Estonia’s First Pumped-Hydro Energy Storage Project Zero Terrain partners with the Estonian government and receives a grant of €1,9M

TALLINN, Estonia, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Estonian Ministry of Climate signs the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with energy company Zero Terrain to help Estonia achieve its 100% renewable energy goal by 2030. With this cooperation, Zero Terrain is collaborating closely with the government to devise solutions to enable the realisation of the pumped–hydro energy storage (PHS) project in Estonia, including supporting securing capital and addressing market challenges.

Additionally, Zero Terrain receives a grant of €1.98M from the state’s applied research programme to support Zero Terrain project development in Estonia and technology export.

The Zero Terrain Paldiski 500MW underground long–duration energy storage plant is a significant advancement of the conventional PHS technology, making it possible to build anywhere, even on flat land.

Zero Terrain Paldiski represents a notable milestone in the country’s energy system. Paldiski Pumped Hydro Energy Storage plant is an EU Project of Common Interest (PCI project). It is the only greenfield pumped hydro energy storage project in the Northern Baltic region and will also be the largest facility in the country.

“Signing the MoU is a significant step forward in Zero Terrain's journey towards a clean and secure energy future. We believe there can’t be a renewable energy–driven energy system without large–scale, long–duration energy storage. This collaboration signifies the cooperation and a commitment to driving positive change in the Estonian renewable energy landscape,“ says Peep Siitam, the Founder and CEO of Zero Terrain.

Estonia´s first long–duration energy storage project, Zero Terrain Paldiski, obtained the main building permits in December 2022. Construction of the country's first pumped–hydro storage plant will begin in 2025. During the nominal operating cycle of 12 hours, Zero Terrain Paldiski generates 6GWh of power to the grid, which is somewhat more than the average daily consumption of all Estonian households.

Zero Terrain also receives a grant of 1.98M€ from the state’s applied research programme. According to Siitam, the grant will be used to develop Zero Terrain modular design, start development activities in other countries, and involve new investors in Zero Terrain Paldiski, Estonia.

“Zero Terrain is developing large–scale energy storage technology, enabling Estonia and other countries to switch to renewable energy more widely with such significant advancement of the conventional PHS technology,” says Arbo Reino, an energy expert of the Estonian Business and Innovation Agency.

“The global need for long–duration energy storage (LDES) capacity is undeniable. 85–120 TWh–hours of LDES is needed globally by 2040 (McKinsey, 2021), so the interest in our technology and project is high, especially in regions where the traditional PHS was impossible to implement due to geographical limitation,” explains  Siitam.

Zero Terrain is jointly owned by the Estonian energy company AS Alexela, Baltic–Polish renewable energy company Sunly AS, Vool OÜ, Combiwood Grupp OÜ, Warmeston OÜ, and Ronnivara OÜ.

For media inquiries and more information, please contact:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–529e–4878–b248–52bed8e1134f

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000933134)

Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2024 veste Barcelona e o mundo da moda

BARCELONA, Espanha, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week (BBFW) 2024 está pronta para se tornar uma das edições mais notáveis até hoje, com 37 grandes marcas na passarela e mais de 400 empresas participando da feira. O evento, organizado pela Fira de Barcelona e com apoio do Ministério de Negócios e Trabalho da Catalunha, tornou–se um ponto de encontro fundamental para designers e profissionais do mundo da moda nupcial.

Apresentando um aumento de 14% no número de marcas e um número recorde de 80% de internacionalidade (com empresas de mais de 35 países), a BBFW 2024 promete ser uma vitrine de excelência e criatividade em moda nupcial, entre os dias 17 e 21 de abril.

O diretor da BBFW, Albasarí Caro, destaca a importância de uma edição que “reunirá os designers mais prestigiados do setor e transformará Barcelona, mais do que nunca, no epicentro mundial dos negócios e das tendências do setor”.

Além disso, o renomado estilista de alta costura e itens “ready–to–wear” Giambattista Valli será a estrela da Noite Nupcial de Barcelona com a apresentação de sua terceira “Love Collection” 2025, a qual será também o primeiro desfile exclusivo para noivas na história da empresa.

O desfile também contará com as marcas de alta costura Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, Stephane Rolland ou Viktor&Rolf, além de outros estilistas internacionais consagrados, como Jenny Packham, Tony Ward ou Ines Di Santo, com a presença, pela primeira vez nesta edição, de Georges Hobeika.

