Enovis finalise l’acquisition de LimaCorporate S.p.A.

WILMINGTON, Delaware, 03 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE : ENOV, « Enovis » ou la « société ») une entreprise en pleine croissance dans le domaine des technologies médicales axée sur l’innovation a annoncé, ce jour, avoir finalisé l’acquisition de LimaCorporate S.p.A. (« Lima »), leader mondial privé dans le domaine de l’orthopédie qui s’efforce de rétablir l’émotion du mouvement grâce à une gamme innovante de solutions implantaires. 

Lima contribue à renforcer la position d’Enovis sur le marché mondial de la reconstruction orthopédique avec une gamme complémentaire de solutions et de technologies chirurgicales éprouvées, qui permettront d’accélérer la croissance mondiale et l’accroissement des marges. En outre, la gamme proposée par Lima comprend des implants trabéculaires en titane imprimés en 3D et une prothèse totale d’épaule, ce qui contribuera à renforcer encore davantage la position de la société dans le domaine en pleine croissance des extrémités. 

« Nous sommes ravis d’accueillir l’équipe talentueuse de Lima chez Enovis. Cette association porte le chiffre d’affaires du secteur de la reconstruction d’Enovis à 1 milliard de dollars, ce qui en fait un pionnier en pleine croissance sur le marché mondial de la reconstruction orthopédique. Il s’agit là encore d’un excellent exemple de notre utilisation des acquisitions stratégiques afin d’accélérer notre croissance, d’ajouter des technologies et talents d’exception à notre société et de générer une valeur composée pour nos actionnaires », a déclaré Matt Trerotola, Président et PDG d’Enovis.

À propos d’Enovis Corporation
Enovis Corporation (NYSE : ENOV) est une société en pleine croissance dans le domaine des technologies médicales axée sur l’innovation et le développement de solutions différenciées sur le plan clinique qui permettent de générer des résultats mesurables pour les patients et de révolutionner les flux de travail. Mue par une culture du dépassement perpétuel favorisant les talents internationaux et l’innovation, la large gamme de produits, de services et de technologies intégrées proposée par la société encourage des modes de vie actifs grâce à l’orthopédie et bien plus. Les actions ordinaires de la société sont cotées aux États–Unis à la Bourse de New York sous le symbole ENOV. Pour en savoir plus sur Enovis, consultez le site : www.enovis.com

Déclarations prospectives
Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives, y compris des déclarations prospectives au sens de la loi américaine « Private Securities Litigation Reform Act » de 1995. Ces déclarations prospectives comprennent, sans s’y limiter, des déclarations concernant les plans, objectifs, attentes et intentions de la société ainsi que d’autres déclarations qui ne correspondent pas à des faits historiques ou actuels. Les déclarations prospectives sont fondées sur les attentes actuelles de la société et impliquent des risques et des incertitudes qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ceux exprimés ou impliqués dans ces déclarations prospectives. Les facteurs susceptibles de faire en sorte que les résultats formulés par la société diffèrent sensiblement des attentes actuelles incluent, sans s’y limiter, les risques et incertitudes concernant les activités respectives de la société et de Lima, et les résultats réels pourraient différer sensiblement. Ces risques et incertitudes incluent, sans s’y limiter, les effets de l’acquisition sur les opérations de la société et de Lima, y compris sur la situation financière et les performances futures de la société issue du regroupement, les résultats d’exploitation, la stratégie et les plans, y compris le traitement fiscal prévu, les dettes imprévues, les dépenses en capital futures, les revenus, les dépenses, les bénéfices, les synergies, les performances économiques, l’endettement, les pertes, les perspectives d’avenir et les stratégies commerciales et de direction pour la gestion, l’expansion et la croissance des opérations de la nouvelle société issue du regroupement ; l’impact potentiel de l’achèvement de l’acquisition sur les relations avec les clients, les fournisseurs et autres tiers ; et les autres facteurs détaillés dans les rapports de la société déposés auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (la « SEC ») des États–Unis, y compris son rapport annuel le plus récent sur le formulaire 10–K et ses rapports trimestriels ultérieurs sur le formulaire 10–Q sous le titre « Facteurs de risque », ainsi que les autres risques évoqués dans les documents déposés par la société auprès de la SEC. En outre, ces déclarations reposent sur des hypothèses susceptibles de changer. Ce communiqué de presse n’est valable qu’à la date des présentes. La société décline toute obligation de mettre à jour les informations contenues dans le présent document.

Contact relations avec les investisseurs
Kyle Rose
Vice–président, Relations avec les investisseurs
Enovis Corporation

Contact médias
Katie Sweet
Vice–présidente, Communications d’entreprise
Enovis Corporation

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9012121)

Enovis schließt Übernahme von LimaCorporate S.p.A. ab

WILMINGTON, Delaware, Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Die Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE: ENOV, „Enovis“ oder das „Unternehmen“), ein innovationsorientiertes Wachstumsunternehmen im Bereich der Medizintechnik, hat heute den Abschluss der Übernahme von LimaCorporate S.p.A. („Lima“) bekanntgegeben, einem weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich der Orthopädie, das sich auf die Wiederherstellung von Bewegung durch ein innovatives Portfolio von Implantatlösungen konzentriert. 

Lima stärkt die Position von Enovis auf dem globalen Markt für orthopädische Rekonstruktion mit einem komplementären Portfolio bewährter chirurgischer Lösungen und Technologien, was das globale Wachstum und die Ausweitung der Gewinnspanne beschleunigen wird. Darüber hinaus umfasst Limas Portfolio 3D–gedruckte trabekuläre Titanimplantate und ein umfassendes Revisionsangebot für Schultern, was die Position des Unternehmens auf dem schnell wachsenden Markt für Extremitäten weiter stärken wird. 

„Wir freuen uns, das talentierte Team von Lima bei Enovis begrüßen zu dürfen. Durch den Zusammenschluss erhöht sich der Umsatz des Rekonstruktionssegments von Enovis auf 1 Mrd. USD und es entsteht ein schnell wachsender Innovator auf dem globalen Markt für orthopädische Rekonstruktion. Dies ist ein weiteres großartiges Beispiel dafür, wie wir strategische Übernahmen nutzen, um unser Wachstum zu beschleunigen, großartige Technologien und Talente in unser Unternehmen einzubringen und den Wert für unsere Aktionäre zu steigern“, so Matt Terotola, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats und Chief Executive Officer von Enovis.

