الارتقاء من النجاح المحلي نحو تحقيق التأثير العالمي: رؤى مستقاة من مشاركة Hisense في مؤتمر الصناعيين السود

جوهانسبورغ، جنوب إفريقيا،, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — من المتوقع أن تُحدث مشاركة شركة Hisense South Africa في مؤتمر الصناعيين والمصدّرين السود (Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference) تأثيراً كبيراً وهاماً، تستعرض خلاله التزامها الراسخ بالابتكار وتعزيز النمو الاقتصادي وتمكين المجتمع. يوفر هذا المؤتمر، الذي يُركز على التحوّل الاقتصادي وتوفير فرص العمل، منصة مناسبة لشركة Hisense تمكِّنها من تسليط الضوء على مساهماتها في هذه المجالات الحيوية.

تُعد شركة Hisense منارة للنجاح والتقدم في مجال صناعة الإلكترونيات الاستهلاكية والأجهزة المنزلية بفضل تركيزها الدؤوب على الإنتاج المحلي والتميز العالمي. هذا وتضطلع الشركة بدور حيوي في خلق فرص العمل وتعزيز الازدهار الاقتصادي في جنوب إفريقيا، وتضمّ أكثر من 5000 موظف مباشر وغير مباشر، كما تملك بنية تحتية رئيسية تضمّ مستودعين ومصنع في أتلانتس. 

هذا ويشكّل الاعتراف العالمي بشركة Hisense باعتبارها أفضل علامة تجارية في مجال تصنيع أجهزة التلفزيون في العام 2024 من Mybroadband وكذلك تصنيفها المبهر في المرتبة الثانية عالميًا من حيث عدد شحنات أجهزة التلفزيون دليلاً على التزامHisense  الراسخ بتقديم منتجات عالية الجودة وبتحقيق إيرادات ضخمة لاقتصاد جنوب إفريقيا.

تمثّل مشاركة شركة Hisense في مؤتمر الصناعيين والمصدّرين السود أكثر من مجرد حدث ثانوي عابر، إذ تعدّ شهادة على قيمها ورسالتها الأساسية. كما ويؤكد الاحتفال الأخير بالذكرى السنوية العاشرة لافتتاح مصنعها في أتلانتس على تفانيها الدائم في خدمة المجتمعات المحلية وهويتها كشركة جنوب أفريقية بكل فخر.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقوم شركة Hisense بتصدير منتجاتها إلى أكثر من 10 دول مجاورة، بما في ذلك ناميبيا وموزمبيق وزيمبابوي ومالاوي وزامبيا وبوتسوانا. يسلّط هذا التوسع الضوء على الحضور الإقليمي لشركة Hisense وانتشارها في الأسواق، فضلاً عن الجهود المتواصلة التي بذلتها على مدار الـسنوات الـ 28 الماضية، والتي ساهمت في تحقيق نمو كبير في حصتها من مبيعات سوق أجهزة التلفاز التي تستخدم صمامات ثنائية باعثة للضوء(LED TV) ووحدات التبريد بنسبة 33.7% و31.4% على التوالي. في حين بلغت آخر حصة من مبيعات سوق الأدوات المنزلية والتلفزيونات في فبراير المنصرم 43.8% و28.3% على التوالي. يساهم هذا النجاح في ترسيخ مكانة Hisense باعتبارها لاعباً رئيساً في السوق، حيث تحتل المرتبة الثالثة في صناعة أجهزة التبريد.

وتؤكد Hisense من خلال مشاركتها في مؤتمر الصناعيين والمصدّرين السود على دورها الأساس في تعزيز النمو الاقتصادي والابتكار والمشاركة المجتمعية في جنوب أفريقيا وخارجها، إذ تشكّل مشاركتنا في هذه الفعالية انعكاساً لإيماننا بمزايا الخيارات الحرة والتزامنا بدعم الشركات في جنوب إفريقيا. واليوم، تتعهد شركة Hisense بإنفاق ما مجموعه 1.1 مليار راند على المشتريات من شركات الصناعيين السود خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة. هذا ويوفر المؤتمر لـشركة Hisense منصة تستعرض خلالها إنجازاتها وقيمها وتأثيراتها ومساهماتها والتزامها المستمر بتمكين المجتمعات وبتحقيق مستقبل أكثر إشراقًا للجميع.

جهات الاتصال:

 Henru van der Merwehenru.vandermerwe@hisense.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946977)

De la réussite locale à l'impact mondial : Aperçus de la participation de Hisense à la Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference

JOHANNESBOURG, Afrique du Sud, 25 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hisense South Africa est prévue d’avoir un impact significatif lors de sa participation à la Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference, démontrant son engagement envers l'innovation, la croissance économique et l'autonomisation des communautés. L'événement, axé sur la transformation économique et la création d'emplois, offre une plateforme idéale à Hisense pour mettre en valeur ses contributions dans ces domaines cruciaux.

