Maior Festival Mundial de Coquetéis Revela Jacob Martin como Melhor Bartender do Mundo

SÃO PAULO, Brasil, Sept. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, do Canad, foi reconhecido pelas celebridades da indstria como o Melhor Bartender do Mundo de 2023. Ele eliminou uma concorrncia de mais de 10.000 bartenders de elite que tentaram conquistar o Everest de bartending deste ano.

Jacob participou de uma srie de desafios ao longo da competio de quatro dias. Desde a criao de coquetis clssicos at o famoso TEN com o favorito dos bartenders, Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob tambm ousou com os sabores do Johnnie Walker Black Label, alm de criar um coquetel Ketel One Decorado com Good que no apenas impressionou os jurados com a criatividade do sabor, mas tambm teve um impacto positivo na sua comunidade local no Canad.

Ao vencer, Jacob disse: " uma honra inacreditvel ganhar o World Class. Alm de ser o ponto mais alto da indstria, tambm pela oportunidade que tive de poder competir com os gigantes do setor esta semana. A comunidade de Bartenders incrvel e me lembrei disso durante toda a semana. Ns nos incentivamos, aprendemos uns com os outros e pudemos vivenciar a incrvel energia desta cidade fantstica. O padro da competio foi excepcional e agora estou louco para experimentar um coquetel feito por outra pessoa!"

Como parte da competio, So Paulo contou com bartenders de renome mundial, incluindo Monica Berg (da Tayer + Elementary de Londres), Giacomo Giannotti (do Melhor Bar do Mundo, Paradiso em Barcelona) e Ago Perrone (do Connaught Bar de Londres) que foram jurados do evento e anfitries de experincias especiais de “Classe Mundial” em alguns dos locais mais emblemticos da vida noturna da cidade.

A competio tambm deu incio ao World Class Cocktail Festival com incrveis colaboraes de bar em toda a cidade, incluindo Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan e Guilhotina Bar.

O The World Class Cocktail Festival se estende por mais de 1.000 locais em todo o Brasil, proporcionando a centenas de milhares de amantes de coquetis experincias nicas com Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN e Don Julio.

O World Class deste ano tambm contou com o Frum da Indstria, uma oportunidade de envolver, educar e inspirar a comunidade de bartending com seminrios e painis de discusso com jurados e convidados do World Class "" os destaques incluram: "From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them", com a vencedora do World Class 2017, Kaitlyn Stewart e a Gerente Global de Cultura de Reserva da Diageo, Giuliana Pe Benito e "Behind the Scenes of the World 's Best Bars" com proprietrios de bares, incluindo Monica Berg, Thiago Benares e Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Diretora Global da Diageo World Class, disse: "Dar seguimento ao World Class do ano passado em Sydney foi um grande desafio, mas as equipes do World Class de todo o mundo, a equipe do Brasil e, claro, nossos incrveis 54 concorrentes, levaram o desafio a srio e venceram com muito orgulho. O nvel de energia aqui incrvel e depois de tantos meses de planejamento, uma grande emoo ver tudo funcionado to bem. muito emocionante ver uma cidade brilhar com timas bebidas e timas experincias.

“Jacob realmente levou esta competio para o prximo nvel "" ele se destacou em as reas e o feedback dos jurados foi incrvel. Jacob mereceu o prmio e mal posso esperar para trabalhar com ele nos prximos 12 meses "" ele vai longe."

Desde a sua estreia em 2009, o Diageo World Class tem tido um papel significativo na inspirao das melhores bebidas e na transformao da cultura de coquetis em todo o mundo. Ele apoia mais de 450.000 bartenders em todo o mundo por meio de treinamento e educao.

Para obter mais informaes sobre o World Class e para se manter atualizado com as ltimas bebidas, tendncias e treinamento, visite–class–/ e siga @WorldClass no Instagram.

Sarah Deller

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8941442)

Weltgrößtes Cocktail-Festival kürt Jacob Martin zum besten Barkeeper der Welt

SÃO PAULO, Brasilien, Sept. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Der Kanadier Jacob Martin ist von Branchenlegenden als "World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023" ausgezeichnet worden. Er setzte sich gegen eine Konkurrenz von ber 10.000 anderen Elite–Barkeepern durch, die den diesjhrigen Everest des Barkeepings zu erklimmen versuchten.

Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs nahm Herr Martin vier Tage lang an einer Reihe von Aufgabenstellungen teil. Herr Martin kreierte nicht nur klassische Cocktails und erhob sie mit dem Barkeeper–Liebling Tanqueray No. TEN zu einer glatten Zehn, sondern wagte sich mit der Geschmacksvielfalt von Johnnie Walker Black Label noch einen Schritt weiter und kreierte einen Ketel One Garnished with Good–Cocktail, der die Jury nicht nur mit seiner Geschmackskreativitt beeindruckte, sondern auch einen positiven Einfluss auf die lokale Gemeinschaft in Kanada hatte.

Nach seinem Gewinn sagte Herr Martin: "Es ist eine unglaubliche Ehre, diese World Class–Auszeichnung zu erhalten. Nicht nur, weil sie die hchste Ehrung in der Branche ist, sondern auch wegen der Giganten, mit denen ich mich in dieser Woche messen durfte. Das Bartending ist eine wunderbare Gemeinschaft, und diese Woche hat mich immer wieder daran erinnert. Wir haben uns alle gegenseitig ermutigt, voneinander gelernt und von der unglaublichen Energie dieser fantastischen Stadt profitiert. Das Niveau des Wettbewerbs war astronomisch "" jetzt freue ich mich einfach darauf, einen Cocktail zu genieen, der von jemand anderem gemacht wurde!"

