Ambiq Apollo510 offre un rendement énergétique 30 fois supérieur pour lancer l’IA sur les points de terminaison

Points forts des fonctionnalités

  • Apollo510, basé sur Arm Cortex–M55, offre un rendement énergétique 30 fois supérieur, et des performances 10 fois plus rapides par rapport aux générations précédentes
  • Capacité d’exécution des charges de travail par intelligence artificielle/machine learning (IA/ML) simultanément avec des graphiques complexes, des applications vocales de qualité télécom et un traitement voix/capteur permanent
  • Mémoire non volatile (NVM) incorporée de 4 Mo, mémoire vive statique (SRAM) incorporée de 3,75 Mo et interfaces à bande passante élevée vers les mémoires hors puce
  • Processeur graphique (GPU) 2,5 D avec accélération graphique vectorielle pour des graphiques vifs, clairs et fluides, soit des performances globales 3,5 fois supérieures par rapport à la gamme Apollo4 Plus
  • Prise en charge des écrans à affichage mémoire en pixels (MiP), généralement disponibles sur les produits à consommation d’énergie faible
  • Sécurité robuste sur la plateforme secureSPOT® d’Ambiq avec la technologie Arm TrustZone

AUSTIN, Texas, 27 mars 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambiq, leader technologique qui produit des semi–conducteurs offrant un rendement énergétique exceptionnel pour les appareils IdO, présente le nouveau Apollo510, le premier né de la gamme de systèmes sur puce (SoC) Apollo5, qui occupe une position de choix pour lancer l’ère d’une IA véritablement omniprésente, pratique et significative.

L’unité de commande multipoint (MCU) Apollo510 est une refonte complète de matériel informatique et de logiciels qui exploite pleinement le processeur Arm® Cortex®–M55 avec Arm Helium™ afin d’atteindre des vitesses de traitement pouvant aller jusqu’à 250 MHz. L’Apollo510 atteint une latence jusqu’à 10 fois supérieure, tout en divisant quasiment la consommation d’énergie par deux par rapport à l’Apollo4, précédent leader d’Ambiq en matière de rendement énergétique. Cette association attrayante entre performances et rendement permet à nos clients de déployer partout des modèles sophistiqués d’IA conversationnelle, axée sur la vision, la santé, et industrielle sur des appareils alimentés par batterie, ce qui en fait le semi–conducteur le plus efficace du marché fonctionnant avec le processeur Arm Cortex–M55.

« Chez Ambiq, nous avons poussé SPOT, notre plateforme exclusive, à optimiser la consommation d’énergie afin de soutenir nos clients, qui, année après année, améliorent avec ferveur l’intelligence et la sophistication de leurs appareils alimentés par batterie », a déclaré Scott Hanson, Directeur technique et fondateur d’Ambiq. « Le nouveau MCU Apollo510 est à la fois le produit le plus rentable en énergie et le plus performant que nous ayons jamais créé ».

« Alors que les applications dans les domaines de la santé, de l’industrie et de la domotique ne cessent de progresser, le besoin d’une IA de pointe sécurisée est capital pour les appareils de nouvelle génération », a déclaré Paul Williamson, Vice–président directeur et Directeur général de la ligne d’activité IdO chez Arm. « La nouvelle gamme de SoC d’Ambiq conçue sur Arm offrira des gains de performances significatifs pour l’IA intégrée aux appareils. Cela permettra ainsi aux développeurs et aux fabricants d’appareils de fournir les capacités requises à l’ère de l’IA ».

Avec un rendement énergétique plus de 30 fois supérieur, l’Apollo510 est capable d’exécuter la grande majorité des calculs d’IA sur les points de terminaison actuels, notamment la surveillance par capteurs à faible consommation, les commandes vocales permanentes, l’amélioration audio de qualité télécom, et bien plus encore. Les fabricants d’appareils IdO qui effectuent des inférences IA/ML, tels que les appareils portables de nouvelle génération, les dispositifs de santé connectés, les lunettes de RA/RV, l’automatisation des usines et les appareils de surveillance à distance, peuvent considérablement augmenter leur budget énergétique tout en ajoutant plus de fonctionnalités à leurs appareils grâce au design optimisé pour SPOT d’Apollo510.

Apollo510 contient tout le nécessaire pour piloter des systèmes intelligents : calcul ultra–efficace, mémoires incorporées étendues, interfaces à large bande passante vers les mémoires hors puce, et sécurité. La technologie Arm Helium sur Apollo510 prend en charge jusqu’à 8 MAC par cycle ainsi que les opérations à virgule flottante demi, pleine et double précision, ce qui la rend idéale pour les calculs d’IA en plus des opérations générales de traitement de signal. La capacité de mémoire de l’Apollo510 est également améliorée par rapport à la génération précédente, avec 4 Mo de NVM incorporée et 3,75 Mo de SRAM et TCM incorporées, pour permettre aux développeurs une mise au point fluide et une plus grande flexibilité au niveau des applications. Pour les modèles de réseaux de neurones ou les actifs graphiques de très grande taille, Apollo510 dispose d’une multitude d’interfaces hors puce à bande passante élevée, capables d’atteindre individuellement des débits de pointe allant jusqu’à 500 Mo/s, et un débit soutenu supérieur à 300 Mo/s.

Basé sur la plateforme sécurisée d’Ambiq, secureSPOT, Apollo510 intègre la technologie Arm TrustZone avec une fonction physique non clonable (PUF), un mot de passe à usage unique (OTP) inviolable et des périphériques sécurisés. Ces améliorations permettent aux concepteurs d’établir un environnement d’exécution fiable (TEE) pour mettre au point des applications sécurisées et robustes, et faire évoluer leurs produits plus rapidement.

Les fabricants de points de terminaison IdO peuvent s’attendre à un rendement énergétique inégalé afin de mettre au point des appareils plus performants capables de mieux traiter les fonctions IA/ML qu’auparavant. Les applications et secteurs ciblés comprennent les appareils portables, les dispositifs de santé connectés, l’agriculture, la domotique et les bâtiments intelligents, la maintenance conditionnelle, l’automatisation des usines, etc.

Le MCU Apollo510 est en cours d’échantillonnage auprès de clients à l’heure actuelle, et il sera disponible au quatrième trimestre de cette année. Il a été nominé par la communauté internationale des systèmes embarqués pour 2024 dans la catégorie Matériel informatique aux Embedded Awards.

