Legit Security Wins 7 Industry Awards As RSA Conference Wraps Up

PALO ALTO, Calif., May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Legit Security, a cybersecurity company with an enterprise platform that ensures secure application delivery from code to cloud and protects an organization's software supply chain from attack, today announced that it has won seven industry awards for its innovative cybersecurity solution. The company joins a rare group of companies that are broadly and consistently recognized for their innovation and market leadership from a consensus of leading cybersecurity experts and judges.

Legit Security has been recognized with the following awards leading up to and during the RSA Conference 2023 in San Francisco which is the world's largest cybersecurity event that concluded last week:

"We are thrilled to receive so many awards recognizing our unique platform innovations and rapid market success in securing application delivery from code to cloud for our enterprise customers," said Roni Fuchs, CEO of Legit Security. "We're honored to be so broadly recognized for our achievements and look forward to further success helping our customers ensure the governance, compliance, and integrity of every software release and defending against the latest threats to the software supply chain."

The Legit Security platform provides code–to–cloud visibility into vulnerabilities and risks throughout the software development lifecycle, from code in its earliest stages, through the pre–production development environment, and all the way to deployment in a runtime environment. By automatically mapping connections and dependencies between systems, code, artifacts, third parties, developers, and cloud environments, the platform is able to rapidly contextualize security risks, consolidate vulnerability management, and prioritize remediation so that application security teams can keep their businesses safe while releasing software fast.

For more information on the Legit Security platform, please visit the company's website at https://www.legitsecurity.com.

About Legit Security
Legit Security protects an organization's software supply chain from attack and ensures secure application delivery, governance and risk management from code to cloud. The platform's unified application security control plane and automated SDLC discovery and analysis capabilities provide visibility and security control over rapidly changing environments and allow security issues to be prioritized based on context and business criticality to improve security team efficiency and effectiveness.

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8830150)

Les inscriptions à l'examen GMAT™ Focus Edition ouvriront en août 2023

RESTON, Virginie, 02 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), une association mondiale reprsentant les plus grandes coles de commerce, a annonc aujourd'hui que les inscriptions au GMAT Focus Edition, une version actualise du Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), ouvriront le 29 aot 2023, tandis que l'examen se droulera au quatrime trimestre de l'anne. Par ailleurs, des supports prparatoires officiels du GMAT Focus seront disponibles sur mba.com le 6 juin 2023, avec un planificateur d'tudes gratuit de seulement six semaines pour aider les candidats se tenir un planning, informer les activits prparatoires et suivre leurs progrs, outre un GMAT Focus Official Starter Kit gratuit fourni avec un chantillonneur de 70 vraies questions du GMAT et deux examens pratiques taille relle pour aider les candidats tablir un rfrentiel de leurs performances.

Plus tt cette anne, le GMAC a lanc le GMAT Focus Edition aprs des efforts de recherche tendus impliquant des centaines de professionnels scolaires et un test de concept approfondi avec des milliers d'tudiants l'chelle mondiale. Le GMAT, l'examen d'admissions pour coles de commerce le plus largement utilis au cours des sept dernires dcennies, a t repens pour offrir une exprience amliore et de nouvelles fonctions flexibles permettant de mieux soutenir les candidats souhaitant poursuivre des tudes suprieures dans le commerce. Les coles en bnficieront en guise d'lment amlior de leur processus holistique d'admissions.

Nous voulons encourager les personnes avec un large ensemble de qualifications, les tudiants en premier cycle et les individus aux expriences vcues comprendre la richesse de leur choix et rellement avancer dans leur parcours vers les coles de commerce , a dclar Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. Nous croyons que le GMAT Focus Edition permettra aux candidats d'optimiser leur prparation aux tudes suprieures de commerce tout en aidant les coles attirer un pool mondial de candidats qualifis et diversifis.

Il s'agit d'une volution importante du test , a comment Bruce DelMonico, doyen adjoint pour les admissions la Yale School of Management et membre du conseil d'administration du GMAC. En termes de pertinence et d'utilit, ce test prsente vritablement une progression positive qui bnficiera tant aux coles de commerce qu'aux candidats.

Plus efficace, plus flexible et plus instructif, dans le cadre d'une exprience de test entirement nouvelle

Le GMAT Focus Edition comprendra trois sections de 45 minutes : Raisonnement quantitatif, qui examine les comptences de rsolution des problmes ; Raisonnement verbal, qui value le raisonnement critique et la comprhension de lecture mais n'intgre plus la correction de phrases ; et la toute nouvelle section Connaissances des donnes, qui mesure les comptences de lecture des donnes des candidats et leur capacit analyser et interprter les donnes et les appliquer des scnarios commerciaux rels. Avec ces changements et le retrait de l'valuation de rdaction analytique (Analytical Writing Assessment, AWA), il dure prs d'une heure de moins que la version actuelle du GMAT et requiert donc moins de contenu pour se prparer. Outre de nouvelles fonctions permettant aux candidats d'attribuer un signet autant de questions qu'ils le veulent, de passer en revue des questions pendant le temps restant d'une section, de changer jusqu' trois rponses par section, et de complter les trois sections dans n'importe quel ordre, le Rapport de notation officiel amlior intgre dsormais des informations dtailles sur leurs performances qui les aident valuer leurs points forts et identifier les domaines sur lesquels ils doivent se concentrer sans aucun cot supplmentaire.

Je crois que la refonte de l'examen GMAT atteste de l'engagement du GMAC en faveur d'une amlioration continue. Les modifications apportes l'examen s'adressent l'importance grandissante de certaines comptences et l'avenir du travail, par exemple avec l'ajout de la section Connaissances des donnes , a dclar Arnold Longboy, directeur excutif du recrutement et des admissions la London Business School.

Une nouvelle chelle de notation et un systme de concordance pour aider valuer la comptitivit des candidats

Le Score total du GMAT Focus Edition, allant de 205 805, se base sur les performances d'un candidat aux trois sections de l'examen, o chaque section, allant de 60 90, est considre avec la mme valeur. Ce changement a t apport pour s'assurer que les candidats comme les coles puissent facilement distinguer une note au GMAT Focus Edition d'une note l'examen GMAT actuellement disponible, qui va de 200 800. Pour comprendre la comptitivit relative d'un candidat, il est possible d'utiliser les tableaux de concordance disponibles sur mba.com qui lient les distributions de notes entre les deux versions de l'examen par centile. Avec la nouvelle chelle de notation du GMAT Focus Edition, les classements par centile mritent le plus gros de l'attention des candidats et des coles cherchant comprendre les rsultats.

Lorsqu'il s'agit de comparer les notes du GMAT Focus Edition la version actuelle de l'examen GMAT, nous encourageons les candidats et les coles comparer les classements en centile plutt que les notes totales , a insist Manish Dharia, directeur du dveloppement produits au GMAC. Comme l'chelle de Note totale et la distribution de l'chelle de notation ont toutes deux chang, il ne serait pas appropri, prcis ou pertinent de comparer les notes totales ou des notes de sections de la version actuelle celles de l'examen GMAT Focus Edition. Des scores de 600 et 605 peuvent paratre similaires, mais ils reprsentent des niveaux de performance trs diffrents pour diffrentes comptences.

