Primeiro projeto de usina hidrelétrica reversível da Estônia, a empresa Zero Terrain firmou parceria com o governo da Estônia e recebeu um subsídio de € 1,9 milhão

TALLINN, Estônia, April 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Ministério do Clima da Estônia assina o Memorando de Entendimento (MoU) com a empresa de energia Zero Terrain para ajudar a Estônia a atingir sua meta de energia 100% renovável até 2030. Com essa cooperação, a Zero Terrain está colaborando diretamente com o governo para desenvolver soluções que viabilizem a execução do projeto de armazenamento de energia PHS [pumped–hydro energy storage (armazenamento de energia hidrelétrica por bombeamento)] na Estônia, incluindo o apoio à obtenção de capital e o enfrentamento dos desafios do mercado.

Além disso, a Zero Terrain conta com um subsídio de 1,98 milhão de euros do programa estatal de pesquisa aplicada para apoiar o desenvolvimento do projeto Zero Terrain na Estônia e a exportação de tecnologia.

A instalação subterrânea de armazenamento de energia de longa duração Zero Terrain Paldiski 500MW é um avanço significativo da tecnologia PHS convencional, possibilitando a construção em qualquer lugar, mesmo em terrenos planos.

A Zero Terrain Paldiski representa um marco notável no sistema de energia do país. A usina hidrelétrica reversível de Paldiski é um projeto de interesse comum da UE (projeto PCI). É o único projeto de área verde de armazenamento de energia hidrelétrica por bombeamento na região do norte do Báltico e também será a maior usina do país.

“A assinatura do MoU é um passo significativo na jornada da Zero Terrain rumo a um futuro com energia limpa e segura. Acreditamos que não pode haver um sistema de energia movido a energia renovável sem armazenamento de energia em larga escala e de longa duração. A parceria expressa a cooperação e o compromisso de promover mudanças positivas no cenário de energia renovável da Estônia”, afirma Peep Siitam, fundador e CEO da Zero Terrain.

O primeiro projeto de armazenamento de energia de longa duração da Estônia, a usina Zero Terrain Paldiski, obteve as principais licenças de construção em dezembro de 2022. A construção da primeira usina hidrelétrica reversível do país terá início em 2025. Durante o ciclo operacional nominal de 12 horas, a Zero Terrain Paldiski gera 6 GWh de energia na rede, o que é um pouco mais do que o consumo médio diário de todas as residências da Estônia.

A Zero Terrain também recebe um subsídio de 1,98 milhão de euros do programa estatal de pesquisa aplicada. De acordo com Siitam, o subsídio será usado para desenvolver o projeto modular da Zero Terrain, iniciar atividades de desenvolvimento em outros países e atrair novos investidores para a Zero Terrain Paldiski, na Estônia.

“A Zero Terrain está desenvolvendo uma tecnologia de armazenamento de energia em larga escala, permitindo que a Estônia e outros países migrem para a energia renovável de forma mais ampla com um avanço tão significativo da tecnologia PHS convencional”, afirma Arbo Reino, especialista em energia da Agência de Negócios e Inovação da Estônia.

“A demanda global por capacidade de armazenamento de energia de longa duração (LDES) é inegável. São necessários 85–120 TWh–horas de LDES globalmente até 2040 (McKinsey, 2021), portanto, o interesse em nossa tecnologia e em nosso projeto é grande, principalmente em regiões onde o PHS tradicional era impossível de ser implantado devido a limitações geográficas”, explica Siitam.

A Zero Terrain tem como sócios a empresa de energia estoniana AS Alexela, a empresa de energia renovável báltico–polonesa Sunly AS, a Vool OÜ, a Combiwood Grupp OÜ, a Warmeston OÜ e a Ronnivara OÜ.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000933342)

Estlands erstes Pumpspeicherkraftwerksprojekt Zero Terrain arbeitet mit der estnischen Regierung zusammen und erhält einen Zuschuss von 1,9 Mio. Euro

TALLINN, Estland, April 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Das estnische Klimaministerium unterzeichnet eine Absichtserklärung mit dem Energieunternehmen Zero Terrain, um Estland dabei zu helfen, sein Ziel von 100 % erneuerbaren Energien bis 2030 zu erreichen. Im Rahmen dieser Kooperation arbeitet Zero Terrain eng mit der Regierung zusammen, um Lösungen zu entwickeln, die die Realisierung des Pumpspeicherkraftwerksprojekts (Pumped–Hydro Energy Storage, PHS) in Estland ermöglichen, einschließlich der Unterstützung bei der Kapitalsicherung und der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen des Marktes.

Außerdem erhält Zero Terrain einen Zuschuss von 1,98 Mio. Euro aus dem staatlichen Programm für angewandte Forschung, um die Entwicklung von Zero Terrain–Projekten in Estland und den Technologieexport zu unterstützen.

Das unterirdische Langzeit–Energiespeicherkraftwerk Zero Terrain Paldiski 500 MW ist eine bedeutende Weiterentwicklung der herkömmlichen PHS–Technologie, die es ermöglicht, überall zu bauen, sogar auf flachem Land.

Das Zero Terrain Paldiski stellt einen bemerkenswerten Meilenstein im Energiesystem des Landes dar. Das Paldiski–Pumpspeicherkraftwerk ist ein EU–Projekt von gemeinsamem Interesse (Project of Common Interest, PCI–Projekt). Es ist das einzige Pumpspeicherkraftwerk auf der grünen Wiese im nördlichen Ostseeraum und wird auch die größte Anlage des Landes sein.

„Die Unterzeichnung der Absichtserklärung ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg von Zero Terrain in eine saubere und sichere Energiezukunft. Wir sind der Meinung, dass es kein von erneuerbaren Energien angetriebenes Energiesystem ohne groß angelegte, lang anhaltende Energiespeicherung geben kann. Diese Zusammenarbeit ist ein Zeichen für die Kooperation und das Engagement, positive Veränderungen in der estnischen Landschaft der erneuerbaren Energien voranzutreiben“, so Peep Siitam, Gründer und CEO von Zero Terrain.

Estlands erstes Langzeit–Energiespeicherprojekt, Zero Terrain Paldiski, erhielt im Dezember 2022 die wichtigsten Baugenehmigungen. Der Bau des ersten Pumpspeicherkraftwerks des Landes wird im Jahr 2025 beginnen. Während des nominalen Betriebszyklus von 12 Stunden erzeugt Zero Terrain Paldiski 6 GWh Strom für das Netz, was etwas mehr ist als der durchschnittliche Tagesverbrauch aller estnischen Haushalte.