Retrouvez–nous lors de la Embedded World Exhibition and Conference du 9 au 11 avril 2024, pour une démonstration de produit en direct.

À propos d’Ambiq
La mission d’Ambiq est de mettre au point des solutions de semi–conducteurs à faible consommation, pour permettre l’utilisation d’appareils intelligents partout et contribuer à un monde plus économe en énergie, plus durable et axé sur les données. Ambiq a permis aux principaux fabricants du monde entier de développer des produits capables de fonctionner des semaines sur une seule charge (par rapport à quelques jours) tout en offrant un maximum de fonctionnalités avec des designs industriels compacts. L’objectif d’Ambiq est de rendre disponible l’intelligence artificielle (IA) là où elle ne l’était pas auparavant sur les appareils mobiles et portables, en utilisant les solutions avancées de systèmes sur puce (SoC) à ultra–basse consommation d’Ambiq. À ce jour, Ambiq a expédié plus de 230 millions d’unités. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site : www.ambiq.

Charlene Wan
Vice–présidente de la stratégie de marque, du marketing et des relations auprès des investisseurs

Les photos jointes au présent communiqué sont disponibles aux adresses suivantes :–31bb–457a–8a24–8fed2fbbea57–ab5f–46a8–89df–53e125d82767

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079855)

Apollo510 da Ambiq Oferece Eficiência de Energia 30x Mais Potente Liberar IA de Endpoint

Destaques do Produto

  • O Apollo510, baseado no ARM Cortex–M55, oferece eficiência de energia 30x mais potente e desempenho 10x mais rápido em comparação com as gerações anteriores
  • Capacidade de realizar cargas de trabalho de IA/ML simultaneamente com gráficos complexos, aplicativos de voz de qualidade telco e processamento de voz/sensor sempre ativo
  • NVM on–chip de 4 MB, SRAM on–chip de 3.75 MB e interfaces de alta largura de banda para memórias off–chip
  • GPU 2.5D com aceleração de gráficos vetoriais vibrantes, cristalinos e suaves, um aprimoramento de desempenho geral do 3.5x em relação à família Apollo4 Plus
  • Suporte para monitores de Memória em Pixel (MiP), normalmente encontrados nos produtos de menor consumo de energia
  • Segurança robusta na plataforma secureSPOT® da Ambiq com tecnologia Arm TrustZone

AUSTIN, Texas, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Ambiq, líder em tecnologia de semicondutores com excepcional eficiência energética para dispositivos IoT, está lançando o novo Apollo510, o primeiro membro da família Apollo5 SoC, que está em uma posição única para dar início à era da IA verdadeiramente onipresente, prática e significativa.

O Apollo510 MCU é uma revisão completa de hardware e software que utiliza totalmente a CPU ARM® Cortex®–M55 com ARM Helium™ para atingir velocidades de processamento de até 250 MHz. O Apollo 510 atinge uma latência até 10x melhor, reduzindo o consumo de energia em cerca de 2x, em comparação com o líder anterior de eficiência energética da Ambiq, o Apollo 4. Essa combinação desejável de desempenho e eficiência permite que nossos clientes implantem modelos sofisticados de fala, visão, saúde e IA industrial em dispositivos alimentados por bateria em todos os lugares, tornando–o o semicondutor mais eficiente do mercado para operar com o Arm Cortex–M55.

“Nós, da Ambiq, impulsionamos nossa plataforma SPOT proprietária para otimizar o consumo de energia em apoio aos nossos clientes, que estão aumentando agressivamente a inteligência e a sofisticação dos seus dispositivos movidos a bateria todos os anos”, disse Scott Hanson, CTO e Fundador da Ambiq. O novo Apollo 510 MCU é, ao mesmo tempo, o produto mais eficiente em termos energéticos e de maior desempenho que já criamos.”

“À medida que as aplicações em saúde, industrial e casa inteligentes continuam a avançar, a necessidade de IA de ponta segura é crucial para os dispositivos da próxima geração”, disse Paul Williamson, Vice–Presidente Sênior e Gerente Geral da Linha de Negócios de IoT da ARM. “A nova família de SoCs da Ambiq, baseada na ARM, proporcionará ganhos significativos de desempenho para a IA no dispositivo, ajudando desenvolvedores e fabricantes de dispositivos a fornecer os recursos necessários para a era da IA.”

Com uma melhoria de energia de mais de 30x, o Apollo 510 é capaz de executar a grande maioria dos cálculos de IA de endpoint atuais, incluindo monitoramento de sensores de baixa potência, comandos de voz sempre ativos, aprimoramento de áudio de qualidade de telecomunicações, e muito mais. Os fabricantes de dispositivos IoT que realizam inferências de IA/ML, como wearables de última geração, dispositivos digitais de saúde, óculos AR/VR, automação de fábrica e dispositivos de monitoramento remoto, podem expandir muito seu orçamento de energia, ao mesmo tempo em que adicionam mais recursos aos seus dispositivos por meio do design otimizado para SPOT do Apollo510.

O Apollo 510 contém tudo o que é necessário para a condução de sistemas inteligentes: computação ultra eficiente, memórias expansivas no chip, interfaces de alta largura de banda para memórias fora do chip e segurança. A tecnologia ARM Helium no Apollo 510 tem capacidade para até 8 MACs por ciclo, bem como operações de ponto flutuante de precisão parcial, total e dupla, tornando–o ideal para cálculos de IA, além de operações gerais de processamento de sinal. O Apollo510 também aprimora sua capacidade de memória em relação à geração anterior com 4 MB de NVM no chip e 3.75 MB de SRAM e TCM no chip, para que os desenvolvedores tenham um desenvolvimento tranquilo e mais flexibilidade de aplicativos. Para modelos de rede neural ou ativos gráficos extragrandes, o Apollo510 possui uma série de interfaces off–chip de alta largura de banda, individualmente com capacidade para taxas de transferência de pico de até 500 MB/s e taxa de transferência sustentada de mais de 300 MB/s.

Com base na plataforma secureSPOT da Ambiq, o Apollo510 integra a tecnologia Arm TrustZone com uma função física não clonável (puf), OTP inviolável e periféricos seguros. Esses aprimoramentos ajudam os designers a estabelecer um ambiente de execução confiável (TEE) para desenvolvimento de aplicativos seguros e robustos, e dimensionamento mais rápido dos seus produtos.