Des efforts additionnels pour faciliter une transition fluide et une adoption rapide

Alors que le GMAT Focus Edition se dploie pour le reste de l'anne 2023, la version actuelle de l'examen GMAT restera disponible pour les candidats jusqu'au dbut de l'anne prochaine afin de faciliter leur prparation en cours et leurs candidatures aux coles de commerce. Par ailleurs, cette fin, les frais pour le GMAT Focus Edition resteront les mmes que pour l'examen GMAT actuel.

Gardez l'esprit que toutes les notes l'examen GMAT, qu'il s'agisse du GMAT actuel ou du GMAT Focus Edition, restent valables pendant 5 ans , a dclar Ashish Bhardwaj, vice–prsident snior et responsable du dveloppement de march au GMAC. Avec l'annonce anticipe de la nouvelle dition, nous encourageons les candidats s'inscrire et passer l'examen des faons qui favorisent le mieux leur poursuite d'tudes suprieures en management.

propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) est une association de prestigieuses coles suprieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d'une mission. Le GMAC fournit au secteur de l'enseignement suprieur en management des recherches, confrences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et valuations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, vnements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l'enseignement suprieur. Proprit du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l'examen du Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) est l'valuation pour cole de commerce la plus largement utilise.

Plus de 12 millions d'tudiants potentiels par an font confiance aux sites Web du GMAC, y compris mba.com, pour en savoir plus sur les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce, contacter les coles du monde entier, se prparer et s'inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procdures d'admission aux programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, Singapour, au Royaume–Uni et aux tats–Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, rendez–vous sur www.gmac.com

Contact auprs des mdias :

Teresa Hsu
Cadre de direction, Relations avec les mdias
Portable : 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8830032)

Registration for GMAT™ Focus Edition to Open in August 2023

RESTON, Va., May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a global association representing leading business schools, today announced that registration for the GMAT Focus Edition, an updated version of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam, will open on August 29, 2023 for testing in the fourth quarter this year. In addition, official GMAT Focus prep materials will be available on mba.com on June 6, 2023, with a free study planner of only six weeks to help test takers stick to a schedule, inform prep activities, and track progress, as well as a free GMAT Focus Official Starter Kit that comes with a sampler of 70 real GMAT questions and two full–length practice exams to help candidates establish performance baseline.

Earlier this year, GMAC introduced GMAT Focus Edition after extensive research efforts involving hundreds of school professionals and an in–depth concept testing with thousands of students globally. The GMAT, the most widely used business school admissions exam in the past seven decades, was redesigned with improved test taking experience and flexible new features to better support candidates of graduate business education. Schools will benefit from it as an improved element in their holistic admissions process.

"We want to encourage people with a broad set of qualifications, undergraduate backgrounds and lived experiences to understand the richness of their choice and take that leap forward on their business school journey," said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. "It is our belief that GMAT Focus Edition will allow candidates to optimize their preparation for graduate business education while helping schools attract a global pool of qualified and diverse applicants."

"This is an important evolution of the test," said Bruce DelMonico, Assistant Dean for Admissions at Yale School of Management and a board member of GMAC. "In terms of the relevance and usefulness of the test, this is definitely a positive step that will be beneficial both to business schools and to candidates."

More efficient, more flexible, and more insightful, in an all–new testing experience

The GMAT Focus Edition will feature three 45–minute sections: Quantitative Reasoning, which examines problem solving skills; Verbal Reasoning, which evaluates critical reasoning and reading comprehension but no longer incorporates sentence correction; and the newly developed Data Insights section, which measures candidates' data literacy skills and ability to analyze and interpret data and apply it to real–world business scenarios. With these changes and the removal of the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), it is nearly one hour shorter than the current version of the GMAT and therefore requires less content to prepare. Besides new features that allow test takers to bookmark as many questions as they want, review questions within the remaining section time and change up to three answers per section, and to complete the three sections in any order, the enhanced Official Score Report now offers detailed performance insights that helps them assess strengths and identify focus areas at no additional cost.

"I think the redesign of the GMAT exam is testament to GMAC's commitment to continuous improvement. Changes to the exam address the growing importance of certain competencies and the future of work "" for example with the addition of Data Insight," said Arnold Longboy, Executive Director, Recruitment & Admissions at London Business School.

New score scale and concordance to help assess candidate competitiveness

The GMAT Focus Edition's Total Score, ranging from 205 to 805, is based on test taker performance on all three sections of the exam, with each section, ranging from 60 to 90, weighted equally. This change has been made to ensure that test takers and schools can easily distinguish from a GMAT Focus Edition score to the currently available GMAT Exam score, which ranges from 200 to 800. To understand a test taker's relative competitiveness, one can use the concordance tables available on mba.com that link score distributions between the two versions of the exam by percentile. With the GMAT Focus Edition's new score scale, percentile rankings deserve the primary attention from test takers and schools when looking to understand the results.

"When comparing scores of GMAT Focus Edition to the current version of the GMAT Exam, we encourage test takers and schools to compare percentile rankings rather than comparing total scores," stressed Manish Dharia, director of product development at GMAC. "Because the Total Score scale and the score scale distribution have both changed, comparing total scores or section scores from the current version of the exam to the GMAT Focus Edition is not appropriate, accurate, or a meaningful comparison of performance. Scores of 600 and 605 may look similar, but they represent very different performance levels on different skills."

Additional efforts to facilitate smooth transition and swift adoption

As GMAT Focus Edition rolls out for the remainder of 2023, the current version of the GMAT exam will continue to be available to candidates until early next year to facilitate their in–progress preparation and applications for business school. Also, to that end, the GMAT Focus Edition fees will remain the same as the current GMAT exam.

"Keep in mind, all GMAT exam scores "" whether they are of the current GMAT or GMAT Focus Edition "" continue to be valid for 5 years," said Ashish Bhardwaj, senior vice president and head of market development at GMAC. "With the advance announcement of the new edition, we encourage candidates to proceed with registering and taking the GMAT exam in ways that best enable their pursuit of graduate management education."

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission–driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world–class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC's websites, including mba.com, to learn about MBA and business master's programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master's programs. BusinessBecause and GMAC Tours are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8829077)

Anmeldung für GMAT™ Focus Edition ab August 2023

RESTON, Virginia, May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Der Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), ein weltweiter Verband, der fhrende Wirtschaftshochschulen vertritt, hat heute bekanntgegeben, dass die Anmeldung fr den GMAT Focus Edition, einer aktualisierten Version des Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), am 29. August 2023 fr die Prfung im vierten Quartal dieses Jahres geffnet wird. Darber hinaus werden die offiziellen Vorbereitungsmaterialien fr den GMAT Focus ab dem 6. Juni 2023 auf mba.com zur Verfgung stehen, mit einem kostenlosen Studienplaner fr den Zeitraum von nur sechs Wochen, der den Testteilnehmern hilft, einen Zeitplan einzuhalten, sich ber Vorbereitungsaktivitten zu informieren und den Fortschritt zu verfolgen, sowie einem kostenlosen offiziellen GMAT Focus–Starterkit mit einer Auswahl von 70 echten GMAT–Fragen und zwei bungstests in voller Lnge, die den Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern helfen, eine Leistungsgrundlage zu schaffen.