En mettant l'accent sur la production locale et l'excellence mondiale, Hisense s'impose comme un symbole de réussite et de progrès dans l'industrie de l'électronique grand public et de l'électroménager. Employant plus de 5 000 personnes directement et indirectement, avec des infrastructures clés telles que deux entrepôts et une usine à Atlantis, Hisense joue un rôle vital dans la création d'emplois et la promotion de la prospérité économique en Afrique du Sud.

La reconnaissance mondiale de Hisense en tant que Meilleure marque de téléviseurs en 2024 par Mybroadband et son impressionnant classement au deuxième rang mondial pour les livraisons de téléviseurs  soulignent son engagement à fournir des produits de haute qualité et à générer des revenus substantiels pour l'économie sud–africaine.

Alors que Hisense se prépare à joindre la Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference, sa participation est plus qu'un simple événement – c'est un témoignage de ses valeurs fondamentales et de sa mission. La récente célébration du 10e anniversaire de son usine d'Atlantis souligne encore davantage son engagement à long terme envers les communautés locales et son identité “Fièrement sud–africaine“.

De plus, les produits Hisense sont exportés vers plus de 10 pays des régions voisines, dont la Namibie, le Mozambique, le Zimbabwe, le Malawi, la Zambie et le Botswana. Cet essor souligne la présence régionale et la pénétration du marché par Hisense. Ses efforts continus au cours des 28 dernières années ont contribué à une croissance significative de ses parts de marché des téléviseurs LED et des réfrigérateurs de 33,7 % et 31,4 %, respectivement. Les dernières parts de marché en février 2024 étant de 43,8 % et 28,3 % pour l'électroménager et les téléviseurs. Ce succès permet de positionner Hisense comme un acteur clé du marché, se classant au troisième rang pour les produits de réfrigération.

En participant à la Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference, Hisense réaffirme sa position d'acteur clé de la croissance économique, de l'innovation et de l'engagement communautaire en Afrique du Sud et au–delà. Cette participation active certifie notre conviction en les avantages des préférences commerciales libérales et notre engagement à soutenir les entreprises sud–africaines. Aujourd'hui, Hisense s'engage fièrement à consacrer un total de 1,1 milliard de rands aux achats auprès des industriels et entreprises noirs au cours des 5 prochaines années. L'événement offre une plateforme pour mettre en valeur les réalisations, les valeurs, l'impact, les contributions de Hisense, ainsi que son engagement continu à autonomiser les communautés et à façonner un avenir meilleur pour tous.

Henru van der Merwe – henru.vandermerwe@hisense.com

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946977)

A larger Hispack seeks to accelerate responsible packaging solutions

BARCELONA, Spain, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Hispack 2024 will focus on sustainable packaging to contribute to a better future. From May 7 to 10, Spain's largest packaging tradeshow will gather 780 exhibitors from 28 countries and 1,250 brands at Fira de Barcelona's Gran Via venue to showcase the latest innovations in materials, packaging, containers, labels, wrapping, processing, and logistics technology and machinery. Over 27,000 attendees are expected at the 2024 edition.

Organized by Fira de Barcelona in collaboration with Graphispack Association, Hispack 2024 will grow by 18% in number of companies and 12% in exhibition space and will spread over 36,000 m2 in halls 2 and 3 featuring leading manufacturers and distributors with the latest technology, materials and packaging solutions focusing on sustainability.

This event has also registered an increase in the number of international exhibitors, with almost a third of the total coming from outside Spain. Turkey will lead the list of countries with the largest number of companies, followed by Italy, China, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the United Kingdom.

Trends at the show
Sustainabilty will take centre stage in Hispack 2024. Sustainable packaging seeks to minimize environmental impact through eco–design focused on the reduction of materials, recycling, and reuse. The event will showcase examples of how companies use recycled or biodegradable materials combined with the deployment of smart packaging that improves supply chain efficiency, traceability, and consumer experience, together with an overhaul of production processes to reduce carbon footprint.

The “Best in class” program will highlight three international packaging success stories: the municipal circular system for the collection, washing and reuse of beverage and take–away food packaging in Aarhus (Denmark), the innovative system to recycle plastic refill containers and make new containers by Kao Corporation (Japan), and a project to use blockchain technology to trace plastic bottle cap recycling by AMITA Corporation (Japan).

Along these lines, Hispack in collaboration with the Japan Packaging Institute will promote Japan as a high–potential market showcasing trends and experiences carried out in this country, as well as enabling business contacts with the Japanese delegation attending the show.

Spanish packaging technology manufacturers, among the top 10 exporters in the world, will benefit from Hispack to contact buyers from European markets, Latin America and the Mediterranean area who visit the fair.