Os fabricantes de dispositivos de endpoint IoT podem esperar uma eficiência de energia incomparável para desenvolvimento de dispositivos mais capazes que processam funções AI/ML melhor do que antes. As aplicações e indústrias direcionadas incluem wearables, saúde digital, agricultura, casas e edifícios inteligentes, manutenção preditiva, automação de fábrica e muito mais.

O Apollo510 MCU está sendo testado com os clientes, com disponibilidade geral no quarto trimestre deste ano. Ele foi nomeado pela comunidade mundial incorporada de 2024 para prêmios incorporados na categoria Hardware.

Encontre–nos na Embedded World Exhibition and Conference, de 9 a 11 de abril de 2024, para uma demonstração ao vivo do produto.

Sobre a Ambiq
A Ambiq tem por missão desenvolver soluções de semicondutores de nível mais baixo de energia para habilitar dispositivos inteligentes em todos os lugares para impulsionar um mundo mais eficiente em termos de energia, sustentável e orientado por dados. A Ambiq ajudou os principais fabricantes em todo o mundo a desenvolver produtos que duram semanas com uma única carga (em vez de dias), ao mesmo tempo em que oferecem um conjunto máximo de recursos em designs industriais compactos. O objetivo da Ambiq é levar a Inteligência Artificial (IA) a áreas nunca alcançadas em dispositivos móveis e portáteis, com o uso de soluções avançadas de sistema em chip (SoC) de energia ultrabaixa da Ambiq. A Ambiq já entregou mais de 230 milhões de unidades. Para mais informação, visite

Charlene Wan
VP de Branding, Marketing e Relações com Investidores

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:–31bb–457a–8a24–8fed2fbbea57–ab5f–46a8–89df–53e125d82767

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079855)

Ambiq Apollo510 Delivers 30x Power Efficiency Improvement to Unleash Endpoint AI

Feature Highlights

  • Apollo510, based on Arm Cortex–M55, delivers 30x better power efficiency and 10x faster performance compared to previous generations
  • The ability to do AI/ML workloads concurrent with complex graphics, telco–quality voice applications, and always–on voice/sensor processing
  • 4 MB on–chip NVM, 3.75 MB on–chip SRAM, and high bandwidth interfaces to off–chip memories
  • 2.5D GPU with vector graphics acceleration for vibrant, crystal–clear, and smooth graphics, a 3.5x overall performance enhancement over the Apollo4 Plus family
  • Support for Memory in Pixel (MiP) displays, typically found in the lowest–power products
  • Robust security on Ambiq's secureSPOT® platform with Arm TrustZone technology

AUSTIN, Texas, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ambiq, a technology leader in exceptionally energy–efficient semiconductors for IoT devices, is introducing the new Apollo510, the first member of the Apollo5 SoC family, which is uniquely positioned to kickstart the age of truly ubiquitous, practical, and meaningful AI.

The Apollo510 MCU is a complete overhaul of hardware and software that fully leverages the Arm® Cortex®–M55 CPU with Arm Helium™ to reach processing speeds up to 250MHz. The Apollo510 achieves up to 10x better latency while reducing energy consumption by around 2x, compared to Ambiq's previous power efficiency leader, the Apollo4. This desirable combination of performance and efficiency allows our customers to deploy sophisticated speech, vision, health, and industrial AI models on battery–powered devices everywhere, making it the most efficient semiconductor on the market to operate with the Arm Cortex–M55.

“We at Ambiq have pushed our proprietary SPOT platform to optimize power consumption in support of our customers, who are aggressively increasing the intelligence and sophistication of their battery–powered devices year after year,” said Scott Hanson, Ambiq's CTO and Founder. The new Apollo510 MCU is simultaneously the most energy–efficient and highest–performance product we've ever created.”

“As applications across health, industrial, and smart home continue to advance, the need for secure edge AI is crucial for next generation devices,” said Paul Williamson, SVP and GM, IoT Line of Business at Arm. “Ambiq's new family of SoCs, built on Arm, will deliver significant performance gains for on–device AI, helping developers and device manufacturers deliver the capabilities required for the AI era.”

With more than 30x energy improvement, the Apollo510 is capable of running a vast majority of today's endpoint AI calculations, including low–power sensor monitoring, always–on voice commands, telco–quality audio enhancement, and more. Manufacturers of IoT devices that perform AI/ML inferencing, such as next–gen wearables, digital health devices, AR/VR glasses, factory automation, and remote monitoring devices, can greatly expand their power budget while adding more capabilities to their devices through the Apollo510's SPOT–optimized design.

Apollo510 contains everything needed for driving intelligent systems: ultra–efficient compute, expansive on–chip memories, high–bandwidth interfaces to off–chip memories, and security. Arm Helium technology on Apollo510 supports up to 8 MACs per cycle as well as half, full, and double precision floating point operations, making it ideal for AI calculations in addition to general signal processing operations. Apollo510 also improves its memory capacity over the previous generation with 4 MB of on–chip NVM and 3.75 MB of on–chip SRAM and TCM, so developers have smooth development and more application flexibility. For extra–large neural network models or graphics assets, Apollo510 has a host of high bandwidth off–chip interfaces, individually capable of peak throughputs up to 500MB/s and sustained throughput over 300MB/s.

Building upon Ambiq's secureSPOT platform, Apollo510 integrates Arm TrustZone technology with a physical unclonable function (PUF), tamper–resistant OTP, and secure peripherals. These enhancements help designers establish a trusted execution environment (TEE) to develop secure, robust applications and scale their products faster.

IoT endpoint device manufacturers can expect unrivaled power efficiency to develop more capable devices that process AI/ML functions better than before. Targeted applications and industries include wearables, digital health, agriculture, smart homes and buildings, predictive maintenance, factory automation, and more.

The Apollo510 MCU is currently sampling with customers, with general availability in Q4 this year. It has been nominated by the 2024 embedded world community under the Hardware category for the embedded awards.

Meet us at the Embedded World Exhibition and Conference on April 9– 11, 2024, for a live product demonstration.

