The Coretec Group Files a Provisional Patent for Improved Silicon-Based Battery Anode Development

ANN ARBOR, Mich., May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Coretec Group (OTCQB: CRTG), developers of silicon anode active materials for lithium–ion batteries and cyclohexasilane (CHS) for electric vehicles (EVs), cleantech, and emerging tech applications, today announced that it has filed a provisional patent for the development of proprietary artificial solid electrolyte interfaces (SEIs) capable of extending the life and increasing the capabilities of silicon–based anodes for lithium–ion batteries. The provisional patent application was filed May 1, 2023 as part of the Company's Endurion battery program focused on the development of EV batteries that charge faster and last longer than the current industry standard.

Coretec's team of scientists have developed three distinct and novel methodologies for minimizing pulverization and increasing rate capability by creating an artificial SEI layer around the silicon nanoparticle. Data supports the claims outlined in the patent filing and indicate that Endurion batteries utilizing this proprietary SEI layer are capable of extending the life of silicon–based anodes and enable improved silicon loadings in lithium–ion batteries for more energy density.

"This provisional patent is intended to protect a process that we believe is unique and possesses significant impact potential in the development of our Endurion Battery program, and battery R&D in general," said Matthew Kappers, CEO at The Coretec Group. "Studies have shown that silicon anodes have the potential to increase battery charge capacity over traditional graphite anodes by as much as a factor of 10x. The challenge has always centered around silicon particles tending to pulverize during the charge and discharge cycles, something this provisional patent addresses and is backed by the data."

The Endurion program's strategies are focused on creating artificial SEI layers with customized surface chemistries that provide enhanced pathways for lithium–ion and electronic conduction, while limiting pulverization. Using limited synthetic steps, these methodologies should have achievable manufacturing scalability, helping bring these technologies to commercialization. Altogether, Endurion's approach in this provisional patent could bring about battery development methods that may yield improved silicon anodes for both lithium–ion and solid–state batteries.

"This patent filing is a major step forward in our Endurion battery program. Our unique approach to an artificial SEI is poised to deliver groundbreaking results, advancing silicon anode technology and making next–generation silicon–based anodes commercially viable," said Dr. Ramez Elgammal, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer at The Coretec Group. "Silicon anodes are going to be the key to unlocking the pathway to 1000+ Wh/L batteries necessary for the demands of EVs, and our team is dedicated to further improving their capabilities, creating even more efficient, longer–lasting batteries than previously thought possible."

To learn more about The Coretec Group, please visit

About The Coretec Group

The Coretec Group, Inc. is an Ann Arbor, Michigan–based developer of engineered silicon, working to improve lives and power the EV, cleantech, and emerging technology markets of tomorrow. Under the company's battery program, Endurion, the Coretec team is applying its expertise in silicon nanoparticles to develop silicon anodes for lithium–ion batteries in EVs that will charge faster and last longer than the current industry standard.

Additionally, Coretec is also utilizing its engineered silicon to develop a portfolio of energy–focused products, including solid–state lighting (LEDs), semiconductors, 3D volumetric displays, and printable electronics. The Coretec Group's groundbreaking work is revolutionizing the EV and energy storage markets and will continue to be a pioneer in this fast–paced industry.

For more information, please visit

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Forward–Looking Statements

The statements in this press release that relate to The Coretec Group's expectations with regard to the future impact on the Company's results from operations are forward–looking statements and may involve risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond our control. Such risks and uncertainties are described in greater detail in our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Since the information in this press release may contain statements that involve risk and uncertainties and are subject to change at any time, the Company's actual results may differ materially from expected results. We make no commitment to disclose any subsequent revisions to forward–looking statements. This release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to buy any securities of any entity.

Corporate Contact:

The Coretec Group, Inc.
Lindsay McCarthy
+1 (866) 916–0833

Media Contact:

Spencer Herrmann
FischTank PR
+1 (518) 669–6818

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8832451)

Ai-Media Lança LEXI 3.0 Impulsionado por IA: O Futuro da Legenda Automática ao Vivo

SYDNEY, Austrália, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Ai–Media, lder mundial em solues de legendagem profissional, tem o orgulho de anunciar o lanamento do LEXI 3.0, a nova e aprimorada verso da sua principal soluo de legendagem automtica ao vivo. Com aprimoramentos de ponta e novos recursos, o LEXI 3.0 a soluo de legendagem automtica mais precisa e avanada do mundo, oferecendo resultados que fornecem legendas humanas por uma frao do custo.

Auditorias independentes confirmam que o LEXI 3.0 fornece consistentemente resultados com 35% menos erros de reconhecimento, formatao e pontuao do que a verso anterior.

Essencialmente, o LEXI 3.0 introduz novos recursos automatizados, incluindo identificao de falantes e posicionamento de legendas com tecnologia de IA para evitar interferncia na tela. Os resultados mdios de qualidade aumentaram significativamente de 98,2% para 98,7% Ner com esta verso.