Zu Beginn dieses Jahres hat GMAC den GMAT Focus Edition auf den Markt gebracht. Vorausgegangen waren umfangreiche Forschungsarbeiten mit Hunderten von Hochschulfachleuten und ein ausfhrlicher Konzepttest mit Tausenden von Studierenden auf der ganzen Welt. Der GMAT, die am weitesten verbreitete Zulassungsprfung fr Wirtschaftshochschulen in den letzten sieben Jahrzehnten, wurde neu gestaltet und bietet nun ein verbessertes Prfungserlebnis und flexible neue Funktionen, um Bewerberinnen und Bewerber fr ein Wirtschaftsstudium besser zu untersttzen. Die Hochschulen werden davon profitieren, da der Test ein verbessertes Element in ihrem ganzheitlichen Zulassungsverfahren darstellt.

"Wir mchten Menschen mit einem breiten Spektrum an Qualifikationen, Studienhintergrnden und Lebenserfahrungen dazu ermutigen, die Vielfltigkeit ihrer Wahl zu verstehen und den Schritt nach vorne auf ihrem Weg zur Wirtschaftshochschule zu wagen", so Joy Jones, CEO des GMAC. "Wir sind davon berzeugt, dass der GMAT Focus Edition den Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten eine optimale Vorbereitung auf das Wirtschaftsstudium ermglicht und gleichzeitig den Wirtschaftshochschulen hilft, einen globalen Pool an qualifizierten und vielfltigen Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern anzuziehen."

"Dies ist eine wichtige Weiterentwicklung des Tests", so Bruce DelMonico, stellvertretender Dekan fr Zulassungen an der Yale School of Management und Vorstandsmitglied des GMAC. "Im Hinblick auf die Relevanz und Ntzlichkeit des Tests ist dies definitiv ein positiver Schritt, der sowohl fr die Wirtschaftshochschulen als auch fr die Bewerber von Vorteil sein wird."

Effizienter, flexibler und aufschlussreicher in einem vllig neuen Testerlebnis

Der GMAT Focus Edition besteht aus drei 45–mintigen Abschnitten: dem Abschnitt "Quantitatives Denken", der die Problemlsungsfhigkeiten prft; dem Abschnitt "Mndliche Logik", der kritisches Denken und Leseverstndnis bewertet, aber keine Satzkorrektur mehr beinhaltet; und dem neu entwickelten Abschnitt "Datenerkenntnisse", der die Datenkompetenz der Kandidaten und ihre Fhigkeit zur Analyse und Interpretation von Daten und deren Anwendung auf reale Geschftsszenarien misst. Mit diesen nderungen und dem Wegfall der analytischen Schreibaufgabe (Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)) ist er fast eine Stunde krzer als die aktuelle Version des GMAT und erfordert daher weniger Inhalte, die vorbereitet werden mssen. Neben neuen Funktionen, die es den Testteilnehmerinnen und –teilnehmern ermglichen, so viele Fragen wie gewnscht zu markieren, Fragen innerhalb der verbleibenden Abschnittszeit zu wiederholen und bis zu drei Antworten pro Abschnitt zu ndern sowie die drei Abschnitte in beliebiger Reihenfolge zu absolvieren, bietet der verbesserte offizielle Ergebnisbericht jetzt detaillierte Leistungseinblicke, die ihnen helfen, Strken zu bewerten und Schwerpunktbereiche zu identifizieren "" und das ohne zustzliche Kosten.

"Ich denke, die Neugestaltung der GMAT–Prfung ist ein Beweis fr das Engagement des GMAC fr kontinuierliche Verbesserungen. Die nderung der Prfung trgt der wachsenden Bedeutung bestimmter Kompetenzen und der Zukunft der Arbeit Rechnung "" zum Beispiel durch den zustzlichen Abschnitt zu Datenerkenntnissen", so Arnold Longboy, Executive Director, Recruitment & Admissions an der London Business School.

Neue Punkteskala und Konkordanz zur Bewertung der Wettbewerbsfhigkeit der Bewerberinnen und Bewerber

Die Gesamtpunktzahl des GMAT Focus Edition, die von 205 bis 805 reicht, basiert auf den Leistungen der Testteilnehmerinnen und –teilnehmer in allen drei Abschnitten der Prfung, wobei jeder Abschnitt, der von 60 bis 90 reicht, gleich gewichtet wird. Diese nderung wurde vorgenommen, um sicherzustellen, dass Testteilnehmer und Schulen leicht zwischen einem GMAT Focus Edition–Ergebnis und dem aktuell verfgbaren GMAT–Prfungsergebnis unterscheiden knnen, das von 200 bis 800 reicht. Um die relative Wettbewerbsfhigkeit einer Prfungsteilnehmerin oder eines Prfungsteilnehmers zu verstehen, besteht die Mglichkeit, die auf mba.com zur Verfgung stehenden Konkordanztabellen zu nutzen, die die Verteilung der Punkte zwischen den beiden Prfungsversionen nach Prozentstzen aufschlsseln. Mit der neuen Punkteskala des GMAT Focus Edition verdienen die Prozentrnge die grte Aufmerksamkeit von Testteilnehmerinnen und –teilnehmern sowie Hochschulen, wenn es darum geht, die Ergebnisse zu verstehen.

"Wenn wir die Ergebnisse des GMAT Focus Edition mit der aktuellen Version des GMAT–Tests vergleichen, empfehlen wir Testteilnehmerinnen und –teilnehmern sowie Schulen, die Prozentrnge zu vergleichen und nicht die Gesamtpunktzahl", betont Manish Dharia, Director of Product Development beim GMAC. "Da sich sowohl die Gesamtergebnisskala als auch die Verteilung der Punkte auf der Skala gendert haben, ist ein Vergleich der Gesamtergebnisse oder der Abschnittsergebnisse der aktuellen Version des Tests mit dem GMAT Focus Edition nicht angemessen, genau oder ein sinnvoller Leistungsvergleich. Punktzahlen von 600 und 605 sehen vielleicht hnlich aus, aber sie stehen fr sehr unterschiedliche Leistungsniveaus bei verschiedenen Fhigkeiten."

Zustzliche Anstrengungen zur Erleichterung eines reibungslosen bergangs und einer raschen Annahme

Whrend der GMAT Focus Edition im Laufe des verbleibenden Jahres 2023 auf dem Markt eingefhrt wird, wird die aktuelle Version des GMAT–Tests Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern noch bis Anfang nchsten Jahres zur Verfgung stehen, um ihnen die laufende Vorbereitung und die Bewerbung fr ein Wirtschaftsstudium zu erleichtern. Zu diesem Zweck werden auch die Gebhren fr den GMAT Focus Edition die gleichen wie fr den aktuellen GMAT–Test sein.

"Denken Sie daran, dass alle GMAT–Prfungsergebnisse "" unabhngig davon, ob es sich um den aktuellen GMAT oder den GMAT Focus Edition handelt "" weiterhin fnf Jahre lang gltig sind", so Ashish Bhardwaj, Senior Vice President und Leiter der Marktentwicklung beim GMAC. "Mit der Vorankndigung der neuen Ausgabe ermutigen wir Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, sich anzumelden und den GMAT–Test so abzulegen, wie es ihnen am besten mglich ist, um ihr Ziel eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiums verfolgen zu knnen."

ber den GMAC

Der Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) ist ein zielorientierter Verband fhrender Wirtschaftshochschulen mit postgradualen Studiengngen auf der ganzen Welt. Der GMAC bietet erstklassige Forschung, Branchenkonferenzen, Rekrutierungstools und Bewertungen fr Akteure im Bereich des weiterfhrenden Managementausbildung sowie Ressourcen, Veranstaltungen und Dienstleistungen, die Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten auf ihrem Weg durch die Hochschulausbildung untersttzen. Der Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), der vom GMAC entwickelt und durchgefhrt wird, ist die am weitesten verbreitete Prfung an Wirtschaftshochschulen.