O evento se abrirá para a cidade com o Barcelona Goes Bridal!, uma instalação artística que representará o ciclo do setor de moda nupcial e exibirá vestidos de marcas locais.

A BBFW 2024 não se restringirá apenas à moda e às tendências, mas também aos negócios, com um plano ambicioso para atrair os principais clientes internacionais. Mais de 80 países estarão representados, contando com uma grande presença dos principais mercados, como Europa, EUA, Japão, Coreia do Sul e América Latina.

A cerimônia do Barcelona Bridal & Fashion Awards encerrará o evento, reconhecendo o talento e a criatividade dos estilistas, assim como seu compromisso com a inovação, a sustentabilidade e a inclusão em suas coleções.

A Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2024 se propõe a ser uma celebração da excelência em moda nupcial, com foco na internacionalidade, criatividade e oportunidades de negócios.

Para atendimento à imprensa, entre em contato com:

Salvador Bilurbina
Telefone: +34 628162674

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000933107)

Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2024 kleidet Barcelona und die Welt in Mode

BARCELONA, Spanien, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week (BBFW) 2024 wird mit 37 großen Marken auf dem Laufsteg und über 400 teilnehmenden Firmen eine der bisher herausragendsten Veranstaltungen der Serie werden. Die Veranstaltung, die von der Fira de Barcelona mit Unterstützung des katalanischen Ministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit organisiert wird, hat sich zu einem wichtigen Treffpunkt für Designer und Fachleute aus der Welt der Brautmode entwickelt.

Mit einem Anstieg der Anzahl der Marken um 14 % und einem Rekordwert von 80 % Internationalität mit Firmen aus mehr als 35 Ländern verspricht die BBFW 2024 vom 17. bis 21. April ein Schaufenster der Exzellenz und Kreativität in der Brautmode zu werden.

Der Direktor der BBFW, Albasarí Caro, unterstreicht die Bedeutung der diesjährigen Veranstaltung, die „die renommiertesten Designer der Branche zusammenbringt und Barcelona mehr denn je zum weltweiten Epizentrum für Geschäfte und Trends in der Branche macht.“

Außerdem wird der weltberühmte Haute Couture– und Konfektionsdesigner Giambattista Valli mit der Präsentation seiner dritten „Love Collection“ 2025 der Star der Barcelona Bridal Night sein, die gleichzeitig die erste reine Brautmodenschau in der Geschichte des Unternehmens sein wird.

Die Show zeigt auch Couture–Marken wie Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, Stephane Rolland oder Viktor&Rolf sowie andere etablierte internationale Designer wie Jenny Packham, Tony Ward oder Ines Di Santo, die in der diesjährigen Veranstaltung zum ersten Mal von Georges Hobeika begleitet werden.

Die Veranstaltung öffnet ihre Tore für die Stadt mit der Kunstinstallation „Barcelona Goes Bridal!“, die den Zyklus der Brautmodenbranche repräsentiert und Kleider von lokalen Marken vorstellt.

Die BBFW 2024 wird sich nicht nur auf Mode und Trends konzentrieren, sondern auch auf das Geschäft, mit einem ehrgeizigen Plan, wichtige internationale Einkäufer anzuziehen. Mehr als 80 Länder werden vertreten sein, mit einer großen Präsenz von Schlüsselmärkten wie Europa, USA, Japan, Südkorea und Lateinamerika.

Die Verleihung der Barcelona Bridal & Fashion Awards rundet die Veranstaltung ab und würdigt das Talent und die Kreativität der Designer sowie ihr Engagement für Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit und Inklusivität in ihren Kollektionen.

Die Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2024 verspricht ein Fest der Exzellenz in der Brautmode zu werden, das sich auf Internationalität, Kreativität und Geschäftsmöglichkeiten konzentriert.

Für Medienanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Salvador Bilurbina
Telefon: +34628162674

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000933107)

La Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2024 sublime Barcelone et le monde de la mode

BARCELONE, Espagne, 04 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week (BBFW) 2024 s'annonce comme l'une des éditions les plus remarquables à ce jour avec la participation de plus de 37 marques qui se presseront sur le podium et plus de 400 entreprises présentes à ce salon professionnel. L'événement, organisé par Fira de Barcelona avec le soutien du Ministère catalan de l'Économie et du Travail, est devenu un point de rencontre privilégié pour les créateurs et les professionnels du monde de la mode nuptiale.

