Stevie® Awards anuncia os vencedores da 18ª edição anual do evento na categoria Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente

FAIRFAX, Virgínia, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os vencedores da 18ª edição do Stevie® Awards, categoria Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente, reconhecido como o principal programa mundial de premiação a profissionais de vendas e atendimento ao cliente, foram revelados na noite de sexta–feira em uma cerimônia de gala realizada em Las Vegas, Nevada, EUA, que contou com a presença de mais de 400 executivos de todo o mundo.

A lista completa dos ganhadores, por categoria, está disponível em

As 10 organizações mais homenageadas na edição 2024 do Stevie Awards — Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente — receberam os troféus Grand (“melhor do evento”) do Stevie Awards. Os indicados não puderam se inscrever diretamente no Grand Stevie Awards. Os vencedores foram determinados por um sistema de pontuação baseado no número total de prêmios conquistados, além da maior pontuação média obtida nas categorias selecionadas.

A DP DHL Worldwide, com 13 estatuetas de ouro, 18 de prata e 14 de bronze, foi a organização mais premiada este ano, ganhando o principal troféu do Grand Stevie Award. Em ordem decrescente, as organizações abaixo foram agraciadas com troféus do Grand Stevie Award na edição 2024 do Stevie Awards, categoria Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente, em nome delas mesmas e/ou de clientes. Houve um empate em nono lugar entre as empresas Toco Warranty e Purpol Marketing Limited.

  1. DP DHL (rede mundial), 96 pontos
  2. IBM (Armonk, NY, EUA), 64 pontos
  3. Support Services Group, Inc. (Waco, TX, EUA), 49 pontos
  4. Allianz Services Pvt Ltd (Trivandrum, Kerala, Índia), 39 pontos
  5. Sales Partnerships, Inc. (Broomfield, CO, EUA), 38,5 pontos
  6. UPMC Health Plan (Pittsburgh, PA, EUA), 31 pontos
  7. Blackhawk Network (Pleasanton, CA, EUA), 26 pontos
  8. VIZIO Inc. (Irvine, CA, EUA), 22 pontos
  9. Toco Warranty (Los Angeles, CA, EUA), 19 pontos
    Purpol Marketing Limited (Chippenham, Reino Unido), 19 pontos

Entre outros vencedores notáveis, com três estatuetas de ouro, estão a Alight Solutions (Lincolnshire, IL, EUA), Optum (Eden Prairie, MN, EUA) e WNS (Holdings) Limited (Mumbai, Índia).

As organizações que ganharam uma combinação de cinco ou mais estatuetas de ouro, prata ou bronze incluem TransPerfect Translations, Nova York, NY, EUA (oito), VMware (Broadcom) Palo Alto, CA, EUA (sete), Intuit, Toronto, Canadá (sete), Avetta, Lehi, UT, EUA (sete), SAP, rede mundial (sete), ValueSelling Associates, Inc., Carlsbad, CA, EUA (seis), Element Electronics, Winnsboro, SC, EUA (seis), Voya Financial, Nova York, NY, EUA (seis), CivicPlus, Manhattan, KS, EUA (cinco), Capital Rx, Nova York, NY, EUA (cinco), Datasite, Minneapolis, MN, EUA (cinco), Inspiro, Makati City, Filipinas (cinco), Loveholidays, Londres, Reino Unido (cinco), OpenGov, São Francisco, CA, EUA (cinco), QNB Finansbank, Istambul, Turquia (cinco) e Qualitest Group, Bridgewater, NJ, EUA (cinco).

Mais de 2.300 indicações de organizações de todos os portes e em praticamente todos os setores foram avaliadas na competição deste ano. Os vencedores foram determinados pelas pontuações médias de mais de 200 profissionais em todo o mundo através de sete comitês julgadores especializados.

As inscrições foram consideradas em mais de 60 categorias de conquistas em atendimento ao cliente e contact center, incluindo Contact Center do Ano, Prêmio de Inovação em Atendimento ao Cliente e Departamento de Atendimento ao Cliente do Ano; 60 categorias para conquistas de vendas e desenvolvimento de negócios, de Diretor de Vendas do Ano a Prática de Treinamento de Vendas do Ano e Realização em Automação de Vendas; e categorias para reconhecimento de novos produtos e serviços e fornecedores de soluções, entre outros.

Os vencedores em uma categoria especial, o Prêmio Ética em Parcerias de Vendas, também foram anunciados e reconhecidos na cerimônia de 12 de abril. Este prêmio reconhece organizações pelas melhores práticas e realizações na demonstração dos mais altos padrões éticos no setor de vendas. A Integrity Solutions, de Nashville, TN, EUA, é a vencedora da estatueta de ouro nesta categoria. Entre as vencedoras de estatuetas de prata estão a Better Way Health (Kennesaw, GA, EUA), Stateside Affairs (Manasquan, NJ, EUA) e Desiderate (Nova Gales do Sul, Austrália). As vencedoras de estatuetas de bronze foram a Alright Retiree Health Solutions (Chicago, IL, EUA), Belkins (Dover, DE, EUA), Rootstack (Panamá), Shell International Aviation (Makati, Filipinas), TCN (St. George, UT, EUA) e Yuksekbilgili Egitim & Danismanli (Istambul, Turquia).

Os vencedores da edição 2024 do People's Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Customer Service, anunciados em 4 de abril, também foram homenageados na cerimônia de gala de 12 de abril. Os vencedores do People’s Choice Stevie Award recebem o cobiçado prêmio de cristal People’s Choice Stevie Award, que é determinado por votação pública aberta para o mundo todo.

As apresentações foram transmitidas ao vivo pelo Vimeo e estão disponíveis on–line.

As indicações para a edição de 2025 do Stevie Awards para Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente serão aceitas a partir de julho deste ano. O kit de inscrição pode ser solicitado em

Sobre o Stevie Awards
O Stevie Awards é organizado em nove programas: o Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, o German Stevie Awards, o Stevie Awards do Oriente Médio e Norte da África, o American Business Awards®, o International Business Awards®, o Stevie Awards para Grandes Empregadores, o Stevie Awards para Mulheres nos Negócios, o Stevie Awards para Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente e o novo Stevie Awards para Excelência em Tecnologia. As competições do Stevie Awards recebem mais de 12.000 inscrições anualmente de organizações de mais de 70 países. Premiando organizações de todos os tipos e portes e as pessoas por trás delas, os Stevies reconhecem desempenhos excepcionais nos locais de trabalho em todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre o Stevie Awards em

Entre os patrocinadores da 18ª edição do Stevie Awards na categoria Vendas e Atendimento ao Cliente estão a Sales Partnerships, a Inc. Support Services Group, Inc. e a ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Assessoria de imprensa:
Nina Moore
+1 (703) 547–8389

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em–f814–4189–9d3f–b3a1f8a31877

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9090902)

Stevie® Awards geben die Gewinner der 18. jährlichen Stevie® Awards für Vertrieb und Kundenservice bekannt

FAIRFAX, Virginia, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Gewinner der 18. jährlichen Stevie® Awards für Vertrieb und Kundenservice, die als die weltweit besten Auszeichnungen für Kundenservice und Vertrieb gelten, sind am Freitagabend bei einer Gala in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, in Anwesenheit von mehr als 400 Führungskräften aus der ganzen Welt bekanntgegeben worden.