Im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs begrte So Paulo weltbekannte Barkeeper wie Monica Berg (Tayer + Elementary, London), Giacomo Giannotti ("World's Best Bar" Paradiso, Barcelona) und Ago Perrone (The Connaught Bar, London) als Juroren fr den Wettbewerb und Mitveranstalter spezieller "World Class"–Erlebnisse in einigen der berhmtesten Ausgehviertel der Stadt.

Der Wettbewerb bildet auch den Auftakt zum World Class Cocktail Festival, bei dem in der ganzen Stadt auergewhnliche Bar–Kooperationen, etwa in der Bar Dos Arcos, im Tan Tan und in der Guilhotina Bar, stattfinden.

Insgesamt erstreckt sich das World Class Cocktail Festival auf ber 1.000 Veranstaltungsorte in ganz Brasilien und bietet Hunderttausenden von Cocktail–Liebhabern einzigartige Erlebnisse mit Marken wie Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN und Don Julio.

Bei der diesjhrigen World Class gab es auch ein Branchenforum "" eine Gelegenheit, die Barkeepergemeinschaft mit Seminaren und Podiumsdiskussionen von World Class–Juroren und –Gsten einzubeziehen, weiterzubilden und zu inspirieren. Zu den Hhepunkten gehrten: "Von Insta zum echten Leben: Trends und wie man sie meistert", mit der Gewinnerin der World Class 2017, Kaitlyn Stewart, und der Diageo Global Reserve Culture Managerin Giuliana Pe Benito sowie "Hinter den Kulissen der besten Bars der Welt" mit Barbesitzerinnen und –besitzern wie Monica Berg, Thiago Benares und Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Global Head of Diageo World Class, sagte dazu: "An die World Class in Sydney im letzten Jahr anzuknpfen war natrlich eine groe Herausforderung, aber die World Class–Teams auf der ganzen Welt, das brasilianische Team und auch unsere talentierten 54 Wettbewerbsteilnehmer haben sich dieser Herausforderung gestellt und alles gegeben. Die Energie, die hier vor Ort herrscht, ist unglaublich, und nach so vielen Monaten der Planung ist es eine wahre Freude zu sehen, wie alles zusammenkommt. Es ist so aufregend zu sehen, wie eine Stadt mit groartigen Getrnken und groartigen Erlebnissen zum Leben erwacht."

"Herr Martin hat diesen Wettbewerb wirklich auf die nchste Stufe gehoben "" er hat in allen Bereichen brilliert und das Feedback der Jury war unglaublich. Herr Martin ist ein verdienter Gewinner und ich kann es kaum erwarten, in den nchsten 12 Monaten mit ihm zu arbeiten. Er wird es weit bringen."

Seit der Einfhrung im Jahr 2009 hat Diageo World Class eine wichtige Rolle dabei gespielt, zu besserem Trinken zu inspirieren und die Cocktailkultur auf der ganzen Welt zu verndern, indem es ber 450.000 Barkeeper weltweit durch Schulungen und Trainings untersttzt hat.

Fr weitere Informationen ber World Class und um ber die neuesten Getrnke, Trends und Schulungen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, besuchen Sie–class–/ und folgen Sie @WorldClass auf Instagram.

Sarah Deller

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8941442)

Le plus grand festival de cocktails au monde dévoile Jacob Martin comme meilleur bartender du monde

SÃO PAULO, Brésil, 30 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, du Canada, a t dsign World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 par les lgendes de l'industrie. Il a remport le concours face plus de 10 000 autres bartenders de haut niveau qui se sont essays l'Everest du bartending de cette anne.

Dans le cadre du concours, Jacob a pass une srie de dfis sur une priode de quatre jours. En plus de concocter des cocktails classiques et de les lever un niveau suprieur avec le gin favori des bartenders Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob a galement os aller plus loin avec la polyvalence de saveurs de Johnnie Walker Black Label, avant de crer un cocktail Ketel One Garnished with Good qui a non seulement impressionn les juges de par sa crativit gustative, mais a aussi eu un impact positif sur leur communaut locale au Canada.

Aprs sa victoire, Jacob a dclar : C'est un incroyable honneur de gagner World Class. Non seulement parce que cela reprsente le sommet de l'industrie, mais aussi en raison des gants que j'ai eu le privilge d'affronter cette semaine. La communaut du bartending est incroyable et cette semaine me l'a constamment rappel. Nous nous sommes tous pousss les uns et les autres, avons appris les uns des autres et avons puis dans la fantastique nergie de cette ville incroyable. Le niveau du concours tait extraordinaire, mais pour l'instant, j'ai juste hte de dguster un cocktail prpar par quelqu'un d'autre !

Dans le cadre du concours, So Paulo a vu des bartenders de renomme mondiale comme Monica Berg (de Tayer + Elementary Londres), Giacomo Giannotti (du meilleur bar du monde, le Paradiso Barcelone) ou encore Ago Perrone (de The Connaught Bar Londres) investir la ville pour juger l'vnement et accueillir des expriences World Class spciales dans certains des tablissements nocturnes les plus emblmatiques de la ville.

Le concours marque galement le dbut du World Class Cocktail Festival, avec de formidables collaborations de bars dans toute la ville, notamment le Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan et le Guilhotina Bar.

Globalement, le World Class Cocktail Festival s'tend dans plus de 1 000 tablissements travers le Brsil, offrant des centaines de milliers d'amateurs de cocktails des expriences uniques de la part de marques telles que Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN et Don Julio.