Mehr als 12 Millionen Studieninteressierte vertrauen jedes Jahr auf die Websites des GMAC, darunter mba.com, um sich ber MBA– und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Masterstudiengnge zu informieren, Kontakte zu Hochschulen auf der ganzen Welt zu knpfen, sich auf Prfungen vorzubereiten und anzumelden und Ratschlge fr eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung fr MBA– und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Masterstudiengnge zu erhalten. BusinessBecause und GMAC Tours sind Tochtergesellschaften des GMAC, einer globalen Organisation mit Niederlassungen in China, Indien, dem Vereinigten Knigreich und den Vereinigten Staaten.

Um mehr ber unsere Ttigkeit zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte www.gmac.com.


Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobil: 202–390–4180

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8830032)

Student Researchers Use UAE-Developed Generative AI Technology to Find New Brain Tumor Drug Targets

Abu Dhabi, May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Three high school students "" Andrea Olsen from Oslo, Norway; Zachary Harpaz from Boca Raton, Florida; and Chris Ren from Shanghai, China "" co–authored a paper using a generative artificial intelligence (AI) engine for target discovery from Insilico Medicine ("Insilico") called PandaOmics to identify new therapeutic targets for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). GBM is the most aggressive and common malignant brain tumor, accounting for 16% of all primary brain tumors. The findings were published on April 26 in the journal Aging.

Much of the technology behind PandaOmics is being developed in Insilico's Generative Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing Research and Development Center in Abu Dhabi, the region's largest AI–powered biotechnology research center.

Olsen, a student at Sevenoaks School in Kent, UK, began interning at Insilico Medicine in 2021, after discovering her interest in neurobiology and technology. For the current paper, the fifth scientific paper she has co–authored before turning eighteen, she and other researchers used PandaOmics to screen datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus repository maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information and found new therapeutic targets implicated for treating both aging and glioblastoma multiforme.

Ren, a student at Shanghai High School International Division, has an interest in biology and biomarkers and joined them in the summer of 2022.

While there would seem to be a clear connection between aging and cancer, Olsen says their findings were more nuanced. "Sometimes, instead of aging, the body switches to cancer mechanisms, which was really interesting to discover." She hypothesized that "the body is trying to preserve itself in a way that it is switching back to embryonic processes of cell division." GBM is caused by a genetic mutation that leads to uncontrolled growth of glial cells, or cells that surround neurons in the brain. Even with existing therapies, the median survival for GBM patients is only 15 months.

Harpaz, a student at Pine Crest School in Ft. Lauderdale, had an early interest in computer science and AI and soon developed a passion for biology as well. "I wanted to combine my two favorite topics, computer science and biology, into what I think is the most interesting field of biology – aging research," Harpaz says. He discovered generative AI drug discovery company Insilico Medicine whose founder and CEO, Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, connected him with Olsen. The two young researchers began collaborating on the glioblastoma project and ultimately presented findings at the Aging Research and Drug Discovery (ARDD) conference in Copenhagen, where they together launched the Youth Longevity Association (TYLA).

In this latest paper, the three teens used PandaOmics to analyze the genes and identified three that were strongly correlated with both aging and glioblastoma and could serve as potential therapeutic targets for new drugs.

"We selected the genes that were overlapped to be highly correlated in 11 of the 12 datasets, and we split our data into young, middle aged, and senior groups," said Harpaz. "We mapped this to the importance of the gene expression to survival." After identifying two genetic targets for glioblastoma and aging "" CNGA3 and GLUD1 "" they cross–referenced their findings with earlier findings from Insilico around genes strongly correlated with aging and identified a third target "" SIRT1.

"I learned a lot about conducting a research project," said Ren, who helped review the three targets. "The PandaOmics platform really made the project accessible to me. As a high school sophomore, I did not have sufficient experience for advanced research and analysis, however, I was still able to navigate the PandaOmics platform after a brief period of training to process and compare datasets of glioblastoma."

The students say they are eager to continue their studies in AI and biology into college and to move the GBM research forward from target discovery to drug development.

"The best way to take this research further is going to be using Insilico's Chemistry42 software, where we can take the targets we identified through PandaOmics and generate small molecules, potential drugs, with these targets that have the potential to treat glioblastoma and aging at the same time," says Harpaz.

Prior to her internship at Insilico, Olsen says: "I never knew that AI could be so helpful in finding completely new therapeutic targets. For me, that was an incredible opportunity to dive into the field of research, aging, longevity, and neuroscience. It really kick–started my entire career."

"I am truly impressed by the commitment of these young researchers," says Zhavoronkov. "I hope their work will inspire other young people excited about science and technology to look at how they can use AI tools to discover new targets and treatments for both aging and disease."

About Insilico Medicine

Insilico Medicine, a clinical–stage generative artificial intelligence (AI)–driven drug discovery company, is connecting biology, chemistry, and clinical trials analysis using next–generation AI systems. The company has developed AI platforms that utilize deep generative models, reinforcement learning, transformers, and other modern machine learning techniques for novel target discovery and the generation of novel molecular structures with desired properties. Insilico Medicine is developing breakthrough solutions to discover and develop innovative drugs for cancer, fibrosis, immunity, central nervous system diseases, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, and aging–related diseases. In early 2023, the Company opened the Insilico Medicine Generative Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing Research and Development Centre in Abu Dhabi, the region's largest AI–powered biotechnology research center. The R&D hub brings together global talent in artificial intelligence and software development to expand the capabilities of Insilico's end–to–end AI–driven drug discovery platform, Pharma.AI, explore aging research and sustainable chemistry, and support the digital transformation of healthcare in the region.

For more information, visit www.insilico.com


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8829593)

Amii welcomes over 2000 of the world’s brightest minds in AI to annual Upper Bound event

EDMONTON, Alberta, May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute) welcomes the world AI community to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for Upper Bound, May 23–26. All are invited to attend the multi–day event, with diverse programming catered for AI researchers, industry leaders, pop culture enthusiasts and anyone who has ever been curious about artificial intelligence.

In–person and virtual tickets start at $0. Registration and schedules are available at upperbound.ai

A celebration of AI excellence in Alberta and beyond, Upper Bound will take over Edmonton with a full event schedule and more than 100 events taking place in the downtown core. Upper Bound is pleased to welcome our 2023 keynote speakers including:

  • Richard S. Sutton, trailblazing AI researcher and Amii Chief Scientific Advisor, considered by many as the pioneer of reinforcement learning | Ticket Access: Community Pass, Upper Bound Pass, Talent Bursary All Access and Online Pass
  • Cam Linke, CEO, Amii | Ticket Access: Upper Bound Pass, Talent Bursary All Access and Online Pass
  • Peter Stone, Executive Director of Sony AI America | Ticket Access: Academic Symposium and Upper Bound Pass (limited)
  • Marlos Machado, Amii Fellow & Canada CIFAR AI Chair | Ticket Access: Academic Symposium

"AI is the most important tool of our time, and it continues to dominate global conversation," says Cam Linke, CEO of Amii. "Upper Bound puts a spotlight on Alberta's AI leadership and legacy and is a celebration of AI that welcomes everybody to learn, network, discuss and join in on the conversation. This is an invitation for the world's AI community to experience the best of what Amii and Canada has to offer in scientific excellence, start–up creation and industry application "" so they can leave inspired by the connections they've made, the information learned, and their ambitious ideas realized."