For media requests please contact:

Salvador Bilurbina
email: sbilurbina@firabarcelona.com
phone: +34628162674

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000946951)

Zahid Group is recognized as a “Top Employer in the Middle East for 2024”

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Zahid Business Park, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On Thursday, 18 January 2024, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: The Top Employers Institute recognized Zahid Group as a Top Employer in the Middle East for 2024, placing the group among the top 10% employers in KSA.

“We start with integrity and end with excellence.”

The Top Employers Institute is the global authority that recognizes excellence in people's practices and helps accelerate them to enrich the world of work. It allows participating companies to be validated, certified, and recognized as employers of choice. Established over 30 years ago, the Top Employers Institute has certified 2,300 organizations in 121 countries/regions. These certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of over 9 million employees globally.

The certification was granted following an extensive assessment of the group’s integrated human resources practices across the examined International Companies in six domains and twenty sub–topics, thoroughly auditing the policies and practices. This achievement endorses Zahid Group’s shared values and best–in–class people practices, highlighting the areas for further improvement and development.

Amr W. Zawawi, The Group Human Resource Manager, said, “Being recognized as a “Top Employer in the Middle East for 2024” is a true testament to the Group’s passion for its people, commitment to its shared values, and dedication to excellence. This opportunity is worth seizing to congratulate all Zahid Group members and leadership for accomplishing this achievement; this will serve as an incentive to maintain the same approach, starting with integrity and ending with excellence.”


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9105833)

OKX Continues to Lead in Trust and Transparency with 18th Consecutive Proof of Reserves, Amounting to USD22.3 Billion

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced that it has published its 18th consecutive Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, showcasing USD22.3 billion in primary assets backing user funds.

OKX's PoR report illustrates the reserve ratios of the 22 most commonly traded assets on the OKX platform, including BTC, ETH, USDT, USDC, XRP, DOGE, SOL, OKB, APT, DOT, ELF, EOS, ETC, FIL, LINK, LTC, OKT, PEOPLE, TON, TRX, UNI and BCH. Consistent with OKX's previous reports, its 18th PoR demonstrates over 100% reserve ratios for all these assets, assuring users that their funds are backed 1:1.

Here are the current reserve ratios for OKX's primary assets:

  • BTC: 103%
  • ETH: 104%
  • USDT: 104%
  • USDC: 103%

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: “At OKX, our mission is to equip users with the tools they need to confidently navigate this evolving financial landscape. Our 18th consecutive PoR speaks to OKX's strong commitment to building transparency and trust in the crypto space. As global crypto adoption accelerates, bolstered by public awareness due to institutional adoption and the halving, mechanisms like PoR, which enhance transparency and security, will be critical in giving peace of mind to new users.”

Since the inception of OKX's PoR program, continuous improvements have been made based on user feedback. This commitment to excellence has led to recognition by blockchain expert Nic Carter, who rated OKX's PoR program as the highest among major exchanges. In 2023, OKX introduced the Zero–Knowledge Scalable Transparent Argument of Knowledge (zk–STARK) technology to its PoR process. This technology empowers users to independently verify the solvency of the exchange and confirm that their assets are fully backed by OKX's reserves, all without compromising their privacy.

To view and interact with OKX's PoR, please click here.

For further information, please contact:


About OKX

OKX is a leading global crypto exchange and innovative Web3 company. Trusted by more than 50 million global users, OKX is known for being one of the fastest and most reliable crypto apps in the world.

As a top partner of English Premier League champions Manchester City FC, McLaren Formula 1 and Olympian Scotty James OKX aims to supercharge the fan experience with new engagement opportunities. OKX is also the top partner of the Tribeca Festival as part of an initiative to bring more creators into web3.

The OKX Wallet is the platform's latest offering for people looking to explore the world of NFTs and the metaverse while trading GameFi and DeFi tokens.

OKX is committed to transparency and security and publishes its Proof of Reserves on a monthly basis.

To learn more about OKX, download our app or visit: okx.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9105814)

Another Climate Victory in Europe… and Counting

Credit: Frederick Florin/AFP via Getty Images

By Andrew Firmin
LONDON, Apr 25 2024 – A group of senior Swiss women recently won a powerful victory offering renewed hope for tackling climate change. Earlier this month, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the government of Switzerland is violating human rights because it isn’t doing enough to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Swiss women take the lead

More than 2,000 Swiss women with an average age of 73 backed the case, coming together in the KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz (Senior Women for Climate Protection Switzerland) group. They argued that their rights to family life and privacy under the European Convention on Human Rights are being breached because they’re particularly vulnerable to premature death due to extreme heat.

The evidence from Europe’s recent heatwaves is grim: over 70,000 people are estimated to have died as a result of high temperatures in 2022. Older people are more vulnerable to heatwaves, with women the worst hit. In Switzerland, older women had the highest level of deaths during the 2022 heatwave.

