en continuant d'apporter de la valeur nos partenariats clients.

Depuis le premier placement de WilsonHCG sur la liste Baker's Dozen de HRO Today en tant que marque challenger, la socit se concentre sur l'offre d'un excellent service client et l'emploi d'approches innovantes en matire de solutions d'externalisation des processus de recrutement et de main–d'"uvre. Elle a volu de sa position des premiers jours en tant que challenger vers celle d'un chef de file important dominant le march, qui aide redfinir ce quoi le succs doit ressembler pour les clients de ces offres de services. Chose remarquable, l'orientation du service de WilsonHCG a continu de s'amliorer pour en faire l'une des socits les plus grandes et les plus prospres du secteur. Nous la flicitons ainsi que son quipe de direction pour ce classement en tant que premier fournisseur sur la liste RPO Baker's Dozen de HRO Today , a dclar Elliot Clark, PDG de HRO Today.

Rendez–vous sur le site Web de HRO Today ici pour davantage d'informations sur la liste Baker's Dozen.

propos de WilsonHCG
WilsonHCG est un leader mondial prim dans les solutions totales de talents. Oprant en tant que partenaire stratgique, la socit aide certaines de marques les plus admires au monde dvelopper des fonctions de talents compltes. Grce une prsence mondiale couvrant plus de 65 pays et six continents, WilsonHCG fournit une suite complte de services de talents configurables, notamment l'externalisation du processus de recrutement (RPO), la recherche de cadres, ainsi que le conseil en gestion de talents et de solutions de talents temporaires.

TALENT. Plus qu'une solution, c'est notre identit.


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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926330)

WilsonHCG in der RPO Baker's Dozen List 2023 von HRO Today zur Nr. 1 der globalen RPO-Anbieter ernannt

TAMPA, Florida, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG ist in der Baker's Dozen List 2023 von HRO Today als Nr. 1 der Anbieter fr Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) anerkannt worden.

Die "Baker's Dozen List" von HRO Today ist die lteste Umfrage zur Kundenzufriedenheit in der RPO–Branche. Sie hebt die weltweit besten RPO–Anbieter hervor und schafft Transparenz ber die wirkungsvollsten RPO–Partnerschaften. Die Anbieter werden anhand einer Reihe von Faktoren bewertet, darunter die Bandbreite der Lsungen, die Qualitt der Dienstleistungen und der Umfang des Geschfts.

"Es ist eine Ehre, in der Baker's Dozen List auf Platz 1 zu stehen", so John Wilson, CEO von WilsonHCG. "Diese Anerkennung bedeutet uns als Unternehmen sehr viel, weil sie ausschlielich auf dem Feedback unserer Kunden beruht. Sie ist wahrlich ein Beweis fr das Engagement und die Sorgfalt, die unsere Mitarbeiter in unsere Kundenbeziehungen investieren. Ich mchte dem Team ein groes Dankeschn aussprechen und kann es kaum erwarten, auf diesem Erfolg aufzubauen und unseren Kundenpartnerschaften noch mehr Wert zu verleihen."

"Seit der ersten Platzierung von WilsonHCG im HRO Today Baker's Dozen als Herausforderer–Marke hat sich das Unternehmen auf einen hervorragenden Kundenservice und innovative Anstze fr das Outsourcing von Rekrutierungsprozessen und Personallsungen konzentriert. Es hat sich von einem Herausforderer in den frhen Tagen zu einem groen und marktbeherrschenden Branchenfhrer entwickelt, der dazu beitrgt, neu zu definieren, wie der Erfolg fr die Kunden dieser Dienstleistungsangebote aussehen sollte. Bemerkenswerterweise hat sich die Serviceorientierung von WilsonHCG kontinuierlich verbessert, whrend es zu einem der grten und erfolgreichsten Unternehmen in diesem Bereich herangewachsen ist. Wir beglckwnschen das Unternehmen und sein Fhrungsteam zu seiner Platzierung als Top–Anbieter in der HRO Today–Rangliste RPO Baker's Dozen", so Elliot Clark, CEO von HRO Today.