O LEXI 3.0 uma soluo acessvel sob demanda perfeita para legendagem ao vivo em uma ampla gama de tipos de contedo "" desde a transmisso linear de TV, OTT, Esportes ao Vivo e Transmisses ao Vivo, at reunies, eventos, palestras e muito mais.

O cofundador e CEO da Ai–Media, Tony Abrahams, disse:

"Depois de vinte anos, finalmente conseguimos tornar a legendagem automtica ao vivo uma realidade. O LEXI 3.0 um divisor de guas. Estamos vendo uma adoo acelerada de legendas automticas impulsionada por um aumento significativo da qualidade, reduo da latncia e lanamento de novos recursos de IA que anteriormente exigiam interveno manual, como alteraes de falantes e colocao de legendas sem obscurecer recursos visuais importantes.

O LEXI 3.0 est disponvel imediatamente para os clientes existentes da Ai–Media sem nenhum custo adicional e entregue com qualquer codificador iCap (hardware, Alta e Falcon) conectado iCap Cloud Network da Ai–Media.

Para mais informao sobre o LEXI 3.0 clique aqui.

Sobre a Ai–Media

Fundada na Austrlia em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia Ai–Media lder global no fornecimento de solues de legendagem, transcrio e traduo ao vivo e gravadas de alta qualidade. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agncias governamentais do mundo a garantir alta preciso, segurana e custo–benefcio por meio da sua soluo de legendagem automtica LEXI com tecnologia de AI e uma gama completa de hardware de legendagem. Em todo o mundo, a tecnologia Ai–Media proporciona 7 milhes de minutos de contedo de mdia ao vivo e gravado, eventos online e transmisses na web todos os meses. Ai–Media (ASX: AIM) comeou a ser negociada no ASX em 15 de setembro de 2020. Para mais informao sobre a Ai–Media visite Ai–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8832260)

Ai-Media stellt KI-gestütztes LEXI 3.0 vor: die Zukunft der automatischen Live-Untertitelung

SYDNEY, Australien, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ai–Media, der weltweit fhrende Anbieter von professionellen Lsungen fr die Untertitelung, freut sich sehr, die Markteinfhrung von LEXI 3.0, der neuen und verbesserten Version seines Vorzeigeprodukts fr automatische Live–Untertitelung bekannt zu geben. Mit innovativen Verbesserungen und neuen Funktionen ist LEXI 3.0 die weltweit genaueste und fortschrittlichste Lsung fr die automatische Untertitelung und erzielt Ergebnisse, die manuell erstellten Untertiteln gleichkommen "" und das zu einem Bruchteil der Kosten.

Unabhngige Prfungen besttigen, dass LEXI 3.0 durchgngig Ergebnisse mit 35 % weniger Erkennungs–, Formatierungs– und Interpunktionsfehlern als die Vorgngerversion erreicht.

Auerdem bietet LEXI 3.0 neue automatische Funktionen, darunter die Sprechererkennung und die KI–gesttzte Platzierung von Untertiteln, um Strungen auf dem Bildschirm zu vermeiden. Die durchschnittliche Qualitt der Ergebnisse hat sich mit dieser Version deutlich von 98,2 % auf 98,7 % NER erhht.

LEXI 3.0 ist eine erschwingliche On–Demand–Lsung und eignet sich perfekt fr die Live–Untertitelung eines breiten Spektrums von Inhalten "" von linearen TV–Sendungen, OTT, Live–Sport und Live–Streams bis hin zu Meetings, Veranstaltungen, Vortrgen usw.

Tony Abrahams, Mitbegrnder und CEO von Ai–Media, kommentierte:

"Nach 20 Jahren ist es uns endlich gelungen, den heiligen Gral zu knacken und die automatische Live–Untertitelung in die Realitt umzusetzen. LEXI 3.0 ist ein bahnbrechendes Produkt. Wir beobachten eine zunehmende Akzeptanz der automatischen Untertitelung, insbesondere aufgrund der erheblichen Qualittsverbesserung, der geringeren Latenzzeit und der Einfhrung neuer KI–Funktionen, die bisher erforderliche manuelle Eingriffe berflssig machen, z. B. Sprecherwechsel und die Platzierung von Untertiteln, um wichtige visuelle Elemente nicht zu verdecken.

LEXI 3.0 ist fr bestehende Kunden von Ai–Media ab sofort und ohne zustzliche Kosten verfgbar. Es ist mit jedem iCap Encoder (Hardware, Alta und Falcon) erhltlich, der mit dem iCap Cloud Network von Ai–Media verbunden ist."