The favourable ruling is a landmark. While there’ve been several judgments in favour of climate action by national-level courts in recent years, this is the first time the European Court has ruled that lack of action on climate change violates human rights, and the first time any international human rights court has recognised that people have a right to be protected from climate change.

It won’t be the last. At least six more climate cases await the European Court, including one brought against the Norwegian government by Greenpeace Nordic, arguing that plans to expand fossil fuel extraction in Arctic waters violate human rights. National-level courts may also draw on the European Court’s precedent. More litigation is sure to follow.

Growing field

The case was one of three the Court considered, and the only to succeed. Lawsuits brought by a group of young Portuguese people against 32 European states and by a French politician against France were both dismissed – but on procedural grounds, rather than on the merits of the cases. The one victory was a triumph for all, since everyone will benefit from the emissions cuts that should result.

In many climate court cases, young people are making the running, rightly arguing that climate change affects them disproportionately, since it impinges on the rights of their future selves. But the young Portuguese campaigners acknowledged the vital contribution their older Swiss counterparts have made, showing how vital solidarity between generations is for civil society struggles.

Climate campaigners are making growing use of litigation to hold governments and corporations to account for their failure to act on the climate crisis. Over 1,500 climate litigation cases have been filed since the Paris Agreement was reached in 2015, and more than half have had favourable outcomes. There’s a growing trend of climate litigants framing their cases around human rights agreements they argue are being breached when governments and corporations don’t take adequate action.

Among recent successes, last November the Brussels Court of Appeal imposed a binding emissions cut target on Belgian authorities following a human rights lawsuit. That same month, a German court ruled that the government must immediately adopt an action programme on emissions targets for construction and transport. In August 2023, 16 young activists won a case in Montana, USA, with the court ruling that the state government’s policies in support of fossil fuels violate their right to a healthy environment.

Another breakthrough came in India this month when the country’s Supreme Court ruled that Indian citizens have a fundamental right to be free from the harmful impacts of climate change, on the basis that the constitution guarantees the rights to life and equality. Meanwhile human rights-based climate cases are currently proceeding in countries including Brazil, Peru and South Korea, where the Constitutional Court has just begun to hear a lawsuit brought by young people and children.

One of the rulings the Indian Supreme Court considered in coming to its conclusions was a 2015 verdict that ordered the Dutch government to take stronger action to cut greenhouse gas emissions, showing how a judgment in one jurisdiction can help build a case in another.

Open civic space needed

Legal action takes time. It took the Swiss campaigners almost eight years, having been required to exhaust all avenues offered by their domestic legal system reaching the European Court.

Litigation will remain just one of the many vital tools used by climate campaigners, alongside high-level advocacy towards national governments and in global processes such as COP climate summits, consumer pressure, shareholder activism, campaigns for fossil fuel divestment, street protests and non-violent direct action.

But at precisely the time civil society is showing how much it’s needed, its ability to act is being squeezed, particularly by restrictions on protest rights. It’s a sad fact that activists resisting fossil fuel extraction in many global south countries have long been repressed. But in a disturbing trend over the last couple of years, many global north states are targeting climate campaigners.

Recently, the German and Italian authorities have criminalised activists with laws against organised crime, police in the Netherlands have detained thousands of protesters and the UK government has passed anti-protest laws and jailed peaceful campaigners. These growing restrictions could have the effect of sapping the energies and depleting the ranks of the climate movement at a time when it’s needed the most.

European states should take heed of the European Court’s ruling, acknowledge that climate change is a human rights issue and commit to both cutting their emissions and respecting the civic space for climate activism.

Andrew Firmin is CIVICUS Editor-in-Chief, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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By Sending Nuclear Weapons to UK, Could US be Fueling Nuclear Proliferation?

The Royal Air Force Lakenheath base in the United Kingdom currently operates the F-15E Eagle and the latest generation F-35A Lighting II fighter aircraft, which can both carry nuclear bombs. In January 2024, The Telegraph disclosed US plans to store nuclear weapons at Lakenheath for the first time in 15 years. Nuclear weapons are stored in underground vaults located inside aircraft shelters similar to this one at Kadena Air Base, Japan. In the 1990s, there were 33 underground storage vaults at Lakenheath. Credit: US Air Force / Omari Bernard, via DVIDS

By Janani Mohan
LONDON, Apr 25 2024 – For the first time in 15 years, the United States is reportedly planning to station nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom, a decision many experts interpret as attempting to counter growing geopolitical instability.

As the war in Ukraine rages on, nuclear posturing—including stationing nuclear weapons in other countries—is seen by nuclear powers as an important tool to prevent further escalation, reassure allies, and respond to changes in Russia’s posturing.

The stationing of nuclear weapons is a convenient loophole to the safeguards of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). While certain countries under the NPT are non-nuclear weapons states and cannot develop their own nuclear weapons programs, they can host weapons stationed by nuclear weapons states.