Über die Enovis Corporation
Die Enovis Corporation (NYSE: ENOV) ist ein innovationsorientiertes Wachstumsunternehmen im Bereich der Medizintechnik, das sich der Entwicklung klinisch differenzierter Lösungen verschrieben hat, die messbar bessere Patientenergebnisse erzielen und Arbeitsabläufe verändern. Im Rahmen einer Kultur der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung, globaler Talente und Innovation unterstützt das Unternehmen mit seiner umfangreichen Palette an Produkten, Dienstleistungen und integrierten Technologien einen aktiven Lebensstil in der Orthopädie und darüber hinaus. Die Stammaktien des Unternehmens sind in den Vereinigten Staaten an der New Yorker Börse unter dem Symbol ENOV notiert. Weitere Informationen über Enovis finden Sie unter www.enovis.com

Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen
Diese Pressemitteilung enthält zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, einschließlich zukunftsgerichteter Aussagen im Sinne des U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act von 1995. Solche zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen umfassen unter anderem Aussagen zu den Plänen, Zielen, Erwartungen und Absichten des Unternehmens sowie andere Aussagen, die keine historischen oder aktuellen Fakten darstellen. Zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen beruhen auf den aktuellen Erwartungen des Unternehmens und beinhalten Risiken und Ungewissheiten, die dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von den in diesen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen ausgedrückten oder implizierten Ergebnissen abweichen. Zu den Faktoren, die dazu führen könnten, dass die Ergebnisse des Unternehmens wesentlich von den derzeitigen Erwartungen abweichen, gehören unter anderem Risiken und Ungewissheiten in Bezug auf die jeweiligen Geschäfte des Unternehmens und von Lima, und die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse können wesentlich abweichen. Zu diesen Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten gehören unter anderem die Auswirkungen der Übernahme auf die Geschäftstätigkeit des Unternehmens und von Lima, einschließlich der künftigen finanziellen Lage und Leistung, der Betriebsergebnisse, der Strategie und der Pläne des kombinierten Unternehmens, einschließlich der erwarteten steuerlichen Behandlung, unvorhergesehener Verbindlichkeiten, künftiger Investitionsausgaben, Einnahmen, Ausgaben, Erträge, Synergien, wirtschaftlicher Leistung, Verschuldung, Verluste, Zukunftsaussichten sowie Geschäfts– und Managementstrategien für die Verwaltung, die Expansion und das Wachstum der Geschäftstätigkeit des neuen kombinierten Unternehmens; die möglichen Auswirkungen des Vollzugs der Übernahme auf die Beziehungen zu Kunden, Lieferanten und anderen Dritten; und die anderen Faktoren, die in den Berichten des Unternehmens, die bei der U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (die „SEC“) eingereicht wurden, erläutert werden, einschließlich des jüngsten Jahresberichts auf Formblatt 10–K und der nachfolgenden Quartalsberichte auf Formblatt 10–Q unter der Überschrift „Risikofaktoren“, sowie die anderen Risiken, die in den bei der SEC eingereichten Unterlagen des Unternehmens erörtert werden. Darüber hinaus beruhen diese Aussagen auf Annahmen, die sich ändern können. Diese Pressemitteilung bezieht sich nur auf das Datum dieser Mitteilung. Das Unternehmen lehnt jede Verpflichtung zur Aktualisierung der hierin enthaltenen Informationen ab.

Kontakt für Anlegerbeziehungen
Kyle Rose
Vice President, Investor Relations
Enovis Corporation

Katie Sweet
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Enovis Corporation


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9012121)

Enovis Completes Acquisition of LimaCorporate S.p.A

WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Enovis™ Corporation (NYSE: ENOV, “Enovis” or the “Company”) an innovation–driven, medical technology growth company, today announced that it closed the acquisition of LimaCorporate S.p.A. (“Lima”), a privately held global orthopedic leader focused on restoring motion through an innovative portfolio of implant solutions. 

Lima strengthens Enovis’ position in the global orthopedic reconstruction market with a complementary portfolio of proven surgical solutions and technologies, which will accelerate global growth and margin expansion. In addition, Lima's portfolio includes 3D printed Trabecular Titanium implants and a comprehensive revision offering in shoulders, which will further strengthen the Company's position in the fast–growing extremities market. 

“We are excited to welcome Lima's talented team to Enovis. The combination brings Enovis’ recon segment to $1 billion in revenues and creates a fast–growing innovator in the global orthopedic reconstruction market. This is another great example of how we use strategic acquisitions to accelerate our growth, add great technologies and talent to our company, and drive compounding value for our shareholders,” said Matt Trerotola, Chair, and Chief Executive Officer of Enovis.

About Enovis Corporation
Enovis Corporation (NYSE: ENOV) is an innovation–driven medical technology growth company dedicated to developing clinically differentiated solutions that generate measurably better patient outcomes and transform workflows. Powered by a culture of continuous improvement, global talent, and innovation, the Company’s extensive range of products, services, and integrated technologies fuels active lifestyles in orthopedics and beyond. The Company’s shares of common stock are listed in the United States on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ENOV. For more information about Enovis, please visit www.enovis.com

Forward–Looking Statements
This press release includes forward–looking statements, including forward–looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward–looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and other statements that are not historical or current fact. Forward–looking statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward–looking statements. Factors that could cause the Company’s results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding the Company’s and Lima’s respective businesses, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the effects of the acquisition on the Company’s and Lima’s operations, including on the combined company’s future financial condition and performance, operating results, strategy and plans, including anticipated tax treatment, unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, expenses, earnings, synergies, economic performance, indebtedness, losses, future prospects, and business and management strategies for the management, expansion and growth of the new combined company’s operations; the potential impact of the consummation of the acquisition on relationships with customers, suppliers and other third parties; and the other factors detailed in the Company’s reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including its most recent Annual Report on Form 10–K and subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q under the caption “Risk Factors,” as well as the other risks discussed in the Company’s filings with the SEC. In addition, these statements are based on assumptions that are subject to change. This press release speaks only as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any duty to update the information herein.

Investor Relations Contact
Kyle Rose
Vice President, Investor Relations
Enovis Corporation

Media Contact
Katie Sweet
Vice President, Corporate Communications
Enovis Corporation

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 9011517)

Veson Nautical extends data analytics and collaboration capabilities with acquisition of Shipfix

BOSTON, Dec. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Veson Nautical (Veson), the global leader of maritime freight management solutions, today announced its acquisition of Shipfix, the collaborative data platform for the maritime and trade sectors driven by advanced AI–enabled tools. As Veson's second acquisition this year, Shipfix will further Veson's pursuit to deliver quality, contextual data to the industry. Veson will continue to offer Shipfix's suite of maritime solutions and bring the full Shipfix team onboard.

Shipfix was founded in 2018 to solve the email overload challenge encountered by chartering desks. By developing innovative products and groundbreaking AI–enabled tools, Shipfix provides a unique data platform allowing trade professionals to make smarter decisions and ultimately trade smarter and faster. Their product suite has expanded beyond front–line trading and chartering into operations teams and physical trading. Shipfix supports dry and tanker clients alongside other customers interested in freight market insights.

Shared clients will see the combined impact of Veson Nautical and Shipfix as Shipfix's pre–fixture data and insight capabilities are combined with Veson's existing end–to–end workflows to produce an unmatched freight trading and operations solution for the market. In addition, the data intelligence offerings from both Veson Nautical and Shipfix will become stronger through the consolidation, rationalization, and standardization of critical industry reference data.

John Veson, Co–founder and CEO at Veson Nautical, said: "A massive amount of data goes into pre–fixture decision–making. We're fortunate to have a growing integrated dataset that helps clients leverage contextual data across vessel specifications, ownership structures, commodities, trade flows, and tonnage flows, all in one place. I am thrilled to officially welcome Shipfix's expert team to Veson as we add their market–validated and accepted chartering and operations platform to our suite of solutions."