Wenn Sie mehr ber LEXI 3.0 erfahren mchten, klicken Sie hier.

ber Ai–Media

Das Technologieunternehmen Ai–Media wurde 2003 in Australien gegrndet und ist ein weltweit fhrender Anbieter von hochwertigen Lsungen fr die Live–Untertitelung und die Untertitelung von Aufzeichnungen sowie fr die Transkription und bersetzung. Mit seiner KI–gesttzten automatischen Untertitelungslsung LEXI und seiner Ende–zu–Ende–Hardware fr die Untertitelung untersttzt das Unternehmen die weltweit fhrenden Rundfunkanstalten, Unternehmen und Regierungsbehrden bei der Gewhrleistung einer hochprzisen, sicheren und kosteneffektiven Untertitelung. Weltweit liefert die Technologie von Ai–Media jeden Monat 7 Millionen Minuten an Live– und aufgezeichneten Medieninhalten, Online–Events und Web–Streams. Ai–Media (ASX: AIM) hat am 15. September 2020 den Handel an der ASX aufgenommen. Weitere Informationen zu Ai–Media finden Sie unter Ai–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8832260)

Ai-Media dévoile la solution LEXI 3.0 basée sur l'IA : l'avenir du sous-titrage automatique en direct

SYDNEY, Australie, 04 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ai–Media, le leader mondial des solutions de sous–titrage professionnel, est fier d'annoncer le lancement de LEXI 3.0, la nouvelle version amliore de sa solution phare de sous–titrage automatique en direct. Grce de nouvelles fonctionnalits et des amliorations la pointe de la technologie, LEXI 3.0 est la solution de sous–titrage automatique la plus prcise et avance au monde, qui permet des rsultats rivalisant avec les sous–titres d'origine humaine une fraction du cot.

Des audits indpendants confirment que LEXI 3.0 fournit systmatiquement des rsultats avec une rduction de 35 % des erreurs de reconnaissance, de formatage et de ponctuation par rapport la version prcdente.

Essentiellement, LEXI 3.0 introduit de nouvelles fonctionnalits automatises, notamment l'identification du locuteur et le placement de sous–titres optimis par l'IA afin d'viter les interfrences l'cran. Les rsultats de qualit moyenne ont considrablement augment, passant d'une REN (reconnaissance d'entits nommes) de 98,2 % 98,7 % avec cette version.

LEXI 3.0 est une solution la demande et abordable, parfaite pour le sous–titrage en direct de toutes sortes de types de contenu : allant de la tldiffusion linaire aux confrences, en passant par l'OTT, les vnements sportifs et les diffusions en direct, les runions et les vnements, et bien plus.

Tony Abrahams, co–fondateur et PDG d'Ai–Media, a dclar :

Au bout de 20 annes d'efforts, nous avons finalement dchiffr le Saint–Graal pour que le sous–titrage automatique en direct devienne une ralit. LEXI 3.0 change la donne. Nous constatons une acclration de l'adoption du sous–titrage automatique stimule par une augmentation considrable de la qualit, une rduction de la latence et le lancement de nouvelles fonctionnalits d'IA qui ncessitaient auparavant une intervention manuelle, comme les changements de locuteur et le placement des sous–titres afin de ne pas masquer les visuels importants.

LEXI 3.0 est disponible immdiatement pour les clients actuels d'Ai–Media sans frais supplmentaires. Elle est livre avec n'importe quel encodeur iCap (matriel, Alta et Falcon) connect au rseau iCap Cloud d'Ai–Media.

Pour en savoir plus sur LEXI 3.0, cliquez ici.

propos d'Ai–Media

Fonde en Australie en 2003, la socit technologique Ai–Media est un leader mondial dans la fourniture de solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous–titrage enregistr et en direct d'excellente qualit. La socit aide les principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organismes gouvernementaux du monde assurer des sous–titrages de haute prcision, scuriss et rentables via sa solution de sous–titrage automatique LEXI optimise par l'IA et une gamme complte de matriel de sous–titrage. l'chelle mondiale, la technologie Ai–Media livre 7 millions de minutes de contenu multimdia, d'vnements en ligne et de flux Web en direct et enregistrs chaque mois. Ai–Media (ASX : AIM) a commenc changer sur l'ASX le 15 septembre 2020. Pour plus d'informations sur Ai–Media, veuillez consulter Ai–

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8832260)

Deriv Expands Global Reach with 7 New Offices

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, one of the world's largest online brokers, opened 7 new offices worldwide in 2022 to broaden its reach and leverage talented professionals spread across the globe.

In the fast–moving world of financial trading, changes are inevitable. Trading firms need to adapt to the evolving financial environment and innovate on their feet. Deriv has always been a broker able to adapt to changes. Last year was one of success and expansion for the firm, reflected in its opening of 7 new offices worldwide.

Deriv's new office locations ranged from Vanuatu in the east to the Cayman Islands in the west and spanned 3 continents. Deriv opened 2 new offices in Asia, 2 in Europe, and one each in South America, Oceania, and the Caribbean.