Traditionally, nuclear powers have managed the entire control of their weapons—for example, by locating the nuclear weapons on joint bases.

However, while this control exists as a safeguard, stationing nuclear weapons as a means of posturing raises the question of what the difference is between “stationing” and “proliferating.”

If near-term security concerns are well-served by the recent US decision to move nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom, it could augment the US practice of stationing nuclear weapons in other countries—a practice with potentially harmful consequences for long-term nonproliferation goals.

Why the United Kingdom

As the closest US ally, the United Kingdom serves as an interesting location for this latest round of nuclear posturing, given that it already has its own nuclear arsenal.

Historically, the United States and United Kingdom have worked together closely on the development of nuclear weapons, starting with collaborations on the Manhattan Project. Since the 1960s, the United States started deploying nuclear weapons to the United Kingdom at regular intervals.

This practice carried on until 2008, when the United States removed approximately 110 B-61 nuclear bombs from the Royal Air Force base at Lakenheath—the same base believed to soon receive US nuclear weapons again. At the time the United States kept this withdrawal quiet, but some experts believed that it was intended to reduce and consolidate US nuclear forces in Europe.

Like with the secrecy in 2008, the United States has once again not formally commented on its recent shift in posture to re-station nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom. As a spokesperson for the UK Ministry of Defence said of the US decision, “it remains a longstanding UK and NATO policy to neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons at a given location.”

Why station nuclear weapons?

While the reasons behind this recent US decision are uncertain, stationing nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom potentially serves several US national interests.

The first and foremost reason may be to respond to growing tensions with Russia. NATO countries are very concerned about the Russian aggression and recently warned that there was a high likelihood for full-scale war with Russia within the next two decades.

In addition, the United States did not make the first move: Russia stationed nuclear weapons in Belarus and revoked its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty last year. The stationing of US nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom in response appears therefore somewhat predictable, given the general Cold War mentality of responding in-kind to shifts in doctrine.

The decision to station nuclear weapons therefore postures the United States as paying attention to Russia’s recent escalations and signals its willingness to respond in the future with nuclear weapons, if necessary.

This decision reinforces the US nuclear deterrence policy, which states that: “As long as nuclear weapons exist, the fundamental role of US nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear attack on the United States, our allies, and partners.”

The US decision can also be interpreted as aiming to complement—and therefore strengthen—the UK nuclear weapons arsenal. Currently, the United Kingdom has the smallest inventory of any of the NPT’s nuclear weapons states, and these warheads are all based at sea.

Meanwhile, the nuclear weapons that the United States will likely station in the United Kingdom are B61-12 gravity bombs, which are deployable by aircraft. This deployment would enable forces in the region to have further and distinct second-strike capabilities, while adding to the overall strength of NATO forces across Europe.

Finally, the US decision is one of the safest, when compared to other posturing options. It is no doubt safer to place nuclear weapons in countries already possessing nuclear weapons, like the United Kingdom, than in those that don’t, like Turkey.

Nuclear weapons states are lower risk as they would have minimal interest in proliferating these weapons. In addition, the United Kingdom already has sophisticated security systems and safeguards that would reduce both security risks and costs for the United States.

So why worry?

The stationing of US nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom is unlikely to increase the physical risk of proliferation: Malicious actors are not more likely to gain access to nuclear weapons given the UK security apparatus. However, there are potential risks to the framework of nonproliferation itself.

By re-stationing nuclear weapons in the United Kingdom, the United States is conveying that it is concerned over current nuclear tensions and that it might need to respond with nuclear weapons if attacked, which could increase future incentives for proliferation.

Stationing nuclear weapons in non-nuclear weapons states has always been an interesting gap in the nuclear nonproliferation frameworks of the NPT. However, regardless of the differences between “stationing” and “proliferating” nuclear weapons, the overall expansion of nuclear weapons still risks a cycle of escalation.

Actions like the recent US decision may reduce taboos on the expansive stationing of nuclear weapons, thereby providing incentives for proliferation as a solution to counter increased aggression by countries, like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

For example, some Ukrainian policymakers have already unofficially suggested that Ukraine should “restore [its] nuclear status”—which means developing its own nuclear weapons—to deter Russia. Although such statements are intended to convince the United States and NATO to provide Ukraine with some form of nuclear guarantees, they also suggest that an increasing need for nuclear deterrence inherently comes with increased risk of nuclear proliferation.

The risk of escalation may explain the current US and NATO strategy of stationing nuclear weapons semi-secretively. The United States ensures that its adversaries know that it is stationing nuclear weapons in allied countries like the United Kingdom, but adversaries are left with uncertainties about where those forces exactly are as the United States never formally discusses this posture.