About Ambiq
Ambiq's mission is to develop the lowest–power semiconductor solutions to enable intelligent devices everywhere and drive a more energy–efficient, sustainable, and data–driven world. Ambiq has helped leading manufacturers worldwide develop products that last weeks on a single charge (rather than days) while delivering a maximum feature set in compact industrial designs. Ambiq's goal is to take Artificial Intelligence (AI) where it has never gone before in mobile and portable devices, using Ambiq's advanced ultra–low power system on chip (SoC) solutions. Ambiq has shipped more than 230 million units. For more information, visit

Charlene Wan 
VP of Branding, Marketing, and Investor Relations 

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:–31bb–457a–8a24–8fed2fbbea57–ab5f–46a8–89df–53e125d82767

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079062)

Bitdeer Announces Mining Expansion with SEALMINER Mining Machines

SINGAPORE, March 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitdeer Technologies Group (NASDAQ: BTDR) (“Bitdeer” or the “Company”), a world–leading technology company for blockchain and high–performance computing, today announced a hash rate expansion plan of approximately 3.4 EH/s as a first step in a plan to expand its self–mining.

The Company intends to install its own recently announced SEALMINER A1 miners at its mining datacenters in Rockdale, Texas in the United States; and, Norway in Q3 and Q4 2024 to accomplish this initial 3.4 EH/s expansion. Bitdeer will add approximately 4.8 EH/s of hash rate and retire 1.4 EH/s of older mining rigs. This expansion is expected to grow the total proprietary hash rate from 8.4 EH/s to approximately 11.8 EH/s.

Several similar expansions for its mining hash rate are expected to follow in subsequent quarters until the end of 2025. The Company estimates that it will feasibly add 30 – 40 EH/s in its mining datacenters to be operational in 2025 and replace an estimated 7 EH/s of existing generation mining rigs with newer generation ones. This will result in an estimated 23 EH/s of hash rate addition within existing and under–construction datacenters. Bitdeer may not include the total new mining power as part of the Company’s balance sheet, as it may seek cloud hash rate, cloud hosting and other ways to fund expansion plans. The total hash rate under management as of the end of 2025 may exceed 46 EH/s.

Linghui Kong, Chief Business Officer of Bitdeer, commented, “We expect our fleet efficiency to greatly improve by using our own miners. We have full faith in the capability of the SEALMINER A1 and are demonstrating this trust by installing it in volume at our own facilities first. We can ensure the quality of our products sold to customers by field testing the mining rigs first in our mining datacenters.”

The SEALMINER A1 is powered by the SEAL01 chip, one of the most power–efficient mining chips in the market today. After announcing the chip, the team continues to work on mass production according to plan.

About Bitdeer Technologies Group
Bitdeer is a world–leading technology company for blockchain and high–performance computing. Bitdeer is committed to providing comprehensive computing solutions for its customers. The Company handles complex processes involved in computing such as equipment procurement, transport logistics, datacenter design and construction, equipment management, and daily operations. The Company also offers advanced cloud capabilities to customers with high demand for artificial intelligence. Headquartered in Singapore, Bitdeer has deployed datacenters in the United States, Norway, and Bhutan. To learn more, visit or follow Bitdeer on X, formerly known as Twitter, @ BitdeerOfficial, Facebook @Bitdeer, and LinkedIn @ Bitdeer Group.

Investors and others should note that Bitdeer may announce material information using its website and/or on its accounts on social media platforms, including X, formerly known as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Therefore, Bitdeer encourages investors and others to review the information it posts on the social media and other communication channels listed on its website.

Forward–Looking Statements
Statements in this press release about future expectations, plans, and prospects, as well as any other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, may constitute “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words “anticipate,” “look forward to,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward–looking statements, although not all forward–looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward–looking statements as a result of various important factors, including factors discussed in the section entitled “Risk Factors” in Bitdeer’s annual report on Form 20–F, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Bitdeer’s subsequent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward–looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof. Bitdeer specifically disclaims any obligation to update any forward–looking statement, whether due to new information, future events, or otherwise. Readers should not rely upon the information on this page as current or accurate after its publication date.

Media Inquiries

Investor Relations
Robin Yang, Partner
Phone: +1 (212) 537–5825

Public Relations
Brad Burgess, SVP
Phone: +1 (212) 537–4056 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9079301)

Zoom launches Zoom Workplace in AWS Marketplace

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Zoom announced that Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s AI–powered collaboration platform, is now available in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Now customers can seamlessly purchase Zoom Workplace products –– such as Meetings, Team Chat, Phone, Whiteboard, Spaces — as well as Zoom Contact Center and Revenue Accelerator in AWS Marketplace.

Building on Zoom's more than two years of success serving the Public Sector as an AWS independent software vendor (ISV), Zoom recognizes that it is crucial to equip customers with the right resources and opportunities to enhance their collaboration and communications in today’s digital–first world. This streamlined purchasing option of Zoom Workplace can help AWS customers consolidate their technology purchasing and billing of Zoom solutions, discover partners that can facilitate deployment, and maximize their usage of AWS committed resources.

“By making Zoom available through a private offer in AWS Marketplace, we are able to reach more customers and are better equipped to enable IT teams to consolidate their technology,” said Graeme Geddes, chief growth officer at Zoom. “At Zoom, we are excited to build upon our already strong relationship with AWS and work together further to help meet the business and technology needs of our customers.”

Zoom incorporates over 40 different AWS services, including compute, storage, and encryption capabilities. Zoom’s Customer Managed Key offering allows customers to bring their own encryption keys using AWS Key Management Service to help protect certain data. Additionally, AWS AppFabric integrates with the Zoom Developer Platform to help businesses break down data silos, improve cross–application workflows, enhance security observability, and support employee productivity. In 2023, AWS named Zoom as a NAMER finalist for its 2023 Geo and Global AWS Partner Award within the Education Partners of the Year category.

For Zoom channel partners that already participate in the Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO) feature in AWS Marketplace, please reach out to your Zoom point of contact to express interest in working with Zoom on this in the future.

To access Zoom Workplace in AWS Marketplace, please visit this link.

Some features and products may not be available for all regions and industry verticals at launch.

About Zoom
Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Zoom Workplace — the company’s AI–powered, open collaboration platform built for modern work — will streamline communications, increase employee engagement, optimize in–person time, improve productivity, and offer customer choice with third–party apps and integrations. Zoom Workplace, powered by Zoom AI Companion, will include collaboration solutions like meetings, team chat, phone, scheduler, whiteboard, spaces, Workvivo, and more. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Zoom Public Relations
Bridget Moriarty

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9078508)

Zoom and Avaya announce new strategic partnership to deliver enhanced collaboration experiences

SAN JOSE, Calif. and MORRISTOWN, N.J., March 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Zoom and Avaya announced a strategic partnership designed to deliver enhanced collaboration experiences to global enterprises. As part of the partnership, Avaya selected Zoom Workplace — Zoom’s AI–powered collaboration platform that will include meetings, team chat, scheduler, whiteboard, spaces, and more — to integrate with Avaya’s Communication & Collaboration Suite, providing customers with a new, streamlined way to manage their communications environments and workflows.