Die vollständige Liste der Gewinner der Stevie–Auszeichnungen in den jeweiligen Kategorien ist verfügbar unter

Die 10 meistausgezeichneten Unternehmen bei den Stevie Awards 2024 für Vertrieb und Kundenservice wurden mit Grand Stevie Award–Trophäen („Best in Show“) ausgezeichnet. Die Nominierten konnten sich nicht direkt für die Grand Stevie Awards bewerben. Die Gewinner wurden anhand eines Punktesystems ermittelt, das auf der Gesamtzahl der gewonnenen Preise sowie der höchsten Durchschnittspunktzahl in ausgewählten Kategorien basiert.

DP DHL Worldwide war mit 13 goldenen, 18 silbernen und 14 bronzenen Stevie Awards das am meisten ausgezeichnete Unternehmen in diesem Jahr und erhielt die erstplatzierte Grand Stevie Award–Trophäe. In absteigender Reihenfolge wurden die folgenden Unternehmen bei den Stevie Awards 2024 für Vertrieb und Kundenservice im eigenen Namen und/oder im Namen ihrer Kunden mit den Grand Stevie Award–Trophäen ausgezeichnet. Den neunten Platz teilen sich Toco Warranty und Purpol Marketing Limited.

  1. DP DHL (weltweit), 96 Punkte
  2. IBM (Armonk, NY USA), 64 Punkte
  3. Support Services Group, Inc. (Waco, TX USA), 49 Punkte
  4. Allianz Services Pvt Ltd (Trivandrum, Kerala, Indien), 39 Punkte
  5. Sales Partnerships, Inc. (Broomfield, CO USA), 38,5 Punkte
  6. UPMC Health Plan (Pittsburgh, PA USA), 31 Punkte
  7. Blackhawk Network (Pleasanton, CA USA), 26 Punkte
  8. VIZIO Inc. (Irvine, CA USA), 22 Punkte
  9. Toco Warranty (Los Angeles, CA USA), 19 Punkte
    Purpol Marketing Limited (Chippenham, Vereinigtes Königreich), 19 Punkte

Weitere bemerkenswerte Gewinner mit drei goldenen Stevie Awards sind Alight Solutions (Lincolnshire, IL USA), Optum (Eden Prairie, MN USA) und WNS (Holdings) Limited (Mumbai, Indien).

Zu den Unternehmen, die eine Kombination aus fünf oder mehr Gold–, Silber– oder Bronze–Stevie Awards erhielten, gehören TransPerfect Translations, New York, NY USA (acht), VMware (Broadcom) Palo Alto, CA USA (sieben), Intuit, Toronto, Kanada (sieben), Avetta, Lehi, UT USA (sieben), SAP, weltweit (sieben), ValueSelling Associates, Inc, Carlsbad, CA USA (sechs), Element Electronics, Winnsboro, SC USA (sechs), Voya Financial, New York, NY USA (sechs), CivicPlus, Manhattan, KS USA (fünf), Capital Rx, New York, NY USA (fünf), Datasite, Minneapolis, MN USA (fünf), Inspiro, Makati City, Philippinen (fünf), Loveholidays, London, Vereinigtes Königreich (fünf), OpenGov, San Francisco, CA USA (fünf), QNB Finansbank, Istanbul, Türkei (fünf) und Qualitest Group, Bridgewater, NJ USA (fünf).

Mehr als 2.300 Nominierungen von Organisationen aller Größen und aus nahezu allen Branchen wurden für den diesjährigen Wettbewerb bewertet. Die Gewinner wurden anhand der Durchschnittsnoten von mehr als 200 Fachleuten weltweit in sieben spezialisierten Bewertungskommissionen ermittelt.

Einreichungen wurden unter anderem in über 60 Kategorien für Leistungen im Bereich Kundenservice und Contact Center, darunter Contact Center of the Year, Award for Innovation in Customer Service und Customer Service Department of the Year; 60 Kategorien für Leistungen in den Bereichen Vertrieb und Geschäftsentwicklung – von Sales Director of the Year über Sales Training Practice of the Year bis hin zu Achievement in Sales Automation – sowie Kategorien zur Anerkennung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen und Lösungsanbieter angenommen.

Die Gewinner in einer besonderen Kategorie, dem Sales Partnerships Ethics in Sales Award, wurden bei der Zeremonie am 12. April ebenfalls bekanntgegeben und ausgezeichnet. Mit dieser Auszeichnung werden Unternehmen für vorbildliche Praktiken und Leistungen bei der Umsetzung höchster ethischer Standards in der Vertriebsbranche gewürdigt. Integrity Solutions aus Nashville, TN USA, ist der Gold Stevie–Gewinner in dieser Kategorie. Die Silber–Gewinner sind Better Way Health (Kennesaw, GA USA), Stateside Affairs (Manasquan, NJ USA) und Desiderate (New South Wales, Australien). Bronze Stevie–Gewinner sind Alright Retiree Health Solutions (Chicago, IL USA), Belkins (Dover, DE USA), Rootstack (Panama), Shell International Aviation (Makati, Philippinen), TCN (St. George, UT USA) und Yuksekbilgili Egitim & Danismanli (Istanbul, Türkei).

Die Gewinner der People‘s Choice Stevie® Awards 2024 für den besten Kundenservice, die am 4. April bekanntgegeben wurden, wurden ebenfalls auf der Preisverleihungsgala am 12. April geehrt. Die Gewinner des People‘s Choice Stevie Award erhalten den begehrten kristallenen People‘s Choice Stevie Award, der durch eine weltweite öffentliche Abstimmung ermittelt wird.

Die Präsentationen wurden live über Vimeo übertragen und sind online abrufbar.