Le World Class de cette anne a galement vu l'inclusion de l'Industry Forum, une chance de s'engager, d'duquer et d'inspirer la communaut du bartending avec des sminaires et des tables rondes de juges et d'invits World Class. Parmi les points saillants du forum, on peut citer From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them (D'Insta la vraie vie : tendances et comment les matriser) avec Kaitlyn Stewart, laurate du concours World Class 2017, et Giuliana Pe Benito, directrice mondiale de la culture chez Diageo Reserve, ainsi que Behind the Scenes of the World's Best Bars (Dans les coulisses des meilleurs bars du monde) avec des propritaires de bars comme Monica Berg, Thiago Benares et Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, directrice mondiale de Diageo World Class, a dclar : Aprs le succs du World Class Sydney l'anne dernire, les quipes World Class du monde entier, l'quipe du Brsil et, bien sr, nos formidables 54 comptiteurs ont tous mis les bouches doubles et vraiment assur cette anne. Le niveau d'nergie sur le terrain ici est incroyable et aprs de nombreux mois de planification, c'tait formidable de tout voir se concrtiser comme cela. C'est vraiment palpitant de voir une ville prendre vie avec des cocktails de qualit et des expriences exceptionnelles.

Jacob a vritablement port le concours un niveau suprieur. Il a excell dans tous les domaines et les commentaires des juges taient extrmement positifs. Jacob mrite largement sa victoire et je suis impatiente de travailler avec lui au cours des 12 prochains mois "" il ira loin.

Depuis son lancement en 2009, Diageo World Class joue un rle significatif dans l'inspiration d'une exprience de consommation d'alcool plus raffine et la transformation de la culture du cocktail l'chelle mondiale, en soutenant plus de 450 000 bartenders dans le monde travers des formations et l'ducation.

Pour en savoir plus sur World Class et vous tenir au courant des dernires crations, tendances et formations, rendez–vous sur–class–/ et suivez @WorldClass sur Instagram.

Contact :
Sarah Deller

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8941442)

World’s Biggest Cocktail Festival Unveils Jacob Martin as World’s Best Bartender

SÃO PAULO, Brazil, Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, from Canada, has been recognised by industry legends as the 2023 World Class Global Bartender of the Year. He shook off competition from over 10,000 other elite bartenders who attempted this year's Everest of bartending.

The competition saw Jacob participate in a series of challenges over four days. From creating classic cocktails and elevating them to a TEN with bartender favourite, Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob also dared to go one step beyond with Johnnie Walker Black Label's versatility of flavours, as well as creating a Ketel One Garnished with Good cocktail which not only impressed the judges with its flavour creativity but delivered a positive impact in their local community in Canada.

Upon winning, Jacob said: "It's an unbelievable honour to win World Class. Not just because it's the pinnacle of the industry but also because of the giants I've had the privilege of competing with this week. Bartending is an amazing community and this week has constantly reminded me of that. We have all pushed each other, learned from each other and fed off the amazing energy from this fantastic city. The standard of the competition was out of this world, but right now I'm just looking forward to enjoying a cocktail made by someone else!"

As part of the competition, So Paulo has seen world–renowned bartenders including Monica Berg (from London's Tayer + Elementary), Giacomo Giannotti (from the World's Best Bar, Paradiso in Barcelona) and Ago Perrone (from London's The Connaught Bar) descend on the city to judge the event and host special "World Class' experiences in some of the city's most iconic nightlife venues.

The competition also signals the beginning of the World Class Cocktail Festival, with amazing bar collaborations across the city including Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan and Guilhotina Bar.

Overall, The World Class Cocktail Festival extends to over 1,000 venues across Brazil, giving hundreds of thousands of cocktail lovers unique experiences from the likes of Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN and Don Julio.

This year's World Class also saw the inclusion of the Industry Forum, a chance to engage, educate and inspire the bartending community with seminars and panel discussions from World Class judges and guests "" highlights included: "From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them", featuring World Class 2017 winner, Kaitlyn Stewart and Diageo Global Reserve Culture Manager, Giuliana Pe Benito and "Behind the Scenes of the World's Best Bars" with bar owners including Monica Berg, Thiago Benares and Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Global Head of Diageo World Class said: "Following last year's World Class in Sydney was always going to be a big ask, but the World Class teams around the world, the Brazil team and, of course, our amazing 54 competitors have all stepped up to the plate and knocked it out the park. The level of energy on the ground here is incredible and after so many months of planning it's been such a thrill to see it all come together like this. It's so exciting to see a city come alive with great drinks and great experiences.

“Jacob has truly taken this competition to the next level "" he excelled across the board and the feedback from the judges has been incredible. Jacob is such a deserving winner and I can't wait to work with him over the next 12 months "" he'll go far."

Since its launch in 2009, Diageo World Class has played a significant role in inspiring better drinking and transforming cocktail culture around the world by supporting over 450,000 bartenders worldwide through training and education.

For more information on World Class and to keep up to date with the latest drinks, trends and training, visit–class–/ and follow @WorldClass on Instagram.

Sarah Deller

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–50a6–4616–a676–43fa1257b526–04e1–4884–b53a–414e4ae79329–ded1–4024–b1c3–6e62f04cf551

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8930946)

Heineken® Partners with Jill Scott MBE and Gary Neville to Tackle Online Sexism by Swapping Social Media Accounts

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Former England international players, turned pundits Jill Scott MBE and Gary Neville tasted life in a different dugout as part of a Heineken social experiment entitled, "The Social Swap' aimed at addressing gender bias when it comes to women sharing their opinions about football on social media.

"The Social Swap' saw Jill and Gary secretly switch social accounts for five days to share their genuine views on matches, from the use of VAR to team rivalries and match predictions. The only catch? Jill was posting from Gary's account, and Gary was using Jill's account.

The experiment acted as a reminder of football's journey to become more inclusive, with Jill's account receiving 5 times more sexist responses compared to Gary's when sharing similar points of view and commentary online. Example responses to the pundits' posts during the swap illustrating gender bias:

Check out a short film of the pair discussing the experiment, including some of the sexist reactions from social media users, here.

Jill Scott MBE says: "Attitudes have definitely changed, but there's no doubt that female fans, pundits and players still get a lot more online negativity than men due to gender bias. You develop a thick skin "" but we shouldn't have to. Some people have probably been left a little red–faced by this experiment but hopefully it's reminded everyone of the need to kick gender bias out of the game for good. Anyone can be a fan of sport, regardless of gender and it's time to remember this."