This strategy not only increases US deterrence, it may also reduce some of the escalatory impact of explicitly re-positioning nuclear weapons, while still allowing the United States to respond to Russia.

Given proliferation concerns, such escalation-control practices are therefore important to maintain as the United States moves nuclear weapons to the United Kingdom, as well as other countries in the future.

Although it is yet to be seen if the recent US decision has a meaningful impact on nonproliferation, nuclear powers must work to prevent nuclear weapons stationing from eroding norms surrounding nuclear nonproliferation.

Source: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Janani Mohan, a PhD candidate in international studies at Cambridge University, is a Gates Cambridge Scholar. She holds a MA in international policy.

IPS UN Bureau


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AI Policy Can’t Ignore Climate Change: We Need Net Zero AI Emissions

AI must have net zero emissions to uphold our climate goals. Credit: Shutterstock - Governments, businesses and others should integrate the need for net zero AI emissions into their discussions on addressing AI’s impacts

AI must have net zero emissions to uphold our climate goals. Credit: Shutterstock

By Philippe Benoit
WASHINGTON DC, Apr 25 2024 – Artificial intelligence provides amazing potential for advancement across fields, from medicine to agriculture to industry to the entertainment business, even as it generates significant concerns. AI can also improve the efficiency of energy production and use in ways that can reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

But AI requires a lot of computational capacity, powered by electricity which can in turn generate additional emissions.

Unfortunately, according to the climate modeling of the International Energy Agency and others, there isn’t room for a new additional source of energy emissions. Consequently, AI must have net zero emissions to uphold our climate goals.

AI can lower emissions in a multitude of activities across a variety of sectors. For example, AI can help reduce the emissions from manufacturing, food systems and road transport while increasing zero-carbon electricity production from solar and wind farms.

As AI and the necessity for more electricity production take off and possibly accelerate even beyond current projections, it is important to manage potentially significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions that would undermine our climate goals

But recent reports point to burgeoning demand, notably in the U.S., for more electricity production, driven in part by the computing needs of AI. With that comes related rising emissions.

Moreover, as Nividia announced its newest, most powerful AI performance chip, rising demand for AI and the electricity it needs will likely increase even further. And this will happen not just in the U.S., but worldwide, as reflected in Saudi Arabia’s plan to invest $40 billion in AI.

While there may be some efficiency gains because of AI, we can anticipate a net increase in electricity demand, particularly as the entertainment industry and others develop new and creative uses for AI.

This AI-driven increase will likely begin within the next several years, well before the power network has had the time to convert from the current fossil fuel-based system to a low-emissions renewables-dominated one.

Consequently, expect more emissions from the power sector in the near term. Over the longer term, it will also reduce the available carbon budget, which is the amount of future emissions that can be accommodated within internationally agreed temperature targets.

The IEA’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 climate scenario and similar climate pathways are built on balancing carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector and carbon dioxide removals. Deploying renewables, energy efficiency, fuel switching and other low-carbon technologies are keys to lowering emissions to a level that can be balanced through removals.

Unmanaged AI, however, may hamper this effort, as its thirst for electricity results in a potential new source of emissions to be eliminated. AI needs to “pay for itself” regarding the climate by having net zero emissions and, preferably, even net negative emissions.

How can we accomplish this? First, there must be a concerted effort to power data centers and other AI-related infrastructure through renewables in a manner that does not cannibalize low-emissions electricity generation projects for households and other consumers. Governments and the private sector — including local or remote data center users and private capital — must work together to increase investment in and accelerate renewables deployment.

A second possible tool is to add a high load computational surcharge for AI users and possibly other large computer activities, such as cryptocurrency mining, to help finance additional investment in renewables.

Third, AI’s climate impact should be added to discussions on managing possible negative effects, such as AI’s potential for misinformation and disruptions to job markets. For example, the United Nations recently approved a U.S.-led resolution to make AI “safe, secure and trustworthy.” Similar initiatives need to be expanded to address AI’s potential emissions impact.

Fourth, and potentially most effectively, AI needs to be turned on itself to find mechanisms that result in net zero emissions and even make net negative emissions possible. This should include the development of innovative emissions reduction measures, as well as more ways to increase zero-carbon electricity production with a focus on achievable solutions.

There is also a need for better methodologies to measure both the increase and the savings in emissions that AI generates. This fourth pole should involve a combination of private sector-led action, inter-governmental initiatives and public-private research efforts.

As AI and the necessity for more electricity production take off and possibly accelerate even beyond current projections, it is important to manage potentially significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions that would undermine our climate goals. Governments, businesses and others should integrate the need for net zero AI emissions into their discussions on addressing AI’s impacts.

This oped was first published in The Hill

Philippe Benoit is the managing director at Global Infrastructure Advisory Services 2050. He previously held energy sector management positions at the International Energy Agency and the World Bank, and most recently was adjunct senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy.