Nominierungen für die 2025er–Ausgabe der Stevie Awards für Vertrieb und Kundenservice werden ab Juli dieses Jahres angenommen. Das Teilnahmekit kann hier angefordert werden:

Über die Stevie Awards
Die Stevie Awards werden in neun Programmen verliehen: die Stevie Awards für den asiatisch–pazifischen Raum, die Stevie Awards für Deutschland, die Stevie Awards für den Nahen Osten und Nordafrika, die American Business Awards®, die International Business Awards®, die Stevie Awards für großartige Arbeitgeber, die Stevie Awards für Frauen in der Wirtschaft, die Stevie Awards für Vertrieb und Kundenservice und die neuen Stevie Awards für herausragende Leistungen im Bereich Technologie. Die Stevie Awards verzeichnen jährlich mehr als 12.000 Nominierungen von Unternehmen aus mehr als 70 Ländern. Die Stevies ehren Unternehmen aller Arten und Größen sowie die dahinterstehenden Menschen, indem sie herausragende Leistungen am Arbeitsplatz auf der ganzen Welt auszeichnen. Weitere Informationen zu den Stevie Awards finden Sie unter

Zu den Sponsoren der 18. jährlichen Stevie Awards für Vertrieb und Kundenservice gehören Sales Partnerships, Inc., Support Services Group, Inc. und ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Nina Moore
+1 (703) 547–8389

Ein Foto zu dieser Mitteilung ist verfügbar unter–f814–4189–9d3f–b3a1f8a31877

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9090902)

Les Stevie® Awards annoncent les gagnants de la 18e édition annuelle des Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service

FAIRFAX, Virginie, 17 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Les lauréats de la 18e édition annuelle des Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service, reconnus comme les meilleurs prix du service à la clientèle et les meilleurs prix de vente au monde, ont été dévoilés vendredi soir à l’occasion d’une cérémonie de gala qui s’est tenue à Las Vegas, dans le Nevada (États–Unis), à laquelle ont assisté plus de 400 cadres dirigeants du monde entier.

La liste complète des lauréats Stevie par catégorie est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Les 10 organisations les plus récompensées dans le cadre de l’édition 2024 des Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service ont reçu des trophées Grand (« best in show ») Stevie Award. Les candidats n’ont pas pu poser leur candidature directement pour recevoir les Grand Stevie Awards. Les gagnants ont été déterminés par un système de points basé sur le nombre total de prix remportés, ainsi que sur le score moyen le plus élevé dans les catégories sélectionnées.

DP DHL Worldwide, qui a raflé 13 Stevie Awards d’or, 18 Stevie Awards d’argent et 14 Stevie Awards de bronze, a été l’organisation la plus primée cette année, remportant ainsi le trophée le plus prestigieux, le Grand Stevie Award. Par ordre décroissant, les organisations ci–dessous se sont vu décerner des trophées Grand Stevie Award dans le cadre de l’édition 2024 des Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service en leur nom propre et/ou en celui de leurs clients. Toco Warranty et Purpol Marketing Limited étaient à égalité à la neuvième place.

  1. DP DHL (Monde), 96 points
  2. IBM (Armonk, État de New York, États–Unis), 64 points
  3. Support Services Group, Inc. (Waco, État du Texas, États–Unis), 49 points
  4. Allianz Services Pvt Ltd (Trivandrum, Kerala, Inde), 39 points
  5. Sales Partnerships, Inc. (Broomfield, État du Colorado, États–Unis), 38,5 points
  6. UPMC Health Plan (Pittsburgh, État de Pennsylvanie, États–Unis), 31 points
  7. Blackhawk Network (Pleasanton, État de Californie, États–Unis), 26 points
  8. VIZIO, Inc. (Irvine, État de Californie, États–Unis), 22 points
  9. Toco Warranty (Los Angeles, État de Californie, États–Unis), 19 points
    Purpol Marketing Limited (Chippenham, Royaume–Uni), 19 points

Parmi les autres lauréats notables ayant reçu trois Stevie Awards d’or figurent Alight Solutions (Lincolnshire, État de l’Illinois, États–Unis), Optum (Eden Prairie, État du Minnesota, États–Unis) et WNS (Holdings) Limited (Mumbai, Inde).

Les organisations qui ont remporté une combinaison d’au moins cinq Stevie Awards d’or, d’argent ou de bronze incluent TransPerfect Translations, New York, État de New York, États–Unis (huit), VMware (Broadcom), Palo Alto, État de Californie, États–Unis (sept), Intuit, Toronto, Canada (sept), Avetta, Lehi, État de l’Utah, États–Unis (sept), SAP (Monde) (sept), ValueSelling Associates, Inc, Carlsbad, État de Californie, États–Unis (six), Element Electronics, Winnsboro, État de Caroline du Sud, États–Unis (six), Voya Financial, New York, État de New York, États–Unis (six), CivicPlus, Manhattan, État du Kansas, États–Unis (cinq), Capital Rx, New York, État de New York, États–Unis (cinq), Datasite, Minneapolis, État du Minnesota, États–Unis (cinq), Inspiro, Makati City, Philippines (cinq), Loveholidays, Londres, Royaume–Uni (cinq), OpenGov, San Francisco, État de Californie, États–Unis (cinq), QNB Finansbank, Istanbul, Turquie (cinq), et Qualitest Group, Bridgewater, État du New Jersey, États–Unis (cinq).

Plus de 2 300 candidatures provenant d’organisations de toutes tailles et de représentant presque tous les secteurs ont été évaluées lors du concours de cette année. Les vainqueurs ont été déterminés par des notes moyennes données par plus de 200 professionnels à travers le monde au sein de sept comités de décision spécialisés.

Les candidatures ont été prises en compte pour plus de 60 catégories listant les réalisations en matière de service client et de centre de contact, notamment les prix de Centre de contact de l’année, d’Innovation en matière de service client et Service client de l’année. 60 catégories sont également consacrées aux réalisations en matière de ventes et de développement commercial, notamment les prix de Directeur des ventes de l’année, Formation commerciale de l’année, ou encore Réalisation en matière d’automatisation des ventes. D’autres catégories encore récompenseront les nouveaux produits et services et les prestataires de solutions, entre autres.

Les lauréats d’une catégorie spéciale, le Sales Partnerships Ethics in Sales Award, ont également été annoncés et récompensés lors de la cérémonie du 12 avril. Ce prix récompense les organisations pour leurs meilleures pratiques et leurs réalisations en matière de respect des normes éthiques les plus strictes dans le secteur de la vente. Integrity Solutions, de Nashville, dans l’État du Tennessee, aux États–Unis, est le lauréat du Stevie d’or dans cette catégorie. Les vainqueurs du Stevie d’argent de cette catégorie sont Better Way Health (Kennesaw, État de Géorgie, États–Unis), Stateside Affairs (Manasquan, État du New Jersey, États–Unis) et Desiderate (Nouvelle–Galles du Sud, Australie). Les gagnants du Stevie de bronze de cette catégorie sont Alright Retiree Health Solutions (Chicago, État de l’Illinois, États–Unis), Belkins (Dover, État du Delaware, États–Unis), Rootstack (Panama), Shell International Aviation (Makati, Philippines), TCN (St. George, État de l’Utah, États–Unis) et Yuksekbilgili Egitim & Danismanli (Istanbul, Turquie).