Antoine Grisay, Co–founder and Co–CEO at Shipfix said: "Together with Veson Nautical, we will deliver the ultimate integrated workflow and data experience shipping and trading companies have demanded for over a decade. We are very excited to start executing on the synergies between the companies. Our combined expertise will allow us to build a set of trading and operating insights that meet the increasingly sophisticated requirements of freight market participants."

Serge Alleyne, Co–founder and Co–CEO at Shipfix, said: "When Antoine and I founded Shipfix five years ago, our vision was to emerge as the ultimate solution for the maritime and trade community, commencing with an AI–powered collaboration platform and a suite of data insights products. Today, as Shipfix joins forces with Veson Nautical, it presents a unique opportunity for us to truly become the premier maritime platform, integrating best–in–class maritime expertise, data insights, and communication workflows from pre to post–fixtures. This union aims to maximise our clients' efficiency and operations in ways never seen before. It's the perfect match for us, leveraging extraordinary data and workflow synergies to accelerate our growth and consistently deliver maximum value for the entire shipping industry."

About Veson Nautical
Veson Nautical delivers maritime freight management solutions that propel the global shipping economy. Trusted by buyers and sellers of bulk marine freight in every region of the world, Veson solutions are responsible for managing $109 billion in freight traded and moving 4.4 billion tons in annual trade each year.

With a suite of offerings in marine freight trading and operations, vessel documentation, and data and analytics, Veson's products are widely recognized for their strong utility, sustained innovation, and measurable business impact.

Veson is a champion of progress that actively supports its clients, partners, and broader community in navigating change while shaping the best practice workflows and standards of tomorrow's connected maritime shipping ecosystem. Veson.com

About Shipfix
Shipfix is a collaborative workflow and data platform for the maritime and trade sectors, driven by ground–breaking AI–enabled tools. Shipfix went live in 2018 and has over a thousand users globally across more than 70 global clients. The platform streamlines maritime workflows using market and operational intelligence with a focus on shipowners, commodity traders, industrials, freight forwarders and shipbrokers. The company has 4 offices globally in Paris, London, Singapore and Tbilisi (Georgia).

With Shipfix, maritime and trade professionals make better–informed decisions and move faster. Users are enabled to find their market edge in highly volatile markets by turning their communications data into a competitive advantage. Shipfix is pioneering data transformation across the industry by enabling a subtle mix of artificial and human intelligence. Shipfix's software solutions include a front–end platform, a mobile app and a full API suite. www.shipfix.com

Media Contact
Claudia Norrgren
PR & Communications Manager
Veson Nautical
E: press@veson.com
C: +447736675334

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at





GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8994867)

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) signs agreement to acquire Arc Metal AB in Sweden

  • Acquisition adds smelting capability to serve spent automotive catalyst customers in Europe, Middle East and Africa
  • Complements ECMS recycling operations and global precious metal services

  • Broadens range of materials that can be processed by ECMS

  • Closing of transaction expected in early first quarter 2024

ISELIN, N.J., Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) has signed an agreement to purchase the assets of Arc Metal AB in Hofors, Sweden. The company currently conducts toll smelting and processing of spent automotive catalyst, among other services, and will further complement ECMS's existing global precious metal recycling operations in Cinderford, UK, Seneca and Spartanburg, South Carolina, and Caldwell, Texas, USA. The closing of the transaction is expected early in the first quarter of 2024.

"This investment will allow us to grow our recycling business in Europe and bring in best–in–class pyro–metallurgical technology providing flexibility to process high carbon containing materials, like Silicon Carbide found in spent automotive catalyst materials as well as access to new markets," said Tim Ingle, Senior Vice President, Precious Metal Services and Recycling, ECMS. "We look forward to welcoming our new colleagues who bring vast experience in smelting and processing of spent automotive catalysts."

The additional smelting capacity at the Sweden site will also increase utilization of the new refinery capacity in Seneca, South Carolina. Recycled catalysts go through a smelting process and are then refined to produce the high purity precious metal needed to make new catalysts and other end use products, supporting a circular economy. Recycled platinum group metals can also lower carbon emissions by up to 97 percent, in comparison to refining mined or primary materials1.

"The asset purchase will enable ECMS to meet increased customer demand for spent automotive catalyst recycling and position ECMS more competitively in the region," said Dirk Bremm, President and CEO, ECMS. "The acquisition also aligns with our sustainability efforts and those of our customers since catalyst recycling as a secondary supply is a significant source of precious metals, preserving our critical resources."

To learn more about BASF's recycling business, visit www.basf.com/ecms.

1 Source: Sphera Solutions GmbH (2022): GaBi Database Edition 2022, SP37

About BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions
Leveraging its deep expertise as a global leader in catalysis and precious metals, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) serves customers in many industries including automotive, aerospace, indoor air quality, semiconductors, and hydrogen economy, and provides full loop services with its precious metals trading and recycling offering. With a focus on circular solutions and sustainability, ECMS is committed to helping our customers create a cleaner, more sustainable world. Protecting the elements of life is our purpose and this inspires us to ever–new solutions. ECMS operates globally in 15 countries with over 4,500 employees and 20 production sites.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8992710)

LeddarTech et Prospector Capital Corp. annoncent l’entrée en vigueur de la déclaration d’enregistrement et la tenue d’une assemblée générale extraordinaire le 13 décembre 2023 visant l’approbation du regroupement d’entreprises

QUÉBEC, 04 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech Inc. ( LeddarTech ou l' Entreprise ), une socit de logiciels automobiles qui fournit des technologies logicielles de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l'IA, innovatrices et brevetes pour systmes avancs d'aide la conduite (systmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systmes AD), et Prospector Capital Corp. ( Prospector ) (NASDAQ : PRSR, PRSRU, PRSRW), une socit d'acquisition vocation spcifique cote en bourse dirige par l'ancien prsident de Qualcomm, Derek Aberle et prside par l'ancien vice–prsident du conseil d'administration de Qualcomm, Steve Altman, ont fait savoir aujourd'hui que le 4 dcembre 2023, la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (la SEC ) a annonc l'entre en vigueur de la dclaration d'enregistrement sur le formulaire F–4, telle que modifie, dpose par LeddarTech Holdings Inc. ( Newco ) dans le cadre du projet de regroupement d'entreprises annonc prcdemment (le Regroupement d'entreprises ). Le dossier peut tre consult dans son intgralit sur le site web de la SEC l'adresse www.sec.gov.

Prospector a galement commenc envoyer la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus dfinitive le 4 dcembre 2023, incluse dans la dclaration d'enregistrement, relative l'assemble gnrale extraordinaire des actionnaires qui doit se tenir dans le cadre du Regroupement d'entreprises (l' Assemble gnrale extraordinaire ). L'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire devrait se tenir le 13 dcembre 2023 10 h 00, heure de l'Est. L'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire se tiendra dans les bureaux de White & Case LLP situs au 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, et virtuellement via une webdiffusion en direct www.cstproxy.com/prospectorcapital/egm2023. Les dtenteurs d'actions ordinaires de Prospector la clture des activits la date de rfrence du 14 novembre 2023 ont le droit d'tre convoqus l'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire et de voter ladite assemble. De plus amples renseignements sur le Regroupement d'entreprises et les rsolutions qui seront soumises au vote lors de l'Assemble gnrale extraordinaire figurent dans la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus dfinitive dpose par Prospector, disponible l'adresse www.sec.gov.