Affichant une augmentation de 14 % du nombre de marques présentes et un chiffre record de 80 % d'internationalité avec des entreprises originaires de plus de 35 pays, la BBFW 2024 qui se déroulera du 17 au 21 avril prochain, promet d'être une vitrine de l'excellence et de la créativité en matière de mode nuptiale.

Albasarí Caro, la directrice de la BBFW, souligne l'importance de cette édition qui « réunira les créateurs les plus prestigieux du secteur et fera, plus que jamais, de Barcelone, l'épicentre mondial des affaires et des tendances de cette industrie ».

En outre, le célèbre créateur de haute couture et de prêt–à–porter Giambattista Valli verra tous les projecteurs se braquer sur lui lors de la Barcelona Bridal Night avec la présentation de sa troisième « Love Collection » 2025, qui marquera le premier défilé de mode exclusivement nuptial de l'histoire de la maison.

Cet événement sera alors l'occasion de présenter également des marques de haute couture telles que Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, Stephane Rolland ou Viktor&Rolf, ainsi que d'autres créateurs d'envergure internationale bien établis à l'instar de Jenny Packham, Tony Ward ou Ines Di Santo, rejoints pour la première fois dans cette édition par Georges Hobeika.

L'événement s'ouvrira dans la ville avec l'installation artistique Barcelona Goes Bridal! (en français : Barcelone se marie) un projet qui mettra en lumière le cycle de l'industrie de la mode nuptiale et sera l'occasion de présenter des robes de marques locales.

La BBFW 2024 ne se concentrera pas uniquement sur la mode et les tendances, mais s'intéressera aux affaires, grâce à un plan ambitieux destiné à attirer les principaux acheteurs du monde entier. Plus de 80 pays seront représentés, avec une forte présence des marchés clés tels que l'Europe, les États–Unis, le Japon, la Corée du Sud et l'Amérique latine.

La cérémonie des Barcelona Bridal & Fashion Awards viendra clore l'événement en récompensant le talent et la créativité des créateurs, ainsi que leur engagement en faveur de l'innovation, de la durabilité et de l'inclusion dans leurs collections.

La Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week édition 2024 promet d'être une célébration de l'excellence de la mode nuptiale, mettant l'accent sur l'internationalité, la créativité et les opportunités commerciales.

Pour les demandes médias, veuillez contacter :

Salvador Bilurbina
E–mail :
Téléphone : +34628162674

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000933107)

EB5 Capital’s Green House Gravity Apartments (JF39) Project Receives I-956F Approval from USCIS

WASHINGTON, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EB5 Capital is excited to announce that its Green House Gravity Apartments (JF39) project was approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on March 25, 2024, after pending for approximately 11 months. This Form I–956F approval confirms that USCIS has assessed and verified the compliance of the project and its related documents. Now that the project is approved by USCIS, investors who filed I–526E conditional green card petitions in this project can anticipate receiving individual petition approvals in the near future.

Green House Gravity Apartments (JF39) is the development of a Class A multifamily building with a high–end design centered around health and wellness. The project is in Columbus, Ohio, and when complete will contain 313 apartment units, 5,200 square feet of ground–floor retail, 324 secured garage spaces, a full fitness center, a pool and sauna, hot and cold plunge tubs, therapy rooms, and other onsite wellness services.

“We are pleased with this swift project approval from USCIS,” said Patrick Rainey, Senior Vice President of Investments at EB5 Capital. “The project began construction late last year when we started the EB–5 raise. We are happy that the raise is complete, and the project is approved, which are two significant milestones in the EB–5 process.”

Green House Gravity Apartments (JF39) represents Phase 3 of a master development plan and builds upon the momentum of Gravity Phases 1 and 2. Phase 1 consists of 234 units and was completed in 2019. Phase 2 consists of 325 units and opened in 2023. All three phases are adjacent to one another and are managed by Kaufman Development. EB5 Capital will continue to carefully track USCIS’ petition approvals in JF39 and attentively monitor the remainder of the construction process, keeping investors fully informed.

About EB5 Capital

EB5 Capital provides qualified foreign investors opportunities to invest in job–creating commercial real estate projects under the United States Immigrant Investor Program (EB–5 Visa Program). As one of the country’s oldest and most active Regional Center operators, the firm has raised more than one billion dollars of foreign capital across nearly 40 EB–5 projects. Headquartered in Washington, DC, EB5 Capital’s distinguished track record and leadership in the industry has attracted investors from over 75 countries. Please visit for more information.