Les lauréats de l’édition 2024 des Stevie® Awards dans la catégorie People’s Choice pour le meilleur service à la clientèle, annoncés le 4 avril, ont également été honorés lors du gala de remise des prix du 12 avril. Les lauréats du People’s Choice Stevie Award reçoivent le très convoité People’s Choice Stevie Award en cristal, décerné à l’issue d’un vote du public dans le monde entier.

Les présentations ont été diffusées en direct via Vimeo et sont disponibles en ligne.

Les candidatures pour l’édition 2025 des Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service seront acceptées à partir de ce mois de juillet. Le kit d’inscription peut être demandé à l’adresse :

À propos des Stevie Awards
Les Stevie Awards sont décernés dans le cadre de neuf programmes : les Asia–Pacific Stevie Awards, les German Stevie Awards, les Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, les American Business Awards®, les International Business Awards®, les Stevie Awards for Great Employers, les Stevie Awards for Women in Business, les Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service et le nouveau Stevie Awards for Technology Excellence. Le comité de concours des Stevie Awards reçoit tous les ans plus de 12 000 candidatures d’organisations de plus de 70 pays. En mettant à l’honneur des organisations de tous types et de toutes tailles, ainsi que les personnes qui les animent, les Stevie Awards récompensent des performances exceptionnelles sur le lieu de travail dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir plus sur les Stevie Awards, consultez le site :

Les sponsors de la 18e édition annuelle des Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service incluent Sales Partnerships, Inc., Support Services Group, Inc. et ValueSelling Associates, Inc.

Contact auprès des médias :
Nina Moore
+1 (703) 547–8389

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :–f814–4189–9d3f–b3a1f8a31877

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9090902)

BeyondTrust Acquires Entitle, Strengthening Privileged Identity Security Platform with Paradigm Shifting Just-in-Time Access and Identity Governance

  • Entitle is a pioneering privilege management solution that discovers, manages, and automates just–in–time (JIT) access and modern identity governance and administration (IGA) across the entire cloud estate.
  • Strategic acquisition enhances BeyondTrust’s ability to tackle the sophisticated customer challenges of privileged access management (PAM) and cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) in today's cloud–centric landscape through unified orchestration.

ATLANTA, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BeyondTrust, the worldwide leader in intelligent identity and access security, today announced a definitive agreement to acquire Entitle, a pioneering privilege management solution that discovers, manages, and automates just–in–time (JIT) access and modern identity governance and administration (IGA) across the entire cloud estate. These capabilities enhance a customer’s ability to provision user access to sensitive data and cloud resources on a time–bounded and “as–needed” basis. While regulations and industry best practices are moving towards zero–standing privileges (vs. permanent privileged access as provided by traditional PAM offerings), companies have struggled to implement JIT with existing tools, particularly in cloud and hybrid environments; Entitle solves this issue with its automated provisioning workflows, self–serve access requests, and 150+ integrations across IaaS/PaaS platforms and SaaS apps.

This acquisition includes all Entitle products, employees, customers, partners, assets, and intellectual property.

BeyondTrust further solidifies its industry–leading Privilege Identity Security platform with the acquisition of Entitle, expanding beyond traditional privileged access management (PAM) to encompass dynamic, just–in–time access management across cloud, SaaS, and on–premises environments. Adding Entitle to its product portfolio enhances the capability to address the sophisticated challenges of PAM and cloud infrastructure entitlement management (CIEM) in today's cloud–centric landscape, with a unified orchestration approach that enriches the platform with advanced identity governance functionalities.

“The BeyondTrust acquisition of Entitle signifies a crucial evolution in our fight to ensure customers can protect all paths to privileges, focusing on identity–first security across all IT environments,” says Janine Seebeck, CEO of BeyondTrust. “Adopting a unified, orchestrated approach that incorporates dynamic, just–in–time access is critical for safeguarding our customers' ever–changing paths to privilege. This strategy not only reduces operational friction but also enhances the security of the entire identity infrastructure more effectively.”

“Entitle’s JIT Access and Cloud Permissions Management solution is an emerging leader in the Identity Security market,” says Ron Nissim, CEO of Entitle. “This acquisition allows Entitle to continue to grow through BeyondTrust’s years of expertise and dominance in the PAM market – offering significant opportunities for Entitle’s team.”

“BeyondTrust’s acquisition of Entitle adds comprehensive permissions and entitlements management across cloud and SaaS platforms to the BeyondTrust Privileged Identity Security platform,” states Paul Fisher, Senior Analyst at KuppingerCole Analysts.

The Entitle solution is immediately available to all BeyondTrust customers. For more information, visit

About BeyondTrust
BeyondTrust is the worldwide leader in intelligent identity and access security, enabling organizations to protect identities, stop threats, and deliver dynamic access. We offer the only platform with both intelligent identity threat detection and a privilege control plane that delivers zero–trust based least privilege to shrink your attack surface and eliminate security blind spots.  

BeyondTrust protects identities, access, and endpoints across your organization, while creating a superior customer experience and operational efficiencies.  We are leading the charge in innovating identity–first security and are trusted by 20,000 customers, including 75 of the Fortune 100, plus a global ecosystem of partners. Learn more at

Follow BeyondTrust:


For BeyondTrust:

Mike Bradshaw
Connect Marketing for BeyondTrust
P: (801) 373–7888

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9090419)

DALI Alliance Launch Test and Certification Specifications for DALI+

LONDON, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The DALI Alliance, recognized as the international authority in lighting technology standardization, has unveiled much–anticipated certification details for its wireless specification: DALI+ over Thread.

As lighting specifications increasingly seek smarter, sustainable, and interoperable solutions, DALI+ emerges as a crucial enabler of standardized wireless or IP–based lighting systems. The alliance's collaboration with partners such as Thread Group has resulted in the integration of enhanced security and encryption solutions, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data transmission within DALI+ networks.

Key features of DALI+ with Thread include:

  • Wireless Mesh Network: Thread creates an Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) based wireless mesh network. Off–the–shelf Thread border routers can also be used to connect multiple Thread networks through IP technologies, such as Ethernet or Wi–Fi, allowing a highly scalable lighting control system.
  • Extended Addressing: In addition to the standard 64 control gear and 64 control device addresses, DALI+ with Thread IPv6 routing allows almost unlimited addressing capability. The usual DALI broadcast, group and short–addressing methods are included together with IP unicast and multicast capability.
  • Interoperability: DALI+ certification includes all the benefits of the existing DALI–2 and D4i certification programs with extensive testing, independent verification, and listing of every certified product in a publicly searchable product database to ensure a high level of product interoperability. Furthermore, DALI+ bridge devices will allow DALI–2 wired devices or systems to connect with and operate with the products in a DALI+ wireless system.
  • Device Support: DALI+ supports a wide array of control devices, including occupancy sensors, light sensors, switches, sliders, rotaries, and pushbuttons. Control gear support currently includes LED drivers with the three optional data parts: luminaire data, power and energy, and diagnostics data.