Si les conditions de clture du Regroupement d'entreprises sont remplies, y compris l'approbation du Regroupement d'entreprises par les actionnaires de Prospector, la socit issue du Regroupement d'entreprises prvoit oprer sous le nom de LeddarTech Inc. et devrait tre cote au NASDAQ sous le nouveau symbole LDTC , avec des bons de souscription sous le symbole LDTCW . La cotation au NASDAQ est subordonne la clture du Regroupement d'entreprises et au respect de toutes les exigences d'inscription au NASDAQ.

propos de LeddarTech

Entreprise mondiale de logiciels fonde en 2007, base Qubec et disposant de centres de R&D supplmentaires Montral, Toronto et Tel Aviv (Isral), LeddarTech dveloppe et propose des solutions logicielles compltes de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception reposant sur l'intelligence artificielle qui permettent le dploiement d'applications ADAS et de conduite autonome (AD). Le logiciel de classe automobile de LeddarTech applique des algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle et de vision numrique avancs afin de gnrer des modles 3D prcis de l'environnement, pour une meilleure prise de dcision et une navigation plus sre. Cette technologie performante, volutive et conomique permet la mise en "uvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour vhicules automobiles et hors route par les quipementiers et les fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Ayant dpos plus de 150 demandes de brevets (dont 80 accordes) qui amliorent les capacits des systmes d'aide la conduite et de conduite autonome, l'entreprise a contribu plusieurs innovations lies des applications de tldtection. Une plus grande conscience situationnelle est essentielle pour rendre la mobilit plus sre, plus efficace, plus durable et plus abordable : c'est ce qui motive LeddarTech vouloir devenir la solution logicielle de fusion de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adopte.

Renseignements complmentaires disponibles sur www.LeddarTech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook et YouTube.

propos de Prospector Capital Corp.

Prospector est une socit d'acquisition vocation spcifique cre dans le but de raliser une fusion, un change d'actions, une acquisition d'actifs, un achat d'actions, une rorganisation ou un regroupement d'entreprises similaire avec une ou plusieurs entreprises, mettant l'accent sur les socits proposant des solutions avances et hautement diffrencies dans le secteur technologique. La socit est dirige par une quipe d'investisseurs et de cadres expriments qui se concentrent sur l'identification et les investissements dans des entreprises forte croissance dotes d'quipes de gestion solides et d'opportunits de march attrayantes. Les titres de Prospector se ngocient sur le NASDAQ sous les symboles PRSR , PRSRU et PRSRW .

Renseignements importants sur la transaction propose et o les trouver

Dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises propos, Prospector, LeddarTech et Newco ont prpar et dpos auprs de la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (la SEC ) la dclaration d'enregistrement sur le formulaire F–4 (la Dclaration d'Enregistrement ), et Prospector enverra ses actionnaires la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus contenue dans la Dclaration d'Enregistrement et dposera d'autres documents concernant le regroupement d'entreprises auprs de la SEC. Le prsent communiqu de presse ne se substitue aucune circulaire de sollicitation de procurations, dclaration d'enregistrement, circulaire de sollicitation de procurations/prospectus ou autres documents que Prospector ou Newco pourrait dposer auprs de la SEC dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises. LES INVESTISSEURS ET LES PORTEURS DE TITRES SONT INSTAMMENT PRIS DE LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT ET DANS LEUR INTGRALIT LA DCLARATION D'ENREGISTREMENT LORSQU'ELLE SERA DISPONIBLE, TOUT AMENDEMENT OU SUPPLMENT LA DCLARATION D'ENREGISTREMENT ET TOUT AUTRE DOCUMENT DPOS PAR PROSPECTOR OU NEWCO AUPRS DE LA SEC DANS LE CADRE DU REGROUPEMENT D'ENTREPRISES, CAR CES DOCUMENTS CONTIENDRONT DES RENSEIGNEMENTS IMPORTANTS. Les investisseurs et les dtenteurs de titres pourront obtenir gratuitement des copies de la Dclaration d'Enregistrement et des autres documents dposs auprs de la SEC par Prospector ou Newco sur le site web gr par la SEC l'adresse www.sec.gov.

noncs prospectifs

Certains noncs contenus dans le prsent communiqu de presse peuvent tre considrs comme des noncs prospectifs au sens du Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995, de la section 27A du Securities Act et de la section 21E de l'Exchange Act des tats–Unis (lesquels noncs prospectifs comprennent galement les noncs prospectifs et les renseignements prospectifs au sens des lois canadiennes sur les valeurs mobilires applicables), y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les noncs concernant le regroupement d'entreprises impliquant Prospector, LeddarTech et Newco, la capacit raliser le regroupement d'entreprises et son calendrier, les avantages attendus du regroupement d'entreprises, la clture du financement par placement priv et le produit attendu de celui–ci, ainsi que les noncs relatifs la stratgie, aux oprations futures, aux perspectives, aux objectifs et aux projections financires et autres mesures financires anticips de Newco. Les noncs prospectifs comprennent gnralement des noncs de nature prvisionnelle qui dpendent d'vnements ou de conditions venir ou qui s'y rfrent, et comprennent des termes tels que pouvoir , anticiper , prvoir , avoir l'intention de , estimer , planifier , croire , s'attendre , projeter de et autres expressions similaires et verbes au futur et au conditionnel notamment. Les noncs qui ne sont pas des faits historiques sont des noncs prospectifs. Les noncs prospectifs reposent sur des convictions et des hypothses actuelles qui sont soumises des risques et des incertitudes et ne constituent pas des garanties de performance future. Les rsultats rels peuvent diffrer sensiblement de ceux contenus dans un nonc prospectif en raison de divers facteurs, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter : (i) le risque que les conditions de clture du regroupement d'entreprises ne soient pas remplies, y compris le dfaut d'obtenir en temps voulu ou non l'approbation des actionnaires pour le regroupement d'entreprises ou le dfaut d'obtenir en temps voulu ou non les autorisations rglementaires requises, y compris de la Cour suprieure de justice du Qubec; (ii) les incertitudes quant au calendrier de ralisation du regroupement d'entreprises et la capacit de Prospector, de LeddarTech et de Newco raliser le regroupement d'entreprises; (iii) la possibilit que d'autres avantages prvus du regroupement d'entreprises ne se ralisent pas, et le traitement fiscal prvu du regroupement d'entreprises; (iv) la survenance de tout vnement susceptible de donner lieu la rsiliation du regroupement d'entreprises; (v) le risque que des litiges entre actionnaires lis au regroupement d'entreprises ou autres rglements ou enqutes affectent le calendrier ou la ralisation du regroupement d'entreprises ou entranent des cots importants de dfense, d'indemnisation et de responsabilit; (vi) l'volution de la conjoncture conomique gnrale et/ou des conditions propres l'industrie; (vii) les ventuelles perturbations dues au regroupement d'entreprises susceptibles de nuire aux activits de LeddarTech; (viii) la capacit de LeddarTech retenir, attirer et embaucher du personnel cl; (ix) les ractions ou changements ngatifs potentiels dans les relations avec les clients, employs, fournisseurs ou autres parties rsultant de l'annonce ou de la ralisation du regroupement d'entreprises; (x) l'incertitude commerciale potentielle, y compris les changements dans les relations commerciales existantes, pendant la dure du regroupement d'entreprises, susceptible d'affecter la performance financire de LeddarTech; (xi) les dveloppements lgislatifs, rglementaires et conomiques; (xii) l'imprvisibilit et la gravit d'vnements catastrophiques, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les actes de terrorisme, le dclenchement d'une guerre ou d'hostilits et toute pidmie, pandmie ou apparition de maladie (y compris la COVID–19), ainsi que la rponse de la direction l'un des facteurs susmentionns; (xiii) l'accs au capital et au financement et la capacit de LeddarTech maintenir le respect des clauses restrictives de ses emprunts; et (xiv) les autres facteurs de risque dtaills de temps autre dans les rapports de Prospector dposs auprs de la SEC, y compris le rapport annuel de Prospector sur le formulaire 10–K, les rapports trimestriels priodiques sur le formulaire 10–Q, les rapports courants priodiques sur le formulaire 8–K et autres documents dposs auprs de la SEC, ainsi que les facteurs de risque qui figureront dans la Dclaration d'Enregistrement. La liste des facteurs importants ci–dessus n'est pas exhaustive. Ni Prospector ni LeddarTech ne peuvent garantir que les conditions du regroupement d'entreprises seront remplies. Sauf si la loi applicable l'exige, ni Prospector ni LeddarTech ne s'engagent rviser ou mettre jour les noncs prospectifs, ni mentionner d'autres noncs prospectifs, que ce soit la suite de nouvelles informations, d'vnements futurs ou autres.