Katherine Willis
Director, Marketing & Communications

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9084798)

AI-Media Revolutionizes Captioning for DAZN with AI-Powered LEXI Tool Kit

LONDON, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, a global leader in end–to–end captioning technology solutions, is excited to announce its newly established partnership with DAZN, the global sports entertainment streaming platform. Through this collaboration, AI–Media will deliver live and recorded multi language and translated captioning using various solutions from its AI–powered LEXI Tool Kit.

DAZN Group is one of the world's fastest–growing sports media platforms, and this partnership marks a significant moment in their commitment to inclusivity and accessibility of their content. Leveraging AI–Media's LEXI Tool Kit, DAZN will seamlessly integrate live captions across its extensive and diverse premium sports content, enriching the viewer experience for millions worldwide.

Key highlights of this partnership include:

Cutting–Edge Technology: LEXI 3.0, AI–Media's latest automatic captioning solution, introduces innovative features such as speaker identification and AI–powered caption placement, ensuring accuracy exceeding 98%. LEXI's advanced vocabulary caters to region–specific nuances, including challenging pronunciations and complex spellings, enhancing the quality of sport content captioning.

Complete End–to–End Solution: DAZN will utilize AI–Media's Alta IP caption Encoder for LEXI Live captioning delivery. Alta offers a virtualized, API–powered software solution tailored for IP video environments, ensuring seamless integration.

Expanded Language Support: Initial rollout includes Spanish and English captions for EMEA and US markets, with plans for additional languages through LEXI Translate, encompassing French, German, Italian, Arabic, Japanese, and more. This supports DAZN's global expansion strategy across its 120 channels, catering to diverse audiences worldwide.

Support for On–Demand FAST Channels: DAZN has implemented AI–Media’s LEXI Recorded solution for captioning pre–recorded content on their FAST (Free Ad–supported Streaming TV) Channels. LEXI Recorded, a newly launched solution in the LEXI Tool Kit, offers fast turnaround, highly accurate and low–cost captions – essential for high volume, time–sensitive captioning applications of recorded content such as this.

Cost–Effective Solution: Transitioning from costly human captioning services to AI–Media’s LEXI platform enables DAZN to deliver multi–language captions across multiple channels at the same cost as human delivery, enhancing accessibility while optimizing resources.

Mark Lovatt, General Manager of Global Strategic Accounts at AI–Media, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership: “With this new agreement, we’re excited to bring live and recorded multilingual captions to DAZN viewers using our LEXI Tool Kit solutions. Choosing AI–Media for LEXI automated captioning underscores the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the industry. As the top automatic captioning provider, we’re uniquely positioned to deliver high–quality captions for DAZN at a lower cost. This partnership marks a milestone in our global sports market expansion, and we’re thrilled to work with DAZN to make their content accessible to all viewers through our leading automated captions.”

James Pearce, SVP Broadcast & Streaming at DAZN, commended the partnership, saying, “DAZN is at the forefront of using technology to improve the enjoyment and viewing experience of fans. This partnership with AI–Media is another example of where DAZN uses best in class tech–based solutions to deliver the services and products that our customers want and expect. DAZN is all about putting customer choice at the centre of our offer, so we will be working hard to roll this out across all our services and looking forward to progressing this with AI–Media.”

As AI–Media continues to expand its footprint in the global sports market, this partnership exemplifies the dedication of both organizations to making content accessible to diverse audiences worldwide. Through innovative technologies and strategic collaborations such as this, AI–Media remains at the forefront of driving positive change in the media accessibility landscape.

About AI–Media:

Founded in Australia in 2003, AI–Media is a pioneering technology company specializing in innovative captioning workflow solutions. As a global leader, AI–Media provides high–quality AI–powered live and recorded captioning and translation technology and solutions to a diverse range of customers and markets worldwide. For the first time in February 2024, AI–Media was able to unveil groundbreaking data showcasing the superiority of its AI captioning product, LEXI, over traditional human workflows. This milestone further solidifies AI–Media's position as the foremost AI technology leader in live and recorded captioning workflow solutions. With a commitment to utilising our deep industry experience and sophisticated AI technology to create solutions which streamline and simplify processes, AI–Media (ASX: AIM) empowers leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies globally to ensure seamless accessibility and inclusivity in their content.

For more information on AI–Media please visit AI–

About DAZN:

DAZN is the home of European football, women’s football, boxing and MMA, and the NFL (excl. USA). DAZN is building the ultimate sports entertainment platform, based on premium sports rights, world–leading tech, and multi–platform distribution. DAZN believes that fans from across the globe should be able to watch, read, bet, play, share, socialise, buy tickets and merchandise, all in one place, with one account, one wallet and on one app.