Singapore and Amman, Jordan, became Deriv's latest offices in Asia. Reading, UK, and Berlin, Germany, were the European additions to Deriv workplaces. A new office was set up in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, making it the company's second workplace in the country, adding to its existing address in Asuncin. George Town, Cayman Islands, and Port Vila, Vanuatu, were the other Deriv workplaces in 2022.

The latest additions take the total Deriv office count up to 20 in 16 countries and will help the company reach new clients in more locations as it looks to become the world's number 1 trading provider.

As it expands globally, Deriv aims to tap into the vast talent pool that exists across the world and provide its employees with the best tools to enhance their knowledge, skills, and experience which will in turn enable them to contribute to the company's growth and success. Several Deriv locations have been certified with the 'Best Places to Work' for 2022 by Great Place to Work (GPTW).

Jean–Yves Sireau, the CEO of Deriv, said: "At Deriv, we believe that talent isn't restricted by geography. Our 7 new offices have allowed us to explore new markets "" some of them in non–English–speaking countries "" and hire quality professionals to help us achieve our goals in 2023. We are expanding our reach by adding new products and services, and customising them to local needs as we integrate our systems with AI language tools, including Amazon Translate."

He added: "Our hires at the new offices have helped us strengthen our technical infrastructure, add expertise, and create localised educational materials for traders on our platforms."

Over the course of 2023, Deriv will look to add new employees at its latest offices and to its existing multinational and multicultural workforce "" that currently stands at over 1,200 "" as it aims to become the world's number 1 trading provider. If you want to be part of this successful and fast–growing team, check out open positions at Deriv.

About Deriv

Starting its journey in 1999, Deriv's mission has been to make online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Deriv's product offering includes intuitive trading platforms, over 200 tradable assets (in markets such as forex, stocks, and cryptocurrencies), unique trade types, and more. With more than 1,200 employees in 20 global offices spread across 16 countries, Deriv strives to provide the best work environment, which includes positive work culture, timely addressing of employee concerns, celebrating achievements, and conducting initiatives to boost their morale.

Aleksandra Zuzic

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808216)

Deriv accroît sa présence dans le monde avec 7 nouveaux bureaux

CYBERJAYA, Malaisie, 04 mai 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv, l'un des plus grands brokers en ligne au monde, a ouvert 7 nouveaux bureaux dans le monde en 2022 afin d'largir sa prsence et de s'appuyer sur des professionnels talentueux rpartis dans le monde entier.

Dans un monde en constante volution des transactions financires, les changements sont invitables. Les socits de trading doivent s'adapter l'volution de l'environnement financier et innover en permanence. Deriv a toujours t un broker capable de s'adapter aux changements. L'anne dernire a t marque par le succs et l'expansion de la socit, comme en tmoigne l'ouverture de sept nouveaux bureaux dans le monde.

Les nouveaux bureaux de Deriv se situent entre le Vanuatu l'est et les les Camans l'ouest et couvrent trois continents. Deriv a ouvert 2 nouveaux bureaux en Asie, 2 en Europe, et un en Amrique du Sud, en Ocanie et dans les Carabes.

Singapour et Amman, en Jordanie, sont devenus les derniers bureaux de Deriv en Asie. Reading, au Royaume–Uni, et Berlin, en Allemagne, ont t les nouveaux lieux de travail de Deriv en Europe. Un nouveau bureau a t ouvert Ciudad del Este, au Paraguay, ce qui en fait le deuxime lieu de travail de l'entreprise dans le pays, en plus de l'adresse existante Asuncin. George Town, aux les Camans, et Port Vila, au Vanuatu, sont les autres lieux de travail de Deriv en 2022.

Ces nouvelles implantations portent le nombre total de bureaux Deriv 20 dans 16 pays et aideront l'entreprise atteindre de nouveaux clients dans un plus grand nombre d'endroits, alors qu'elle cherche devenir le premier fournisseur de services de trading au monde.

Dans le cadre de son expansion mondiale, Deriv vise exploiter le vaste rservoir de talents qui existe dans le monde entier et fournir ses employs les meilleurs outils pour amliorer leurs connaissances, leurs comptences et leur exprience, ce qui leur permettra de contribuer la croissance et la russite de l'entreprise. Plusieurs sites de Deriv ont t certifis par Great Place to Work (GPTW) comme “Best Places to Work” pour 2022.

Jean–Yves Sireau, PDG de Deriv, a dclar : ” Chez Deriv, nous pensons que les talents ne sont pas limits par la gographie. Nos sept nouveaux bureaux nous ont permis d'explorer de nouveaux marchs – dont certains dans des pays non anglophones – et de recruter des professionnels de qualit pour nous aider atteindre nos objectifs en 2023. Nous tendons notre porte en ajoutant de nouveaux produits et services, et en les adaptant aux besoins locaux mesure que nous intgrons nos systmes avec des outils linguistiques d'IA, notamment Amazon Translate.”