Absence d'offre ou de sollicitation

Le prsent communiqu de presse ne constitue pas une offre de vente ou la sollicitation d'une offre d'achat de titres de Prospector ou de Newco, ni une sollicitation de vote ou d'approbation, et il n'y aura pas de vente de titres dans une juridiction o une telle offre, sollicitation ou vente serait illgale avant l'enregistrement ou la qualification en vertu de la lgislation sur les valeurs mobilires d'une telle juridiction. Aucune offre de valeurs mobilires ne peut tre faite si ce n'est au moyen d'un prospectus rpondant aux exigences de la section 10 du Securities Act de 1933, tel que modifi (le Securities Act ).

Participants la sollicitation

Prospector, LeddarTech et Newco, ainsi que certains de leurs administrateurs, dirigeants et employs respectifs, peuvent tre considrs comme des participants la sollicitation de procurations dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises. Des renseignements sur les administrateurs et les dirigeants de Prospector sont disponibles dans le rapport annuel sur le formulaire 10–K pour l'exercice clos le 31 dcembre 2022, qui a t dpos auprs de la SEC le 31 mars 2023. Les renseignements concernant les personnes qui peuvent, en vertu des rgles de la SEC, tre considres comme des participants la sollicitation de procurations dans le cadre du regroupement d'entreprises, y compris une description de leurs intrts directs ou indirects, par la dtention de titres ou autrement, seront prsents dans la Dclaration d'Enregistrement et dans d'autres documents pertinents lorsqu'ils seront dposs auprs de la SEC. Ces documents peuvent tre obtenus gratuitement auprs de la source indique ci–dessus.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice–prsident, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tl. : + 1–418–653–9000 poste 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associs sont des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent tre des marques de commerce ou des marques dposes utilises pour dsigner les produits ou les services de leurs propritaires respectifs.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989420)

LeddarTech and Prospector Capital Corp. Announce Effectiveness of Registration Statement and December 13, 2023 Extraordinary General Meeting to Approve Business Combination

QUEBEC CITY, Dec. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech Inc. ("LeddarTech" or the "Company"), an automotive software company that provides patented disruptive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software technology for ADAS and AD, and Prospector Capital Corp. ("Prospector") (NASDAQ: PRSR, PRSRU, PRSRW), a publicly traded special–purpose acquisition company led by former Qualcomm President Derek Aberle and chaired by former Qualcomm Vice Chairman Steve Altman, today announced that on December 4, 2023 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") declared effective the Registration Statement on Form F–4, as amended, filed by LeddarTech Holdings Inc. ("Newco") in connection with the previously announced proposed business combination (the "Business Combination"). The filing can be viewed in its entirety on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov.

Prospector also commenced mailing the definitive proxy statement/prospectus on December 4, 2023, which was included in the Registration Statement, relating to the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held in connection with the Business Combination (the "Extraordinary General Meeting"). The Extraordinary General Meeting is scheduled to be held on December 13, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at the offices of White & Case LLP located at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, and virtually via a live webcast at www.cstproxy.com/prospectorcapital/egm2023. Holders of Prospector's ordinary shares at the close of business on the record date of November 14, 2023 are entitled to notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting and to vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting. More details about the Business Combination and the resolutions to be voted upon at the Extraordinary General Meeting can be found in the definitive proxy statement/prospectus filed by Prospector, available at www.sec.gov.

Assuming satisfaction of the conditions of the closing of the Business Combination, including approval of the Business Combination by Prospector shareholders, the combined company intends to operate as LeddarTech Inc. and is expected to be listed on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol "LDTC", with warrants under the ticker "LDTCW". The NASDAQ listing is subject to the closing of the Business Combination and fulfillment of all NASDAQ listing requirements.

About LeddarTech

A global software company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Quebec City with additional R&D centers in Montreal, Toronto and Tel Aviv, Israel, LeddarTech develops and provides comprehensive AI–based low–level sensor fusion and perception software solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving (AD) applications. LeddarTech's automotive–grade software applies advanced AI and computer vision algorithms to generate accurate 3D models of the environment to achieve better decision making and safer navigation. This high–performance, scalable, cost–effective technology is available to OEMs and Tier 1–2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off–road vehicle ADAS solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote–sensing innovations, with over 150 patent applications (80 granted) that enhance ADAS and AD capabilities. Better awareness around the vehicle is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to seek to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.LeddarTech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook and YouTube.

About Prospector Capital Corp.

Prospector is a special–purpose acquisition company formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses with a focus on companies with advanced and highly differentiated solutions for the technology sector. The company is led by a team of experienced investors and executives focused on identifying and investing in high–growth companies with strong management teams and attractive market opportunities. Prospector's securities are traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbols "PRSR," "PRSRU" and "PRSRW."

Important Information About the Proposed Transaction and Where to Find It

In connection with the proposed business combination, Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco have prepared and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") the registration statement on Form F–4 (the "Registration Statement"), and Prospector will mail the proxy statement/prospectus contained within the Registration Statement to its shareholders and file other documents regarding the business combination with the SEC. This press release is not a substitute for any proxy statement, registration statement, proxy statement/prospectus or other documents Prospector or Newco may file with the SEC in connection with the business combination. INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT WHEN IT BECOMES AVAILABLE, ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS TO THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED BY PROSPECTOR OR NEWCO WITH THE SEC IN CONNECTION WITH THE BUSINESS COMBINATION, BECAUSE THESE DOCUMENTS WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Investors and security holders will be able to obtain free copies of the Registration Statement and other documents filed with the SEC by Prospector or Newco through the website maintained by the SEC at www.sec.gov.