Gary Neville says: "The heated debates and rivalries are what makes football so exhilarating. But when negativity is linked to gender, this goes too far, especially from behind a screen. By putting myself in Jill's shoes and seeing the reaction, I have seen first–hand the uglier side of this sport that I love and want to make it clear that football is for everyone. On the pitch and online, we should treat each other with respect no matter our gender, race, sexuality or what colour shirt we're wearing."

In addition to using "The Social Swap' to highlight the issue of gender bias in football conversations online, Heineken is kicking off the new football season by unleashing the power of AI to help fans blow the whistle on online sexist toxicity and ensure all fans can freely share their opinions without the fear of abuse.

Thanks to Heineken 's new partnership with Arwen, thousands of football supporters will be granted free access to its AI–powered online moderation tool1. The Arwen tool lets users filter negativity from their social media feeds by hiding any unwanted or offensive comments and spam. To get your free access1, click HERE:

Nabil Nasser, Global Head of Heineken Brand says: "Heineken wants to be the most inclusive sponsor in football and 'The Social Swap' shows not only the unfair imbalance in football fan culture but also how important it is that we all give gender bias and online toxicity the red card! As well as tackling the issue head on by calling out harmful practices, by teaming up with Arwen, we are excited to be able to be leveraging new AI technology to help fans ditch the negative noise and for this new season keep conversations about football, just about football."

"The Social Swap' is part of a series of campaigns from Heineken 's "Cheers To All Fans' UEFA sponsorship platform, which aims to level the playing field for all fans by tackling the issues that prevent them from having an enjoyable, inclusive experience.

Editorial information:

  • Please find more information about Heineken's commitment to making football more inclusive here
  • Please find the high–resolution downloadable campaign images here.
  • A campaign microsite link with video and the social media moderation tool can be found here. For more information, please contact:

HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long–term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through “Brewing a Better World”, sustainability is embedded in the business.
HEINEKEN has a well–balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY).
Most recent information is available on HEINEKEN's website: and follow us on Twitter via @HEINEKENCorp.


1 5,000 fans will get Free access to the service on a three–month trial. Fans interested in trialling a toxic–free social media world can sign up on a first come, first serve basis

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–854e–4a47–86a1–4c40147de7e4–4fe3–44e4–93a6–2c00294da492

A video accompanying this announcement is available at:–cb7a–4cc0–bcdf–3f1370189f43

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922195)

A Heineken® associa-se a Jill Scott MBE e Gary Neville para combater o sexismo online ao trocar secretamente as contas das redes sociais

AMESTERDÃO, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Os ex–jogadores internacionais de Inglaterra, agora analistas, Jill Scott MBE e Gary Neville experimentaram sentar–se num banco diferente no mbito de uma experincia social da Heineken , intitulada "The Social Swap" e destinada a abordar o preconceito de gnero quando se trata de mulheres a partilhar as suas opinies sobre futebol nas redes sociais.

Na "The Social Swap", Jill e Gary mudaram secretamente de contas sociais durante cinco dias para partilharem as suas opinies genunas sobre os jogos, desde a utilizao do VAR s rivalidades entre equipas e previses de jogos. O nico seno? Jill estava a publicar a partir da conta de Gary e este estava a utilizar a conta de Jill.

A experincia serviu para mostrar o lado mais feio do futebol que ainda existe online, com a conta de Jill a receber 5 vezes mais respostas sexistas em comparao com a de Gary ao partilhar pontos de vista e comentrios semelhantes online. Exemplos de respostas s publicaes dos analistas durante a troca que ilustram o preconceito de gnero:

Veja um curto vdeo do par a discutir a experincia, incluindo algumas das reaes sexistas dos utilizadores das redes sociais, aqui.

Jill Scott MBE diz: "As atitudes mudaram definitivamente, mas no h dvida de que as mulheres adeptas, analistas e jogadoras continuam a ter muito mais negatividade online do que os homens devido ao preconceito de gnero. Criamos uma couraa, mas no devamos ter de o fazer. Algumas pessoas ficaram provavelmente envergonhadas com esta experincia, mas esperamos que tenha lembrado a todos da necessidade de eliminar o preconceito de gnero do jogo para sempre. Qualquer pessoa pode ser f de desporto, independentemente do gnero, e est na altura de nos lembrarmos disso."

Gary Neville diz: "Os debates animados e as rivalidades so o que torna o futebol to emocionante. Mas quando a negatividade ligada ao gnero, estamos a ir longe demais, especialmente atrs de um ecr. Ao colocar–me no lugar de Jill e ver a reao, vi em primeira mo o lado mais feio deste desporto que adoro e quero deixar claro que o futebol para todos. Em campo e online, devemos tratar–nos uns aos outros com respeito, independentemente do nosso sexo, raa, sexualidade ou da cor da camisola que estamos a usar."

Para alm de utilizar a "The Social Swap" para destacar a questo do preconceito de gnero no futebol nas conversas online, a Heineken d o pontap de sada da nova temporada de futebol ao libertar o poder da IA para ajudar os adeptos a denunciar a toxicidade sexista online e garantir que todos os adeptos podem partilhar livremente as suas opinies sem medo de abuso.