Zero Terrain erhält außerdem einen Zuschuss von 1,98 Mio. Euro aus dem staatlichen Programm für angewandte Forschung. Laut Siitam wird der Zuschuss dazu verwendet, das modulare Design von Zero Terrain weiterzuentwickeln, Entwicklungsaktivitäten in anderen Ländern zu starten und neue Investoren in Zero Terrain Paldiski, Estland, einzubinden.

„Zero Terrain entwickelt eine groß angelegte Energiespeichertechnologie, die es Estland und anderen Ländern ermöglicht, in größerem Umfang auf erneuerbare Energien umzusteigen, da die konventionelle PHS–Technologie so weit fortgeschritten ist“, so Arbo Reino, ein Energieexperte der Estnischen Agentur für Wirtschaft und Innovation.

„Der weltweite Bedarf an Langzeit–Energiespeicherkapazitäten (Long–Duration Energy Storage, LDES) ist unbestreitbar. Bis 2040 werden weltweit 85–120 TWh–Stunden LDES benötigt (McKinsey, 2021), daher ist das Interesse an unserer Technologie und unserem Projekt groß, insbesondere in Regionen, in denen die traditionelle PHS aufgrund geografischer Beschränkungen nicht umgesetzt werden konnte“, erklärt Siitam.

Zero Terrain ist im gemeinsamen Besitz des estnischen Energieunternehmens AS Alexela, des baltisch–polnischen Unternehmens für erneuerbare Energien Sunly AS, Vool OÜ, Combiwood Grupp OÜ, Warmeston OÜ und Ronnivara OÜ.

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000933342)

Zero Terrain s’associe au gouvernement estonien pour réaliser le premier projet de stockage d’énergie par pompage en Estonie et reçoit une subvention de 1,9 million d’euros

TALLINN, Estonie, 05 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le ministère estonien du Climat signe un protocole d’accord avec l’entreprise énergétique Zero Terrain pour aider le pays à atteindre son objectif 2030 de 100 % d’énergies renouvelables. Dans le cadre de cette alliance, Zero Terrain collabore étroitement avec le Gouvernement pour trouver des solutions permettant la concrétisation d’une centrale hydroélectrique visant le stockage d’énergie par pompage–turbinage (ou STEP), et recherche des fonds pour répondre aux enjeux du marché.

En outre, dans le cadre de son programme de recherche appliquée, l’État estonien lui accorde une subvention de 1,98 million d’euros pour accompagner le développement de son projet et en financer la technologie étrangère.

La centrale souterraine de stockage d’énergie de longue durée de 500 MW de Zero Terrain située à Paldiski représente une avancée significative par rapport à la technologie STEP conventionnelle, du fait de sa compatibilité tout–terrain.

À Paldiski, le projet envisagé par Zero Terrain constitue une étape marquante pour l’infrastructure énergétique du pays. La centrale de pompage–turbinage de Paldiski est également un projet d’intérêt commun de l’UE (ou PIC). Il s’agira de la seule centrale de stockage d’énergie par pompage située au nord de la Baltique, et la plus grande installation du pays.

Pour Peep Siitam, fondateur et PDG de Zero Terrain, « La signature du protocole d’accord est un jalon décisif dans l’orientation de Zero Terrain vers un avenir énergétique propre et sûr. Nous estimons que seul un système stockage d’énergie de longue durée et à grande échelle permet la transition vers les énergies renouvelables. Cette collaboration est placée sous le signe de la coopération et de l’engagement en faveur d’une évolution positive de l’infrastructure des énergies renouvelables en Estonie ».

La première centrale de stockage d’énergie de longue durée en Estonie conçue par Zero Terrain à Paldiski a obtenu les principaux permis de construire en décembre 2022, et le chantier de construction débutera en 2025. Au cours d’un cycle fonctionnel de 12 heures, la centrale Zero Terrain de Paldiski produit 6 GWh d’électricité pour le réseau, ce qui est légèrement supérieur à la consommation quotidienne moyenne de l’ensemble des ménages du pays.

Zero Terrain perçoit également une subvention de 1,98 million d’euros du programme de recherche appliquée de l’État. Selon Monsieur Siitam, cette aide sera investie dans le développement de la conception modulaire de Zero Terrain, et contribuera à initier des activités de développement dans d’autres pays mais aussi à susciter l’appétit de nouveaux investisseurs envers son projet de centrale à Paldiski.

« Zero Terrain développe une technologie de stockage d’énergie à grande échelle, qui favorise la transition de l’Estonie et d’autres pays vers les énergies renouvelables au moyen d’une avancée significative de la technologie STEP traditionnelle » observe Arbo Reino, expert en énergie de l’Agence estonienne pour les affaires et l’innovation.

« Le besoin mondial en matière de stockage énergétique de longue durée (ou LDES pour Long–Duration Energy Storage) est incontestable. D’après une étude menée en 2021 par McKinsey, une capacité mondiale à hauteur de 85 à 120 TWh sera nécessaire à l’échelle planétaire d’ici 2040. Notre technologie et notre projet suscitent ainsi un net intérêt, en particulier dans les régions qui n’ont pas pu installer une STEP traditionnelle en raison de contraintes géographiques » ajoute Monsieur Siitam.

Zero Terrain est détenue conjointement par la société énergétique estonienne AS Alexela, la société balto–polonaise d’énergie renouvelable Sunly AS, Vool OÜ, Combiwood Grupp OÜ, Warmeston OÜ et Ronnivara OÜ.

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eXp Realty Names Leo Pareja as CEO to Drive Next Era of Growth and Innovation

BELLINGHAM, Wash., April 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, “the most agent–centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), today announced the appointment of Leo Pareja as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective immediately. He succeeds Glenn Sanford, who will now fully dedicate his efforts to his position as Founder, Chairman, and CEO of eXp World Holdings.

In his previous role as Chief Strategy Officer, Pareja was instrumental in solidifying eXp Realty's standing in the competitive real estate marketplace. His visionary leadership and remarkable track record has greatly enriched the company's value proposition to its agents. For example the successful launches of strategic initiatives like eXp Exclusives, Revenos and significant enhancements to eXp Solutions.