Paul Drosihn, General Manager of the DALI Alliance, expressed enthusiasm about the launch, stating, “This represents a significant advancement in DALI–enabled technology. Our members and users will experience the benefits of enhanced wireless interoperability and strengthened sustainability credentials.” Drosihn continues, “Moreover, this milestone underscores our steadfast commitment to driving innovation and nurturing eco–conscious solutions within the industry. By leveraging the potential of DALI technology, we are not only revolutionizing lighting controls but also laying the groundwork for a more sustainable future for generations to come.”

Commenting on the collaboration, Klaus Waechter, VP Commercial Buildings at Thread, said, “We are proud to collaborate with the DALI Alliance in utilizing Thread technology in the DALI+ specification. This partnership underscores our commitment to advancing wireless connectivity and interoperability for commercial grade markets and the lighting industry in general.”

For more information, please contact

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–8652–41d6–a8b9–23f872dd416c

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000934974)

Movellus Extends Droop Management Leadership with Aeonic Generate™ AWM3

SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Movellus today announced the expansion of its award–winning1 droop response solutions with the Aeonic Generate™ AWM3. This pioneering solution responds to voltage droops within 1–2 clock cycles while providing enhanced observability for droop profiling. The AWM3 also enables fine–grained dynamic frequency scaling (DFS/DVFS). In combination, the AWM3 droop mitigation and dynamic frequency scaling capabilities reduce the power consumption of complex integrated circuits (ICs) while maintaining the device’s operational integrity.

“Nowadays, with the ever increasing need of more performance with tighter constraints on power, the importance of DVFS is paramount,” said Miquel Izquierdo Ustrell, Chief Architect of Semidynamics. “Manipulating the clock and the voltage has risks, and the peace of mind given by a smart PLL like the Movellus AWM3 that allows smooth clock transitions and protection against voltage droop is essential to reach the limits of performance.”

The AWM3 halves the droop response time over the industry leading AWM2 generation and features an unprecedented level of programmability in response profile to meet customers’ individual architectural and dynamic workload requirements. In combination with the Aeonic Insight™ Droop Detector, the AWM3 provides the industry’s only complete droop detection and response system that also provides insight into droop profiles and clock metrics that can be leveraged by silicon analytics platforms.

“As a provider for signoff Electromigration and IR drop (EMIR), we see customers building margins into their chips’ PDN networks to accommodate all worst–case scenarios,” said Joseph C. Davis, senior director, Calibre Interfaces & mPower Product Management, Siemens Digital Industries Software. “Active droop management is just what these customers need to manage dynamic voltage droop excursions in–situ and minimize risk of escapes.”

Key features of the Aeonic Generate AWM3 include:

  • Extremely fast time to adapt (detect + respond) for droop with fine–grained clock speed control
  • Rapid response time for DFS/DVFS control
  • Comprehensive droop and clock health telemetry
  • Programmable droop response and recovery profile
  • Support for remote and local droop detection
  • Standard interfaces for silicon lifecycle management during test and mission mode

Movellus continues to advance high–performance silicon through feature–rich, synthesizable IP. The Aeonic™ Digital IP platform has been integrated by multiple customers across various process nodes, from 40nm to 3nm. End applications range from ultra–low power edge AI devices to performance–centric cloud datacenter compute and AI offerings. This latest milestone enables advanced on–die observability and droop response to cutting–edge SoCs, AI accelerators, and processors.

The Aeonic Generate™ AWM3 is available now. For more information on Aeonic Generate AWM3, visit–overview/aeonic–generate.

About Movellus
Movellus provides critical technology that is integrated into an array of applications ranging from edge AI devices to performance–centric cloud datacenter compute and networking offerings. The company is headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA, with R&D centers in Michigan and Toronto. Visit us at:

Movellus, the Movellus logo, Aeonic, Aeonic Generate, Elevating Silicon, Aeonic Insight, and Intelligent Clock Networks are among the trademarks of Movellus. The term “Movellus” refers to Movellus Circuits, Inc and/or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contact
Aakash Jani

1 Movellus Recognized by Frost & Sullivan for Improving System Performance and Optimizing Power with Its Aeonic™ IP Portfolio

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9089769)

Migration in the Americas: A Dream That Can Turn Deadly

Credit: David Peinado/Anadolu via Getty Images

By Inés M. Pousadela
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Apr 16 2024 – The Darién Gap is a stretch of jungle spanning the border between Colombia and Panama, the only missing section of the Pan-American Highway that stretches from Alaska to southern Argentina. For good reason, it used to be considered impenetrable. But in 2023, a record 520,000 people crossed it heading northwards, including many children. Many have lost their lives trying to cross it.

People are also increasingly taking to the seas. A new people trafficking route has opened up across the Caribbean Sea via the Bahamas. Growing numbers of desperate migrants – mostly from conflict-ridden Haiti but also from more distant countries – are using it in an attempt to reach Florida. It’s risky too. In November 2023, at least 30 people died when a boat from Haiti capsized off the Bahamas.

The pattern is clear: as is also the case in Europe, when safer routes are closed off, people start taking riskier ones. Millions of people in Latin American and Caribbean countries are fleeing authoritarianism, insecurity, violence, poverty and climate disasters. Most remain in other countries in the region that typically present fewer challenges to arriving migrants – but also offer limited opportunities. The USA therefore remains a strong migration magnet. Its tightening immigration policies are the key reason people are heading into the jungle and taking to the sea.

Dynamic trends

Out of the staggering 7.7 million Venezuelans who’ve left their country since 2017 – greater than the numbers of displaced Syrians or Ukrainians – almost three million have stayed next door in Colombia, with about 1.5 million in Peru, close to half million in both Brazil and Ecuador, and hundreds of thousands in other countries across the region.

Latin American host countries are relatively welcoming. Unlike in many global north countries, politicians don’t usually stoke xenophobia or vilify migrants for political gain, and states don’t usually reject people at borders or deport them, and instead try to provide paths for legal residence. Overall they’ve been pragmatic enough to strike a balance between openness and orderly entry. As a result, a high proportion of Venezuelan migrants have acquired some form of legal status in host countries.