Upper Bound is an AI event for everyone and includes sessions, demos, networking events and socials open for a range of ages and familiarity with AI. Scheduled events include:

  • An Academic Symposium, showcasing leading research and organized by Amii Fellows from the University of Alberta, one of the world's top academic institutions for AI research.
  • Panels on AI in industry, including discussions on innovative applications of AI in industry; the demand for AI talent; advancing cellular agriculture; ventures and start–ups; and more.
  • AI & Culture, high–energy and fun events for all AI enthusiasts.
  • Social and networking opportunities with daily coffee catch up, beers with peers and the hottest ticket in town, the official Upper Bound Party.

Last year more than 2,000 attendees from 38 countries attended the inaugural event. Amii awarded Talent Bursaries to over 500 recipients from around the world to cover travel and accommodation costs with over 69% of recipients self–identified as members of underrepresented groups in STEM.

This year, Amii has awarded over $500,000 in Talent Bursaries to support 700 recipients from 22 countries to Upper Bound in person. An additional 612 global Talent Bursary applicants received Online Pass access for live–streamed content and full immersion in the Upper Bound app.

Upper Bound is proudly presented by Amii. One of Canada's three centres of AI excellence as part of the Pan–Canadian AI strategy, Amii is an Alberta–based, non–profit institute that supports world–leading research in artificial intelligence and machine learning and translates scientific advancement into industry adoption. Learn more at amii.ca.

Media Contact

Lynda Vang, Communications Specialist

E: lynda.vang@amii.ca

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8829558)

Bombardier est en tête des efforts de développement durable réalisés à l’échelle de l’industrie grâce aux déclarations environnementales de produit de ses avions Global 5500 et Global 6500

  • Les dclarations environnementales de produit fournissent de l'information dtaille sur l'empreinte environnementale de chaque avion sur l'ensemble de son cycle de vie
  • L'quipe Stratgie et conception cologique des produits de Bombardier, unique en son genre, a analys l'incidence environnementale de plus de 140 000 pices d'avion par programme afin de crer des rapports publics holistiques et transparents
  • Les avions long–courriers Global 5500 et Global 6500 se joignent aux avions Global 7500 et Challenger 3500 comme seuls avions d'affaires du monde faire l'objet d'une dclaration environnementale
  • Les dclarations environnementales respectives des avions Global 5500 et Global 6500 contribuent la plateforme de recherche long terme EcoJet de Bombardier

MONTRÉAL, 02 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier a annonc aujourd'hui qu'elle avait termin une analyse en profondeur de ses avions Global 5500 et Global 6500 afin de publier une dclaration environnementale de produit pour chacun de ces deux grands avions d'affaires. Ces avions se joignent aux avions Global 7500 et Challenger 3500 comme seuls avions faire l'objet d'une dclaration environnementale dans l'aviation d'affaires.

Depuis plus de dix ans, Bombardier a une quipe d'experts interne qui se consacre l'laboration et la normalisation d'indicateurs cls et de mthodes de collecte, de validation et d'analyse de donnes. Runissant des intervenants de l'industrie et 45 fournisseurs de niveau 1, Bombardier a valu 200 000 pices d'avion durant le dveloppement du programme d'avion Global 7500, obtenant ainsi de l'information prcieuse sur l'incidence environnementale de cet avion d'affaires qui a men la publication d'un rapport public vrifi par une tierce partie.

L'avion Global 7500, hautement performant et l'avant–garde de l'industrie, est devenu le premier avion d'affaires faire l'objet, en 2020, d'une dclaration environnementale de produit, suivi, en 2022, de l'avion Challenger 3500. La mthodologie holistique a t nouveau utilise pour analyser les programmes d'avion Global 5500 et Global 6500 dans le cadre de laquelle 280 000 pices ont t values.

La publication de la dclaration environnementale de chacun des avions Global 5500 et Global 6500 est le rsultat d'annes entires d'efforts scientifiques, a dclar Michel Ouellette, vice–prsident excutif, Ingnierie et Dveloppement de produits de Bombardier. Ces dclarations sont plus que des brochures : ce sont des outils permettant l'industrie de l'aviation de faire des innovations coresponsables dans tout le spectre de ses activits. Ils rsultent aussi de la minutie, de l'attention et de l'ingniosit d'une quipe d'experts interne aux comptences uniques. Comme entreprise, nous sommes trs fiers que la rputation de nos produits et que les occasions que nous offrons de travailler sur des projets passionnants attirent les plus brillants esprits du monde.

Grce au travail prparatoire colossal effectu par l'quipe de Bombardier qui se consacre tablir les exigences environnementales pour la phase de conception des programmes futurs, les avions Global 5500 et Global 6500 prsentent des lments hautement coresponsables. Du point de vue de leur conception, ces avions offrent une consommation de carburant jusqu' 13 % infrieure celle de leurs prdcesseurs, grce des ailes redessines et aux nouveaux moteurs Pearl de Rolls–Royce spcialement construits. De plus, l'aile transsonique grande vitesse de ces avions rduit la trane, la consommation de carburant et les missions, tout en offrant un vol en douceur, de mme qu'elle permet d'excellentes performances sur piste courte et grande vitesse. Bombardier offre l'heure actuelle des options de matriaux coresponsables pour la cabine de tous ses avions.

Bombardier a l'influence et l'expertise ncessaires pour changer l'avenir de l'aviation, a ajout Michel Ouellette. Nous avons pris la dcision il y a plus de 10 ans de nous attaquer au plus urgent dfi de l'industrie, long terme avec notre plateforme de recherche EcoJet; court terme, en encourageant l'utilisation accrue des carburants d'aviation durables (SAF); et, moyen terme, en adoptant une approche coresponsable dans la conception de tous nos avions, et ce, avant mme le dcoupage de la premire feuille de tle. En tablissant les dclarations environnementales de produit de nos avions d'affaires, nous nous sommes dots d'une mthodologie exhaustive et reproductible pour nous assurer de bien cerner ds maintenant les risques et les incidences sur le plan environnemental de notre chane de valeur, et de les grer efficacement avec notre approche d'innovation et d'amlioration continues.

Accessibles pour consultation par l'industrie et le grand public, le grand nombre de donnes recueillies dans l'analyse du cycle de vie des produits de Bombardier incite les principaux acteurs rvaluer la faon dont les avions sont aujourd'hui conus et construits. L'offre de matriaux coresponsables pour intrieur de cabine d'avions Bombardier est un exemple de la manire dont cette analyse de cycle de vie a men une amlioration tangible des produits. Entre–temps, dans le cadre des progrs raliss pour inventer l'avenir de l'aviation coresponsable par le biais de sa plateforme de recherche EcoJet, ces dclarations environnementales de produit influent dj sur les dcisions au niveau de la chane d'approvisionnement, et ce, en laborant une stratgie claire quant aux mthodes coresponsables d'approvisionnement et de dveloppement de produit.