Additionally, Avaya will offer the integrated Zoom Workplace solution and will deliver an enhanced collaboration experience to its base, which boasts some of the industry’s largest enterprise customers.

Adding innovation value without disruption
Avaya customers can gain additional value from their existing investments in Avaya private cloud and premise–based solutions while also leveraging Zoom’s user experience and interface to power their collaboration needs.

“Today’s enterprises are seeking to benefit from the latest AI–powered innovations to help differentiate, accelerate, and grow, all while integrating new levels of performance with minimal disruption to existing core systems,” said Alan Masarek, Avaya CEO. “By partnering with Zoom, we can deliver on the promise of ‘innovation without disruption’ for Avaya customers, providing added value to enterprises through world–class collaboration experiences within the Avaya platform.”

“Zoom was built to offer a sophisticated yet easy–to–use product, and as Zoom has expanded to include hundreds more products and features, as well as generative AI integrated throughout, delivering an exceptional user experience is still core to who we are and something we continue to invest heavily in,” Eric S. Yuan, Zoom founder and CEO. “Customers and partners like Avaya continue to look to Zoom to power their collaboration needs because of its speed of innovation and because it just works. We are excited to deliver that same experience to the thousands of Avaya customers who will benefit from a simple yet powerful way to collaborate.”

Enhanced collaboration with Zoom and Avaya
Existing Avaya customers will retain their investments in Avaya’s solutions and devices while benefiting from Zoom’s AI–powered collaboration platform, Zoom Workplace.

Working together, Zoom and Avaya’s partnership is designed to deliver a joint solution that will provide an enhanced collaboration user experience for Avaya customers, including:

  • Interoperability between platforms and devices, enabling users to work in Zoom Workplace while also leveraging their existing investments in Avaya’s Communication & Collaboration Suite solutions — Avaya Aura and Avaya Enterprise Cloud — without disrupting investments in existing customizations, workflows, or infrastructure.
  • Access to Zoom AI Companion, Zoom’s generative AI digital assistant.
  • Collaboration solutions such as Zoom Team Chat, Zoom Scheduler, Zoom Whiteboard, flexible spaces, and more.

The new Avaya and integrated Zoom Workplace experience and device interoperability will be available to Avaya customers globally in the coming months. More details around the joint solution will be shared later this spring.

About Zoom

Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Zoom Workplace — the company’s AI–powered, open collaboration platform built for modern work — will streamline communications, increase employee engagement, optimize in–person time, improve productivity, and offer customer choice with third–party apps and integrations. Zoom Workplace, powered by Zoom AI Companion, will include collaboration solutions like meetings, team chat, phone, scheduler, whiteboard, spaces, Workvivo, and more. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships across all stages of the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

About Avaya
Businesses are built by the experiences they provide, and every day, millions of those experiences are delivered by Avaya. Organizations trust Avaya to provide innovative solutions for some of their most important ​ambitions and ​challenges,​ ​giving them the freedom to engage their customers and employees in ways that deliver the greatest business benefits. Avaya contact center and communications solutions power immersive, personalized, and unforgettable customer experiences that drive business momentum. With the freedom to choose their journey, there’s no limit to the experiences Avaya customers can create. Learn more at  

Forward–Looking Statements
This press release contains express and implied “forward–looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements regarding the expected benefits of Avaya using Zoom as its exclusive collaboration platform and product features and investments. In some cases, you can identify forward–looking statements by terms such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “project,” “will,” “would,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “predict,” “potential,” “target,” “explore,” “continue,” or the negative of these terms, and similar expressions intended to identify forward–looking statements. By their nature, these statements are subject to numerous uncertainties and risks, including factors beyond Zoom’s control, that could cause actual results, performance or achievement to differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the statements, including those described under the caption “Risk Factors” and elsewhere in Zoom’s most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its quarterly report on Form 10–Q for the fiscal quarter ended July 31, 2023. Forward–looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made and are based on information available to Zoom at the time those statements are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events. Zoom assumes no obligation to update forward–looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, except as required by law.

Zoom Public Relations
Candace Dean

Avaya Public Relations
Alex Alias 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9078503)

Zoom unveils AI-powered collaboration platform, Zoom Workplace, to reimagine teamwork

  • Zoom Workplace, the new AI–powered collaboration platform, helps reimagine teamwork, facilitate connections, and improve productivity — all within the Zoom experience users trust and love
  • Zoom announces 40 new innovations, including new Zoom AI Companion features for Zoom Phone, Team Chat, Events, and Contact Center, and its expansion to include Ask AI Companion, which works across the platform to help employees make the most of their time
  • New Zoom Contact Center innovations include additional digital channels, enhanced AI features, insights, and additional integrations to help businesses strengthen customer relationships and empower agents

ORLANDO, Fla., March 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) announced Zoom Workplace, its AI–powered, open collaboration platform, and introduced new AI Companion expansions to help reimagine teamwork. Zoom’s latest products and features, including new AI Companion features for Zoom Phone and extended capabilities with Ask AI Companion, a refreshed look within the Zoom app, and more, will provide its customers with the all–in–one AI–powered platform they need to power modern work. Zoom also announced customer experience enhancements to Zoom Contact Center, so businesses can strengthen customer relationships and leverage real–time AI–powered insights to improve live agent engagements.

“We have seen the positive impact that Zoom AI Companion has had on our business and our customers, transforming how we work by freeing up precious time for collaborative teamwork,” said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. “Zoom Workplace with AI Companion will help solve real customer problems by bringing the core collaboration solutions into a single AI–powered platform to help improve productivity, efficiency, and the overall workday, all within the Zoom experience users trust and love.”