Graas nova parceria da Heineken com a Arwen, milhares de adeptos de futebol tero acesso gratuito sua ferramenta1 de moderao online alimentada por IA. A ferramenta Arwen permite aos utilizadores filtrar a negatividade dos seus feeds de redes sociais ocultando quaisquer comentrios indesejados ou ofensivos e spam. Para obter o seu acesso gratuito1, clique AQUI

Nabil Nasser, Diretor Global da Marca Heineken , afirma: "A Heineken quer ser o patrocinador mais inclusivo do futebol e a "The Social Swap" mostra no s o desequilbrio injusto na cultura dos adeptos do futebol, como tambm o quo importante todos mostrarmos o carto vermelho ao preconceito de gnero e toxicidade online! Para alm de abordarmos o problema de frente, denunciando prticas nefastas, ao juntarmo–nos Arwen, estamos entusiasmados por podermos aproveitar a nova tecnologia de IA para ajudar os adeptos a abandonar o rudo negativo e a manter as conversas sobre futebol, apenas sobre futebol nesta nova temporada."

A "The Social Swap" faz parte de uma srie de campanhas da plataforma de patrocnio da UEFA "Cheers To All Fans" da Heineken , que visa promover a igualdade para todos os adeptos, abordando os problemas que os impedem de ter uma experincia agradvel e inclusiva.

Informaes editoriais:

  • Encontre mais informaes sobre o compromisso da Heineken em tornar o futebol mais inclusivo aqui
  • Encontre as imagens da campanha em alta resoluo para download e o vdeo da campanha aqui.
  • Pode encontrar aqui uma ligao para o microsite da campanha com vdeo e a ferramenta de moderao de redes sociais aqui. Para mais informaes, contacte:

HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long–term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through "Brewing a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business.
HEINEKEN has a well–balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY).
Most recent information is available on HEINEKEN's website: and follow us on Twitter via @HEINEKENCorp.

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Vdeo deste comunicado disponvel em:–cb7a–4cc0–bcdf–3f1370189f43

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922195)

Heineken® Partner mit Jill Scott MBE und Gary Neville gehen Sexismus im Internet durch Tausch ihrer Social-Media-Profile an

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jill Scott MBE, ehemalige englische Nationalspielerin, und Gary Neville, ehemaliger Nationaltrainer, beide heute als Fussballexperten ttig, haben im Rahmen eines sozialen Experiments von Heineken mit dem Titel "The Social Swap" (Der Social–Tausch) das Leben in dem anderen Spielfeld ausprobiert, um gegen geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierung vorzugehen und um auf das Thema Meinungsuerungen von Frauen ber Fussball in den sozialen Medien aufmerksam zu machen.

Beim "The Social Swap" tauschten Jill und Gary fnf Tage lang heimlich ihre Profile in sozialen Medien, um ihre ehrlichen Ansichten ber Spiele auszutauschen "" vom Einsatz des VAR bis hin zu Teamrivalitten und Spielvorhersagen. Der einzige Haken? Jill hat von Garys Konto aus gepostet und Gary hat Jills Konto benutzt.

Das Experiment zeigte die hssliche Seite des wunderbaren Spiels, die es noch stets im Internet gibt. Jills Konto erhielt 5–mal mehr sexistische Antworten & Kommentare als Garys, wenn er hnliche Ansichten und Kommentare online teilte. Beispielhafte Antworten auf die Beitrge der Experten whrend des Tauschs, die geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile veranschaulichen:

Sehen Sie sich hier einen kurzen Film an, in dem die beiden ber das Experiment diskutieren und einige der sexistischen Reaktionen von Nutzern sozialer Medien zeigen.

Jill Scott MBE sagt: "Die Einstellung hat sich definitiv gendert, aber es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass weibliche Fans, Expertinnen und Spielerinnen aufgrund von Vorurteilen gegenber dem Geschlecht immer noch viel mehr negative Kommentare im Internet erhalten als Mnner. Man entwickelt ein dickes Fell "" aber das sollten wir nicht mssen. Einige Leute sind durch dieses Experiment wahrscheinlich ein wenig verrgert, aber hoffentlich hat es alle an die Notwendigkeit erinnert, geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile endgltig aus dem Spiel zu verbannen. Jeder kann ein Fan des Sports sein, unabhngig vom Geschlecht, und es ist an der Zeit, sich daran zu erinnern."

Gary Neville sagt: "Die erhitzten Debatten und Rivalitten machen den Fuball so spannend. Aber wenn Negativitt mit dem Geschlecht verknpft wird, geht das zu weit, vor allem hinter einem Bildschirm. Indem ich mich in Jills Lage versetze und die Reaktion sehe, habe ich aus erster Hand die hsslichere Seite dieses Sports gesehen, den ich liebe, und ich mchte klarstellen, dass Fuball fr alle ist. Auf dem Spielfeld und online sollten wir uns gegenseitig mit Respekt behandeln, unabhngig von Geschlecht, Rasse, Sexualitt oder der Farbe des Trikots, das wir tragen."

Heineken nutzt den "The Social Swap" nicht nur, um auf das Problem der geschlechtsspezifischen Voreingenommenheit im Fuballgesprchen online hinzuweisen, sondern startet auch die neue Fuballsaison durch den Einsatz der Macht der knstlichen Intelligenz, um Fans dabei zu helfen, sexistische Toxizitt im Internet aufzuspren und sicherzustellen, dass alle Fans ihre Meinung frei und ohne Angst vor Missbrauch kundtun knnen.

Dank der neuen Partnerschaft von Heineken mit Arwen wird tausenden Fuballfans kostenloser Zugriff auf sein KI–gesttztes Online–Moderationstool gewhrt.1 Mit dem Arwen–Tool knnen Nutzer Negatives aus ihren Social–Media–Feeds filtern, indem sie unerwnschte oder beleidigende Kommentare und Spam ausblenden. Um kostenlosen Zugriff zu erhalten1, klicken Sie HIER

Nabil Nasser, Global Head of Heineken Brand, sagt: "Heineken mchte der integrativste Sponsor im Fuball sein und "The Social Swap" zeigt nicht nur das unfaire Ungleichgewicht in der Fuballfankultur, sondern auch, wie wichtig es ist, dass wir der gesamten geschlechtsspezifischen Voreingenommenheit und Hass im Netz die rote Karte zeigen! Wir gehen das Problem nicht nur direkt an, indem wir schdliche Praktiken anprangern, sondern wir freuen uns, dass wir in Zusammenarbeit mit Arwen neue KI–Technologien einsetzen knnen, um den Fans dabei zu helfen, in der neuen Saison Negativitt loszuwerden und Gesprche ber Fuball nur ber Fuball zu fhren."