Besuchen Sie hier die Website von HRO Today, um weitere Informationen ber die "Baker's Dozen List" zu erhalten.

ber WilsonHCG
WilsonHCG ist ein preisgekrnter, weltweit fhrender Anbieter fr umfassende Talentlsungen. Als strategischer Partner untersttzt das Unternehmen einige der weltweit angesehensten Marken beim Aufbau umfassender Talentfunktionen. Mit einer weltweiten Prsenz in mehr als 65 Lndern und auf sechs Kontinenten bietet WilsonHCG eine umfassende Palette an konfigurierbaren Talentdienstleistungen, darunter Outsourcing von Rekrutierungsprozessen (Recruitment Process Outsourcing, RPO), Vermittlung von Fhrungskrften, Zeitarbeitslsungen und Talentberatung.

TALENT. It's more than a solution, it's who we are.



+44 7889901517


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926330)

WilsonHCG nomeada provedora de RPO global número 1 da RPO Baker’s Dozen List de 2023 da HRO Today

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WilsonHCG foi reconhecida como a fornecedora nmero 1 de Recruitment Process Outsourcing (Terceirizao de Processos de Recrutamento – RPO) na RPO Baker's Dozen List de 2023 da HRO Today

A pesquisa de satisfao do cliente mais antiga do setor de RPO, a Baker's Dozen List da HRO Today, foi criada para destacar os principais provedores de RPO do mundo e dar transparncia s parcerias de RPO mais impactantes. Os fornecedores so classificados em uma variedade de fatores, incluindo amplitude de solues, qualidade do servio e tamanho do negcio.

" uma honra estar em primeiro lugar na Baker's Dozen List", disse John Wilson, CEO da WilsonHCG. "Esse reconhecimento significa muito para ns como empresa, porque impulsionado exclusivamente pelo feedback dos clientes. realmente um testemunho do compromisso e cuidado que o nosso pessoal tem com o relacionamento com os nossos clientes. Quero agradecer imensamente equipe e mal posso esperar para aproveitar esse sucesso medida que continuamos a agregar ainda mais valor s parcerias com nossos clientes."

"Desde a primeira incluso da WilsonHCG na Baker's Dozen List da HRO Today como uma marca desafiadora, ela tem se concentrado em um timo atendimento ao cliente e abordagens inovadoras s terceirizao de processos de recrutamento e solues de fora de trabalho. Ela se transformou de desafiadora nos seus primeiros dias em uma grande e dominante lder do mercado, ajudando a redefinir o que o sucesso dessas ofertas de servios deve parecer para os clientes. Notavelmente, a orientao de servio do WilsonHCG continuou a ser aprimorada com a sua transformao em uma das maiores e mais bem–sucedidas empresas do setor. Parabenizamos a empresa e sua equipe de liderana por sua incluso como principal fornecedora do Baker's Dozen List da HRO Today", disse Elliot Clark, CEO da HRO Today.

Visite o site da HRO Today aqui para encontrar mais informaes sobre a Baker's Dozen List.

Sobre a WilsonHCG
A WilsonHCG uma premiada lder global em solues completas de talentos. Como parceira estratgica ela ajuda algumas das marcas mais admiradas do mundo a desenvolver funes abrangentes de talentos. Com uma presena global em mais de 65 pases e seis continentes, a WilsonHCG fornece um conjunto completo de servios configurveis para talentos, incluindo recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), pesquisa de executivos, solues de talentos contingentes e consultoria de talentos.

TALENT. mais do que uma soluo, o nosso cerne.