“Leo's innovative and recognized industry leadership has elevated our agent–value proposition by reshaping referrals and lead–generation,” said Sanford. “His deep industry experience and influence on our community have been profound, and I trust that under his direction, eXp Realty will further fortify its competitive advantage and deliver unparalleled value to our agents, further cementing our position as a ground–breaking leader in the real estate industry.”
The announcement comes as eXp Realty is recognized in the top spot in five categories on the coveted RealTrends 500 report: Transaction Sides, 5 Year Top Movers (Sides), 5 Year Top Movers (Volume), Best Brokerages and Public Independent. The company also moved up to No. 3 in two categories: Volume and Billionaires’ Club. The company continues to prove its model as it gains market share, welcoming the best agents in the industry.

“As we step into this new chapter at eXp Realty, I am honored to lead a company that has always placed innovation and agent success at the forefront of its mission,” said Pareja. “Together, we will not only continue to redefine the real estate landscape through technology and unparalleled agent support but also empower every member of our community to achieve their full potential.”

Having joined eXp Realty in 2022, Pareja brings over two decades of real estate experience, highlighted by numerous accolades including recognition in RealTrends’ The Thousand report, topping the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals’ (NAHREP) Top 250 list, and being named a 30 under 30 agent by Realtor® Magazine. His entrepreneurial spirit is evidenced by his co–founding of one of the largest private lending companies on the U.S. East Coast and a rapidly growing MLS technology vendor. He has also played significant roles in the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, serving as the founding president of the Metro D.C. chapter and later as the national president.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela® and SUCCESS® Enterprises. eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 85,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, India, Mexico, Portugal, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, the Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including an innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud–based brokerage is powered by Virbela and Frame technologies, offering immersive 3D platforms that are deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit    

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eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:
Denise Garcia

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9085114)

Social Protection, a Key Solution for Directing Climate Finance To Poor Small-Scale Farmers

Women from the village of Boula-Ngara, in Chad, build a windbreak fence to protect the nearby river, enabling them to cultivate a market garden to meet the food needs of their families. Credit: FAO/Sia Kambou - Without implementing concrete measures that empower small-scale farmers to overcome climate change challenges, the global community will fall short in addressing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. The time for action is now: urgent investment in social protection for inclusive climate action is imperative

Women from the village of Boula-Ngara, in Chad, build a windbreak fence to protect the nearby river, enabling them to cultivate a market garden to meet the food needs of their families. Credit: FAO/Sia Kambou

By Marco Knowles
ROME, Apr 5 2024 – Climate change is exacerbating inequalities between and within countries, disproportionately affecting poor households in rural areas. In fact, we know that more than half of the resources of the poor – a large part of whom are small-scale farmers – are lost due to climatic hazards. This has negative impacts on the incomes of these people and their ability to meet their essential needs, including food.

As the new FAO report The Unjust Climate finds, floods widen the income gap between poor and non-poor households in rural areas by approximately USD 21 billion a year, and heat stress by more than USD 20 billion a year.

Despite the critically important role that small-scale farmers play in growing the food that feeds us and in stewarding the natural resources that determine the health of planet Earth, only 1.7 % of climate finance currently reaches them

Every year, over a trillion dollars are allocated to combating climate change and its consequences. Far too little of this financing reaches the most vulnerable. Shockingly, despite the critically important role that small-scale farmers play in growing the food that feeds us and in stewarding the natural resources that determine the health of planet Earth, only 1.7 % of climate finance currently reaches them.

Decision makers are therefore faced with a massive challenge – what policy instruments can they rely on for directing climate finance to poor small-scale farmers to enable them to adapt to the changing climate?

As The Unjust Climate highlights, social protection policies and programmes are an important part of the solution. Encompassing interventions such as cash transfers, public works programmes, social insurance and vocational training, these programmes are specifically designed to reach the poor and the vulnerable.

They enable small-scale farmers to invest in new technologies, diversify incomes, adopt new farming assets and accumulate savings, to better adapt to climate change. Moreover, the ministries and agencies that manage these programmes have the necessary expertise for working with vulnerable population groups, as well as the information systems for identifying them and payment systems through which to deliver assistance.

A number of countries are already directing climate finance towards impoverished small-scale farmers through social protection. This is not just helping them survive, it is empowering individuals, households and communities to build a better future for themselves and our planet. In Paraguay, the “Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change” (PROEZA) project, has a social protection component that incentivises poor women and Indigenous Peoples to adopt sustainable agroforestry practices.

By combining these cash payments with tailored technical support, small-scale farmers are able to adapt their agricultural practices to be more resilient to the droughts to which they are increasingly exposed due to climate change, and to increase the production and marketing of native crops such as yerba mate.

In Botswana, a social protection programme is being used to upskill male and female small-scale farmers so that they can be employed as eco-rangers and restoration workers – at once improving the health of communal rangeland ecosystems and allowing people to earn higher incomes that are less susceptible to climate change.

In Tunisia, vulnerable small-scale farmers in the Government’s social protection system are being supported to graduate from poverty through an intensive support package combining sustainable agricultural practices, climate-proofed off-farm income generation and in-kind grants.

Evidence that we, at FAO, have gathered from across the world confirms that these types of programmes are effective in simultaneously improving people’s wellbeing, as well as achieving goals related to both adapting to, and mitigating, climate change.

And yet, despite the proven social and environmental benefits of directing climate finance to small-scale farmers through social protection, there are still far too few cases where this is being done. When we reviewed programmes financed through the world’s major climate funds, we found that of 484 programmes reviewed only 3% channelled financing to small-scale farmers through social protection.

It is time to step up and take action to channel more climate finance into social protection so as to better reach small-scale farmers.

Firstly, we need to share and discuss evidence and experiences through sustained and broad-based policy dialogue at every level – from the local to the global. This will help trigger a shift in mindsets from considering social protection as a handout in times of emergencies towards considering social protection as strategic investment in achieving inclusive, climate-resilient and low-carbon development that leaves no one behind.

Secondly, members of the boards of institutions such as international climate funds (such as the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Fund and the Adaptation Fund) and multilateral development banks (for example, the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank), which mobilise, house and channel climate financing, have a crucial role to play in ensuring that the investment frameworks of these institutions explicitly recognise the importance of social protection in inclusive climate action.