"The Social Swap" ist Teil einer Reihe von Kampagnen im Rahmen der UEFA–Sponsoringplattform "Cheers To All Fans" von Heineken , die darauf abzielt, allen Fans die gleichen Bedingungen zu bieten, indem sie die Probleme angeht, die sie daran hindern, ein angenehmes, integratives Erlebnis zu haben.

Redaktionelle Informationen:

  • Weitere Informationen ber Heinekens Engagement, Fuball inklusiver zu machen, finden Sie hier hochauflsenden herunterladbaren Kampagnenbilder finden Sie hier.
  • Den Microsite–Link zur Kampagne mit Video und dem Social Media Moderation Tool finden Sie hier Fr weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long–term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through "Brewing a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business.
HEINEKEN has a well–balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY).
Most recent information is available on HEINEKEN's website: and follow us on Twitter via @HEINEKENCorp.


1 5,000 fans will get Free access to the service on a three–month trial. Fans interested in trialling a toxic–free social media world can sign up on a first come, first serve basis

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8922195)

Haikenen? Aineken? Heineken®? Saber escrever o nome certo não necessariamente garante bons momentos, mas a marca de cerveja mais internacional do mundo sabe o que pode.

Amsterdam, June 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Heineken , uma das marcas de cerveja mais reconhecidas do mundo, est hoje comemorando seu 150 aniversrio com uma celebrao indita das muitas maneiras pelas quais foi apelidada, erroneamente escrita ou mal servida ao longo dos anos. Tudo isso para mostrar como os bons momentos e as conexes verdadeiras que surgem tomando uma cerveja so, no fim das contas, o que realmente importa.

As famosas palavras de Freddy Heineken "Eu no vendo cerveja, eu vendo gezelligheid" nunca soaram to verdadeiras. "Gezelligheid" pode ser traduzido como aquela sensao de bons momentos, algo que esteve no cerne da marca Heineken nos ltimos 150 anos. Para celebrar este momento marcante, a Heineken est colocando os bons momentos no centro das suas comemoraes globais de aniversrio.

claro que os bons momentos mudaram ao longo dos 150 anos de existncia da Heineken e continuaro mudando, mas sua importncia na vida das pessoas permanece a mesma. Reconhecendo isso e como parte da celebrao, a marca Heineken trabalhou com acadmicos para entender melhor os ingredientes necessrios para proporcionar essa sensao de "bons momentos" nos dias de hoje; uma necessidade humana surpreendentemente pouco estudada.

Marcando um momento importante na sua histria, a Heineken decidiu evoluir a forma com a qual mede o sucesso, concentrando–se no apenas no volume de cerveja que vende, mas tambm nos bons momentos que entrega para seus clientes em mais de 190 pases.

Para fazer isso, a Heineken colaborou com o cientista comportamental Dr. Chris Brauer, da Goldsmiths, University of London, para criar o "Good Times Index", um novo modelo de medio da marca que pontuar sua contribuio para criar as condies perfeitas para bons momentos. Combinando pesquisa comportamental humana com pesquisa global, o ndice identificou as cinco condies principais de que as pessoas precisam universalmente para vivenciar bons momentos, como mente aberta, incluso e conexo humana:

Com o Good Times Index em vigor, a Heineken se mantm fiel sua viso ao se tornar a primeira marca de cerveja a ter oficialmente a "entrega de bons momentos" como uma das maneiras pelas quais mede seu desempenho anual, junto s mtricas de vendas e outras mtricas de rastreamento da marca.

Bram Westenbrink, diretor global da marca Heineken , declarou: "Proporcionar bons momentos est em nosso DNA h 150 anos. por isso que estamos desenvolvendo as mtricas da nossa marca para mostrar que criar bons momentos to importante quanto a cerveja que produzimos. Ao entender melhor as condies por trs dos bons momentos no mundo de hoje, podemos continuar criando experincias que promovem essa sensao de gezelligheid para todos os nossos clientes globais, seja atravs das mensagens em nossa publicidade, nossos patrocnios e eventos ou, claro, nossa gama de produtos, incluindo nossa Heineken 0.0 sem lcool ou nossa Heineken Silver com um sabor mais moderno. A nossa meta continuar oferecendo bons momentos, de uma maneira ou de outra, pelos prximos 150 anos e alm."

O Dr. Chris Brauer, diretor de inovao da Goldsmiths, University of London, disse: "Quando iniciamos este projeto, reconhecemos que a compreenso do que um bom momento exigia uma perspectiva nova e mais moderna. Junto Heineken , trabalhamos para entender melhor as vrias dimenses que compem esse sentimento de "bons momentos" e as maneiras pelas quais ele vivenciado hoje. Os bons momentos no so apenas uma coisa ou outra, so uma infinidade de experincias, necessidades, desejos e sentimentos diferentes e subjetivos que ajudam a criar uma sensao e a satisfazer necessidades de ordem superior. Nunca houve um momento ou oportunidade mais importante para medir o papel e a prevalncia de bons momentos em nossas vidas, por isso estou animado para ver uma marca como a Heineken tomar medidas srias para garantir que esteja entendendo melhor e permitindo mais essa sensao de "gezelligheid"."


Os resultados inaugurais da Heineken do Good Times Index vm em um momento socialmente importante em todo o mundo, j que 87% acreditam que agora mais importante do que nunca se divertir.