Forward–Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release may be considered forward–looking statements within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act (which forward–looking statements shall also include forward–looking statements and forward–looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws), including, but not limited to, statements regarding the business combination involving Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco, the ability to consummate the business combination and the timing thereof, the anticipated benefits from the business combination, the closing of the private placement financing and expected proceeds therefrom and statements relating to Newco's anticipated strategy, future operations, prospects, objectives and financial projections and other financial metrics. Forward–looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as "may," "will," "should," "would," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "likely," "believe," "estimate," "project," "intend" and other similar expressions among others. Statements that are not historical facts are forward–looking statements. Forward–looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward–looking statement as a result of various factors, including, without limitation: (i) the risk that the conditions to the closing of the business combination are not satisfied, including the failure to timely or at all obtain shareholder approval for the business combination or the failure to timely or at all obtain any required regulatory clearances, including of the Superior Court of Justice of Qubec; (ii) uncertainties as to the timing of the consummation of the business combination and the ability of each of Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco to consummate the business combination; (iii) the possibility that other anticipated benefits of the business combination will not be realized, and the anticipated tax treatment of the business combination; (iv) the occurrence of any event that could give rise to termination of the business combination; (v) the risk that shareholder litigation in connection with the business combination or other settlements or investigations may affect the timing or occurrence of the business combination or result in significant costs of defense, indemnification and liability; (vi) changes in general economic and/or industry–specific conditions; (vii) possible disruptions from the business combination that could harm LeddarTech's business; (viii) the ability of LeddarTech to retain, attract and hire key personnel; (ix) potential adverse reactions or changes to relationships with customers, employees, suppliers or other parties resulting from the announcement or completion of the business combination; (x) potential business uncertainty, including changes to existing business relationships, during the pendency of the business combination that could affect LeddarTech's financial performance; (xi) legislative, regulatory and economic developments; (xii) unpredictability and severity of catastrophic events, including, but not limited to, acts of terrorism, outbreak of war or hostilities and any epidemic, pandemic or disease outbreak (including COVID–19), as well as management's response to any of the aforementioned factors; (xiii) access to capital and financing and LeddarTech's ability to maintain compliance with debt covenants; and (xiv) other risk factors as detailed from time to time in Prospector's reports filed with the SEC, including Prospector's Annual Report on Form 10–K, periodic Quarterly Reports on Form 10–Q, periodic Current Reports on Form 8–K and other documents filed with the SEC, as well as the risk factors to be contained in the Registration Statement. The foregoing list of important factors is not exhaustive. Neither Prospector nor LeddarTech can give any assurance that the conditions to the business combination will be satisfied. Except as required by applicable law, neither Prospector nor LeddarTech undertakes any obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statement, or to make any other forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

No Offer or Solicitation

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of Prospector or Newco, a solicitation of any vote or approval, nor shall there be any sale of securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act").

Participants in Solicitation

Prospector, LeddarTech and Newco, and certain of their respective directors, executive officers and employees, may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the business combination. Information about the directors and executive officers of Prospector can be found in the Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, which was filed with the SEC on March 31, 2023. Information regarding the persons who may, under the rules of the SEC, be deemed participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the business combination, including a description of their direct or indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be set forth in the Registration Statement and other relevant materials when they are filed with the SEC. These documents can be obtained free of charge from the source indicated above.

Daniel Aitken, Vice–President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1–418–653–9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8989420)

Ayala Pharmaceuticals Announces Closing of Merger with Biosight

REHOVOT, Israel & MONMOUTH JUNCTION, N.J., Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (OTCQX: ADXS), a clinical–stage oncology company, today announced the closing of its merger with Biosight, Ltd. ("Biosight"), pursuant to which Ayala acquired Biosight. The combined company will operate under the name Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and its shares will continue to trade on the OTCQX under Ayala's current ticker symbol ("ADXS").

"We are pleased to close the merger with Biosight which expands our product pipeline," said Ken Berlin, President & CEO. "We have added aspacytarabine (BST–236), a novel antimetabolite, which is in clinical development for AML and could potentially serve as a superior backbone therapy for unfit AML as part of combination treatment regimens. Our primary focus continues to be completing the ongoing Phase 3 RINGSIDE study evaluating AL102 in desmoid tumors and we look forward to continuing our mission of bringing innovative therapies to people with rare tumors and aggressive cancers."

Management and Organization

As previously announced, the combined company will be led by Ayala's existing senior management team, with Ken Berlin serving as President and CEO; Andres Gutierrez, MD, PhD, Executive VP and Chief Medical Officer; and Dana Gelbaum, MSc, MBA, General Manager and Chief Business Officer. Roy Golan, CPA, LLM, previously Executive VP & CFO of Biosight, has been appointed Chief Financial Officer of the combined company. The board of directors of the combined company is comprised of David Sidransky, MD (Chairman); Robert Spiegel, MD, FACP; Murray Goldberg; Vered Bisker–Leib, PhD, MBA; Roni Appel, MBA; Pini Orbach, PhD; Yuval Cabilly, PhD; and Ken Berlin, with an additional board member expected to be added at a later date.

About Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical–stage oncology company primarily focused on developing and commercializing small molecule therapeutics for people living with rare tumors and aggressive cancers. The Company's lead candidates under development are the oral gamma secretase inhibitor, AL102, for desmoid tumors, and aspacytarabine (BST–236), a novel proprietary anti–metabolite for first line treatment in unfit acute myeloid leukemia (AML). AL102 has received Fast Track Designation from the U.S. FDA and is currently in the Phase 3 segment of a pivotal study for patients with desmoid tumors (RINGSIDE). For more information, visit www.ayalapharma.com.


Ayala Pharmaceuticals:


Tim McCarthy
LifeSci Advisors, LLC

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward–Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this filing may be considered forward–looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including statements regarding the future conduct of our studies and the potential efficacy and success of product candidates. Forward–looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as "may," "will," "should," "would," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "likely," "believe," "estimate," "project," "intend," and other similar expressions among others. Statements that are not historical facts are forward–looking statements. Forward–looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties and are not guarantees of future performance. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward–looking statement as a result of various factors, including, without limitation: our ability to integrate Biosight's business successfully with ours and to achieve anticipated synergies; the possibility that other anticipated benefits of the transaction will not be realized, including without limitation, anticipated revenues, expenses, earnings and other financial results, and growth and expansion of the combined company's operations, and the anticipated tax treatment of the combination; potential litigation relating to the transaction that could be instituted against us, Biosight or our respective directors; possible disruptions from the transaction that could harm our and/or Biosight's respective businesses; the ability of us and Biosight to retain, attract and hire key personnel; potential adverse reactions or changes to relationships with customers, employees, suppliers or other parties resulting from the announcement or completion of the transaction; the success and timing of clinical trials, including subject accrual, the ability to avoid and quickly resolve any clinical holds and the ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval and/or reimbursement of product candidates for marketing; the ability to obtain the appropriate labeling of products under any regulatory approval; plans to develop and commercialize our products; our ability to continue as a going concern; our levels of available cash and our need to raise additional capital, including to support current and future planned clinical activities; the successful development and implementation of our sales and marketing campaigns; the size and growth of the potential markets for our product candidates and our ability to serve those markets; our ability to successfully compete in the potential markets for our product candidates, if commercialized; regulatory developments in the United States and other countries; the rate and degree of market acceptance of any of our product candidates; new products, product candidates or new uses for existing products or technologies introduced or announced by our competitors and the timing of these introductions or announcements; market conditions in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors; our available cash, including to support current and planned clinical activities; uncertainties as to our ability to obtain a listing of our common stock on Nasdaq; our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection for our product candidates; the success and timing of our preclinical studies including IND–enabling studies; the timing of our IND submissions; our ability to get FDA approval for study amendments; the timing of data read–outs; the ability of our product candidates to successfully perform in clinical trials; our ability to initiate, enroll, and execute pilots and clinical trials; our ability to maintain our existing collaborations; our ability to manufacture and the performance of third–party manufacturers; the performance of our clinical research organizations, clinical trial sponsors and clinical trial investigators; our ability to successfully implement our strategy; legislative, regulatory and economic developments; unpredictability and severity of catastrophic events, including, but not limited to, acts of terrorism or outbreak of war or hostilities, as well as management's response to any of the aforementioned factors; and such other factors as are set forth in our periodic public filings with the SEC, including but not limited to those described under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 of Old Ayala, Inc. (f/k/a Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) and the Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2022 of Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (f/k/a Advaxis, Inc.) ("Ayala" or "we," "us" or "our"), and such entities' periodic public filings with the SEC, including but not limited to those described under the heading "Risk Factors" in Ayala's Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2022. Except as required by applicable law, we undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statement, or to make any other forward–looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8951886)

Cuentas to Introduce Proprietary Mobile Security Technology to the U.S. Market

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Oct. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cuentas, Inc. (Nasdaq: CUEN & CUENW) (“Cuentas”), developer of an alternative financial ecosystem to the underbanked, today signed a letter of intent to acquire control of WHEN Group (World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. "" OTC Pink: WHEN), pending Nasdaq and shareholder approval and other specified conditions, through a share exchange with WHEN's principal shareholder, leaving Cuentas uniquely debt–free and well positioned to grow its mobile and FinTech lines.

The WHEN Group was founded by Israeli engineers and international professionals with deep background in Cyber security and data threat remediation in both government and private sectors. From business and personal privacy to fin–tech security, WHEN has been developing solutions that utilize advanced pattern recognition and AI to create a security screening environment that can detect and defend against a range of threats and attacks on telecom, banking, and other communication infrastructure. Upon closing of the acquisition, Cuentas intends to begin integrating WHEN's portfolio of Cyber Security solutions into the Cuentas Mobile Platform as well as offering WHEN's advanced solutions to Cuentas' fintech partners.

This move comes on the heels of new global conflicts from Ukraine to Israel, conflicts which have increasingly brought to light the dangers that are threatening our global digital infrastructure systems. These threats extend beyond governments to families and individuals. According to a recent report by the Red Cross, "There is no escaping the life–changing and life–endangering impact that digital technologies are having on people affected by conflict." Digital threats such as surveillance, cyber–attacks, misuse of personal data, misinformation and disinformation are all–pervasive and these risks continue to evolve rapidly with new technologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AI) joining an ever–expanding list of digital dangers.1

1 https://blogs.icrc.org/inspired/2023/08/25/digital–dilemmas–immersive–experience–exposes–technology–threats/

Cuentas' Management has been working with WHEN to identify immediate opportunities to provide WHEN solutions not only to the CUENTAS mobile platform, but also to the businesses and industries that Cuentas serves in the U.S. and around the world. Additionally, the parties are planning on deploying WHEN's proprietary software to protect families concerned with external cyber threats at home, enabling the monitoring of a child and his environmental behavioral patterns that will alert parents to potential tragedies caused by cyberbullying, pedophiles, other predators, and depression / state of mind.

In consideration of the acquisition of the 75% stake in WHEN, Cuentas will issue to UCG, Inc. the principal shareholder of WHEN, such number of common shares of CUEN which will represent on the date of issuance 50% of Cuentas' issued and outstanding capital (on a fully diluted basis), in exchange for UCG's stake in WHEN. Subject to the terms of the agreement, WHEN Group management, including Major Gen. (Ret) Danny Yatom, a former Director of Israeli Mossad, and current President of WHEN, and Giora Rosensweig, CEO with major experience in cyber security and artificial intelligence, will be joining the Cuentas Board of Directors and Executive Management. While the companies will initially continue to operate independently, management from both teams believe the synergies between the companies can pave the way to even deeper relationships.

"I have known some of the players on the WHEN team for many years and have always believed that their solutions could become a standard in communications security for businesses and families," said Cuentas Co–Founder and CEO Arik Maimon. "The world needs what WHEN is developing now more than ever" and we are going to bring it to them!"

WHEN Group was incorporated as a joint venture between SG77 and RNA Ltd, which develop and improve cyber security and cyber monitoring solutions in the B2C and B2B marketplace. WHEN has recently moved into telecommunications platforms with its acquisition of CrossMobile, a licensed Telecom (full core mobile virtual network operator) in Poland, joining a small, rarified group of licensed telecom operators in the EU. Cuentas believes that this will provide a powerful proof of concept for the Company's planned launch of services into the US.

"We have been heads down focused on created a state–of–the–art technology platform that defends critical communications and financial infrastructure against attack and compromise," said Major Gen. (Ret.) Danny Yatom, President of WHEN and Former Director of Israeli Mossad. "The proposed transaction puts us on the world stage and will enable us to bring our innovations more rapidly to market."

WHEN's easy–to–use A.I. and machine learning driven platform is a holistic solution that integrates with any system and is fully customizable based on customer needs. Management believes their solutions address a broad segment of the fast–growing, multi–billion–dollar cyber security market.

"We needed to get our solutions in front of major players in the US and around the world," stated Giora Rosensweig, CEO of WHEN Group. "With Cuentas as partners, we see the opportunity to expand more rapidly across multiple markets and industries." https://whengroupinfo.com/

Both Cuentas and WHEN have taken a broad portfolio approach to their markets, and management teams are aligned on the notion of building extended platforms, focusing on new technologies that connect vertical markets. With this acquisition, Cuentas is extending its platform from connect, to protect.

"Increasingly, people address the digital world through their mobile devices, and in many countries, the mobile phone is the only way they connect," stated Michael De Prado, Co–founder and President of Cuentas. "We have seen what can happen when the digital world gets out of control, and we want to protect businesses and families who are increasingly at risk."

Earlier in the year, Cuentas made a move into the real estate tech market, with the launch of Cuentas Casa, and the announcements of development and tech partnerships for the next generation of building construction. WHEN management mirrors this approach with their recent acquisition of Polish Telco, CrossMobile. Further, a key investor and stakeholder in WHEN is real estate developer, George Baumoehl, an early investor in WHEN, a WHEN director and part of the group who are exchanging their equity interest in WHEN for the Cuentas shares.