Il a ajout : “Nos recrutements dans les nouveaux bureaux nous ont aids renforcer notre infrastructure technique, ajouter de l'expertise et crer du matriel ducatif localis pour les traders sur nos plateformes”.

Au cours de l'anne 2023, Deriv cherchera recruter de nouveaux talents dans ses nouveaux bureaux ainsi que dans ses effectifs multinationaux et multiculturels existants – qui s'lvent actuellement plus de 1 200 personnes – dans le but de devenir le premier acteur du trading mondial. Si vous souhaitez faire partie de cette quipe performante et en pleine expansion, consultez les postes pourvoir chez Deriv.

propos de Deriv

Deriv a commenc son histoire en 1999, avec pour mission de rendre le trading en ligne accessible tout le monde, n'importe o. L'offre de Deriv comprend des plateformes de trading intuitives, plus de 200 actifs ngociables (sur des marchs tels que le forex, les actions et les crypto–monnaies), des types de transactions uniques, et bien plus encore. Avec plus de 1 200 employs dans 20 bureaux rpartis dans 16 pays, Deriv s'efforce d'offrir le meilleur environnement de travail possible, ce qui inclut une culture de travail positive, la prise en compte rapide des proccupations des employs, la clbration des russites et la mise en "uvre d'initiatives visant stimuler leur moral.

Aleksandra Zuzic

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqu de presse est disponible l'adresse suivante :–345e–4315–a55e–62d7dc21ad3a

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808215)

A Deriv amplia o seu alcance global com 7 novos escritórios

CYBERJAYA, Malásia, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Deriv, uma das maiores corretoras online do mundo, abriu 7 novos escritrios ao redor do mundo em 2022 para ampliar o seu alcance e alavancar profissionais talentosos espalhados por todo o mundo.

Com o movimento acelerado do mundo da negociao financeira, as mudanas so inevitveis. As empresas de negociao precisam se adaptar ao ambiente financeiro em constante evoluo e inovar rapidamente. A Deriv sempre foi uma corretora capaz de se adaptar s mudanas. O ano passado foi de sucesso e expanso para a empresa, o que resultou na abertura de 7 novos escritrios ao redor do mundo.

Os novos escritrios da Deriv esto distribudos desde Vanuatu, na parte leste do globo, at s Ilhas Cayman, no oeste, se estendendo por 3 continentes. A Deriv abriu dois novos escritrios na sia, dois na Europa e um escritrio na Amrica do Sul, na Oceania e no Caribe.

Singapura e Amman (Jordnia), tornaram–se os mais recentes escritrios da Deriv na sia. Reading (Reino Unido), e Berlim (Alemanha), so os novos escritrios europeus da Deriv. Um novo escritrio foi inaugurado em Ciudad del Este, no Paraguai, que se tornou o segundo escritrio da empresa no pas, somando–se ao j existente escritrio na capital paraguaia, Assuno. George Town (Ilhas Cayman), Port Vila (Vanuatu), foram os demais polos da Deriv em 2022.

As incorporaes mais recentes elevam o nmero total de escritrios da Deriv para 20, em 16 pases, e ajudaro a empresa a conquistar novos clientes em mais lugares, j que ela avana com afinco para se tornar a principal provedora de negociao online no mundo.

medida em que se expande mundialmente, a Deriv busca aproveitar o grande leque de talentos que existe pelo mundo e proporcionar aos seus funcionrios as melhores ferramentas para aperfeioar seus conhecimentos, habilidades e experincias que, por sua vez, iro permitir que eles contribuam para o crescimento e sucesso da empresa. Vrios escritrios da Deriv foram certificados em 2022 com o "Best Places to Work" (Melhores Empresas para Trabalhar) concedido pela Great Place to Work (GPTW).

Jean–Yves Sireau, o CEO da Deriv, destacou: "Na Deriv, ns acreditamos que o talento no se limita pela geografia. Os nossos 7 novos escritrios nos permitiram explorar novos mercados – alguns deles em pases onde o ingls no falado – e contratar profissionais de qualidade que nos ajudem a atingir os nossos objetivos em 2023. Estamos ampliando o nosso alcance ao adicionar novos produtos e servios, e personalizando todos eles s necessidades locais medida que integramos os nossos sistemas com ferramentas de idiomas de IA, incluindo a Amazon Translate."

Ele completa: "Nossas contrataes nos novos escritrios nos ajudaram a fortalecer nossa infraestrutura tcnica, agregar experincia e criar materiais didticos personalizados para os traders em nossas plataformas."

Durante o ano de 2023, a Deriv pretende incluir novos funcionrios em seus escritrios mais recentes e a sua j existente equipe de colaboradores multinacional e multicultural – que atualmente superior a 1.200 – j que aspira se tornar a principal provedora de negociao online no mundo. Se voc quiser fazer parte desta equipe de grande sucesso e crescimento acelerado, confira as vagas disponveis na Deriv.