Pesquisas adicionais com consumidores da Heineken mostram que 82% acham mais importante estar com os amigos do que se a noite vai sair como planejada. Surpreendentemente, 75% dos entrevistados acreditam que as pessoas com quem voc assiste a um jogo so mais importantes do que se seu time ganhasse.

Apesar do fato de que 87% dos entrevistados acreditam que as oportunidades de se conectar pessoalmente com pessoas queridas se tornaram ainda mais importantes desde a pandemia, mais da metade (61%) concordou que, considerando o clima econmico atual, mais provvel que eles trabalhem fazendo horas extras e sacrifiquem momentos sociais com amigos e familiares.

No entanto, muitos continuam com a mente aberta sobre os bons momentos que esto por vir, com a grande maioria (88%) das pessoas concordando que suas melhores memrias so de momentos inesperados. Essa mente aberta acompanha as formas como socializamos, pois 78% concordam que importante socializar com pessoas que nem sempre compartilham as mesmas opinies que elas, um sentimento que possui mais fora no Brasil (84%) e no Reino Unido (81%).


Para ajudar a dar vida ao compromisso da marca com os bons momentos, a campanha de marketing em veculos de comunicao leva os consumidores em uma jornada ao redor do mundo para abraar todas as diferentes maneiras pelas quais as pessoas se adaptam e desfrutam de momentos sociais e memrias com a Heineken , desde uma tatuagem incorreta do logotipo a uma Heineken original sendo servida com limo, canudo e gelo. O vdeo descontrado mostra a marca celebrando os bons momentos que ela oferece, mesmo que a maneira como os consumidores a escrevem ou apreciam no seja 100% correta ou como originalmente pretendido.

Para aumentar ainda mais a diverso, a Heineken substituir seu logotipo com vrias ortografias alternativas que viu ao longo dos anos, aparecendo em todas as contas de redes sociais e pginas do site da Heineken , bem como em vrios novos caminhes eltricos.

O vdeo completo, desenvolvido pela agncia criativa Le Pub Milan, est disponvel para assistir on–line: aqui.

– ENDS –

Editorial information:

Please find the high–resolution campaign images of the collaboration and campaign here.

For more information, please contact:

HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long–term brand investment, disciplined sales execution, and focused cost management. Through “Brewing a Better World”, sustainability is embedded in the business.

HEINEKEN has a well–balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY).

Most recent information is available on HEINEKEN's website: and follow us on Twitter via @HEINEKENCorp.

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:–94d7–4137–bdb0–866b4a6fea23–bea4–402f–9e2b–01709537630d–6de4–4f50–97e0–18df342c03d9

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8857099)

Haikenen? Aineken? Heineken®? Spelling it correctly won’t create good times, but the world’s most international beer brand knows what can

AMSTERDAM, June 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Heineken , one of the world's most recognised beer brands, is today marking its 150th anniversary with an unconventional celebration of the many ways the brand has been nicknamed, misspelled or mis–served over the years, all to showcase how good times and sparking true connections over a beer are, in the end, what matters most.

Freddy Heineken's famous words "I don't sell beer, I sell gezelligheid" have never rung so true. "Gezelligheid" translated is that feeling of good times, something that has been at the heart of the Heineken brand for the last 150 years. To celebrate this milestone anniversary, Heineken is putting good times front and centre of its global birthday festivities.

Of course, good times have changed over the 150 years of Heineken 's existence and will continue to do so, but their importance in people's lives have not. Recognising this and as part of the anniversary celebration, the Heineken brand has worked with academics to better understand the ingredients that are needed to deliver that feeling of "good times" in the modern day; a surprisingly under–studied human need.

Marking a turning point in the brand's history, Heineken has decided to evolve the way it measures success "" focusing not just on the volume of beer it sells but also the good times it delivers for its customers in over 190 countries.

To do this, Heineken has collaborated with behavioural scientist Dr Chris Brauer, Goldsmiths, University of London, to create the 'Good Times Index', a new brand measurement model which will score the brand's contribution to creating the perfect conditions for good times. Through human behavioural research, the index has identified five core conditions that people universally need to experience good times, including open–mindedness, inclusivity, and human connection:

With the Good Times Index in place, Heineken is staying true to its vision by becoming the first beer brand to officially have "delivering good times" as part of the way it measures its annual performance "" alongside sales and other brand tracking metrics.

Bram Westenbrink, Global Head, Heineken Brand, said: "Brewing good times has been in our DNA for 150 years. That is why we are evolving our brand metrics to show that creating good times is equally as important as the beer we produce. By better understanding the conditions behind good times in today's world, we can continue to create experiences for all our global customers that promote that feeling of gezelligheid "" whether that is through the messages in our advertising, our sponsorships and events or of course our range of products including our non–alcoholic Heineken 0.0 or our more modern flavoured Heineken Silver. It is our goal that we will continue to deliver good times, one way or another, for the next 150 years and beyond."

Dr Chris Brauer, Director of Innovation at Goldsmiths, University of London, said: "When we came to this project, we recognised that the understanding of what makes a good time, required a new and fresher perspective. Together with Heineken , we have worked to better understand the multiple dimensions that make up that feeling of "Good Times", and the ways in which it is experienced today. Good times are not just one thing or another, they are a multitude of different and subjective feelings, experiences, wants and needs that help generate a sensation and fulfil higher order needs. There has never been a more important time or opportunity to measure the role and prevalence of good times in our lives, so I'm excited to see a brand like Heineken take serious steps to ensure that they are better understanding and enabling that feeling of "gezelligheid"."


Heineken's inaugural results from the Good Times Index comes at an important moment socially around the world, as 87% of consumers believe it is more important now than ever for them to have a good time. But one thing that is consistent, is that good times are best enjoyed together.