Drive Impact with AI Companion

Zoom continues to elevate AI within its platform, helping users harness their productivity directly within their existing workflows, enhancing employees’ skills, and empowering teams to focus their time where it matters. Zoom’s latest AI Companion innovations will include Ask AI Companion, an enhancement of the digital assistant that will help users prepare for their workday across Zoom Workplace, plus AI Companion for Zoom Phone and additional capabilities for Team Chat and Whiteboard. All AI Companion features will continue to be included at no additional cost with the paid services in eligible Zoom user accounts.

Ask AI Companion will provide a new way to interact with AI Companion across the Zoom platform. Users can enhance their productivity and be better prepared for their workday with Ask AI Companion, which will gather, synthesize, and share information from Zoom Meetings, Mail, Team Chat, Notes, Docs, and more. Ask AI Companion will also help prepare users for and recap meetings, show relevant action items, draft agendas, and summarize chat and email threads, as well as documents. In a later release after the initial launch, Ask AI Companion will be able to pull relevant content from select third–party applications (if the customer chooses to enable them) to be even more helpful.

Zoom Phone is now boosted with AI Companion capabilities to help make calls and follow–up more productive. With AI Companion in Zoom Phone, users can request a post–call summary and next steps, so they can focus on the conversation instead of taking notes. If they miss an important call, voicemail prioritization helps elevate urgent messages, moving them to the top of the queue, and voicemail task extraction delivers tasks from voicemails to help users understand the next steps without listening to every voicemail. Team SMS thread summary also provides a concise overview of Team SMS threads in PowerPack, so users can quickly catch up after stepping away.

Other AI Companion innovations across the platform will include new Team Chat and Whiteboard capabilities. In Team Chat, AI Companion now helps users save time with smart scheduling that automatically detects the intent for a meeting in chat and suggests a meeting time, and in the future will provide sentence completion and will expand to support 38 languages (in preview) for the chat compose and thread summary features. Zoom Whiteboard users are now able to generate and refine whiteboard flowcharts and mind maps using a simple prompt to kick–start ideation and creativity. For more information about AI Companion innovations, visit the Zoom blog.

Reimagine Teamwork with Zoom Workplace

Zoom Workplace, the company’s AI–powered collaboration platform, will deliver new innovations to help businesses reimagine teamwork, facilitate connections, improve productivity, and optimize flexible work experiences. Zoom Workplace will elevate the Zoom experience with Zoom AI Companion so that all employees within a company can be more productive, collaborate better, and enhance their skills.

Zoom Workplace will continue to be an open platform that enables customer choice. Zoom’s APIs, SDKs, and over 2,500 integrations in the Zoom App Marketplace make it easy for customers to integrate Zoom into existing tech or integrate users’ favorite apps into Zoom.

With the introduction of Zoom Workplace, Zoom is unveiling a refreshed user experience with more choices, including the ability to choose from four color themes within the Zoom app, so users can make the app their own. Hosts will also have the opportunity to add customized virtual meeting backgrounds to tailor the feel or focus of the meeting.

“With Zoom, there aren’t any challenges with implementing complex tools, so we can focus on engaging our employees and collaborating on the work that matters,” said Diofanto Rosales, vice president of digital workplace and IT infrastructure at Flex. “Zoom Workplace will bring all our essential work tools together in a single app, making it easier than ever to get work done.”

For Zoom Meetings, users will see a new Meetings tab within the Zoom app that will allow users to collaborate before, during, and after meetings. It will support traditional calendar views and will serve as the central place for agendas, recordings, and other shared assets such as documents, plus AI Companion smart recordings and meeting summaries. Last year Zoom introduced continuous meeting chat, which helps users continue chat conversations so collaboration can continue outside of meetings asynchronously and throughout the life of a project. With the new Meetings tab, users will be able to access continuous meeting chats from the Meeting card before and after the meeting.

During meetings, the new multi–speaker view will automatically adapt the video layout to highlight active speakers to help attendees follow the discussion more easily. AI–powered portrait lighting will help illuminate users’ faces in poor lighting, and generative AI virtual backgrounds will allow users to create custom backgrounds.

Additional new features for Meetings will include a customizable toolbar that will allow users to pin their most–used features, multi–share, which will allow multiple participants to share their screens and documents, whiteboards, and notes simultaneously, and document collaboration that will provide the ability to select documents, streamline document access permissions, and co–edit right from meetings with documents from third–party apps.

In Zoom Team Chat, asynchronous communication will be boosted by Team Chat tabs that will help users stay organized by keeping channel–related assets like links, whiteboards, and resources in a single view, shared spaces that provide a shared grouping of channels to help users better organize conversations and improve discoverability of relevant project or team–based topics, and workflow automation, a powerful, no–code workflow engine, will be easily configurable to automate business tasks in Team Chat.

For hybrid and onsite organizations, navigating the office will be easier than ever with the introduction of a Workspaces tab, providing access to Workspace Reservation with wayfinding and Visitor Management directly from the Zoom Workplace app. To help make meetings more inclusive, Zoom Rooms will include the option to enable new smart name tags, which will be able to automatically apply name tags to people in a Zoom Room during a meeting.

When one screen isn’t enough, users will be able to expand Zoom Rooms with a companion device for an additional screen to collaborate with audio and video. For Workvivo customers, a new integration with Zoom Rooms will provide the ability to instantly broadcast important updates, news, and events to employees using Workvivo TV with certified devices for Zoom Rooms.

“Businesses are looking for AI–powered solutions that will help them move the dial by boosting employee productivity and team collaboration,” said Zeus Kerravala, Principal Analyst at ZK Research. “Zoom’s newest innovations, including its release of Zoom Workplace and Ask AI Companion, demonstrate its commitment to deploying AI that is intuitive and effective across one platform to improve productivity and collaboration.”

At launch, Zoom One bundles will be rebranded as Zoom Workplace bundles, giving new and existing customers simple pricing for Zoom’s different offerings. For more information about Zoom Workplace, visit the Zoom blog.

Strengthen Customer Relationships with Zoom Business Services

Zoom’s business services include AI–powered solutions for marketing, customer care, and sales. Tightly integrated with Zoom Workplace, Zoom Business Services empower customer–facing employees to provide exceptional experiences throughout the customer lifecycle.

Zoom Contact Center already includes AI Companion for Contact Center at no additional cost. Further real–time capabilities available with AI Expert Assist include intelligently retrieving and suggesting the best responses from a curated set of knowledge bases, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and other systems of record. Now supervisors are getting even more AI Companion for Contact Center capabilities. Supervisors now have visibility into their agents’ live engagements with real–time customer sentiment, live transcriptions, and conversation summaries from a single dashboard to help them better manage agents and easily identify when they need to provide assistance.