Sobre a Deriv

Iniciando sua jornada em 1999, a misso da Deriv tem sido tornar a negociao online acessvel a qualquer um, em qualquer lugar. A oferta de produtos da Deriv inclui plataformas de negociao intuitivas, mais de 200 ativos negociveis (em mercados como forex, aes e criptomoedas), tipos de negociao exclusivos e muito mais. Com mais de 1.200 colaboradores em 20 escritrios internacionais espalhados por 16 pases, a Deriv se esfora para proporcionar o melhor ambiente de trabalho, o que inclui uma cultura de trabalho positiva, assistncia imediata s preocupaes de seus colaboradores, a comemorao de suas conquistas, e a realizao de iniciativas que visam elevar a moral dos seus colaboradores.

Aleksandra Zuzic

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GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 1000808215)

Government of India Grants Pan India Unified Licenses to Zoom

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Zoom (NASDAQ: ZM) announced that it has received the Unified License with Access "" All/PAN India, NLD National Long Distance, and ILD "" International Long Distance from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Government of India. With these licenses, the company will be able to offer Zoom Phone, its industry leading cloud PBX service, to multinational corporations (MNCs) and businesses operating in India.

Zoom Phone is a global cloud PBX application service, enabling MNCs and businesses in India to have a single communication platform for their global workforce. Zoom partners with international telecommunication providers and offers phone numbers and calling plans in 47 countries and territories bundled with cloud PBX service, making it simple for customers to deploy and manage their phone services.

Zoom Phone offers a robust set of features for the modern workforce, including intelligent call routing, auto attendants, interactive voice response, shared line appearance, call queuing, call analytics, voicemail, recordings and transcriptions, desktop/mobile app experience optimized for business users and integrations with CRM applications.

"We are thrilled and proud to receive the unified licenses from the Department of Telecommunications. With Zoom Phone, India businesses and multinational corporations can support hybrid work environments, foster greater collaboration among employees and elevate the customer experience," said Abe Smith, Head of International, Zoom. "This important milestone underscores our continued focus in countries like India, a strategic growth market for Zoom, and our commitment to bringing new and innovative collaboration solutions to our customers."

Zoom Phone grew more than 100% year over year globally in fiscal year 2023, surpassing 5.5 million seats in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2023. This is a testament to Zoom Phone's ability to meet customer requirements for simplicity and flexibility and help businesses transition to a modern cloud communications platform.

In the coming months, Zoom will be working with regulators and partners in India to offer a complete telecommunications service bundled with its Zoom Phone PBX service.

"Feeling the pinch to produce more with less, Indian multinationals are increasingly turning to collaboration platforms including video communications to streamline workflows and engage employees, partners as well as their customers. The launch of Zoom Phone will offer a competitive edge to the collaboration solution vendor in targeting the Indian enterprise customers," said Nikhil Batra, Research Director, Telecom at IDC. "Collaboration solutions have been highlighted by Indian enterprises as their top ICT investment priority through the course of 2023 and Zoom Phone, along with the broader Zoom collaboration portfolio, could help organizations accelerate this move to support and empower an increasingly mobile and connected workforce."

About Zoom
Zoom is an all–in–one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Public Relations
Colleen Rodriguez
Head of Global PR for Zoom

GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8831836)

Hitachi Energy, the partner of choice for largest-ever HVDC wind energy project in U.S.

Zurich, Switzerland, May 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zurich, Switzerland, May 4, 2023 "" Hitachi Energy, a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all, has been selected by Pattern Energy to supply its high–voltage direct current (HVDC) and other advanced technologies for the SunZia Transmission Project. It will connect the 3,500–megawatt (MW) SunZia Wind project in New Mexico to the power grid in Arizona and Southern California, which will be among the world's largest transmission links delivering renewable energy.

Hitachi Energy's HVDC Light technology will efficiently transfer and integrate huge volumes of wind power over more than 885 kilometers (550 miles) into the regional power grid. This will significantly increase the availability of sustainable energy for homes and businesses throughout the region.

When complete, SunZia Wind will have a total power capacity of 3,500 MW, enough clean, renewable electricity to provide power to approximately three million Americans.1 The HVDC link will efficiently transmit up to 3,000 MW of this power west to Arizona. The HVDC Light system will be the largest voltage source converter (VSC) installation in the United States, one of the largest worldwide, and one of the country's longest HVDC connections.

"We are proud to be advancing a sustainable energy future for all in the southwestern United States, enabling Pattern Energy to integrate emission–free electricity into the regional grid serving Arizona and Southern California," said Niklas Persson, Managing Director of Hitachi Energy's Grid Integration business. "Our market–leading HVDC technologies combined with our execution expertise makes us the partner of choice to help the U.S. achieve its carbon–neutral targets by efficiently and reliably maximizing its renewable energy resources."