Additional consumer research from Heineken shows that 82% care more about being with friends than if their night goes to plan. Surprisingly, 75% of respondents believe that the people you watch a sport match with is more important than if your team wins.

Despite the fact 87% of respondents believe opportunities to connect in person with loved ones have become even more important since the pandemic, over half (61%) agreed that given the current economic climate, they would be more likely to work overtime and sacrifice social moments with friends and family.

Nevertheless, many remain open–minded about good times ahead, with the vast majority (88%) agreeing their best memories come from unexpected moments. This open–mindedness follows through into the ways we socialise, as 78% agree it is important to socialise with people that don't always share the same views as them "" a sentiment most strongly held in Brazil (84%) and the UK (81%).


To help bring the brand's commitment to good times to life, the anniversary's tongue–in–cheek ATL campaign takes viewers on a journey around the globe to embrace all the different ways people adapt and enjoy social moments and memories with Heineken – ranging from an incorrectly spelt tattoo of the logo to a Heineken Original being served with a lime, straw and ice. The light–hearted video sees the brewer celebrate the good times it provides "" even if the way consumers spell or enjoy it isn't 100% correct or as originally intended.

To further poke fun at itself, Heineken will replace its logo with a number of alternative spellings it has seen over the years, appearing across all of Heineken's social media accounts and website pages, as well as on several new electric lorries.

The full video, developed by creative agency Le Pub Milan is available to watch online: HERE.

Editorial information:

Please find the high–resolution campaign images of the collaboration and campaign here.

For more information, please contact: or +447580979333.

HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long–term brand investment, disciplined sales execution, and focused cost management. Through “Brewing a Better World”, sustainability is embedded in the business.

HEINEKEN has a well–balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY).

Most recent information is available on HEINEKEN's website: and follow us on Twitter via @HEINEKENCorp.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at–94d7–4137–bdb0–866b4a6fea23–bea4–402f–9e2b–01709537630d–6de4–4f50–97e0–18df342c03d9

The photos are also available at Newscom,, and via AP PhotoExpress.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8857069)

Destilaria Glen Grant Lança Novo Whisky Escocês Single Malt de 21 Anos Celebrando uma Explosão de Sabor Tropical

ROTHES, Escócia, March 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Destilaria Glen Grant, localizada no corao de Speyside, anunciou o importante lanamento do seu novo whisky single malt de 21 anos. Sendo a expresso mais antiga da coleo permanente e disponvel a partir de maro de 2023, o whisky de 21 anos sinaliza o incio de uma nova era de explorao para a destilaria de 180 anos.

Impulsionada por uma viso singular h mais de 180 anos, a destilaria The Glen Grant se baseia em uma busca constante para criar os single malts mais singulares, aromticos e evocativos. Inspirados pelo legado de James Grant, "O Major" "" o visionrio excntrico mais influente que colocou a marca no seu caminho inovador "" unimos a inspirao de todo o mundo na criao de whiskies excepcionais e fascinantes que celebram o esprito da inovao. Esta inspirao global o que separa o The Glen Grant de muitos dos seus vizinhos de Speyside, sendo o nosso norte em um caminho nico que vem definindo o nosso seu legado duradouro desde 1840.

Quando viajava para locais distantes, o Major trazia uma coleo ecltica de frutas e plantas para Rothes que eram exibidas em estufas vitorianas desenhadas pessoalmente por ele e, mais tarde, em um jardim de 27 acres no corao da destilaria.

A criao do The Glen Grant 21 Anos representa um momento definitivo na evoluo do The Glen Grant e marca um novo captulo da sua histria. Abrindo o portflio de expresses de prestgio do The Glen Grant, este whisky de 21 anos se junta famlia de whiskies single malt de 10, 12, 15 e 18 anos e d o tom para uma srie de inovaes a serem lanadas a partir de 2023.

Para o Master Distiller Dennis Malcolm OBE, isso tambm marca uma conquista orgulhosa na sua carreira de mais de 60 anos. Ao selecionar manualmente a combinao perfeita dos barris de pontas de xerez oloroso, barricas e ex–Bourbon do Armazm Nmero 4, o mais antigo armazm de pedra tradicional da destilaria, Dennis uniu a sua essncia para criar os sabores cativantes que do vida a um intenso carter frutado.

Dennis Malcolm, Master Distiller, disse: "Este whisky de 21 anos marca um momento altamente significativo para The Glen Grant e ir abrir o caminho para uma nova era. Este um acontecimento empolgante que tenho certeza de que ir nos levar para o futuro com orgulho e paixo. Cada um dos nossos whiskies conta a sua prpria histria e revela a sua prpria jornada de sabores definida por um personagem cativante, com camadas que se desdobram e uma complexidade surpreendente. Estou orgulhoso e emocionado de poder compartilhar este whisky maravilhoso com o mundo e de poder dar continuidade ao nosso compromisso com a consistente qualidade que eu acredito que realmente nos diferencia."

Engarrafado a 46%, de cor natural e non–chill filtered (no filtrado a frio), este whisky de 21 anos casado em pequenos lotes para preservar a integridade dos sabores refinados e garantir sua qualidade absoluta. Tudo isso realizado na destilaria em Rothes, reforando o etos requintadamente singular do The Glen Grant.

O produto final tem um toque tropical, comeando com aroma de pssego doce maduro, caramelo e passas, e resultando em uma exploso forte de frutas tropicais, como coco, e um sabor de notas cremosas de manteiga. Um toque suave e saboroso alude a um final duradouro de crme brle caramelizado.

O Glen Grant de 21 anos est disponvel a partir de maro de 2023 nos principais mercados globais, incluindo EUA, Reino Unido e sia, com o preo sugerido de US$ 360,00.

Para mais informao
Contacte–nos em
Siga–nos no Instagram @theglengrantscotch

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A foto tambm est disponvel na Newscom,, e via AP PhotoExpress.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8793680)