Elavon et FreedomPay sont sur le point de transformer le secteur des paiements dans l’hôtellerie et la vente au détail en Europe

LONDRES, 25 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, l’un des principaux prestataires de solutions de paiement au monde, a annoncé ce jour sa collaboration élargie en Europe avec FreedomPay, leader mondial en matière de technologies Next Level Commerce™. Le partenariat a pour objectif d’amener des solutions de commerce intégrées ainsi qu’une technologie de paiement omnicanal de pointe aux grandes entreprises dans les secteurs de la vente au détail et de l’hôtellerie.

L’accord associe l’acquisition d’Elavon aux technologies commerciales FreedomPay au bénéfice des commerçants d’Elavon à travers toute l’Europe. Les entreprises disposeront d’une flexibilité et d’options de paiement améliorées, de données sécurisées et d’une technologie de paiement parfaitement intégrée, sur les canaux de commerce physique comme électronique.

« Elavon et FreedomPay sont forts d’une expérience enviable en Europe, où ils permettent aux commerçants dans les secteurs de l’hôtellerie et de la vente au détail de développer leurs opérations et de mieux répondre aux besoins de leurs clients », a déclaré Hemlata Narasimhan, présidente d’Elavon en Europe. « Nous sommes heureux d’approfondir nos liens avec FreedomPay dans notre effort continu d’offrir l’expérience de paiement de premier ordre qui a fait notre renommée. »

Elavon est depuis longtemps positionné comme un leader dans le secteur des paiements dans l’hôtellerie et la vente au détail, et l’intégration à la plateforme de commerce FreedomPay permet de réunir les fonctions de sécurité, d’identité, de paiements, de suivi de la fidélité et de publicité et des solutions exclusives basées sur les données.

« Ensemble, Elavon et FreedomPay redessinent le paysage international du secteur des paiements, en offrant encore davantage de fonctionnalités et d’innovations aux entreprises et à leurs clients », a déclaré Chris Kronenthal, président de FreedomPay. « Les commerçants peuvent désormais s’attendre à une expérience de paiement fluide et harmonieuse, avec en prime un traitement des données, un suivi de la fidélité et une sécurité de qualité supérieure. »

À propos d’Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon, principale société spécialisée dans les paiements internationaux, emploie plus de 4 300 personnes et est présente dans 10 pays. Filiale d’U.S. Bancorp (NYSE : USB), Elavon fournit aux entreprises les technologies nécessaires pour accepter les paiements des clients, que ce soit pour des achats en magasin, à domicile ou en déplacement.

Sa plateforme se distingue par le fait qu’elle offre un accès commun à travers les pays, ce qui facilite la mise en place rapide et sécurisée de leur système de paiement par les entreprises.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Enregistrée en Irlande auprès du Bureau d’enregistrement des sociétés. La responsabilité des membres est limitée. Succursale du Royaume–Uni enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, exerçant ses activités sous le nom d’Elavon Merchant Services, est un établissement de crédit agréé et réglementé par la Banque centrale d’Irlande. Autorisé par la Prudential Regulation Authority (Autorité de régulation prudentielle britannique). Soumis à la réglementation de la Financial Conduct Authority (Autorité de conduite financière britannique) et à une réglementation limitée de la Prudential Regulatory Authority. Des informations plus détaillées concernant la portée de la réglementation appliquée auprès de nous par la Prudential Regulatory Authority sont disponibles sur demande.

À propos de FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

La plateforme Next Level Commerce™ de FreedomPay transforme les anciens systèmes et processus de paiement existants en systèmes de pointe, et permet aux commerçants de libérer la puissance des paiements. Choix privilégié pour beaucoup des plus grandes entreprises au monde dans les secteurs de la vente au détail, de l’hôtellerie, de l’hébergement, des jeux, des sports et divertissements, de la restauration, de l’éducation, de la santé et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a été spécialement conçue pour offrir des performances à toute épreuve dans l’environnement très complexe du commerce international.

La société maintient un environnement de sécurité de haut niveau et s’est illustrée comme la première à obtenir la validation très convoitée du PCI Security Standards Council (Conseil des normes de sécurité du secteur des cartes de paiement) concernant la norme de chiffrement point à point P2PE/EMV (Point–To–Point/Europay Mastercard Visa) en Amérique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matière de paiements, de sécurité, d’identité et d’analyse des données sont disponibles en boutique, en ligne et sur mobile, et sont prises en charge par une adoption rapide d’API (Application Programming Interface, ou interface de programmation d’application). La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay, qui a obtenu de nombreuses récompenses, fonctionne sur une pile technologique unique et unifiée à travers plusieurs continents, permettant aux entreprises d’offrir une expérience innovante supérieure à l’échelle mondiale.