For more information on DAZN, our products, people, and performance, visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–88bf–4157–b159–f7cfa3047bd0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9084532)

Matmerize, Inc. and CJ Biomaterials Partner to Utilize Innovative AI Technology to Advance Sustainable Polymer Solutions

ATLANTA, April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Matmerize, Inc., a pioneering AI–based polymer informatics company, and CJ Biomaterials, a division of South Korea–based CJ CheilJedang and a primary producer of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolymers, have joined forces to drive innovation in sustainable polymer solutions aimed at combating plastic pollution. In a recent collaboration with Matmerize, CJ Biomaterials successfully tested Matmerize's cloud–based AI platform, PolymRize™, to optimize bio–based polymers, ensuring they meet specific performance criteria across a wide range of applications.

Human life and plastic have become inseparable, but the environmental toll of plastic waste is undeniable. With more than 9 million tons of man–made plastic waste entering the ocean each year, the urgency to find sustainable alternatives has never been greater. In response to this challenge, CJ Biomaterials created PHACT, a groundbreaking 100% bio–based Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) using an innovative fermentation process, that degrades naturally in soil and ocean environments, mitigating the harmful impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems.

One of the key challenges in materials development is the lengthy and resource–intensive process of characterizing core properties. By leveraging Matmerize's custom model training and predictive analytics platform PolymRize™, CJ Biomaterials was able to rapidly estimate the performance of newly designed materials, enabling quicker decision–making and reducing time and costs compared to traditional methods.

For more information on the innovative PolymRize™ platform please visit:

Biodegradable Polymers PR

A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on this link.

“The collaboration with CJ Biomaterials goes beyond R&D efforts, significantly impacting work efficiency and cost reduction by prioritizing experiments through expertise and machine learning capabilities. This commitment to innovation not only promotes sustainable practices but also secures a competitive advantage for CJ Biomaterials in the polymer and plastic industry.” – Dr. Chiho Kim, CTO, Matmerize, Inc

As Matmerize, Inc and CJ Biomaterials continue to push the boundaries of innovation in polymer development, the companies remain dedicated to driving positive environmental change and shaping a greener, sustainable future for generations to come.

About Matmerize:
Matmerize, a spin–out from the Georgia Institute of Technology, is at the forefront of pioneering solutions that bridge the gap between AI and materials engineering. Matmerize’s PolymRize™ platform utilizes virtual screening and AI algorithms to identify the most optimal materials, empowering technologists to focus their experimental efforts on the most promising options with precision and efficiency. This approach significantly accelerates the materials engineering process saving valuable time and resources. PolymRize™ represents a paradigm shift in industry, propelling clients ahead of the competition and driving innovation at an unprecedented pace.

About CJ Biomaterials:
Headquartered in Woburn, MA, USA, CJ Biomaterials develops meaningful solutions that positively affect our planet, human health, and well–being by addressing the challenges posed by plastic waste. The company invents and manufactures biopolymers and bio–based chemicals as part of a long–term vision to create a more sustainable future, by enabling true circular solutions that replace many non–recyclable, non–reusable and fossil fuel–based plastics and chemicals. CJ Biomaterials is a global leader in the manufacture of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)–both polymers and associated basic chemicals. CJ Biomaterials, a business unit of CJ BIO, is part of CJ CheilJedang, a global lifestyle company with a vision to inspire a new life filled with health, happiness, and convenience.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Matmerize, Inc:
Email us at
Watch Matmerize Videos on YouTube
Follow the Matmerize LinkedIn Page

CJ Biomaterials:
Email us at
Follow the CJBiomaterials LinkedIn Page


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9084432)

Psychological Safety in Today’s Global Workforce

RALEIGH, N.C., April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Amid mounting pressures and unprecedented challenges across the globe, psychologically safe workplaces have become a necessity for building organizational resilience and sustainable success. Leaders at every level recognize that they need to cultivate cultures of trust, openness, and inclusivity, where every voice is heard, valued, and respected.

The financial consequences are straightforward: Psychological safety is the lynchpin of employee engagement and the heart of bottom–line business results. The benefits range from talent retention and enhanced innovation to better customer service and stronger brand value.

Data Directly from Employees – Not Surveys or Opinions
As the largest independent provider of customized and localized wellbeing services, with more than 116,000 clients serving 79 million people, Workplace Options (WPO) has deep insight on global psychological safety, derived from data via the human–to–human counseling our clinical team conducted with in nine countries: Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Mexico, United Kingdom, and the United States.