But host states haven’t planned for long-term integration. They face typical global south challenges, such as high levels of inequality and many unmet social needs. That’s why those moving towards the USA include many Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans who were already living in other countries. They are mostly driven by the lack of opportunities, although in the case of Haitians language barriers and racial discrimination are also significant motivators.

While the USA has tightened its migration policies, its porous southern border – the longest border between global north and global south – remains inviting for many. In its 2022 fiscal year, US authorities had a record 2.4 million encounters with unauthorised migrants at the border. Many had come a long way, having crossed the Darién Gap and then headed across Central America and Mexico.

Dangerous journeys

People do so at great risk. According to the United Nations’ Missing Migrants Project reported at least 1,275 people died or went missing during migration in the Americas in 2023.

It’s unclear how many people have perished so far in the Darién Gap. In many cases, deaths go unreported and bodies are never recovered. The crossing can take anywhere from three to 15 days. As they cross rivers and mountains, people suffer from the jungle’s harshness and difficult weather.

According to Doctors Without Borders (MSF), much of the danger is because the Darién is one of the world’s most humid regions and doesn’t have any proper infrastructure. People can easily slip and fall on its steep paths or drown in rushing rivers. Hired guides can leave people stranded. Those who can’t keep up can get disoriented and lost. The difficult terrain forces many to leave their supplies along the way, including food and drinking water.

Migrants also often cross paths with local criminal groups that steal from them, kidnap them or commit rape. In December 2023, MSF recorded a seven-fold increase in monthly incidents of sexual violence. But despite the dangers, the number of people crossing in 2023 almost doubled compared to 2022.

The Darién Gap is only the gateway to Central America – the start of a much longer journey. The dangers don’t stop. Many end up staying somewhere in Mexico, but others keep marching northwards and face many hazards trying to reach the USA – drowning , or dying of heat exposure and dehydration in the desert during the day, or of hypothermia at night. Migrants have also died of asphyxiation in botched migrant smuggling operations. They are often blackmailed by smugglers and experience human rights abuses, including lethal violence, from Border Patrol agents.

US policies

Starting in early 2021, the administration of President Joe Biden made several changes to US immigration policies, such as rescinding the travel ban on primarily Muslim-majority and African countries, restoring the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme and granting Venezuelans living in the USA Temporary Protection Status, among other things.

But it was only in May 2023 that the Biden administration finally lifted Title 42, a public health order that, under the cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump administration used to immediately expel those caught crossing the border, with no right to apply for asylum. At the same time, however, the government issued several new rules that became known as the ‘asylum ban’. Before showing up at the border, people are now required to make an appointment with a smartphone app or have proof they have previously sought and failed to obtain asylum in the countries they’ve travelled through on their way to the USA. If they don’t comply with these requirements, they’re automatically presumed ineligible for asylum and can be subjected to expedited removal.

Civil society points out that it’s very difficult to get an appointment. The app frequently fails and many migrants don’t have smartphones, adequate wi-fi or a data plan. They face language and education barriers and are exploited by people pretending to help. Barriers to seeking asylum have risen to the point that advocates view them as violating the Refugee Convention’s principle of non-refoulment, according to which people can’t be returned to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedom.

Election politics

Pressure is intensifying as the USA’s November 2024 presidential election approaches.

Republican governors of southern states such as Texas have made a show of bussing newly arrived migrants to far-off cities run by Democrats, dumping them there with no support, treating them as pawns in a political game. Congress Republicans have also repeatedly delayed backing support to Ukraine unless new border control measures are enacted in return.

In October 2023, Biden announced plans to strengthen the southern border and resume deportation flights to Venezuela, which had been paused. But no one has gone lower than Donald Trump, who recently told a rally that ‘immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country’ – a straightforward use of white supremacist rhetoric. His comments have grown increasingly dehumanising – he has repeatedly referred to migrants as ‘animals’.

In his 2023 State of the Union speech, President Biden responded to Trump directly, stating he refused to ‘demonise immigrants’. But in the same breath he urged Republicans to pass a bipartisan immigration bill they’re currently blocking, which would further tighten asylum rules, expand funding for border operations and give the president authority to empower border officials to summarily deport migrants during spikes in illegal immigration. The bill continues to be rejected by hardcore Republicans who see it as not strict enough.

For migrants and asylum seekers, the prospects look bleak. As far as their rights are concerned, the election campaign is a race to the bottom. A Trump victory could only bring further bad news – but a Biden win is unlikely to promise much progress. Election results aside, people will keep taking to the sea or venturing through the jungle, the barbed wire and the desert. Politicians need to recognise this reality and commit to upholding the human rights of all who strive to find a future in the USA.

Inés M. Pousadela is CIVICUS Senior Research Specialist, co-director and writer for CIVICUS Lens and co-author of the State of Civil Society Report.


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Recursion Appoints Najat Khan, PhD, as Chief R&D Officer and Chief Commercial Officer

SALT LAKE CITY, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recursion (Nasdaq: RXRX), a clinical stage TechBio company leading the space by decoding biology to industrialize drug discovery and development, announced Najat Khan, PhD, will be its Chief R&D Officer and Chief Commercial Officer. Dr. Khan will lead Recursion’s research and development, and build its emerging commercial capabilities. She has also been appointed to Recursion’s Board of Directors.

“Najat brings a unique blend of leadership in biological, chemical, and medical sciences, data science, and business,” said Chris Gibson, Co–Founder and CEO of Recursion. “More importantly, she has a vision and passion for transforming drug discovery and development that complements ours and she has a strong sense of urgency to accelerate the industry’s future. We are excited to welcome her as a Recursionaut to drive our portfolio pipeline, as well as create commercial strategies as we continue to industrialize the creation of high impact medicines.”

Dr. Khan has deep expertise in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry, spanning biological, chemical, and medical science, computational and data science, and general business leadership, with a focus on driving substantial patient and business value. As the Chief Data Science Officer and Global Head of Strategy and Portfolio Organization, for Innovative Medicine R&D at Johnson & Johnson, Najat played an integral role with the senior leadership team in building an industry–leading pipeline that delivered multiple transformational medicines. She has been a pioneer in driving the impact of data science/AI at scale while establishing a top–tier diverse data science team, underpinning her commitment to innovation and excellence at the intersection of healthcare and technology. Dr. Khan co–chaired Johnson & Johnson’s Data Science Council, where she has played a key leadership role in driving the adoption of data science across the company to achieve business impact and deploy best practices for data use, AI, ethics, as well talent recruitment and development.

“My mission and focus has been to harness the power of science, data, and AI to revolutionize the way we discover, develop, and deliver transformative medicines for patients”, said Dr. Khan, “This seamlessly aligns with Recursion’s goal to pioneer the burgeoning TechBio sector and decode biology and chemistry to radically improve lives. I believe their approach represents the future of our industry, and sets Recursion to be at the forefront to deliver on this vision. I’m thrilled to be part of Recursion’s board and leadership team, embarking on this vital mission together.”