Coordonnées :
Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton pour FreedomPay

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9105702)

Elavon und FreedomPay planen Transformation des Zahlungsverkehrs im europäischen Gastgewerbe und Einzelhandel

LONDON, April 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, ein führender globaler Zahlungsanbieter, gibt heute seine erweiterte Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay in Europa bekannt, einem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Next Level Commerce™–Technologien. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, hochmoderne integrierte Handelslösungen und Omni–Channel–Zahlungstechnologie für große Unternehmen im Einzelhandel und im Gastgewerbe bereitzustellen.

Die Vereinbarung verbindet die Akquisetechnologie von Elavon mit den Handelstechnologien von FreedomPay, von denen mit Elavon zusammenarbeitende Händler in ganz Europa profitieren. So bietet sie Unternehmen mehr Flexibilität und Wahlmöglichkeiten bei der Bezahlung, Datensicherheit und eine nahtlos integrierte Zahlungstechnologie für physische und E–Commerce–Kanäle.

„Elavon und FreedomPay blicken in Europa auf eine beneidenswerte Erfolgsbilanz zurück, wenn es darum geht, Händlern im Gastgewerbe und im Einzelhandel dabei zu helfen, ihr Geschäft auszubauen und die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden besser zu erfüllen“, so Hemlata Narasimhan, President von Elavon in Europa. „Wir freuen uns darauf, die Zusammenarbeit mit FreedomPay zu erweitern, um weiterhin das erstklassige Zahlungserlebnis bieten zu können, für das wir mittlerweile bekannt sind.“

Elavon ist seit langem führend im Bereich des Zahlungsverkehrs im Gastgewerbe und im Einzelhandel. Durch die Integration in die FreedomPay Commerce Platform werden Sicherheit, Identität, Zahlungen, Kundentreue und Werbung mit proprietären datengesteuerten Lösungen zusammengeführt.

„Gemeinsam gestalten Elavon und FreedomPay die globale Zahlungslandschaft neu und bieten Unternehmen und ihren Kunden mehr Funktionalität und Innovation“, so Chris Kronenthal, President von FreedomPay. „Händler können jetzt ein nahtloses und konsistentes Zahlungserlebnis erwarten, das durch Next–Level–Daten, Loyalität und Sicherheit unterstützt wird.“

Über Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Zahlungsverkehr mit über 4.300 Mitarbeitenden und Niederlassungen in 10 Ländern. Elavon, eine Tochtergesellschaft der U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), stellt Unternehmen die Technologie zur Verfügung, die sie benötigen, um Zahlungen von Kunden entgegennehmen zu können, egal ob diese in Geschäften, zu Hause oder unterwegs einkaufen.

Die Plattform des Unternehmens zeichnet sich durch ihre länderübergreifende Einheitlichkeit aus, was es für Unternehmen einfacher macht, ihr Zahlungssystem schnell und sicher in Betrieb zu nehmen.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Eingetragen in Irland beim Companies Registration Office. Die Haftung des Mitglieds ist beschränkt. Die Niederlassung im Vereinigten Königreich ist eingetragen in England und Wales unter der Nummer BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, firmierend als Elavon Merchant Services, ist ein von der irischen Zentralbank zugelassenes und reguliertes Kreditinstitut. Zugelassen von der Prudential Regulation Authority. Unterliegt der Regulierung durch die Financial Conduct Authority und einer beschränkten Regulierung durch die Prudential Regulation Authority. Einzelheiten zum Umfang unserer Regulierung durch die Prudential Regulation Authority sind auf Anfrage bei uns erhältlich.

Über FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

Die Next Level Commerce™–Plattform von FreedomPay verwandelt überholte Zahlungssysteme und –prozesse in moderne Lösungen und ermöglicht es Händlern, die Macht des Bezahlens zu entfesseln. Als erste Wahl für viele der weltweit größten Unternehmen in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, Gastgewerbe, Beherbergung, Glücksspiel, Sport und Unterhaltung, Systemgastronomie, Bildung, Gesundheitswesen und Finanzdienstleistungen wurde die Technologie von FreedomPay speziell entwickelt, um in der hochkomplexen Umgebung des globalen Handels felsenfeste Leistungen zu erbringen.

Das Unternehmen unterhält eine erstklassige Sicherheitsumgebung und war das erste Unternehmen, das vom PCI Security Standards Council die begehrte Validierung des Point–to–Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) Standards in Nordamerika erhielt. Die robusten Lösungen von FreedomPay in den Bereichen Zahlungen, Sicherheit, Identität und Datenanalyse sind in Geschäften, online und mobil verfügbar und werden durch eine schnelle API–Einführung unterstützt. Die preisgekrönte FreedomPay Commerce–Plattform arbeitet auf einem einzigen, einheitlichen Technologie–Stack über mehrere Kontinente hinweg und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ein innovatives Next Level–Erlebnis auf globaler Ebene zu bieten.

Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton für FreedomPay

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9105702)