Thirdly, we need to engage and support communities themselves to mobilise and join forces to call for the scaling up of social protection as a tool for inclusive climate action, through collective action at the local level and through wider civil society partnerships that bring together small-scale farmers and other marginalised groups within society, so that together we can harness the power of social protection to address the climate crisis.

Unless we, as a global community, put in place concrete measures that enable small-scale farmers to overcome the challenges they face due to climate change, we will fail to rise to the challenge of eradicating poverty, hunger and malnutrition. This can no longer wait: urgent investment in social protection for inclusive climate action is an imperative.



Marco Knowles leads the FAO’s Social Protection Team

A AI-Media Revoluciona Legendagem da DAZN com o LEXI Tool Kit com Base em IA

LONDON, April 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI–Media, líder mundial em soluções de tecnologias completas de legendagem, tem o prazer de anunciar sua nova parceria com o DAZN, plataforma global de streaming de entretenimento esportivo. Por meio dessa colaboração, a AI–Media fornecerá legendagem ao vivo e gravadas em vários idiomas e traduzidas com várias soluções do seu LEXI Tool Kit com base em IA.

O DAZN Group é uma das plataformas de mídia esportiva que mais cresce no mundo, e essa parceria marca um momento significativo no seu compromisso com a inclusão e a acessibilidade do seu conteúdo. Com o LEXI Tool Kit da AI–Media, o DAZN integrará perfeitamente legendagem ao vivo em todo o seu extenso e diversificado conteúdo esportivo premium, enriquecendo a experiência do espectador para milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo.

Destaques desta parceria:

Tecnologia de Ponta: O LEXI 3.0, a mais recente solução de legendagem automática da AI–Media, contém recursos inovadores, como identificação de falantes e legendagem com tecnologia AI, garantindo uma precisão superior a 98%. O vocabulário avançado do LEXI é focado nas nuances específicas de uma região, incluindo pronúncias desafiadoras e grafias complexas, melhorando a qualidade da legendagem de conteúdo esportivo.

Soluções Completas: O DAZN utilizará o Codificador de legenda Alta IP da AI–Media para a entrega de legendagem ao vivo do LEXI. A Alta oferece uma solução de software virtualizada com base em API adaptada para ambientes de vídeo IP, garantindo uma integração perfeita.

Suporte para Mais Idiomas: O lançamento inicial inclui legendagem em espanhol e inglês para os mercados da EMEA e dos EUA, com planos para idiomas adicionais por meio do LEXI Translate, abrangendo francês, alemão, italiano, árabe, japonês e muito mais. Isso apoia a estratégia de expansão global do DAZN em seus 120 canais, atendendo a diversos públicos em todo o mundo.

Suporte para Canais FAST Sob Demanda: O DAZN implementou a solução LEXI Recorded da AI–Media para legendar conteúdo pré–gravado nos seus canais FAST (Free Ad–supported Streaming TV). O LEXI Recorded, uma solução recém–lançada no LEXI Tool Kit, oferece legendagens rápidas, altamente precisas e de baixo custo – essenciais para aplicações de legendagem de alto volume e sensíveis ao tempo de conteúdo gravado como este.

Soluções de Custo Eficaz: A transição dos serviços caros de legendagem humana para a plataforma LEXI da AI–Media permite que o DAZN forneça legendagem em vários idiomas em vários canais ao mesmo custo que a legendagem humana, aprimorando a acessibilidade e otimizando os recursos.

Mark Lovatt, Gerente Geral de Contas Estratégicas Globais da AI–Media, expressou entusiasmo com a parceria: “Estamos muito contentes com esta nova parceria que nos permite oferecer legendagens multilíngues ao vivo e gravadas para os espectadores do DAZN usando nossas soluções LEXI Tool Kit. A escolha da legenda automatizada AI–Media for LEXI ressalta o impacto da Inteligência Artificial na indústria. Como principal fornecedor de legendagens automáticas, estamos posicionados de forma única para fornecer legendagens de alta qualidade para o DAZN a um custo menor. Esta parceria é um marco na nossa expansão global do mercado esportivo e estamos entusiasmados em trabalhar com o DAZN para tornar seu conteúdo acessível a todos os espectadores com as nossas legendagens automatizadas líderes.”

James Pearce, Diretor Sênior de Emissoras e Streaming do DAZN, elogiou a parceria, dizendo: “O DAZN está na vanguarda do uso da tecnologia para melhorar a diversão e a experiência de visualização dos fãs. Esta parceria com a AI–Media é outro exemplo de onde o DAZN utiliza as melhores soluções com base em tecnologia para fornecer os serviços e produtos que nossos clientes desejam e esperam. O DAZN está focado em colocar a escolha do cliente no centro da nossa oferta, por isso vamos trabalhar arduamente para a sua implementação em todos os nossos serviços e progredir com a AI–Media.”

Com a contínua expansão da presença da AI–Media no mercado esportivo global, essa parceria é um exemplo da dedicação das duas empresas em tornar o conteúdo acessível a diversos públicos em todo o mundo. Com suas tecnologias inovadoras e colaborações estratégicas como essa, a AI–Media permanece na vanguarda da condução de mudanças positivas no cenário de acessibilidade da mídia.

Sobre a AI–Media:

Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a AI–Media é uma empresa pioneira de tecnologias especializada em soluções inovadoras de fluxo de trabalho de legendagens. Como líder global, a AI–Media fornece tecnologia e soluções de legendagem e tradução ao vivo e gravadas de alta qualidade com base em IA para uma gama diversificada de clientes e mercados em todo o mundo. Pela primeira vez em fevereiro de 2024, a AI–Media conseguiu revelar dados inovadores que mostram a superioridade do seu produto de legendagem por IA, o LEXI, em comparação com os fluxos de trabalho humanos tradicionais. Este marco solidifica ainda mais a posição da AI–Media como líder em tecnologia de IA para soluções de fluxo de trabalho de legendagens ao vivo e gravadas. Com o compromisso de utilizar a nossa profunda experiência no setor e a sofisticada tecnologia de IA para criar soluções que agilizem e simplifiquem os processos, a AI–Media (ASX: AIM) capacita as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais em todo o mundo para garantir acessibilidade e inclusão perfeitas do seu conteúdo.