The findings comprise the “WPO Psychological Safety Study: Global Context for Organizational Success,” a website and multimedia content hub that presents information on how psychological safety affects employees in different countries. The site includes multimedia resources, white papers, videos, articles, infographics, and other information on the global significance of psychological safety.

The “WPO Psychological Safety Study: Global Context for Organizational Success” can be accessed here: Psychological Safety.

“A culture built on psychological safety has immense value. Deep–rooted employee engagement leads to greater creativity, innovation, and an environment where people can be their authentic self in every aspect of their life,” said Alan King, President and CEO, Workplace Options. “The results from this study will help leaders and organizations make a transformative difference in people’s lives by building resilient cultures focused on wellbeing.”

Study Results – Comparing and Contrasting Workplace Concerns Across Countries
Individual country information has been derived from clinician engagement with customers, providing insight into workplace symptoms manifest in the employee’s emotions, cognitions, and attitudes toward work. These include: workplace stress, anxiety/panic, low mood, job performance, conflict/tension with manager, lack of recognition, and others.

Leaders can utilize the data to understand the challenges their employees face. For example, in Australia, “lack of recognition” is the top issue on employees’ minds. In contrast, employees in India identify “conflict/tension at work with manager” as their foremost issue. A company with operations in these two nations/regions can utilize the study results to gain deeper insight into strategies and tactics that will build psychological safety and organizational resilience.

Country Workplace Concern (By Prevalence)
Australia Lack of recognition, Work–life balance, Job performance
Canada Concerns with daily work activities, Job performance, Conflict of values/ethical climate in the company, Conflict/tension at work with manager
China Concerns with daily work activities, Lack of recognition, Lack of professional development
France Lack of professional development, Job performance, Concerns with daily work activities
Germany Work–life balance, Job performance, Conflict/tension at work with manager, Concerns with daily work activities
India Conflict/tension at work with manager, Job performance, Work–life balance, Lack of professional development, Concerns with daily work activities
Mexico Job performance, Concerns with daily work activities, Lack of recognition, Conflict/tension at work with manager
United Kingdom Lack of recognition, Work–life balance, Concerns with daily work activities
United States Work–life balance, Job performance, Conflict/tension at work with manager

The Value of Psychological Safety

Given the constantly shifting global business environment, leaders must create workplaces centered on psychological safety, which is a cornerstone of inclusive leadership. Teams that feel psychologically safe are more innovative, productive, and resilient in the face of adversity.

“As part of an overall corporate wellbeing strategy on a global scale, it is important to create a framework that allows the cultures and practices to be considered and recognized at the local level,” said Mary Ellen Gornick, WPO Consulting Group Founding Partner. “The study gives leaders the information they need to create inclusive cultures in the locations where they have operations. But they should also keep in mind that variances might exist in how strategies are implemented at the country level.”

Benefits of psychological safety include:
– Deeper employee engagement: Greater creativity, innovation, and development of new products, services, and solutions.
– Improved Team Performance: Open communication, collaboration, and constructive feedback within teams.
– Increased Employee Engagement and Retention: Engaged, motivated, and committed to their roles and the organization leads to higher levels of job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and greater retention of top talent.
– Enhanced Problem–Solving and Decision–Making: Open dialogue and the exploration of diverse viewpoints leads to more effective problem–solving and decision–making processes.
– Greater Employee Well–Being: Creates a supportive environment where individuals feel valued, respected, and cared for, resulting in lower levels of stress, anxiety, burnout, and promotes holistic health and wellness.
– Enhanced Organizational Resilience: Better equipped to navigate change, uncertainty, and adversity, employees feel empowered to adapt, innovate, and collaborate, creating agility and resilience in the face of external pressures.
– Improved Customer Satisfaction: Employees who feel supported and empowered are more likely to engage with customers in a positive and empathetic manner, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

About the Data
Workplace symptoms are the ways in which workplace stressors or uncomfortable working conditions manifest in the employee’s emotions, cognition, and attitudes toward work. Because employees contact WPO when they are under stress or need help, the company is in a unique position to observe the kinds of workplace issues and challenges that employees face.

The details with individual employees are confidential and are recorded in secure case notes to facilitate ongoing support. WPO also captures data in more quantifiable formats and report on these in aggregate (without compromising participant confidentiality) to help our customer organizations understand employee needs and recognize potential risks at the organization and location level.