"Our collaboration with Hitachi Energy is an important milestone for the SunZia Transmission Project and will enable us to harness and carry this great energy potential to the areas where there is a high demand for renewable energy," said Hunter Armistead, CEO of Pattern Energy. "The use of HVDC technology will enhance power grid reliability and resilience and play a vital role in delivering clean energy and deploying a sustainable energy system in the U.S."

The SunZia Transmission project is a 3,000 MW HVDC link between Corona, New Mexico and Pinal County, Arizona. Hitachi Energy has already started work on designing and engineering the two HVDC Light converter stations, one at either end of the link. The transmitting station converts the power from AC to DC for transport in the overhead lines, then back to AC for integration into the receiving grid.

Hitachi Energy has partnered with Quanta Services, Inc. (Quanta) to provide a turnkey project solution for the SunZia project, including managing the HVDC construction and building installation at the associated project sites. Quanta is an industry leader providing specialized infrastructure solutions to the utility, renewable energy, communications, pipeline, and energy industries. The collaboration with Quanta is designed to leverage the core competencies of the two companies to deliver a best–in–class solution for the project. The HVDC converter stations are expected to be in–service by the end of 2025 to support final testing and commissioning of the SunZia Wind facilities in 2026.

To find the optimal solution that considers the impact of the new facility on the existing grid, a system study and a comprehensive interconnection and system impact analysis were conducted by Hitachi Energy s expert consultants.

Hitachi Energy will also supply "alternating current (AC) chopper' technology to help restore power if the power flow on the DC line or in the AC grid in Arizona is temporarily interrupted by weather and other contingency events.

Hitachi Energy has delivered more than half of the HVDC projects in North America. These include the Pacific Intertie transmission system, which transfers electricity from the Pacific Northwest to Los Angeles, the Quebec–New England link, which was the first large–scale multi–terminal HVDC transmission system in the world, and the Maritime link, which connects the Islands of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, supporting the integration of renewable energy sources and improving grid stability. The company has also recently announced new HVDC projects including Champlain Hudson Power Express, the Chteauguay converter station modernization with Hydro Quebec, and the InterMountain Power Project.2

Note to editors

Hitachi Energy's HVDC solution combines world–leading expertise in HVDC converter valves, the MACH digital control platform3 converter power transformers and high–voltage switchgear, as well as in system studies, design and engineering, supply, installation supervision and commissioning.

HVDC Light is a voltage source converter technology developed by Hitachi Energy. It is the preferred technology for many grid applications, including interconnecting countries, integrating renewables and "power–from–shore" connections to offshore production facilities. HVDC Light's defining features include uniquely compact converter stations and exceptionally low electrical losses.

Hitachi Energy pioneered commercial HVDC technology almost 70 years ago and has delivered more than half of the world's HVDC projects.

2 Hitachi Energy HVDC references North America
3 Modular Advanced Control for HVDC (MACH)

HVDC website:–and–system/hvdc

– END –

About Hitachi Energy Ltd.
Hitachi Energy is a global technology leader that is advancing a sustainable energy future for all. We serve customers in the utility, industry and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and services across the value chain. Together with customers and partners, we pioneer technologies and enable the digital transformation required to accelerate the energy transition towards a carbon–neutral future. We are advancing the world's energy system to become more sustainable, flexible and secure whilst balancing social, environmental and economic value. Hitachi Energy has a proven track record and unparalleled installed base in more than 140 countries. Headquartered in Switzerland, we employ around 40,000 people in 90 countries and generate business volumes of approximately $10 billion USD.

About Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society with data and technology. We will solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products, under the business structure of Digital Systems & Services, Green Energy & Mobility, Connective Industries and Automotive Systems. Driven by green, digital, and innovation, we aim for growth through collaboration with our customers. The company's consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2021 (ended March 31, 2022) totaled 10,264.6 billion yen ($84,136 million USD), with 853 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 370,000 employees worldwide. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company's website at


GLOBENEWSWIRE (Distribution ID 8832144)

In Sudanese Conflict, Either You Lose Everything, or You Die

Ahmed Saber with two of his children. His son, Sabre Nasr, died when he was unable to access medical attention due to the conflict in Khartoum, Sudan.

Ahmed Saber with two of his children. His son, Sabre Nasr, died when he was unable to access medical attention due to the conflict in Khartoum, Sudan.

By Hisham Allam
CAIRO, May 4 2023 – On the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, Saber Nasr, a young Egyptian man of 20, developed a fever.

Saber, who left Egypt for Sudan to pursue his dream of becoming a dentist after his high school grades prevented him from enrolling at an Egyptian university, was unable to find medical attention even though his temperature reached a dangerous 40 degrees Celcius.

One of his friends, Ahmed, attempted to seek assistance from the nearby hospitals in Khartoum, but all of them were locked. Nasr’s father followed up on the phone, helplessly asking Ahmed to continue helping his son.

Ahmed couldn’t find transport, so he carried his friend for three kilometers to seek medical attention.