Para mais informação sobre a Ai–Media visite Ai–

Sobre o DAZN:

O DAZN é o lar do futebol, futebol feminino, boxe e MMA, e da NFL na Europa (excluindo os EUA). O DAZN está criando a melhor plataforma de entretenimento esportivo, com base em direitos esportivos premium, tecnologia líder mundial e distribuição multiplataforma. O DAZN acredita que os fãs de todo o mundo devem poder assistir, ler, apostar, jogar, compartilhar, socializar, comprar ingressos e mercadorias, tudo em um só lugar, com uma conta, uma carteira e um aplicativo.

Para mais informações sobre o DAZN, nossos produtos, pessoas e desempenho, visite

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9085171)

AI-Media révolutionne le sous-titrage pour la plateforme DAZN avec le kit d’outils LEXI alimenté par l’IA

LONDRES, 05 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, leader mondial des solutions technologiques de sous–titrage de bout en bout, est ravi d’annoncer son nouveau partenariat avec DAZN, la plateforme mondiale de diffusion en continu de divertissements sportifs. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, AI–Media fournira des sous–titres multilingues et en version traduite, en direct et sur la base d’enregistrements, en utilisant diverses solutions de son kit d’outils LEXI, alimentées par l’IA.

Le groupe DAZN est l’une des plateformes de médias sportifs à la plus forte croissance au monde, et ce partenariat marque un moment important dans son engagement en faveur de l’inclusivité et de l’accessibilité de son contenu. En s’appuyant sur le kit d’outils LEXI d’AI–Media, DAZN intégrera de manière transparente les sous–titres en direct dans son vaste et diversifié contenu sportif premium, enrichissant ainsi l’expérience des téléspectateurs pour des millions de personnes dans le monde entier.

Les points clés majeurs de ce partenariat comprennent :

Technologie de pointe : LEXI 3.0, la dernière solution de sous–titrage automatique d’AI–Media, présente des fonctionnalités innovantes telles que l’identification du locuteur et le placement des sous–titres par l’IA, garantissant une précision supérieure à 98 %. Le vocabulaire avancé de LEXI tient compte des nuances propres à chaque région, notamment des prononciations difficiles et des orthographes complexes, ce qui améliore la qualité du sous–titrage des contenus sportifs.

Solution complète de bout en bout : DAZN utilisera l’encodeur de sous–titrage Alta IP d’AI–Media pour la diffusion du sous–titrage LEXI en direct. Alta propose une solution logicielle virtualisée, alimentée par des API et adaptée aux environnements vidéo IP, garantissant une intégration transparente.

Support linguistique étendu : Le déploiement initial comprend des sous–titres en espagnol et en anglais pour les marchés de la région EMOA et des États–Unis, et prévoit l’ajout de langues supplémentaires par le biais de LEXI Translate, notamment le français, l’allemand, l’italien, l’arabe et le japonais. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans la stratégie d’expansion mondiale de DAZN à travers ses 120 chaînes, qui s’adressent à des audiences diverses un peu partout dans le monde.

Prise en charge des chaînes FAST à la demande : DAZN a déployé la solution LEXI Recorded d’AI–Media pour sous–titrer le contenu pré–enregistré sur ses chaînes FAST (« Free Ad–supported Streaming TV »). LEXI Recorded, une solution nouvellement lancée dans le kit d’outils LEXI, offre la génération rapide de sous–titres, très précise et peu coûteuse, ce qui est essentiel pour les applications de sous–titrage de contenus enregistrés à fort volume et dans des délais très courts, comme c’est le cas ici.

Solution économique : Le passage de services de sous–titrage humains coûteux à la plateforme LEXI d’AI–Media permet à DAZN de fournir des sous–titres multilingues sur plusieurs chaînes au même coût qu’une prestation humaine, améliorant ainsi l’accessibilité tout en optimisant les ressources.

Mark Lovatt, directeur général des comptes stratégiques mondiaux chez AI–Media, s’est montré enthousiaste quant à ce partenariat : « Aux termes de ce nouvel accord, nous sommes ravis d’offrir aux téléspectateurs de DAZN des sous–titres multilingues en direct et sur la base d’enregistrements grâce à nos solutions de kit d’outils LEXI. Le choix d’AI–Media pour le sous–titrage automatisé LEXI souligne l’impact de l’intelligence artificielle sur l’industrie. En tant que premier fournisseur de sous–titrage automatique, nous sommes particulièrement bien placés pour fournir des sous–titres de haute qualité à DAZN à moindre coût. Ce partenariat marque une étape importante dans notre expansion sur le marché mondial du sport, et nous sommes ravis de travailler avec DAZN pour rendre leur contenu accessible à tous les téléspectateurs grâce à nos sous–titres automatisés de pointe. »

James Pearce, vice–président senior broadcast et streaming chez DAZN, a salué ce partenariat en déclarant : « DAZN est à la pointe de l’utilisation de la technologie pour améliorer le plaisir et l’expérience de visionnage des fans. Ce partenariat avec AI–Media est un autre exemple de l’utilisation par DAZN des meilleures solutions technologiques pour fournir les services et les produits que nos clients veulent et attendent. DAZN s’efforce de placer le choix du client au centre de son offre. Nous allons donc travailler dur pour déployer cette approche sur l’ensemble de nos services et nous sommes impatients de faire progresser ce projet avec AI–Media. »

Alors qu’AI–Media continue d’étendre sa présence sur le marché mondial du sport, ce partenariat illustre l’engagement des deux organisations à rendre le contenu accessible à divers publics dans le monde entier. Grâce à des technologies innovantes et à des collaborations stratégiques comme celle–ci, AI–Media reste à l’avant–garde des changements positifs dans le paysage de l’accessibilité des médias.

À propos d’AI–Media :

Fondée en Australie en 2003, la société technologique AI–Media se distingue parmi les numéros uns mondiaux dans les solutions innovantes de flux de travail pour le sous–titrage. En tant que leader mondial, AI–Media fournit des technologies et des solutions de sous–titrage et de traduction de haute qualité, alimentées par l’IA, en direct et sur la base d’enregistrements, à un large éventail de clients et de marchés dans le monde entier. Pour la première fois en février 2024, AI–Media a pu dévoiler des données inédites démontrant la supériorité de son produit de sous–titrage alimenté par l’IA, LEXI, par rapport aux flux de travail humains traditionnels. Cette étape renforce la position d’AI–Media en tant que leader de la technologie de l’IA dans le domaine des solutions de flux de travail pour le sous–titrage en direct et sur la base d’enregistrements. Avec l’engagement d’utiliser notre expérience approfondie de l’industrie et la technologie sophistiquée de l’IA pour créer des solutions qui rationalisent et simplifient les processus, AI–Media (ASX : AIM) permet aux principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organisations gouvernementales du monde entier de garantir l’accessibilité et l’inclusivité de leur contenu.