Dr. Khan serves as a board member for Alliance for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and is a Steering Committee member of the White House’s Moonshot CancerX program to enhance outcomes for cancer patients. Najat is the founder and co–chair of the Data Science in Industry Roundtable (DISRUPT) – a cross industry forum dedicated to driving impact through Data Science. She is an alumna of University of Pennsylvania with a doctorate in Organic Chemistry leveraging experimental and computational approaches, has an undergraduate degree in Computational Chemistry and a minor in Business / Economics from Colgate University, and is published in various high–impact journals.

“We are pleased to welcome Najat to the board to guide the strategic vision of Recursion,” said Dean Li, Co–Founder and Board Member of Recursion and President, Merck Research Laboratories, “Najat shares our outlook on how the industry needs to evolve, and I believe her insight will be highly valuable as we enter the era of AI enabled drug discovery and development.”

About Recursion
Recursion is a clinical stage TechBio company leading the space by decoding biology to industrialize drug discovery. Enabling its mission is the Recursion OS, a platform built across diverse technologies that continuously expands one of the world’s largest proprietary biological, chemical and patient–centric datasets. Recursion leverages sophisticated machine–learning algorithms to distill from its dataset a collection of trillions of searchable relationships across biology and chemistry unconstrained by human bias. By commanding massive experimental scale — up to millions of wet lab experiments weekly — and massive computational scale — owning and operating one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world, Recursion is uniting technology, biology, chemistry and patient–centric data to advance the future of medicine.

Recursion is headquartered in Salt Lake City, where it is a founding member of BioHive, the Utah life sciences industry collective. Recursion also has offices in Toronto, Montreal and the San Francisco Bay Area. Learn more at, or connect on X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn.

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Forward–Looking Statements
This document contains information that includes or is based upon “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including, without limitation, all statements that are not historical facts. Forward–looking statements may or may not include identifying words such as “plan,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “believe,” “potential,” “continue,” and similar terms. These statements are subject to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements, including but not limited to: challenges inherent in pharmaceutical research and development, including the timing and results of preclinical and clinical programs, where the risk of failure is high and failure can occur at any stage prior to or after regulatory approval due to lack of sufficient efficacy, safety considerations, or other factors; our ability to leverage and enhance our drug discovery platform; our ability to obtain financing for development activities and other corporate purposes; the success of our collaboration activities; our ability to obtain regulatory approval of, and ultimately commercialize, drug candidates; our ability to obtain, maintain, and enforce intellectual property protections; cyberattacks or other disruptions to our technology systems; our ability to attract, motivate, and retain key employees and manage our growth; inflation and other macroeconomic issues; and other risks and uncertainties such as those described under the heading “Risk Factors” in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10–K. All forward–looking statements are based on management’s current estimates, projections, and assumptions, and Recursion undertakes no obligation to correct or update any such statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise, except to the extent required by applicable law.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at–bada–4c3e–a55f–d8eabecf35ad

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9090097)

Lantronix Announces New FOX4 and Bolero 43 Edge Compute Trackers, Expanding Its Award-Winning Telematic Gateways Family

IRVINE, Calif., April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global provider of compute and connectivity IoT solutions, today launched its new FOX4 and Bolero 43 edge compute tracker telematic gateways. Designed for assets and fleet management, both products come pre–configured with Lantronix’s Percepxion™ IoT edge software platform, which provides secure, comprehensive IoT device provisioning and management. The two new products were showcased in the Lantronix booths at Embedded World 2024 (Hall 3, booth 356) held April 9–11, 2024, in Nuremberg, Germany, and ISC West 2024 (booth 7117) held April 10–12, 2024, in Las Vegas.

Ursula Hess, CEO of Quantum Aviation, a customer of Lantronix telematic products, said,Utilizing Lantronix’s FOX Series Telematic Gateways, we are able to feed reliable, real–time data to our cloud–based software solution, which gives our aviation customers access to critical information for real–time visibility and actions as well as long–term analytics.”

According to Berg Insight, the global shipments of aftermarket telematic devices will grow at a CAGR of 10.5 percent in the next five years to reach 77.6 million units in 2027 for a total market value estimated to reach $3.7 billion by 2027. Lantronix’s innovative hardware and software effectively target this market, supporting these growth trends.

“Our new telematic devices provide a complete package that merges connectivity and cloud device management with award–winning hardware,” said Jacques Issa, VP of Marketing for Lantronix. “Lantronix is committed to innovation by introducing integrated hardware and software products where ease of use in customizing, on–boarding and provisioning remotely is paramount.”

The FOX4 Edge Compute Tracker

The latest upgrade in Lantronix’s FOX series, the FOX4 Edge Compute Tracker offers seamless integration of cellular and GNSS technologies, now enriched with BLE and Wi–Fi® connectivity, alongside advanced security features. FOX4 is engineered for versatility, and its design is optimal for a wide range of applications, from industrial complexes to urban landscapes. FOX 4 also offers the capability to support both internal and external antennas.

With robust support for PFAL scripting, LUA, MQTT, Azure and REST API, the FOX4 Series Trackers ensure that the user’s product can seamlessly communicate with virtually any telematics platform, reducing development time and accelerating the path to market.

The Bolero 43 Edge Compute Tracker

The Bolero 43 Edge Compute Tracker excels in asset and fleet management and Industrial IoT applications, such as manufacturing and automation. A derivative of the FOX4 series, the Bolero 43 integrates into the same ecosystem and uses the same programming languages. Designed for harsh environments, the Bolero 43 features an IP68 rating and a rugged design for durability. It is now globally available.

Both the FOX4 and Bolero 43 Edge Compute Trackers feature customization capabilities that are facilitated by the intuitive Workbench tool, enabling easy customizations from performance optimization to unique functionality integration.

Uninterrupted Uptime With Lantronix Connectivity Services SIM Card

FOX4 and Bolero 43 Series Telematic Gateways come preinstalled with Lantronix’s Connectivity Services SIM card that empowers users with a wide range of carrier options, allowing them to select the most suitable network provider, including industry leaders such as Verizon, AT&T and T–Mobile in North America as well as multiple carriers in the Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

Percepxion Service for Lantronix IoT Device Lifecycle Management

Delivered as a service, the Percepxion IoT edge software platform provides comprehensive device management through an intuitive single–pane–of–glass dashboard. Percepxion efficiently scales IoT edge deployments, including telematic gateways, from regional to global installations. This service will position Lantronix to target Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) growth in the coming year.

Learn more about Percepxion and review its 60–day free trial offer here.