Enfin, le plan global de Bombardier li aux aspects environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance (ESG) s'inscrit dans les efforts raliss l'chelle de toute l'industrie pour atteindre l'objectif de zro mission nette de carbone d'ici 2050, en faisant activement la promotion des carburants d'aviations durables, en amliorant le taux de rcuprabilit des avions et l'approvisionnement coresponsable, en amliorant l'efficacit nergtique de ses activits oprationnelles, en optimisant la compensation des missions de carbone, et plus encore.

propos de Bombardier

Bombardier (BBD–B.TO) est un leader mondial en aviation ax sur la conception et la construction d'avions d'affaires exceptionnels ainsi que sur la prestation de services connexes. Les avions des gammes Challenger et Global de Bombardier sont reconnus pour les innovations de pointe qu'ils offrent, la conception de leur cabine, leurs performances et leur fiabilit. La flotte mondiale d'avions Bombardier compte environ 5 000 avions en service auprs d'un large ventail de multinationales, de fournisseurs de vols noliss et de programmes de multiproprit, de gouvernements ou de particuliers. Des avions Bombardier sont aussi utiliss dans le monde entier pour raliser des missions spciales gouvernementales ou militaires grce l'expertise prouve de Bombardier Dfense.

Bombardier, dont le sige social est situ dans la Grande rgion de Montral, au Qubec, exploite des installations d'activits lies aux arostructures, l'assemblage ou la finition au Canada, aux tats–Unis et au Mexique. Le solide rseau de soutien la clientle de l'entreprise comprend des centres de service pour avions Learjet, Challenger et Global situs stratgiquement aux tats–Unis et au Canada, ainsi qu'au Royaume–Uni, en Allemagne, en France, en Suisse, en Italie, en Autriche, aux mirats arabes unis, Singapour, en Chine, et en Australie.

On trouvera des nouvelles et des renseignements sur l'entreprise, y compris le rapport de Bombardier sur les aspects environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance ainsi que les plans de l'entreprise pour couvrir la totalit de ses oprations ariennes avec du carburant d'aviation durable en utilisant le systme Rserver et rclamer, sur le site bombardier.com. Pour en savoir plus sur les produits de Bombardier et son rseau de service clientle l'avant–garde de l'industrie, consultez le site businessaircraft.bombardier.com/fr. Suivez–nous sur Twitter @Bombardier.

Bombardier, Challenger, Challenger 3500, Global, Global 5500, Global 6500 et Global 7500 sont des marques dposes ou non dposes de Bombardier Inc. ou de ses filiales.

Pour information

Marie–Andre Charron
+1 514–441–2598

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse
suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6f8246dc–ff6c–4ed2–99bf–e5e429d82aa8/fr

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8829771)

Bombardier Leads Industry-Wide Sustainability Efforts with Landmark Environmental Product Declarations for Global 5500 and Global 6500 Aircraft

  • Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) provide detailed information about each aircraft's environmental footprint across its life cycle
  • Bombardier's unique Product Sustainability and Strategy team analyzed environmental incidence of over 140K aircraft parts per program to create holistic and transparent public reports
  • Long–range Global 5500 and Global 6500 aircraft join Global 7500 and Challenger 3500 as world's only business jets carrying an EPD
  • Global 5500 and Global 6500 EPDs contribute to Bombardier's long–term view EcoJet research platform

MONTREAL, May 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bombardier today announced that it has completed a thorough analysis of the Global 5500 and Global 6500 in order to publish Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for two of its large aircraft. They join the Global 7500 aircraft and the Challenger 3500 aircraft as business aviation's only EPD–designated jets.

For over a decade, Bombardier dedicated a full–time internal team of experts to the development of standardizable key metrics, data gathering, validation and analysis. Bringing together industry players and 45 tier–1 suppliers, Bombardier assessed 200K aircraft parts over the development of the Global 7500 aircraft program, gaining valuable insights on the environmental impact of this business jet and leading to a third–party verified public report.

The industry–leading, high–performance Global 7500 aircraft became the first business aircraft to receive an EPD designation for this report in 2020 and was followed by the Challenger 3500 EPD in 2022. The holistic methodology was replicated in analyzing the Global 5500 and Global 6500 programs, where 280K parts were assessed.

"The publication of the Global 5500 and Global 6500 aircraft EPDs are the results of years of scientific effort," said Michel Ouellette, Executive Vice President, Engineering and Product Development, Bombardier. "These declarations are more than brochures: they are tools for the aviation industry to drive sustainable innovations across its activities spectrum. They are also the outcome of the thoroughness, mindfulness and ingenuity of a uniquely skilled internal team of experts. As a company, we are immeasurably proud that the reputation of our products and exciting opportunities attract the best minds in the world."

Thanks to the colossal groundwork done by Bombardier's dedicated team in establishing environmental requirements at the design phase of future programs, the Global 5500 and Global 6500 business jets possess strong sustainability elements. From a design perspective, they feature up to 13% better fuel efficiency than their predecessors with redesigned wings and new purpose–built Rolls–Royce Pearl engines. The high–speed transonic wing on these aircraft also cuts down on drag, reducing fuel burn, and lowering emissions, offering a smooth ride, excellent short–field and high–speed performance. Bombardier also currently offers sustainable cabin material options for the interior of all aircraft.

"Bombardier has the influence and expertise to change the future of aviation," said Michel Ouellette, "We made the decision over 10 years ago to tackle the industry's most urgent challenge in the long run with our EcoJet research platform; in the short run by encouraging the increased use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF); and in the medium run by adopting a sustainability mindset when designing all our aircraft; before the first piece of sheet metal is cut. With our business jets EPDs, we have equipped ourselves with a comprehensive and replicable methodology to ensure environmental risks and impacts across our value chain are identified now, and effectively managed through our continuous innovation and improvement approach."

The extensive data gleaned in the development of Bombardier's product life cycle analysis, which is available for the industry and the public to consult, help key players reevaluate how current aircraft are designed and built. Bombardier's sustainable cabin interiors materials offering is one example of how this life cycle analysis led to tangible product improvement. Meanwhile, in working towards inventing the future of sustainable aviation with its long–term view EcoJet research platform, these EPDs are already influencing decisions at the supply chain level, by mapping a clear strategy for sustainable sourcing and product development processes.

Bombardier's overall environmental, social and governance (ESG) plan also supports the industry–wide aspiration to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, by actively advocating for the adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, enhancing aircraft recoverability and sustainable sourcing, improving energy efficiency in its operations, optimizing carbon offsets, and more.

About Bombardier

Bombardier (BBD–B.TO) is a global leader in aviation, focused on designing, manufacturing, and servicing the world's most exceptional business jets. Bombardier's Challenger and Global aircraft families are renowned for their cutting–edge innovation, cabin design, performance, and reliability. Bombardier has a worldwide fleet of approximately 5,000 aircraft in service with a wide variety of multinational corporations, charter and fractional ownership providers, governments, and private individuals. Bombardier aircraft are also trusted around the world in government and military special–mission roles leveraging Bombardier Defense's proven expertise."