Pour en savoir plus sur AI–Media, rendez–vous sur : AI–

À propos de DAZN :

DAZN est la plateforme du football européen, du football féminin, de la boxe et des arts martiaux mixtes (« MMA »), ainsi que la NFL (hors États–Unis). Elle est en train de construire la plateforme ultime de divertissement sportif, basée sur des droits sportifs premium, une technologie de pointe et une distribution multiplateforme. DAZN estime que les fans du monde entier devraient pouvoir regarder, lire, parier, jouer, partager, socialiser, acheter des billets et des marchandises, le tout en un seul endroit, avec un compte, un portefeuille et une application.

Pour plus d’informations sur DAZN, nos produits, nos équipes et nos performances, rendez–vous sur :

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–88bf–4157–b159–f7cfa3047bd0


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9085171)

AI-Media revolutioniert Untertitelung für DAZN mit KI-gestütztem LEXI Tool Kit

LONDON, April 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI–Media, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von End–to–End–Lösungen für die Untertitelung, freut sich, seine neu geschlossene Partnerschaft mit DAZN, der globalen Streaming–Plattform für Sportunterhaltung, bekannt zu geben. Im Rahmen dieser Zusammenarbeit stellt AI–Media mithilfe der verschiedenen Lösungen aus dem KI–gestützten LEXI Tool Kit mehrsprachige und übersetzte Untertitel für Live–Übertragungen und aufgezeichnete Inhalte bereit.

Die DAZN Group ist eine Medienplattform für Sportinhalte mit den weltweit größten Zuwachsraten, und diese Partnerschaft markiert einen bedeutenden Moment in ihrem Engagement für Inklusivität und Zugänglichkeit ihrer Inhalte. DAZN nutzt das LEXI Tool Kit von AI–Media für die nahtlose Integration von Live–Untertiteln in seine umfangreichen und vielfältigen Premium–Sportinhalte und bereichert damit das Zuschauererlebnis für Millionen von Menschen weltweit.

Zu den wichtigsten Highlights dieser Partnerschaft gehören:

Hochmoderne Technologie: LEXI 3.0, die neueste AI–Media–Lösung für die automatische Untertitelung, bietet innovative Funktionen wie Sprecheridentifizierung und KI–gestützte Untertitelplatzierung, die eine Genauigkeit von mehr als 98 % gewährleisten. Das erweiterte Vokabular von LEXI berücksichtigt regionsspezifische Besonderheiten, einschließlich schwierig auszusprechender Wörter und komplexer Schreibweisen, und verbessert so die Qualität der Untertitelung von Sportinhalten.

Umfassende Komplettlösung: DAZN setzt für die Bereitstellung von LEXI Live–Untertiteln auf den Alta IP–Videountertitelungs–Encoder von AI–Media. Alta bietet eine virtualisierte, API–gestützte Softwarelösung, die auf IP–Videoumgebungen zugeschnitten ist und eine nahtlose Integration gewährleistet.

Erweiterte Sprachunterstützung: Die anfängliche Einführung umfasst spanische und englische Untertitel für die EMEA– und US–Märkte, mit Plänen für weitere Sprachen durch LEXI Translate, die Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Arabisch, Japanisch und mehr umfassen. Dies unterstützt die globale Expansionsstrategie von DAZN für seine 120 Kanäle, die ein breites Publikum auf der ganzen Welt ansprechen.

Unterstützung für FAST–Channels auf Abruf: DAZN hat die LEXI Recorded–Lösung von AI–Media für die Untertitelung von aufgezeichneten Inhalten in seinen FAST–Channels (Free Ad–Supported Streaming TV) implementiert. LEXI Recorded ist eine neu eingeführte Lösung aus dem LEXI Tool Kit, die schnelle, hochpräzise und kostengünstige Untertitel bereitstellt – unerlässlich für zeitkritische Untertitelungsanwendungen von aufgezeichneten Inhalten mit hohem Volumen wie in diesem Fall.

Kosteneffiziente Lösung: Die Umstellung von der kostspieligen menschlichen Untertitelung auf die LEXI–Plattform von AI–Media ermöglicht es DAZN, mehrsprachige Untertitel auf verschiedenen Kanälen zu den gleichen Kosten bereitzustellen wie bei einer menschlichen Untertitelung. Dies verbessert die Zugänglichkeit und optimiert gleichzeitig die Ressourcen.

Mark Lovatt, General Manager of Global Strategic Accounts bei AI–Media, äußerte sich begeistert über die Partnerschaft: „Wir freuen uns, mit dieser neuen Vereinbarung den DAZN–Zuschauern dank unserer LEXI Tool Kit–Lösungen mehrsprachige Untertitel für Live–Übertragungen und Aufzeichnungen anbieten zu können. Die Wahl von AI–Media für die automatische Untertitelung mithilfe von LEXI unterstreicht den Einfluss von künstlicher Intelligenz auf die Branche. Als führender Anbieter für die automatische Untertitelung sind wir einzigartig positioniert, um DAZN hochwertige Untertitel zu geringeren Kosten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Diese Partnerschaft ist ein Meilenstein in der Ausweitung unseres globalen Sportmarkts, und wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit DAZN und darauf, ihre Inhalte durch unsere führende automatische Untertitelung für alle Zuschauer zugänglich zu machen.“

James Pearce, SVP Broadcast & Streaming bei DAZN, lobte die Partnerschaft mit den Worten: „DAZN ist führend bei der Nutzung von Technologie, um die Unterhaltung und das Zuschauererlebnis der Fans zu verbessern. Diese Partnerschaft mit AI–Media ist ein weiteres Beispiel dafür, wie DAZN erstklassige technologische Lösungen dazu nutzt, die Dienste und Produkte anzubieten, die unsere Kundinnen und Kunden sich wünschen und von uns erwarten. Bei DAZN geht es darum, die Wahlmöglichkeiten der Kundinnen und Kunden in den Mittelpunkt unseres Angebots zu stellen. Wir werden daher hart daran arbeiten, dieses Angebot auf alle unsere Dienste auszuweiten, und freuen uns darauf, dieses Vorhaben gemeinsam mit AI–Media voranzutreiben.“

Da AI–Media seine Präsenz auf dem globalen Sportmarkt weiter ausbaut, ist diese Partnerschaft ein Beispiel für das Engagement beider Organisationen, Inhalte für ein vielfältiges Publikum weltweit zugänglich zu machen. Durch innovative Technologien und strategische Kooperationen wie diese bleibt AI–Media Vorreiter bei der Förderung einer positiven Veränderung im Hinblick auf die Barrierefreiheit in der Medienlandschaft.