They, unfortunately, came home empty-handed. Saber passed away several hours later.

Saber was one of the 5,000 Egyptian students studying in Sudan, alongside the 10,000 citizens who work there.

Saber and his friend were caught unawares when Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) came into conflict on April 15, 2023. Both had been involved in the overthrow of the civilian government in 2021. The tension between the army and RSF was brought to a head following an internationally-brokered agreement to return the country to civilian rule, with the RSF refusing to join the Sudanese military. As ceasefire attempts fail, the conflict continues on the streets of Khartoum, resulting in a humanitarian crisis. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) estimates that 334,000 have been displaced within Sudan, with almost 65,000 estimated to have moved over borders as refugees.

Nasr Sayed, Saber’s father, tells IPS that his son’s friend was a hero who risked his life to provide care for his son and that when he went out to the street for the first time to buy medicine, RSF soldiers stopped him, beat him, and confiscated his money and phone, but this did not deter him from trying to save his friend.

The grieving father claims that he attempted to contact the Egyptian embassy to obtain medicine for his son before his death, to assist in transporting his body to Egypt after his death, or even to bury him in Sudan, but to no avail.

On April 31, 2023, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry announced that 6,399 citizens had been evacuated via air or land ports.

They also stated that the Egyptian Armed Forces flew 27 missions to evacuate citizens.

Mohamad El-Gharawi, an assistant administrative attaché at the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum, was killed on his way to the embassy’s headquarters to follow up on the evacuation of Egyptians in Sudan, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry reported on April 24, 2023.

Ahmed Saber Ahmed, a builder in his early 40s, relocated to Kalakla, south of Khartoum, in 2008 to work in the construction sector. He and his family remain in the city and have become targets of extensive looting, and the neighborhood they live in is a hotspot for warfare. He blames this on prison breaks during the conflict.

“My family and I are stuck here, and we are trying to manage our lives with what we can buy at double (the usual) prices,” Ahmed tells IPS. “The money thaave is frozen in the bank, and it has been shut down since the beginning of the war.” In addition, a banking app he uses is out of order.

“We are surrounded by armored vehicles on one side and weapons depots on the other, and a few kilometers away are the Sudanese Armed Forces’ central reserve stores and ammunition stores, so we can’t leave or move to search for resources, nor can we move to evacuation points announced by the Egyptian authorities.

Munir Dhaifallah a driver who has been transporting people to the Egyptian border.

Munir Dhaifallah is a driver who has been transporting people to the Egyptian border.

“I have three children, including a six-month-old girl who is dependent on formula,” Ahmed says. “All pharmacies had been closed since the beginning of the war, so I couldn’t get her any milk. When I considered going to the evacuation gathering points, I discovered that the drivers were demanding fees of up to USD 300 per person. I don’t even have USD 1,500 to save my family.”

“We’re trapped, broke, helpless, isolated, and patiently awaiting our destiny,” Ahmed tells IPS over the phone.

Muhyiddin Mukhtar, a young Sudanese man, decided to volunteer at South El Fasher Hospital after witnessing dozens of his neighbors being killed by gunmen on motorcycles.

Mukhtar claims that his family decided to stay because leaving would be difficult and dangerous, not to mention the high costs that his family could not afford.

“If you decide to leave, the closest place to us is Chad, and it costs USD 200 per person until we reach the crossing,” Mukhtar says. “A close friend of mine fled to Egypt with the rest of his family, where they experienced severe exploitation by drivers, and each person paid USD 600 till they reached the Arqin crossing border.”

After fighting erupted in nearby areas, Iman Aseel was forced to flee her home in Khartoum.

“When the situation worsened, my sister, aunt, and I decided to travel to Egypt,” Iman explains. “We were not required to obtain permits to enter Egypt because my aunt had three children, but my aunt’s husband had to go to the Halfa crossing to obtain the permit.”

According to Eman, who was on the train from Aswan, 800 kilometers south of Cairo, their transportation to the crossing cost 1.4 million Sudanese pounds, which they didn’t have. “So my aunt’s husband was forced to sell a large portion of his trade and crops at a low price to get the money as soon as possible.”

“We left in our clothes,” Iman, who is 18, confirms, “And as soon as the situation stabilizes, we will return to our homeland immediately.”

Munir Dhaifallah, a bus driver who transports people from Sudan to Egypt, drove Iman and her family to Aswan.

According to him, some bus owners took advantage of the situation and significantly raised their prices because of the risk and the high fuel prices.

Munir’s family has refused to leave North Kordofan.

“It was our destiny, according to my mother. If we were destined to die, it would be better if we died and were buried in our homeland,” he says.

Munir typically drives for 24 hours, then rests for two days before returning on the same route.

Prices have dropped now, according to Munir, because many people have already left, and the foreign nationals have been evacuated, leaving only the poor.

IPS UN Bureau Report


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