Headquartered in Greater Montral, Qubec, Bombardier operates aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. The company's robust customer support network services the Learjet, Challenger and Global families of aircraft, and includes facilities in strategic locations in the United States and Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, the UAE, Singapore, China and Australia."

For corporate news and information, including Bombardier's Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company's plans to cover all its flight operations with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) utilizing the Book and Claim system visit bombardier.com. Learn more about Bombardier's industry–leading products and customer service network at businessaircraft.bombardier.com. Follow us on Twitter @Bombardier.""

Bombardier, Challenger, Challenger 3500, Global, Global 5500, Global 6500 and Global 7500 are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

For Information
Marie–Andre Charron
+1 514–441–2598

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/6f8246dc–ff6c–4ed2–99bf–e5e429d82aa8

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8829771)


بهدف تحفيز الاستثمار الأجنبي ورفع جاذبية وكفاءة السوق المالية وتعزيز تنافسيتها محلياً ودولياً "هيئة السوق المالية" تعتمد القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية


2مايو2023م الرياض,المملكةالعربية السعودية

اعتمدتهيئة السوقالمالية القواعدالمنظمة للاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق المالية،وتعليمات الحساباتالاستثماريةالمعدّلة،وتعديل اللائحةالتنفيذية لنظامالشركات الخاصةبشركات المساهمةالمدرجة وقائمةالمصطلحاتالمستخدمة فيلوائح هيئةالسوق الماليةوقواعدها، ليعملبها ابتداءًمن تاريخ نشرها.

وجاءاعتماد تلكالقواعد والتعليماتوقائمة المصطلحات،لتطوير الأحكامالمنظمة للاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق المالية،وتيسير الاطلاععلى الأطر التنظيميةالمنظمة للاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق المالية‌من خلال جمعالأحكام المنظمةلذلك في وثيقةتنظيمية واحدة،بالإضافة إلىتسهيل إجراءاتدخول المستثمرينالأجانب للسوقالمالية السعودية.

وتمفي التعديلاتالأخيرة تخفيفمتطلبات المستثمرينالأجانب وتخفيفمتطلبات الإفصاحوالالتزاماتالمستمرة عليهملتسهيل دخولالمستثمر الأجنبيالمؤهل في السوقالمالية السعودية،ولتقليل الفروقاتبين ما هو مفروضعلى المستثمرالأجنبي المؤهل،مقارنة ببقيةفئات المستثمرينفي السوق الماليةالسعودية.

هذابالإضافة إلىتطوير شروطالتأهيل الواجباستيفاؤها منالمستثمر الأجنبيالمؤهل للاستثمارفي الأسهم المدرجةبالسوق الرئيسية،وإلغاء متطلباتتقديم طلب التأهيلواتفاقية تقييمالمستثمر الأجنبيالمؤهل، معالاكتفاء فيالقواعد المعتمدةبمتطلبات فتحالحساب الاستثماري،وفقاً لتعليماتالحسابات الاستثماريةالصادرة عنالهيئة، وذلكبهدف التأكيدعلى واجب مؤسسةالسوق الماليةفي التأكد منكون المستثمرالأجنبي مستوفياًلشروط التأهيلذات العلاقة.

كماشملت التعديلاتتطوير شروطاستثمار الأجنبيغير المقيم فيالأوراق الماليةالمدرجة من خلالاتفاقيات المبادلة،بما في ذلك إلغاءالشرط المفروضعلى مدة الاتفاقية،بالإضافة إلىإلغاء متطَّلبإشعار الهيئةقبل إبرام اتفاقيةالمبادلة.

كذلكشملت إضافة قناةجديدة للاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأسهم المدرجةفي السوق الرئيسية،وذلك من خلالتمكين الأشخاصالطبيعيينوالاعتباريينالأجانب منالاستثمار فيالأسهم المدرجةفي السوق الرئيسيةمن خلال المحافظالاستثماريةالمدارة منمؤسسات السوقالمالية.

وستحلالقواعد المنظمةللاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق الماليةبدءاً من تاريخالعمل بها، محلكل من القواعدالمنظمة لاستثمارالمؤسسات الماليةالأجنبية المؤهلةفي الأوراقالمالية المدرجة،والتعليماتالمنظمة لتملّكالمستثمرينالاستراتيجيينالأجانب حصصااستراتيجيةفي الشركاتالمدرجة، والدليلالاسترشاديلاستثمار الأجانبغير المقيمينفي السوق الموازية.

وينتظرأن تنعكس القواعدالمعتمدة علىتعزيز سيولةالسوق الماليةالسعودية وتعميقهاورفع جاذبيتهاوتعزيز مكانةالسوق الماليةالسعودية علىالمستوى العالمي،بالإضافة إلىنقل المعارفوالخبرات للمؤسساتالمالية المحليةوالمستثمرينمن خلال تعزيزدور المستثمرالمؤسسي فيالسوق الماليةالسعودية.

وجديربالذكر أن هيئةالسوق الماليةقامت في 2018بإصدارالتحديث للقواعدالمنظمة لاستثمارالمؤسسات الماليةالأجنبية المؤهلةفي الأوراقالمالية المدرجة،وعلى أثر ذلكتضاعفت الأرقامالخاصة بالمستثمرينالأجانب، حيثارتفع عدد المستثمرينالأجانب بنسبة179%منذعام 2018وحتىعام 2022م،وارتفعت نسبةملكية المستثمرينالأجانب منإجمالي القيمةالسوقية للأسهمالحرة من 3.77%في2018إلى14.21%بنهاية2022.

ويأتياعتماد القواعدبعد أن نشرتالهيئة مشروعالقواعد المنظمةللاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق الماليةعلى المنصةالإلكترونيةالموحدة لاستطلاعآراء العموموالجهات الحكوميةالتابعة للمركزالوطني للتنافسية(منصةاستطلاع)وموقعالهيئة الإلكترونيلمدة (30)يوماًتقويمياً لاستطلاعمرئيات العمومحياله.

وتهدفالمملكة العربيةالسعودية إلىأن تكون وجهةاستثمارية جاذبةومحفزة للاستمراروالتوسع ضمنرؤيتها 2030،حيث عملت علىإصلاحات هيكليةفي الجانب الاقتصاديوالمالي أسهمتفي رفع معدلاتالنمو الاقتصاديوالحفاظ علىالاستقراروالاستدامةالمالية، والتيبدورها تجذبالاستثماراتالأجنبية إلىالمملكة.

وتسعىالهيئة من خلالخطتها الاستراتيجيةإلى جعل السوقالمالية السعوديةالسوق الرئيسيةفي الشرق الأوسطومن أهم الأسواقالمالية فيالعالم، وأنتكون سوقاًمتقدمةً وجاذبةًللاستثمارالمحلي والأجنبيبما يمكّنهامن أداء دورمحوري في تنميةالاقتصاد وتنويعمصادر دخله بمايتماشى مع رؤية2030.