In Zoom Contact Center, businesses can now expand their digital communication channels to include WhatsApp and inbound email, giving customers more flexibility and choice, and making it easier for agents to engage and respond to customers.

Agents will benefit from custom app integration with Zoom’s open and flexible framework that allows teams to build apps from proprietary or third–party data sources that surface relevant customer information directly within the agent desktop, which reduces toggling between apps and allows for personalization and faster resolutions. Agents will also benefit from deep integration with Zoom Workplace, which will allow them to seamlessly direct transfer customers with AI–generated engagement summaries to back–office experts using Zoom Phone Power Pack, enabling seamless escalations and helping reduce handling time.

Zoom Contact Center and Zoom Phone will also offer an integration with PCI Pal to enable secure capture of payment data, including PCI attestation of compliance (AOC). Also, Zoom Contact Center customers now have the ability to store certain data locally in Zoom’s EU data center, designed to meet the data storage needs of EU–based customers.

Revenue organizations who use Zoom Revenue Accelerator can now enhance their customer conversations with deal memos, which will provide a brief summary of a conversation and an analysis of its impact on the possibility of winning a deal. Coming soon, a built–in automated scorecard will help improve sales outcomes by creating scorecards that rate customer interactions and provide actionable feedback.

For marketing professionals, Zoom Events enhancements amplify their hybrid events to help make them more engaging. With new AI Companion image generation, hosts can now create custom images based on a simple text prompt for event registration pages, virtual backgrounds, and marketing emails. To help bridge the gap between hybrid events and in–person events, the Swoogo integration for Zoom Events allows event professionals to reach broader audiences. For more information about Zoom’s business services innovations, visit the Zoom blog.

Newly announced products and features are expected to roll out over April and May. Some features and products may not be available for all regions and industry verticals at launch.

About Zoom

Zoom’s mission is to provide one platform that delivers limitless human connection. Zoom Workplace — the company’s AI–powered, open collaboration platform built for modern work — will streamline communications, increase employee engagement, optimize in–person time, improve productivity, and offer customer choice with third–party apps and integrations. Zoom Workplace, powered by Zoom AI Companion, will include collaboration solutions like meetings, team chat, phone, scheduler, whiteboard, spaces, Workvivo, and more. Together with Zoom Workplace, Zoom’s Business Services for sales, marketing, and customer care teams, including Zoom Contact Center, strengthen customer relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Zoom Public Relations
Lacretia Nichols 

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9078519)

Zoom announces communications compliance solution, Zoom Compliance Manager

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced the launch of Zoom Compliance Manager, an all–in–one offering that provides archiving, eDiscovery, legal hold, and information protection capabilities to help organizations fulfill regulatory requirements and mitigate organizational communications compliance risks across the Zoom platform.

“Zoom currently provides compliance and information protection for enterprise customers within regulated industries like financial services, healthcare, and the public sector through integrations with key communications compliance providers,” said Ritu Mukherjee, head of Product Business Acceleration and Readiness at Zoom. “With Zoom Compliance Manager, we are making it easy for our customers to have an end–to–end experience — seamless buying, easy setup, centralized management, and simplified support — with a comprehensive solution that addresses their communications compliance needs across the Zoom platform.”

Addressing Customer Needs
Organizations today face increasingly stringent regulatory requirements and communications compliance risks both internally and externally, which can result in hefty fines, legal liabilities, and reputation damage. This underscores the critical need for robust compliance solutions that help organizations navigate these challenges. Zoom Compliance Manager powered by Theta Lake allows you to confidently use Zoom while maintaining regulatory requirements.

Key features of Zoom Compliance Manager include:

  • Archiving and Content Capture: Maximize your Zoom usage and meet regulatory and long–term record retention requirements with automatic capture for meetings data, AI summaries, phone recordings, team chat, whiteboard content, and more.
  • eDiscovery: Discover insights across the Zoom platform via a user–friendly interface, facilitating easy access to communication archives and offering the ability to analyze, evaluate, and effortlessly export content.
  • Legal Hold: Capture and hold communications of specific individuals and manage cases through custom workflow, case management, and data export requests when legally mandated.

A future version of Zoom Compliance Manager will include:

  • Risk Detection: Monitor and detect spoken, written, or shared content at scale across supported products using intelligent detection which identify regulatory, privacy, conduct, and security risks in what was said, shown, and shared to mitigate risks.
  • Data Loss Prevention: Identify and mitigate potential risks in your communication workflows using both custom and pre–defined policies through monitoring and thorough analysis.

Zoom Compliance Manager provides compliance capabilities across the Zoom platform, including AI Companion, Meetings, Team Chat, Phone, Whiteboard, Rooms, Webinars, Events, and Contact Center. Zoom Compliance Manager is available as an add–on to Zoom customers with a paid plan.

Support for other Zoom products, including Workvivo, Zoom Revenue Accelerator, Mail, Calendar, and others, will be coming later this year.

Leveraging Theta Lake as a Leader in Compliance and Security

Zoom Compliance Manager integrates the proven compliance solution from Theta Lake, a leader in digital communications governance providing modern communication compliance and security solutions. Through Zoom–specific enhancements, customers will have the compliance benefits of Theta Lake with a frictionless Zoom experience via the administrator console.

“Our expanded compliance and security capabilities for Zoom, along with the ability to use Theta Lake technology, represents a significant milestone in our partnership,” said Anthony Cresci, SVP of GTM and Partnerships at Theta Lake. “With this new offering we are able to provide organizations with seamless and efficient access to communication and collaboration capabilities that have compliance record keeping, archiving, search, supervision, and data protection built in. I am incredibly proud of expanding the value and innovation that our partnership has delivered to our joint customers.”

Experience the Solution

Attendees of Enterprise Connect, taking place March 25–28, are encouraged to visit the Zoom booth (#407) and the Theta Lake booth (#2026). To experience a live demo of Zoom Compliance Manager, visit the Zoom booth on March 26 at 5:30 p.m. EST.