Über AI–Media:

AI–Media wurde 2003 in Australien gegründet und ist ein führendes Technologieunternehmen, das sich auf innovative Lösungen für Untertitelungs–Workflows spezialisiert hat. Als globaler Marktführer stellt AI–Media hochwertige KI–gestützte Lösungen für die Untertitelung und Übersetzung von Live–Übertragungen und aufgezeichneten Inhalten für ein breites Spektrum von Kunden und Märkten auf der ganzen Welt bereit. Im Februar 2024 konnte AI–Media zum ersten Mal bahnbrechende Daten präsentieren, die die Überlegenheit seines KI–Produkts LEXI bei der automatischen Untertitelung gegenüber herkömmlichen menschlichen Workflows belegen. Dieser Meilenstein festigt die Position von AI–Media als führender Anbieter von KI–Technologie für Workflow–Lösungen zur Live–Untertitelung und die Untertitelung aufgezeichneter Inhalte. AI–Media (ASX: AIM) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, seine umfassende Branchenerfahrung und hochentwickelte KI–Technologie für die Entwicklung von Lösungen zur Optimierung und Vereinfachung von Prozessen zu nutzen. Damit ermöglicht AI–Media führenden Sendern, Unternehmen und Regierungsbehörden weltweit die nahtlose Zugänglichkeit und Inklusion ihrer Inhalte.

Weitere Informationen zu AI–Media finden Sie unter AI–

Über DAZN:

DAZN ist die Heimat des europäischen Fußballs, des Frauenfußballs, des Boxens und des MMA sowie der NFL (ohne USA). DAZN baut die ultimative Plattform für Sportunterhaltung auf, die auf Premium–Sportrechten, weltweit führender Technologie und einem Multi–Plattform–Vertrieb basiert. DAZN möchte allen Fans rund um den Globus die Möglichkeit geben, Inhalte zu streamen, Informationen zu verfolgen, Wetten abzuschließen, Spiele zu spielen, sich auszutauschen, Kontakte zu knüpfen, Tickets und Merchandise–Artikel zu kaufen – mit einem Konto, einer Wallet und einer App an einem einzigen Ort.

Weitere Informationen über DAZN, unsere Produkte, unser Team und unsere Leistungen finden Sie unter

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9085171)

Senegal’s Democracy Passes Crucial Test

Credit: Cem Ozdel/Anadolu via Getty Images

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Apr 5 2024 – The fact that Senegal’s election took place on 24 March was in itself a triumph for civil society. That an opposition candidate, campaigning on an anti-establishment and anti-corruption agenda, emerged from jail to become the continent’s youngest leader offered fresh hope for democracy.

It wasn’t foretold. On 3 February, just as the campaign for the election scheduled for 25 February was to start, President Macky Sall announced he’d postponed the vote. Two days later, in a chaotic session during which security forces forced out opposition lawmakers who tried to block proceedings, parliament voted to postpone the presidential election until 15 December. Civil society saw this as a constitutional coup, since only Senegal’s Constitutional Council has the authority to postpone an election.

In contrast with several other West African countries, since gaining independence Senegal never had a coup. It doesn’t face the kind of security threats that have prompted others in the region to accept military rule, and its civilian rulers have encountered effective checks in an active civil society and independent judicial institutions that have resisted presidential attempts to cling to power.

In the face of yet another such attempt, civil society reacted quickly and the Constitutional Council responded accordingly, declaring the postponement unconstitutional. As a result, the vote was held on 24 March, and Bassirou Diomaye Faye of the opposition Senegalese Patriots (PASTEF) was elected with 54.2 per cent of the vote.

Faye was inaugurated on 2 April, the day Sall’s term ended. An oasis in a region in turmoil, Senegal kept its democratic reputation intact.

Civic space under attack

Ahead of February, civic space deteriorated steadily as political conflict escalated. People had protested for years amid speculation that Sall would try to somehow evade the clear constitutional text that established a two-term limit.

While he eventually dropped his candidacy, Sall increasingly focused on trying to keep his party in power. As he did with the 2019 election, he tried to block anyone who could pose a serious challenge.

The biggest threat was Ousmane Sonko. A former tax inspector turned corruption whistleblower, Sonko had become very popular among young people who saw the political elite as corrupt, self-serving and aloof. The government instrumentalised the criminal justice system against him. Sonko was first arrested in March 2021 and convicted soon after. In local elections held in January 2022, however, he was elected mayor of Ziguinchor city, and in parliamentary elections held in August the ruling party lost its majority.

In May 2023, Sonko was handed a six-month suspended sentence for insulting and defaming a ruling party politician. In June he was sentenced to two years in jail for ‘corrupting youth’, which made him ineligible to stand in the election. While serving his sentence at home in July, he was arrested again on protest-related charges. A few days later, the government dissolved PASTEF.

Every time Sonko was arrested or convicted, people mobilised in his defence. Protests included instances of violence, but the state responded with lethal force. Overall, dozens of people were killed and hundreds injured and detained. Journalists covering protests were harassed and arrested.

The authorities then banned further protests called by the opposition, suspended TV outlets in retaliation for protest coverage, limited internet access and restricted use of some social media. Police arrested journalists for reporting on restrictions placed on Sonko and PASTEF.

On 27 October, hundreds of people gathered in Dakar to demand the liberation of the roughly one thousand political prisoners in long-term preventive detention. In November, PASTEF formed a coalition with other parties and picked Faye as the candidate to replace Sonko. Faye was also in detention, where the authorities sought to keep him for as long as possible to reduce his chances – but he remained eligible as long as he wasn’t convicted.