"Technology is bringing the world closer together, and, now with AI, the opportunities to impact multiple markets efficiently have increased significantly," said Baumoehl. "I see the combination of WHEN tech and Cuentas access as pivotal, and I have communicated to management of both companies that I will continue to support their growth."

According to Grand View Research, the global cyber security market size was estimated at USD 202.72 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3% from 2023 to 2030. The growing number of cyber–attacks owing to the proliferation of e–commerce platforms, the emergence of smart devices, and the deployment of the cloud are some of the key factors propelling the market growth. Increasing usage of devices equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT) and intelligent technologies is expected to increase the cases of cyber threats. As such, end–user organizations are anticipated to integrate advanced cyber security solutions to mitigate the cyber–attacks risk, supporting the market growth.2

2 https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry–analysis/cyber–security–market

"With the world's virtually 100% dependency on communication and financial technology, the risk may be incalculable," continued Maimon. "With this announcement, we are now able to focus not just on connecting, but also on protecting the markets, business and families we reach."

Cuentas' Board of Directors has approved the transaction and the Companies expect to complete the transaction this year. The closing is contingent on several factors, including without limitation, the approval of Nasdaq and the shareholders of Cuentas approving the transaction.

About WHEN

World Health Energy Holdings, Inc. (d/b/a WHEN Group) is a holding company comprised of CrossMobile, SG 77, Inc./RNA Ltd, which develops and significantly improves existing cybersecurity solutions in the B2C and B2B marketplace. WHEN Group develops new systems by applying pattern recognition technology based on IOT / mobile / servers and computer activity, analyzing human and device behavior, relationships, and BPM (Business Process Management) to automatically identify and prevent potential danger to individuals and companies. The B2C Cybersecurity division targets families concerned with external cyber threats and exposures in addition to monitoring a child's behavioral patterns that may alert parents to potential tragedies caused by cyberbullying, pedophiles, other predators, and depression. The B2B Cybersecurity system software development and implementation company is focused on innovative solutions for the constantly evolving cyber challenges of businesses, non–governmental organizations (NGOs) and governmental entities. By deploying a highly experienced development team, RNA Ltd. anticipates both internal and external cyber threats, by identifying behavioral patterns that flag potential cyber compromises. Additional information is available at: https://www.whengroup.com/.

About Cuentas

Cuentas, Inc. (Nasdaq: CUEN & CUENW) is creating an alternative financial ecosystem for the growing global population who do not have access to traditional financial alternatives. The Company's proprietary technologies help to integrate FinTech (Financial Technology), e–finance and e–commerce services into solutions that deliver next generation digital financial services to the unbanked, under–banked and underserved populations nationally in the USA. The Cuentas Platform integrates Cuentas Mobile, the Company's Telecommunications solution, with its core financial services offerings to help entire communities enter the modern financial marketplace. Cuentas has launched its General Purpose Reloadable (GPR) Card, which includes a digital wallet, discounts for purchases at major physical and online retailers, rewards, and the ability to purchase digital content. In Q1 of 2023 Cuentas launched Cuentas Casa, an alternative housing development initiative that secured a 10–year supply agreement for a patented, sustainable building system that will provide the bridge between its technology solutions and the affordable housing market. Cuentas has made investments to date in affordable housing projects for over 450 apartments. LINK: https://cuentas.com AND https://cuentasmobile.com

Forward–Looking Statements
This news release contains “forward–looking statements,” as that term is defined in section 27a of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21e of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward–looking statements involve substantial uncertainties and risks and are based upon our current expectations, estimates and projections and reflect our beliefs and assumptions based upon information available to us at the date of this release. We caution readers that forward–looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward–looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward–looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including, but not limited to, Nasdaq and shareholder approval of the proposed transaction, our ability to manage our research and development programs that are based on novel technologies, our ability to successfully integrate WHEN operations and product offerings, the sufficiency of working capital to realize our business plans and our ability to raise additional capital, market acceptance, the going concern qualification in our financial statements, our ability to retain key employees, our competitors developing better or cheaper alternatives to our products, risks relating to legal proceedings against us and the risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading “RISK FACTORS” in Item 1A of our Annual Report on Form 10–K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, and in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We undertake no obligation to revise or update any forward–looking statement for any reason.

Investor Relations

Cuentas, Inc.

SOURCE: Cuentas, Inc.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8949824)

Gamer Pakistan Announces Closing of Initial Public Offering

HENDERSON, Nev., Oct. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gamer Pakistan Inc. (NASDAQ: GPAK), an early–stage technology and esports company focused on game development and in–game AI community engagement, and organizing esports events in Pakistan, today announced the closing of its initial public offering of 1,700,000 shares at a public offering price per share of $4.00. The Company's stock began trading on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol "GPAK".

The gross proceeds to Gamer Pakistan from the offering, before deducting the underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses, amount to $6.8 million. Gamer Pakistan expects to use the net proceeds from the offering to build infrastructure, organize and promote esports tournaments in Pakistan, increase staff, acquire one or more eGame developers, build an integration in to Trade Desk for the Sale of Data to Brands, and provide general working capital.

WestPark Capital, Inc. acted as the Lead Underwriter, and R. F. Lafferty the Book–Running Manager for the offering.

A registration statement on Form S–1 relating to the shares of common stock being sold in this offering was filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and became effective on September 28, 2023.

The offering is being made only by means of a prospectus. A final prospectus relating to the offering was filed with the SEC and is available on the SEC's website at http://www.sec.gov. A copy of the final prospectus relating to this offering may also be obtained from WestPark Capital, Inc., Attn: Prospectus Department, 1800 Century Park East, Suite 220, Los Angeles, CA 90067 or by calling (310) 203–2919 or by emailing prospectus@wpcapital.com.

This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or jurisdiction.

About Gamer Pakistan

Gamer Pakistan Inc. (NASDAQ: GPAK), is an esports event development and product marketing company that was founded in November 2021 to create college, inter–university and professional esports events for all genders in Pakistan. Operations are conducted through wholly–owned subsidiary K2 Gamer (PVT) Ltd., and affiliate Elite Sports Pakistan Pvt. Ltd. For more information visit www.gamerpakistan.com.

Forward–Looking Statements

All statements in this release that are not based on historical fact are "forward–looking statements." While management has based any forward–looking statements included in this release on its current expectations, the information on which such expectations were based may change. Forward–looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward–looking statements, as a result of various factors including those risks and uncertainties described in the Risk Factors and in Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations sections of our recently filed Registration Statement on Form S–1, which can be found on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. We urge you to consider those risks and uncertainties in evaluating our forward–looking statements. We caution readers not to place undue reliance upon any such forward–looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Except as otherwise required by the federal securities laws, we disclaim any obligation or undertaking to publicly release any updates or revisions to any forward–looking statement contained herein (or elsewhere) to reflect any change in our expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

Investor Relations Contact:
Chris Tyson
Executive Vice President
MZ North America
Direct: 949–491–8235

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8947836)