For more information, please visit the Zoom Compliance Manager landing page at–manager

About Zoom
Zoom is an all–in–one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Zoom Public Relations
Travis Isaman

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9066412)

IT News Africa Unites Public Sector Leaders and Cybersecurity Experts to Prepare for Next-Gen Cyber Challenges

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, March 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In the face of escalating cyber threats targeting public sector entities, IT News Africa is thrilled to announce the upcoming Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit on April 3, 2024, at the Gallagher Convention Centre in Johannesburg. Our central theme, “Public–Private Collaboration: Strengthening Cybersecurity through Strategic Partnerships,” underscores the critical importance of unity and shared strategies to fortify public sector organisations against relentless cyber attacks.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness in the Public Sector

Recent ransomware attacks on prominent entities like the City of Johannesburg, Transnet, and the Department of Justice in South Africa underscore the urgency of our collective response. In the spirit of collaboration, discussions at the summit will focus on fostering partnerships, sharing threat intelligence, and developing joint strategies to bolster the overall cybersecurity posture in the public sector.

Why Attend the Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit?

  • Discover the importance of collaborative defense in the ever–evolving landscape of cyber threats. This summit brings together thought leaders, security experts, and professionals from both public and private sectors to delve into strategies fostering partnerships and joint initiatives.
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of recent cyber incidents targeting public sector organisations in South Africa, including ransomware attacks on major entities like the City of Johannesburg, Transnet, and the Department of Justice. Learn from these incidents to fortify your organisation's defences.
  • Hear from experts on reassessing and upgrading cybersecurity strategies. Understand the latest technologies, best practices, and proactive measures to mitigate and protect against future cyberattacks.
  • Connect with best–in–class solution providers, security vendors, and senior colleagues from across the region. Share challenges, experiences, and strategies to enhance your organisation's approach to cybersecurity resilience.

To ensure the summit's success, an esteemed advisory board has been assembled, featuring distinguished individuals such as Abdul Kader Baba, CIO, Infrastructure South Africa; Jabu (Hugh) Hlatshwayo, CIO, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJCD), and Dr. Stanley Mpofu, CIO, University of the Witwatersrand.

Become a Sponsor

The Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit presents a unique opportunity for cybersecurity vendors and solution providers to connect with a targeted audience of senior IT decision–makers from government departments and State Owned Enterprises. Showcase your cybersecurity expertise, build brand awareness, and generate leads by becoming a sponsor.

Register Now

Registration for the Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit is now open. Secure your spot at this essential event and join us in exploring the critical role of public–private collaboration in building cyber resilience.

For more information on the Public Sector Cybersecurity Summit, please visit the event website at

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000930156)

Zoom Named to Fast Company’s Annual List of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM), has been named to Fast Company’s prestigious list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024.

This year’s list shines a spotlight on businesses that are shaping industry and culture through their innovations. These organizations are setting new standards and achieving remarkable milestones in all sectors of the economy. Alongside the World's 50 Most Innovative Companies, Fast Company recognizes 606 organizations across 58 sectors and regions.

“At Zoom, we continue to innovate rapidly and are doubling down on our commitment to offering an AI–powered collaboration platform that delivers limitless human connection, reimagines teamwork, and strengthens customer connections,” said Smita Hashim, chief product officer at Zoom. “Fast Company’s recognition further validates our mission and dedication to providing our customers with choice and a high–quality, open collaboration platform powered by AI that just works.”

Zoom AI Companion drives impact in the workplace
In 2023, Zoom launched AI Companion, an AI–powered assistant that is designed to empower collaboration and unlock users’ potential across the Zoom platform by delivering critical information, automating routine tasks, and helping users stay informed. AI Companion utilizes Zoom's unique federated approach to AI, which is designed to deliver high–quality results by dynamically incorporating Zoom’s artificial intelligence model as well as third–party artificial intelligence models. With this approach, Zoom can offer AI Companion across the Zoom platform and at no additional cost*, helping to democratize AI by making it accessible to all employees within an organization.

AI Companion delivers on Zoom’s commitment to helping businesses drive more effective collaboration and productivity through its platform, including Meetings, Team Chat, Notes, Docs, Whiteboard, Mail and Calendar, and Clips. Users can stay within one platform to help make work, less work.

Users can benefit from the multitude of AI Companion capabilities that can assist with repetitive tasks, helping to save users time and increase efficiency, including:

  • Receive an automated meeting summary after the meeting to share with attendees and those who were unable to attend.
  • Catch up quickly in a meeting without disrupting the meeting flow by discreetly submitting questions via the in–meeting AI Companion side panel.
  • Watch recordings through highlights and smart chapters, and review summaries and next steps, to quickly catch up on a missed meeting.
  • Receive help to quickly draft messages based on the context of a Team Chat thread, and ask AI Companion to adjust tone and length.
  • Catch up on long chat threads through generative AI summarization.
  • Get help generating ideas on a digital whiteboard and organizing them into categories.
  • Receive AI–generated draft email suggestions based on the context of an email thread.

Additional capabilities are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

The World's Most Innovative Companies stands as Fast Company's hallmark franchise and one of its most anticipated editorial efforts of the year.

Fast Company's editors and writers identified the companies driving progress around the world and across industries, evaluating thousands of submissions through a competitive application process. The result is a globe–spanning guide to innovation today, from early–stage startups to some of the most valuable companies in the world. Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies package is available online, as well as in–app form via iTunes, and on newsstands beginning March 26. The hashtag is #FCMostInnovative.

“Our list of the Most Innovative Companies is both a comprehensive look at the innovation economy and a snapshot of the business trends that defined the year,” said Fast Company editor–in–chief Brendan Vaughan. “We saw extraordinary innovation across the board in 2023, but we also saw a handful of clear patterns: the growing footprint and impact of AI, the triumphant return of live events, and great leaps forward in climate tech. We face daunting challenges on many fronts, but the solutions we celebrate in MIC give me plenty of hope about the future.”

Fast Company will host the Most Innovative Companies Summit and Gala on May 16. The summit features a morning and afternoon of inspiring content, followed by a creative black–tie gala including networking, a seated dinner, and an honoree presentation. This event celebrates the Most Innovative Companies honorees and provides an inside look at cutting–edge business trends and what it takes to innovate in 2024.

About Zoom
Zoom is an all–in–one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Fast Company is the only media brand fully dedicated to the vital intersection of business, innovation, and design, engaging the most influential leaders, companies, and thinkers on the future of business. Headquartered in New York City, Fast Company is published by Mansueto Ventures LLC, along with our sister publication Inc., and can be found online at

Zoom Public Relations
Bridget Moriarty

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9065842)