Civil society’s reaction

When Sall postponed the election, civil society formed a platform, ‘Aar Sunu Election’ (‘Let’s protect our election’), bringing together over a hundred organisations. A demonstration announced for 5 February, the day of the parliamentary vote, was unable to proceed because the National Assembly was cordoned off and unreachable. Protests intensified after the vote, and on 9 and 10 February security forces used live ammunition against protesters, killing at least three and injuring dozens. They arrested hundreds.

Dakar’s local authorities banned a silent march announced by Aar Sunu Election for 13 February. Further attempts to mobilise in the following days were repressed. But the pressure paid off, and on 15 February the Constitutional Council voided the election postponement. On 6 March, parliament passed an amnesty law, following which Faye and Sonko were released from jail. People took to the streets in celebration, and 10 days later they lined up for hours to have their say. They opted for change so clearly that no runoff was needed.

Challenges ahead

The new president – at just 44, the youngest in Senegal’s history – made a meteoric journey from prison to power. He spoke to the aspirations of Senegal’s young people and made clear that a vote for him was a vote for Sonko. As soon as he was inaugurated, he appointed Sonko prime minister.

In a context of escalating living costs, rising unemployment and widespread disillusionment, one of Faye’s major promises was creating jobs. Seventy-five per cent of Senegal’s 18 million people are under 35 and the official unemployment rate is 20 per cent, so there’s a great need. Tackling this would be a big enough promise, but Faye has pledged much more – to reduce entrenched economic disparities, bolster agriculture to achieve food self-sufficiency, restore national sovereignty over critical industries such as oil, gas and fishing, manage natural resources effectively, combat deep-rooted corruption, increase government transparency, strengthen institutions and free Senegal from neo-colonial influences, including the CFA franc, the regional currency controlled by the French government.

It’ll be far from easy to translate promises into tangible outcomes, and Faye will have to navigate the fine line between managing expectations and delivering on them. But for now, Senegal has passed a crucial test of democracy, offering a vital example in a region where it’s often lacking.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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Civil Registration is Shaping World’s Largest Election Year With 76 Nations Going to the Polls

A smiling Timorese casts his vote at the Second National Village Council (sucos) elections while an election worker looks on. Credit: UN Photo/Martine Perret

By Chloe Harvey, Tanja Sejersen, Risa Arai and Anne-Sofie Gehard
BANGKOK, Thailand, Apr 5 2024 – Over four billion people will take to the polls in 2024 as 76 countries are set to hold elections. In Asia, this includes populous countries such as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Russia.

These elections range from the world’s largest multi-day legislative election in India, to Indonesia, where the biggest single-day vote took place for the presidential poll in February. These elections will have lasting impacts for many years to come.

In order to vote, eligible citizens need to be included in voter lists. Accurate and credible voter registration is important to ensure trust in the electoral process. Voter lists represent consolidated, official lists of all persons eligible to vote.

But they are often costly and complicated endeavors. This is where civil registration and identity management is an integral structural support for voter registration. A strong Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system not only secures an individual’s legal identity and the resulting human rights, but also supports the collection of voter information, reinforcing the national voter list integrity by linking it with the civil register.

All voter registration systems are broadly categorized as “active” or “passive”. In countries employing ‘active’ systems, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the individual to update their information which ensures their eligibility to vote. This in turn means that many eligible voters may never be included in the voter list.

The ‘passive’ system, on the other hand, is when voter lists are generated from existing databases such as civil or population registers. Globally, a total of 69 countries (40 per cent) extract data from a civil or population register for their national voter list.

While there is no definitive standard for how voter lists should be produced, countries with a robust and universal CRVS system stand to gain numerous benefits. For the voter, it reduces the burden of having a separate and potentially cumbersome process. For example, consider a woman who marries and subsequently changes her name and residence.

This affects which electoral district or subdivision she belongs to. A well-functioning population register which collects up-to-date information on the occurrence of vital events would facilitate the automatic update of the voter list, ensuring her inclusion in future elections.

Governments also benefit from voter lists established based on civil registers. It has the potential to incur significant savings in financial and human resources needed to compile an independent voter list, and also helps prevent inflated voter numbers as people are automatically removed upon their death.

Traditionally, in countries lacking a robust CRVS system, the electoral management body produces its own voter list, which also has some potential benefits. People who do not own legal identity documents may be included through community identification i.e. on the testimony of village chiefs or teachers.

The choice of voter registration system requires a careful balance between inclusion and accuracy, as well as consideration for the country context. However, robust CRVS/ID systems can contribute to the efficiency, inclusiveness, and accuracy of voter lists.

In the Asia-Pacific region, 15 countries rely solely on data extracted from population or civil registries, while a further eight countries create voter registration lists through a combination of register data and efforts by electoral management bodies.

However, many people are unable to vote because they lack the required ID. Marginalized population groups and people in vulnerable situations often remain ‘invisible’ to their government because their existence has never been recognized through birth registration, potentially creating a barrier for participation in electoral processes. Inclusive electoral processes go hand in hand with complete and universal legal identity.

In Vanuatu, electoral and civil registration authorities joined hands to digitally transform the civil registration system with an aim to produce accurate and credible voter lists, with support from UNDP/Vanuatu Electoral Environment Project (VEEP), funded by the Government of New Zealand.

Although the initial basis for developing a comprehensive civil register based on unique identity arose from the need for accurate voter lists, the initiative has had a far-reaching impact for the overall development of the country through digital transformation.

The new Integrated Identity Management System in Vanuatu is supported by legal reforms to digitally transform civil registration in Vanuatu and is becoming the digital backbone of the Government, as well as the private sector.

Multiple government departments and other partners such as Vanuatu Society for People with Disabilities, are working together on a campaign ‘Disability bai no limitim’ to increase the registration of persons with disabilities, ensuring that they have a national identity card and thus facilitating their right to vote.

The collaborative efforts to improve CRVS goes beyond Vanuatu, as exemplified by the Brisbane Accord Group and the Asia Pacific CRVS Partnership. ESCAP and UNDP are working with partners to support governments in achieving the shared regional vision of universal and responsive CRVS systems that facilitate the realization of their rights, support good governance, health and development.

Chloe Harvey is Associate Population Affairs Officer, Statistics Division, ESCAP; Tanja Sejersen is Statistician, ESCAP; Risa Arai is Programme Specialist (Legal Identity), Governance, BPPS, UNDP and Anne-Sofie Gehard is Chief Technical Adviser & Project Manager, Vanuatu Electoral Environment Project (VEEP), UNDP.

IPS UN Bureau


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