ويمكنالاطلاع علىالقواعد المنظمةللاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق المالية،وتعليمات الحساباتالاستثماريةالمعدّلة،واللائحة التنفيذيةلنظام الشركاتالخاصة بشركاتالمساهمة المدرجةالمعدّلة،وقائمة المصطلحاتالمستخدمة فيلوائح هيئةالسوق الماليةوقواعدها المعدّلة،من خلال الروابطالإلكترونيةالآتية:

القواعدالمنظمة للاستثمارالأجنبي فيالأوراق المالية

تعليماتالحسابات الاستثماريةالمعدّلة

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وقائمةالمصطلحاتالمستخدمة فيلوائح هيئةالسوق الماليةوقواعدها المعدّلة




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TheCapital Market Authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia unofficiallystarted in the early fifties, and continued to operatesuccessfully, until the government set its basic regulations inthe eighties. The current Capital Market Law is promulgated andpursuant to Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 2/6/1424H, whichformally brought it into existence. The CMA is a governmentorganization applying full financial, legal, and administrativeindependence, and has direct links with the Prime Minister.

Formore information about CMA, please visit the official website:www.cma.org.sa

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Tuberculosis Risk Factors Exacerbated by Climate Change

A doctor talks to a TB survivor at a clinic in Manilla, Philippines. Credit: Getty Images for TB Alliance

A doctor talks to a TB survivor at a clinic in Manilla,
Philippines. Credit: Getty Images for TB Alliance

By Ed Holt
BRATISLAVA, May 2 2023 – While there is no established causal relationship between climate change and tuberculosis (TB), studies have begun to highlight the potential impact its effects could have on the spread of the disease.

Undernutrition, HIV/AIDS, overcrowding, poverty, and diabetes have all been identified as TB risk factors that are worsened by climate change. Worryingly, many countries with high burdens of TB, including, for instance, drought-hit Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, and Peru, have suffered from the kind of extreme weather associated with a heating planet.

But despite vying with COVID-19 for the grim distinction of the world’s deadliest infectious disease, claiming 1.6 million lives in 2021, TB is not often talked about in connection with climate change, with the link often overlooked by policymakers.

TB experts say this must change as the climate crisis accelerates.

“The effects of climate change, such as its impact on migration, for instance, are getting attention. What we want to see is for that attention to also get drawn to its effects on TB,” Maria Beumont, Chief Medical Officer at TB Alliance, a global nonprofit organisation developing TB drugs, told IPS.

In recent years, disease experts and climatologists have sounded increasingly dire warnings about the potential impact of the climate crisis on the spread of lethal diseases.

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned of the health impacts of global heating, including an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases. Meanwhile, other research has shown how changes in climate have aggravated the risks of hundreds of infectious diseases worldwide.

But much of the discussion around that has focused on how higher temperatures and increased incidence of flooding and drought could drive more vector, food and water-borne diseases with diseases.

What has often been overlooked in these conversations, say Beumont and others, is how the effects of the climate crisis could worsen what is de facto a global TB pandemic.

Part of this is because of the nature of those effects in relation to TB.

“The potential impact of climate change [on TB] is more indirect than with some other infectious diseases,” Dr Mohammed Yassin, Senior Disease Advisor, TB, at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, told IPS.

TB experts point to how more frequent and more devastating natural disasters linked to climate change, or simply places on the planet becoming too hot to be habitable, are leading to mass displacement, which can create ideal conditions for TB to spread.

“Mass displacement can lead to overcrowding and poor living conditions of those displaced. If some of those people already have symptoms of TB, there is a higher chance of it spreading. There would also be people living under stress, and facing malnutrition, which are factors adding to the potential for TB to spread,” said Yassin.

Displacement also raises issues with access to healthcare for the displaced, which can negatively affect the management of treatment for those with TB because patients need to take treatment daily. Interruption of treatment can leave them infectious for longer and at risk of developing drug-resistant TB, which in turn is much more difficult and expensive to treat.

But displacement would also impact the treatment of those with other conditions, such as HIV and AIDS and diabetes, which weaken immune systems and leave people more susceptible to TB.

Meanwhile, displaced people are likely to find themselves living in crowded areas where, in the absence of adequate screening and diagnostic procedures, TB could spread.

But displacement is far from the only problem. Both extreme droughts and flooding can impact food security, devastating crops and killing livestock and leading to malnutrition and undernutrition—known risk factors for TB.

The impact of extreme weather on health, particularly TB, is already being seen in some parts of the world.

Somalia is in the grip of severe drought following five consecutive failed rainy seasons—something which the UN has said has not been seen for four decades—with five million people facing acute food shortages and nearly two million children at risk of malnutrition, according to the UN.

TB is a major cause of death in Somalia, and late last year, with TB services largely non-existent in settlements for displaced persons, the Global Fund committed USD 1.9 million for food support for thousands of TB patients and outreach activities in settlements. Officials at the time emphasised the importance of such action to help reach the most vulnerable and stop TB from spreading.

Meanwhile, the devastating floods in Pakistan last year, which affected an estimated 33 million people, not only brought an immediate threat of diseases such as malaria and dengue but interrupted vital vaccination programmes, including TB.

“The impact of flooding on TB is usually seen sometime later, but it, of course, has an immediate impact in disrupting treatment which can lead to problems such as drug-resistant TB,” said Yassin.

TB experts are calling for governments and leaders within the TB community itself to begin paying more attention to the issue and start thinking about current TB programs and where changes need to be made to deal with these potential impacts.

Some groups, like TB Alliance, are looking to mitigate some of these impacts through treatment developments. The group recently developed a new TB treatment regimen, BPaL, with a much shorter treatment length and fewer of the sometimes very toxic side effects of previous regimens.

An oral-only regimen involving only a few pills a day, it has been widely praised by patients and experts for the relative ease with which it can be taken, notably in Ukraine, where it has recently been rolled out programmatically and used among the many millions displaced there because of the Russian invasion.

“What we are focusing on is trying to find solutions to make treatment safer and shorter, which would overcome some of the negative effects of climate change related to TB, for instance, displacement, as there would be less chance of treatment interruption with shorter treatment,” said Beumont.

A doctor studies x-rays of a TB survivor at a clinic in Kyiv, Ukraine. Credit: Getty Images for TB Alliance

A doctor studies x-rays of a TB survivor at a clinic in Kyiv, Ukraine. Credit: Getty Images for TB Alliance

Yassin said that investment in health systems, especially in low-income countries which have some of the world’s highest TB burdens and where healthcare is already under-resourced, is also crucial.

“We learnt from Covid that health systems can’t cope with a pandemic, and TB is actually a pandemic. It is very important for countries to think about strengthening their health systems and making them more resilient. There needs to be investment now to prepare the systems for a pandemic, including climate change-driven TB,” said Yassin.

“There was a collapse of some healthcare systems during Covid, and because of that, all resources in some countries went to dealing with that, and TB was forgotten, and the TB burden of those countries rose. We need to invest now, not wait for another pandemic. We need more resources,” he added.

Meanwhile, others say that alongside these measures, individual, non-climate-specific interventions could help.

Dr Krishnan Rajendran of the ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT) in India, which has the highest burden of TB in the world according to the World Health Organisation, told IPS that lessons learnt from the Covid pandemic could be used to reduce TB spread.

“National and local authorities could take preventive measures, such as at least encouraging people to wear masks in seasons where TB incidence is high,” he said.

Whatever efforts are made to deal with the impact of climate change on the disease, they need to be made soon, said Yassin.

“We shouldn’t wait for climate change impacts [to fuel the spread of TB] before we act—we should do something now and deal with TB to prevent more deaths and disabilities,” he said.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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