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global provider of compute and connectivity IoT solutions that target high–growth industries including Smart Cities, Automotive and Enterprise. Lantronix’s products and services empower companies to achieve success in the growing IoT markets by delivering customizable solutions that address each layer of the IoT Stack. Lantronix’s leading–edge solutions include Intelligent Substations infrastructure, Infotainment systems and Video Surveillance, supplemented with advanced Out–of–Band Management (OOB) for Cloud and Edge Computing.

For more information, visit the Lantronix website.

“Safe Harbor” Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Any statements set forth in this news release that are not entirely historical and factual in nature, including without limitation statements related to our solutions, technologies and products, as well as the FOX4, Bolero 43 and Percepxion, and expectations regarding our management and our future growth and profitability. These forward–looking statements are based on our current expectations and are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results, future business, financial condition, or performance to differ materially from our historical results or those expressed or implied in any forward–looking statement contained in this news release. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as the effects of negative or worsening regional and worldwide economic conditions or market instability on our business, including effects on purchasing decisions by our customers; our ability to mitigate any disruption in our and our suppliers’ and vendors’ supply chains due to the COVID–19 pandemic or other outbreaks, wars and recent tensions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, or other factors; future responses to and effects of public health crises; cybersecurity risks; changes in applicable U.S. and foreign government laws, regulations, and tariffs; our ability to successfully implement our acquisitions strategy or integrate acquired companies; difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights; the level of our indebtedness, our ability to service our indebtedness and the restrictions in our debt agreements; and any additional factors included in our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) on Sept. 12, 2023, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part I of such report; in our Quarterly Report on Form 10–Q for the fiscal quarter ended Dec. 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on Feb. 8, 2024, including in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Item 1A of Part II of such report; as well as in our other public filings with the SEC. Additional risk factors may be identified from time to time in our future filings. The forward–looking statements included in this release speak only as of the date hereof, and we do not undertake any obligation to update these forward–looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.

© 2024 Lantronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Lantronix is a registered trademark. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

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Gail Kathryn Miller
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Jeremy Whitaker
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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9090099)

Rural Entrepreneurs Thriving Against All Odds in Zimbabwe

Tapera Saizi, a carpenter stationed at Juru Growth Point, has managed to take care of his family through his rural business. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS

Tapera Saizi, a carpenter stationed at Juru Growth Point, has managed to take care of his family through his rural business. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IPS

By Jeffrey Moyo
JURU Growth Point, ZIMBABWE, Apr 16 2024 – With heavy sweat drenching his face and his shirt soaked in the sweat, 39-year-old Proud Ndukulani wrestled with a homemade knife, which he dipped in some used oil, before turning the glistening knife upon a rather tough and dusty tyre obtained from what he said was a forklift.

His assistant stood by his side as he (Ndukulani) cut some tough rubber from the giant tyre lying outside an open shade roofed with aging asbestos sheets at Juru Growth Point, located 52 km east of Harare in Zimbabwe’s Goromonzi district in the country’s Mashonaland East province. 

From these rubber pieces, Ndukulani, operating his entity known as Sinyoro, said he made suspension bushings for vehicles of all shapes and sizes, while he also made the same for engine mountings, a business he said he has been running for the past three years.

At a popular nightclub known as CNN, a dressmaker in his 80s was busy on his sewing machine. A pile of clothes he was mending was scattered on his old wooden table, upon which also sat his old sewing machine, branded Singer, with customers, young and old, swarming around him.

Despite business confidence being at its lowest across Zimbabwe’s towns and cities, backyard entrepreneurs’ activities in remote areas are thriving, although they are contending with their own share of hurdles amid Zimbabwe’s comatose economy.

“I make bushings for vehicle suspension and engine mounting. I have been in this business for the past three years,” Ndukulani told IPS as he wiped some sweat off his face using the back of his right hand.

He (Ndukulani) boasted of making about USD 300 to 400 each month at his workshop, housed in the shade once used as a market for vendors.

Forty-year-old Tapera Saizi, a carpenter also stationed at Juru Growth Point at his workshop named Madzibaba Furnitures, said he had come a long way with his enterprise.

For years, Juru Growth Point has become famed for its bustling activities as it teems with entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes, some like Saizi, who is making wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, chairs, and beds.

For over two decades since the Zimbabwean government seized land from white commercial farmers in its quest to address land ownership imbalances, the economy has taken a nosedive.

Dozens of industries shut down, leading to ballooning joblessness in the country, with the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) putting the rate of unemployment at 90 percent countrywide.

ZCTU is the primary trade union federation in Zimbabwe.

Yet even so, the southern African nation’s rural dwellers have endured, stepping up with survival means amid the mounting hardships.

Like 46-year-old Mashoko Kufazvinei, a proud owner of a vehicle repair workshop at Juru Growth Point, who said he had been operating his workshop for two decades.

“I started working on this business in 2004. I was working in the Midlands, where I trained as a motor mechanic and I had to come here in 2004 to set up my business,” Kufazvinei said.

From the proceeds of his enterprise, he said he is paying for his children’s education—five of them, while his first-born son, 24-year-old Simbarashe, is already working with him after completing his high school education.

Not only that, but Kufazvinei said that thanks to his motor repair enterprise, he has also built his own rural home, and he now owns a piece of land that he bought at Juru Growth Point to build another family house.

As a Mazda open-truck vehicle drove into Kufazvinei’s workshop, he said, “I have my own car, the one you are seeing arriving here, which I bought using proceeds from this business.”

Like Saizi, who lamented that business was slow at Juru Growth Point, Kufazvinei also acknowledged that these days things were hard as vehicle owners were without money to spend on fixing their cars.

For five years, Saizi said he has been operating as a carpenter at Juru Growth Point, and just like many, such as Kufazvinei, through his carpentry business, he has managed to take care of his family, paying fees for his five school-going children.

“We don’t struggle to find at least a little money, even if we may fail to overcome all the difficulties. We won’t fail to raise money to buy basics like salt and slippers for children and other basics,” Saizi told IPS.

He used an electric planer to refine a wooden bed that he was working on while being interviewed.

But local authorities are not pleased with the rural entrepreneurs’ endeavors, blaming them for triggering disorder, particularly at Juru Growth Point.

“These backyard entrepreneurs are often dirty and they don’t want to work outside the center of the growth point where we allocate them space. They prefer being within the shopping center. Usually, the places we allocate them are far from the shops, but they want where there is activity where they can meet customers,” Rose Hondo, a revenue officer at the council office at Juru Growth Point, told IPS.

As rural entrepreneurs thrive in this southern African nation, the country’s permanent secretary in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Mavis Sibanda, has gone on record in the media claiming the government is scaling up rural industrialization.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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