We have limited our consideration to those countries where the sample size – the number of cases with work–related issues and symptoms – is sufficient to make variations in the data statistically significant.

Founded in 1982, Workplace Options (WPO) is the largest independent provider of holistic wellbeing solutions. Through customized programs, and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals, WPO supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive both personally and professionally. Trusted by 56 percent of Fortune 500 companies, WPO delivers high–quality care digitally and in–person to more than 79 million people across 116,000 organizations in more than 200 countries and territories.

Bob Batchelor, Director, Public Relations and Publications

Jennifer Dart, Corporate Communications Manager

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:–51a0–4dcd–9354–3428d0ed00f0

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9084335)

e2Companies Identifies Global Power Leader Cummins Inc. as Strategic Supplier for the R3Di® System

BONITA SPRINGS, Fla., April 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — e2Companies, a leading provider of data–driven solutions for grid modernization, is pleased to name Cummins Inc. CMI as an official supplier for the R3Di® System. This agreement provides e2Companies access to Cummins Inc. industry–leading generator sets that deliver exceptional power with high electrical efficiency.

“We continue to expand our supplier network with one goal in mind: top–notch performance,” said James Richmond, CEO and President at e2Companies. “Our agreement with Cummins Inc. reflects this commitment since they have set the benchmark for reliability with power generation. This allows us to uphold these standards while keeping up with increasing demand across global markets.”

“We are excited with the opportunity to supply our generator sets to the R3Di® System, a power generation solution that will provide seamless resiliency and reliability to customers” said Lucio Kroll, Managing Director of Microgrids at Cummins.

Cummins Inc. generator sets will be paired with the R3Di® System’s Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) battery energy storage and continuous performance monitoring (Grove365) to deliver stable and conditioned power independent of grid issues. Cummins Inc. joins an expanding supplier network for e2Companies that includes Nuvation Energy, EPC Power, MSI Tec, and ABB Ltd.

About e2Companies

e2Companies is the first vertically integrated Virtual Utility® for power generation, distribution, and energy economics in the marketplace. e2Companies’ patented technology, the R3Di® System, provides a synthetic utility BUS with inertia for continuous on–site power and seamless resiliency, independent of grid conditions. The R3Di® System is continuously monitored by the Grove365 to optimize resources, track ESG targets, and unlock new revenue opportunities for customers.

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Can Preserving Goa’s Khazans Address Climate Threats?

Elsa Fernandes noting the struggles of maintaining the saltpans in the Khazans in Batim Village in Tiswadi taluka of Goa. Photo credit: Elsa Fernandes, Goa Khazan Society

Elsa Fernandes noting the struggles of maintaining the saltpans in the Khazans in Batim Village in Tiswadi taluka of Goa. Credit: Elsa Fernandes, Goa Khazan Society

By Neena Bhandari
SYDNEY, Apr 4 2024 – Growing up in a khazan ecosystem, the traditional agricultural practice followed in the south-western Indian state of Goa, Elsa Fernandes would love sitting in a koddo, a woven bamboo structure for storing paddy. Her family members would pour paddy around her and with the growing pile, she would rise to the top and then jump down with joy.

“Rice crop for us meant play, work and earnings. Whatever I am today is because of the khazans,” says Fernandes, an environmental architect and president of the Goa Khazan Society, an organization of concerned citizens and experts dedicated to preserving the khazan ecosystem.

The khazan ecosystem has played an intrinsic role in alleviating the effects of soil salinization, conserving biodiversity, and ensuring food security for over 3500 years.

But this sustainable agriculture practice is facing increasing pressure from neglect, mismanagement, environmental degradation, and commercialization of land and fishing rights, even as threats posed by climate change loom large.

Experts say it is imperative to conserve the khazan ecosystem, which comprises low-lying floodplains reclaimed by building bunds (dykes), embankments, and sluice gates to prevent the ingress of saline tidal waters, thereby creating nutrient-rich fertile soil for agriculture, pisciculture, and salt making.

Symbiotic relationship

“It epitomizes a symbiotic relationship between the people and the land, providing a sustainable source of livelihood throughout the year,” says Fernandes, whose parents were paddy and salt farmers in Santa Cruz village near the state capital, Panjim.

She recalls growing up in a house where food was abundant and daily activities revolved around the annual crop cycle. The most important room in the house would be the paddy room. The khazans would be used for cultivating and harvesting rice during monsoons and vegetables during winters. From October on, the traditional process of stacking, boiling, drying, removing the husk and storing rice would begin.