Contato com a Mdia

+44 7889901517


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926330)

Apparel Group Forms Groundbreaking Multi-Brand Licensing Alliance with Marquee Brands LLC, Expanding Fashion Footprint in GCC and India

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Apparel Group, a leading global fashion conglomerate, announces a monumental multi–brand licensing agreement with Marquee Brands LLC, the renowned brand owner, marketer, and media company. This unparalleled pact encompasses licensing for five of Marquee's signature brands, namely BCBG, Ben Sherman, Bruno Magli, Sur la table, and Martha Stewart across the regions of GCC and India.

With this partnership, an expansive audience including some of the leading economies in the world with aggregate GDP of over 5 trillion USD, is set to experience and embrace the distinct styles and stories of these five brands. The move symbolizes both companies' ambition to fulfil increasing demand for not only luxury but also contemporary goods in these regions, offering consumers a wider spectrum of choices and styles.

"Our partnership with Apparel Group is a key step forward in our strategic plan to expand the categories and geographies covered by our brands. In bringing these five brands to the GCC and India, we are expanding the market for our brands by almost 1.5 billion people," said Heath L. Golden, President of Marquee Brands. "Further, in teaming up with the partner of choice in the region for the world's most desirable brands, we are confident that local consumers will embrace our brands via Apparel Group's innovative, omnichannel, and quantitative retail approach."

"Our strategic partnership with Marquee Brands underscores our steadfast strategy to be the epicenter of global fashion in the GCC and India. As we join forces, we're not just expanding our retail footprint, but elevating the fashion landscape in the region, setting new benchmarks for what consumers can expect," commented Neeraj Teckchandani, CEO of Apparel Group. "We've always positioned ourselves at the crossroads of innovation and excellence, and this partnership further exemplifies our commitment to providing unparalleled shopping experiences while strategically enhancing our global brand stature."

This partnership is destined to set new benchmarks, fostering a culture of fashion that is globally inspired yet locally embraced. The fusion of Marquee's brand prowess with Apparel Group's regional expertise promises an enriched retail landscape for the discerning fashion customers of GCC and India.


Apparel Group is a global fashion and lifestyle retail conglomerate residing at the crossroads of the modern economy "" Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Today, Apparel Group caters to thousands of eager shoppers through its 2025+ retail stores and 80+ brands on all platforms while employing over 20,000+ multicultural staff.

Apparel Group has carved its strong presence in the GCC and expanded thriving gateways to market in India, South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Egypt. Additionally, clear strategies are in place to enter emerging markets such as Hungary and Philippines.

Apparel Group has created an omni–channel experience, operating brands originating from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The brands include leading names in fashion, footwear, and lifestyles such as Tommy Hilfiger, Charles & Keith, Skechers, Aldo, Nine West, Aeropostale, Jamie's Italian, Tim Hortons, Cold Stone Creamery, Inglot, and Rituals.

Apparel Group owes its amazing growth to the vision and guidance of its dynamic Founder and Chairwoman, Mrs. Sima Ganwani Ved, who has taken the company from strength to strength since its inception in the last two decades.

For more information, please visit https://apparelglobal.com/en/


Marquee Brands is a leading global brand owner, marketer, and media company. Owned by investor funds managed by Neuberger Berman, one of the world's leading employee–owned investment managers, Marquee Brands targets high–quality brands with strong consumer awareness and long–term growth potential. Marquee Brands seeks to identify brands in various consumer product segments with the goal of expanding their reach across retail channels, geography, and product category while preserving the brand heritage and enhancing the ultimate consumer experience. The portfolio includes Martha Stewart, The BCBG Group, Ben Sherman, Dakine, Sur La Table, Body Glove, Emeril Lagasse, Destination Maternity, Motherhood Maternity, Hatch, A Pea in a Pod, America's Test Kitchen, and Bruno Magli. Through its global team of professionals and partners, Marquee Brands monitors trends and markets in order to grow and manage brands in partnership with retailers, licensees, and manufacturers through engaging, impactful strategic planning, marketing, and e–commerce.

For more information, please visit http://www.marqueebrands.com/



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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8926238)