Extreme high temperatures may have an adverse impact on wheat and other crops in Goa. Credit: Neena Bhandari/IPS

Extreme high temperatures may have an adverse impact on wheat and other crops in Goa. Credit: Neena Bhandari/IPS

“During summer, we would play ‘hop, skip, and jump’ as long bamboo sticks were rolled to flatten the soil in the salt pans. Our family produced about 600 to 700 sacks of salt and we would queue with other salt farmers to load them on boats anchored on the riverbank. Records show that some of this salt was exported as far as Burma (Myanmar), but now salt harvesting is in complete decline and that is impacting the livelihood of communities reliant on it,” Fernandes adds.

Her reminiscences depict a vivid image of each season, heralding a rhythm of activities revolving around the khazans. From repairing the souem or bamboo mats used for drying rice, to preparing the soil for salt harvest, she enumerates the communal efforts to maintain the khazan infrastructure that were rooted in traditional ecological knowledge passed down through generations.

Ecosystem resilience

Khazans represent a holistic approach to climate resilience, integrating ecological functions with agricultural practices essential for ensuring long-term food security.

Shilpa Bhonsle, an expert in rice research, explains that because Khazan agriculture practice encourages the cultivation of a diverse range of crops, including rice, pulses and vegetables, as well as aquaculture, it enhances ecosystem resilience by reducing the vulnerability of crops to pests, diseases, and climate-related stresses.

Underscoring the importance of cultivating indigenous rice varieties, Muno, Shied, Korgut, and Damgo, which possess greater genetic diversity that equips them with a range of adaptive traits such as tolerance to salinity, drought, and water logging, she says, “This makes them potentially more resilient to climate variability and extreme weather events compared to high-yielding varieties.”

“Traditional farming practices, such as mudflat ploughing, shellfish cultivation, and organic manure application, help maintain soil health and fertility,” says Bhonsle, Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany at Dhempe College of Arts and Science in Panaji.

“Additionally, traditional irrigation systems optimize water use and reduce dependence on freshwater sources in a khazan. These sustainable practices, combined with modern adaptation strategies, contribute to mitigating the impacts of drought and water scarcity exacerbated by climate change,” she adds.

Currently, the khazan ecosystem spreads across approximately 17,200 hectares in Goa, which has a complex interconnected system of water channels wherein the Arabian Sea on its western boundary connects to the inland through rivers and estuaries.

Climate-smart infrastructure

“The khazans incorporate several functions relevant to climate-smart infrastructure, thus protecting these fragile coastal agriculture ecosystems from climate change impacts to a large extent,” says Sangeeta Sonak, a marine microbiologist who is working on the khazan ecosystem and molluscs of Goa.

“In a khazan, the inner smaller dykes help retain water inside the fields; the thick outer dykes act as a shield against riverine water incursion; and sluice gates regulate water flow by automatically responding to tidal pressures to flush fields and keep soil and water salinity in check, thereby helping with water purification and waste treatment in fields,” explains Sonak.

“During monsoons, when the salinity is low or absent, riverine water enters fields through sluice gates. Excess water is stored in a shallow pit called the poiem for irrigation during dry monsoon spells, thereby offering flood and drought protection. In summer, the slightly saline brackish water that enters the fields helps control pests and insects, which are harmful to crops,” she adds.

“But the modern age has scant respect for earlier engineering wisdom,” says Claude Alvares, an eminent environmentalist and director of the Goa Foundation, an environmental monitoring action group. “The khazans are low-lying areas and Goa is threatened with global warming driven sea level rise. If the embankments are not safeguarded and strengthened now, the state will never be able to protect itself from the rigors of climate change.”

“The khazan ecosystem survival is threatened by persons who break the embankments to allow salt water and fish, which is more lucrative than grain, into these lands. After the salt water comes in, and remains there, it leads to a proliferation of mangroves, which are stupendous colonizers,” he says.

Furthermore, the traditional mud dykes are being replaced with concrete structures. “This is not only damaging our water bodies, but adversely impacting biodiversity, the environment, health, and heritage,” says Fernandes. She suggests that contracts for repairs and maintenance of dykes should be given to the locals, which would not only provide them with livelihoods but also foster local engagement and a circular economy based on sustainable methods.

Civil society advocates are seeking international recognition and support for preserving this cultural and ecological heritage; and advocating for listing khazans under the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems.

For Fernandes and countless others, khazans are more than just a livelihood; it is a way of being.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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